St. John's Vancouver // March 3, 2019 News & Events

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St John’s Vancouver Things happening in the life of our church and in our community Marcy 3, 2019



Often we think about our salvation as subtraction: through Christ our sin, guilt, and condemnation are taken away. But what in salvation is an addition? Through our faith and union with Christ, we are justified, which means that Christ’s good standing before the father is added to us. Along with justification comes a cluster of benefits. In Christ, reconciliation, adoption, citizenship in heaven, and eternal life are added to us.

Come and hear what God has been doing amongst us, and what we are looking for him to do this next year. David will spend time explaining our three pillars and the concept of Missionary Critical Engagement

Come along to Catechism this Sunday at 11:00 am to hear about question 16, The Benefits of Salvation.

The Annual General Meeting will be on Thursday, March 7 at 7:30 pm. We will meet at St. John’s Vancouver, 5350 Baillie Street.

TECH NOT NEUTRAL // MARCH 5 @ 7:30 PM In our first of three weeks, Regent professor Craig Gay showed us how modern technology has come to dominate the ways we think and act within our culture. Technology promises to make our lives easier, faster, cheaper, and more convenient without ever stopping to question whether those things are always better. Modern technology’s relationship to the economy also encourages us, in both obvious and subtle ways, to see the world, the environment, and even other people, as “stuff to be used” – everything is a resource to be mastered, all we need is better technology! Join us this week as Craig unpacks how the Christian gospel offers a unique perspective to respond to these trends through a renewed focus on creation and incarnation. COFFEE MINISTRY ON SUNDAY MORNINGS This important, but often overlooked ministry is currently in need of some care and attention. We have a few faithful volunteers who’ve been taking on much of the responsibility. Making coffee or tea is an easy task, and we will provide simple instructions. Volunteers will all be paired so if you volunteer you won’t need to do the task alone. We are looking to have more people involved so we can share in the joy of serving one other. Please sign up in the lobby this morning. SOUP SUNDAY // HANG OUT Soup Sunday on tonight will be a time to hang out with each other! Invite a friend to come and eat soup, play games, or chat with great people. We’ll be downstairs after Evening Service and will wrap up around 8:30 pm (but feel free to leave when you would like). If you’re super keen on games, bring your favourite one!

The annual report and vestry agenda booklet can be picked up at the back of the church today or at the meeting. LEARNERS’ EXCHANGE Every Sunday in the Café Room at 9:00 am, Learners’ Exchange offers stimulating speakers and engaging discussions. March 3 // Ed Norman ‘The Lamb of God’ Musical Reflections for Lent SERMON DISCUSSION // EVERY SUNDAY AT 12:30 PM Would you like to discuss the sermon you just heard? A small group of people will meet at the back of the sanctuary immediately after the 11:00 am service. Everyone is welcome, but those whose first language is not English may find it particularly helpful. If you have questions, email Manya,

If you have any questions about Soup Sunday or if you want to get involved you can get in touch with Katy, We’ll see you there! Get our weekly email with all events happening in our community by subscribing to the parish email list at

Calendar MISSIONS LUNCH: JOURNEY CANADA // MARCH 10 Are you concerned about our culture’s view on identity and sexuality? Are you uncertain about how to respond? Join us on Sunday, March 10 for our Missions Lunch where Journey Canada will share the joyful news about how God is bringing relational healing to individuals and educating and equipping church leaders and members in these challenging times. Scott Neufeld from Journey Canada will be sharing following the 11:00 am service in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch will cost $5/person or $10/family. CONDOLENCE On Tuesday, January 19 Shirley Orrick died at Surrey Memorial Hospital after a recent struggle with multiple health complications. Shirley and husband Bob were formerly members of St John’s and recently members St Andrew’s, South Delta. Please pray for Bob and their five adult children. A memorial service for Shirley will be held on March 9, 2019, at St. Andrew’s Church at 2:00 PM at 4951 12th Ave, Tsawwassen. In lieu of flowers, please donate to Covenant House.

In our Community LIFE ON THE MARGINS // A WORKSHOP AT JACOB’S WELL Fri, March 22 (7:00-9:30 pm) and Sat, March 23 (10:00 am-4:00 pm). Join Jacob’s Well, a parachurch community in the Downtown Eastside, for a workshop exploring issues of charity, justice, and God’s heart for people living on the margins of society. Saturday lunch will be included. Register before March 15 at The cost is $35. RAISING HOPE // REED FUNDRAISER Fri, March 22 (7:00-9:30 pm) and Sat, March 23 (10:00 am-4:00 pm). On March 8 join REED for an evening of courageous conversation, wine and dessert as they raise funds to stand with and for sexually exploited women. There will be a number of items in the silent auction, including a two night stay at the Watermark Beach Resort, Osooyoos and a private wine tasting for four at Pacific Breeze Winery. Tickets can be purchased at

MONDAY, MAR 4 10:45 am Little Years TUESDAY, MAR 5 7:30 pm Tech Not Neutral WEDNESDAY, MAR 6 7:20 am

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study

6:30 pm

Ekklesia (meet at the church)

7:30 pm

Ash Wednesday Service

THURSDAY, MAR 7 10:00 am

Welcome to Worship

7:30 pm Vestry FRIDAY, MAR 8 10:30 am

ESL Discussion Group

6:00 pm Youth (grades 7-12) SUNDAY, MAR 10 Matthew 13:24-43 7:30 am Holy Communion 9:00 am Morning Prayer 11:00 am Morning Prayer 11:00 am Catechism 6:00 pm Evening Service Learn more at

ASH WEDNESDAY I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12: 1-2

Lent strikes many Protestants as an exclusively Roman Catholic tradition, but this liturgical season helpfully serves all Christians as a unique time of preparation and repentance to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. The word “Lent” comes from the Old English word for “spring.” It reminds us of the season when the days lengthen and new life is born. Lent is the church season which begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days prior to Easter Sunday—the same number of days that Jesus spent in the wilderness after his baptism. Lent is a time for self-examination and joyful repentance, sometimes for fasting and self-denial, and for seeing the glory of Christ as we meditate on God’s word. As we approach the throne of grace with honesty and humility, our Heavenly Father delights to pour out the riches of his mercy and the renewing power of his Holy Spirit. When we consider, as Christians, how extravagant the grace of God is in our lives – most of all in Jesus taking the punishment for our sin on the cross – it can feel overwhelming to find an adequate response. But Lent is not the Spiritual Olympics. It’s not a competition to see how extraordinary our spiritual disciplines can become! Rather, it’s a chance to renew our daily dependence on God. Here’s how Eugene Peterson translates Romans 12:1 quoted above: “Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering.” Our Ash Wednesday service is this Wednesday at 7:30 pm. We invite you to join us in beginning the season of Lent by drawing near to God to hear again the gospel pardon and peace we have received in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Our annual Lenten devotional Practicing Lent will also be available starting Ash Wednesday.

St. John’s Vancouver Offices: 2325 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J2 | Phone: 604.558.4400 | Stay informed: | Engage with each other:

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