Skidmore College Commencement Program 2023

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May Twentieth Two Thousand Twenty-Three Ten Forty in the Morning



Schenectady Pipe Band, selection of Scottish and Irish tunes Please keep aisles clear during processional.


A reading from Skidmore President Charles Henry Keyes’ speech to the graduating class of 1923.

Jean M. Lambert, Administrative Assistant for Records, retiree


Nancy W. Hamilton ’77, Chair of the Board of Trustees


Marc C. Conner, President


Mary Schmidt Campbell, Doctorate of Humane Letters

Presented by Teisha Duncan, Artist-in-Residence

Hood presented by Michael T. Orr, Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Frederick M. Lawrence, Doctorate of Humane Letters

Presented by Catherine Berheide, Professor of Sociology and Director of Self-Determined Majors Program Hood presented by Dean Orr


Joowon Park

Assistant Professor of Anthropology and affiliate faculty member in Skidmore’s Asian Studies and International Affairs programs


Issy Beatriz Mejia, President of the Senior Class

Alexander Michael Lewis and Iti Singh, Senior Gift Chairs

Robert F. Resnick ’88, President of the Alumni Association

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Dean Orr


President Conner

President Conner is assisted by Dean Orr, Registrar David J. DeConno, and Associate Dean for Student Academic Affairs Michael F. Arnush.

Reading names are Associate Professor of World Languages and Literature Grace Burton and Professor of Health and Human Physiological Sciences Jeff Segrave.


Henry T. Moore

Arrangement by Dr. Floydd Ricketts

Led by seniors Sabrina Alper, Christina A. Bechtel, Alison Josephine Cottingham, Douglas S. Flam, Finn Hogan, Rebecca A. Johnson, Maria P. Langford, William S. Lee, Alexandra H. Levins, Finn August Lyon, Margaret McQueston, Sarita Cecilia Padukone, Asia Raacke, Quinn Stoddard-O’Neill, Andrew E. Weinberg, and juniors Sebastian J. Caparas, Arielle Lam, Audrey A. Rudd, and Madison O. Sadler


Nathaniel T. Lucas

Please help salute the Class of 2023 by singing the Alma Mater. Lyrics and music are on the inside back cover of the program.


Schenectady Pipe Band

Please keep aisles clear during recessional.


Led this year by Grand Marshal Mark Huibregtse, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, the processional and recessional are traditional parts of the Commencement ceremony that symbolize the relationship between faculty and students. In the processional, faculty process through the ranks of students, giving students the opportunity to show their respect and appreciation for their professors. That respect is returned to the graduates as they march through the ranks of the faculty during the recessional, receiving their congratulations.


Every year a number of students travel from their home countries to the United States to become part of the Skidmore College community. These students leave their homes, families, and friends for four years to be embraced by their new community in Saratoga Springs. Beginning with the acquisition of a student visa, and concluding with today’s ceremony, students coming to Skidmore from around the world work hard to balance their responsibilities as students and world citizens. The flags you see on stage today represent the countries of citizenship for the non-United States citizens in the Class of 2023. These flags, and those of all other countries representing the citizenship of Skidmore students, hang permanently in Skidmore’s Case College Center.

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The origins of the present-day cap, gown, and hood lie in traditions dating back 600 years. In the early years of European universities, the everyday dress of students and teachers was the garb of the cleric, academic pursuits being then the province of the church. Over the centuries, students at particular colleges came to adopt special colors to distinguish themselves, and gradually different colors came to be associated with certain ranks, degrees, and faculties.

In 1895, a degree of standardization in academic costuming was reached in the United States by the Intercollegiate Commission, though many European universities continue to use distinctive caps and gowns differing from those worn in this country.


Gowns are now customarily black, with a few noteworthy exceptions. Holders of the doctorate from Harvard may wear crimson gowns; Cornell, Princeton, Radcliffe, and Yale have distinct combinations of colors incorporated into their gowns. Skidmore’s trustees, in honor of the College colors, wear green gowns with yellow trim.

Bachelor’s gowns, designed to be worn closed, have long, pointed sleeves and no adornment. Master’s gowns, also unadorned, may be worn open or closed and have oblong sleeves, open at the wrist. Doctor’s gowns have bell-shaped sleeves, may be worn open or closed, and are faced on the front with black velvet, which also appears in three bars on each sleeve.


The bachelor’s hood is three feet long, the master’s three and one-half feet, and the doctor’s four feet; the width of the velvet trimming on these hoods is two, three, and five inches. The color of the trim indicates the discipline in which the wearer’s highest degree was awarded, while the color combination in the lining indicates the institution from which the degree was earned. Skidmore graduates receiving the Bachelor of Arts degree wear hoods trimmed on the outside in white, the color signifying the arts. Those earning the Bachelor of Science degree have hoods with golden-yellow trim, representing the sciences. All graduates’ hoods are lined in yellow and white, Skidmore’s traditional colors; the hoods of trustees are also yellow and white.

Distinctive Cords

As part of their academic regalia, Skidmore graduates who have earned College honors wear red cords, and those who have earned departmental honors don purple ones. Officers of the Student Government Association display gold cords, while officers of the senior class wear white ones. Campus spirit is also marked by cords: Seniors’ participation in certain support and community-building activities earned points toward a green and gold senior cord.

Traditional Colors

Skidmore faculty members represent many fields of learning — for example:

Arts, Letters, Humanities

Business Administration

Commerce, Business,




Fine Arts

Library Science



Physical Education


Social Work


Sapphire Blue



Light Blue




Royal Blue

Sage Green

Golden Yellow


Caps are generally black and of the mortarboard type. Regalia of all degree levels may include black tassels, but holders of the doctorate and governing officials of colleges and universities may wear gold tassels.

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The Presidential Medallion

In 1987, Skidmore introduced a new element to its academic regalia: a presidential medallion and chain created in honor of then-retiring President Joseph C. Palamountain Jr. The piece was created by the late Earl Pardon, a world-renowned jeweler who retired from the Skidmore faculty in 1989. Each of the 52 rectangles of the chain is individually designed, using gold of various hues, silver with enamel, abalone shell, ebony, ivory, and semiprecious stones. Hanging from the chain is the presidential medallion, which bears an abstract “S.”

The Centennial Mace

The office of mace bearer, now purely symbolic, dates back to medieval England. In Colonial America, the mace became a symbol of office when it was used in conjunction with academic regalia. The Skidmore mace is carried by the Grand Marshal, selected each year from among the College’s senior faculty. The Skidmore mace was created to commemorate the College’s centennial and was first used in 2003 at the presidential installation of Philip A. Glotzbach. The mace is a walnut staff with two bronze seals, one reproduction of the

official seal of Skidmore College and the other a likeness of Lucy Skidmore Scribner, the College’s founder.

Degree Candidates

The names listed represent students who have completed, or are expected to complete by August 31, all academic requirements for the degree. Those expected to complete their academic requirements by August 31 are marked with an asterisk. Those who completed their academic requirements this past January are marked with a double asterisk. Students who have not met all other requirements (including academic integrity and social integrity obligations) may have their diplomas withheld.

College and departmental honors are awarded to August candidates upon completion of all requirements and determination of final grade-point averages.

Flag Lapel Pins

Students from the Class of 2023 studied abroad in 35 different countries. Degree candidates who participated in a domestic or international off-campus program through Skidmore College are wearing the flags of the host nations where they studied.


On behalf of the faculty, students are announced by a representative from the Office of the Dean of Faculty and professors holding the Ralph A. Ciancio Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Ciancio Award Recipients

2001–02: John Anzalone, French

2002–03: Carolyn Anderson, Theater

2003–04: Gregory Pfitzer, American Studies

2004–05: Tadahisa Kuroda, History

2005–06: Ronald P. Seyb, Political Science

2006–07: Penny Jolly, Art History

2007–08: Giuseppe Faustini, Italian

2008–09: Beau Breslin, Political Science

2009–10: Mary C. Lynn, American Studies

2010–11: Katherine Hauser, Art History

2011–12: Grace Burton, Spanish

2012–13: R. Daniel Hurwitz, Mathematics

2013–14: Erica Bastress–Dukehart, History

2014–15: John Brueggemann, Sociology

2015–16: Barbara Black, English

2016–17: Masako Inamoto, Japanese

2017–18: Susannah Mintz, English

2018-19: Jeffrey Segrave, Health and Human Physiological Sciences

2019-20: Beck Krefting, American Studies

2020-21: Hassan Lopez, Psychology

2021-22: Rodrigo Schneider, Economics

2022-23: Corey Freeman-Gallant, Biology

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Mary Schmidt Campbell, Doctorate of Humane Letters

Mary Schmidt Campbell is a renowned academic, author, and art historian. President emerita of Spelman College, she is dedicated to the education and global leadership of Black women and to expanding professional development opportunities for people of color in the arts. A former curator, Campbell began her career as executive director of the Studio Museum in Harlem, the country’s first accredited Black fine arts museum. She spent two decades as dean of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and also served as commissioner of New York City’s Department of Cultural Affairs under two mayors.

In 2009, Barack Obama named her vice chair of the President’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities. In 2017, Campbell was appointed to serve as a member of the Mayoral Advisory Commission on City Art, Monuments, and Markers in New York City. A tireless advocate for large and small arts organizations, she is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and currently sits on the boards of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Unity Technologies, and the American Museum of Natural History.

She is the author of a biography of Romare Bearden (2018) and is currently working on a forthcoming book on the life and work of the artist Sam Gilliam.

Campbell received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature from Swarthmore College, a M.A. in art history from Syracuse University, and a doctorate in humanities from Syracuse.

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Frederick M. Lawrence, Doctorate of Humane Letters

Frederick M. Lawrence is an accomplished scholar, teacher, and civil rights attorney. One of the nation’s leading experts on civil rights, free expression, and bias crimes, Lawrence currently serves as the 10th secretary and CEO of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, the nation’s first and most prestigious honor society. In this role, he has focused on advocacy for the arts, humanities, and sciences; championed free expression, free inquiry, and academic freedom; and invigorated the Society’s 293 chapters and nearly 50 alumni associations. A distinguished lecturer at Georgetown University Law Center, he previously served as president of Brandeis University, dean of the George Washington University Law School, and visiting professor and senior research scholar at Yale Law School. He is the author of Punishing Hate: Bias Crimes Under American Law (1999), which examines bias-motivated violence and how such violence is punished in the United States. A frequent op-ed contributor to national and international news sources, Lawrence has testified before Congress concerning free expression on campus and on federal hate crime legislation. In the 1980s, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney for the southern district of New York where he became chief of the Civil Rights Unit.

A trustee of Beyond Conflict, he also serves on the board of directors of the American Association of Colleges and Universities, on the executive committee of the board of directors of the National Humanities Alliance, the editorial board of the Journal of College and University Law, and the Anti-Defamation League National Commission.

Lawrence received a bachelor’s degree from Williams College, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and earned a law degree from Yale Law School.

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Joowon Park

Joowon Park is an assistant professor of anthropology and an affiliate faculty member in Skidmore’s Asian Studies and International Affairs programs. Park is an expert on issues of citizenship and belonging, transnationalism, and the politics of humanitarianism. He is the author of Belonging in a House Divided (2022), a study of militarization and resettled North Koreans in the two Koreas. His work has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and other organizations.

In addition to his work at Skidmore, Park serves as a member of South Korea’s Peaceful Unification Advisory Council and as a board member of the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology.

Park received his Ph.D. from American University in 2015. Originally scheduled to come to Skidmore in the fall of that year, he took a leave of absence to fulfill two years of military service in South Korea and officially joined the Skidmore faculty in 2017.


Candidates for Degrees

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Tory Fay Abbott

Ojoneke Esther Abu*

Ajani Acloque*

Jeremy Acosta*

Justin Maxwell Adams

Katia Jennifer Aguirre Osorio

Hamzah Ahmed

Madeleine Foxman Aikin*

Connor Scott Aitken

Carmelina Albanese**

Jacks Page Allaire-MacDonald

Samantha Ase Allman

Selina Almasarwah

Mohamed Ahmed Almheiri

Muaded A. Almheiri

Sabrina Alper

Sophie Madison Altman

Frida Anguiano

Cameron Stone Angwin*

Bruce Hauben Appel**

Jack Christopher Arentowicz*

Margaret Elizabeth Olney Arms

Jessica Auerbach

Etai Taylor Bally

Rebecca Kate Banner

Anastasia Grace Bardin

Adelaide Barkhorn

Alice Christine Barrett

Maxwell Gregory Baskins

Amelia Jenifer Bassett

Katherine Elaina Bassin

Sophie Katherine Bean

Anne Fairfax Beatty

Christina Anne Bechtel

Kalliroi Belesi

Christopher David Bell

Chloe Anne Bell-Thomson

Elayna C. Bennett

Charlotte Milana Benson

Mia Theresa Berardino

Claire Juliet Berkowitz

Devyn Berkowitz*

Georgia Claire Berry

Zoe Jean Bilodeau

Avery Welles Blake*

Todd Andrew Blamires

Brianna Nicole Bledsoe**

Cayden Bobley O’Connor

Samuel Michael Bond

Brian Anthony Borchard Jr.

Hayes Botnick

Conor J. Boyle

Serena Elizabeth Fairchild Bradley

Jeovany Bravo

Julia Spencer Bresee

Mia Grace Baker Brierly

Perry E. Brower

Abigail Brown

Margaret Alice Brown

Lena Marais Bruursema

James Jeffrey Burton

Frances Tamar Capalbo*

Anna Hoag Carhart**

Theo Elijah Carol

Aida Rose Castelblanco

Elizabeth Wagner Cavallon**

Matthew Chan

Erica Lauren Chang

Joseph Darius Charles Jr.

Chirui Cheng

Ian Chorlian**

Rosa Lewis Christen

Fan Chu*

Nick Cipriani

Jack Doyle Clark

Samantha Lynn Claussen

Shayna Rose Cohen

Leora Anna Cohen-Tigör**

Joaquim Comellas

Sophia Elizabeth Craco

Juan Carlos Cruz

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Elizabeth Claire Danielson

Cole William Darby*

Emily Josephine Davis

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Mark Joseph DeCourcey

Payton Gabrielle DeCrescente*

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 11 | **Conferred in January 2023



Yainy DeJesus Guzman*

Rachel Dentler

Annabelle Derrick

Lucas Talbert Deuterman*

Sumitra Dhakal

Fatou Diop

Niav Amore Doyle

Lindsay Dry

Anna Rebecca Duffy*

Claire Louise Dunn

Jamie Porter Eason

Raymond Brando East

Madeleine Egger*

Manuel Cesar Macuja Elizalde*

Jaye Akin Eniola

Raven Ennis*

Juliana Frances Espinal-Murkison*

Alexandra Nicole Estey

Isabella Rose Faber

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Amr Fatafta

Shane P. Fedigan**

Rebecca Lia Fields

Jaclyn Beth Finger

Bella Lynne Finkel

Joshua Finkelman-Mahoney

Aylish Beavin Flahaven

Douglas Selden Flam Jr.

Merryn Gabrielle Forbes

Morgan Marie Foster*

Kimberly Rose Fragola

Sarah Franzel

Kaitlynn Elyse Fravel

Jenny Noble Freedman

Benjamin Goldfarb Freeman

Marissa Lynn Frenett

Liat Friedman

Noah L. Fryou

Aidan Porter Fuller

Lindsay Rose Galarneau

Finn Byron Gardner-Puschak

Gillian Marie Garvey

Madison N. Garvey

Justin L. Gibble

Liana Alexa Giglio

Jai Gil

Emily Anne Gilbert

Melaina D. Gilbert

Seth Bannister Gillett**

Elizabeth Kako Gimba

Kerry Michael Gionis

Madeline Isabelle Glick

Joseph Charles Goff*

Sarah Gold

Omar Gomez

Cara P. Granata

Sophia Renee Grant**

Devontia S. Greenaway

Matthew Grega

Dream Griffin*

Gianna Marie Grillo

Maxime S. Guilbaud

Connie Guo

Konny Guo

Annie Hageman

Eliot Hallahan**

Henry Hamilton

Richard Lin Hao

Sophia Aurore Harper**

Arham Sharif Hashmi

Mahtab Hasnath

Liana Mirav Heath

Paul Donald Heffernan

Jonah Rafael Herbsman**

Miles Chae Herman

Tiffany Herrera

Elianna Grace Hills

Maria Galenda Hoffman**

Sarah Hirsch Hoffman

Finn Hogan

Evan Holland-Shepler*

Nicolas Carlos Holman

Grace St. Clair Holmes

Nakeysa Amal Hooglund

Samantha Kendall Hotz

Kaylee S. Hua

Kunyu Huang

Carrie Halsey Hughes

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 12 | **Conferred in January 2023



Ethan Thomas Hull

Bailey E. Hunn

Olivia Margaret Hunt

Megan Catherine Huntington

Eve Hyatt

Isabelle Jaber

Nehemiah P. Jackson

Elizah Rain Jacobs

Emma Jaeger

Junling Jian

Brendan Jimenez

Rebecca Alter Johnson

Carter Patrick Jones

Ulele Noella Kachilele

Eli Kaliski

Sydney Leah Kass

Nya Keith

Graham Hoyt Kelley*

Mohammad Azam Khan*

Angela Kim**

Warren Joseph King, III

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Olivia White Knowlton

Julian Kobor

Jordan Mckinley Kohomban**

Casey Koochagian

Avighna Koppala

Ariella Tova Kornfeld

Eve K. Kreshtool

Tenzin Kunchok

Tautvydas Kupstas

Josephine Barrett La Forte

John Paul Bradley James LaViolette

Tessa Jordan Labovitz*

Kyra Rose Laing

Aymon Ernest Langlois

Anjolee Rose Lavery

Alexander Joshua Lee

William Skyler Lee

Truman David Lee-Solomon

Thais Legrand

Sten Leinasaar

Lea Wang Leventhal

Forrest Walden Levey

Alexander Michael Lewis

Katie Margaret Lienert

Margaret Lucia Limone

Emma Shu-Ki Lin**

Sar Rose Lindner

Aries Maximus Lising*

Leah Isabelle Littlefield

Yueer Liu

Chloe Locker

Lorenzo M. Long

Noah Ross Lonner

Juno Lorber

Xiekaixin Lu**

Nathaniel T. Lucas

Georgia Rae Luce

Dafne V. Lucio-Sanchez

Emily Luo

Jasper Lavin Lynn

Emme K. MacArthur

Gabriel Elmina Makower

Vladimir Malashenko

Garrett Jee Won Marino

Zachary James Markowitz

Nicholas Michael Massaro

Tinaye Emeka Mawocha

Anna Rose Mayrisch

Katherine Ann McCarney

Thomas McGarrahan

Gregory Michael McInnis

Ethan Scott McNamara

Maisy McWright

Daniel Joseph Melillo, IV

Aysha Mendez

Katherine Deena Michaels*

Chloe Adelyn Mickels

Victor Kojo Miezah*

Rory Millar

Antoinette Miller

Elizabeth Jean Miller

Sadie Anne Mills

Anthony Nicholas Mirkovic Jr.

Mia Kisun Mirzayan

Anisa R. Mok

Abigail Grace Monahan

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 13 | **Conferred in January 2023



Juliana Rose Moreira

Declan Morris

Amiel Elias Morrison

Sydney Muller

Calley Bryn Mullin

Amelia Yan Ping Murphy

Kyla Muzzy**

Anna Sueko Emie Nishina Naggert

Alexander Robert Nardone

Aliza Nazir

Dorree Sainoi Ndooki

Kimberly Nee

Alex Martin Neibart

Samuel Sloan Nelson*

Isabella Kuntz Nevin

Carina Ng*

Lydia Njobvu

Melanie Judith Nolan

Melissa Maria Nolan**

Jose Santos Nunez

Syafira Nurlita

David O’Connell

Finnian Ward O’Malia

Brendan Charles O’Neill

John Jude Ogilvie*

Calen Ethan Olegnowicz

Rachel Louise Fischer Olson

Jhan Kelvin Oriach

Jing Wang Ou Yang

Anastasia Outekhine

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton

Sarita Cecilia Padukone

Liam David Painter

Ally Palmisciano

Sarthak Pant

Zoe Valentine Pappas

Isabella Vivian Pedulla

Luna Peralta

Marley Che Augustus Perez

Nich Nearyrat Phalkun

Katherine Mullen Phillips

Stella Rose Piasecki

Grace Irene Picarillo

Julia Grace Plourde*

Ethan Hudson Pratts*

Lucia Margarita Prinzi

Joel Ruben Puma

Vilnis Aramis Puris

Katie Mae Puterbaugh

Pablo S. Quezada

Asia Raacke

Lindsey Dolores Raimondi

Anneli Ramolins

Jarode Anelka Ratsimbazafy*

Ethan Charles Reese*

Samoya Danielle Richards

Sierra Richardson

Nicholas James Riley

Olivia Mae Ripley

Justin J. Rizzi

Isabella Brizelley Rodriguez Fuentes*

Abigail Carolyn Rogers

Jamie Nicole Rothenberg

Kylie Melissa Rowan

Moesae Sanders

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Maximilian R. Z. Saw

William Clay Scarlett

Olivia Kate Schmahmann

Jacob Benjamin Schmidt

Marley Schmidt

Melina Kristen Scott

Carly Gabrielle Shea

Aaron Myers Shellow-Lavine

Liam Andrew Shemesh

Kira Leeanne Shepard*

Jason Shepherd

Henry Shing**

Jessica Shulman

Kashni Sial*

Anya Silbert

Benjamin Efram Simon

Kate Elizabeth Skowronski

Brooke Avery Slesh

Ashley Smolensky**

Peyton Davis Sobel

Maxwell N. Solomon

Amber Beth Soucy

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 14 | **Conferred in January 2023



Alyssa Dawn Sparrow

Abigail Iris Spear

Katherine May Stacks

Jake M. Stahl

Lucinda Rose Standefer

Sophia Malena Stelboum

Carley Ann Stenson

Anna Nicole Stiles

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

Hannah Grace Stolzenthaler

Stella Storino

David Joseph Strange

Lihong Sun

Shixin Sun

Cranac Seyani Surpris, III

Maxim Sussman

Aaron Swartz

Morgan Aglae Swiers

Destiny V. Syharaj

Robel Tadele

David Tago*

Kai Tan

Angela Bella Tanzer

Larry Tapia*

Henry Adams Tate

Maelcom L. Thayer

Victoria Martha Thorpe

Gregory Denton Tillman

Emme Wild Tissue

Kevin Ryan Tjioe

William Maximus Tone

Anna Sophia Torre

Miguel-Ángel Towns*

Brady Athan Tsourides

Ava Lia Tuchman

Solange Unger

Pranav Vaidyanathan

Rohan Cyrus Vakil

Gabrielle Skye Van Hollander**

Alessandra Vennema**

Tess Carey Vermylen

Natalie Anita Viebrock

Raven Jade P. Villa

Stefano Alexander Vinas

Valeria Visser Galvan

Grace Waibel

Hunter N. Wasser

Finn Brokaw Weber

Lukas William Weber

Rebecca Grace Mar Weidman

Andrew Ellicott Weinberg

Alexander Jacob Weinreb

Kenyon Weis

Katherine Ellis Whatley*

James Nolan White

Willie Brandt Wiebe

Jenna Wilhelm

Noah Lee Williamson**

Oliver Eliot Wilson

Hannah Williamson Winthrop

Kelby Bryant Wittenberg

Eliana M. Wolpaw

NaDaijah Diamond Wright

Ned Wright

Bill Wu*

Han Xu

Sebastian Xu

Yarden Yacoby

Ruyi Yan

Calvin Yang

Jiadong Yang

Hannah Ada Yelnosky

Georgianna Paulette Zanotto

Yi Zhang

Zuola Zhang

Zhujing Zheng

Xenia Ana Zimmerman

Justin David Zitelli

Sloane Zwanger

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 15 | **Conferred in January 2023



Z Allard

Katherine Amorosino

Erin Arnold

Tomás P. Balboa Livis

Allaura Yegraine Barrett

Karenna Elisabeth Benanti

Victoria Grace Benanti

Alexis Theresa Benfante

Phoebe Zosia Beshlian

Joseph Biddle

John Welles Blake, II

Andrea C. Bloomer*

Oliver Everett Blum

Mattie Brandfonbrener

Helen Tait Brencher

Ella Rose Brophy

Christopher J. Bucking

Maximilian Charles Burke

Leandro Jesus Bustos

Osman Tariq Bux

Emily Rose Calloway

William Panagiotis Kikiras Carter

Dylan Catian

Sergiu Erich Celebidachi

Cyrus H. Cheung

Anna Irini Churchill

Thomas Newton Clarke

Claire Elizabeth Coates

Conrad E. Cohen*

David W. Cohen

Elisabeth Cohen

Margaret Colligan

Daniel Cornicello*

Riley Jane Correll

Alison Josephine Cottingham

Jane Catherine Crowley

Leah Alden Cunningham

Colin Charles Cusa

Bryan Mauricio Cuzco-Sinchi

Laura Ann D’Aquino

Callan Anne Daniel

Hannah Lior Danziger

Aki Maya Davis

William Deveraux Davis-Kay

Elizabeth Anne Day

David Joseph DeFronzo

Orlando Burgos De Leon

Isaac Peter DeMarchi

Shannon Deneen

Lilah A. DuBoff

Matthew Anthony Duda

Toby Oliver Dunbar Aumell**

Harrison Davis Eichelberger

Erin Elise Einzig

Marvelous Ekeh

Sasha M. Fishstein

Alexa Mae Fitzgerald

Ryan P. Flynn

Caroline Elizabeth Forte

Alex Frost

Olivia Anne Furlong

Kyle M. Gaillard

Brianny Carolina Garcia

Benjamin Ryder Gastonguay

Avery Jane Geddes

Najip Gil

Cameron M. Glassman

Zoe Padgett Glazer

Juemoore Luvaugh Gordon

Lauren May Greaves

Riley James Greene

Francesca Eileen Griffin

Jamie I. Gutin

Abena Ofeibea Gyampo

Mary Elizabeth. Halm

Kiryat Hance

Jasper John Ruben Hancock

Brendan Keenan Hannon

Kelly Healey

Hanna Mirabelle Hewitt

Elizabeth Karolyn Hinshaw

Katharine Marilee Hoag

Jackson John Hornung

Sintra Alexandra Howell

Sean Patrick Hurley

Hart Jamieson**

Sydney Shira Jasny*

Diya Jhangiani*

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 16 | **Conferred in January 2023



Stella Rose Davitian Johnson

Jasmine Kwon Karaul

Matthew Fredrick Karpousis

Kirstyn Kilmeade

Ethan Alexander Kilmnick

Alix Genevieve Klein

Katherine Jing Knight

Zacharia Kouli

Alper Kulturel

Sarah Gabrielle Kundra

Hannah Michelle Kweit

Karen Kwok

Mayavathi Lal

Muriel Canby Lang

Maria Page Langford

Francesco “Frank” Lanzante

Jasmine Leong

Alexandra Hannah Levins

Sean Lim

Emma Lowe

Brenda Lu*

Finn August Lyon

Mary Scarborough MacKeen

Allison Grace Mahoney

Emily D. Marquez*

Lisbeth Del Carmen Marte

Allen Thomas Martin

Jack Marx

Melissa Nicole Mathias

Ciara Marie McDonald

Margaret McQueston*

Issy Beatriz Mejia

Josh T. Melcer

Max Mello

Jonah Graham Melton

Alvaro Richard Merhige

Anthony James Mollica

Matthew Monk

Bryan Alexis Morales Flores

Samantha E. Murphy

Jack Murray

Devon Mussio

Haley Beckett Nash-Thompson

Parker Elena Nelson

Han Nguyen

Thao Nguyen

Naima Lua Nigh

Angelica M. Pantginis

Giuseppe Paolini*

Joseph Michael Pastore, IV

Daniella Angelie Peralta*

Anthony Joseph Petersen

Micah Oscar Pflaum

Justin Lauriente Posnik

Abigail Leigh Post

Audrey Anne Powell

Vinni Lucero Pozuelos

Will Raymond Quigley

William Emmons Quirk

Nina Radtke

John Keith Reynolds

Kadeem Roberts

Meghan Rachana Robertson

Kendrice Oluchie Roc

Jessica Roman

Greg James Ross

Lauren Hollis Ruggiero

Matthew Peter Rutigliano

Samira Sevin Sadikoglu*

Milo Schair-Rigoletti

Lucy Rae Schwartzreich

Paul Seggev

Teddy Seguin

Benjamin Javier Sepulveda

Cara L. Sherr-Messing

Morgan Alexandra Sickels

Elisabeth Scott Silk

Iti Singh

Beau Martin Sivy

Gregory James Skoric

Emma Noelle Smith

Sophie Smith

Jesse H. Staigar

George Robert Stratts Jr.

Aidan M. Sullivan

Catherine Natalie Sullivan*

Clare Taylor-Winters

Sara Elizabeth Teitleman

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 17 | **Conferred in January 2023



Dylan Marc Telano

Aurora Thomas-Hagerman**

Abby Thompson

Chanhtel Thongphok

Anne-Sophie Vandenberk

Alexandra Nicole Vassiliou

Samantha Vela

Emily Rebecca Vinick**

Taylor Samuel Wacksman

Jack Walsh

Claire Wang

Minghuang Wang

Karr Wyatt Weiler

Jack Whalen

Alexandria Michelle White

Iyanna Wills

Chelsea Bei Winegar

Eamon Pendleton Witherspoon

Haoran Xu

Alexander L. Yarinsky**

Brigitte Carolina Yunda

Tianchen Zhang

Yuxuan Zhao*

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 18 | **Conferred in January 2023


(Distinction in all course work taken toward the degree)


Tory Fay Abbott

Sabrina Alper

Cameron Stone Angwin*

Erin Arnold

Rebecca Kate Banner

Todd Andrew Blamires

Erica Lauren Chang

Ian Chorlian**

Shayna Rose Cohen

Isaac Peter DeMarchi

Rachel Dentler

Sumitra Dhakal

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Bella Lynne Finkel

Annie Hageman

Liana Mirav Heath

Finn Hogan

Samantha Kendall Hotz

Junling Jian

Rebecca Alter Johnson

Casey Koochagian

Ariella Tova Kornfeld

Lea Wang Leventhal

Sar Rose Lindner

Emily Luo

Mary Scarborough MacKeen

Gregory Michael McInnis

Rory Millar

Abigail Grace Monahan

Juliana Rose Moreira

Calley Bryn Mullin

Kimberly Nee

Samuel Sloan Nelson*

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton

Nich Nearyrat Phalkun

Katie Mae Puterbaugh

Olivia Mae Ripley

Abigail Iris Spear

Lucinda Rose Standefer

Emme Wild Tissue

Rohan Cyrus Vakil

Grace Waibel

Hunter N. Wasser

Kenyon Weis

Katherine Ellis Whatley*

Hannah Williamson Winthrop

Eamon Pendleton Witherspoon

Hannah Ada Yelnosky

Georgianna Paulette Zanotto

| 19 |



Connor Scott Aitken

Jacks Page Allaire-MacDonald

Samantha Ase Allman

Mohamed Ahmed Almheiri

Jack Christopher Arentowicz*

Alice Christine Barrett

Christopher David Bell

Elayna C. Bennett

Mia Theresa Berardino

Georgia Claire Berry

Brianna Nicole Bledsoe**

Cayden Bobley O’Connor

Brian Anthony Borchard, Jr.

Helen Tait Brencher

Julia Spencer Bresee

Ella Rose Brophy

Abigail Brown

Lena Marais Bruursema

Emily Rose Calloway

Frances Tamar Capalbo*

Rosa Lewis Christen

Samantha Lynn Claussen

Riley Jane Correll

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Elizabeth Claire Danielson

Hannah Lior Danziger

Cole William Darby*

Aki Maya Davis

Emily Josephine Davis

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Annabelle Derrick

Lucas Talbert Deuterman*

Lindsay Dry

Lilah A. DuBoff

Claire Louise Dunn

Jamie Porter Eason

Isabella Rose Faber

Jaclyn Beth Finger

Sasha M. Fishstein

Merryn Gabrielle Forbes

Caroline Elizabeth Forte

Morgan Marie Foster*

Kaitlynn Elyse Fravel

Liat Friedman

Olivia Anne Furlong

Jai Gil

Madeline Isabelle Glick

Sarah Gold

Riley James Greene

Matthew Grega

Gianna Marie Grillo

Mary Elizabeth Halm

Jasper John Ruben Hancock

Sophia Aurore Harper**

Miles Chae Herman

Elianna Grace Hills

Elizabeth Karolyn Hinshaw

Katharine Marilee Hoag

Sarah Hirsch Hoffman

Grace St. Clair Holmes

Kunyu Huang

Carrie Halsey Hughes

Olivia Margaret Hunt

Isabelle Jaber

Elizah Rain Jacobs

Emma Jaeger

Jasmine Kwon Karaul

Sydney Leah Kass

Graham Hoyt Kelley*

Kirstyn Kilmeade

Warren Joseph King, III

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Eve K. Kreshtool

Sarah Gabrielle Kundra

Mayavathi Lal

Muriel Canby Lang

Aymon Ernest Langlois

Thais Legrand

Sten Leinasaar

Jasmine Leong

Alexandra Hannah Levins

Margaret Lucia Limone

Emma Shu-Ki Lin**

Allison Grace Mahoney

Chloe Adelyn Mickels

Antoinette Miller

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 20 | **Conferred in January 2023



Declan Morris

Sydney Muller

Amelia Yan Ping Murphy

Jack Murray

Devon Mussio

Aliza Nazir

Naima Lua Nigh

Finnian Ward O’Malia

Sarita Cecilia Padukone

Isabella Vivian Pedulla

Katherine Mullen Phillips

Stella Rose Piasecki

Lindsey Dolores Raimondi

Justin J. Rizzi

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Milo Schair-Rigoletti

Marley Schmidt

Morgan Alexandra Sickels

Elisabeth Scott Silk

Kate Elizabeth Skowronski

Emma Noelle Smith

Sophia Malena Stelboum

Carley Ann Stenson

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

Stella Storino

Aaron Swartz

Morgan Aglae Swiers

Destiny V. Syharaj

Clare Taylor-Winters

Abby Thompson

Gabrielle Skye Van Hollander**

Emily Rebecca Vinick**

Minghuang Wang

Finn Brokaw Weber

Alexandria Michelle White

James Nolan White

Han Xu

Yarden Yacoby

Jiadong Yang

Tianchen Zhang

Xenia Ana Zimmerman

Sloane Zwanger

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 21 | **Conferred in January 2023



Sophie Madison Altman

Margaret Elizabeth Olney Arms

Tomás P. Balboa Livis

Anastasia Grace Bardin

Karenna Elisabeth Benanti

Victoria Grace Benanti

Samuel Michael Bond

Mattie Brandfonbrener

Perry E. Brower

Margaret Alice Brown

Aida Rose Castelblanco

Anna Irini Churchill

Margaret Colligan

Callan Anne Daniel

Mark Joseph DeCourcey

Shannon Deneen

Fatou Diop

Matthew Anthony Duda

Erin Elise Einzig

Manuel Cesar Macuja Elizalde*

Alexandra Nicole Estey

Douglas Selden Flam, Jr.

Finn Byron Gardner-Puschak

Gillian Marie Garvey

Avery Jane Geddes

Justin L. Gibble

Connie Guo

Eliot Hallahan**

Arham Sharif Hashmi

Maria Galenda Hoffman**

Evan Holland-Shepler*

Ulele Noella Kachilele

Angela Kim**

Alix Genevieve Klein

Hannah Michelle Kweit

Karen Kwok

William Skyler Lee

Forrest Walden Levey

Alexander Michael Lewis

Sean Lim

Noah Ross Lonner

Jasper Lavin Lynn

Allen Thomas Martin

Ethan Scott McNamara

Sadie Anne Mills

Anthony Nicholas Mirkovic, Jr.

Anisa R. Mok

Matthew Monk

Anna Sueko Emie Nishina Naggert

Haley Beckett Nash-Thompson

Isabella Kuntz Nevin

Rachel Louise Fischer Olson

Jing Wang Ou Yang

Liam David Painter

Micah Oscar Pflaum

Grace Irene Picarillo

Asia Raacke

John Keith Reynolds

Nicholas James Riley

Kendrice Oluchie Roc

Jamie Nicole Rothenberg

Kylie Melissa Rowan

Samira Sevin Sadikoglu*

Lucy Rae Schwartzreich

Paul Seggev

Jason Shepherd

Henry Shing**

Jessica Shulman

Sophie Smith

Hannah Grace Stolzenthaler

Maxim Sussman

Henry Adams Tate

Maelcom L. Thayer

Anna Sophia Torre

Ava Lia Tuchman

Raven Jade P. Villa

Valeria Visser Galvan

Kelby Bryant Wittenberg

Ned Wright

Alexander L Yarinsky**

Justin David Zitelli

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 22 | **Conferred in January 2023


(Distinguished work in a major field)

With Honor in American Studies

Aaron Myers Shellow-Lavine

Maelcom L. Thayer

Raven Jade P. Villa

With Honor in Anthropology

Annabelle Derrick

Manuel Cesar Macuja Elizalde*

Joshua Finkelman-Mahoney

Sarah Gold

Finn Hogan

Hannah Michelle Kweit

Jack Murray

Anna Sueko Emie Nishina Naggert

Nicholas James Riley

Lucinda Rose Standefer

Maxim Sussman

Kelby Bryant Wittenberg

With Honor in Art

Allaura Yegraine Barrett

William Panagiotis Kikiras Carter

Alison Josephine Cottingham

Jane Catherine Crowley

Aki Maya Davis

Sasha M. Fishstein

Caroline Elizabeth Forte

Sarah Franzel

Jenny Noble Freedman

Karen Kwok

Muriel Canby Lang

Jasmine Leong

Han Nguyen

Giuseppe Paolini*

Milo Schair-Rigoletti

Lucy Rae Schwartzreich

Cara L. Sherr-Messing

Beau Martin Sivy

Sophie Smith

Aidan M. Sullivan

Natalie Anita Viebrock

Emily Rebecca Vinick**

Karr Wyatt Weiler

Eamon Pendleton Witherspoon

Tianchen Zhang

With Honor in Asian Studies

Sophie Madison Altman

With Honor in Biology

Samuel Michael Bond

Serena Elizabeth Fairchild Bradley

Elizabeth Claire Danielson

Annie Hageman

Ethan Thomas Hull

Graham Hoyt Kelley*

Ariella Tova Kornfeld

Emma Shu-Ki Lin**

Sar Rose Lindner

Kyla Muzzy**

Anastasia Outekhine

Katie Mae Puterbaugh

Sierra Richardson

With Honor in Business

Connor Scott Aitken

Mathew Anthony Duda

Riley James Greene

Jasper John Ruben Hancock

Alix Genevieve Klein

Matthew Monk

Devon Mussio

Kimberly Nee

Naima Lua Nigh

Morgan Alexandra Sickels

Destiny V. Syharaj

Clare Taylor-Winters

Alexandria Michelle White

With Honor in Chemistry

Samantha Lynn Claussen

Abigail Grace Monahan

Kenyon Weis

With Honor in Classics

Manuel Cesar Macuja Elizalde*

With Honor in Computer Science

Isabelle Jaber

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 23 | **Conferred in January 2023


With Honor in Dance

Hannah Lior Danziger

Francesca Eileen Griffin

Jasmine Kwon Karaul

Lea Wang Leventhal

Isabella Vivian Pedulla

Xenia Ana Zimmerman

With Honor in Economics

Mohamed Ahmed Almheiri

Todd Andrew Blamires

Erica Lauren Chang

Rachel Dentler

Junling Jian

Chloe Locker

Nicholas Michael Massaro

Finnian Ward O’Malia

Jason Shepherd

Rohan Cyrus Vakil

Stefano Alexander Viñas

Ned Wright

With Honor in English

Tory Fay Abbott

Jacks Page Allaire-MacDonald

Alice Christine Barrett

Brian Anthony Borchard, Jr.

Helen Tait Brencher

Mia Grace Baker Brierly

Lucas Talbert Deuterman*

Anna Rebecca Duffy*

Claire Louise Dunn

Jamie Porter Eason

Caroline Elizabeth Forte

Rebecca Alter Johnson

Aymon Ernest Langlois

Margaret Lucia Limone

Garrett Jee Won Marino

Sydney Muller

Justin J. Rizzi

Ava Lia Tuchman

Katherine Ellis Whatley*

Han Xu

With Honor in Environmental Sciences

Abigail Brown

Emily Josephine Davis

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Maria Galenda Hoffman**

Olivia Margaret Hunt

Antoinette Miller

Rachel Louise Fischer Olson

Emme Wild Tissue

With Honor in Environmental Studies

Sophie Katherine Bean

Mia Theresa Berardino

Lena Marais Bruursema

Aylish Beavin Flahaven

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Forrest Walden Levey

Stella Rose Piasecki

Jessica Shulman

Abby Thompson

Finn Brokaw Weber

With Honor in Gender Studies

Grace Weibel

With Honor in Geosciences

Avery Welles Blake*

With Honor in German

Samantha Ase Allman

With Honor in History

Jack Christopher Arentowicz*

Erin Arnold

Adelaide Barkhorn

Cayden Bobley O’Connor

Shayna Rose Cohen

Isaac Peter DeMarchi

Isabella Rose Faber

Madeline Isabelle Glick

Gianna Marie Grillo

Miles Chae Herman

Isabelle Jaber

Noah Ross Lonner

Zachary James Markowitz

Rory Millar

Liam David Painter

Justin J. Rizzi

James Nolan White

With Honor in History of Art

Sophia Aurore Harper**

Eve K. Kreshtool

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 24 | **Conferred in January 2023


With Honor in Human Physiological Sciences

Anna Irini Churchill

Riley Jane Correll

Lilah A. DuBoff

Olivia Anne Furlong

Lauren May Greaves

Jasmine Kwon Karaul

Alexandra Hannah Levins

With Honor in International Affairs

Sophie Madison Altman

Sumitra Dhakal

Connie Guo

Kimberly Nee

Jose Santos Nunez

Asia Raacke

With Honor in Mathematics

Bella Lynne Finkel

Kunyu Huang

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

With Honor in Music

Sabrina Alper

Finn Byron Gardner-Puschak

Warren Joseph King, III

Nathaniel T. Lucas

Declan Morris

Gregory Denton Tillman

With Honor in Neuroscience

Margaret Elizabeth Olney Arms

Jessica Auerbach

Georgia Claire Berry

Melaina D. Gilbert

Matthew Grega

Casey Koochagian

Alexander Michael Lewis

Emily Luo

Chloe Adelyn Mickels

Sarita Cecilia Padukone

Olivia Mae Ripley

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Alyssa Dawn Sparrow

Victoria Martha Thorpe

With Honor in Philosophy

Justin L. Gibble

Nya Keith

Marley Schmidt

Henry Shing**

Maxim Sussman

With Honor in Physics

Bella Lynne Finkel

Jing Wang Ou Yang

With Honor in Political Science

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Rory Millar

Hunter N. Wasser

With Honor in Psychology

Elayna C. Bennett

Frances Tamar Capalbo*

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Hannah Lior Danziger

Douglas Selden Flam, Jr.

Kaitlynn Elyse Fravel

Liat Friedman

Eliot Hallahan**

Sarah Hirsch Hoffman

Carrie Halsey Hughes

Emma Jaeger

Alexander Michael Lewis

Lorenzo M. Long

Maisy McWright

Juliana Rose Moreira

Calley Bryn Mullin

Amelia Yan Ping Murphy

Aliza Nazir

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton

Lindsey Dolores Raimondi

Anneli Ramolins

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Anya Silbert

Ashley Smolensky**

Alyssa Dawn Sparrow

Abigail Iris Spear

Anna Nicole Stiles

Gabrielle Skye Van Hollander**

Hannah Williamson Winthrop

Kelby Bryant Wittenberg

Justin David Zitelli

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 25 | **Conferred in January 2023


With Honor in Religious Studies

Mia Theresa Berardino

Ian Chorlian**

Lucas Talbert Deuterman*

Hannah Williamson Winthrop

With Honor in Self-Determined Major

Connor Scott Aitken

Lindsay Dry

Jamie Porter Eason

Aidan Porter Fuller

Grace St. Clair Holmes

Elizah Rain Jacobs

Jasper Lavin Lynn

Samuel Sloan Nelson*

With Honor in Social Work

Ella Rose Brophy

Mary Scarborough MacKeen

Allison Grace Mahoney

Minghuang Wang

With Honor in Sociology

Brianna Nicole Bledsoe**

Gillian Marie Garvey

Liana Mirav Heath

Thaïs Legrand

Sten Leinasaar

Dafne V. Lucio-Sanchez

Anisa R. Mok

Aliza Nazir

Isabella Kuntz Nevin

Sophia Malena Stelboum

Carley Ann Stenson

Anna Sophia Torre

Hannah Ada Yelnosky

With Honor in Spanish

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Merryn Gabrielle Forbes

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Sierra Richardson

With Honor in Theater

Erin Arnold

Helen Tait Brencher

Elisabeth Cohen

Callan Anne Daniel

William Deveraux Davis-Kay

Isaac Peter DeMarchi

Erin Elise Einzig

Mary Elizabeth Halm

Elizabeth Karolyn Hinshaw

Katharine Marilee Hoag

Finn August Lyon

Parker Elena Nelson

Micah Oscar Pflaum

Anne-Sophie Vandenberk

*To be conferred in August 2023 | 26 | **Conferred in January 2023


Through honors-designated courses, planned co-curricular activities, and participation in community service, the Periclean Honors Forum strengthens the intellectual life at Skidmore and provides positive leadership on campus and in the Saratoga Springs area. Students selected for their academic accomplishments and commitment to excellence form the core of the Periclean Honors Forum membership.

Class of 2023

Connor Scott Aitken

Sophie Madison Altman

Alice Christine Barrett

Brian Anthony Borchard Jr.

Perry E. Brower

Emily Rose Calloway

Aida Rose Castelblanco

Samantha Lynn Claussen

Emily Josephine Davis

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Lilah A. DuBoff

Matthew Anthony Duda

Marvelous Ekeh

Bella Lynne Finkel

Avery Jane Geddes

Jai Gil

Grace St. Clair Holmes

Jasmine Kwon Karaul

Ariella Tova Kornfeld

Aymon Ernest Langlois

Vladimir Malashenko

Rory Millar

Abigail Grace Monahan

Anna Sueko Emie Nishina Naggert

Haley Beckett Nash-Thompson

Aliza Nazir

Isabella Vivian Pedulla

Katie Mae Puterbaugh

Kendrice Oluchie Roc

Jessica Shulman

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

David Joseph Strange

Hunter N. Wasser

Karr Wyatt Weiler


2023 Periclean Scholar Award Winners

Lucas Talbert Deuterman

Bella Lynne Finkel

Maelcom L. Thayer

Kenyon Weis

| 27 |

Skidmore College was granted a charter by the National Honor Society of Phi Beta Kappa in 1970. The society exists to encourage and recognize outstanding individual achievements in liberal education.

Class of 2023

Tory Fay Abbott

Samantha Ase Allman

Rebecca Kate Banner

Alice Christine Barrett

Todd Andrew Blamires

Erica Lauren Chang

Ian Chorlian

Samantha Lynn Claussen

Shayna Rose Cohen

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Rachel Dentler

Sumitra Dhakal

Claire Louise Dunn

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Bella Lynne Finkel

Matthew Grega

Annie Hageman

Liana Mirav Heath

Finn Hogan

Samantha Kendall Hotz

Carrie Halsey Hughes

Olivia Margaret Hunt

Junling Jian

Rebecca Alter Johnson

Sydney Leah Kass

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Casey Koochagian

Ariella Tova Kornfeld

Alexandra Hannah Levins

Emma Shu-Ki Lin

Sar Rose Lindner

Emily Luo

Rory Millar

Abigail Grace Monahan

Nich Nearyrat Phalkun

Stella Rose Piasecki

Lucinda Rose Standefer

Carley Ann Stenson

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

Rohan Cyrus Vakil

Grace Waibel

Hunter N. Wasser


Since 1982, Filene Music Scholarships have been awarded each year through a performance competition coordinated by Skidmore’s Department of Music. At least four scholarships are awarded for each incoming class, with three of the awards made solely on the basis of musical excellence. Filene Scholars are not required to major in music, but they are expected to continue to develop their musical skills and to participate in department ensembles.

Class of 2023

Joseph Charles Goff

Annie Hageman

Nathaniel T. Lucas

| 28 |


The Porter Presidential Scholarships in Science and Mathematics are awarded on the basis of superior accomplishment and exceptional promise, without regard to financial need. Scholarship recipients are not required to major in a scientific or mathematical discipline, but they are expected to demonstrate serious research and to participate actively in academic and cocurricular activities in these fields.

Class of 2023

Rebecca Kate Banner

Samuel Michael Bond

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Bella Lynne Finkel

Emma Shu-Ki Lin

Abigail Grace Monahan

Katie Mae Puterbaugh

Emme Wild Tissue

Sloane Zwanger


Skidmore Scholars in Science and Mathematics demonstrate a passion for and show exceptional promise in math and/or science. The S3M scholarships promote diversity in the sciences and math by encouraging traditionally underrepresented groups to pursue careers in these fields. S3M recipients are not required to major in math or science, but they are expected to explore these disciplines each semester throughout their four years at Skidmore.

Class of 2023

Jeremy Acosta

Katia Jennifer Aguirre Osorio

Raymond Brando East

Juliana Frances Espinal-Murkison

Omar Gomez

Devontia S. Greenaway

Jhan Kelvin Oriach

Larry Tapia

| 29 |


National Collegiate Chinese Honor Society

Class of 2023

Tomás P. Balboa Livis

Lilah A. DuBoff

Alexandra Nicole Estey

Najip Gil

Sarah Gold

Sarah Hirsch Hoffman

Lea Wang Leventhal

Eta Sigma Phi

National Honor Society in Classics

Class of 2023

Cole William Darby

Lucas Talbert Deuterman

Madeleine Egger

Manuel Cesar Macuja Elizalde

Gregory Michael McInnis

Brooke Avery Slesh

Clare Taylor-Winters

Katherine Ellis Whatley

Class of 2024

Katrin Alison Schildge

Omicron Delta Epsilon

International Honor Society in Economics

Class of 2023

Mohamed Ahmed Almheiri

Todd Andrew Blamires

Erica Lauren Chang

Rachel Dentler

Matthew Anthony Duda

Junling Jian

Sydney Leah Kass

Jason Shepherd

Rohan Cyrus Vakil

Stefano Alexander Vinas

Ned Wright

Class of 2024

Jeremy H. Budner

Elliot West Jackson-Ontkush

Ruoxuan Wang

Pi Delta Phi

National Honor Society in French

Class of 2023

Samantha Ase Allman

Lena Marais Bruursema

Calley Bryn Mullin

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton

Delta Phi Alpha

German National Honor Society

Class of 2023

Samantha Ase Allman

Elizabeth Kako Gimba

Class of 2024

Lydia Cross Coleman

Chloe Elizabeth Hanrahan

Alexandra Rotmil-Eser

Emma Molloy Stratman

Class of 2025

Sophia Elizabeth Delohery

Benjamin Kohl Gerschwer

McKenna Olivia Otey

| 30 |


Phi Alpha Theta, Alpha Delta Tau Chapter International Honor Society in History

Class of 2023

Sophie Madison Altman

Jack Christopher Arentowicz

Erin Arnold

Adelaide Barkhorn

Anne Fairfax Beatty

Shayna Rose Cohen

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Isaac Peter DeMarchi

Jamie Porter Eason

Madeleine Egger

Isabella Rose Faber

Emily Anne Gilbert

Madeline Isabelle Glick

Gianna Marie Grillo

Miles Chae Herman

Samantha Kendall Hotz

Isabelle Jaber

William Skyler Lee

Noah Ross Lonner

Rory Millar

Liam David Painter

Justin J. Rizzi

Maelcom L. Thayer

Alexander Jacob Weinreb

James Nolan White

Class of 2024

Bowen Bao

Olivia Charity Berenson

Max Chelso

Chloe Elizabeth Hanrahan

Mason Sheehan Johnson

Isabel Deborah Kroeger

Nathaniel Ethan Lowell

Kevin Yang Xiao

Xinyuan Xu

Japanese National Honor Society

Class of 2023

Cyrus H. Cheung

Liam David Painter

Yarden Yacoby

Jiadong Yang

Pi Mu Epsilon

National Honor Society in Mathematics

Class of 2023

Bella Lynne Finkel

Kunyu Huang

Carrie Halsey Hughes

Isabelle Jaber

Emily Luo

Sadie Anne Mills

Nich Nearyrat Phalkun

Jason Shepherd

Sophia Malena Stelboum

Quinn Whitney Stoddard-O’Neill

Brady Athan Tsourides

Georgianna Paulette Zanotto

Class of 2024

Chloe H. Boatright

Ruilin Guo

John Patrick Harrington

Jackson Robert Kruse

Travis McVoy

Graham Biron Reeves

Arianna Elise Spiezio

Lydia Rose Watkins

Class of 2025

Sarah Moore Chambers

Sara Lyman

Jessica Rachel Nachamie

Frances Olivia Wharton

| 31 |


Nu Rho Psi

National Honor Society in Neuroscience

Class of 2023

Margaret Elizabeth Olney Arms

Georgia Claire Berry

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Douglas Selden Flam Jr.

Melaina D. Gilbert

Matthew Grega

Elianna Grace Hills

Casey Koochagian

Alexander Michael Lewis

Emily Luo

Chloe Adelyn Mickels

Sarita Cecilia Padukone

Soumya Prabha V Peri

Olivia Mae Ripley

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Alyssa Dawn Sparrow


Bill Wu

Martha Thorpe

Class of 2024

Margaret Nelle Besthoff

Allison Yvette Blais

Sophie Anna Petrus Gilbert

Richard Ulberto Glynn

Eleanor Blair Ketterer-Sykes

Maisha Khondokar

Alden Joseph Randall

Sophia Sacco

Ariana Tucker

Isabella Louise Williams

Class of 2025

Emily Rose Branes-Huff

Sigma Pi Sigma

National Honor Society in Physics

Class of 2023

Margaret Elizabeth Olney Arms

Bella Lynne Finkel

Jing Wang Ou Yang

Class of 2024

Chloe H. Boatright

Johanna Hope Meezan

Grace A. O’Connell

Chingpheng Phoun

Graham Biron Reeves

Class of 2025

Sara Lyman

Jessica Rachel Nachamie

Frances Olivia Wharton

Natasha A. Wozniak

| 32 |


Pi Sigma Alpha, Tau Gamma Chapter

National Honor Society in Political Science

Class of 2023

Ojoneke Esther Abu

Shayna Rose Cohen

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller

Mark Joseph DeCourcey

Jai Gil

Emily Anne Gilbert

Evan Holland-Shepler

Samantha Kendall Hotz

Sydney Leah Kass

William Skyler Lee

Gregory Michael McInnis

Rory Millar

Mia Kisun Mirzayan

Katherine Mullen Phillips

David Joseph Strange

Hunter N. Wasser

Class of 2024

Ilena Berro Pizzarossa

Maria Hannah Bideiwy

Oscar Newton Czarnecki

Ash Delmore

Joseph Aidan Demarest

Grace Margaret Geurin

Emma Kumari Gill

Conrad Ruocco Kassin

Isabel Deborah Kroeger

Katherine Angelina Landino

Nathaniel Ethan Lowell

Phoebe Marwill

Kaitlin McQuade

Claire Elizabeth Thomas

Alex R. Western

Class of 2025

Sydney Tate Borak

Addison Callaghan

Zander Chown

Harlan Theodore Power

Psi Chi

National Honor Society in Psychology

Class of 2023

Cameron Stone Angwin

Jessica Auerbach

Anastasia Grace Bardin

Brian Anthony Borchard Jr.

Margaret Alice Brown

James Jeffrey Burton

Sergiu Erich Celebidachi

Maeve O’Neal Curtin

Hannah Lior Danziger

Jaclyn Beth Finger

Douglas Selden Flam Jr.

Eliot Hallahan

Arham Sharif Hashmi

Carrie Halsey Hughes

Bailey E. Hunn

Emma Jaeger

Alexander Joshua Lee

Alexander Michael Lewis

Lorenzo M. Long

Maisy McWright

Katherine Deena Michaels

Juliana Rose Moreira

Amelia Yan Ping Murphy

Aliza Nazir

Melissa Maria Nolan

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton

Sarthak Pant

Lindsey Dolores Raimondi

Anneli Ramolins

Jamie Nicole Rothenberg

Kylie Melissa Rowan

Lilia Barnes Sattler

Anya Silbert

Ashley Smolensky

Alyssa Dawn Sparrow

Abigail Iris Spear

Hannah Grace Stolzenthaler

Stella Storino

Anna Sophia Torre

Hannah Williamson Winthrop

Kelby Bryant Wittenberg

Yarden Yacoby

| 33 |


Psi Chi

National Honor Society in Psychology

Class of 2024

Rachel Caroline Alliker

Kathryn Elise Blanc

Elizabeth Nicole Bracht

Blythe Jean Bracken

Sarah Brauer

Julia Marie Cannistraro

Emily Cristina Cleveland

Ariana Alice Cruz

Phoebe Lin Degn

John Xavier Egan

Jordan J. Epstein

Elisia Kathleen Foyle

Carlee R. Gilbert

Michaela Monet Glinsky

Maxwell Ron Gould

Sara Stevens Holcomb

Ella Elizabeth Jaasma

Alex Tyler Jefferson

Tianmin Kang

Maisha Khondokar

Lizzie H. Lewis

Stephanie Li

Ashley Nicole Lupien

Madelyn Haley Marr

Tess Elizabeth McAdam

Gabriella Emily Modesti

Daniella Rose Nacht

Grace A. O’Connell

Remy Lowy Paullay

Shaun Matthew Richards

Talia Shoshani

Shibei Tan

Sarah Alexis Varua

Jahnavi Venkat

Lorelei von Stackelberg Jones

Avery Wendell

Alexandra Knight Wierdsma

Thea Elizabeth Willcox

Isabella Louise Williams

Junya Wu

Hayley Yun

Gillian M. Zitrin

Class of 2025

Emily Rose Branes-Huff

Calliope Julia Frankel

Karina Jenefer May Hall

Gabriella A. Meade

Emma Ashley Pantschenko

Gracie L. Stevens

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Alpha Kappa Delta

International Honor Society in Sociology

Class of 2023

Joseph Darius Charles Jr.

Gillian Marie Garvey

Liana Mirav Heath

Katharine Marilee Hoag

Elizah Rain Jacobs

Rebecca Alter Johnson

Sten Leinasaar

Dafne V. Lucio-Sanchez

Anisa R. Mok

Aliza Nazir

Isabella Kuntz Nevin

Samira Sevin Sadikoglu

Carley Ann Stenson

Anna Sophia Torre

Hannah Ada Yelnosky

Class of 2024

Bowen Bao

Nancy Eliza Barba-Wheelock

Lola Ines Hannah Bessis

Ariana Alice Cruz

Molly R. Egleston

Maya Hanson

Shiloh Donna Hurley

Mara Elizabeth Little

Hannah Lynn Richards

Sigma Delta Pi

National Honor Society in Spanish

Class of 2023

Rachel Dentler

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich

Merryn Gabrielle Forbes

Izabella Roma Klosterman

Morgan Aglae Swiers

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The National Merit Scholarships and Fellowships Program at Skidmore College supports high-achieving students as they pursue prestigious national undergraduate and post-graduate opportunities. Skidmore nominations and national merit awards are offered on a competitive basis to students with outstanding academic and personal accomplishments. These scholarships and fellowships provide opportunities for international study, research, and independent projects, as well as extended leadership opportunities and graduate school funding. Below is the list of nominees, finalists, and recipients for the 2022–23 academic year.

Fulbright Scholarship

Georgia Claire Berry ’23, nominee (Study/Research Award, Netherlands)

Brian Anthony Borchard Jr. ’23, semi-finalist (ETA, Vietnam)

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller ’23, nominee (Study/Research Award, Netherlands)

Sarah Gold ’23, nominee (ETA, Taiwan)

Grace St. Clair Holmes ’23, nominee (ETA, Mexico)

Sydney Leah Kass ’23, recipient (ETA, Spain)

Izabella Roma Klosterman ’23, semi-finalist (ETA, Spain)

Abigail Grace Monahan ’23, recipient (Study/Research Award, Australia)

Sierra Richardson ’23, nominee (Study/Research Award, Peru)

Anya Silbert ’23, nominee (ETA, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Goldwater Scholarship

Maria Adriana Cuibus ’24, scholar

Kara Mckenna White ’25, nominee

Claire L. Wolgast ’24, nominee

Marshall Scholarship

Ariella Tova Kornfeld ’23, nominee

Rhodes Scholarship

Izabella Roma Klosterman ’23, nominee

The National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program

Jonah Brenner ’20, honorable mention

Rebekah Boon Clapham ’19, recipient

Bella Lynne Finkel ’23, recipient

Laura Marie Dahler Heinlein ’19, honorable mention

Katie Yan ’22, recipient

Truman Scholarship

Maria Hannah Bideiwy ’24, nominee

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Rodney D. Andrews Prize

Established by Dr. and Mrs. Carl R. Comstock in grateful appreciation of the beautiful character of the Rev. Rodney D. Andrews, and awarded to the senior student whose life in the College community has been, like his, one of cheerful, unobtrusive, and unselfish service.

Aymon Ernest Langlois ’23, Luna Peralta ’23

Sara Bennett ’92 Memorial Prize for Leadership in Student Journalism

Established in memory of Sara Bennett ’92, and awarded annually to a student demonstrating distinguished writing, energy, and commitment to the highest standards of student journalism.

Shayna Cohen ’24

Candace Carlucci Award

Named in honor of Candy Carlucci Backus ’66, director of the Skidmore College Alumni Association, 1976–85, and presented annually to one or more seniors who exhibit boundless energy, contagious enthusiasm, and a capacity to energize all segments of the community.

Iti Singh ’23, Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller ’23

Charles S. and William P. Dake Community Service Award

Established in memory of Charles S. Dake, trustee, 1977–78, and in honor of William P. Dake, who joined the Board of Trustees in 1988, and awarded to students who volunteer regularly in the Saratoga community or exhibit extraordinary efforts in the spirit of volunteerism.

Noah L. Fryou ’23, James McLaughlin ’24, Anthony Nicholas Mirkovic Jr. ’23

Jane Anne Hapeman Distinguished Service Award

Established in 1992 in honor of Jane Anne Hapeman, who through her work in admissions and student affairs assisted countless students in making the transition to college life. Candidacy is open to upperclass students who have diverse interests, strong character, and high initiative, and who, like Jane Anne Hapeman, clearly enjoy giving of themselves in supportive ways.

Arham Sharif Hashmi ’23, Aliza Nazir ’23

Barbara Hume Memorial Prize

Established in memory of Barbara J. Hume ’67 and awarded each year to an upper-class student who has shown personal growth as a result of new interests developed while at Skidmore.

Ishani Chakravorty ’24, Vicky Grijalva ’24

Katherine Scranton Rozendaal Citizenship Award

Established in honor of Katherine Scranton Rozendaal, trustee 1947–79, these awards recognize extraordinary commitment to enriching the life of the Skidmore community through individual responsibility, distinguished leadership, and significant involvement in cocurricular activities.

Issy Beatriz Mejia ’23, Iti Singh ’23

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In addition to the Academic Awards presented at Honors Convocation, academic departments and programs give prizes and academic opportunity awards for paper competitions, field and laboratory research, artistic projects, and other creative endeavors. These prizes and awards build on close faculty-student collaborative work and represent outstanding academic achievement and accomplishment.

Candace Carlucci Backus ’66 First-Year Experience Prize

Established by the Grayce B. Kerr Fund in honor of former Director of Alumni Affairs Candy Backus and awarded to students who submit exceptional scholarly or artistic work from their Scribner Seminar.

Maia Juliana Haiduc-Dale ’26

Natalie Grace Jones ’26

Sayuri Inoue Pfeiffer ’26

Foley Psychology Department Research Fund

Endowed by Professors Hugh and Mary Ann Foley to honor Hugh’s parents, Griffin and Wanda Foley, for their belief in the value of higher education. The fund will provide support for one or more junior psychology majors who will be conducting thesis research in the senior year.

Rachel Caroline Alliker ’24

Julia Demetra Forster ’24

Gillian M. Zitrin ’24

Levine Internship Awards in American Government, Politics, and Law

Honoring the memory of Erwin L. Levine, Department of Government, professor of American politics and law, 1961–88; the awards are offered on a competitive basis to support students who wish to undertake political science internships in fields related to the practice of American government, politics, and/or law.

Claire Crosby ’25

Mente Et Malleo Award

Awarded to a senior on the basis of excellence in independent research projects in geosciences.

Avery Welles Blake ’23

Messa and Direnzo Family Student Opportunity Fund for Study in Italy

Awarded to students studying abroad in Italy who wish to engage in cultural activities such as attending performances, visiting museums, reviewing archives, and traveling to important sites.

Evan Holland-Shepler ’23

Sofia Bryna Shore ’24

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Stephanie Mnookin Theater Department Research and Creative Project Fund

Grants awarded by the Theater Department to support theater projects, including professional production of a play, a professional internship, attendance at a professional conference or symposium, or work in a theater.

Helen Tait Brencher ’23

Oleg Moston Award

Established in memory of Oleg Moston, pianist in the Dance Department, 2005–10, to help support one or more outstanding young artist’s transition into the dance profession.

Francesca Eileen Griffin ’23

Jeffrey and Cynthia Treuhaft Fund for Art Technology

Treuhaft funds provide technology in support of student opportunities to work with faculty in new and innovative ways in any art form or medium.

Siyu Gao ’26

Aidan Porter Fuller ’23

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American Studies Faculty Award

Awarded to a graduating senior for academic excellence and growth in the major.

Maelcom L. Thayer ’23


O. Roger Gallagher Memorial Prize

Established by the family and friends of O. Roger Gallagher, professor of anthropology, 1959–75, and awarded to an outstanding student in anthropology.

Sarah Gold ’23


Eduardo Albanell ’16 Prize

Awarded to a junior or senior studio art major or minor who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in sculpture.

Giuseppe Paolini ’23

Dorothy Dryfoos Olsan ’41 Prize in Jewelry and Metalsmithing

Established in memory of Dorothy Dryfoos Olsan ’41 and awarded to a student who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in jewelry and metalsmithing.

Eamon Pendleton Witherspoon ’23

Jesse Solomon Memorial Award

Given by Ann Laurie Solomon ’74 in honor of her father and awarded to the senior who shows promise in painting.

Muriel Canby Lang ’23

Barbara Greene Wild Award in Ceramics

Awarded to a student who has excelled in ceramics.

Francesco “Frank” Lanzante ’23

Miller/Reed Prize in Design

Established in memory of John L. Reed, professor of education, 1964–91, and Professor Doretta Miller’s parents, Robert and Dorothy Miller; awarded to a junior or senior studio art major or minor who has demonstrated exceptional design and composition using traditional and/or digital media.

Tyler Schoenecker ’24

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S. Michael Eigen ’87 Prize in Art History

Established by Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Eigen and awarded by the College on the recommendation of the Department of Art History to an outstanding art history major.

Eve K. Kreshtool ’23

Whitman Family Art History Prize

Awarded by the Department of Art History to a student who completes an outstanding project in an art history course.

Sasha M. Fishstein ’23


Arts Administration Faculty Award

Awarded to a graduating senior with a minor in arts administration who has demonstrated academic excellence and shows extraordinary promise for a career in the field.

Isabella Vivian Pedulla ’23

Molly Haley ’64 Entrepreneurial Artist Award

Awarded to a junior or senior who has participated in the Entrepreneurial Artist Initiative and shows extraordinary promise as an artist entrepreneur.

Francesco “Frank” Lanzante ’23


Asian Studies Faculty Award

Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a graduating senior in Asian studies.

Sophie Madison Altman ’23


Dowd-Lester Award

Established in honor of the Dowd and Lester families to recognize an outstanding senior biology major or combined major.

Ariella Tova Kornfeld ’23

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Donald W. Pyle Memorial Award

Established in memory of Donald W. Pyle, assistant professor of biology, 1977–79, to recognize outstanding student research in biology.

Kaylee Bagdan ’24

Biology Faculty Recognition Award

Established by the biology faculty to recognize outstanding scholarly achievements and contributions to the department by a senior biology major.

Serena Elizabeth Fairchild Bradley ’23


Charlotte W. Fahey Prize

Established in honor of Charlotte W. Fahey, professor of chemistry, 1937–75, by her colleagues and friends, and awarded to two outstanding seniors in the Department of Chemistry.

Abigail Grace Monahan ’23

Kenyon Weis ’23


Helga B. Doblin Prize in Classics

Established to honor Helga B. Doblin, professor of German, linguistics, Greek, and Latin, 1966–81, and awarded to a senior classics major who has demonstrated academic excellence in ancient languages and literatures as well as classical civilization.

Cole William Darby ’23


Robert and Marcia DeSieno Prize for Excellence in Computer Science

Established by Robert P. DeSieno, professor of computer science, 1983–2006, and Marcia Barrett DeSieno; awarded to a student who displays excellence in the study of computer science.

Troy B. Daniels ’24


Margaret Paulding Award in Dance

Established in memory of Margaret Paulding, professor of physical education and dance, 1937-73, and chair of the Physical Education and Dance Department, 1958–68, to recognize outstanding student performance, creative work/research, and/or scholarly activity. The Paulding award exemplifies exceptional student leadership in the field.

Jasmine Kwon Karaul ’23

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William E. Weiss Memorial Award in Economics

Established in honor of William E. Weiss, father of Arturo Peralta-Ramos III ’74, in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by two majors or combined majors in the field of economics.

Rachel Dentler ’23

Jeremy H. Budner ’24

EDUCATION STUDIES Education Studies Senior Award

Awarded to the senior education studies major who has demonstrated outstanding performance in the college classroom and in elementary school placements, a commitment to working with children and for social justice in schooling, and leadership among their peers.

Sarah Gabrielle Kundra ’23


Edwin Moseley Prize in English

Established in honor of Edwin Moseley, provost and dean of the faculty, 1961–78, and awarded to a senior in English who has shown outstanding promise as a literary critic, scholar, or artist, and who intends to pursue graduate studies or a career in writing.

Katherine Ellis Whatley ’23

Frances Steloff Poetry Prize

Established by Miss Frances Steloff, longtime friend and benefactor of Skidmore College, and awarded to a student who has shown promise and superior work in the writing of poetry.

Natalie Anita Viebrock ’23

Denise Marcil ’74 Prize for Fiction Writing

Awarded to a student for a fiction manuscript or set of manuscripts that reveal sensitivity to theme, structure, characterization, and language found in serious fiction written in English.

Yotam Dinour ’25

Sara Bennett ’92 Prize for Fiction

Established in memory of Sara Bennett ’92 and awarded to a student who has excelled in the writing of fiction.

Avighna Koppala ’23

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Sally Chapman Thompson ’48 Prize in Literature

Established by Kenneth Thompson in memory of Sally Chapman Thompson ’48, and awarded to the student who has excelled as a critic or scholar during their career as an English major.

Tory Fay Abbott ’23


Environmental Studies Faculty Award

Awarded to an outstanding graduating environmental studies major who, through academic achievement, community engagement, leadership, and interdisciplinary approaches, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.

Stella Rose Piasecki ’23

Environmental Science Faculty Award

Awarded to an outstanding graduating senior in environmental science who, through academic achievement, community engagement, and leadership, demonstrates exceptional promise in addressing environmental issues.


E. Beverly Field Gender Studies Award

Established in honor of E. Beverly Field, professor of biology, 1943–74, by Sabra J. Hook and the Women’s Studies Committee, and given to a student who submits the most outstanding paper or project in the area of gender studies.

Grace Waibel ’23


Roy T. Abbott III ’78 Memorial Prize

Awarded to the senior geosciences major who has demonstrated the most enthusiasm and improvement in the undergraduate program.

Jenna Wilhelm ’23


Margaret Paulding Award in Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Established in memory of Margaret Paulding, professor of physical education, 1937–73, and chair of the Department of Physical Education, 1958–68, to recognize outstanding student research in health and human physiology.

Alexandra Hannah Levins ’23

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Rachel Louise Fischer Olson ’23



Alice Farwell Warren Prize

Established in honor of Alice Farwell Warren, professor of history, 1937–62, by an anonymous donor, and awarded to an outstanding student in history.

Justin J. Rizzi ’23

Lee History Prize

Established in honor of Gladys and Gordon Lee, parents of Patricia-Ann Lee, professor of history, who joined the faculty in 1967, and awarded to an outstanding student in English or European history. The Lees believed in the power of a liberal education to shape and direct not only the individual but the nation. Col. Lee wished to communicate to recipients of the Lee Prize his sense of this educational mission by sharing with them the following quotation:

“I call therefore a complete and generous education that which fits a man (or woman) to perform justly, skillfully, and magnanimously all the offices both private and public of peace and war.”

Isabelle Jaber ’23


Jo C. Hebard ’69 Memorial Prize

Awarded to an outstanding senior who, through academic achievement and community service, demonstrates particular promise of making a significant contribution in the field of health and human services.

Alexander Michael Lewis ’23


Joseph Garrison Parker Prize

Established in honor of Joseph Garrison Parker, M.D., brother of Cyrena Parker Konecky ’46, and awarded to a junior or senior who not only excels in their science major but also shows promise in fine arts and/or music.

Elizabeth Claire Danielson ’23


Jerome Solomon Ginsberg Memorial Award in International Affairs

Established by Professor Roy H. Ginsberg and family in memory of his father, Lt. Jerome Solomon Ginsberg (1928–62), who served in the U.S. Army of Occupation in Germany after World War II, and awarded to an international affairs junior or senior for academic excellence in the study of international affairs.

Kimberly Nee ’23

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Established in memory of Beulah Slocum Heck and awarded to the highest-ranking student in the Department of Management and Business.

Kimberly Nee ’23

Jefferson Huff ’88 Prize in Business

Established by family and friends of Jeff Huff ’88, and awarded to a junior or senior business student who has a distinguished academic record and an outstanding project in business.

Morgan Alexandra Sickels ’23

Gail Moran Morton ’60 Prize

Awarded to a junior or senior whose excellence in the business major has been combined with a particularly broad liberal arts program of study, and who demonstrates the humanistic concern for personal and community relationships that embodies the spirit of the liberal arts and that we associate with the memory of Gail Moran Morton ’60.

Riley James Greene ’23

Faculty in Management and Business Award

Awarded by the Department of Management and Business to a student whose outstanding academic achievement and interest in applied management have been evident throughout their career at Skidmore.

Avery Jane Geddes ’23

Linda G. Tanenbaum Memorial Prize

Established by Jay H. Tanenbaum in memory of his wife, Linda G. Tanenbaum. Awarded to an outstanding senior in the Department of Management and Business.

Kimberly Nee ’23


Robert and Marcia DeSieno Prize for Excellence in Mathematics

Established by Robert P. DeSieno, professor of computer science, 1983–2006, and Marcia Barrett DeSieno; awarded to a student who displays excellence in the study of mathematics.

Bella Lynne Finkel ’23

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Gladys Gillman Taylor ’48 Prize in Mathematics

Awarded to a junior or senior in mathematics for outstanding creative work, including independent or joint research, problem-solving, presentations at meetings, participation in competitions, or other activities which contribute to the intellectual life of the department.

Chloe H. Boatright ’24


Barbara Gruntal Allen ’35 Prize

Awarded to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the study of voice and has made a considerable contribution to the Department of Music and to the furtherance of musical activities at the College.

Johnny Mulcahy III ’24

Louis Edgar Johns Award

Established in honor of Louis Edgar Johns, professor of music, 1923–56, by Mrs. Johns, and awarded by the Department of Music to an outstanding student pianist.

Seth Spital ’24


Hartnett Prize in Neuroscience

Established in honor of Bill and Teresa Hartnett, who were strong proponents of undergraduate education, by their daughter, Professor of Psychology Mary Ann Foley, and awarded to a senior who conducts neuroscience research of outstanding quality.

Matthew Grega ’23


Cooper-Barnett Prize in Philosophy

Established by E. Darnell Rucker, professor of philosophy, 1968–91, and Joy Barnett Rucker, and friends of Mary Cooper-Barnett, and awarded to an outstanding senior student with a major or combined major in philosophy.

Marley Schmidt ’23


Eleanor A. Samworth Prize in Physics

Established in honor of Eleanor A. Samworth, professor of chemistry, 1964–94, by her colleagues and friends, and awarded to an outstanding senior major in physics.

Bella Lynne Finkel ’23

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Henry C. Galant Prize

Established in honor of Henry C. Galant, professor of government, 1954–86, and awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of comparative politics.

Michael Marshall DeCarlen-Bumiller ’23

Susan Riley Gunderson ’64 Prize

Established by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Riley, and awarded to a major in political science for outstanding work in the field of American government.

Sydney Leah Kass ’23

Erwin L. Levine Prize in Political Science

Established in honor of Erwin L. Levine, professor of government, 1961–88, and awarded to a major in political science who has done outstanding work in political theory, preferably in American political thought.

Morgan Hidalgo ’24

Henry T. Moore Prize in Political Science

Established in honor of Henry T. Moore, president of Skidmore College, 1925–57, and awarded to a political science major who has excelled in the study of international relations.

Hunter N. Wasser ’23


Racial Justice Award

Awarded for outstanding student scholarly/creative work engaging with issues of race, racism or racial justice, and/or focusing on the lives and experiences of Black/African Americans in North America or the African diaspora. Awardees are selected from each division across the College; humanities, visual and performing arts, natural sciences, pre-professional, and social sciences.

Annabelle Derrick ’23 Anna Sueko Emie Nishina Naggert ’23

Aaron Myers Shellow-Lavine ’23 Raven Jade P. Villa ’23 Kelby Bryant Wittenberg ’23


Amy Eisenberg ’72 Memorial Award

Established by Mr. and Mrs. Stanford E. Eisenberg in rememberance of their daughter, Amy Eisenberg ’72, and awarded to a junior or senior who submits a proposal for research in educational psychology.

Abigail Iris Spear ’23

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Michele Kelly ’72 Memorial Award

Established by Amy Eisenberg ’72 in honor of Michele Kelly ’72, and awarded to a student in the Department of Psychology on the basis of excellence in independent research within the department.

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton ’23

Krawiec Psychology Prize

Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded to a psychology major at the end of the junior year who has achieved excellence in work in the field.

Hayley Yun ’24

Krawiec Scholar

Established in honor of Theophile S. Krawiec, professor of psychology, 1945–78, and awarded to a graduating psychology major to support advanced study in the field.

Lindsey Dolores Raimondi ’23

Caren Lane Sass ’35 Award in Psychology

Established by Doris Hochstadter Haas ’35 in memory of her classmate Caren Lane Sass ’35, and awarded to the senior major in the Department of Psychology who shows great promise for future achievement.

Cameron Stone Angwin ’23


Mary Zeiss Stange Award in Religion

Established in honor of Mary Zeiss Stange, professor of women’s studies and religion, 1990–2016, by the Religious Studies Department and awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Brianny Carolina Garcia ’23


Tim Brown Scholar Athlete Award

Established by Professor P. Timothy Brown, Skidmore director of athletics, 1980–2002, and awarded to a senior who exhibits an outstanding level of dedication, discipline, and accomplishment in both their academic and athletic pursuits at Skidmore.

Carrie Halsey Hughes ’23

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Hilda Bashevkin Betten ’39 and Morris H. Betten Award in Social Work

Awarded to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of social work at Skidmore College.

Ella Rose Brophy ’23


Everett V. Stonequist Award

Established by the family and friends of Everett V. Stonequist, professor of sociology, 1930–70, and awarded to a graduating senior who has shown outstanding interest and achievement in the study of sociology at Skidmore.

Sophia Malena Stelboum ’23

Nancy Beth Rautenberg ’83 Memorial Award

Given to a graduating senior sociology major who has combined commitment to the study of sociology with contributions to student life within the department, College and/or community.

Liana Mirav Heath ’23


Margaret Ellen Clifford Memorial Prize in Theater

Established in honor of Margaret Ellen Clifford, professor of theater and chair of the department, 1952–71, and awarded to an outstanding junior or senior theater major.

Elizabeth Karolyn Hinshaw ’23

Theater Prize

Established by theater alumni and faculty and awarded in recognition of a senior theater major who has shown excellence and commitment within a particular concentration in the major.

Helen Tait Brencher ’23

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Chinese Prize

Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a junior or senior student of Chinese language and literature.

Sarah Gold ’23

Lynne L. Gelber Prize in French

Awarded to an outstanding senior French major.

Daniel Joshua Bouchard Overton ’23

Consulate General Prize in German

Awarded to an outstanding student of German.

Samantha Ase Allman ’23

Japanese Prize

Awarded in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by a senior student of Japanese language and literature.

Jiadong Yang ’23

Sonja P. Karsen Prize in Spanish

Established in honor of Sonja P. Karsen, professor of Spanish, 1957–87, by the Department of World Languages and Literatures, and awarded in recognition of outstanding accomplishment by a senior major.

Chloe Sarina Faehndrich ’23


Joseph C. Palamountain Jr. Prose Awards

Established in honor of Joseph C. Palamountain, president of Skidmore College, 1965–87, and awarded to the students submitting the best examples of expository prose in English, unrestricted as to subject matter.

Samantha Kendall Hotz ’23

Emily Kayser ’26

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1. Skid - more we re-joice to sing thy praise,

2. Slow - ly time moves on in end-less flow

3. When our hap - py col - lege years are past

Hail! thou moth - er of our col - lege days. As these bright - est sea - sons come and go, And we leave thy grac - ious halls at last,

Loud we’ll sing and long a - dore thee Sure - ly on - ward wilt thou guide us Thou re - main - est, aye, to cher - ish

Al - ma Ma - ter A - ve!

Copyright MCMXLIV by Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, N.Y.

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