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A magazine for alumni, parents, students, faculty and friends of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School Vol. 5 No. 2, Summer 2009

news PREPPERS in the ARTS [see pg. 11]

photographer animator actor entertainer opera singer


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PR E S I D E N T ’ S L E T T E R

Dear Friends of the Prep,


During their high school years, so many of our students experience

themselves as actors, musicians, writers, stage craftsmen and artists.

Their creative accomplishments, year in and year out, open our hearts and minds to the powers of imagination. The greatest imagination, of course — Imagination with a capital I, the

Imagination of God — created the world. The imagination of Jesus Christ sustained him in his mission and in his suffering. The imagination of Saint Ignatius of Loyola led him to his friendship with the Lord and then to friendship with thousands of companions in the Jesuits. God has “mind-plans,” a poetic attribute named in what is known as the first recorded English poem: “Now we must praise heaven-kingdom’s Guardian, the Measurer’s might and his mind-plans.” God’s “mind-plans” include images of us and everything we see and touch in this wonderful world. The writers of the New Testament record the imaginative language of Jesus Christ that sustains him in His Ministry. He hears the voice of His Father proclaiming that He is a beloved son in whom the Father is well pleased. He is the complete image of His Father. This unity sustains the mission of his compassionate heart. The proud and vain Ignatius, recovering from the broken leg suffered in battle, imagines that he can be as great and even greater than the saints about whom he is reading: Francis of Assisi, Benedict and Dominic. The thrill he experiences from imagining himself in competition for sanctity and in competition for the companionship of Jesus changes his life. In the spirit of Ignatius, mind-plans, imaginations that change lives, and imaginations that move us to mission are present in our Jesuit schools everywhere. We take pride in the creative talents of our graduates. What a joy to give witness in this Prep News to the paths of some graduates whose lives imitate the creative power of God, whose imaginations called them, like Ignatius, to focus on the generous use of their talents to enrich the lives of others. They take their places among the musicians, actors, architects, artists and creative writers who have enlivened the Jesuit tradition down through history. May they challenge us and help us find the imaginations that will continue to open us to growth.

George W. Bur, S.J. ’59 President

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editor’s note:

C OV E R S TO RY Preppers in the Arts .................... 10 SECTIONS

Dear Friends, It is hard to describe sometimes the incredible honor it is

News .............................................. 2

to work at a place I love. In my job at the Prep, I get to

Commencement 2009 ................... 2

see young men achieve wonderful things and then I get

Urinetown ..................................... 5

to share their story with thousands of people. It is very

Jesuit Hall Dedication ................... 6


Sports ............................................ 9

Student Profiles ........................... 20 Faculty Profiles ............................ 22 Sports Profiles ............................. 24

This issue is filled with amazing stories. Susie Cook, our trusty staff writer/English teacher, gives us three powerful profiles of people who have overcome emotional pain to achieve great things. At first glance, the stories of Terry Gurley, Bobby DellaPolla and Matt

Class Notes .................................. 27

Fanelli may not seem to have very much in common but each has overcome a personal chal-

Alumni Profile ............................. 28

lenge to make it through to the other side. They are to be admired.

Perspectives ................................. 36

We are featuring several Prep alums who are involved in the arts world. There is the story of Rick Guidotti who uses his skills as a fashion photographer to lighten the pain of those afflicted with what others might call defects. His story is fascinating and inspiring. In addition, we will hear about Michael Rady who has made it big in Hollywood and others who are living their

Rev. George W. Bur, S.J. ’59 Michael Gomez John T. Anderson Timothy O’Shaughnessy Rev. Bruce A. Maivelett, S.J. Albert J. Zimmerman ’73

President Principal Vice President for Development Chief Financial Officer Director of Ignatian Identity Director of Alumni Relations

life’s dream. This issue also contains a profile on Prep religion teacher Steve Oldham. In my opinion, few people walk the walk as well as Steve. He preaches a gospel of peace and charity and lives it to the fullest. He volunteers for service projects, he joins peace protests and he challenges the

editor Bill Avington ’90

students to examine their own beliefts. All this from a guy raised in an Army family who was Director, Marketing and Communications

ROTC at Georgetown.

designer Maridel McCloskey

McCloskey Designs

This was the first year that Prep athletes were able to participate in the PIAA state playoffs. This issue profiles two swimmers, Matt Belecanech and Greg Mahon. They were the first Preppers to

class notes editor Angie Falcone

win state titles and each won two gold medals.

Development Services Assistant

editorial staff Ceal Biello, Beth Missett, Nancy Moule, Richard Van Fossen, Albert J. Zimmerman ’73

Finally, Michael Busza, one of the most talented writers in the school, paints us a portrait of his Prep, a look at 17th and Girard from a student’s perspective. No matter when you graduated you will see things that you recognize.

photography Lee Friedlander, Thea Goebel, Ann Iannacone, Mike Monti, Brendan Murphy ’01, Frank Raffa, Saint Joseph’s University, Ted Silary

I hope you enjoy this issue of The Prep News. It certainly has been a pleasure putting it together.

writers Bill Avington '90, Michael Busza ’10, Susie Cook, Albert J. Zimmerman ’73

The Prep News is published three times a year. Please send comments or contributions to: Attn: Editor The Prep News St Joseph’s Preparatory School 1733 Girard Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19130 or e-mail to: For additional information, check our website

Bill Avington ’90

P.S. I hope you like the new look of this magazine. Maridel McCloskey, our designer, has done an excellent job of bringing more color and a slightly new design to The Prep News. I am impressed by the results she provided and think you will be too. If you have any comments about our new design or about the magazine in general, please let us know at

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g r a d ua t ion

ON SATURDAY, MAY 30 AND SUNDAY, MAY 31, ST. JOSEPH’S PREP CELEBRATED THE GRADUATION OF THE CLASS OF 2009 with Baccalaureate Mass and Awards Ceremony in the Church of the Gesu and Commencement Exercises at Temple University’s Liacouras Center. Two hundred and thirty seven men joined the ranks of Prep alums during the weekend ceremonies.

At the awards ceremony, the Prep community honored longtime Prep science teacher Barbara Brown with the coveted Rev. J. Vincent Taggart, S.J., Memorial Award, which is selected by the Student Council and presented to someone who shows a true commitment to the students of St. Joseph’s Preparatory School.



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t 2009 AWARDS Raymond Andruszko Silver Medal for Honors Calculus Matthew Angiolillo Gold Medal for Classical Archaeology Silver Medal for AP European History Gold Medal for Forensics Garrett Barker Forensics Award Patrick Barry Gold Medal for Latin National Latin Exam Award Silver Medal for Biology Andrew Bevilacqua Silver Medal for Honors Spanish National Spanish Bronze Medal Student’s Mothers’ Club Award Cape and Sword Award Gregory Biche Gold Medal for Fine Arts National French Exam Award Gold Medal for the Chronicle Matthew Bischoff Julia Rogers Fine Arts Award Silver Medal for Computer Science Silver Medal for Dramatics Cape and Sword Award Kyle Bogue Silver Medal for English Grady Award for Non-Fiction Essay Kyle Bonner Community Service Award Timothy Buckey Gold Medal for Honors Spanish JSEA Award Eric Burton Black and Latino Culture Club Award Peter Buzby Gold Medal for AP Statistics Silver Medal for French National French Exam Award Prep Spirit Award Ian Campbell Cape and Sword Award Brian Capps Silver Medal for Physics Keanan Clark Silver Medal for AP English Michael Connolly Gold Medal for U.S. Gov’t John Cunningham National Spanish Gold Medal Francis Dehel Hawkeye Award Robert DellaPolla Saint Joseph Award Grady Award for Short Story


Samuel DeLucaGold Medal for Matrices, Probability & Stats James DeMarco Silver Medal for Greek Silver Medal for German Goethe Institute (GERTA) Award for Excellence in German Francis Dougherty Silver Medal for AP Gov’t Silver Medal for AP Psychology Silver Medal for Religious Studies Timothy Dougherty Joseph L. Walsh Memorial Award for French National French Exam Award Scholar-Athlete Award Edmund Cassidy Award Grady Award for Non-Fiction Essay Daniel Du Pont Gold Medal for English [opposite page, top left] Gold Medal for AP European History Himes Medal for Mathematics Gold Medal for AP Calculus BC Gold Medal for AP Spanish Gold Medal for Religious Studies Gold Medal for Biology Gold Medal for Physics Edmund Cassidy Award The John McShain Award National Spanish Gold Medal Silver Medal for Forensics Ryan Ernst Arrupe Medal Matthew Fanelli Gold Medal for Spanish Gold Medal for AP Psychology Richard B. McCloskey Loyalty Award

Daniel Friedman, Jr. Silver Medal for Spanish Charles Gallagher IV Cape and Sword Award Shaun Gallagher Silver Medal for Mandarin Chinese Gold Medal for Mathletes Mark Gannon National Spanish Contest Award Philip Gordon Gold Medal for Honors Calculus Joseph Kedra Gold Medal for German American Assoc. of Teachers of German Award Daniel King Gold Medal for Chemistry Grady Award for Poetry Gregory J. Wolf ’00 Award Brandon Klevence Silver Medal for Fine Arts Michael Leithead Gold Medal for AP Calculus AB Ryan Lewis Chronicle Yearbook Award Allen Mack Ciarrocchi Award Daniel McGeever Silver Medal for Latin Silver Medal for AP Calculus BC Michael McGilvery Ford Memorial Award for Greek Gold Medal for AP Gov’t Michael-John McGinn Grady Award for Short Story Dennis Monaghan Ignatian Service Award Michael Moynahan Silver Medal for the Chronicle Grady Award for Poetry Hawkeye Award William Nichols Silver Medal for Chemistry Cape and Sword Award Colin O’Brien Hawkeye Award Thomas O’Malley Grady Award for Short Story Jean-Gardy Pharaud National French Exam Award Matthew Potako Silver Medal for Band Gold Medal for Jazz Band Robert Raggazino National Spanish Bronze Medal Anthony Ricco Silver Medal for AP Statistics Alumni Award Gold Medal for Band Silver Medal for Jazz Band Michael Rolli Gold Medal for Calculus Gregory Runowski Community Service Award Perry Russom Hawkeye Award James Ryan Gold Medal for Dramatics Cape and Sword Award Kurt Skalamera Gold Medal for AP English [left] Forensics Award National Forensic League Degree of Superior Distinction Evan Smallwood Pre-Prep Award Patrick Stewart National Spanish Contest Award Christopher Trerotola Pre-Prep Award Daniel Turner Silver Medal for Matrices, Probability & Stats Silver Medal for AP Spanish Robert Walto Silver Medal for Classical Archaeology Silver Medal for Calculus Thomas Ward Silver Medal for AP Calculus AB Gold Medal for Mandarin Chinese Silver Medal for Mathletes Christopher Zabel Cape and Sword Award Thomas Zaki Gold Medal for Computer Science Silver Medal for U.S. Gov’t National Spanish Contest Award John Zielinski National Latin Exam Award


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s c ho ol ne w s


At the May meeting of the Board of Trustees, four new members were selected to join the Board for the 2009-10 school year. "We are happy to welcome these four outstanding individuals to our board and look forward to working with them," says Prep President Rev. George W. Bur, S.J. '59.

1986. Prior to that, he taught chemistry at Archbishop Ryan High School (1977-86) and Lansdale Catholic High School (1974-77). In addition, he has taught college chemistry courses at Thomas Jefferson University and Immaculata University.

Br. Robert Carson, S.J., Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs, Wildwood Catholic High School. Br. Carson has a long history with secondary education, including several years as the Moderator of Athletics at Georgetown Prep in Maryland. He also served the Hispanic ministry for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia before going to Wildwood Catholic as Director of Guidance.

Milissa Tadeo, Senior Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Tadeo has been with the Federal Reserve Bank for more than 30 years, including the last 13 as senior vice president responsible for cash services (vault operations, processing and provisioning cash to financial institutions) and treasury services (securities and collateral valuation for the Fed's Discount Window). A graduate of Penn State University and Villanova, Tadeo was named to the Pennsylvania Honor Roll of Women and won the Federal Reserve Unique Achievement Award.


Rev. Peter Clark, S.J., Director of the Institute of Catholic Bioethics at Saint Joseph's University and Editor-in-chief of Internet Journal of Catholic Bioethics. Fr. Clark has been the recipient of several teaching awards at SJU, including the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching and the McShain Chair in Ethics. Joseph Feighan, Teacher, St. Joseph's Prep. Feighan has been a member of the science faculty at the Prep since

The board also expressed its gratitude to Fr. Timothy Lannon, Nancy Primick and Fr. Thomas Gleeson who are leaving the board after their years of fine service. The Board is grateful to them for the donation of their time and talents.

MADSEN EXCELS IN NATIONAL LATIN EXAM Of the more than 135,000 students from across the world, including 625 Preppers, who took the National Latin Exam, Joe Madsen '10 was one of 19 to achieve a perfect score for three consecutive years. Madsen was also the winner of the Marianne DeGregorio Award, which is given annually to a member of the junior class who has achieved outstanding scores on the National Latin Examinations of first through third year, and who has demonstrated a consistent, scholarly dedication to the study of Latin and Greek.


This spring, Preppers playing tough sports (lacrosse and rugby) displayed their softer side by donning pink jerseys to show their support for the Kelly Rooney Foundation, which was founded in memory of the wife of Prep trustee Sean Rooney ’80 after she died of breast cancer. On Monday, May 4, under the lights at Saint Joseph’s University, the lacrosse team took on Emmaus High School. Despite a driving rain, a good crowd was on hand to support a great cause. T-shirts were sold and donations accepted to support the Foundation. The Prep prevailed 11-9. The following Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 10, the Prep Rugby Club hosted the 2009 Breast Cancer Charity Tournament, raising nearly $4,000 for the Foundation and Save Second Base, another charitable organization started in memory of Rooney. The team also won the tournament, defeating Salesianum 17-12 in overtime in the finals.



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Math Bill an

BISHOP CISTONE preaching to the congregation.

JESUIT HALL dedication

Fr. Bur with former Chairmen of the Board of Trustees [far left] Tony Iannacone (2001-05) and [second from right] T. Roderick Henkels ’82 (2005-08) and current Vice Chair John Paul ’66.

On Saturday, February 28, Bishop Joseph Cistone celebrated Mass in the Church of the Gesu and blessed the renovated spaces in Jesuit Hall and the Sauter Dining Hall. A large crowd of alumni, parents and students were on hand to witness this historic moment.

Members of the Prep community with the crucifixes that were blessed by Bishop Cistone and then hung in each classroom and office in Jesuit Hall. President Rev. George W. Bur, S.J. ’59 [second from left] with his three predecessors [l-r] Rev. William J. Byron, S.J. ’45 (200608), Rev. David A. Sauter, S.J. (1981-2002) and Rev. Bruce M. Bidinger, S.J. (2002-06).


Three previous Prep presidents (Rev. David A. Sauter, S.J. 1981-2002, Rev. Bruce M. Bidinger, S.J. 2002-06 and Rev. William J. Byron, S.J. ’45 200608) were in attendance and joined current president Rev. George W. Bur, S.J. ’59 as concelebrants at the Mass. Bishop Cistone walked throughout Jesuit Hall, blessing all areas. Here he blesses the Development suite.

Fr. Sauter [third from left] gathers with his family as the new dining hall is dedicated in his honor.




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Math teacher Paul Morrissey deals cards to Marie Fitzpatrick and Bill and Cindi Barton.

think green

St. Joseph’s Prep’s annual “Hawktion” took place on Saturday, April 25 in the school’s Kelly Fieldhouse. This year’s event, “Hawktion Goes Green!,” was organized by Beth Missett, the Prep’s Director of Special Events, and co-chaired by Prep parents Gail and Jack Brinkmann and Susan and Mark Cavanaugh ’76.

[l-r] [l-r] Beth Beth Missett Missett (Director (Director of of Special Special Events) Events) and and Hawktion Hawktion co-chairs co-chairs Jack Jack and and Gail Gail Brinkmann Brinkmann and and Cavanaugh Susan Susan and and Mark Mark Cavanaugh. Cavanaugh.’76. Prep parent Marilyn O’Donoghue bids on an item during the live auction.

Nearly 500 members of the Prep community gathered for the annual gala event, which includes a buffet dinner, casino games and silent and live auctions. The live auctioneers were Dan and Andy Comly of Wm. F. Comly and Sons Inc. The decorations, which transformed the Fieldhouse into a tropical rain forest, were made from materials left over from past Hawktions and designed entirely by volunteers.

Joe Oberlies, Pat Smith and Marti Harrington staff the raffle booth at Hawktion.

[above l-r] Two sets of Prep parents Mary and Bob Cermignano with Drs. Stu and Marianne Gordon. [below l-r] Director of Ignatian Identity Sam Deitch, his wife Marissa, Prep parents Gina and Lou Lombardi and Prep Principal Michael Gomez.



emerges from behind the egg as he and the Prep Hawk open the live portion of Hawktion.



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After announcing his college choice, Betancourt poses with his parents, grandparents, Prep President Rev. George Bur, S.J. ’59 [third from right], Principal Michael Gomez [far right] and football coach Gil Brooks ’75 [far left].

BETANCOURT COMMITS TO BC Seth Betancourt '10 has committed to play college football at Boston College. Betancourt, an offensive lineman, is considered by many to be among the top 100 recruits in the country. He has been nominated for consideration to play in the 10th annual U.S. Army All-American Bowl, which features the nation's best prep football stars. Only 400 players in the nation are considered for this game, which is a national platform for players to display their talents and strengths against America's best football players.

Assistant Principal Rose Marie Kettinger and her administrative assistant Sue Ann Kruszewski were part of the Gesu School’s Dr. Seuss Day.

Breaking the Waves, a charitable foundation dedicated to raising awareness of the epidemic of adolescent depression, hosted its third annual swim-a-thon on Sunday, January 18. Held in conjunction with the Merion Mercy Academy swiMMAs, more than 70 athletes convened for Mass in the Church of the Gesu at 9 p.m., before taking turns swimming in the Prep pool from 11 p.m. until 6 a.m. This year's theme "Awake for One Night. Aware for Each Other," underscored the commitment already made by more than a hundred Preppers as part of the BTW Pledge: "Be aware that depression affects our community. Be open to a friend in need. Be brave in asking for help from one or more of the many caring adults at the Prep." Breaking the Waves raises money through individual sponsorship and at-large donations for organizations that treat at-risk youth. For more information, go to




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New Mascot Costume The Class of 2009 donated the money to purchase a new Hawk costume. The old costume had grown ratty and worn and the class decided to spruce it up. Scott Oeschger ’90 provided the concept for the Here John Kaufmann ’09 inhabits the costume and poses with Andrew Lewanec ’09.

costume which was then created by Facemakers, a mascot company in Illinois. The costume was unveiled at the Senior Talent Show in May.

SPORTS This spring, Prep sports teams did well, winning one Catholic League title (crew), one city title (baseball) and making a mark in the PIAA tournament (track and baseball).

BASEBALL Behind the outstanding pitching of Kevin Gillen ’09 and Kyle Mullen ’09, the Prep baseball team advanced to the PIAA Semifinals. The team advanced to the tournament by defeating La Salle in a game to determine the Catholic League’s AAAA representative and then defeated Central for the City title. Wins over North Penn and West Chester East followed.

CREW The Prep crew team won the Catholic League title and also collected many trophies at the City Championships. At the CL championships, the Prep won the Varsity 8, the Second 8, the Novice 4, the Lightweight 8, the Freshman 8 and the JV 8 and took second in Second Lightweight 8. At Citys, the team won first place in the Second 8, the Lightweight 8 and the JV 8.

LACROSSE Prep lacrosse lost in the Catholic League championship but finished 16-2, ranked third in the


state, which is the highest finish in the history of the program. Brendan Glynn ‘09 was voted the Catholic League’s Southern Division MVP and he and Steve O’Hara ‘10 received AllState Honors. The coaching staff won the George Kruse award given by the Greater Philadelphia Lacrosse Officials Association for sportsmanship on the sideline.

school record in the finals of the 1600 running 4:16.27 with a conversion to 4:17.9 breaking the time of 4:20.78 by Tim O’Neill ‘04 in 2003; Chris Dougherty ‘10 pole vaulted 14’0” (his best) and tied for 7th place; and John Castillo ‘09 qualified for the meet in the 800.

TENNIS The tennis team had three singles players and two doubles teams earn firstteam, all-Catholic honors: Joe Boyle ‘09, Luke Nowlan ‘09, Nick Kueny ‘09, doubles team of Mike Brennan ‘09 and Andrew McLane ‘09, and the doubles team Dan Du Pont ‘09 and Ryan Judy ‘09.

TRACK The outdoor track team had several participants in the PIAA state meet: John Pickhaver ‘09 set a new school record in the finals of 3200 finishing 11th in 9:30.11; Chris O’Sullivan ‘10 set a new

Prep pole vaulters Tom Warren (fifth place), Chris Dougherty (second) and Mike Iannacone (fourth) all placed at the Catholic League Indoor Track and Field Championships. According to head coach Curt Cockenberg ’71 it is the first time in his more than 30 years of coaching that he had three vaulters score in champs.


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f e a t u r e s tory by Bill Avington ’90

PREPPERS in the ARTS The Magis. Men for and With Others. Cura Personalis.

These Jesuit terms have filled the halls of the Prep, probably since the very beginning, certainly for the past half century. One of the tenets of a Jesuit education is to take your light and “set the world on fire.” The following profiles are just a few of the Prep alumni who have pursued the arts in their lives. Each has sought to set the world on fire through their work, whether in photography, acting, comedy, writing, singing or animation. It is an impressive group of men, who all share one thing…their formation happened right at 17th and Girard.

Michael Rady ’99 Actor


atching Michael Rady ’99 on the silver screen or on his new CW series “Melrose Place,” it might be hard to imagine him as a high school freshman, trying to avoid going out for Merion Mercy Academy’s production of “Anything Goes.”

“I went literally kicking and screaming to that audition,” says Rady, smiling at the memory. “I did not want to go. I did not want to sing in front of people.” Well he got a part in the show, (his mother Annette claims that she “knew he would be good”) the first of nine shows he would perform in high school (six at the Prep and three at Merion). “I fell in love with it that first day,” he says. “I was hooked.” While his friends were enjoying horror movies or action/adventures, Rady was fond of musicals and would sing the tunes around the house. His mother heard him and knew that he had musical skills in him. “There was always music in the house, someone playing the piano or guitar or the banjo,” he says. “Acting and singing were very encouraged.” Although he had no Prep connections except for a few friends in Boy Scouts, Rady visited for the day and was also instantly hooked. He begged then admission director Al Zimmerman ’73 for a spot in the class, even though his entrance scores were lower than others. “I did, I begged Mr. Zimmerman to let me in,” Rady says. “I am so glad that he did.” At the Prep, he found a second home on stage with a new family. That show at Merion was also his first under the tutelage of Tony Braithwaite ’89, who has also directed the Prep shows since 1995. Rady and Braithwaite developed a deep friendship that continues to this day. Rady also joined with classmates Joe Mallon, Howie Brown, Andy Farrell, Chris O’Donnell and Dan McLaughlin to form one of the most talented classes in the history of the Cape and Sword Drama Society. They worked hard and learned a lot. Senior year, Braithwaite lobbied to add



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In the movie, Rady acted exclusively with Alexis Bledel, who was one of the stars of the movie and had starred in the hit series “Gilmore Girls.” “Alexis was quiet but very professional,” Rady says. “I learned a lot by observing how she handled herself on set. She was very helpful to me.” After wrapping the movie, Rady spent a year jobless in New York City, waiting for new roles and for the movie to premiere. “People still had no idea who I was,” he says of that year in limbo. “I expected to be landing roles after the movie. I never expected to be completely broke for a year.” Rady came back to Philadelphia often, working as a bartender at Tiki Bob’s in the city and bringing his laundry home. He even shopped for groceries in Philadelphia to save money. “I would tell people at the bar that I was in this big movie but they didn’t believe me,” he laughs. Rady [upper right] and the cast of “Melrose Place.”

a third show because he had one in mind — “The Fantasticks” — with a perfect part for each of his seniors. “It was an incredible couple of months, really a beautiful thing,” Rady says. “That was the most memorable time for me.” With all of this success with high school drama, it was hard to believe that Rady was unable to “book” other jobs. Although he was going on auditions, he was unable to secure roles. “I remember my first casting call, I just assumed I was going to get it because I had gotten a part in everything I had gone out for in high school, “Rady says. “It got to the point where I was making excuses not to go on auditions because they were distracting me from the Prep shows.” He went on to study theatre at Temple University. Although he came close several times (including nearly becoming the “Blue’s Clues” guy), nothing materialized. Finally, just after graduating from college, he nearly landed a role for a show on London’s West End. Although he failed to get the part, the casting director helped him get representation at a very good agency. Soon after that, Rady’s big break came — he landed the role of Kostas in “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” a movie based on a series of novels that followed the exploits of four young girls who jointly owned a pair of “magical” jeans. “They really took a chance on me because I had no resume whatsoever, Rady and Alexis Bledel only the stuff I had done in high school,” he says. Even this role had a Prep connection…the accent he used during auditions was Italian, something he had picked up after studying for a semester in Italy which he decided to do after going to Rome with Dr. Henry Bender ’63 after his junior year at the Prep.


Thankfully, the movie premiered and was a success. Rady received positive reviews and was able to work again. He landed a spot in the film “The Guardian,” working with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kucher. He moved to Los Angeles full time, at first bunking with Mallon before getting his own place. From there, recurring guest star roles on TV series such as “Sleeper Cell,” “ER” and “Swingtown” added to his resume, as did the sequel to “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.” “It was surreal to do the sequel because here I was again in a place where I thought I had had a once-in-a-lifetime experience,” he says. After the movie, Rady got a spot as a major recurring guest star in the series “Greek.” “It was the first taste of the camaraderie of TV series work, like something I had at the Prep,” he says. “It was my dream job.” Then it happened. Rady was the first person cast in the CW series “Melrose Place,” a remake of the successful series of the same name that aired on Fox in the 1990s. “The vibes on this show are just ideal,” he says. “There are no egos. Everyone is excited and happy to be working.” Even with that success, Rady has not forgotten his Prep roots. One of his first calls after landing a role is always Braithwaite. And Rady feels so connected to Cape and Sword that he and his girlfriend Rachael flew from Hawaii, cutting short a vacation to catch the final performance of “Urinetown.” “The Prep and Tony made me who I am today,” says Rady. “I didn’t want to miss this show. Cape and Sword is something that I will always be a part of. To see them, and trust me, this cast was better than we ever were, makes me beam with pride. They inspire me.” As does Braithwaite. “Tony is my best friend,” says Rady. “He has been there every step of my career. He is solid gold.”


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Rick Guidotti ’75 Photographer s a fashion photographer in New York City, Rick Guidotti ’75 had reached the top of his profession, shooting top models like Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer for products such as L’Oreal and magazines such as Elle, Marie Claire and Harper’s. But despite having a job that many would covet, Guidotti was frustrated.


“I was always forced to create my own vision out of someone else’s opinion of what was beautiful,” he says. “As an artist, I saw beauty everywhere but as a photographer, I was forced to work within the parameters that were set.” One day, and a chance vision, changed all of that and set Guidotti onto his new life path. Leaving his studio at Park Ave. and 20th St. in New York City, Guidotti saw a beautiful young girl. “She couldn’t have been more than 12 or 13 but she was beautiful, crossed all ethnic groups, just a beautiful, beautiful girl,” he says of the girl with pale skin, white hair and blue eyes. But before he could approach her, she hopped on a bus and was gone but not before impressing the photographer who found a new calling. This girl, living with the genetic condition albinism, had changed the way Guidotti saw beauty. From that meeting, Guidotti ran to a nearby bookstore. There he found horrible photos of albinos in scientific journals. There was none of the beauty that Guidotti had seen on that street corner. Suddenly, the photographer knew what he had to do. Guidotti wanted to take his skills as a fashion photographer and show the beauty of albinism.

But Guidotti’s vision was not shared by others. Even the National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation (NOAH), a support group for albinos and their families, was lukewarm on the project. “I called with my idea and at first, they told me to get lost,” Guidotti says. “They were afraid of exploitation; they did not want to be portrayed as victims. I said, let’s partner and do it right, show the world.” The impact was immediate. “The first person I shot for this project was Christine,” he says. “She was beautiful, about 17, 5-9 but she walked in with her eyes down, shoulders hunched, with zero self esteem. Out of respect for her, I wanted to photograph her in the way I would any other model. All of a sudden, she became empowered with a brand new sense of who she was. It was extraordinary. I knew she would most likely still get teased but it definitely wouldn’t have the same impact.” Images of Christine and others led to a cover story and photo spread in Life magazine (story called “Redefining Beauty”). “It was a fantastic cover piece,” Guidotti says. “When that came out, I was contacted by people with albinism from all around the world.” He received a grant from Cornell Medical School to travel to other

countries to explore cultural perspectives of albinism. What he found was shocking. In many cultures, albinism is considered a curse. In Tanzania, for example, people kill albinos to bring their bones to witch doctors, who claim to use them to concoct a potion to make you rich. “We are working on a campaign to show positive awareness of albinism,” Guidotti says. “We want to take it away from being a horrible curse to showing that it is just a genetic disposition.” Guidotti expanded his program after being approached by the head of a support group for children affected by the Chromosome 18 Anomaly. These children were featured in medical textbooks with terrible physical ailments. Again, Guidotti did his research but the photos he found chilled him. “When I went to a meeting for these children, I was terrified,” he says. “There was nothing positive shown about these children.”

Students at Sile School for the Blind in South Africa.



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In seconds though, Guidotti’s entire outlook changed. “I walked into a room where the children were being entertained by a clown making balloon animals and all I heard was laughter and kids screaming with joy,” he says. “I realized that beneath their physical differences they were just kids. It changed my life. It added the spirit of difference to the positive images we were already talking about.” Now Guidotti’s work, Positive Exposure (, has expanded to include those with many other genetic conditions, including fragile X (autism) and Marfan Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder. And this is now Guidotti’s entire focus. He stopped all commercial work in the early 2000s, getting all he needs from the work he does. “To watch a kid elevate from zero self esteem to being on Mars was so exciting for me as an artist,” he says. He tells one last success story. He did a shoot with a young girl who has the condition Sturge Weber Syndrome and she had a large birthmark laterally across her face. “In walks this kid and she is amazing, full of life, having a blast,” Guidotti says. “On their way home, her mom called me up and told me that her daughter never tells her about school but had just said, ‘Mom, kids tell me I’m a monster every day. And I believed them until today.’ She hosted a positive exposure assembly at her school and she kept saying, ‘what is normal?’ It was truly amazing that the wonderful experience she had in the studio developed into selfacceptance which led to better self-esteem which led to self-advocacy. Everything is possible.”

Marc Schuster ’91 Author espite a cover depicting a woman wearing a cape in psychedelic colors, Marc Schuster’s ’91 first novel, The Singular Exploits of Wonder Mom and Party Girl, is not exactly a light read. After all, the main character is a single mom in the Philadelphia suburbs who struggles to get over her recent divorce. Oh, and she began selling cocaine to support her own habit and to pay her bills. This habit began as a way to be accepted at work and get through the day but it sank deeper and deeper into addiction, to the point where she lost her daughters, her job and all of the people who once called her a friend. Still, throughout, the reader finds her likeable, even rooting her on. Schuster has achieved a tough task; he has gotten us to like someone whose behavior is abhorrent.


“I think it is always better to explore characters who are flawed,” says Schuster. “I wanted her to be likeable even when we don’t like the things she does.” Schuster’s first novel is a small press release (maybe 1,000 copies, printed from the local publisher Philadelphia Stories) but it was the fruition of a dream that he has held since childhood. Schuster’s writing began at age nine and worked through his time at the Prep, where he served as the editor of the Chronicle Literary Magazine and was part of a writers’ workshop organized by former librarian Joe DeMarco. DeMarco and former English teacher Al Vernacchio ’82 were two inspirations for Schuster as he grew as a writer. “Writing is a long game and the Prep was such a supportive environment for me,” he says. “It also set for me a standard of excellence that I still hold myself to this day.” Schuster’s writing blossomed in grad school at Temple and then as a contributor and editor for Philadelphia Stories, a quarterly magazine that publishes stories with Philly connections or by authors with local ties. Although he had written two non-fiction books, the dream of writing a novel persisted and when he looked for a publisher, Philadelphia Stories was there. “They were starting a publishing arm at the same time I was looking for a publisher. Since I had already developed a relationship with the people there I knew there would be good dialogue,” he says. “They helped me address problems in a creative way.” One example of that is the pacing of the story. Instead of being a linear novel that goes from beginning to end, the chapters jump around to key points in the main character’s life. This was an idea that started with the editors and Mark took it and ran. Schuster, who lives in Havertown with his wife Kerri, also teaches full-time at Montgomery County Community College. His real life writing experiences lend credence to what he does in the classroom. “My experience as a writer has helped me to identify with many of the struggles that my students go through as they learn to write,” Schuster says. “Every time I begin a new project, I face the daunting prospect of the blank page in front of me, so I know how intimidating a writing assignment can be. I’m very suspicious of anyone who says that writing is easy, and I always tell my students that writing is hard work. Like anything worthwhile, it takes practice and dedication. When my students moan about having to proofread or revise a six-page research project, for example, I can point to a book I’m working on and say that I’m going through the same process. It lends a little bit of credence to what I’m telling my students to do.” Schuster’s “alter ego”



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Justin Hopkins ’02 Opera Singer


t might have been hard to imagine that an eight year old little boy from Mount Airy would grow up to sing with Placido Domingo or in front of the Dalai Lama, but someone spotted a young Justin Hopkins ’02 and realized the boy had talent.

Hopkins began his public singing career at the age of eight, singing with his mom’s sorority. He was then encouraged to join the Philadelphia Boys Choir. Soon he entered the Prep and found a home in the Cape and Sword Drama Society and the Christus Choir. It was at the Prep where he found his way towards opera. “The opera career came about because singing was inherent but when I got to the Prep and studied with Tony Braithwaite, I discovered acting and the art of stage craft,” Hopkins says. “Opera is the blending of those two so it seemed like the next logical step.”

From the Prep, Hopkins went to Loyola University in New Orleans where he studied music. But Hurricane Katrina destructively put his college career there on hold and Hopkins headed to Canisius College in Buffalo for the semester. However, a call from Los Angeles changed his path.

I learned at the Prep that I have to work hard for success.”

[above]: Hopkins [center] as the King of Egypt in “Aida.” [below]: Performing for the Dalai Lama.

The Los Angeles Opera had reached out to New Orleans to try and help a displaced musician. Because Hopkins had done some work with the New Orleans Opera, they gave his name. Shortly thereafter, Hopkins was in Los Angeles with a spot in the chorus for the opera “Parsifal” by Richard Wagner with Placido Domingo in the lead role. “That changed my life and gave me exposure to a new world,” he says. At the same time, Hopkins was able to be a part of the soundtrack to the movie “King Kong.” Hopkins returned to Loyola, spending two years there with former Prep President Rev. William J. Byron, S.J. ’45 who served as Loyola’s interim president. Hopkins graduated in 2006 and returned to Philadelphia. He finished second in the Mario Lanza Competition in 2006, then started auditioning. He earned spots with smaller companies in Sarasota, Des Moines and even Ocean City, N.J. “These smaller companies can sometimes surprise you with the quality of performances that they put together,” he says. Still, despite his success with these companies, he felt there was more to do. Wanting more of an inside perspective on opera, he went to Italy to study the language and opera for six months in 2007-2008. Again, the Prep was there for him. “We had a fundraiser concert at the Prep and the community really came to my aid with a big audience,” says Hopkins. “The Mothers’ Club made a donation and Fr. Byron was a big help with the planning.”



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When he returned to the U.S., he and some college classmates performed an annual concert in Napa Valley, Calif., to raise money for projects begun by younger humanitarians. In the audience that night was Dick Grace, a winery owner and philanthropist. He was impressed with Hopkins and asked him to perform at a banquet he organizes every two years honoring “Unsung Heroes of Compassion.“ There the Dalai Lama pays tribute to humanitarians from around the world and Hopkins was one of the three performers that evening. “I was fairly nervous going into the process as I was singing in Pensacola at the time and arrived just hours before the ceremony,” he said. “But once I got up there to sing I was very calm. You can tell that the Dalai Lama is a very special man because he brings out a sense of calm in everybody that’s around him. I felt that and just wanted to add something special to an event that was already very special.” Taking his talent and making it “special” is a skill he learned at the Prep and then at Loyola. “I learned about this whole idea of the magis, that there’s a difference between just getting up there and being one of many singers and striving for excellence,” he says. And Hopkins knows that his high school experience was special. “When I went to college, I would meet people who talked about coasting their way through high school,” he says. “That was so foreign to me. There may have been some people like that at the Prep but I didn’t know them. I had to work really hard and had a lot of respect for my teachers who had enough respect for me to not let me coast. The opera world is very competitive and difficult to navigate. The majority of people who enter this field aren’t willing to put in the years of work that is required to succeed. I learned at the Prep that I have to work hard for success.”



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Richard O’Connor ’91 Animator


s a student, Richard O’Connor always thought his career goal would put him on stage. Turns out, he accomplished that goal but not quite in the way he expected.

and after working there for a couple of months, I knew it was right,” he says. “I think the fact that I didn’t study animation in school gives me methods of inquiry into the art form that others who studied animation never really had.” He also believes that his high school training helped prepare him to take on his current career. “The type of education I got at the Prep allowed me to see the world in a bigger way and to apply different skill sets to this particular field of study,” he says. He jokes that “there is a downside to a Prep education…I’m a lousy businessman. I’m always trying to live that whole MFO thing (men for others), you know treat people well, make sure they have benefits, etc. On the good side though, it does make people want to work with you.” He adds that Asterisk lives the Magis in one of the company’s mottos: “let’s make it not stink.” More seriously though, O’Connor points to his study of Latin as a huge help in his current work. “I know a lot of people complained about Latin but it was great to have that knowledge skill and that view of history that you [below]: A cell from “Chicago 10,” a documentary

[above]: Animation for “They Might Be Giants” video

O’Connor is an animator, not an actor, but all of the things he does end up “in front of the camera, that’s one of the interesting things about animation,” he says. “When you create something you make it perform.” O’Connor is president of Asterisk Animation, which began in 2004 when he and co-founder Brian O’Connell branched off from another firm. Since then, the company has been busy doing documentary work. Most recently, the group worked on putting together 20 minutes of animation about Buddha for a piece produced by David Grubin. “A lot of times, people producing documentaries will come to us with an idea, basically saying, ‘we don’t know what we want, can you help,” he says. The 2008 Presidential election was also an interesting time for the company. With newspapers failing, animation filled the gap for commentary. Asterisk partnered with The New Yorker to produce several election shorts (which can be found at “This form is something that can bring illustration into a new age,” O’Connor says. Along those same lines, the company was working on content for “CBS Sunday Morning,” which O’Connor describes as a “weird mix between documentary and animation, bringing in all sorts of realms of knowledge but trying to make it entertaining.”

would not get just from studying modern language,” he says. “The study of the classics gave me such a broad perspective on history and understanding. It was the base that has helped me understand everything else.” And O’Connor is taking that understanding and working to increase his business. “There is always a new, better, more interesting, cool way of doing something in animation,” he says. “Animation is about problem solving. To make something look good you have to spend a lot of energy to do it.”

O’Connor never studied animation but in some respects he believes that helps him. “I answered a job out of the New York Times for an office assistant at a film studio



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Jeff Civillico ’01 Entertainer


eff Civillico ’01 is an entertainer. Actually, he has been for years. Now he just plays to bigger audiences than his family.

“I’ve always enjoyed being myself on stage,” he says. “It’s funny to think I’ve gone from doing shows in my kitchen at 9-years-old to shows in 2,000seat theatres.” Civillico is a one-man entertainment company. His show, “Comedy in Action,” is a high-energy blend of comedy, juggling, balancing, stunts, and audience participation. He performs his show regularly for Disney Cruise Line, as well as dozens of major corporate events each year — as a feature entertainer and MC for banquets, conferences, and conventions. Civillico says people from the Prep seem to remember him for his juggling. “Whenever I bump into a guy from high school, they always ask me if I’m still juggling,” he says. “When I say I am, and tell them what I’m up to, they love it. There seems to be an unspoken respect for following your passion.” After a pause, he adds with a smile, “especially when it’s such a weird passion.” Civillico did more than juggle in high school. He set up a juggling club, and organized shows for charity and pep rallies. He parlayed that juggling into summer jobs as a performer at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and then Busch Gardens in Williamsburg. In college, the act blossomed. He hosted dozens of events as a student at Georgetown University while performing all over DC – The White House, the Ronald Reagan Building, DC Improv, the MCI Center as a half-time act for Georgetown basketball games, etc. As if this were not enough with a full course load, Jeff was also a member of Georgetown’s only all-male a cappella group, “The Georgetown Chimes,” where he went on to be their conductor his senior year. Upon graduation, he acquired representation from a cruise ship entertainment agency, and bounced around the globe performing regularly on the world’s most luxurious cruise liners, including the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II and Queen Mary II.


“The juggling was purely a way for me to connect with the audience,” he says. “The show has always followed from that basic principle.” And it seems like the longer Jeff juggles professionally, the less actual juggling he does on stage. His comedy is clean, perfect for the corporate entertainment market, where he finds himself working more and more. Jeff finds much of his Jesuit training from the Prep and Georgetown shine through at these corporate events. “My presentation, how to carry myself, that’s something I learned at the Prep,” he says, while waiting

for a flight to Barcelona that would launch a threeweek tour of performances in Europe. His career choice is certainly atypical for a Prep/Georgetown alum but Civillico believes all of the basic philosophies of the Prep and Jesuit education as a whole translate over into whatever field you pursue. “The Prep taught me to have it together, to be a professional, and to strive always for the magis. I’m going to work just as hard at what I do as my buddies in law school and med school. I meet so many entertainers who just want to make enough money for rent and beer, entertainers who never work on their show, their promotional materials, or further themselves in any way. That goes against everything the Prep taught me.” Jeff says the seeds of this philosophy were planted by his parents, who have always believed in him and supported him. At the Prep this philosophy was reinforced not only in the classroom but with everything Jeff was involved in — the Cape and Sword Drama Society, the band, the choir, as a Kairos leader, etc. “We were taught to always strive for the magis in all you do– to put on the best play possible, the best concert possible, the best retreat possible, etc.,” he says. His Jesuit influences also extend to the charity work that he does. Civillico performs several charity shows a year for organizations like Make a Wish, Kids with Cancer, Give Kids the World, and Athletes for Special Kids. Earlier this year he “joggled” (a combination of juggling and jogging) the entire 26.2 miles of the Walt Disney World Marathon to raise money for charity. He says he genuinely enjoys working pro bono shows and events into his jampacked schedule. “If you ask me to trace it, I would say it goes back to service projects at the Prep. They definitely influenced me in my career choice as well,” he says. “Everybody in their own way betters society by what they do, but my job has an instant impact that I love experiencing every night on stage. It’s easy to see I’m making people happy, allowing people to forget about their worries for a short time. I feel I’m using my talents to make a difference, and that’s extremely fulfilling.” For more info on Jeff and his “Comedy in Action” show, visit him online at


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Many of Coach Branka’s players gathered to honor their former coach.

It was a beautiful spring day as 160 golfers and two dozen tennis players took to the links and the courts of the Philadelphia Cricket Club for the 2009 Prep Classic. That evening, the Prep honored longtime football coach and loyal alumnus

Jack Branka ’55. At the dinner, Coach Branka was lauded by former players Jim Knowles ’83 (now the head football coach at Cornell University) and Rich Gannon ’83 (an NFL analyst for CBS Sports) and classmate Vince Nolan ’55.

A special thanks to our sponsors, who helped us raise nearly $30,000 for the Prep. Jack Branka ’55 and his family

[l-r] [l-r] President President Rev. Rev. George George W. W. Bur, Bur, S.J. S.J. ’59, ’59, Rich Rich Gannon Gannon ’83, ’83, Coach Coach Branka, Branka, Jim Jim Knowles Knowles ’83, ’83, Vince Vince Nolan Nolan ’55 ’55 and and Alumni Alumni President President Charlie Charlie Gallagher, Gallagher, Esq. Esq. ’65 ’65

UPDATE The Prep Fund had another successful year with the ongoing participation of our loyal alumni, parents and parents of alumni. With your generosity we have raised over $1.2 million in annual giving. The Prep would like to give special recognition to our 2008-2009 Prep Fund Cabinet. We are so appreciative of the efforts they put forth on the Prep’s behalf. The Prep Fund Cabinet Chairs Alumni Chairs Parents Chairs Alumni Parents Chairs

Patty and Tom Savage Stephen Fera ’82 John Regan ’94 Dianne and George Belecanech Monica and Lou Keeler

We are deeply indebted to all of the alumni, parents, parents of alumni, and friends who volunteered time and made donations to this year’s campaign. Annual giving donations are vital to the success of a school like the Prep. Tuition alone does not cover all of the operating costs associated with running our school and the need for your Prep Fund donations is always very great, but especially even more so in the current financial climate. You truly impact our wonderful students by helping us to provide assistance so that all deserving students, regardless of family financial circumstance, can attend the Prep. The entire Prep community is dependent upon, benefits from and is grateful for the generosity of our loyal donors. — Ceal Biello — Director, The Prep Fund



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Standard greetings: Hey. Or, Yo. What’s your name? Where are you from? Where’d you go to school? How was it? “They didn’t ignore me, and they could have,” recalls Bobby. A year before, Bobby had walked through the doors of Archbishop Wood High School. When he walked out, at the end of that first day, things would not be the same. He would not be the same. Standard greetings would never be the same.


But Bobby doesn’t want people at the Prep to know his story from that September day as much as he wants them to appreciate their own family. “And I want them to know what they’ve done for me these past three years is incredible.” Certainly nearly every guy here thinks Bobby’s incredible. For one, he’s the best teammate around, winning Philadelphia Daily News writer Ted Silary’s 2009 Teammate of the Year honor. Go to Ted Silary’s website ( Look at the comments by his teammates Perry Russom, Jeff Lynch, Danny Turner, Sean Murphy, Ryan Eden, Gio Morales, Kevin Gillen, Ray Toto, Joe Blake, Mike DeStefano, Tyler Veterano, Pat Carbone. The list keeps going. Left-fielder Murphy says that “you could not put into words what Bobby does for the baseball team at St. Joe’s Prep.” Right-fielder Turner says that “Bobby earned [the award] by being a true friend.” Says assistant coach Eddie Turner ’00, Danny’s older brother: “Bobby’s enthusiasm makes coaching easy. His dedication to his teammates and his own improvement is unique. With Bobby, I’m not just a coach - I’m a fan.” Bobby says that a teammate should “be positive, always upbeat.” About the Prep, he adds, “I never felt like anyone was looking at me negatively. You can’t find that in many other places. Not everyone accepts everyone else like they do here.” Bobby continues. “The sense of community that we have here is perfect. The Prep’s like this oasis where everyone cares about each other.” An oasis. It’s been awhile since Bobby’s freshman days at Wood. The memory of that first day, a last day too in some ways, is always too near. “I got out of school, and my mom wasn’t answering her phone. I remembered that she was going to my sister’s school for a parents’ event, but I couldn’t find her car in the lot. I asked the crossing guard, who I knew for eight years, if she had seen my mom. Then I walked to my stepdad’s house.” Bobby, along with sisters Erica and Jenny, had grown up in that house in Warminster, with their stepdad Joe. But Bobby and his mom, Mary Claire Johnson, and his sisters had moved out the previous December, into an apartment in Warrington, then into a home in Hatboro, away from a stepdad who was not so loving.


“We heard him scream from the basement,” recalls Joanna, laughing, “but then when he came up to the kitchen, he had this look of fear. The first thing he said was, ‘Do you think they made a mistake?’ Looking at his expression, we didn’t think he’d got accepted. There was sense that this wasn’t happening. “It was just a very moving moment,” she continues. “We didn’t eat that night. After the initial moments, we just started screaming like crazy people.”

Rejection: Prep Crew, not the gods of college admissions, made Matt face it. And question who he was. “I did crew from September to June,” Matt explains, “So when I found out in January of my junior year that I had been dismissed from the team, a few weeks before colleges start recruiting, I was just completely shocked. I had done all the winter workouts.”

What do I do now?

When you teach Matt Fanelli, you worry if you have enough. He’s smart, his mind is critical, his work is meticulous. Is this too easy for him? You hope he likes your class but hope even more that he will take a little something from it — vocabulary words, some rules for essay writing, some characters, some memories. Something he doesn’t already have.

He ran for Student Council Vice President. He won. And he went out for Prep Rugby. This year, Matt was the team’s most improved player. “He literally could only run in a straight line and couldn’t catch the ball when he first came out,” says rugby assistant coach Brian McCloskey ’91. “Yet he learned the game, and learned about his game — running to space, creating angles. The younger guys looked up to him so much this year.”

You know the rest of the story. Dutifully, and maybe a little purposelessly, Matt descended into the basement again, this time logging into Princeton’s online admissions page to find out his fate.

Questioning one’s strength, one’s impact. When Matt this May tells me, honestly and quietly — like it’s a secret — that he didn’t think he was “good enough to get in,” we’re both shocked. Yet the feeling’s familiar to us both. No doubt about it.

Says head rugby coach Tom Farren ’94: “Matt had one of the best attitudes on the team. He just got it — the team concept, supporting the other guys, practicing hard, offering rides home. He was always willing to work, always willing to take instruction.”

Instead of certain rejection, he saw a happy tiger. Then he saw Congratulations. Then he saw his life gloriously rearrange itself into Princeton orange and black. Or maybe this came later, after the shock. Emerging from the basement again, he was just short of speechless.

And there’s no doubt that the college admission process, at one point or another, makes seniors question themselves. They question their quality, their identity, their uniqueness, how they stack up. You’re accepted. You’re rejected. Don’t we all dread the latter?

And willing to take a hit. In Newark, Delaware, this season, Matt would try to get up after being tackled from behind. He couldn’t; he’d broken his collarbone, and would spend the rest of the season supporting his Prep ruggers from the sidelines.

Matt had been waiting since the fall when he applied early to Penn. A couple of months later, he applied to Princeton, too. He didn’t want to; he didn’t think he was good enough. Matt thinks that a lot, by the way — that he’s not good enough. But Joanna Fanelli, Matt’s mom, had insisted he apply. “I told him that if he didn’t apply to Princeton, he’d never know.”



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“My mom’s car was there. But the doors of my stepdad’s house were locked, and I couldn’t see through the windows. They were too high up.” The police came. They blocked off the street, and they had Bobby draw a diagram of the home’s interior. Fifteen minutes later, aunt Nancy Casey took the DellaPolla children in her car, away from the scene. That’s when Bobby learned that their stepdad had killed their mom, then killed himself. Bobby, who will attend the University of Scranton in the fall, wants to be a campus minister at a Jesuit high school or college someday. Sam Deitch, Sister Kate Woody, Pat McKenzie ’02, John Kilroy ’03, John Dougherty ’04: these are the campus ministers at the Prep who helped Bobby get through. Day to day. Week to week. Speaking of weeks, at the Prep Bobby has had “the top five weeks of my life”: the week he spent with his Prep brothers doing Habitat for Humanity work in Germantown, his two weeks in Miami playing Prep baseball; and his two Kairos retreats. In December, he was the rector of Kairos 104. There, he told his story. His hands clutched the sides of the podium. He made eye contact. He did not cry. It’s been a few months since I met Bobby DellaPolla. Now, our conversation on this first Wednesday of June comes to a close. Or that’s what I think; Bobby’s story has so many layers. Bobby tells me more about his freshman year at Wood, when his aunt, Suzanne Davis, mother of Bobby Davis ’99 and Andrew Davis ’02, moved into the Hatboro home with Bobby and Jenny and Erica — so Erica could finish her senior year at Wood. “She (Suzanne) had worked and lived in Havertown, a hour-and-a-half drive every day. She took care of us,” Bobby says. “It was just unbelievably selfless.” He talks about his dad, too. Technically his uncle, Bob Davis, Suzanne’s husband, the 57year old general maintenance contractor who has, according to Bobby, “done in three years what normal fathers do for their sons in 18.” After that year with Suzanne in Hatboro, Bobby and Jenny would move back with Suzanne into the Davis’ house in Havertown. Erica had entered her freshman year at Villanova. “Uncle Bob has given me so much. I can’t really explain it. He’s given me a home. They’ve (the Davis’) given me a home. I always defined a home by a house where everyone loves each other. I never had that. There was always tension.” Bobby laughs when he talks about his cousins, his brothers now really, Bob and Drew, and their sister. “There’s no sympathy there. That’s how we show our love to each other

— by making fun of each other, just laughing. It helps us get over things.” I asked Drew over email what it was like to have Bobby in the house at first. It was kind of weird, writes Drew, who was at Scranton when Bobby moved in (Drew is now the campus minister at Paul VI High School in Haddon Township, N.J.). I was not living there anymore and all of the sudden somebody moved back into the room my brother and I shared for 18 years. But his transition was easy and he just did everything with the Davis’ from then on. During the holidays the house is a bit more cramped but there’s a lot more laughs. Having Bobby in the house is great too because I am no longer the youngest man in the house. I can now deflect the jokes on somebody else from time to time. Family friend and Latin teacher Brian Kearney ’99 says that “the Davis’ are incredibly generous individuals - but they cloak it in a self-deprecating humility. They’ve totally embraced Bobby as another son and brother - going to every parent meeting, baseball game, you name it.” Bobby’s biological father is somewhere, calls sometimes. In and out of drugs, he split up with Bobby’s mom when Bobby was two. That’s when Joe, his stepdad, stepped in, making them all feel uncomfortable. Our conversation comes to a close. Assistant Dean John Coffey passes by our table and shakes Bobby’s hand, congratulating him on winning the St. Joseph’s Award at graduation on Sunday. “The St. Joseph’s Award,” Principal Michael Gomez said on center stage at Temple’s Liacouras Center that Sunday morning, “is presented to the student who in unheralded and steady ways has contributed to the life of the school and to the betterment of his classmates.” Bobby, in his white tux, rose, walked up to receive his award, walked back, sat down. The crowd’s applause was not as tame. Soon Bobby, was headed into a world of fresh starts and new friends, a world of standard greetings. A world where he will put you and your story first. “I feel like I’ve been given so much after this happened — the opportunity to go here, the opportunity to be close to my family,” Bobby says, evenly. “I just try to be someone my mom would be proud of.” You are, Bobby. And she is. — Susie Cook

“Rugby trains you to take a hit, but you just can’t prepare for certain things,” says Fanelli.

You can’t prepare for certain things. The Fanellis — Joanne, dad Ed, Mark ’06, Andrea (Matt’s twin sister) and Matt — weren’t prepared to learn of Mark’s diagnosis of testicular cancer in January of his senior year, Matt’s freshman year. “The Prep was the best place Mark could have been at during such a dark time in our lives,” says Joanne. Mark, who was too young for chemotheraphy, would have major surgery that involved the temporary removal of his major organs, all so the doctors could get to the lymph nodes underneath. They removed fifty lymph nodes. They examined his organs for cancer. Soon they would proclaim him cancer-free. Mark would be back in the boat, rowing and medaling, by March. Three years later, Matt has medaled in a big way, too. The Richard B. McCloskey Award is, arguably, the highest award given to a senior. Voted upon by the faculty, the award goes to the senior who “has done the most to further the interests of St. Joseph’s Prep, to foster loyal school spirit, and to carry out the traditions of the school.” [photo, left, with Fr. Bur] Needless to say, Matt Fannelli — in his white tux, his collarbone healed, his dreams by now rearranged into Princeton’s orange and black — accepted the honor. And he was surprised about it. Joanne says that Matt “was shocked to receive one of the Prep’s most prestigious awards.” We, faculty and staff, were not. — Susie Cook



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Oldham grew up the son of a career Army officer, travelling throughout the country from base to base. At Georgetown University, he was a member of the ROTC and on the football team. Those facts might surprise anyone who knows him now as the pacifist, prayerful member of the religious studies faculty but Oldham doesn’t see anything odd about it at all. “It was a gradual evolution,” he says of his path from soldier-intraining to peace activist. “I think that is life, a gradual process.” For Oldham, that process has taken him through many twists and turns. After graduating from Georgetown, Oldham joined the Franciscans, staying with the order for several years. During his days with the Franciscans, Oldham first began working with the homeless in East Boston, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. He joined with other Franciscans to create the St. Francis Inn, a soup kitchen where many Prep students (and Oldham) volunteer today. During his fifth year, when the time for formal vows was upon him, Oldham decided that the ordained life was not right for him and soon after he married Maria Odilia Romeu and the couple has three daughters. He took a graduate assistant position at Villanova University, where he received a Master’s degree in religious studies. With an expanding family to support, Oldham answered an ad to teach at St. Joseph’s Prep. As part of the hiring process, he taught a course on “Early Christian Views of War and Peace” to Jim McGlynn’s classes, an apt subject matter as it turned out. Oldham got the job but it was not easy in the beginning. “The Prep felt like an alien world to me,” he says with a laugh. “I went to a public school and here I was surrounded by coats and ties in a single-sex environment. Honestly I struggled early.”

[far left, middle row]: Oldham with other volunteers in New Mexico.

At a protest of “School of the Americas” [second from right]

But after a couple of years, Oldham was accepted as part of the Prep. Still, he continued to challenge students. The Army brat turned peace activist brought his views

I think, to find true peace, you do the best you can and be open to evolving.” 22


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d e pa rt ing fa c u lt y

DEHORATIUS AND BELZER RETIRE AFTER DECADES OF SERVICE Prep science teacher Fran DeHoratius ’63 and college counselor Tom Belzer announced their retirement from the Prep at the end of the school year. They join two other notable Preppers who left during 2008-09 school as longtime Director of Facilities Tony Fiume left after more than three decades at the school and athletic trainer Jacky Onks stepped down after five years of outstanding service to our athletic teams. DeHoratius [left with Fr. Bur] completed his 42nd year at the Prep, spending much of that time in the classroom teaching science, mostly chemistry. In addition, from 1985-2000, he served as the Prep’s Director of Administrative Services, helping bring technology to the school’s administrative departments and records. He went back to the classroom, combining his love of technology with his classroom work as he set up Websites to assist his students. In addition, DeHoratius served as the President of the Alumni Board of Governors from 1981-83 and has won the school’s two highest honors, the Ignatian Award and the Schnorr Service Award. “It is clear that Fran has a tremendous love for St. Joseph’s Prep, as a teacher, as a department chair and, of course, as an alumnus,” says Prep Principal Michael Gomez. “How can you not admire a 42-year commitment to this Jesuit institution?”

into the classroom during courses like “Intro to Morality” and “War and Peace.” “I hope that I confuse them a bit,” he says. “I want to force them to stop and think about their views. Sometimes, the answers won’t come for years and occasionally I will hear from an alumnus who tells me that something I said made sense to him years later.” Despite his reputation as a “liberal,” Oldham eschews labels. “I think there are scoundrels on both sides of the political arena just as there are good people on both sides trying to do what’s right,” he says. “I think we are all just human beings trying to figure it all out.” An example of that human side shows up on service projects. Oldham has committed himself to them over the past few years and has chaperoned summer trips to New Mexico, Camden and Philadelphia in addition to many after-schools trips around the city. “I love the service trips,” he says. “There is no liberal or conservative, you’re just caught in a human situation with real people. It shows that we are all part of the human family. I think one service trip does more than a whole semester of talking the lingo in the classroom. They are so important for our community.” At the end of the day, Oldham sums up his philosophy simply. “I think, to find true peace, you do the best you can and be open to evolving. Even if you and I disagree, there has to be respect. That’s all I ask from my students and I think I have earned it.”

Belzer joined the Prep in 1984 and served in an important role in the college counseling department. In that time, Belzer helped thousands of Prep students find their way through the often difficult admissions process. “I am grateful for the individual care that Tom has given so many students,” says Gomez. “The college admissions process has changed tremendously during his time at the Prep but Tom ably guided our students through it.” Fiume left the school in February after serving many roles. In addition to running the facilities and maintenance department, Fiume also was the food services provider for nearly three decades. Known for his trademark “no problem,” Fiume handled many daily and special events with great skill over the years. Onks was the outstanding athletic trainer at the Prep for the past five years, serving as a valuable resource for the coaches and student-athletes. At football camp, Onks developed a weight loss monitoring program to ensure that none of the players were unnecessarily exposed to dehydration and a concussion testing protocol so there would be confirmed data to help decide when it was appropriate for a player to return to play after suffering a concussion. “Jacky’s daily reports provided a prognosis regarding participation in the upcoming game,” says football coach Gil Brooks ’75, who worked closely with her. “As a head coach, that made my job immensely easier and it showed her care for our players. She was also a very real part of the staff, sharing our joy when we were successful and feeling our pain when we weren’t.” — Bill Avington ’90

— Bill Avington ’90



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MATT BELECANECH ’10 IT’S FUNNY HOW THINGS WORK OUT. TAKE MATT BELECANECH ’10 FOR EXAMPLE. AS A KID, HE WAS DEATHLY AFRAID OF WATER, EVEN IN HIS OWN BATH TUB. HIS MOM WAS NERVOUS THAT HE WOULD DROWN IF HE EVER FELL INTO A POOL SO SHE SIGNED HIM UP FOR LESSONS. For four years, Belecanech cried and had to be dragged into the pool. Finally, at age 6, he stopped crying but was still reluctant. Two years later he and his relay team set a summer league record. From that moment on, Belecanech was a swimmer and this year he became the first Prep state champion, winning the 200 freestyle. Just 10 minutes later, his teammate Greg Mahon ’09 became the second state champ in school history by winning the 200 IM. The two would win another title each (500 free for Belecanech and the 100 fly for Mahon) at the meet and would finish one-two for the Swimmer of the Meet honors as the only two swimmers to win two events. Quite a journey from scared to take a bath to spending most of your waking hours in the pool but Belecanech has made it with ease. He wakes early every morning during the season to work out with the Jersey Wahoos before travelling to school. He practices with the Prep team as well and of course has the meets. In the summer, things are not much quieter as he has 11 practices a week and a meet on the weekend. The goal is the World Championship trials, where he has qualified in six events, and the U.S. Open. However, the highlight may well come when he and Mahon square off in the tri-county summer league meet. Belecanech and Mahon were part of an 11-person Prep swimming contingent at the PIAA meet held at Bucknell University, joining with swimmers from La Salle College High School to represent District 12. The PIAA is widely considered to be among the top state swim meets in the country and Belecanech was a favorite to win at least one medal. “I have never been to a meet with so much atmosphere,” says Belecanech. “We (SJP and La Salle) really wanted to do well to represent the district.” For the 200 free, Belecanech and Jonathan Berger from Pittsburgh’s North Allegheny High School were considered to be the top two. Message boards had been heating up for weeks prior to the meet, with each section of the state falling behind one of the two swimmers. Belecanech not only won the race and the title but he set the national age group record in the event, finishing in 1:36.05. Belecanech receiving his gold medal.

Ten minutes later, he was still on the pool deck as Mahon won the 200 IM. “It was awesome to watch Greg win,” Belecanech says. “I had been talking

I was always impressed that the smartest school in Philadelphia also had one of the best athletic programs.”

The Prep’s contingent at states.

him up and knew he was going to take it. He has so much heart and is a really great swimmer.” Though both won two gold medals, Belecanech edged Mahon for Swimmer of the Meet honors. “It’s good to know that our top two guys could take anyone in the state,” he says. Going to the Prep wasn’t much of a stretch for Belecanech, even though he had to cross the bridge from Moorestown, N.J. After all, Matt followed in the footsteps of his brother Ryan ’08, who is at the University of Notre Dame and younger brother Nicholas will most likely follow in their shoes (there is also a younger sister, Lauren, who is in fifth grade). “No, I didn’t have much of a choice but I was perfectly fine with it,” he says laughing. “I was always impressed that the smartest school in Philadelphia also had one of the best athletic programs. I think it’s hard to do both well and requires a lot of effort.” That effort is something that Belecanech continues to be willing to give. “I definitely wouldn’t give it up,” he says of the work required to be an outstanding swimmer and student. “I still love it too much.” — Bill Avington ’90



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GREG MAHON ’09 “I came here and everyone knew my name,” Mahon says. “There were a lot of expectations.”



Mahon is the youngest of seven kids (his mother is one of 14) and family is important to him (four brothers are Prep grads). So is his faith, which he says has grown since arriving at the Prep. “I definitely think I have grown religiously and become more mature,” says Mahon, who points to his Kairos retreat in the spring as a major moment in his life. “The teachers and administrators here are so open about their faith. It’s not forced down your throat but you definitely feel it.”


“It was sort of like the Super Bowl, just a cool experience,” says Mahon. “I had never been anywhere where so many fans were watching.” Though he lives in New Jersey (Medford), Mahon can say he is a Pennsylvania state champ, winning gold medals in the 200 IM and the 100 butterfly. He and teammate Matt Belecanech ’10 dominated the meet, giving the Prep state championships in four events and finishing neck and neck for the swimmer of the meet award, which was narrowly won by Belecanech.

Although a state title is an amazing experience in and of itself, sharing it with a good friend and teammate magnifies the moment. “I’ve known Matt for about 10 years since we swam together at Wahoos and in Tri-County competition,” Mahon says. “Our relationship has really grown at the Prep.” Going to the Prep was an easy decision with his brother Terrence ’07 already there. Now 20 and a student at Xavier University, Terrence was a swimmer at the Prep and there were big shoes for Greg to fill.


Swimming is also a huge part of Mahon’s life. He will swim in college, as he has in high school, but not before he competes for the South Jersey Aquatic Club. There the meets are intense and will even include a mid-summer duel with Belecanech in a Tri-County meet. And there are always the memories of Prep swimming.

Mahon [center] with his brothers, all Prep grads (Sean ’98, Dennis ’00, Robert ’03 and Terrence ’07)

“Prep swimming was so great,” he says. “It was more than just something to do. It was great to have friends on the team that I could connect with.”

— Bill Avington ’90 and Susie Cook


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EITC: Help the Prep While Paying State Taxes Does your company pay Pennsylvania State taxes? If so, that tax can be used to help a student pay his tuition this year at St. Joseph’s Prep? “I have been involved in the EITC program for three years. It is a winwin for my business and the Prep – a school that I love dearly.”

A total of $40 million in tax credits each year is authorized for scholarships for students attending nonpublic schools. Tax credits are awarded to businesses on a first-come, first-served basis beginning July 1. The Prep will utilize funds allocated by businesses for support of its student financial aid program.

“I encourage everyone whose business is eligible to take advantage of the EITC program. It’s easy to do, it results in a tax credit for you, and it is a donation to benefit the student financial aid program at the Prep. It’s a great feeling to know that your dollars are going to help a deserving


student pay his tuition this year.”

✒ Fill out a one-page application which the Prep will send to the Department of Community and Economic Development in Harrisburg for you. ✒ Write a corporate check to the Prep with EITC in the memo line

John Paul ’66 President of Thomas J. Paul, Inc.

The EITC program authorizes tax credits for businesses that make contributions to scholarship organizations. The credits may be used against the following taxes: Corporate Net Income Tax Capital/Franchise Tax Insurance Premiums Tax

✒ Claim 75% or 90% of your donation as a direct tax credit off your corporate state taxes.

Title Insurance Company Shares Tax Bank and Trust Company Shares Tax Mutual Thrift Institutions Tax Personal Income Tax of S Corporation Shareholders or partners in a general or limited partnership.

Thank you to the following companies who have donated to the Prep through EITC: Beneficial Savings Bank

MCS Group, Inc.

Casaccio Architects LLC

Millenium Insurance Company

Colonial Electric Supply Company

Mulhern Electric Company, Inc.

Geppert Brothers, Inc.

Norman, Spencer, McKernan

Gordon Conwell Associates, Inc.

Philip Rosenau Company, Inc.

Henkels Foundation

Thomas J. Paul, Inc.

Herman Goldner Company, Inc.

VJG Enterprises Limited Wilmington Trust of Pennsylvania

Please consider registering your business. For a complete description and application, go to or contact Richard Van Fossen, Director of Major Gifts, at (215) 978-1035 or 26


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c l a s s not e s

1930s Rev. Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J. ‘38 was recognized by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as a 2009 Distinguished Catholic School Graduate.

1940s James Redditt ‘41 and his wife Betty Ann celebrated

Rev. Thomas Duffy ‘51 has retired from active Diocesan Ministry and is living at Regina Coeli in Warminster, a residence for retired priests. He is assisting at neighboring parishes.


Eugene Logan ‘52 reports that his son Pete, who

Department of Defense in 1995 after 31 years of service, has recently retired from Weichert Realtors where he worked for 14 years. He and his wife Barbara have six grandchildren, two of which are boys. He’s looking forward to the day when they will enter the Prep.

graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1999, is now a Navy Seal.

Dr. Raymond Rogowski ‘52 is a voluntary faculty member at Widener University’s Olli Program for Seniors where he teaches a course on human anatomy and physiology in Exton.

their 60th Wedding Anniversary in April.

Charles Hinski ‘42 and his wife Esther have welcomed their third grandchild. They will celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary in 2010.

Robert Zuehlke ‘46 reports that his son is a Colonel in the US Army and is currently serving in Iraq. He is a 25 year veteran of the army and has seven grandchildren.

Edwin McKeon ‘47, the founder of Construction Equipment Guide, the nation’s best read construction newspaper, reports that the newspaper celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2008. The newspaper is circulated in all 50 states, in four regional editions, to its 110,000 subscribers.


Daniel Dougherty ’53, head boys basketball coach at Episcopal Academy in Newtown Square, is in his 50th year of coaching.

illustrious career with the United States Air Force for 33 years, is currently on the faculty of the Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC), National Defense University, as Professor of Strategy. He teaches in the Joint Advanced Warfighting School at JFSC located in Norfolk, VA.

Edward Devlin ‘61 and his wife Patricia recently joined forces with Sotheby’s International Real Estate in the Ocean City, NJ area and specialize in sales and rentals at the Jersey shore. Dr. Leopold Andreoli ‘63 was recently appointed as

Thomas Slattery ‘53, who is President of the non-

Director and Chief Scientist at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Civil Systems in Redondo Beach, CA.

profit Celtic Association, has overseen the creation of a Celtic Collection at Bucks County Community College.

Robert Fitzpatrick ‘63 retired as Dean of Curtis

Robert O’Donnell ‘54 is the principal investigator on a NASA two-year effort to develop a battery of tests to assess neurocognitive function in astronauts during longduration space missions (six months or longer).

John Branka ‘55, who served as football coach for much of the 1980’s, was the honored guest at the 2009 Prep Golf and Tennis Classic which was held in May at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Kevin Quinn ‘58 recently retired as Associate Athletic

Lt. Gen. Charles Cunningham ‘50, who had an

Leonard Aquilino ‘60 who retired from the

Director at Saint Joseph’s University. He continues as Director of Track and Field and head coach of women’s Track and Field.

Institute of Music in May. He will spend his retirement living in Paris.

Dr. John McPhilemy ‘65 is in his 21st season as the 76ers team doctor and coordinator of the team’s 11-person medical staff in addition to his orthopedic practice and acting as a student advisor at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Joseph Canuso ‘66 starred in Theatre Exile’s production of “American Buffalo,” which “pries apart the American Dream to see what has fallen between the cracks.” The play ran in the spring at Plays and Players Theater in Philadelphia.

Rev. M. Gerald Gordon, TOR ‘59 is a Parochial Vicar in a parish of 3,200 families in Fort Worth, TX and is a sacramental minister in a neighboring parish of 3,000 families.

[l-r] Kyle McElwee ’08,



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Marc Liciardello ‘74, Vice President of Corporate Services at Aramark, was recently appointed to the International Facility Management Association.

Br. David Betz, SM ‘75 completed four years with the Newman Catholic Center in Santa Cruz, Cailf., and is now living in community with two fellow Marianist brothers in East St. Louis, Ill. David is working at the St. Patrick Center in St. Louis, Mo., as a mental Health Case Manager for a program called H.E.R.O. (Housing, Employment, Recovery Opportunities). The clients are veterans who are homeless.

Joseph Diviny ‘76 and his wife Kristina are the proud parents of Julia Marie, Kateri Mary, Joseph Patrick and their newest arrival Kieran Paul Diviny.

Edward McBride ‘77 has been named Chief of Staff to New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine. Prior to this appointment, Ed served as Governor Corzine’s chief counsel.

Stanley Jaskiewicz ‘78 was a sponsor of the

Robert Gettis ’70 with Mayor Michael Nutter ’75 [above]

Robert Gettis ‘70 is currently President of PDE, a

Variety Club Autism Walk in the spring for the benefit of the Family Resource Center for Autism at the Variety Club’s camp. He is pictured with his wife Judy, his son Peter and Honorary Walk Chair Erin O’Hearn of Channel 6 News.

Pharmaceutical Trade Association. Recently he had the opportunity to introduce the Hon. Michael Nutter ‘75, Mayor of Philadelphia, to over 250 attendees at their annual dinner meeting which was held at the Union League. Mayor Nutter stressed the importance of the Pharmaceutical Industry to the local region and his plans for the city of Philadelphia.

He first got faith, though, here, at the Prep. “I remember turning the corner on 17th and Stiles and seeing the Prep, this huge building, and thinking to myself — there must be a lot of good stuff inside there. It changed me.” That was 1962.

country coach, was selected as the “Honorary High School Boys’ Referee” at this year’s Penn Relays which were held at Franklin Field in April. Only one boys coach and one girls coach are honored each year.

Rev. Richard Malloy, S.J. ‘73, who teaches at

Michael McDonald ‘73 was recently named office managing partner of KPMG LLP’s Harrisburg office. A 30-year veteran of the accounting profession, he formerly headed its Pittsburgh office. He will be responsible for overseeing strategic direction and growth for the 85person office.

Dave Cushwa ‘73, Joe McElwee ‘73, and Jim Kane ‘73 with their sons, Dave, Jr., Kyle McElwee ‘08, and Brian Kane ‘08 got together in Milwaukee for a Marquette-Georgetown basketball game in January. The boys are all good friends and in the same Class of 2012 at Marquette University. The boys grandfather’s (Dave Cushwa, Joe McElwee and Jim Kane) all graduated from the Prep in 1944.


He believes. He’s got back his faith again.

Curt Cockenberg ‘71, longtime Prep track and cross

Chestnut Hill College, was one of a number of religious men and women who spoke to students about their vocations over cups of coffee at the Newman Center at the University of Pennsylvania this past spring.

hen Terry Gurley’s wife, Kathleen, died in 1994, everything seemed to stop. Inertia and darkness in Wheeling, West Virginia. For four years. So he left. Now, 15 years later, he wakes up to the suns and moons and mountains of Navajo Nation.

Horsham Challenge baseball coach, Stanley Jaskiewicz [center] and Hatfield Challenger coach George Adams [left] accept a grant to support baseball for children with disabilities from North Penn Rotary President Bob Law. Stanley, an attorney with Spector Gadon & Rosen, PC, and Player Agent for Horsham Challenger Little League, had discussed the benefits of Little League Challenger baseball at a North Penn Rotary meeting.

John Culkin ‘79 recently joined the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, a national non-profit which allows men and women 50 and older to serve the materially poor while gaining spiritual growth through service and reflection in the Ignatian tradition.

Gurley admits that Father John F.X. Burton, his theology teacher, changed him the most by graduation in 1966. “He was like that Michelangelo statue of Moses with horns and flames coming out of this head,” laughs Gurley, now a senior partner of DNA/People’s Legal Services, where he and his partners represent mainly the Navajo people, in civil cases concerning child custody, divorce, paternity, repossession of mobile homes and automobiles. The Director of Litigation, Gurley oversees lawyers in the firm’s eight offices that stretch across a sliver of northwest New Mexico and northern Arizona. “He (Burton) is the one who validated all the civil rights stuff swirling around us. You had dogs and firehoses on TV, and this Jesuit asking us, in that authoritative tone, ‘what are you doing to bring Jesus into the world? Aren’t we supposed to, instead of just praying all the time, and following every little rule and regulation, bring Jesus into this?’ He really got me plugged into the idea of social action. I mean, you’re telling me that’s not going to change me? I woke up. I was 17. That class, with him, all of 5’11, in that authoritative tone, is my most powerful memory, my most important memory.” I remember meeting Terry Gurley last summer on a Prep service trip to Tohatchi, New Mexico. Tohatchi is a dusty, spiritual



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Terrence Gurley ’66 tantamount to Bethlehem in the JudeoChristian tradition. Recreational skiing has been allowed on these peaks, which are under the control of the U.S. Forest Service, since the 1930s. The Navajo — and the Hopi — don’t like it, but live with it. Lately, though, a local ski resort is making artificial snow out of recycled waste water, or “sewage effluent.” Tribes see this as disrespect, desecration.

Navajo hamlet, a half-hour outside of Gallup, which is where we — myself, English teacher Andrew Whelan, and nine Prep seniors — met Gurley for lunch one afternoon. Actually we met him at Gallup’s Home Depot first, so he could lead us to the best burrito place in town, a diamond in Gallup’s rough. Out of his black Toyota Cruiser, he emerged: half Jerry Garcia, half Santa, a white-bearded lawyer in an artist’s skin. When we arrived at Gennaro’s, on a side street off the main drag, Gurley’s memories of the Prep made our menus moot; we didn’t order for 20 minutes. His voice, his timbre, his gesticulations — I remember how he was just so full of life. Which, in some way, brings us back to Kathleen’s death. “The blowup of my wife’s death, that explosion, was too hard,” Gurley says over the phone on this early June Tuesday. “But when the dust settled — and it took me four years for that to happen — I realized I could stay there (in Wheeling) and do what I was doing, or I could do whatever I wanted. My kids were all educated and married. There was no one to uproot. It wasn’t like I was longing to move away. Understand that we had a great life. I mean, I wouldn’t have changed the color of the towels in the bathroom. But I asked myself, ‘What did I go to law school for in the first place?’ It was like Father Burton asking us, ‘What are you doing to bring Jesus into the world?’” So Gurley left the law practice in Wheeling, where he went to the town’s Jesuit college and law school, where he’d worked since 1977, where he had lifelong friends, all to begin a new life, one without his best girl, one without guarantees. A chance taken, he tells me over the phone on this evening that “never in my life did I think I’d be involved in something so profound.” His latest case involves native religious freedom rights — via the San Francisco Peaks. The Navajo people, and other tribes like the Hopi, hold these peaks sacred,


His firm’s lawyers lost the case in the Federal District Court in Prescott, Arizona, then won the appeal in the 9th circuit, only for a 9-judge panel to overturn the victory. In the next few days, Gurley will learn if the case goes to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Five members of the Class of 1979 (Mark Hansen, Ted McKeon, Steve Keeler, Bernie Gray and Jim McGlone) have sons in the Class of 2010. Here the group poses after the Junior Ring Mass. The photo is taken by Sal Grande ‘62, who also has a son in the class [photo below].


Father Burton is up there, nodding. “For the times they are a-changin,” writes Bob Dylan. Times haven’t changed completely, though. Gurley still listens to Dylan and the Stones (“I’m a sixties guy”), Van Morrisson and, lately, a little Bruce (“I think he’s excellent”). He plays the guitar. He reads a lot. Right now, this native of Audubon, N.J., can’t get enough of Cormack McCarthy: No Country for Old Men and the Border Trilogy: The Crossing, All the Pretty Horses, Cities of the Plain. As for McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, Gurley says “that’s a book that stops you dead in your tracks. He’s brilliant. There’s no other word for this guy.” We talk a little Hamlet, and Gurley has to go. He’s at work; he’s on mountain time. He’s at peace. “The Navajo way is an ancient and profound structure, and I get to wander around it and brush up against it all the time. Everything here is infused with the Creator — the animals, the people, the wind, the sunlight, the rocks. Everything has the potential to be in harmony and equipoise, in balance, with everything else. This is the equivalent of being on the moon in terms of what I was used to. The ocean on the east coast and the mountains in Virginia are beautiful. But here, everything is different. The openness, the feel of the air on your skin, what’s on your eyes, the language you hear, what’s in your ears, on your tastebuds…everything’s different. You know, I don’t delude myself that what I’m doing here is making a huge change. But I feel like I’m helping to change things in the right direction.” Equipoise. That’s the word. Down and out, Terrence Gurley went West. He looked up — kept his eyes wide, as Dylan would say — and saw the Navajo sky. He got back his balance. Got back his faith again. — Susie Cook

Christopher McDougall ‘80 has written a book Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen which is published by Random House, Inc. McDougall set off to find a tribe of the world’s greatest distance runners and learn their secrets. The book focuses on the reclusive Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyons. The publisher notes that the book is full of incredible characters, amazing athletic achievements, cutting-edge science and, most of all, pure inspiration.

Frederick Santarelli, Esq. ‘80 is a director and shareholder of Elliott Greenleaf, a regional law firm with offices in Philadelphia, Blue Bell, Harrisburg, Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Wilmington, DE. Fred was recently selected as a Pennsylvania “Super Lawyer” for 2009, after having received this distinction in each of the preceding five years. He and his wife Letty continue to live in South Philadelphia with their three children: Freddie ‘11, Tisha and Alexis. Robert Buchanan ‘81 has a USCG Mastine license for Vessels 1600 GT or less upon oceans and Master of Towing upon oceans with a lot of endorsements. He is currently assigned to an ocean tug, moving oil in the Eastern Seaboard. In his spare time, he is a part-time captain on the Spirit of Philadelphia. John Kearns ‘82 had his play “I Knew You’d Say That” performed as part of this past winter’s Strawberry One-Act Festival during the Valentine’s weekend at the American Theatre of Actors in New York. It’s a comedy featuring a young couple arguing about commitment issues on the 6 train as the New York Times, the New York Daily News, and the New York Post come to life. Robert Crognale ‘83 has been promoted to Manager of Engineering at Peco Energy Company. He and his wife Christina and their three children live in Havertown. Rev. Philip Florio, S.J. ‘83, former chaplain and assistant to the vice president of student life at Saint Joseph’s University, is the new chaplain-director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Catholic Campus Ministry Center. As part of his responsibilities, Fr. Florio will also be an Assistant Pastor at Saints Agatha and James Church. Earlier this year, Fr. Florio participated (for the third time) in Project FIAT, Faith in Action Together, a program of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart. The volunteers are based in San Salvador and volunteer their time for service projects and outreach to needy communities. Participants share their knowledge of English and Spanish, reading, sports, arts and crafts, music, drama and more with rural


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poor in a village called Las Delicias. This year the group helped in some construction for a library for the village and spent time recreating, conversing and praying at a Catholic home for abandoned children.

Christopher Allen ‘88 is currently pursuing an MBA

Richard Gannon ‘83 was a keynote speaker at the

Matthew Mayfield, son of Christopher Mayfield ‘88, dons a Prep Swimming cap. [photo below]

Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s Men Spirituality Conference in the spring. Gannon had a long NFL career, mostly with the Vikings, Chiefs and Raiders, and now works for CBS Sports.

at the University of Southern California. He and his wife Jennifer and their two sons Will and Dylan live in San Marino, CA.

John McCormick ‘83 and his wife Dawn were blessed with their eighth child (and fifth daughter) Casey Noelle the day after Christmas. In February, 2009, their family was featured on the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer in an article entitled “Eight is Great, but Eight is Enough”.

Nicholas Centrella, Esq. ‘84 [above], a partner in the law firm of Conrad O’Brien Gellman & Rohn, PC, presented “Are You Ready for the Friday Afternoon S.E.C. or D.O.J. Subpoena?” at a CLE program sponsored by the Delaware Valley Chapter of the Association of Corporate Counsel. Nick provided in-house counsel with important “need to know” facts on what they should do to help their company from the moment a subpoena is served through the grand jury process.

Dr. Kent Scribner ‘84, who recently received the

David Mingey ‘88 was honored by the sports industry

Michael Zabel ‘96, Associate Director and Producer for the Cape and Sword Drama Society, and Tim Collier ‘02 were part of Temple University Law School’s National Trial Team that won the inaugural Capitol City Challenge Tournament hosted by American University’s Washington College of Law. In its championship run, the team defeated nine other teams.

for being named one of the 40 most influential sports executives under the age of 40 by Sports Business Journal. Dave was given the honor largely for his work on the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games for Johnson & Johnson.

Conrad Benedetto ‘97 is a second year law student at Villanova University. He and his wife Melissa live in the Philadelphia suburbs.

Antony Braithwaite ‘89 played his dream role–Felix Unger — in Neil Simon’s classic comedy “The Odd Couple” at the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia earlier this year. Also, he and Joseph Mallon ‘99 performed the classic Abbott and Costello sketch “Who’s on First” as part of St. Malachy Roman Catholic Church’s vaudevillestyle celebration in honor of Jack Norworth, writer of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” The afternoon concert and variety show, hosted by St. Malachy’s, was to raise funds for the restoration of its organ, declared “an instrument of exceptional historic merit worthy of reservation” by the Organ Historical Society.

1990s Brian Chinappi ‘90, his wife Milissa and children Anya (six years old) and Kaia (four years old) continue to live in Hong Kong, where he has been since 1999. Brian is currently a Managing Director for Deutsche Bank’s Real Estate Investment Department.

Greg Kupniewski, Esq. ‘90 has joined Flaster/Greenberg as an associate attorney and member of the financial restructuring, bankruptcy and risk management practice group. He works in the firm’s Philadelphia office, focusing on business bankruptcy.

Anthony Ambrosini ‘85 is the Financial Controller of

Joseph Tagliaferro ‘91 has been named coordinator

Johnson & Johnson’s Narcotics Division. Anthony and his wife Missy live in Philadelphia and have two children AJ and Blaise.

of student support services at Abington Senior High School. He, his wife Kelly and their three children reside in Drexel Hill.

Michael Garry ‘85, managing member of the Yardley

Michael Cardamone, Esq. ‘92, attorney at Krasno

Wealth Management Group in Newtown, has been named one of America’s top Financial Planners by the Consumers’ Research Council of America. For the second year in a row, he is included in group’s Guide to America’s Top Financial Planners.

Krasno & Onwudinjo, has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer “Rising Star” by Law and Politics Magazine and the publishers of Philadelphia Magazine. The Rising Stars list features Pennsylvania’s top rated lawyers.

Raymond Santarelli, Esq. ‘87 is a shareholder in

Business Enterprise Specialist II with the City of Philadelphia, Office of Economic Opportunity under Director Michael Bell ‘81. The office promotes the participation of minority women and disabled businesses in the city’s process of procurement.


Donald McCloskey ‘95, an eclectic singer-songwriter, won the first ever Grand Jury Award for Best Music Video for his song “Mr. Novocaine” at the 2009 Slamdance film festival in Park City, Utah. This is the first time in fifteen years that the festival has allowed music videos in competition making McCloskey and director, Peter Rhoads, the first ever recipients of the Best Music Video award. Michael Rogai ‘96 recently married Holly Hatfield in Berkeley, CA. They met while serving in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and currently reside in Woodland, CA.

Excellence in Educational Leadership Award from the University Council of Educational Administration, became the 17th Superintendent of the Phoenix Union High School District earlier this year. As superintendent of Phoenix Union, he oversees 25,000 students in 17 schools. The student population is 93% minority, and 78% Hispanic. He and his wife Juanita live in Tempe, AZ with their two children, Julian and Jacqueline.

the law firm Elliott Greenleaf in Blue Bell. He resides in Springfield with his wife Loretta and sons Anthony, Matthew, Dominic and Gregory.

Sean Pearson ‘94 is employed at PNC Investments in Bristol and has been a member of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard at Willow Grove for the past 12 years. He and his wife Nicole welcomed their first child, Liam, in December.

Mario Crestani ‘92 is employed as a Minority

Lt. Timothy Donahue ‘97, a Lieutenant in the United States Navy, is currently serving with the Marine Corps at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in San Diego, CA as the 3rd Battalion/1st Marines, Battalion Surgeon. He graduated from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, FL and did a one year general surgery internship at Naval Medical Center in San Diego. The Navy interrupted his residency training in order to support operation tasks, examples being Battalion Surgeons for the Marines, deployments. etc. After a two year tour with the Marines, he will continue his residency at Naval Med Center in San Diego to complete his general surgery training. Prior to his duties at Camp Pendleton, he was deployed to Okinawa, Japan. Dr. Paul Benedetto ‘98 graduated from Jefferson Medical School. He and his wife Kary live in Cleveland, OH where he is a resident in Dermatology at the Cleveland Clinic. Howie Brown ‘99 and Joe Mallon ‘99 starred in “A Few Good Men”, which ran at the Ritz Theatre Company in Haddon Township, NJ earlier this year. In the spring, Howie starred in “Spinning Into Butter,” a drama at the Montgomery Theater in Souderton. Joseph Console, Esq. ‘99 graduated from Rutgers Law School, Camden, NJ and is now a member of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Bar Associations. He is currently clerking for the Honorable Octavia Melendez in Camden County Family Court.

Frank Koehl ‘99 has started an IT company Fwd: Vault (“forward vault”), which allows users to back up their critical files and email messages via email. Send attachments to a special email address, and the system will automatically store the message and attached files in a secure remote location. The files and messages can be retrieved later via email request or web interface. The service targets non-technical end users who require backups with as little effort as possible.


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2000s Edward Mintzer ’00 received a MA in Criminal Justice from Saint Joseph’s University in 2007, graduated from the Philadelphia Police Academy in the fall of 2008 and is currently employed by the Septa Police Department, assigned to North Philadelphia.

Stephen Ruggieri ‘00 is regional Vice President at Coventry First in Fort Washington. He and his wife Lauren reside in Bryn Mawr, with their two children Cara and Charlie.

Matthew Smith ‘00 teaches at Temple University. Michael Barker ‘01, a real estate broker at CB Richard Ellis, was nominated earlier this year by the Philadelphia Business Journal as the 2008 Rising Star Broker of the Year. He finished second.

Shawn Gennaria ‘01 is employed as a computer software engineer at Fort Monmouth in New Jersey. He and his wife Debra reside in Atlantic Highlands, NJ.

Christopher Kurek ‘01, a second year law student at Rutgers-Camden Law School, joined a group of 25 students who traveled to Austin, TX for an Alternative Spring Break earlier this year. Half of the group worked at Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid, a nonprofit organization that provided free legal services to low-income and disadvantaged clients in a 68-county service area that includes the entire Texas-Mexico border region. Legal interns worked on home foreclosures, farm workers’ rights, and immigration issues. The other half worked at the Juvenile Public Defender, representing indigent juveniles ages 10-16. Students aided the understaffed office consisting of six attorneys who handle an average of 1670 court cases and 3138 detention hearings a year.

Brendan McGrath ‘01 graduated from the University of Notre Dame in May, 2008 with a Master in Theological Studies. He is currently employed as a theology teacher at Father Judge High School.

Frank Cervantes ‘02 and his band “The Once Was” held an album release show for their new CD at the World Cafe Live this past spring.

Mark Smith ‘02 is teaching at Abington Friends School.

James Fee ‘03 is a member of the editorial staff for On the Water magazine and TV show in Cape Cod, Mass. He is currently engaged in launching the NY/NJ edition of the recreational fishing magazine. John Coury ‘04 recently graduated from the University of Hartford and is a financial advisor with Waddell & Reed, Inc. in Hartford, CT.

Mark Rubbo ‘04 graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Fine Arts and is currently employed at Curious Pictures, a production company in New York where he was part of the team which produced a premiere holiday special called “Little Spirit - Christmas in New York.” The special, which aired on NBC during the Christmas season, was sponsored by Macy’s as part of their 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Nicholas Coletta ‘05 participated in a service-based internship in South Africa with Connect-123 from January until March 2009 mentoring, doing assessments and intervention for students at The Chrysalis Academy. Connect-123 provides volunteer opportunities, internships and study abroad programs to Cape Town.


Matthew Crawford ‘05 and two classmates from Olin College of Engineering presented during a special session on research by undergraduates at the annual joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America in Washington, DC. Their work involving Multilevel and Multidimensional Hadamard Matrices was selected as a winner in the undergraduate poster competition.

David DeMaria ‘05 was honored by the Georgetown University Biology Department Faculty as the recipient of the 2009 Zukowski-Kolleng Undergraduate Research Scholarship in Biology for his work in neuroscience research. Also, David was nominated and has become an associate member in Sigma Xi, the international research society that promotes the health of scientific enterprise and honors scientific achievement.

Alan Guffanti ‘05 recently graduated from Fairfield University with a Bachelor of Nursing degree. He was selected to participate in the University of Pennsylvania Hospital’s Nurse Extern Program in the summer of 2008.

Reggie Redding ‘06 was one of the main reasons that the Villanova basektball team reached the NCAA Final Four. Charles Schrier ‘06, a student at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, was part of the school’s intramural basketball champions during his junior year. It was the second intramural championship for Charles who was also part of the championship flag football team. That team participated in a regional flag football championship eventually coming in second. Michael Trerotola ‘06 was re-elected as Executive President of Fordham University’s Residence Halls Association, the student government for the residence halls. Jake Braithwaite ‘07 starred as Bobby in Fordham University’s production of “Company” in early spring and appeared as Jimmy Harper in Fordham’s production of “Reefer Madness: The Musical” in April. Recently he was elected as Executive Secretary of the Residence Halls Association.

Ryan Reilly ‘05, a recent graduate at Catholic University of America and Executive Editor of the school newspaper The Tower, was selected as one of the top 100 collegiate journalists in the country by UWIRE. During his senior year, he had an internship at Washington City Paper and is currently looking for a D.C. area media job.

William Smith ‘05 graduated from Penn State University in May and will begin studies at Jefferson Medical College in August.

Shane Clark ‘06, a biology major at Georgetown University, had a short essay published in the magazine Nature. His short story “Kidroid” appeared in a December issue. Nature magazine is one of the premier scientific research magazines in the world.

Tom Elliott ‘06, a member of the baseball team at Georgetown, got the first hit ever at Citi Field, the New York Mets’ new ballpark in Flushing, NY, as the Hoyas beat St. John’s 6-4. The game was the first played at the new ballpark as stadium officials worked out the kinks of the new stadium before the Mets’ 2009 season.

John Hendrickson ‘06, a senior at Penn State University, was recently selected as one of the top 100 collegiate journalists in the country by UWIRE. In recommending John for this honor, a former editor of ALT.magazine said, “John will edit a story seven times to achieve his high standards of excellence.” In June, John began a summer internship at the Denver Post covering Arts & Culture.

Gavin Keirans ‘06 has been re-elected Student Body President at Penn State University with the most votes in school history. Michael Wallace ‘06 has been named programming chair and had the most votes ever for a representative position. In addition, Pat Byrne ‘06 won the Eberly College of Science Representative seat.

Brad Kelly ‘06 studied abroad for the Fall 2008

Christopher Gannon ‘07 and Sean Radomski ‘07 were elected Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer of the Class of 2011’s Student Government at Fordham College of Rose Hill.

Christopher Gavin ‘07 and James Shields ‘07 were selected to chair programming committees as a part of the Campus Activities Board of Fordham University’s student government. J. Michael Haines ‘07 completed his sophomore year at Fordham University as a National Latin Exam Scholar. He is one of only ten students nationally to receive this award. Prep Latin teacher Michael Dougherty ‘93 encouraged Michael to apply for the scholarship during his senior year at the Prep and he has received it each year since. Robert Jones ‘08 was selected by Princeton University and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to intern at OECD headquarters in Paris this summer through the Princeton in France program. Robert will serve with the OECD for nine weeks, working in the publishing department. Joseph Meehan ‘08, a freshman at Lebanon Valley College and Commonwealth Conference Rookie of the Year, was named a Freshman Basketball All-American by D-III News. William Palombi ‘08, a freshman at the University of Virginia was elected to the UVA Engineering Student Council and also vice president of the Freshmen Student Housing Association. Bill was also selected to the UVA Blueprint Leadership committee. Over the course of the program, participants will spend time actively engaged with each other and working alongside some of the University’s most renowned scholars and leaders, dealing with issues such as: ethical decision-making, self-awareness, personality, styles and leadership.

semester at Oxford University in England. He is a student at Catholic University in Washington, DC.

Patrick McIlvaine ‘06 attended the National University of Galway, Ireland for the spring semester.

Michael Noel ‘06, a senior at Fordham University, was recently selected to be a part of a volunteer campus ministry service trip with Habitat for Humanity in Brazil. The team will build a home for the head of the parish daycare center and her family. The Fordham program that put this trip together is called Global Outreach, a program that puts motivated (and usually religious) students in contact with needy communities around the world.


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BIRTHS Daisy Catherine to Courtney and Dino Pinto, Prep Religion Teacher [1]

Iyla to Emina and Michael Cardamone ‘92 [6]

Emily Rose to Christopher Close and Elena Korboukh, Prep German Teacher [2]

Connor Michael to Jennifer and Christopher Murphy ‘92 [7]

Briel Chimene to Doris and Albert Janke ‘74

Aidan Dominic to Danielle and Dennis Mullin ‘92

Kieran Paul to Kristina and Joseph Diviny ‘76

Sophia Catherine to Nicole and Joseph Botta ‘93 [8]

Casey Noelle to Dawn and John McCormick ‘83

Victoria, 3 years old holding baby Sophia, Lily, 5 years old

Adam Robert to Alicia and Robert Kapusta ‘84

Abigail Marie to Jill and Greg O’Neill ’94 [9]

Nancy Page to Renee and Frederick Schindler ‘86

Liam to Nicole and Sean Pearson ‘94 [10]

Brody Gerard to Susan and Michael McDyer ‘89

Lucy Ann to Julie and Nicholas Falcone ‘95 [11]

Ann Mairead to Meg and Michael Seminack ‘89 [3]

Logan Matthew to Melissa and Matthew Kaiser ‘95 [12]

Elizabeth Ann to Bridget and John Shea ‘89

Ryan Paul to Jeanine and Ryan Brown ‘96 [13]

Massimo “Max” to Anna and Dewey LaRosa ’90 [4]

Alexandra Reese to Noelle and Louis Giampietro ‘98

Madeline Barbara to Aliza and Mark Thomas ‘90 [5]

Theodore Louis to Kimberly and Matthew Genuardi ‘98

Michael to Tanya and Geno Rapone ‘91














WEDDINGS Michael Rogai ‘96 and Holly Joy Hatfield

Brian Shea ‘96 and Stephanie Huddell Philip Martelli ‘99 and Meghan Phelps James Jankiewicz ‘99 and Stacy Heller

James DiGiulio ‘99 and Christina Carlucci

Shawn Gennaria ‘01 and Debra Kepke

Standing [l to r] Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Esposito ‘99, Christina (Carlucci) DiGiulio, James DiGiulio ‘99, Tara Pehush, Michael Dailey ‘99; Seated [l to r] Bridget Timby, Stephen Comly ‘99 and Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pedicino ‘99

Fellow Preppers attending the wedding included brother Christopher Gennaria ‘97, Bill Newman ‘01, Robert Nguyen ‘01, Brian J. Smith ‘01 and Christopher Jr. ‘22

Kevin Shea ‘01 and Meghan McCarney



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IN MEMORIAM Edward J. Burke ’63 Legendary Prep coach and teacher Eddie Burke passed away at his home on March 23. Though sudden, his death came on the heels of learning that lung cancer, a former nemesis, had reoccurred. He was about to undergo one of several rounds of chemotherapy when death took him in the quiet of his sleep. At his funeral Mass, several eulogized him including Maurice Howard ’72, who spoke of Eddie as a second father who, no matter the time or the circumstances, “was always there for me.” Mo, who was a superior basketball player for the Prep in the early 1970s and who would go on to play college and professional ball, credited Eddie for making it all possible. “More than just teaching me basketball, Eddie taught me how to be a man,” said Howard, his voice strained with emotion. “I loved him so much.” After Mass, many friends, former players and colleagues remained in the church parking lot recalling stories that spoke of their own relationship with Eddie. A common theme emerged: Eddie was an uncommon man. No matter how busy he was, he was never too busy to spend time with you, talk with you, listen to you and, of course, joke with you. He made you feel like you were the most important person in his world. People genuinely loved Eddie and he loved them. Eddie was the fourth of five children born to Ellen and Peter Burke and he was the first of his siblings not to enter the religious life, but he followed a different vocation, that of an educator and father. Although best known for his coaching prowess, he was an outstanding player at the Prep, helping to guide the team to the Catholic League title in 1962 and tying for the scoring title in 1963 when he also served as captain. He then went on to play three seasons at LaSalle University before a knee injury ended his career early in his senior year. After graduating from college, he returned to his alma mater as coach of the freshman team. By the end of that year he was coaching the varsity and eventually led the Prep to the league title in 1971. Between

Nicholas W. Kueny ’43

the years 1947 and 2003, the Prep won only two league titles. Eddie played a major role in both. He would go on to lead St. Thomas More to Catholic League and City Championship titles and later to guide Drexel University’s basketball program in the 1980s. In 1986, Drexel won the East Coast Conference Championship and a berth in the NCAA Tournament. Eddie had the most wins (207) in Drexel history and was also the ECC Coach of the Year. He returned to the Prep in 1992, helping restore the basketball program to respectability. He coached for seven seasons, stopping for good in 1999. He also served as the school’s Director of Alumni Relations, a position he held until he retired in 2004. During his long and distinguished career, Burke earned many honors. At the Prep, he won nearly every award given to an alumnus or employee, including the Ignatian Award and the Schnorr Service Award. One indication of the respect he engendered throughout his career was the award presented to him by the Roman Catholic Alumni Association for his service to the Philadelphia Catholic League, a rare honor for an opposing coach. During his tenure, Burke influenced dozens of coaches. Most notably, he coached Phil Martelli ’72 (Saint Joseph’s University head coach) at the Prep and hired Jay Wright (Villanova University head coach), Joe Cassidy (Rowan University head coach), Pat Flannery (Bucknell University head coach) and Whitey Rigsby (Villanova color analyst) as assistants at Drexel. Eddie leaves behind his beloved wife B.A., three children (Maureen, Brendan ’96 and Melissa) and four grandchildren (the oldest a boy appropriately named Burke plus Circa and newborn twins Edward John and Owen). -Al Zimmerman’73

Whenever we remember a particular teacher who went the extra mile to help us, we cannot help but smile fondly. Hundreds of Prep alumni, former students of Nick “Mister” Kueny from the decades of the late 40s through the late 80s, smile when they remember Nick. That smile, however, is in contrast to the fear we had of him as September freshmen in his algebra I classroom. His roar scared us. His nicknames for each of us, “ironhead” and “knucklehead” being among the most common, scared us. But, as a Hawkeye tribute to Nick upon his Prep retirement in 1988 said, “By Thanksgiving we knew his act – he loved us. And we, him.” At Nick’s funeral, his nephew, Prep dad Martin Kueny, eulogized him. “Family, service and faith were most important to Uncle Nick. He loved helping people but he shunned any attention brought to him.” That was the essence of Mister: always helping, always eschewing the limelight. After his retirement, he could not sit still. From his Ocean City home several days each week, he made the commute to Shore Memorial Hospital where he manned the help desk at the front doors. One of his greatest loves was making wooden crayon truck wagons that would find their way to pediatric patients. Of course in his inimitable way, a surrogate would bring the gifts to the tiny patients, lest Nick himself receive credit for his acts of kindness. “People always try to return them when they leave,” says Maria Spear, a child life specialist. “When I tell them they can keep them, you should see the looks on the faces of both the kids and the parents. It’s like I just handed them a winning lottery ticket.”

Nick never married. His children were his Prep students. He cared for them as if they were his own. Whether in math class or in the training room, he gave them his full attention. In December 1986, in honor of and gratitude for Nick’s many years of service to the Prep community, in particular to its many athletes, a plaque was mounted on the outside wall of the new Nicholas W. Kueny ’43 Training Center. “I think Nick’s work as a trainer,” says Martin, “prepared him to take care of his mother and father and later his brother in their final days.” Indeed Nick was a dutiful son and brother and an outstanding trainer and teacher. When we remember him, we simply smile. — Al Zimmerman ’73



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I have included the Prep in my estate plans. My four years there set the course for my

entire life. I am forever grateful to the Jesuits and lay teachers who had a profound influence on my life. I am happy to give something back!” -Lou Cissone ’52

INCLUDE THE PREP IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST. Including a bequest to St. Joseph’s Prep in your will or trust is an easy way to make a difference. It doesn’t affect your current cash flow or assets. It’s easy to change if your circumstances change. And, it may save estate taxes later. Best of all, you have the satisfaction that goes with leaving a legacy that will outlast you. Talk to your attorney today, and please let us know when you’ve completed your plan so we can welcome you into The Magis Society, our planned giving society.

For more information, contact John T. Anderson, Vice President for Development at (215) 978-1960 or at

REST IN PEACE John F. King ’32

John H. Small ’43

Rev. Vito J. Carbone ’54

A. W. Sanderson ’36

James A. Drobile ’45

John D. Quinn ’58

Joseph J. Gaffigan ’37

Charles M. Nolan ’45

William A. Wuest ’59

William A. Hammeke ’39

Raymond M. Joson ’46

Joseph P. D’Ippolito ’61

John J. Keating ’39

Charles J. McCue ’46

Mark T. Bonner ’63

Joseph E. Walsh ’39

Rev. Donald G. Clifford, S.J. ’47

Edward J. Burke ’63

John A. Conlin ’40

William A. Hayes ’47

Edward B. Dougherty ’71

Howard J. Heim ’40

Daniel J. Ward ’47

Howard W. Muffler ’77

Hubert J. Horan ’40

John F. Whalen ’48

Edward F. Dougherty ’80

John C. Saile ’40

Thomas J. Hayden ’49

David J. Ioele ’80

John F. Horstmann ’41

J. Paul Sullivan ’49

Mark W. Halaway ’88

Francis J. Clifford ’42

James A. D’Antonio ’51

Frank A. Lupo ’89

Richard F. O’Neill ’42

William J. MacDermott ’52

J. Edward (Ted) Seltzer ’00

Nicholas W. Kueny ’43

Joseph J. Neff ’52

Matthew M. Mullin ’01

John P. Quinn ’52



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pe r spe c t i v e s

Michael Busza ’10 takes us on a journey of the Prep through his eyes. AS THE









CONSUMES MY OUTLOOK, FOR SUCH A FEELING HAS NEVER EMBRACED MY LIFE BEFORE. THE FUTURE HAS ENDLESS POSSIBILITY. I suppose that I’m now presented with honest freedom – but strangely, all I want is to decline. At the Prep I found my home; leaving is not my favorite option. I love my school. I never want to go. It is here we all belong, yet somehow they expect our eventual, unopposed goodbye. Ready or not, our time will come. And when it does, there’s so much we will miss. We walk these halls everyday, but do we ever really notice just how wonderful a place it really is? We come to a school of open doors, open arms, and open hearts. Things here are simply different. At our school, every day is a celebration. We’re here to learn, to grow, to strive, to challenge, but most of all, we’re here to live. We pack our brains with knowledge, but laughter fills our days. Here, we are content. We live life. Classes change and hallways burst with exciting, never-ending, optimistic bliss. Chatter mounts and smiles beam, for every step brings a new hand to shake, another back to pat, and a friendly heart to hug. Our classrooms glisten, walls adorned with hula-hoops, Christmas lights, color-coded flags, and corkboards littered with newspaper. The lounges allow for naps. The hallways are wide, lockers crimson, tiles gray. The cafeteria is colossal. Jesuit Hall shines in glory from above, granting us a fifth floor view worthy of hawks and gods alone. We relish in halls that curve. The



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Archive Library stacks three levels of inspiring traditional

they care. Dean, principal, service director, teacher – there

volumes, with a view and cozy chairs of its own academic

they stand, a group of two or three strong, waiting to wish


well the day ahead.

At the heart of our school, the Foyer sings, piano reinstated.

Studying may take hours, the night may never end, but the

The computers access Facebook. Student art flanks our walls the whole year round, and schoolbooks cover tables. The library gives out crosswords. Faculty offices are always packed, bowls of candy always full. Sports consume the Fieldhouse, and periods free we play them all.

morning comes and suddenly our day has meaning. All it takes is a simple hello; one word, five letters, and we know we’re loved. This is the Prep, and that is why we’re here. These are the things we often take for granted, but they make us who we are. Students visit and they feel it, subconsciously surrendering to the omnipresent vibe. People call

We recycle.

this feeling “the brotherhood,” “Prep Pride,” an infectious dis-

After mass, the classes cheer. Teachers sing, wear funny hats, and dress in quirky clothes. The bathrooms have hand sanitizer. Homerooms get t-shirts, and students only have one exam a day. Prep attire is required. Chants at games are

ease that spreads throughout the air. I call the feeling “home,” for ties this strong will never bend or break or die.

works of pride. Traditions live, seniors prank, and clapping never ends. JUG is not demeaning. Spirit never fails. And the list goes on and on. These things are small. They often go unnoticed, but they’re also, subliminally, the reason why we’re here. The faculty says hello. Everyday, without a doubt, no exceptions and no extremes, they greet us at the door. With sleep in our eyes and breakfast in hand, each day opens to a familiar face and a welcome home. We roll off the bus, trudge up the stairs, and before the day begins, we already know

We work, we play, we live, we love, we pray. The brotherhood endures. We are the Prep, proudly hand in hand. In times of joy or times of pain, brothers band together. We are schoolmates, classmates, friends, brothers, men. United, here we stand. Still, we all will leave. Tears will flow, time ticks down, and eventually, we all move on. We grow up and get old, for the cycle never ends. College, career, marriage, life; these things demand attention. In the end, our time must come to go. But for us, “goodbye” is never final. The Prep remains because the brotherhood is strong. Soon we’re off. The world is ours, but Prep is always home. We may have found our Prep conclusion, but certainly not for long. Alumni return, the bond survives, and memories never fade. Indeed, the world needs men for others, but with our hearts, the Prep forever stays.


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