2014 Kootenay Skateboard Series press release

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Press Release for Castlegar Source

2014 marks the 5th year of the Kootenay Skateboard Series. This series continues to focus on celebrating skateboarding in multiple West Kootenay communities. This year the KSS will be working with;      

Trail, Saturday May 3rd Kaslo, Sunday May 18th>May Days Castlegar, Sunday June 8th>Sunfest Nakusp, Tuesday July 1st>Canada Day Slocan City, Saturday July 26th>Unity Festival Rossland, TBA>Golden City Days

Each event will provide opportunities for beginners, intermediate and advanced skateboarders to showcase their skills with coaching also available. Helmets are mandatory and all skaters will be required to sign a waiver form. We are thankful for local and series sponsors including;

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