A World Gone Social

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A World Gone Social

How Companies Must Adapt to Survive Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt Copyright © 2014 AMACOM, a division of American Management Association 256 pages [@]



7 Applicability 7 Innovation 8 Style

Focus Leadership & Management Strategy Sales & Marketing Finance Human Resources IT, Production & Logistics Career & Self-Development Small Business Economics & Politics Industries Global Business

Take-Aways • Social media platforms offer numerous benefits, including promotional and PR power. • For those who do or say bad or stupid things, social media exposure can be a curse. • Social media channels enable people all over the world to collaborate. • Businesses should adopt the “OPEN” approach – “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Network” – to build social networks that can provide necessary group expertise.

• Some old-style executives have no real interest in the unfamiliar world of social media, though they may feel temporarily intrigued. And some become adept.

• The Social Age has replaced the Industrial Age, and “those unwilling to change will cease to exist.”

• Social media participation is a long-term investment; its ROI is tough to calculate. • Using social media, firms that are small, nimble and creative can rival giant corporations.

• The formula for social age success is: “social + mobile + cloud + big data + analytics.” • Ask yourself 10 important questions about your goals, methods and execution when mapping a social media plan.

Concepts & Trends

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A World Gone Social by Ivaylo Tsvetkov - Issuu