Módulo de Análisis de Arranque y Parada

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Microlog GX and MX Series Run up coast down module

The run up coast down module is designed for use with the MX and GX series of products within the Microlog family. It is used to record and analyse data from machines where noise or vibration levels are changing with speed or are changing with time; Such as during a run up, coast down or other applications that cause transient phenomena. One of the primary objectives is to establish the critical / resonant speeds of a machine. The module simultaneously acquires a noise or a vibration signal plus a tachometer signal from a machine and stores the data in a permanent record in the form of a time waveform (a wav file). The record can then be analysed and re-analysed as many times as the operator may require. The results of the analysis can be presented in a variety of formats in order to extract and display the data in the best possible way.

The user friendly interface enables the display of: • Bode plots • Nyquist diagrams • Waterfall plots • Colour spectrograms • Tables These types of plot enable you to quickly characterise your machinery and correlate vibration levels with machine speed or with time. A key benefit of this module is that it enables an operator to determine the critical or resonant speeds of a machine. An example of a typical application would be to determine if the critical speed of a compressor has changed after an overhaul. Alternatively an operator can see if a machine is experiencing high noise or vibration levels at a given point in time. e.g. possibly related to machine load or temperature (leading to thermal expansion).

The analysis and display takes place on board the instrument which negates the need for external software and the results can be produced immediately while the operator is on site.

Run up Coast down module details Input signal types:

Accelerometers, velocity transducers, displacement probes, user defined engineering units (EU’s), Volts AC

Y axis scaling units:

Metric or Imperial. Un-integrated, integrated or double-integrated units Examples: g, m/s2, mm/s, in/sec, μm, mils

Analysis types:

Bode, Nyquist, Waterfall, Colour spectrogram, Table format


x axis – Hz, CPM or orders y axis – linear, log

Input signal range:

±40 V max

Signal scaling:

RMS, peak, peak to peak

Waterfall high pass filters: Off, 0,36 Hz, 1,1 Hz, 2 Hz, 10 Hz, 70 Hz

Key features Acquisition • Accepts signal inputs from: accelerometers, velocity transducers, displacement probes, AC voltages and user definable inputs. • User Selectable Number of Pulses per revolution (Including non integer numbers)

Post Processing

• Automatic calculation of W factor at cursor position (Bodé) • Z axis selection of Speed, Time or Even Spacing (Waterfall and Spectrogram) • trace offset 0°, 22.5° or 45° (Waterfall) • Display order forward or reverse (­Waterfall) • Data export in Microsoft® Excel® CSV ­format (Tables)

Ordering information • CMXA-RUCD-SL – Run up Coast down module

• X axis spacing in increments of Δ RPM, % Δ RPM, Δ time, Δ RPM and Δ time, % Δ RPM and Δ time • Selectable lines of resolution from 100 to 12 800 • Display traces as Acceleration, Velocity or Displacement.

Plot Options • Simultaneous display of any three orders (Including non integer orders) and overall value or any 4 orders without an overall (Bodé & Nyquist)

® SKF and Microlog are registered trademarks of the SKF Group. Microsoft, Windows and Excel are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. © SKF Group 2007 The contents of this publication are the copyright of the publisher and may not be reproduced (even extracts) unless permission is granted. Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication but no liability can be accepted for any loss or damage whether direct, indirectw or conse­ quential arising out of the use of the information contained herein. Publication 6453 EN

SKF Condition Monitoring Centre (Livingston) Ltd 2 Michaelson Square, Livingston Scotland, EH54 7DP Tel: +44 (0) 1506 47 00 11 Fax: +44 (0) 1506 47 00 12



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