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Timeless Branding David Yarde Sevenality


@dsmy | @sevenality

Verb To do, execute on a foundation, to leave a mark or legacy.

We are in the age of the customer, the internet of all things, content first, mobile first, inbound first time of life where everything is moving faster and faster, leaving those who are ignorant to change behind, and embracing those willing to go the extra mile.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Information Advantage

@dsmy | @sevenality

The ability of an organization to capture information, ingest and analyze it and also use it quicker than your competition.

@dsmy | @sevenality

It’s all about Emotion

@dsmy | @sevenality

We’d all like to think that we’re the most logical person in a room. That everyone else’s logic is just a tad inferior to our own. When it comes to branding, logic comes second.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Strong branding helps to answer the question of what are we here to do? A brand isn’t about what logical arguments you can put together, but the way in which a individual or an organization resonates with people emotionally.

@dsmy | @sevenality


@dsmy | @sevenality

The experiences created by your brand works either to foster a relationship or burn a bridge. Every business has a logo or a name, but a small minority could truly be considered a brand.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Some brands capture the mind, these are the ones that tend to be associated with lifestyle type products and services.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Others capture the heart, these brands are the one that create commitment.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Strong Internals!

@dsmy | @sevenality

The process is the product. If the process is compromised, then the end quality of the product will also be compromised.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Things won’t always turn out perfectly, what’s important is sticking to your values to find the best course towards resolving the situation.

@dsmy | @sevenality

!Know Your Priorities

@dsmy | @sevenality

If your priority lies on the side of becoming super rich and famous but your home life is !suffering, then you may need to revisit your priorities.

@dsmy | @sevenality

If your priority is to create things of value !then your brand has a much higher chance with attaining sustainability.

@dsmy | @sevenality

!Simplicity is key

@dsmy | @sevenality

Following trends will only get you on the list of people who also were able to follow that trend. Lists like those are forgotten. They’re generic and leave no impression over the long term. ! @dsmy | @sevenality

Brands that keep things simple allow for consumers to create “moments� that not only leave a !strong impression but also indirectly drive future sales. @dsmy | @sevenality

What are your core values?

@dsmy | @sevenality

Markets will change, products and services will change in their own unique way over time, many other details can change but your core values should stay steadfast.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. Henry Ford

@dsmy | @sevenality

4 Key Principles! !

Executing on these principles, when done right will add significant long-term value. !

@dsmy | @sevenality

Conduct a Personal/Business Audit! !

It’s important to take time to get to know who you(your business) are. Without this whats the point?

@dsmy | @sevenality

Sharpen points of relevancy! !

Actively seek out opportunities that will strengthen your unique points. Want to be a better writer? Start a blog. Want to communicate better with others? Volunteer with others. Whatever you want to be better at, show up consistently and put in the effort.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Always Be Authentic! !

Stay true to you. Your brand should reflect who you are. This makes it easier to keep things consistent.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Communicate the Benefits! !

It’s easy to get lost in all the features of a product or all the skills a person has, but what are the true benefits of these things? When talking about your brand or an offering highlight both why it’s important and what problem it solves.

@dsmy | @sevenality

It comes down to love

@dsmy | @sevenality

The glue that holds together everything is love. If you don’t love your product or what you do, neither will your consumers. A brand only becomes timeless if it can be loved.

@dsmy | @sevenality

Thanks! www.sevenality.com @dsmy | @sevenality

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