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Women in Leadership
The women in Co-op leadership were also recently featured in the Herald’s Women in Business special section, calling out that the women in director and managerial roles have over 100 years of collective experience at the Co-op! That sort of longevity and continuity is rare – and a real asset.
International Women’s Day is coming up on March 8, 2024, and this year’s theme is “Inspire Inclusion”. The Co-op is proud to be a place that is owned by community (read: women-owned!) as well as a place that is inclusive of women at every level. Co-op women have long shaped a welcoming culture that allows women to lead with the unique skillsets and personalities they bring to the table and to make decisions that affect every corner of the business.
As pictured from left to right:
Amy Sible, Mercantile Manager, 14 yrs
Nancylee Bouscher, Wellness Manager, 19 yrs
Lisa Gilden, Prepared Foods Director, 27 yrs
Nicole Vander Meulen, Marketing & Outreach Director, 7 yrs
Magnolia Mullen, Garden Coordinator, 3 yrs
Rosa Avila, Cashier Operations Manager, 11 yrs
Carol Veach, Finance Director, 9 yrs
Brittany Davis, Front of House Deli Manager, 10 yrs
Estrella Pineda, Category Manger, 10 yrs
Not pictured:
Tricia Carter, Human Resources Director, 2 yrs
Elisa Edmunds, Meat & Seafood Manager, 1 yr