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A magazine for alumni, parents, students, faculty and friends of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School Vol. 2 No. 1, Spring 2006

news • What is a Jesuit Education? • Preppers with McCain • Football Champs Again

• Carlin and Sibre • Book Drive Success • Fr. Clifford Steps Down

president’s letter

Dear Friends, It is always wonderful to have the chance to share with you the news of The Prep. Each issue of The Prep News is full of stories about the great people who make this place the outstanding school that it is. I hope you are as proud of them as we are. We are in the midst of the stretch run for the academic year. Again our students have distinguished themselves, both in the classroom and out. Many Prep seniors received good news recently during the college early decision process. Our fall play, “Inherit the Wind,” was outstanding and the students, led by Tony Braithwaite ’89, worked tirelessly to produce an incredible show. And 18 members of our football team were named to Pennsylvania’s all-state/all-academic team, the only Philadelphia Catholic League students represented on the squad. This has also been a year of transition for our faculty as six new teachers have been hired since the beginning of the school year. While the turnover is unusual, we have been blessed to find outstanding men and women to fill those positions and bring a new perspective to our curriculum. As we move ahead seeking support for our facility and endowment needs, the Board of Trustees has revised our management team to allow me to be more active with our alumni and friends. To that end, we have brought Michael Egan ’71 on board as our new Executive Vice President. His role is still evolving but we will have a more detailed account of him and his duties in the summer issue of The Prep News. I have greatly enjoyed traveling the country these past few months, meeting with Prep alumni across the nation. It is truly awe-inspiring to see the love that these alums still have for St. Joseph’s Prep, though many may be thousands of miles and years removed from it. Their enthusiasm is incentive for me and for all of us who work here. We know the legacy we guide at The Prep and we take that responsibility very seriously. Part of that legacy is our founder, St. Ignatius Loyola. The main feature story in this issue focuses on what makes a Jesuit education special. The facts contained in that story, plus the roundtable discussion on the subject featuring the views of numerous Prep people, are really the bedrock of a St. Joseph’s Prep education. It is what allows an alum from the 1940s to feel a connection to the students of today. It is the vein that runs through us all. Again, thank you for all that you do for St. Joseph’s Prep. It is an honor to lead this fine institution and feel the love you all have for it.


Rev. Bruce M. Bidinger, S.J. President Front cover image: Tom Nell ’06 and a new friend during a service trip.


school news

s c h o o l f e at u r e s

Fr. Clifford Steps Down


A Jesuit Education

Mothers’ Club Activities



Preppers with Sen. McCain


Inherit the Wind Math Department

Alumni Profiles



Alumni Notes


Faculty Profiles





Student Profiles





Prep Sports





editorial board


Rev. Bruce M. Bidinger, S.J. Rev. Thomas F. Clifford, S.J. John T. Anderson Rev. Bruce A. Maivelett, S.J. Albert J. Zimmerman ’73

Bill Avington ’90

President Principal Vice President for Development Director of Ignatian Identity Director of Alumni Relations

alumni news

interns Director of Marketing and Communications

Development Services Assistant

editorial staff Bonny Barry Nancy Moule



McCloskey Designs

class notes editor Angie Falcone

Amanda Bator, Patrick Carney ’04, Meg Hine, Kevin McElvaney

Joshua Blustein, David DeBalko, Dennis Monaghan ’06, Mike Trerotola ’06

designer Maridel McCloskey


Director of Annual Giving Development Services Assistant

The Prep News is published three times a year. Please send comments or contributions to: Attn: Editor The Prep News St Joseph’s Preparatory School 1733 Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130 or e-mail to: For additional information, check our website

school news

Fr. Clifford Steps Down As Principal

AFTER SEVEN YEARS at The Prep, including the last two as principal, Rev. Thomas Clifford, S.J., has hopes for his legacy–he wants to leave The Prep an even better place than when he arrived. Fr. Clifford, who came to The Prep to teach history in 1999, announced his resignation in January, citing health concerns. In his tenure as principal, he hoped to create a school where students understood their effect on one another. “I wanted students to learn that what they do has an impact on one another,” he says, “that being a man for and with others has to do with more than just service and includes having respect for others. That's not just a school issue, but also a societal issue and though we still have work to do I think we have made some progress.” This was Fr. Clifford's third tenure at St. Joseph's Prep. In 1974, he spent a semester as a novice and then two years (1976-78) during his regency. He says that since he left in 1978, he had been looking for ways to return. “Every time I made a move, I checked The Prep to see if there was an opening,” he says. “I really enjoyed my time here and wanted the chance to come back.” One of the joys of being back is the opportunity to teach the children of those he taught in the 1970s. “When you teach high school, you realize that the students are unfinished products. To see them 20 years later with successful families and careers makes you feel like you have accomplished something.” Though he is looking forward to the next stage of his career, hopefully working in a Jesuit parish, Fr. Clifford will miss his days in education. “I'll miss teaching and the students,” he says. “The students I have encountered at The Prep have been some of the brightest kids I've ever taught, with agile minds and a concern for others. It is really a hopeful thing for the future.”

Gesu Kneelers Get an Upgrade Anyone who has attended a Mass or service in the Church of the Gesu recently knows that many of the kneelers have fallen into disrepair. But, thanks to a group from the Prep Fathers’ Club and their sons, the kneelers have received an upgrade. The Gesu Kneelers project was begun in September, one of many projects the Fathers’ Club—under the supervision of

Gesu chaplain Rev. Neil Ver’Schneider, S.J.—have undertaken at the Gesu. The Fathers’ Club has put many hours into the preservation of the church because of its significance to The Prep community. In addition to being a Christian service, the project is meant to be a father/son activity. There are 10-15 groups of fathers and sons who participate in the Gesu kneeler restoration, which takes place the second week of every month. “It’s been a learning experience for the sons, as well as an opportunity to help out

the church,” says Ray McCreavy, father of Ray ’08 and one of the main volunteers on the project. Ultimately, those involved want to make sure the kneelers are functional. The first aim of the project was to straighten and, when needed, replace the legs of the kneelers. Currently, the fathers and sons are focused on replacing the padding, cushioning and fabric. The successful project will continue for the rest of the academic year with all 240 of the kneelers in the Gesu to be refurbished.


school news

Mothers’ Club Serves the Prep Community The Mothers’ Club is an important part of the Prep community. Not only are its members supportive of their sons in academic pursuits, but they also spend countless hours volunteering to make the Prep a better place. In the months of November and December, the Mothers’ Club held three of its major events. The annual Homecoming dance, the “Snowman’s Ball,” was held in the Kelly Fieldhouse on November 26. The event included present students, their parents, and alumni from the last two graduating classes. Parents enjoyed dinner, cocktails and dancing, while a DJ entertained Preppers and their dates with music and a video screen of the crowd. Thanks to the efforts of the Mothers’ Club and its volunteers, the event was a success – with over 1,700 guests attending, it was the largest Homecoming turnout to date. Another event coordinated by the Mothers’ Club is Gesu Christmas, which was chaired this year by Sheila Connor. Gesu Christmas is a yearly event in which needy local families, particularly those connected to the Gesu School, are given a traditional Christmas celebration. With generous donations from the Prep community, the Mothers’ Club delivers toys and other gifts, as well as three holiday meals – including a Christmas ham or turkey dinner – to each family.

The project begins in October, when the Gesu School’s Outreach Coordinator, Katie Robinson, gathers the names of needy families and their “wish lists.” Families are then divided up, and each Mothers’ Club volunteer becomes a member of a different “family team,” ensuring that each family’s needs are taken care of. In addition to working with families and children, the Mothers’ Club makes it a priority to bring groceries to the elderly of the community who are unable to afford a proper Christmas. There is a world of need in the community, and Prep mothers feel obliged to help. “Often times, we feel that we have to go thousands of miles away to help people in need, when the reality is that we have needy families right in our own backyard,” Connor says. The Senior Mother/Son Dinner is an event which is held annually in early December. The evening consists of a special Mass in the Gesu and dinner afterwards. The meal was served by volunteer Prep juniors and their mothers. After the meal, Father “Santa” Bidinger, dressed in jolly red garb, brought out a bag full of specially picked gifts for the seniors. Before the event, the Mothers’ Club constructed Christmas ornaments featuring pictures of the seniors and, near the end of the night, the sons retrieved the ornaments and presented them to their mothers. Though the dinner is a time for Prep students to show how much they appreciate their mothers, the night is just as much for the sons. “Going into it, I am sure the boys think it is for the moms,” says Mothers’ Club President Ro Mullen. “But they actually have a better time than the moms do.”


school news

HAWKTION ‘06: Viva Las Vegas For the past 24 years, St. Joseph’s Prep has been helping students facing family hardships by making their dreams of graduating come true. This, however, would not be possible without the Hawktion. Since 1982, parents and alumni have been volunteering their time and energy to make Hawktion a reality. On April 29, “Viva Las Vegas” will transform the Prep into the 1960s Vegas Strip with live and silent auctions, casino gaming, show stoppers, a Mercedes drawing and our very own wedding chapel. This year, Hawktion is sponsored by Citizens Bank, a major underwriter of the event. Hawktion is an important fundraiser and a great way for the community to get involved with the school. Volunteers are needed for the Wednesday Night Decorating Committee, a fantastic group of Prep parents and alumni who have created some amazing scenes over the years. The Prep is also accepting donations for the auctions. Suggested items include: vacation homes; golf packages; gemstone jewelry; electronic games; event tickets; iPods; sports memorabilia; home theater i.e. TV’s; dinners; exercise equipment; and furniture. For more information on donating, to purchase car shares, or for the latest information, log onto or contact Beth Missett, Director of the Hawktion, at 215-978-1004.

Preppers Attend Senator McCain Q & A SIXTEEN PREP GOVERNMENT STUDENTS had a chance to listen to and meet United States Senator John McCain (R, Ariz.) in December during a “book club” luncheon sponsored by WPHT-1210 AM at the Downtown Club. At the event hosted by radio host Michael Smerconish, Sen. McCain discussed his book Character Is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember and answered questions from the audience, including Prep senior Warren Raiti who asked the Senator about his re-entry in society after McCain’s years as a POW in Vietnam. This was just one example of students meeting those in political power. In the coming months, the classes, taught by Ben Haney ’01 and Bill Connors ’80, will also meet U.S. Congressman Curt Weldon (R, Pa.), U.S. Attorney Patrick Meehan and former CIA agent Michael Scheuer, who ran the agency’s “Bin Laden desk.”

Prep students with U.S. Senator John McCain. Standing: Matt Celano ’07, P.J. Davis ’06, Dan Kaufmann ’07, Tim Feron ’07, Warren Raiti ’06, McCain, Ben Haney ’01 (history teacher), Bill Walters ’06, Sean McNulty ’07, Nick Hurrey ’07 and Rose Marie Kettinger (registrar). Kneeling: Dan O’Brien ’06, Connor McDevitt ’07, Joe Cirucci ’07, Mike Touey ’07, Brendan Smith ’07, Andrew Heinbockel ’07, Dino Koutroubas ’06 and Jon Trout ’07.


school news

CSC Brings The Prep into the Community In her thirteenth year as moderator of the Community Service Corps (CSC), biology teacher Barbara Brown continues to deliver opportunities for Prep students to get involved in the community. In her role with the CSC, Brown oversees the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Operation Santa Claus, Operation Swim, Operation Incentive, and, along with art teacher Deb Hilton, an art program for Gesu students. When Brown started as moderator of CSC, the Thanksgiving Food Drive consisted of one box in the foyer for students to gather groceries for neighborhood families. Now, the program collects food in every homeroom and sends representatives from each class to distribute the goods directly to the neighbors. And Brown has seen the positive impact the drive has had in the community. “Having the students go door to door to deliver the food has made a profound impact on the way our neighbors look at The Prep,” Brown says. In December, Operation Santa Claus fielded 20 teams of students, who spent Christmas Eve delivering over $6,000 worth of toys to neighborhood children. This event allows the student volunteers to see first-hand how they make Christmas wonderful for hundreds of local children. Prep students were able to raise $10,000 for CSC last year to run the art program, Operation Incentive and Operation Swim. As time goes on, Brown has made it her goal to run more programs inside the walls of The Prep and “invite our neighbors into our house.”

Preppers Collect Books for Charity For the third year, The Prep community has collected used books for charity. For the third year, they have surpassed all expectations. English teacher Joseph Coyle began the Book Drive in 2003 after a visit to a charter elementary school that had no books for the students to read. That year, utilizing mostly students in his classes, the drive collected just over 3,700 books, all of which were donated to the school. Last year, the drive expanded and more than 10,700 books were collected and given to Saint Joseph’s University for distribution to needy schools throughout the Delaware Valley. This year, the goal was 10,000 books in 10 days; more than 12,500 books were collected from across all areas of The Prep family (students, parents, faculty, alumni and staff). The books were given to Philadelphia READS, a charitable organization whose supplies were depleted prior to the donation. “It is just incredible to see how people stepped up,” says Coyle. “The students wanted to see the number go up and up. Some guys went door to door collecting.” For Coyle, it is just another example of the Ignatian spirit alive at The Prep. “What we did was no different than guys going out in the cold to build a house or coming in on a Saturday morning to teach kids to swim,” he says. “Really, it is par for the course for these guys. They don’t realize how special it is.”


d e p a r t m e n t f e at u r e s

Math Department Makes strides thanks to new technology and curriculum changes

Part of that process was moving towards departmental exams and, according to teacher Dan Kilpatrick ’94, that along with the creation of a math department office, has made a big difference.

PRIOR TO THE PAST Middle States evaluation in 2004, the St. Joseph’s Prep Math Department made a decision. Although the department was running smoothly, there was a need to solidify the curriculum.

“All of these improvements have given us more opportunities to work together,” says Kilpatrick, who is in his sixth year teaching at The Prep. “When a new teacher comes in, they are able to get help; it is much better for them. It also helps us to better prepare students for the next level of math, since we are communicating more.”

So, the teachers got together to standardize the courses and write new descriptions for each class. The results have been phenomenal as the department enjoys good AP test scores and high achievement among the students.

That communication has helped teachers at all levels. “It filters down,” says Mark Kravetz, a second-year teacher. “For example, if a geometry teacher is seeing a weakness, he or she can go to the freshmen teachers and discuss it. It makes us all better.”

“We needed to do something to make sure that we were all on the same page,” says Jim Doyle, chair of the department. “As new teachers came in, we realized that there was very little in writing because the teachers had all been here a while and there was an understanding among them. We needed to formalize the curriculum to assure that we were uniform in what was being taught.”

And the department has embraced new technology. Recently, many math teachers, led by teachers such as Kravetz and Matt Miller, have moved towards tablet PCs as a way to enhance the material. “For example, in calculus, a student is asked to find the volume of something but can’t visualize it,” says Doyle. “It seems a little silly to be able to calculate the volume without seeing it or knowing in your

[Standing, l-r] Andrew Fabrey, Mark Kravetz, David Pepino and Dan Kilpatrick; [Sitting, l-r] Paul Morrissey, Jennifer Lyons and Jim Doyle (chair). Missing: Matt Miller and Jim Murray.


head what it looks like. Now we have that opportunity through technology.” According to Kravetz, he saves nearly an hour a week thanks to the tablet PCs. “I know that I get through five or six more examples per class in my calculus class thanks to the technology,” he says. “It also gives a better flow to the classes and the students seem to respond to it better. It keeps them on their toes.” While some may decry the use of technology, Doyle says there is great value in it, as long as it is used properly. “Part of what we teach is using technology responsibly,” says Doyle. “We want to make sure that students have learned the basic skills in a course before moving on to teaching technology. We don’t want to lose the rigor of mathematics.” Kravetz agrees. “I’m against calculators and other technologies when I am introducing a concept,” he says. “However, once you have mastered the skills of a general topic, I think it is important for the students to learn how to apply it. You move towards technology but not right away.” It also gives students the experiences they will need when they graduate. “Learning how to use technology is real world applicable because in most jobs they won’t need to solve problems by hand but

Matt Miller uses his tablet PC while instructing a class

will use technology to get what they need,” says Kilpatrick. Jim Murray ’59 also understands the practical nature of math. On the faculty since 1969, Murray helped create “Matrices, Statistics and Probability” and argues that the course is vital to the curriculum. “A number of alumni have come back and told us that they had the same course in college and that they felt prepared for it because they had taken prob/stat here at The Prep,” says Murray. “I think students get a lot of value out of it.” Murray has a unique perspective on the state of the math department. He studied under the legendary Earl Hart ’39 and taught alongside Hart and other Prep heavyweights Jack Gaffney ’30, Nick Kueny ’43, Joe Dugan ’52 and Gus Kueny ’53. Although changes have been made, Murray believes that the department has continued its high standard of education.


“When I came in 1969, the math department was the most stable in the school,” he says. “They were all veteran teachers and each had a distinct, unique personality. But, the testament to the quality of the department as constituted is the high AP scores. To me, that means that the students are getting a good base in the early years and the teachers in the higher level courses are also doing an excellent job preparing them.”

school news

“Inherit The Wind” captivates audiences IN HIS 12TH YEAR as the Director of the Cape and Sword Drama Society with many successful performances under his belt, Tony Braithwaite ’89 felt it was the right time to try something just a little different. With all of the news coverage on the topic of teaching evolution in the classroom, Braithwaite decided to produce a complete drama, Inherit The Wind. While the approach was unique for Prep theater, the result was predictably the same; it was a hit with students, faculty, parents, and alumni. During the “Courtroom Showdown,” David Cullen ’08 and Drew Haas ’06 captivated the audience with an intense level of drama that might become a new staple of Prep theater. The show was a resounding success with five sell outs. This production was “particularly

difficult” for Braithwaite as he had to take a two-week leave of absence prior to opening night due to the death of his mother. Known as the most crucial for the show’s preparation, the last two weeks before the show opened left a cast and crew without a leader. This, Braithwaite recalls, was a great moment for the Cape and Sword family as two former stars, Mike Zable ’96 and Will Dennis ’01, “rallied for the sake of the cause” and got the cast and crew in position to put on a great performance. Braithwaite says he was touched by the leadership of his two assistants and their ability to prepare everyone involved with the production for opening night. Cape and Sword is currently working to bring the spring musical Some Like It Hot to the stage beginning March 31. 8

c o v e r s t o ry

“A Jesuit Education.” It is a thing spoken of reverently by those who have experienced it and a phrase frequently said with respect even by those who have not. Those three words make up the foundation of the education at St. Joseph’s Prep and dozens of other high schools and colleges throughout the world. They are also at the core of all Preppers who walk through the doors at 17th and Girard.


c o v e r s t o ry

“The three legs of Jesuit education are academic achievement, faith and religious development, and co-curricular leadership learning. If any one of those legs becomes unbalanced, the stool falls over.” —Rev. Thomas Pesci, S.J. ’67 —President, Loyola Blakefield


What does a Jesuit Education mean? Many have an idea: strong discipline; several years of studying Latin; a liberal arts base; learning the humanities along with the sciences and math. But, at its base, what does a Jesuit education really mean? How can you define it? In some respects, this is not an easy task. “It’s really hard to put a finger on it because there is so much to a Jesuit education,” says Jason Zazyczny ’90, Prep Director of Admission. “Although it is hard to capture, I do think there is something tangible, that you can see a difference in people trained by Jesuits.” The Society of Jesus published a document in 1986 called “Go Forth and Teach: The Characteristics of Jesuit Education.” In it, Rev. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., former superior general of the Society of Jesus, summed it up by saying a Jesuit school “should be easily identifiable as such…our responsibility is to provide through our schools what we believe God and the Church ask of us.” The Jesuit Secondary Education Association (JSEA) tried to define those identifiable characteristics. According to the JSEA document “Profile of the Graduate of a Jesuit High School at Graduation,” an alumnus of The Prep and other Jesuit schools should be: • • • • •

Open to growth; Intellectually competent; Religious; Loving; Committed to doing justice.

This article will attempt to flesh out some of these items. Several people intimately familiar with The Prep and other Jesuit schools were asked that very question. Here are their attempts to qualify the Jesuit education experience.


“A THREE-LEGGED STOOL” Many people point to the phrase “body, mind, spirit” as the hallmark of a Jesuit education. It is the belief that a person’s body, mind and spirit must be fostered in equal parts. “I use the image of a stool with three legs,” says Rev. Thomas Pesci, S.J. ’67, President of Loyola-Blakefield, a Jesuit high school outside of Baltimore, Md. “The three legs of Jesuit education are academic achievement, faith and religious development, and cocurricular leadership learning. If any one of those legs becomes unbalanced, the stool falls over. We strive to give equal dimension to all three legs of the stool.” Rev. Bruce Maivelett, S.J., The Prep’s Director of Ignatian Identity, also points to “cura personalis” as a key component of Jesuit teaching. “To me, that means that we need to not just offer an education but we need to also attempt to form the individual,” says Fr. Maivelett. This translates to being available for a student at whatever level he requires. “Ignatius said that God deals with each of us as an individual for our own well-being,” Fr. Maivelett says. “In the same way, a teacher at a Jesuit school should care for the individual student directly and immediately as they are, but with a definite vision for what the person can become in the future.” For Fr. Pesci, it means that while he strives to make Loyola-Blakefield’s academic curriculum as rigorous as possible, that is not enough to call itself Jesuit. “I am concerned with everything, excellence in education and beyond,” he says. “I am also passionate about religious excellence, about service excellence and about excellence in co-curricular activities. As a Jesuit institution, we must look upon all of these aspects in order to prepare the whole student.”

c o v e r s t o ry

For many years, Al Zimmerman ’73 spoke to parents considering a Prep education for their sons. In his talk, Zimmerman spoke of the need for all three factors in educating students. “In terms of the academic component or the mind, if a student gets good grades, good SAT scores and gets into the college of his first choice and gains scholarships and grants, then The Prep has done its job as a college prep school,” says Zimmerman, now Director of Alumni Relations. “But, if that’s all we did, then we would have failed the student as a Jesuit school for there is so much more to the educational process then simply an education of the mind.”

The Jesuits were at the forefront of the service learning curve, beginning the process in the 1970s. While many schools now have a service component piece of the curriculum, the service experience continues to evolve at Jesuit schools.

affecting the world in a very radical way,” he says.

“Service can be a transforming experience, but one of our biggest challenges is to keep working on the reflection component,” Fr. Pesci says.

“It is vital that we prepare students to live their lives in a way dedicated to serving others,” says Deitch, a graduate of Saint Joseph’s University

“If we do it correctly, we can raise the reflection component to the level of vocation and help our students allow their service experiences to make an impact on their life and career choices.”

who also spent a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. “The goal is that people see any job they have as a ministry; that they ask, ‘how can I dedicate myself to others within the life that I have chosen?’”

Fr. Maivelett agrees that Jesuit schools need to continue to evaluate its mission. He adds that although living as “Men For and With Others” may sound easy, in actuality it is difficult. “If we truly live the mission of being men for and with others, then we are

For his retreats, Deitch uses a Jesuit technique called the “Examen.” Even before he was working at a Jesuit school, he felt it was the best way of bringing a spiritual component to the students.

Sam Deitch, Director of Ignatian Service Program, believes that service is as important as any other component in a Prep education.

A recent story in The Philadelphia Inquirer highlighted several Prep alumni who have gone into public service and a New York Times piece focused on the fact that three of those who vied to be Prime Minister of Iraq were trained by Jesuits. These stories point to the need of many Jesuit-trained people to make a difference. “I think the Jesuits are different because teachers are expected to do more than just present the material,” says Zazyczny. “You can do that at any school. What sets us apart is that our staff is charged with forming the students. That formation is a very real piece of a Jesuit education.”

MEN FOR AND WITH OTHERS That ability to see God in all people is another staple of Jesuit philosophy. It is the reason there is such an emphasis on service at The Prep and other Jesuit schools. It is also one of the reasons that Prep alumni seem to gravitate towards positions that serve others. “Our students today have an amazing ability to respect each other’s talents,” says Fr. Maivelett. “I think that goes back to the teaching of recognizing that each person is a gift from God and that He lives within that person. Therefore, each person deserves to be treated reverently.”


“It is absolutely the best tool that I have ever used,” says Deitch, who utilized the Examen technique during his time with the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Community Service Corps. “It brings students to a place they have never experienced before. I’ve seen it work amazingly well, to the point where you can observe students questioning what they’ve known, even in something as basic as how they treat their parents or siblings. It’s powerful and a wonderful blueprint.”

TRAINING FLEXIBLE THINKERS For Fr. Maivelett, Jesuit training comes in the way a student is taught to think, especially in today’s mobile society.

home for academically-superior kids from dysfunctional families. The students live in Boys Hope/Girls Hope and are given the chance to allow their academic talents to blossom. This is an example of Jesuits continuing to reach into the community; now, they are just doing it with less. “That is one thing I love about Jesuits, that we will be doing these kind of things until the last Jesuit drops dead,” says Fr. Pesci, who started a Boys Hope program in Kansas City when he was President of Rockhurst High School from 1992-2004. “Maybe we don’t have as many men as we’d like, but we have two brain cells and the ability to find a way to make things happen.”

“Hopefully, we are teaching students to think critically,” he says. “Hopefully, we are teaching them to be flexible and respond to any life situation. And, hopefully, when a man leaves here, he does so with a healthy sense of self-confidence that allows him to stand up and make a difference in the world around him. To me, that is what makes Jesuit education distinctive.” Zazyczny says that Jesuit educators teach students in a way that forces the student to think critically. “In the classroom, teachers challenge their students not just to accept what is but to explore why it is,” he says. “It is important to know both sides of an argument and be comfortable with that.”

MULTIPLIERS There is a saying that says, “out of an acorn, a mighty oak will grow.” That idea of taking something small and letting it expand is a basic tenet of St. Ignatius’ ideals. Today, the Society of Jesus is doing just that. Despite dwindling numbers of vocations, the Society continues to be innovative. A good example is a program like Boys Hope/Girls Hope (, a group 13

Fr. Pesci sees the Ignatian ideal as planting the seed, providing the impetus to get the project off the ground and then getting others involved in implementing and running it. “I have found that whenever a great idea is born, there are always people ready to jump on board,” he says. “Great ideas stir people’s souls and allow them to be soldiers for Christ. We can all work with God to make a difference. To me, that is living the mission of Ignatius.” Zazyczny points to a “missioning.” “We need to take the message beyond the walls of this school,” he says. “We strive to plant the idea into our students that when you learn

something you must bring it to others. That allows these thoughts to multiply.”

BROTHERHOOD Although older alums might not realize it, there is much that connects them with the younger alumni and current students of St. Joseph’s Prep. For Fr. Maivelett, the friendships formed among Preppers are extraordinary. “There is a bond that exists among Prep students that is the same one that existed when our alums were here,” he says. Deitch agrees. “There is an openness towards each other here that I think is rare,” he says. “Students who might be on the outside at other schools are accepted here, not just tolerated. They defend one another and support one another.” Fr. Pesci believes that students today are better able to speak about Jesuit education than their predecessors. “I think we have done an outstanding job in our high schools of articulating the message and they are better able to discuss the things that we experienced in the 1940s, 50s, 60s and 70s,” he says. “I got the message in my heart but today they also get it in their head more clearly.” When Zazyczny talks to potential students and parents, he takes a different approach than many others. “I don’t use numbers or compare St. Joseph’s Prep to other schools,” he says. “I tell them that they have to experience it to understand it.” And that approach has yielded great results. “I know when I’m talking that people think I am selling them this utopia,” says Zazyczny. “But I always come back to the truth that it is happening here every day. It’s very exciting.”

school news

What is a Jesuit Education? Recently, several members of The Prep community sat down with Prep News editor Bill Avington ’90 to discuss how they see Jesuit education and St. Joseph’s Prep’s place in it. Below is part one of that conversation: THE PREP NEWS: Fr. Tom Pesci has described a Jesuit education to be like a three-legged stool. What does that mean to you? Sam Deitch, Director of the Ignatian Service Program: I think the idea is good, to say without one of them it is not truly a success. We have to have a balanced opportunity for the students in the educational process. If we are missing on one then we are not doing our jobs as well as we should be. Really our goal is to try to bring all of those things together so that we truly are Jesuit, Catholic and Christian in our mission. Sr. Kate Woody, Director of Campus Ministry: I think there is another leg to this stool or possibly even another stool. There are three elements that the student is supported on: school, family and culture. I think one of the things that the Jesuit school has to do is to deal with or keep in balance the other two legs of the stools. The Jesuits have always incorporated the culture in its academic endeavors while along with that working with the families in a partnership. Rev. Bruce Maivelett, S.J., Director of Ignatian Identity: The cultural thing is the real sticking point for me. It’s true to say that the Jesuits “inculturate,” it’s part of the Jesuit mission. But I also think that it needs to be done carefully so that we are seeking gospel values that are existing in the culture or attempting to evangelize that culture with gospel values. I like school, family and culture; I especially like school and family because it is this notion that it is the community’s effort that results in the education and formation of the child. John Groch, Religion teacher: I am privileged to be a teacher and a parent; I’ve had three sons go through The Prep and I have appreciated the holistic approach. As a parent, you try to deal with as many

issues in a kid’s life as you can and I was comfortable having the support of an institution like The Prep, where the values I wanted to cultivate in them at home were certainly being amplified and supported. SD: I am actually surprised at how much I hit with students into that intellectual or mind part of the stool. It’s really interesting that even though we don’t have a specific service learning type of curriculum, the students want to equate their experiences to the classroom and vice versa. I found that to be surprisingly hopeful and I have really appreciated that part of my job. BM: I think when we’re at our best, we don’t relate to the students with just a function or a title, but we relate as persons, one person to another. I think in a real sense that’s the cura personalis that we talk about. That asks an awful lot of us; it asks that we be more than an instructor. KW: Most of our students don’t realize it, because they go to a Jesuit school, but there are schools of thought that say you are given information until you are old enough to reflect on it— that you do not ask questions. We don’t do that and that speaks to the philosophy of our school and Jesuit education. You take the raw ability that students have and while forming it you let them test it or let them ask the questions.

discussions. I see it when they come into my office and they tell me about a class they just came from and how they were talking about something and how that makes a difference from a class where they were lectured to for 45 minutes. That is where the true learning takes place. BM: Especially if we are serious about trying to produce men who become life long learners. If learning is nothing but rote memorization or just the absorption of content, it’s as dull as can be. You are going to wind up with someone who finishes their education and

Dr. Stew Barbe

John Groch

BM: And that’s a real challenge with the curriculum because the drive is to communicate as much information as possible to get them ready to take a test or an exam to get them into the good colleges. Really what we are trying to do intellectually is to allow them to begin to form the ability to critically look at the world and begin to articulate that and talk about it. That is what is so lacking in society in general, the ability to sit down and look at difficult issues and speak honestly and candidly about it with the belief that it is through honest and candid assessment and conversation that we can get to truth. SD: To say that they are not concerned about how they are going to get an A on their test is a lie but I think they appreciate having conversations and

Sr. Kate Wood


school news

Dr. Stew Barbera ’86, Director of Counseling: I guess it is difficult for me to find just one thread because I look at it as a diamond with many facets and each of them is so important. Ultimately, the center piece is God and the personal relationship that we are all called to have. All of the other things are the tapestry around that but they are all critical, like DNA. BM: It’s God at the beginning and God at the end. If you look at the exercises, God is at the beginning as foundation and God labors at the end and there is always this invitation to labor with God. And

ra ’86

doesn’t go on learning. But if learning is active and takes in my experience, allowing me to reflect on my experience and look at it critically, moving to something as grand as a more just society, that is what we are trying to produce. In the culture that we live in, to even say we are trying to produce something like that is noble and it’s worth the effort. TPN: If you had to identify one characteristic of a Jesuit education, what would it be? JG: My favorite is the whole idea of finding God in all things. Just having that optimism about the world puts you in touch with all sorts of things like environmental issues and peace and justice issues. There is an optimism of finding that divine spark.

Sam Deitch

BM: I’d piggyback on that; I agree 100 percent. Every piece of reality bears within it the divine. The world that Ignatius experienced his conversion in was a world of serious sin and darkness but he was able to find and experience God and respond. Rather than look at reality and find a challenge or an obstacle, someone who is in the Ignatian tradition is going to look at the world and say here’s a possibility, go for it.

how this works out is obviously different in our lives but that is bedrock and end of the choices that we make. You are going to be misunderstood if you live this if you come anywhere near what Ignatius proposes in the exercises. If that is the end product, you are going to be misunderstood and misunderstood in ways that are not just unsettling but also can be deadly. SD: It’s interesting that we haven’t really talked about the intellectual or academic in this question. A lot of what we are talking about is that cura personalis, that developing of the whole person and how God has to be a major part of that. Not that it belittles the academic or intellectual component but I think without that other piece, the academic or intellectual can be done anywhere. That is what the Jesuit part is really about. KW: Probably it was because Ignatius did see everything as being at the service of God. Ignatius didn’t stress one aspect in his life or his training of the men who became Jesuits. It was important to develop your mind, but you have to develop the heart as well. BM: And intellectual development is not simply for learning’s sake. We learn so as to become more effective agents for change, to become more effective witnesses to the Gospel and be closer to God and closer to the purpose that God has for me. SB: I think what makes St. Joe’s Prep unique is that faculty here see their jobs as a vocation. People really believe in what they are doing every day and I think it is remarkable. More of this conversation will be included in the summer issue of The Prep News.

Rev. Bruce Maivelett, S.J.



faculty profile

Profile on Joseph Coyle For Joseph Coyle, teaching English is not about the amount on the paycheck he receives; truly, it is about doing what he loves. “Before my grandfather died, he told me that if the alarm clock went off in the morning and I didn’t want to get up and go to work than I was doing the wrong thing for a living,” says Coyle, who is in his seventh year at The Prep. “I have shared that with every student I have taught because I believe it is the most important thing in life. You have to have passion for what you do.” And Coyle definitely has that passion. A look around Room 103, where his classes are taught, reveals a deep love of his subjects. Coyle teaches two sections of freshmen and three sections of seniors in a classroom full of political posters and books. It is with the seniors, teaching a course on “Censorship” and one on “The North of Ireland,” where his real passion is revealed.

According to Coyle, “Censorship” is an unusual class for high school; he equates it to a progressive college course. The students read books that are edgy and speak to young men. Even though Coyle is a demanding teacher who keeps his students challenged, the classes are filled.

In “North of Ireland,” Coyle teaches the course in a way that immerses students into the culture of the land, including focusing on murals, songs and literature. In addition, twice a cycle he and language teacher Tom Farren teach the students how to speak Irish.

“I think it is successful because the students get an opportunity to go over books of movies that are cult classics for men,” says Coyle. “They’ve seen the movies and now get to read the books.”

“They receive a crash course on what Ireland is all about,” says Coyle. “There is more to the country than rolling hills and pubs. Allowing students to experience the arts, literature and language of the people there puts them right in the middle of it all.”

While this type of English class might be different than the kind alumni remember, Coyle believes it is the best way to teach literature. “These books deal with the realities of life and a good English class should discuss life and how it is reflected in literature,” he says. “Books like Fight Club and Trainspotting deal with interpersonal relationships and all the parts of life that real people deal with. It is not pie in the sky; these books show the good and bad in life.”

Coyle credits English chair Chris Rupertus and former chair Judy Christian for allowing him to offer these types of electives. “It is a real testament to both of them that we offer these courses and to the school for giving me the leeway to create courses that challenge students,” Coyle says. “The results are not so much the grades but the fact that guys walk out of here saying thanks. That’s what means the most to me.” For Coyle, learning to think on his own is the most important skill a teacher can give to a student. “At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what I think about a piece of literature,” he says. “What matters is that students can say what they think about it and back it up. That’s what I believe literature is all about.” And as he moves on in life, he realizes what his grandfather said was true. “You have to have a passion to work here because the students work hard and demand that you work just as hard,” he says. “Every day they drive me to become better. It’s not an average school and I always feel honored to work here. When that alarm goes off in the morning, I wake right up and get moving because I love what I do.”


Profile on Tom Fitzpatrick Tom Fitzpatrick is a familiar part of the Prep community; he has been with the school for 21 years and six of his 11 children have attended The Prep, with Andrew ’06 and Stephen ’07 still enjoying their time here. The same has been true for the other Fitzpatrick Prep alumni. “The Prep has been a wonderful experience for them,” Fitzpatrick says. They have begun lasting relationships and been able to retain those friendships.” Fitzpatrick grew up in Media and attended Cardinal O’Hara High School. He then went to Villanova University for his Bachelor’s degree, later obtaining his Master’s at Saint Joseph’s. After teaching at North Catholic and Archbishop Prendergast, Fitzpatrick started at the Prep in 1985 - originally teaching Chemistry and Algebra II. 17

Though he has taught various subjects, the past twenty years have mostly been spent teaching Physics. Though it is an elective for Prep students, the subject is in high enough demand that it currently occupies Fitzpatrick’s entire class schedule. When he is not teaching or at home with his family, Fitzpatrick is in training to become a deacon, and is in his fourth year of the six-year program. He also spends a great deal of time working with The Prep’s Respect Life club. As co-moderator, Fitzpatrick participates in such events as the annual March for Life and volunteers time with Mothers’ Home – a non-profit organization in Darby, which helps unwed mothers. With 21 years and untold amounts of students behind him, Fitzpatrick is aware of the differences between generations of Prep students, but it hasn’t changed his attitude.

“In 21 years, of course students have changed – but it has been my privilege not to notice,” he says. Fitzpatrick remembers the words of Earl Hart ’39, who told him, “You teach the guys you have. They are who they are. We thank God for that.” Fitzpatrick respects students as individuals and insists this is one of the most important lessons a teacher must learn. “There’s more to a young man than is apparent in the classroom,” he says. Fitzpatrick makes it his goal to not only educate, but understand each of his students. He wants each student to walk away from his class and succeed - and he enjoys hearing their success stories. “The most rewarding part of teaching at The Prep is probably Homecoming,” says Fitzpatrick, who makes it a point to attend the event every year. “Hearing graduates tell you they appreciate what you’ve done is the highlight of a teacher’s life.”

student profile

Profile on Joe Kapusnick ’06 When Joe Kapusnick ’06 was deciding which high school to attend, his father John ’70 jokingly told him, “You can go to any high school you want, as long as it’s on 17th and Girard.” Of course, it didn’t matter – Joe wanted to attend The Prep on his own. After attending Germantown Academy from kindergarten through eighth grade, Kapusnick decided a change was needed. He wanted an opportunity to continue his Catholic education; seemingly he has made the right choice. Not only has he been rewarded with a Jesuit education, but his extracurricular experiences have led him to discover a new career path. During the summer before his freshman year, Kapusnick received a letter inviting him to join the Forensics club. This led to his involvement with Student Congress and, ultimately, his passion for speaking and debate. Always up for a challenge, Kapusnick has spent time exploring many different areas of Forensics. His specialty, though, is Extemporaneous Speaking. One of the more difficult categories, a speaker draws three questions, settles on one, and then has 30 minutes to prepare a seven minute speech. The student is encouraged to give the speech without notes, while typically citing at least six news articles to support his argument. After spending a majority of his Prep career honing his Extemp skills, Kapusnick has become one of the nation’s most respected competitors in this category. He took first place in the Saint Joseph University Villiger Tournament in November, placed second at the Princeton Classic and third in the Yale tournament this past fall. Early in 2006, Kapusnick took part in an invitation-only tournament at Montgomery Bell Academy in Nashville, Tenn. Sixteen of the top Extempers in the country were invited to compete. Kapusnick made the trip with Forensics coach Dr. Barbara Giuliano, whom he credits with his success. “She is an amazing person; unbelievably giving,” he says. He emphasizes that without Dr. Giuliano’s guidance the team would not be what it is

today. The team views her as a caring leader and an integral part of their success. Dr. Giuliano, in turn, speaks highly of the team members and she is particularly proud of Kapusnick’s accomplishments. “When I reflect on the three years that I have known Joe, I see the transitioning of a fledgling Extemper into a very bright, articulate young gentleman and leader of today,” she says. For Kapusnick, what makes the Forensics experience truly special is the sense of comradery that the teammates share. With all the practices and trips, the team has become very close over the years. The group officially meets Tuesday afternoons in Room 305, and Kapusnick takes pride in the fact that the team will often hang out in the room when there is no practice scheduled. They

are not just teammates, but good friends, and it is they, more than any accolades, who seem to make his Forensics experiences special. Kapusnick hopes to end his high school Forensics career at the National Forensics League championship competition – which will be held later this year in Houston, Tex. He is still undecided about college, but leaning towards Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Kapusnick plans to pursue a career in diplomacy, and he gives credit to the Forensics club for steering him in that direction. “Forensics changed what I want to do with my future,” he says.


student profile

Profile on Thomas Leonard ’06 It was 1:30 a.m. and Thomas Leonard ’06 had just finished a long day of work on Capitol Hill. Between delivering messages for Members of the House of Representatives and exchanging laughs with Pennsylvania Congressman Bob Brady, Leonard was having the experience of a lifetime and keeping a family tradition alive. Last year, Leonard was accepted into the very prestigious Congressional Page Program. Each year, thousands of applicants from around the country apply to work in the United States Capitol for a job Leonard described as “absolutely amazing.” Throughout his entire junior year, Leonard studied, worked, and lived in the Capitol Hill section of Washington, D.C. Living away from home was a great experience, Leonard recalled, because it gave him

the opportunity to see what college life and the real world will be like. After waking up for class that began at 6:45 a.m., Leonard would attend his seven-course school day and maintain his duties as page for the Democratic leadership. Though he had a demanding job and high-level academic courses, there was certainly free time for the pages, most of whom were living in a new city. Between trips to Union Station for movies and the Washington Mall to visit historical sites, Leonard had the opportunity to meet many famous politicians. Leonard and his three roommates (who hailed from Chicago, New York, and Washington) met with Vice President Dick Cheney, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, Senator John Kerry and were in attendance for two speeches by President George W. Bush, including the 2005 State of the Union. He was also in the Capitol building during critical votes on the

Terri Schaivo battle that captivated the nation for so many weeks last year. Leonard has officially joined the “family business.” Both of his sisters were also Congressional Pages and Leonard’s father Tom was City Controller of Philadelphia. This experience has opened his eyes to a new world and he hopes to soon get involved in the Pennsylvania Senatorial campaign for Bob Casey. There was one downside to spending the year in D.C.; Leonard missed being at The Prep for a whole year. He missed his involvement in the Cape and Sword Drama Society, cheering in the rowdy Prep student section at football games and the every day experience that makes The Prep a home away from home for four years. Speaking about the beginning of his senior year back in Philadelphia, Leonard recalled that there was “a disconnect with the rest of The Prep.” He remembers the first Prep football game just days before school commenced and hearing all of the questions from his classmates about where he had gone and why he lived in Washington for a year. The first few weeks were full of questions and were a time for Leonard to reacquaint himself with his friends, teachers, and The Prep community. But the trepidation of the first few weeks ended with the beginning of his involvement with the Cape and Sword production of Inherit The Wind. Playing the role of “The Mayor,” Leonard felt back at home in the familiar confines of Mother Prep. The future is full of hope, anticipation, and promise for Leonard. He hopes to attend the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Boston College, or Georgetown University next fall. With law school possibly in his future and a potential career in politics, it would be no surprise to see Thomas Leonard emerge as a major mover and shaker in Philadelphia.


prep sports

Clockwise from above: the seniors gather around the Championship plaque after the game.; offensive lineman Jim McKenzie ’06 holds up the plaque; The Prep faithful came out en masse to celebrate the title; and head coach Gil Brooks ’75 dedicates the title to the late Kyle Ambrogi ’02 during the post-game huddle.

Prep Football: Champs Again The Prep football team won the Catholic League Red Division title for the fourth time in five years with a 41-7 win over Cardinal O’Hara at Northeast High School. The win is also the fifth in the career of head coach Gil Brooks ’75, tying him for most in Catholic League history. The team finished the season with an 11-2 record and has won 41 straight regular season games, a string that extends back to 1999. During the 41game streak, The Prep has outscored opponents 1,448-297 (35.2-7.2 average).


prep sports

Profile on Kevin Kearney ’06 Kevin Kearney ’06 does it all. From running track and cross country to his role as Associate Editor for The Hawklet and leading Kairos, Kearney has made the most of his four years at The Prep.


at Hawk Harrier,” an annual camp in Maryland run by Saint Joseph’s University. There, Kearney and his teammates got into season shape and bonded as a team.

Hailing from Haddonfield, N.J., Kearney has been surrounded by Prep running since fourth grade at Christ the King School. All three of his older brothers ran track and Kearney wanted to follow in their footsteps. “I grew up with the Prep Track program,” he says. “I knew I was going to run here.”

Kearney speaks highly of the coaches that work with him each day, including Curt Cockenberg ’73, Barbara Scott, Joe Daniels ’90, Susan Cook and, the coach that had the biggest influence on him, Mike Quinn ’99. “He doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk,” Kearney says of Quinn. “We can relate to him”.

Throughout his four years, Kearney has constantly improved his times in the five events in which he competes and has enjoyed himself throughout the process. He says, “the best experience was cross country camp

Kearney says his inspiration for his senior season was fellow senior Pete Grant who told him, “we need to lay down the base and go from there.” Those words, aimed at getting the 2005-2006 season off to a great start

and leaving the underclassmen runners with a competitive team next year, hit home with Kearney. In his senior season, Kearney dropped one minute off his cross country time, was awarded top senior honors and earned first team, all-Catholic honors. In indoor, he was part of the 4x800 relay team that qualified for the National Indoor Championships in New York. Next year, Kearney plans to run at either Wagner College or Fordham University. He believes that he has taken full advantage of the opportunities available to him at The Prep and hopes the foundation is set for future track classes to continue the legacy.

alumni profile

[L-r]: Karleigh, Keenan, Leo III, Leo Jr., Margo and Suzanne Carlin.

Carlin: Back with the sport he loves When Leo Carlin Jr. ’81 stopped coaching Prep wide receivers and quarterbacks in the early 1990s, he thought his involvement with the sport he loved might be over. Little did he know that he would return to football in a huge way just over a decade later. Carlin is a minority owner of the Philadelphia Soul, an Arena Football League team that boasts rocker Jon Bon Jovi as one of its owners and former Eagles great Ron Jaworski as president. The team has been a success off the field for its first two seasons and now is working to win a championship on the field as well. “This is a dream come true,” says Carlin from his office at Soul headquarters in Center City. “I was away from the game for a lot of years and I missed it. I love being around it now and I love being a part of this organization.” Football runs through the veins of the Carlin family. Carlin’s dad, Leo ’55, has spent four decades working for the Philadelphia Eagles and the now defunct Philadelphia Stars of the USFL. His brothers, Clayton ’83, Chris ’85 and L.D. ’89, all played at The Prep and in college and Clayton once was the head coach at his alma mater before moving on to be the offensive coordinator at Cornell University. “Football has always been a part of my life,” says Carlin, who now also watches his sons play on the gridiron. “For as long as I can remember, it has been a part of my family.” Carlin’s own football playing career was extended beyond what most may have predicted. Despite playing in the city all-star game as a senior, he was not heavily recruited and walked on at Holy Cross. Two years later he was on scholarship and was named captain as a senior. Then, he earned a free agent contract with the Eagles under former head coach Buddy Ryan. “That was Buddy’s first year and he was trying to make a point,” Carlin says. “That was a tough camp; he drilled us pretty hard.” After getting released following the third preseason game, Carlin got a tryout with the Canadian Football League but it wasn’t a good fit so he left the sport for a series of jobs in real estate and insurance. For the past decade, he has been a partner with the company TW Cooper, a full-service insurance agency specializing in all areas of personal and commercial insurance. But it is his “side job” that has rekindled his involvement with football. Carlin’s connection with the Soul came through a phone

call from a friend, Steve Perna. Perna worked at the Arden Group with Craig Spencer who was attempting to secure an AFL team for Philadelphia. “Steve knew that I had some contacts through my father and wondered if I would be interested in getting involved,” Carlin says. “Through the whole conversation, he was whispering. When I asked him why, he said he was at Jon Bon Jovi’s house. I laughed and told him I was in. I was always interested in finding ways to get back into the game. A week later I was in New York with Jon, Craig and Steve meeting with AFL Commissioner David Baker.” From there, Carlin helped the team establish an office and put things in place. He credits the ownership team, including Bon Jovi and Spencer, for putting a first-class organization together, one with the right attitude to win over hardened Philadelphia sports fans. It is also one with a heart, raising more than $400,000 for various area charities. “It was a lot more work getting this going than any of us thought,” says Carlin, “but it gave me an opportunity to be around the game that I love and missed. It’s been very rewarding because I have forged new friendships and I have a tremendous amount of respect for the people who are involved. I believe in this organization and I think we have built a winner.” And Carlin gives a lot of credit for his success to The Prep. “My greatest friends, from a personal and business standpoint, are the guys I met at The Prep,” he says. “The sense of community that The Prep instilled in all of us was special.” He also points to the philosophy of being a “Man for and With Others” as a keystone in his life. Carlin has volunteered his time for several charities, including serving on the board of the Covenant House of Pennsylvania, a Philadelphia-based group that serves the homeless and at-risk youth of the area. Carlin also remembers teachers like “Mister” (Nick Kueny ’43) who molded him but gives the most kudos to his dad Leo. “He is the greatest Prepper ever,” says Carlin. “He along with my mom and wife are the biggest influence on my life.” Carlin is most proud of his family, wife Suzanne, daughters Karleigh and Margo and sons Leo III and Keenan. “I am a very lucky guy,” he says. “Most importantly I have a beautiful wife, who is the rock of the family, and four beautiful children. The rest is gravy but I am living a dream.”


profile In giving

Alumnus Thanks Prep with Endowed Scholarships Charles Cornelius Sibre ’32 never forgot the St. Joseph’s Prep scholarship he received in 1928. And now, for time in memoriam, three Prep students will get the same chance he did.

was stationed in Chicago as part of Naval Air Intelligence. After the war, he spent 30 years in the Naval Reserves, eventually retiring as a Lieutenant Commander, though he was never stationed on a naval ship.

Sibre received a full-scholarship to The Prep in 1928 as a result of a competitive examination and another to Saint Joseph’s College in 1932 due to academic excellence. Now, more than 70 years after his graduation, Sibre has repaid that kindness with two endowed full-tuition scholarships and a third to be funded after his death.

In 1943, he married Catherine (Cass) MacEntee and the two were together until her death from cancer in 1995. They had one son, Andrew. Sibre went to work at Family Circle magazine in 1948 and stayed there until retirement in 1979. For the last 11 years of his career, he served as Vice President and Director of Corporate Services, in charge of all non-editorial matters.

“My uncle attributed all of his success in life to passing the test Sibre in 1932 yearbook photo. to enter St. Joseph’s Prep and getting an outstanding education,” says Sibre’s nephew, also named Charles. “Somebody gave him a scholarship all of those years ago and now three students, for the rest of the school’s existence, will get the same opportunity with which he was blessed.”

“...attributed all of his success in life to passing the test to enter St. Joseph’s Prep and getting an outstanding education.”

The scholarships, one named in honor of Charles himself and the —Charles Sibre, other in honor of his late son Andrew, will be presented to a student Sibre in a recent photo. who is an orphan or adopted if any student fits that criteria. It is a designation that fits Sibre’s life. Sibre and his brother Edwin were orphaned as four and two year olds in October 1918 when their parents Charles and Anna died in a Spanish flu pandemic that spread throughout Philadelphia. The brothers were separated and raised in separate homes. In fact, they didn’t really know each other as brothers until their teenage years. Sibre joined the U.S. Navy during World War II as an Ensign and



Sadly, in 2004, Sibre began suffering the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and moved to an assisted living facility in Lake Ridge, Va., to be near his son. Tragically, Andrew died in a motorcycle accident shortly thereafter. At that time, Charles’ nephew Charles and Andrew’s wife Noreen became Sibre’s co-guardians and Charles was named conservator of his uncle’s estate. Despite the sadness of his final years, Sibre never forgot The Prep and the generous scholarships he received. He was a member of the Crimson and Grey Club for over 20 years, contributing more than $1,000 per year. In his will, Sibre listed The Prep as one of his beneficiaries, saying his gift is “in final appreciation for the four-year competitive exam full scholarship to the school and its award to me upon graduation of a full scholarship to Saint Joseph’s College, which constituted eight years of superior education which I never would have had without such scholarships.”

alumni news

Archbishop John Foley ’53, President of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications at the Vatican, has been awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Portland. Joseph Bawduniak ’55 who retired from corporate life 18 years ago, recently retired again from volunteer positions for two “not for profit” corporations. He will continue to work as an Federal Aviation Association (FAA) Safety Counselor for the Miami District, which gave him two district awards leading to a national award. Joe and his wife, Cherie, spend much time maintaining and traveling in their own plane in Naples, Fla. Class of 1946 60th Reunion Committee prepare for their luncheon celebration on October 18, 2006, at noon at Overbrook Country Club. Standing in picture [l-r]: Richard Stranix, Benedict Casey, Thomas Dowd, Paul Coor, Daniel Begley, Robert Klinges, Raymond Joson, Nemesio Alvare, Thomas McCreesh; seated [l-r]: Thomas Brady and Joseph Crilly.

1940s Charles Hinski ’42 and his wife are both retired and just celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary. Louis Duffy ’45 is Senior Vice President Emeritus and an international consultant for LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell, the world’s leader in client development for the legal profession. Henry Walter ’45 is still working on “Pauliad” an epic poem in iambic pentameter about St. Paul and the early church. He also enjoys traveling with his wife Mary and spending time with his children and grandchildren.

Paul Sigmund ’46 has retired as Professor of Politics at Princeton University. His most recent book, The Selected Political Writings of John Locke, was published in May. Gerald Gibbons ’49 regularly plays golf in a foursome of Bill Carson ’49, Bill O’Kane ’49 and Dick Becker ‘51.

1950s Joseph Bevilacqua ’51’s grandson Chris has continued in the Jesuit tradition by being admitted to Jesuit Prep in Tampa, Fla. John Eads ’51 is President of Eads and Associates, a medical distribution firm in Ormond Beach, Fla. His son James will soon become the new president of the company. Leo Robb ’51 and his wife Jean recently celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary at a party given by their six children. They will be traveling to Hawaii this year to visit their son Jim.

William Hemp ’46 and his wife, Maggie.

William Hemp ’46 and his wife, Maggie, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary last fall on a cruise on the Intercoastal Waterway. He is the author/illustrator of New York Enclaves.

Dr. Raymond Rogowski ’52 is teaching courses on the lives of the great composers, their health and its effect on their music and artistry at Widener University’s Academy for Learning in Retirement.

John McCarthy ‘55 and his wife Judy have been blessed with their third grandchild, Zoe Carmela, who joins two older sisters. Peter O’Brien ‘55 was honored by the Monroe County Bar Association on the occasion of his retirement after 20 years of service as Judge of The Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County. Francis Nash ‘56 continues to spend six months every year (May to November) as Director of Study Abroad Program in Bangkok, Thailand. The other six months he spends at Loyola College in Baltimore in the International Program’s office. Anthony Chiurco ’59, Bill Gummere ’59, Ed McBride ’59, Jim Nolen ’59, Jerry Stewart ’59, Dave Weston ’59 and Philip Greipp ’60 competed in the Henley Masters Race at Henley-on-the-Thames, England this past July. James Christy ’59, a long-time Villanova University theatre professor and local director, won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Barrymore Awards, held each year to honor the excellence in Philadelphia Theatre John Schmitt ’59 and his wife Ludmila gifted a bronze bust of Hetman Ivan Mazepa to President Viktor Yushchenko of the Ukraine when he came to Philadelphia to receive the Liberty Medal. Mazepa was educated by the Jesuits in the 17th Century.

John Toutkoushian ’52 and his wife JoAnn celebrated their 53rd wedding anniversary in November. 24

1960s James Haggerty ’60 is presently serving as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Jesuit Refugee Service, USA. Bernard Maguire ’60 has retired from his consulting firm (VPA Corporation) and is now teaching in the MBA program at the Sellinger School of Business at Loyola College of Maryland. He has teamed up with Ray Jones ’60 who also teaches at Loyola.

Edward Burke ’63, who served two tenures as head basketball coach at The Prep and was the school’s former Director of Alumni Relations, will be inducted into the City AllStar chapter of the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. Burke, who also coached at Drexel University for several years, led the Prep to a Catholic League championship in 1971.

John O’Connor ’60 composes music with his son, Mark. They have two CDs out, including the latest “Universe Narrows.” A. Conrad Waymann ’60, founder of Mallory Capital Group (MCG), celebrated the firm’s 10th year anniversary this winter. MCG is an NASD broker-dealer and boutique investment bank that specializes in raising capital for private equity, real estate and hedge funds focused on a variety of alternative investment strategies. Henry Horstmann ’62 has been with the litigation law department of AAA Mid-Atlantic for the past 22 years. Joseph Stanton ’62 has retired after 31 years of service with the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board, all at the Ardmore State Store. Leopold Andreoli ’63 is Director of Environmental Space Systems at Northrup Brumman Corp. in Redondo Beach, Calif. He and his wife Kathy reside in Torrance, Calif. Dr. Henry Bender ’63 was honored at the annual fall meeting of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States (CAAS) for his work in arranging and conducting educational study tours to Italy and Greece. A member of The Prep’s Classics Department from 1968 until 1998, Dr. Bender founded the Summer Classical Program for Prep students in 1973. That program eventually became an accredited course in “The Monuments of Ancient Rome and Environs” and ran continuously through the summer of 2003. Many tributes to Dr. Bender were offered including one from Charles Kling ’61, a former Prep colleague who was Dr. Bender’s traveling companion for the past 15 Summer Classical Programs. Stephen Ciraolo ’86 read an Ovatio in his honor. 25

Dan Joyce ’84, John Comey ’63 and Adrian King ’85

John Comey ’63, Dan Joyce ’84 and Adrian King ’85 coordinated Pennsylvania’s assistance to victims displaced and communities impacted by the recent Hurricane Katrina disaster. Thomas Kay ’63 has been a practicing OB/GYN for 31 years and is Chairman of the Department at Virtua-West Jersey Hospital in Voorhees, N.J. He and his wife have recently become grandparents for the first time. John McCarthy ’63 gave the keynote address at The Prep’s Alumni Father/Son Communion Breakfast in October. Just two days before, John retired after 37 years from PricewaterhouseCoopers where he was a Senior Partner and the Global Leader of the Education and Nonprofit Practice. He has begun a new career as a faculty member of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and as a principal at Harvard’s Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations. John Hartman ’65 was recently appointed as Assistant Dean in the College of Education at West Chester University. Francis Baird ’66 was one of the poets featured at “Three Poets,” a live reading in the fall at the Fleisher Art Memorial. Joseph Canuso ’66, the Theatre Exile’s Artistic Director, received the Ted and Stevie Wolf Award for New Approaches to Collaborations at the 2005 Barrymore Awards in October. The award acknowledged the collaboration between Theatre Exile and the new

local film company Reconstruction Pictures and their collaboration on the movie “Cellar” in the summer of 2004. Recently Joe produced the play “Rounding Third” at the Walnut Street Theatre Studio 3. Joseph Ryan ’66 will be the Director of the International Association of Defense Counsel Trial Academy at Stanford Law School this summer. Raymond Theilacker ’66 was selected as the 2005 Teacher of the Year for the New Castle County Vo-Tech District and was inducted into Phi Delta Kappa Education Honor Society. In addition, with the publication of “A Poetry Unit for Vocational Students,” he became a fellow of the Yale National Initiative in New Haven, Ct., this past summer. Paul Zerkow ’67 and his wife Brenda welcomed a new granddaughter Kylie Elaine. John Atkinson ’68 was recognized as one of the most prominent lawyers in South Florida by the South Florida Legal Guide. In May, he will retire from the Marine Corps Reserve as a Colonel with 30 years of service. John Lynch ’68 is presently teaching religious education and has recently applied for the Deaconate in the Camden Diocese. He is also a Eucharistic Minister at Cooper Medical Center. John Schmidt ’68 has been named Associate Director of Discovery for the French pharmaceutical firm Sanifi-Adventis. His responsibilities encompass both Europeon and U.S. laboratories. He and his wife Rita were guests at the Nobel Awards in Stockholm, Sweden. Douglas Potash ’69 was featured in The New York Times in a story on his passion for the Rolling Stones and the internet site he runs about the band.

Joseph Farthing ’78 has been with the Pennsylvania State Police for over 22 years and has been supervisor of protection detail for three governors. He is looking forward to full retirement in 2008. He and his family live in Lancaster.

1970s Joseph Biebel ’70 has been a Respiratory Therapist in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Bryn Mawr Hospital for the past 20 years. He, his wife Rosana and their two children live in Audubon. Timothy Klarich ’71 recently started an accounting and financial management consulting firm which specializes in temporary CFO and controller services. The firm also performs work on client-specific projects. William Ricci ’71, a lawyer at Lavin, O’Neil, Ricci, Cedrone & DiSipio, is also an adjunct professor at Temple University School of Law teaching Trial Advocacy. His band, “The O’Fenders,” entertained the U.S. Troops at Diego Garcia this past summer. James Paul ’72 is a principal and executive vice president of Thomas J. Paul, Inc. a Creative Marketing Services firm in Rydal. He serves as Chair of the Board of Directors of Mount St. Joseph Academy and serves on the Board of Trustees of Holy Redeemer Health System. He and his wife Denise live in Lower Gwynedd. Raymond Stahl ’73 and his wife Mary are the proud grandparents of four, two girls and two boys. Joseph Boyle ’74 is currently the head basketball coach for his son Grant, who plays for a 10 year old travel team called the Doylestown Hawks. Zachary plays sixth grade CYO basketball for Our Lady of Guadalupe parish and Joe, Jr. is a freshman at The Prep. Marc Liciardello ’74 has been appointed Director of Facility Services for Elliot-Lewis Corp. He also was elected president of the Philadelphia chapter of the International Facility Management Association. Rev. Gerald McGlone, S.J. ’75 was quoted in a story in Time magazine (October 17, 2005) on the Vatican’s recent efforts to screen seminarians for homosexuality. Fr. McGlone is a Jesuit psychologist and Vice President for Mission at Saint Joseph’s University.

Kevin Finlay ’78 is VP of sales for School Support Services at Aramark Corporation. Michael E. Scullin ’75

Michael E. Scullin ’75 an International attorney and consultant with the law firm of Monteverde, McAlee & Hurd, has been appointed Honorary Consul of France for Philadelphia. Scullin, whose area will encompass the eastern part of Pennsylvania, will be responsible to all French citizens living in this region as well as act as a liaison between France and the citizens of the region. He has also been awarded the Medal of Honor of the French region of Rhone-Alpes. Scullin is a member of the Board of the French American Chamber of Commerce in Philadelphia and is an Adjunct Professor at Temple University. Rev. John Cecero, S.J. ’76 was recently promoted to Associate Professor of Psychology at Fordham University. He is also the founder and director of the Center for Spirituality and Mental Health at Fordham. James Kopchuk ’76 was recently promoted to Accounting Manager at Philips Medical Capital (PMC) in Wayne. PMC is a joint venture between DeLage Landen Financial Services of the Netherlands and Philips Medical Systems North America. Gerald Lederer ’76 and his wife Denise will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this summer. They live in Bethesda, Md., with their three children. Gerry continues to work as a lobbyist for state and local government as well as practicing communications law. William Gallagher ’77, his wife Lisa and their three children live in Heidelberg, Germany. They are enjoying the terrific culture and people of Europe. Bill, a colonel, is assigned in the headquarters of U. S. Army Europe.

Charles Sitarski ’78 was promoted to his current rank of Captain in the U.S. Navy in June. Jerry Wojt ’78 is currently working at Logan Capital Management, Inc. in Ardmore. He is a retired Commander from the U.S. Naval Reserves. He and his wife Maryeileen live in Telford with their children, Julian and Melinda.

1980s Thomas Hayn ’80 is a financial planner with Creative Financial Group in Newtown Square, PA. He and his wife Jeanne live in Downington and are the proud parents of two sons and three daughters. Tom enjoys coaching baseball in West Bradford and football in Downingtown. Michael Fischer ’81 continues to write theater and book reviews for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal in addition to his work as a lawyer. John A. Bodalski ’82 graduated from Delaware County Community College in May with a degree in Criminal Justice. Harry Hewson ’82 was recently assigned as the Program Manager, H-46 Helicopter Programs, (PMA-226) Naval Air Systems Command at MCAS in Cherry Point, NC. Vincent Yezzi ’82 recently became a principal of Towers Perrin. He lives in Horsham with his wife and two children. Richard Gannon ’83 has been inducted into the University of Delaware’s Athletics Hall of Fame. Gannon just completed his first year as a color analyst on CBS’ NFL coverage.


alumni news

Edward Villanueva ’83 is a podiatrist in private practice in Drexel Hill. He and his wife are the proud parents of two sons. Daniel Joyce ’84 recently joined LaSalle University’s office of University Advancement as Director of Major Gifts. Joseph Angelo ’85 and his wife Dawn live in Philadelphia and are the proud parents of two sons, Joseph and Julian. Adrian King ’85 has rejoined the firm of Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP in Philadelphia. He will concentrate his practice in the areas of general business, corporate law and government relations. He is the former Director of Pennsylvania’s Emergency Management Agency. Anthony Tigano ’86 is Chief Financial Officer of Chapman Auto Group in Horsham. Philip Grasso ’87 has started his own internet business, Grasso Enterprises. Stephen Posivak ’87 is a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State stationed in Panama City, Panama. His next post will be in Niamey, Niger in West Africa after he completes a six-month French course at the Foreign Service Institute in Arlington, Va. George Voegele ’88 was recently elected a shareholder of Klett, Rooney, Lieber & Schorling. Andrew Baratta ’89 a partner in the law firm of Baratta, Russell & Baratta, has published his first novel, What Color Justice. Antony Braithwaite ’89 was presented with a Barrymore Award for excellence in Philadelphia Theatre. Tony, who also runs The Prep’s Cape and Sword Drama Society, won Best Lead Actor in a Musical for his performance as Boyd in The Big Bang. Jonathan Dever ’89 and his wife Christina live in New York with their two children, Jonathan and Sadie.

1990s Kevin Donegan ’90 is employed at Lincoln Financial Distributors in Philadelphia. He and his wife Laura live in Ft. Washington with their son Aidan. Steven Rosso ’90 was promoted to Coordinating Producer of Entertainment Tonight, The Insider, ET on MTV, ET Canada and ET UK. Robert Campbell ’91 was promoted to major and has completed nine years of service in the U.S. Air Force. He transitioned to civilian life last fall and started a consulting business, Alliance Solutions Group, which supports homeland security and defense-related efforts. Michael Cardamone ’92 and Stan Grabish ’92 are co-owners of Reality Bedding, selling a line of never-done-before, stylish and provocative comforters with real images embedded into the fabric. The company has received a tremendous amount of publicity in national publications. Cardamone continues to practice law at Krasno Krasno & Onwudinjo in Philadelphia. H. Eric Bender ’93 graduated from the University of California Medical School in June. He was the graduation speaker for his class and is completing his intern year at Philadelphia Presbyterian Hospital. He will be a specialist in adolescent psychology when his studies are completed. Justin O’Malley ’94 is a first year full-time MBA student at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. He recently returned to Philadelphia after working for four years for Avalon Advisors, LP, a hedge fund in Houston, TX. F. Jay Rogai ’94 teaches English at Malvern Prep and is enrolled in the Master’s of English program at Villanova University. Timothy Wade ’94 graduated from Thomas Jefferson Medical College with a Doctor of Medicine degree. He is currently a resident in Pathology at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. Brian Whelan ’94 and his team, “Donkey Bomb,” qualified for the National Ultimate Frisbee Championships which were held in


Sarasota, Fla. “Donkey Bomb” is one of three teams from the Mid-Atlantic region which made the national tournament and played in the 16-team mixed division. J. Conor Corcoran ’95 is representing the band Ink & Dagger in a lawsuit against Microsoft. The band claims that the company used its music in a video game without their knowledge or consent. William Graham ’95 completed the grueling New York Marathon in less that three and a half hours, qualifying him for a top 10 percent finish among all participants. Timothy Lunardi ’95 finished a tour of duty in Iraq and is waiting for deployment to Germany. Bryan Master ’95 and Don McCloskey ’95 performed in Philadelphia for their third annual Thanksgiving Eve concert at Grape Street. Bryan opened the show with a solo acoustic set followed by Don’s set with members of the Princes of Babylon. Jason McClain ’96 is a Weapons and Sensors officer with Marine All Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 225 based in San Diego, Calif. He is currently deployed with the “Vikings” to the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, Japan Jared Keenan ’97 is a first year law student at Boston University. Michael A. Nguyen ’97 has successfully completed his active duty service in the Army as a Captain in the 3-43 Air Defense Artillery (Patriot Missile) Unit in Fort Bliss, Tex. After leaving active duty, he was accepted to the New York City Police Department Academy and graduated this past December at Madison Square Garden with approximately 1,735 fellow officers. He is currently assigned to patrol Bronx Borough while continuing to serve in the Army National Guard in the 28th Aviation Brigade. Louis Cicalese ’98 teaches Theology and Latin at Xavier High School in New York City. Michael Newnam ’98 is manager of Premier Home Technologies. He recently received technical certification in THX, Lucasfilms.

alumni news

James O’Connor ’98 has been named coach of the Georgetown women’s lightweight crew after three years as an assistant coach at George Washington University. Anthony Fitzpatrick ’99 is currently the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) at the U.S. Naval Support Activity at Souda Bay in Crete, Greece. His previous assignment was in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Anthony graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2003 with a degree in Civil Engineering. Michael Rady ’99 is one of the stars in the off-Broadway production of “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead,” the award-winning 2004 FringeNYC take-off of the “Peanuts” characters. Last summer, Rady was in the feature film “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” Martin Sweeney ‘99 and his band “Lee, Jae-Won” performed on Jon Solomon’s radio show (WPRB-103.3 FM) last fall.

2000s Matthias Kuhn ’00 graduated from the University of Wisconsin in May 2004 with a Bachelor’s degree in German and Zoology. He works as a fishery observer on Long Island, N.Y. Kevin Stefanski ’00 has been appointed assistant to new Minnesota Vikings head coach Brad Childress. Kevin, who met Childress after interning with the Eagles last summer, spent this past season in University of Pennsylvania’s football operations department.

University of Pennsylvania in May with a degree in Urban Studies concentrating on Real Estate and Development. Gregory Guffanti ’01 graduated from Brown University in June with a degree in Economics. He is now working in Americorps at a health clinic in California. John Iannacone ’01 is running cross country for Penn State as a graduate student after receiving his Bachelor’s degree from Haverford College. Robert Kennedy ’01 graduated from Yale University in May and is currently a Financial Analyst for UBS in New York. While at Yale, Bob was a member of the crew team that was a finalist at the Henley Royal Regatta in Henley-on-Thames, England last summer. Tiernan Kundla ’01 graduated from Temple University with a Bachelor of Science degree in sports management. Matthew Morell ’01 graduated from Loyola College in May, 2005. He is living in Baltimore and employed at ADP. Peter Chromiak ’02, an Economics major at Columbia University, has been named a semifinalist for the 2005 Draddy Trophy. The award, which is considered the “Academic Heisman” and continues to be one of college football’s most sought after and competitive awards, recognizes an individual as the best in the country for his combined academic success, football performance and exemplary community leadership. Chromiak earned Columbia’s Class of 1913 Memorial Award as the player with the highest grade-point average. Gregory Connors ’02 has been named a co-captain of the men’s varsity crew at the College of the Holy Cross. Greg, a lightweight rower, stroked his team to a gold medal in the 2004 New England Rowing Championships.

Michael Barker ’01

Michael Barker ’01 has joined CB Richard Ellis as an Associate with the Dagit-Bronstein Team in Wayne. He is currently active in office leasing and sales. Barker graduated from the

Justin Hopkins ’02 has had an interesting few months. After he was relocated to Los Angeles from Loyola University in New Orleans due to Hurricane Katrina, Justin landed a spot in the chorus of the Los Angeles Opera’s production of Richard Wagner’s “Parsifal.”

Peter Rowley ’02 and friends biked for “Project Home” last summer. John Infanti ’03, a junior at the Newhouse School of Communications at Syracuse University, spent the month of February at the Olympics in Torino, Italy interning for NBC Sports. Paul Martorelli ’03 was selected to study at Oxford University’s prestigious Blackfriars College in England this year. He is a double major in English and political science at the University of San Francisco. John Doyle ’04 was awarded a National Academic All American Award by the Intercollegiate Tennis Association. The award is presented to students who play for Division I colleges and achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.5. Jad is a sophomore at Georgetown University in the School of Business. Samuel Leichter ’04 has been named a Dana Scholar at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. A dean’s list student, Leichter is among 20 sophomores with strong academic backgrounds and leadership qualities which were chosen. John Shindle ’04 instituted the first Chess Club at George Washington University. D. Michael Boyle ’05 has been offered a scholarship to play football at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Luke Matthews ’05 a freshman at the University of Chicago, is among 57 freshmen who were placed ahead one full year in the University mathematics program. Daniel Shindle ’05 is on the mock trial team at Georgetown University.

CORRECTIONS Omission from the President’s Report: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scalpato were omitted from the Crimson and Gray level of the President’s Report. We regret the error.


alumni news

THE ANNUAL PREP GOLF CLASSIC Monday, May 22, 2006 Philadelphia Cricket Club (Wissahickon & Militia Hill Courses)

Tennis is also included for those interested. Prep icon Gus Kueny ’53 will be honored for his several decades of service For more information, go to or call 215-978-1013

Update The Prep Fund continues to do very well with strong support from all members of the Prep Community—Alumni, Parents, Faculty, Companies and Friends. We were very excited on December 31 when we reached the $1 million mark and, after a strong January and February, are happy to report that The Prep Fund is just shy of $1.2 million. We are also excited that this year’s Matching Gift donations have increased greatly, helping to boost our donations from businesses and corporations. We currently have over $30,000 in gifts and pledges from 107 businesses, compared to just $5,000 from 30 businesses last year. We see great potential for even more growth in the coming years. Thank you to everyone who took the time to match their gifts and want to remind that who have not matched your gift yet and work for a company that has a matching gift program, there is still time to get your


2005-2006 donation matched. Visit your company’s Human Resources office and ask for details. Another great giving opportunity is Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC). The program works as follows: any business in Pennsylvania that donates to an approved “scholarship organization” (which includes The Prep), the company’s donation can earn them up to a 90 percent tax credit to be applied on certain taxes. The application process begins in the late spring. There is a limited amount of tax credit granted by the state and because of the popularity of the program, it runs out quickly. To learn more about this tax credit opportunity, contact Bonny Barry, Director of Annual Giving, at 215-978-1016 or

alumni news

Alumni Births

Alumni Weddings

Kateri Mary to Kristina and Joe Diviny ’76

Leonard Terranova ‘87 and Desiree Tomar

Christian James to Rachel and James Leith ‘82

John Master ‘89 and Beth Skelly

Meghan Griffith to Marci and Franz Loeber ‘86

Peter Kiernan ‘91 to Meghan Kelso

Olivia Viale to Jennifer and Marc Viale ‘86

James McDermott ‘97 and Elizabeth Hughes

Michael, Jr. to Gina and Michael Desiderio ‘89

Louis Cicalese ‘98 and Erin Byrne

Casey Brianna to Christy and John Sheehan ‘89 Jozsef V. to Mary and Jozsef Baranyai ‘90 Kevin Daniel to Carolyn and Daniel Barry ‘91 Emma Alexandra and Matthew Nicholas to Paula and Scott Engle ‘91 Lucas to Laura and Anthony Klarman ‘91 Owen Charles to Erin and Dennis McGlynn ‘91 Lauren Noel to Lori and Joseph Cavallaro ‘92 Matthew Joseph to Kristen and Michael Gorman ‘93 Gavin Gregory to Beth and Gregory Feliciani ‘94 Michael Kenneth to Kristen and Michael Haub ‘94 (Nephew of the late Ken Fleischman ’93)

Several Preppers joined in the celebration as Peter Kiernan ’91 married Meghan Kelso on December 10 in Ojai, California. [L-r]: Mike Shea ’92, Pat Kiernan ’94, Brian Shea ’96, Peter Kiernan, Kevin McGowan ’91, Mike Price ’91, Kevin Shea ’01, Jonathan Kelly ’01 and Jeff Kelly ‘98.

Thomas Patrick to Jaime and David Johnson ‘94 Francis Joseph to Marie and F. Jay Rogai, ‘94

Alumni Deaths IN MEMORY

Clockwise from top left: Christian James Leith, Jozsef V. Baranyai, Gavin Gregory Feliciani, Michael Kenneth Haub and Lauren Noel Cavallaro


Edward J. Mallon ‘33 Joseph M. DeLone, Jr. ‘34 William F. Culleton ‘35 Anthony J. Smith, Esq. ‘37 Francis A. Wallner, S.J. ‘39 Edward F. Canfield, Esq. ‘40 Edward D. Lawler ‘40 Jack J. Robinson ‘40 Thomas V. Berko ‘41

Gerard Neville ‘45 John D. Donovan ‘47 Joseph C. Martini ‘48 Thomas A. Perri ‘51 Edmund J. Kuzman ‘53 Peter A. Zambelli ‘53 Alexander R. Naseef ‘59 Michael J. Ruggieri, D.D.S. ‘59 Larry T. Fullam ‘60

William J. Mallon ‘42 Robert C. Green ‘43 Walter J. Timby, Jr. ‘43 Adrian F. Lanser, Jr. ‘45

William J. Peale, Sr. ‘62 Matthew Brannau ’82 Michael J. Killian ‘83 30

Calendar of Events Cape and Sword presents Some Like It Hot in The Prep Theatre, March 31 through April 9. Show times are: March 31-April 1, 8 p.m.; April 2, 4 p.m.; April 5-6, 6:30 p.m.; April 7-8, 8 p.m.; and April 9, 4 p.m. Tickets go on sale two weeks prior to the show.



Alumni Board of Governors Meeting

5:30 p.m.


Mothers' Club New Mother's Reception

6 p.m.

Dallas/Fort Worth Alumni Gathering

6 p.m.


Father-Son Picnic

2 p.m.



Junior Prom

7:30 p.m.

6 p.m.


Senior Prom

8 p.m.


Spring Concert

7 p.m.


Alumni Golf/Tennis Outing


Denver Alumni Association


Alumni Board of Governors Reception

(The Prep)

(Jesuit College Preparatory School) 6

Red Cross Blood Drive Houston Alumni Gathering (The Houston City Club)


Practice Exam for 7th Graders

9:30 a.m.


Junior Ring Mass

6 p.m.


Chicago Alumni Gathering

6 p.m.


Freshmen Dance


The Prep at Citizens Bank Park

(Philadelphia Cricket Club) (University Club)

(Union League Club of Chicago)

• Tickets are available to see the Phillies play the Florida Marlins at 7:05 p.m. Call 215-978-1013 for tickets or more information. 26

Baltimore Alumni Gathering (Loyola-Blakefield)


Class of 1956 Reunion


Baccalaureate Mass


Hawktion ~ Viva Las Vegas


5:30 p.m.





10:30 a.m.


Mothers' Club Appreciation Luncheon


Pre-8th grade begins. The program runs through July 26.

We are interested in what you are doing. Please fill out this form and mail it to: The Prep News, 1733 Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 19130 or e-mail


4 p.m.

(Saint Joseph's University)

Tell Us Your News...



(Church of the Gesu) 4

NO SCHOOL- Hawktion Preparation

5:30 p.m.


5:30 p.m.


6 p.m.

E-mail Address:


The Fire of ’66

By Bernard E. (Gus) Kueny, Jr., ’53

JANUARY 30, 1966 was a Sunday, and it was snowing at dawn. My wife Dottie and I went to separate Masses because we were the parents of two young boys: Bernard, the future class of 1979, was almost five years old, and Thomas, the future class of 1982, was soon to be two. Our third son, Timothy, the future Class of 1987, would not be born until three years later. When I exited our Parish church after the 8 a.m. Mass, I could not believe the transition in the weather. Almost six inches of snow were now on the ground and accumulations were increasing rapidly. I was fortunate to get home safely. As I pulled into our driveway, Dottie was at our kitchen door calling out to me, “THE PREP’S ON FIRE.” It was one of those situations where the words convey understanding, but credibility is distant. On this January morning, I was in the middle of my ninth year as a teacher of mathematics, instructing juniors in analytic geometry and trigonometry. The reports on the radio were dire. A multi-alarm fire was raging at St. Joseph’s Prep in the middle of a blizzard. The fire was discovered about 5 a.m. and still was not under control. Firefighters were pulling hose from Broad Street to fight it because many of the hydrants around 17th and Stiles were frozen. The fears were many. Would this fire consume the entire Prep complex and many of the row homes which surrounded it? Would there be a school left? By nightfall, it was still snowing, but the fire was under control. Thankfully there were no deaths. The firefighters had saved all the homes in the neighborhood as well as the Church of the Gesu, the Jesuit

Residence and one wing of the school building. All area schools were closed for three days because of the heavy snowfall. The City virtually shut down on Monday. Tuesday was a cold, beautifully sunny, cloudless day. Since the major streets had been plowed, Dottie and I decided to drive to the Prep with our two boys to see first hand the destruction caused by the fire.

Amazingly, one week after the fire, we resumed classes for students in the Thompson Street building, with the exception of two freshman sections which were housed in the basement of the Gesu Convent on the east side of 17th Street. In the Thompson Street building, the wooden floors were warped, and for a week or so, we had sporadic heat and no electricity. Our

Only the vertical brick walls remained of the Stiles Street building. The thick ice, which encased the walls, prevented them from collapsing. The gym, auditorium, band room, two libraries, the senior smoking room and two classrooms were destroyed totally by the flames. The fire had consumed the attic and third floor of the building along 17th Street. The second floor, which was the cafeteria, was open to the sky. The first floor, which contained the Chapel and two classrooms, suffered serious water damage. The building on Thompson Street, now the Gesu School, suffered water damage too, but was saved from more serious destruction by Father Joseph Ayd, then the principal who during the early stages of the fire rushed into the building to shut the mammoth fire doors on all three floors, preventing the spread of the flames from the 17th Street Building to the Thompson Street Building. 32

illumination came from daylight. The building had 18-foot ceilings and the original classrooms had 4-by-12 foot windows. Day-by-day, the emergency situation improved; electricity and heat were restored; the floors were sanded during the Easter break; the basement locker room became the cafeteria; the deck and spectator gallery of the swimming pool served as the training room and locker room for the athletic teams; the drained pool was transformed into the band room; and the ends of corridors were transformed into classrooms and a library. We conducted Prep, Jesuit education in this fashion for three years until the new Prep facility was available for occupancy in January 1969. From my perspective, the fire created two defining moments, one for The Prep as an institution, and one for me personally. The very modern, new Prep building was state-of-the-art for a sec-

ondary school in the late 60s. As the demographics and social conditions of the greater Philadelphia area changed, The Prep’s central location in the finest of educational facilities—coupled with its tradition of academic excellence— allowed it to continue to attract the best students from a broad range of social, ethnic, racial, economic and geographic backgrounds. That dynamic continues to this day. Personally, the fire changed my professional life. After the fire, architectural plans were required to include rebuilding a complete new educational facility. (Before the fire, plans had already been drawn for a new student union type building with library and theater on the land acquired from the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority on Girard Avenue. A fund raising consulting group was already on site to begin the capital campaign when the fire struck.)

When the new drawings had been completed and approved, the fundraising began. The cost of the new building was $5 million. The good news was that the Prep received $3 million in insurance, with $2.5 million available for the new building. ($500,000 had been expended to repair the Thompson Street building after the fire.) A significant number of faculty, both Jesuit and lay, volunteered to visit alumni, parents of alumni, parents of students and friends of the school to ask for gifts to rebuild The Prep. I was one of those volunteers. After teaching five classes each day, we would spend several nights a week calling and visiting prospective donors to ask them to contribute to the rebuilding of our school. Almost everyone was gracious and receptive to our plea. Many of the people we visited pledged $10 to $20 per month for a period of two to three years. After months of work by many volunteers, the pledges and gifts approached $1.5 million. With that commitment, Beneficial Bank agreed to a $1 million mortgage and The Prep had its $5 million. Groundbreaking was on St. Joseph’s Day in 1967. A byproduct of the fire was the formation of a staffed development office to administer the many pledges, and to reinstitute Annual Giving to help pay the debt service and additional operating costs of the new building. During the summer of 1968, I was teaching summer school, when new Prep President, Father Tony Zeits, asked me to help him finish the capital campaign and serve as Director of Development. While I continued to teach calculus to seniors, my duties through the years expanded from fund raising to include the entire business operation of the Prep as vice president.

“Amazingly, one week after the fire, we resumed classes for students in the Thompson Street building…we conducted Prep, Jesuit education in this fashion for three years.”

During that time after the fire, The Prep—confident in its reputation for academic excellence—became the premier school among independent and Jesuit schools for its ability to raise funds. That success continued through the $25 million capital campaign, which ended in 1999, and was the largest ever attempted by a secondary school in the Philadelphia area at that time. For me, it remains a treasure to have taught so many outstanding students, who together with their families are committed to the Ignatian ideal—Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

The Prep Classic Monday, May 22 at Philadelphia Cricket Club see p. 29

St Joseph’s Preparatory School 1733 Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130

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