St. John's Vancouver 2019 Annual Vestry Meeting Booklet

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We seek to be...

A community of contrast, gripped by the gospel of God’s grace, reaching out with the gospel of Christ.




Table of Contents Meeting Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Hymns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2018 Vestry Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2019 Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Nominating Commitee Report . . . . . . . . . . 12

Agenda CA L L TO O RD E R BY T HE CHA IR Joanne Sawatzky, People’s Warden C ON F I R M AT IO N O F A Q UO RUM F OR T H E M E E T I NG (a quorum is 40 members) BI BL E TA LK David Short PR AY ER S Dan Gifford I N M EM O RIA M James Wagner H Y M N Name of all Majesty I N TR OD UCT IO N Chair Introduction of the Trustees and Overview of the Meeting Appointment of the Vestry Clerk, Krista Friebel Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held March 8, 2018 Adoption of the 2018 Annual Report M I N I STRY RE P O RTS BU I L D I N G F UN D RE P O RT Jeff Spruston BEQU EST UP DAT E TR EAS U R E R’ S RE P O RT Christine Klukas Questions from the Congregation Adoption of the 2018 Audited Financial Statements Presentation and Adoption of the 2019 Budget Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the auditors for 2019 N OMI N AT I N G CO M M IT T E E RE P O RT Joanne Sawatzky M OTI ON TO A P P ROV E SL AT E O F T R UST E E S, DE LE GAT E S, E TC. Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short Thanking of the SJV Trustees – David Short OTH ER BUSI N E SS C LOS I N G RE M A RK S , M OT IO N O F A DJOURNM E NT H Y M N All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine C LOS I N G P RAYE RS Dan Gifford




In Memoriam Burt, Phyllis Coleman, Shirley Hipp, Brendan Morrison, Rhoda Samson, Colin Street, Janet Thomas, Carolyn Tw i s s , Ly n d o n Wa t t s , G o r d o n




Hymns 1. Name of all majesty, fathomless mystery, King of the ages by angels adored; power and authority, spledour and dignity, bow to his majesty, Jesus is Lord!

3. Saviour of Calvary, costliest victory, darkness defeated and Eden restored; born as a man to die, nailed to a cross on high, cold in the grave to lie, Jesus is Lord!

2. Child of our destiny, God from eternity, love of the Father on sinners outpoured; see now what God has done, sending his only Son, Christ the belovèd One, Jesus is Lord!

4. Source of all sovereignty, light, immortality, life everlasting and heaven assured; so with the ransomed, we praise him eternally, Christ in his majesty, Jesus is Lord!

1. All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine didst yield the glory of that right was thine, that in our darkened hearts thy grace might shine Alleluia!

3. Let this mind be in us which was in thee, who wast a servant that we might be free, humbling thyself to death on Calvary: Alleluia!

2. Thou cam’st to us in lowliness of thought; by thee the outcast and the poor were sought; and by thy death was God’s salvation wrought. Alleluia!

4. Wherefore, by God’s eternal purpose, thou art high exalted o’er all creatures now, and given the name to which all knees shall bow: Alleluia! 5. Let every tongue confess with one accord in heaven and earth that Jesus Christ is Lord. and God eternal be by all adored: Alleluia! words: Francis Bland Tucker based on Phil 2:5-11 music: Charles Villiers Stanford


St. John’s Vancouver Vestry Meeting Minutes March 8, 2018


1. Call to order by the Chair, Joanne Sawatzky 2. Confirmation of a quorum for the meeting (a quorum is 40 members). Read Regrets Anna and Michael Kwan, Gillian Fullerton 3. Bible Talk – David Short 4. Prayers – Dan Gifford 5. In Memoriam – James Wagner 6. Hymn: My Hope is Built on Nothing Less 7. Introduction – Chair, Joanne Sawatzky Introduction of the Trustees and overview of the meeting Canon David Short (Rector), Joanne Sawatzky (People’s Warden), Ewan Wilding (Rector’s Warden), Kevin Unger, Jeff Spruston, Margaret Dymond, Christine Klukas (Treasurer), Matt Strolz o

Appointment the Vestry Clerk (Krista Friebel) Moved by Chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Doug Blackman Adoption of the Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held March 9, 2017 Moved by Chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Donna Chapman, the motion was carried Presentation and Adoption of the 2017 Annual Report Moved by chair, Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Brie Tarras, the motion was carried

8. Ministry Reports David Short – David gave thanks for the leadership, generosity, the significant bequest, and Dan Gifford’s 20 years of service. He is excited about the renewed sense of desire for outreach. We have now moved beyond the crisis and need to move from being safe to addressing our culture. David introduced the three pillars and the goals that are part of the 2017 strategic planning process. Dan Gifford – Refugee Committee: The refugee application for the Christian Afghan family living in Delhi has been accepted. It usually takes 4 years, but the family is likely to come in the next 18 months. We will walk with them and completely support them for the first year in Canada. The Refugee committee does outreach in the local area through Journey Home, and Kinbrace. St John’s has been walking alongside refugee families who come through this process. The refugee welcome committee has 70 members from SJV. At the end of May Journey Home is going to do an equipping seminar to help us learn how to care best for new refugees in Canada Sarah Carter – Mission Committee : 2017 Highlights – A 10 member team went to Malawi and in 2018 two of the clergy from Malawi will come to St. John’s. We added Nabil Adulla, who works with muslim refugees to our missionary support. David Lewis has moved back to Vancouver. This year we want to have a focus on communication and share more about what our missionaries are doing.


St. John’s Vancouver Vestry Meeting Minutes March 8, 2018


Kim Graham - After 20 years Jan Hobbis retired, and Kim stepped into the job. She is addressing issue like how do we gather women around God’s word when so many can’t meet mid-morning. How do we strengthen friendships? There is a new Women’s leadership team: a group of 10 women who are discussing how to grow and strengthen women’s ministry. Katy Der has been working as intern for 10 hours a week. 9. Building Update including Building Fund Report – Jeff Spruston We have continued to look at property options and we have entered into discussion with a church property who is not yet willing to sell. We continue to be in discussion with them, but progress is slow. The building search has been a hard process, and through all the work it has made us better realize that God is charge and we need to trust in his timing and continue in prayer. For several years we have held a donation in trust that was connected to our legal situation. In 2018 the Trustees earmarked this donation for the building fund. This puts our building fund a just shy of $1m. 10. Treasurer’s Report – Christine Klukas Questions from the Congregation Adoption of the 2017 Audited Financial Statements Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Josh Short, the motion was carried Presentation and Adoption of the 2018 Budget Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Jack Tippett, the motion was carried Appointment of Loewen, Kruse as the Auditors for 2017 Moved by Christine Klukas Seconded by Irena Tippett, the motion was carried 11. 2018 Bequest – Margaret Dymond, and Matt Strolz presented plans for spending the 2018 bequest over a 10-year period. After some questions and discussion the Trustees agreed to provide more details on the bequest budget at subsequent meeting of the congregation. 12. SJV 2018 draft bylaws – David Avren Motion to approve the 2018 draft by laws Whereas approval of at least 75% of all members present at a General Meeting is required to amend the Church’s bylaws; Whereas the former Society Act was replaced in 2015 by the Societies Act, and the church wishes to amend its bylaws accordingly; BE IT RESOLVED that the bylaws of ST JOHNS VANCOUVER CHURCH, and specifically bylaws 1.1, 1.2, 2.1(d), 2.5, 2.8, 3.2, 4.2, 4.10, 4.14, 5.12, 5.18, 5.22(a), 6.8, 8.1, 9.2, 11.2, 11.3, 11.5 - 11.7, 12.1, 14.1(b), 14.2, 15.1, 15.5, 15.6, 16.1 – 16.5, 16.8, 18.1-18.4, be and are hereby amended as shown in the attached copy of the bylaws, a copy of which also is and has been posted at: 37201/SJV+draft+bylaws+for+the+website.pdf


St. John’s Vancouver Vestry Meeting Minutes March 8, 2018

Moved by David Avren Seconded by Dan Gifford, the motion was carried unanimously 13. Nominating Committee Report – Joanne Sawatzky, People’s Warden Motion to approve slate of trustees, synod delegates etc. Moved by Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Pat Gibson, the motion was carried. Appointment of Rector’s Warden – David Short, Ewan Wilding 2018 Rector’s Warden Appointment of Lay Communion Assistants – David Short Thanking of the SJV Trustees - David Short 14. Other business 15. Closing Remarks, motion of adjournment – Chair Moved by Joanne Sawatzky Seconded by Nick Jones, the motion was carried 16. Hymn: A Mighty Fortress is our God 17. Closing Prayers – Dan Gifford St. John’s 2018 Elected Board of Trustees




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9.

David Short Ewan Wilding Joanne Sawatzky Christine Klukas Margaret Dymond Matt Strolz Kevin Unger Jeff Spruston

Rector Rector’s Warden People’s Warden Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee





2018 Budget (General Fund)

2018 Actual (General Fund)



Revenue (General Fund) Offerings to the General Fund Interest Income


Bequest to the General Fund Bequest to the Restricted Mission Fund Total Revenue



Programs and Outreach Salaries



Ministry Program Disbursements



Building and Facilities



Office and Administrative Costs

















Expenses (General Fund) C HURC H O P E RAT I O N S

Total Church Operations OUT RE ACH ANiC Support Outreach, support & training Total Outreach Expenses MI S S I O N S Missions (local, national, & international) Total Missions Expenses Total Expenses (General Fund) SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (GENERAL FUND) BEQUEST to the Restricted Mission Fund



2018 Actual Bequest

2019 Budget (General Fund)

2019 Bequest Allocation

2019 Total



% 2019 Budget vs 2018 Budget 1.5%

42,000 2,250,000


















































2,250,000 250,000


Nominating Committee Report N OMI N ATED ST. J O HN ’ S VA N C O UV E R B OARD OF T RUST E E S FOR 20 19




David Short

Rector’s Warden

Appointed by David Short

People’s Warden

Joanne Sawatzky


Christine Klukas


Margaret Dymond


Matt Strolz


Kevin Unger


Ed Bowes

N O M I N ATED ST. J O HN ’ S VA N C O UV E R L AY SY NOD DE LE GAT E S FOR 20 19 2019 Lay Synod Delagates Ewan Wilding Joanne Sawatzky Christine Klukas Kevin Unger Margaret Dymond Matt Strolz Ed Bowes




Lay Communion Assistants A LTER N ATE LAY SYN O D D E L E GAT E S

Auton-Strolz, Tanya

Hewitt, Marc

Smith, Brent

Avren, David

Hindmarsh, Bruce

Smyth, Bronwyn

Ayres, Thena

Hobbis, Jan

Smyth, Sheryl

Baker, Kelsey

Hoffmann, Mark

Sourisseau, Louise

Barker, Ann

Howell, Glenn

Speidel, Richie

Barker, Brian

Inboden, Nicole

Speidel, Sandy

Bentley, Lesley

Inboden, Tad

Strecker, Joel

Bentley, Michael

Johnston, Norah

Thomas, Beathen

Bowes, Anita

Kee, Hua Soo

Topp, Martin

Bowes, Edward

Kwok, Martin

Tucker, Jim

Buchanan, Andrew

Lee, Michael

Unger, Lyn

Bullen, Susan

Lewis, David

Wiens, Jasmine

Burns, Robin

Ley, Sandra

Wilding, Cindy

Canton, Irene

Matheson, Ruth

Wilding, Ewan

Carrick, Bailey

Moreau, Lorinda

Witten, Derek

Chan, Laurie

Munro, Elisa

Wragg, Elizabeth

Chan, Simon

Neudorf, Esther

Wragg, John

Der, Katy

Pain, Barbara

Yeong, Suet-Ming

Dueck, Philip

Pain, Chris

Foerster, Joan

Pieters, Roger

Foerster, Sam

Pieters, Susan

Fraser, Shaun

Piir, Elsbeth

Friebel, Steven

Portengen, Nick

Gay, Craig

Riddle, Laurie

Gibson, Mark

Sawatzky, Rudy

Gibson, Pat

Wagner, Brenda

Glover, Dan

Shain-Ross, Willie

Graham, Kimberley

Shimada, Tetsuya

Prayer Points

• Prayers for friends, family, co-workers, neighbours to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

• That we would have the compassion of Christ and that praying for the unchurched would become a priority for us.

• We pray for revival in our city and that we will see thousands come to you.

• That Jesus would become our greatest treasure in this world and that enthusiasm for him would overflow into evangelism.

• That God would bless our evangelistic efforts in 2019 and we would know his wisdom in our planning.

• For the families attending Little Years that they will come to know that God deeply loves them.

• For excitement and refreshment for our Sunday school teachers and children as they begin to study the life of Jesus together.

• For youth leaders and youth to grow together in their small groups and in following Jesus.

• For Ekklesians who are graduating, pray that they would make wise decisions about what to do post-grad. That they would trust God and not be anxious. •


P ray for the Satar family from Afghanistan with their two young children, who St. John’s is sponsoring, that God will care for and lead them in their upcoming move from India to Vancouver.

• That our discipleship would continue to transform our hearts and equip us to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in our respective spheres of influence.

• Pray that God would continue to ground our interns in the Gospel by the power of the Spirit, that knowing the love and grace of God personally, they would bear much fruit in their teaching, preaching, and all the other ministries they participate in.

• Pray that God would continue to move our congregation to be generous and use their resources to support the work of the Gospel.

• Pray that God would bless the bequest St. John’s received and that it would be used to further God’s purposes.

Parish Retreat – September 2018


Office: 2325 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 3J2 | Church: 5350 Baillie Street, Vancouver, BC

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