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P14 A/ The Facebook Essentials A/ Installation and Configuration

C/ Why should you use Facebook to distribute your products?

A/ Create quality adverts

B/ Creating your adverts

B/ Performing Bids

C/ The structure of your campaigns and bids

C/ Strategic Targeting

E/ Distribution Network



B/ Facebook Dynamic Ads

D/ Targeting: Creating your audience


D/ Positioning your Facebook Dynamic Ads E/ Monitor your results

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


With more than 1.65 billion monthly active users, Facebook is still the #1 social network in the world, with users spending an average of 6 hours 45 minutes on it a month. To monetise its platform, the social network introduced advertising early on as a source of income and it is now the focus of Facebook’s business model. To date, Facebook claims to have 3 million advertisers and the latest advertising revenues are more than $5 billion, of which more than three quarters are from mobile advertising. Facebook’s advertising power is a direct reflection of the data that the social network collects on a daily basis about its members. This allows advertisers to create targeted advertisements to generate maximum return on investment (ROI). Today Facebook claims to have over 50 million active professional pages.

Meanwhile, e-commerce is attracting more and more consumers and advertisers are spending increasingly large amounts in this sector. In fact, global e-commerce is expected to reach nearly $3000 billion by 2018. In studying the behaviour of its members, Facebook has realised that 46% of them logged in whilst they were shopping. With this in mind, Facebook hasn’t lost time in getting involved in the e-commerce landscape by increasing its projects, of which the latest are creating a "Buy" button (2014) and the launch of a new advertising format for merchants, Dynamic Ads (2015). The social network currently represents 64% of global social platform turnover and dominates the social commerce sector. Facebook has also been quick to strengthen its market position, by expanding its social ecosystem with the acquisition of mobile applications like Instagram (2012) and WhatsApp (2014).

With more than 1.65 billion monthly active users, Facebook is still the #1 social network in the world


01 / Introduction to Facebook

01 /


01 / Introduction to Facebook


IN THIS CHAPTER… A/ The Facebook Essentials B/ Facebook Dynamic Ads C/ Why should you use Facebook to distribute your products?


Launch of the mobile site: MAY 2007 FEBRUARY 2004

APRIL 2006

Facebook’s launch

The social network starts its mobile strategy

APRIL 2004


First adverts appeared: Flyers (CPM model)

Introduction of the News Feed

Launch of the Marketplace application SEPTEMBER 2007 Launch of Flyers Pro with a CPC model and advanced retargeting options

APRIL 2008 Introduction of Facebook chat

MARCH 2009





Facebook introduces sponsored news stories Launch of Facebook mobile application

The social network launches a new version of its Marketplace application

Launch of Facebook Pages and Facebook Ads


Facebook advertising evolves with the introduction of advanced targeting options according to language and location





Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


01 / Introduction to Facebook

01 / Introduction to Facebook

Launch of Messenger application

JANUARY 2014 End of sponsored news stories

Introduction of adverts in News Feeds

Introduction of the Social Graph

APRIL 2012 Facebook acquires Instagram MAY 2012

FEBRUARY 2014 Facebook launches Website Custom Audience, its first retargeting platform DECEMBER 2013 Video advertising starts to appear on News Feeds

Initial Public Offering JUNE 2012 Facebook launches Facebook Exchange (RTB)

Facebook acquires WhatsApp APRIL 2014 Launch of Facebook Audience Network JUNE 2014



Launch of Facebook Dynamic Product Ads

Introduction of a virtual personal assistant via the Messenger application to help online shoppers with their purchases*

MARCH 2015 The social network ventures into customer relations, launching ‘Businesses on Messenger’ in partnership with Zendesk*


Launch of multi-product advertising format

Introduction of Canvas on mobile, a new advertising format

JULY 2014

JULY 2015

Facebook begins to test the ‘Buy’ button

Creation of e-commerce ‘minisites’ on Facebook pages, in partnership with Shopify*

FEBRUARY 2016 Roll-out of the advertising format ‘Canvas’

Optimised call-toaction buttons and the introduction of ‘Shop’ and ‘Service’ sections on the mobile format*

Facebook launches its ‘Bot Store’


MAY 2016

Improvements made to the Canvas format for e-commerce

Dynamic Product Ads become Dynamic Ads

JUNE 2015


APRIL 2016

OCTOBER 2015 New mobile ‘Shopping’ feature integrated into the application menu* * Features currently in testing phase






Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


01 / Introduction to Facebook

01 / Introduction to Facebook





First announced back in February 2015, the launch of Facebook Dynamic Ads signalled the start of a new advertising format: online retailers can now promote products quickly, easily and dynamically on the social network, and all straight from their product catalogues. Thanks to retargeting campaigns and/or acquisition management, this new feature lets retailers personalise advertising campaigns throughout the buying process: from a customer’s initial encounter with a product, to when they finally complete a purchase.



Facebook lets advertisers display products using a slideshow format, both individually or with other products. With this slideshow format, which Facebook calls Carrousel, you can choose to push just one product in several ways, or to display 3 to 5 different products, each accompanied by an image, a product description and a URL. To make it easier to post adverts, Facebook lets advertisers configure an advert template which automatically updates alongside their product catalogue.

Facebook Dynamic Ads lets advertisers adopt a retargeting strategy and an acquisition strategy at the same time. Retargeting aims to contact all internet users who have visited your online store and/or your mobile application without buying something, and also aims to offer complementary products to customers who have previously bought something. Acquisition management aims to increase your target client base, by reaching Facebook profiles similar to those who have visited your site based on the following criteria: key interests, affinities and location. The targeting of your adverts can be done automatically or manually.

Even though you were previously able to conduct product advertising campaigns on Facebook, there were drawbacks; there was little scope when it came to personalisation and relevant targeting, and the format was rather unattractive. With Dynamic Ads, you now have the freedom to manage the posting of your adverts, and instantly gain visibility for your offers. Facebook Dynamic Ads are available on all devices and bring a new dimension to Facebook: targeting advertisers who are already impressed with the performance of Google Shopping campaigns. Since its launch, more than 2.5 billion unique products have been imported on the social network. Facebook Dynamic Ads have thus helped countless retailers boost sales figures.

The adverts’ positioning The adverts appear in News Feeds on Facebook’s computer and mobile sites, in Facebook’s audience network and/or in advertising inserts in the right-hand column on the computer site. Adverts in News Feeds are the best performing, especially on mobile devices.

Cross-Device Distribution Facebook Dynamic Ads are adapted for each device, be it smartphone, tablet or computer. They also appear in Facebook’s mobile application. This makes it possible to identify a user and follow their browsing behaviour, whatever the device.

Invoicing The payment model for these adverts is largely based on CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per thousand impressions). The CPC model’s advantage is that the advertiser only pays for the amount of clicks made via the advert, which makes it possible to identify internet users’ interests. Targeting’s main advantage lies in the fact that it is possible to determine bids both automatically and manually.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide



01 / Introduction to Facebook


Relevance of the message

Created dynamically and directly from your product catalogue, Facebook Dynamic Ads help you save time developing ad campaigns. They also let you promote all of your products from one single creative template, without needing to configure each advert individually. All you need to do is give Facebook a few dynamic variables, which will be automatically applied to your adverts.

As it is based retargeting and customer acquisition using similar profiles, Facebook Dynamic Ads gives your product catalogue strong visibility. The format displays adverts to users who are most likely to be interested in the product in question, based on their buying behaviour. With this advertising format, you can also offer cross-selling and up-selling between categories to increase the value of your customers’ shopping baskets. By displaying relevant adverts you can then persuade internet users to make a purchase.

Continuous progressive and visible adverts As your product catalogue evolves (adding or deleting items, price changes etc.) the adverts adjust automatically. By creating adverts based on information taken directly from your product catalogue, you reduce the risk of error and ensure that your adverts are always relevant and up-to-date. With this advertising format you continually reach your target audience at the most suitable moments by configuring your advertising campaigns just once.

Cross-device Impact With Facebook Dynamic Ads, your adverts are distributed on all the devices used by your target audience (computers, smartphones, tablets) - even if this is the first point of contact with your brand. Thanks to its flexibility, you are able to increase visibility amongst your target audience whilst obtaining unified statistics, which is not possible via the Facebook Exchange feature.

Personalisation Unlike classic advertising formats, Facebook Dynamic Ads give you the option to personalise where your adverts feature, according to your customers’ degree of maturity. Thanks to the information from your product catalogue, as well as the dynamic format of your adverts, you can provide customers with specially-adapted offers throughout the purchasing process, from when they initially encounter a product to when they complete the purchase.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

02 / IN THIS CHAPTER… A/ Installation and Configuration B/ Creating your adverts C/ The structure of your campaigns and bids D/ Targeting: Creating your audience E/ Distribution Network


A / INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION There are 3 steps to creating your Dynamic Ads: ○○ Download your product catalogue in Business Manager ○○ Install or modify your Facebook Pixel ○○ Configure your advertising model (bids, targeting, etc) in Power Editor Before you can get started, you must comply with the following conditions: ○○ Have a Facebook page ○○ Have a Business Manager account for your company and have administrator access ○○ Create an ad account or have links with an active ad account ○○ And obviously… have a product catalogue; in most cases, you can use the feed that you have already sent to other comparison shopping engines

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

The Business Manager account lets you manage all of your businesses’ Facebook resources securely


CHARACTERISTICS OF A BUSINESS MANAGER ACCOUNT The Business Manager account lets you manage all of your businesses’ Facebook resources securely (page, ad account, product catalogue and application), and also lets you authorise people to work on these resources. If you already have an ad account, it is strongly recommended that you create a Business Manager account if: ○○ You have several ad accounts ○○ You have more than three Facebook Pages ○○ Several people are tasked with managing your Facebook presence ○○ You work with a partner

Business Manager accounts ensure that your professional and personal activity remain separate: for example, notifications are sent to your professional email address and not to your private one. For agencies, this feature makes it easier to access clients’ Facebook resources, as you can gain access to their Facebook pages and ad accounts directly from their Business Manager account. To send your product feeds to Facebook, use your Facebook Business Manager account to create or delete product catalogues and allocate different levels of permission to different users, called Page Roles. The Admin role is the person who will manage your accounts, and perhaps more importantly, give access to your colleagues. If you would like to give someone access to your ad account for advertising purposes, but withhold access to payment method controls, assign them as the Advertiser for your ad account. The Analyst has the most limited access and can only consult the ad account’s insights.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

Overview of your Business Manager account

To improve efficiency and performance quickly, it is crucial that the quality of the initial feed is the best possible.

DOWNLOAD YOUR PRODUCT CATALOGUE Your product catalogue is the list of products that you want to promote on Facebook. Your products’ various attributes will be used to create your advert: its product identifier, title, description, availability, URL of its destination page, etc.

Prepare your catalogue It is your choice whether you send your entire product catalogue to Facebook or only a part of it. If you already have a product catalogue on other marketing channels, such as Google Shopping, you can download it directly into Facebook or use platforms, such as Lengow. If you use Lengow to help prepare your catalogue (no matter what size your product catalogue is), you will work with an organised and well-structured product feed, and will be as well-equipped as possible to start using Facebook Dynamic Ads, as you are sending qualified and optimised information. To improve efficiency and performance quickly, it is crucial that the quality of the initial feed is the best possible. Your feeds have to contain nine attributes that all types of products have in common.

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads




○○ A unique chain of letters and digits that identifies each individual article ○○ Maximum number of characters = 100

○○ Maximum number of characters = 5,000 ○○ Only the first 30 characters of your description will be published. The other characters are used by Facebook’s algorithm to determine your product’s relevance

[gtin] (Global Trade Item Number), [mpn] (Manufacturer Part Numbers) or [brand] (Manufacturer Brand Name) ○○ You have to give at least one of these three values

[image link]

○○ Accepted values: ‘in stock’, ‘out of stock’ ‘preorder’ or ‘available for order’. ○○ This data is essential to prevent Facebook displaying products no longer in stock.

○○ Accepted formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP and TIFF ○○ For the Carrousel format, the recommended image size is 600 x 600 pixels; if you are only advertising one product, the size should be 1200 x 628 pixels ○○ Your image should contain no more than 20% text


[URL link]

○○ Accepted values: ‘new’, ‘refurbished’ or ‘used’ ○○ If your product is new, the brand and GTIN are mandatory requirements

○○ This is the URL to your online store which should lead users directly to your landing page ○○ Maximum number of characters = 5,000


[title] ○○ Maximum number of characters = 100 (does not take uppercase, exclamation marks or HTML codes into consideration)

IMPORTANT All column names have to be in English, even if the rest of your product catalogue is in a different language.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide



02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

[price] ○○ Currency should be specified in the ISO 4217 format; i.e., use a three letter code (GBP) instead of symbols (£) ○○ The price indicated in the feed should correspond with the price shown on your landing page There are other, optional fields that you can add to your products to better qualify them, such as: ○○ [additional_image_link] ○○ [color] ○○ [material] ○○ [sale_price] ○○ [expiration_date] ○○ [product_type] ○○ [gender]

CUSTOM LABELS: HOW TO USE THEM Much like your Google Shopping feed, Facebook lets you have up to 5 custom labels in your feed, with the titles [custom_label_0] through to [custom_label_4]. With Lengow, you can start using custom labels, by creating rules for your feed which divide your product catalogue according to values chosen by you. To make sure your campaigns are ordered and structured, you should match common labels with your commercial objectives (key performance indicators). One product can belong to several advertising groups.

Here are some examples of how you could use custom labels: ○○ If you sell clothes, create a ‘season’ label so you only display seasonal products at appropriate times: i.e. swimming costumes in the summer and tights in the winter ○○ For a flash operation, target a selection of discounted products. Gather together all of your end-of-collection products to help you tackle the new season with a brand new collection ○○ Invest in your innovations: with custom labels, you can attribute a particular bid to your new products, so you can start seeing sales straight after the product launches

To find out more about optional fields, visit Facebook’s Developers site here

To find out more about optional fields, visit Facebook’s Developers site


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads


HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR LENGOW FEED? Upload your catalogue

Upload type

Once your product catalogue is ready, you will be able to upload it in your Facebook Business Manager account: either manually, with a .csv file or automatically via a URL. Click on the ‘product catalogue’ tab > Add product feed > You will then have to configure the following page.

opt for ‘scheduled recurring uploads’.

Schedule uploads This determines how often Facebook recovers your product feed from Lengow. We recommend that you indicate ‘daily’.

Choose your catalogue upload type

Feed URL Insert the URL of your optimised product feed ‘Facebook Dynamic Ads’ here in TXT format; you can find this in the Lengow platform. Make sure you match all the fields in your product catalogue with Facebook’s expectations, so that the social network accepts it. To ensure you only send Facebook products you want to create adverts for, segment your products in the Lengow interface. Segmentation will also remove parent products because only itemised products should be sent to Facebook.

Configuration of your product feed

Connection Information Do not fill in this part.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads







Visualise and validate your catalogue Once you have filled in your catalogue in your Business Manager account, you will be able to see the feeds that you have downloaded with products you have added, updated products and deleted products. Two types of notifications can be sent to you: ○○ Warning messages which advise you to improve your adverts ○○ Error messages which tell you that your feed has not been dealt with ○○ At this stage, you can use the product catalogue debug tool to know how to solve formatting problems in your data feed. This lets you detect alerts and errors to ensure your format is correct before sending it for good.

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads



Make sure your product catalogue is as up to date as possible; by using a feed management platform like Lengow, you can guarantee that your feed will always be synchronised with Facebook. To ensure that your adverts perform to their best ability, provide as much information as possible for every product in your product catalogue.

To ensure that your adverts perform to their best ability, provide as much information as possible for every product in your product catalogue. Visualise errors detected on the feed uploaded

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads


CREATE YOUR FACEBOOK PIXEL In the past, Facebook used a Custom Audience pixel to manage Dynamic Ads’ audiences. There was also a pixel for conversion tracking (permanently deleted in 2nd semester of 2016). From the beginning of 2016, Facebook has let you manage conversions, optimisations and remarketing all under one Facebook pixel. According to the social network the new pixel loads three times more quickly than the previous one. The Facebook Pixel is a piece of HTML code which tracks visitors to your site or app and the products they looked at, and makes the connection with Facebook users. Thanks to the Facebook pixel, you can use the actions of visitors on your website from one device to another to your benefit and create more efficient advertising campaigns by: ○○ Measuring cross-device conversions ○○ Optimising distribution by advertising near people who are likely to take action ○○ By automatically creating audiences to retarget for website visitors The pixel is dependent on your Facebook account and not on the site that you want to target. As a result, the same code is used by all sites associated with your Facebook account. However, you can add standard events to your pixel to track conversions, optimise conversions and build audiences. You can find your pixel’s code in Power Editor, under the tab Tools > Pixels. Place the pixel between the tags <head> and </head> on all pages of your site to ensure that no aspect of conversion goes amiss.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

There are 9 types of standard events that you can add to your code to help build a relevant audience and track conversions to your site. These standard events should be added on pages where you track a specific event: for example, a thank you page:

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of HTML code which tracks visitors to your site

The field ‘content_ids’ needs to be exactly the same as the product ID column in your feed.

Website action


Standard event code

Parameters needed for Dynamic Ads

View content

Track key page views (ex: product page, landing page, article)

fbq('track', 'ViewContent');

content_type content_ids


Track searches on your website (ex: product searches)

fbq('track', 'Search');


Add to cart

Track when items are added to a shopping cart (ex: click, landing page on Add to Cart button)

fbq('track', 'AddToCart');

content_type content_ids

Add to wishlist

Track when items are added to a wishlist (ex: click, landing page on Add to Wishlist button)

fbq('track', 'AddToWishlist');


Initiate checkout

Track when people enter the checkout flow (ex: click, landing page on checkout button)

fbq('track', 'InitiateCheckout');


Add payment info

Track when payment information is added in the checkout flow (ex: click, landing page on billing info)

fbq('track', 'AddPaymentInfo');


Make purchase

Track purchases or checkout flow completions (ex: Landing on "Thank You" or confirmation page)

fbq('track', 'Purchase', {value: '0.00', currency: 'USD'});

Value and currency + content_type content_ids


Track when someone expresses interest in your offering (ex: form submission, sign up for trial, landing on pricing page)

fbq('track', 'Lead');


Complete registration

Track when a registration form is completed (ex: complete subscription, sign up for a service)

fbq('track', 'CompleteRegistration');


Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

To monitor your conversions consult your advert reports, where you can see when adverts led to conversions and how much it cost you. Advert reports you will find conversions linked to pixel: you will thus know when an advert has downloaded a conversion and how much it cost you.





○○ Go to the web page where the pixel is placed. If it works, the pixel should send information to Facebook and you will be able to see the activity on the Pixel Facebook page in Facebook Ads Manager. Your pixel’s status should also be marked as active ○○ For your Custom Audience Pixels and Conversion Pixels, download the Chrome Facebook Pixel Helper plugin to help you mend errors and check that your events report the correct user names for your products ○○ The Retargeting Pixel Debug Tool will fix all bugs linked with retargeting. You can use this tool to find all the event settings. By stating an ID linked to a particular audience you can check if the rules which define this audience are the correct ones.

It is important to put the pixel in place as early as possible, even if your campaigns are still not ready to launch. If you do this, Facebook can start to build your retargeting list and you can access your audiences when you need to. This pixel also lets you access performance reports for your adverts, even when a customer is buying a product on a different device to the one on which your advert was distributed.


There are several ways to check that your pixel is working correctly:

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads



The use of the Chrome Facebook Pixel Helper plugin is also a great way to see if your competitors have developed a social media strategy on Facebook.


FACEBOOK AND GOOGLE TAG MANAGER For Google Tag Manager users, follow these steps to install your Facebook pixel easily: In Google Tag Manager select your web container then click on ‘Add a new tag’ > ‘custom HTML tag’. Paste the pixel’s base code (copied from your Facebook Pixel page). Open the dropdown menu ‘Advanced Settings’ and: ○○ Under ‘Tag firing’ options, choose Once per page ○○ Under ‘Fire on’, choose All pages ○○ Then click on Create tag Now that you have configured your base code, you can create custom HTML tags for different pages and events on your website (for example: product page, add-to-basket button, buying page).

To find out more : click here Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads


B / CREATING YOUR ADVERTS Your adverts will be similar to other Facebook adverts when they appear in their final version. The difference resides in the creation of a base model: in Power Editor, choose the objective ‘Product Catalogue Sales’. Then, create a dynamic model so the template automatically fills with the correct products and corresponding information. As a result, you will not lose time creating a visual for every product that features in your adverts.

For your advert content, choose among fields from your product catalogue (or insert your own text) ○○ The variable that you would like to display at the top of your advert, e.g. ‘product name’ ○○ The field for the title of your advert, e.g. ‘title’ ○○ The field for the description, e.g. ‘description’ Finally, make sure you select which call-to-action you want to display, e.g. ‘shop now’ or ‘learn more’.

Start the creation of your campaign and advert

Images, product names, price, etc… these elements will be automatically extracted from your product catalogue depending on predefined keywords. As a result, you can configure thousands of unique adverts. Thanks to the automatic importing of your product feed, Facebook knows when a product is no longer in stock, and thus when to stop displaying it.

Prepare your advert and preview it immediately

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide



To monitor your campaigns effectively, it is important to put a tracking URL

TRACKING YOUR ADVERTS To monitor your campaigns effectively using tools like Google Analytics, it is important to put a tracking URL; in other words, UTM (Urching Tracking Module) parameters. When a user clicks through to your site via one of these personalised links, unique parameters are sent to your Google Analytics account, so you can see which URL attracts the most people. The URL builder that Google provides can help you generate custom campaign parameters. Before you start, you should choose parameters which you will use for all of your Facebook campaigns:

Obligatory fields ○○ utm_source: the source (Facebook) ○○ utm_medium: marketing support (Dynamic Ads…) ○○ utm_campaign: the name you give to your campaign (title of your product, campaign date…)

These fields will create the following: ○○ ?utm_source=facebook&utm_ medium=dynamicproductads&utm_ campaign={campaignname}

Optional fields: ○○ utm_content: highlighted content ○○ utm_term: keywords On Analytics, you will find your campaign’s issued traffic in the section Acquisition > Campaigns.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

Create product set



Before posting your adverts, consult the preview option so you can see how your adverts will appear (products are displayed in a random order). Once you are happy with the preview, launch your adverts. Once people start to show interest in your products linked to your set rules your adverts will be distributed.



Optimise your Dynamic Ads’ performance by dividing products into different product groups and assigning each group with a unique bid.

When you create your advert, you need to decide whether you will display one sole product or display several using the carrousel format. If you choose to advertise multiple products, Facebook will present a mix of the latest products that the internet user consulted or the adverts which are the most coherent with your defined product groups.


You can choose to distribute your entire catalogue or create defined product sets. You can create product sets by grouping together all products in the same category; for example, gather all umbrella related products in a category called ‘umbrella’. If you do this, the Facebook filter will only search for these products and you can give them a unique bid. You can configure several filters for one product group.



If you want, you can opt to use a combination of several product catalogue fields; for example, put the brand and the product name in the title. Use the Lengow platform to combine these fields and create an optimised title. Always make sure you comply with Facebook’s character limits. The success of your Facebook Dynamic Ads depends largely on the quality of your images: photos affect CTR the most. Choose product photos to target customers and mood photos to tempt prospects.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads



One campaign

You can opt to use product sets or a product ID. Product IDs represent individual articles, whereas product groups let you distinguish between products with itemisations (colour, material, size, etc.) ○○

When should you use product sets? Product sets

Ad which display products or product sets

○○ When you want your client to have access to different colours and models for a certain product. ○○ To avoid retargeting customers with a similar product to the one that you have just sold; a customer who has just bought a pair of blue shoes is not very likely to buy the same model again in the following weeks.

In your product set: ○○ Each campaign marks an objective (e.g. generating sales) ○○ Each product set specifies the objective, the target audience, the duration and of course the targeted products (e.g. objective = generate prospects, target = visitors to the site, budget = 10€/day, duration = one week). ○○ Each ad for a product or a product set is made up of the following: title, image, description and link.

○○ Each itemised product should have a product ID ○○ Each itemisation should have the same group identifier (item_group_id) ○○ The advert’s URL should lead to a landing page where the itemised product is highlighted







To make sure that your entire catalogue is dealt with, we advise you to create a campaign grouping all of your products together. Refine your campaigns by selecting product and linked bids more precisely. By doing so, you will be able to bid on all adverts for products with strong margins and adverts based on your top categories. You should note that each product set has its own bid and one product can feature in several product sets.

THE BIDS Before configuring your bid, remember that the budget is the maximum amount you can spend on one campaign (daily budget or lifetime budget) whereas the bid is the maximum amount you are willing to spend on one advert. You can choose between an automatic bid or a manual bid depending on how you want to pay for your advert. ○○ Automatic bids allow Facebook to optimise your bids to help you reach your objective Example: generate as many conversions to your site at the best price ○○ Manual bids let you choose a maximum target bid Example: Fix a value that you attribute to one conversion; according to your conversion rate


You then choose whether to pay by clicks (CPC) or by impressions (CPM). For CPC, or costs per click, you are charged when someone clicks on your advert and is thus redirected to your site. Use this model if your main objective is to get people to your online store. The minimum bid is $0.01 but this amount is normally insufficient and if you opt for this bid it is unlikely that your advert will be displayed. You should choose the CPM model, or cost per thousand impressions, if you are looking to increase brand awareness. You are invoiced the first time your advert is shown in someone’s News Feed (on a mobile or computer) or in the right-hand column. You will be charged depending on the number of clicks or impressions when your ads are live but the fee will never surpass your daily or entire budget. To help you decide how much money you should allocate to your ads, Facebook creates an estimated daily reach: in other words, the number of people who will see your adverts daily. The calculation is based on the performance of other adverts with a similar target audience and a similar budget.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide



02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

Organise your campaigns and subsequently your bids in line with your business objectives


Our advice for your Facebook Dynamic Ads: Optimisation: Clicks to website Bid: Automatic Invoicing: CPC



NB: how you optimise your adverts does not correspond with what you pay. For example, you can optimise your ads for website conversions, but still pay per impression.


For example, if you choose to maximise clicks through to your store, you will target people most likely to proceed with a conversion. If you choose to maximise impressions, your adverts will be displayed to as many people as possible at the lowest cost.


In the ad creation tool, you have the option to optimise your campaign by clicks or by impressions; to do so, indicate that you would like to make the most profit at the lowest cost.

Organise your campaigns and subsequently your bids in line with your business objectives and highlight certain product types according to fields in your feed and/or by adding ‘custom label’ fields to your feed, such as the ones below: ○○ Promotions (e.g. clearance) ○○ Seasonal products (e.g. winter shoes for a campaign starting in October) ○○ A precise category (e.g. a one-week special operation on a dress brand in your collection) ○○ Products with the highest margin



Facebook recommends using automatic bids: Facebook will optimise your bids so that your ads reach the largest amount of people likely to react to your objectives, without surpassing your budget. To determine your bids, create a bid equal to the amount that you want to spend. For example, if your advertising objective is to generate clicks towards your website, think of the amount that you would be willing to pay for one click. Your daily budget must be at least twice the amount of your bid. So, if you are willing to pay $2 for one click, your daily budget has to be at least $4. You can get an estimate cost of your ads in the Pricing section when you create your adverts.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

D / TARGETING: CREATING YOUR AUDIENCE Facebook’s targeting options are extensive and powerful: in effect, the social network gives you access to a range of criteria, such as location, language, age, gender, interests, behaviour etc. Thanks to the audience pixel, you will also be able to target visitors to your website, import customer lists and prospects into your CRM, etc. This section is dedicated to creating your audience: a group of users defined by the criteria of your choice. There are three audience types: custom audience, lookalike audience and saved audience.



Thanks to the audience pixel, you will also be able to target visitors to your website.


One of Facebook Dynamic Ads’ main advantages is that you can distribute adverts in relation to the pages visited on your website and thus reach people who have already visited your website (a very profitable group) with adapted content.

Choose your audience source

To create your custom audience, there are several sources you can use: ○○Visitors to your website ○○Client list (email addresses, telephone numbers) ○○Facebook app

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

You can display a specific product to someone based on their behaviour on your site. Targeting allows you to reach internet users who have visited your website and/or app, as well as those who have only visited certain pages and those who have not been on your site for a while.

If you are using a client list to help with targeting, you can import your emailing list or contacts from your CRM. Make sure you prepare your client base beforehand, particularly when it comes to splitting up customers and prospects because you will not be able to do this in the Facebook interface.

Different ad sets will be created according to your audience rules: ○○ People who have looked at your products (‘seen products’) ○○ People who have abandoned their baskets (‘basket abandoners’) ○○ Previous customers

Facebook will associate an email address with a certain Facebook user. It takes about an hour for Facebook to analyse their database and find the corresponding profile.



Why target them? ○○ Strengthen the message of a newsletter via a Facebook advert ○○ Target customers who have bought product A by showing product B ○○ Continue to promote your products to people who have unsubscribed from your newsletter; it is possible they only unsubscribed due to the frequency of emails but are still be interested in your products

You should consider excluding former customers from your ‘seen products’ and ‘basket abandoners’ segments, so you do not display products to people who might have just bought them. Facebook lets you exclude customers from your audience according to product (and if they have bought it) and the number of days since the purchase.

There is a third segmentation option based on app activity; it is only available if you have developed a Facebook application.

For example, if you sell glasses, you can exclude customers who have recently made a purchase. However, if you sell disposable contact lenses, a product which needs to be renewed regularly, you can exclude customers who have bought contact lenses in the last 15 days.




The Spring 2016 Dynamic Ads update means that there are now a lot more options for advertisers to carry out program refinement in order to target the most profitable customers. By choosing: ‘custom combination’, you will be able to create an audience according to: ○○ Frequency: the number of times a visitor carries out an action on your site, or visits it ○○ Time spent: how long the visitor stays on your website and carries out an action on it ○○ Period: the period during which someone has visited your site ○○ The total amount spent by a customer on your website ○○ Device used: Android, iOS, office computer and other mobile devices Rules concerning frequency and device are available via Power Editor, but the others are only accessible via Facebook API.


There should also be a time element to your targeting. Use Google Analytics to find out when the majority of your sales take place; if it is three days after an initial visit, make sure to create an ad group targeting new visitors three days after.




02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads

LOOKALIKE AUDIENCE You can ask Facebook to use your configured, custom audience to generate a lookalike audience, based on the same criteria but targeting new customers who might have never visited your website. You can also create a lookalike audience using your email contacts or people who have liked your Facebook page. You define the settings and Facebook will take care of building you a new audience. As a result, you can discover a new, expanded client base.

This type of audience is slightly less effective than remarketing because these people have not yet been exposed to your brand. However, this type of targeting is more effective than simple demographic targeting (age, gender, location‌).


EN G O W -L Choose the criteria of your lookalike audience





When choosing an audience, type in the name of competitors and Facebook will provide you with suggestions. You can then target people who have researched your competitors. Keep in mind that the more refined the targeting, the smaller the audience, which could be detrimental to the volumes of clicks or impressions.

You define the settings and Facebook will take care of building you a new audience. As a result, you can discover a new, expanded client base.


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads




The third targeting option is to create a saved audience: download your preferred targeting options, so you can re-use them easily in the future and apply them to subsequent adverts. You can select different criteria to establish your audience, for example: ○○ Location (include or exclude countries and towns) and language ○○ Age ○○ Gender ○○ Interests (Fans of page X or Y, Sports, etc.) ○○ Behaviour




02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads



As soon as you choose your targeting options, Facebook will tell you whether your audience is defined enough, as well as your advert’s potential scope.

Set up your saved audience

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


02 / Creating your Facebook Dynamic Ads



Your product ads are adapted for each device

Your product ads are adapted for each device: they are distributed automatically in News feeds on computers as well as mobiles and tablets. The right-hand column only appears on the computer site. What’s more, with the Facebook Audience Network, you can extend your campaign’s scope beyond Facebook and onto other mobile applications. You can use Facebook’s targeting criteria to find your audience on these apps and/ or mobile sites. Audience Network Adverts use the same images and text as Facebook ads that appear in News feeds.

Choose where you want your ads to be published

Audience Network Adverts let you reach high quality app users and use more refined advertising options for apps, including banners and other formats: ○○ 320 x 50 banners ○○ Full screen advertising spots ○○ Native advertising adapted to the app in question’s format

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide



You can also display your dynamic ads on Instagram. We strongly recommended that you have an Instagram account but you can set up adverts using your Facebook page in Power Editor. The creation process for your advert will be the same as before: create a campaign, an ad set and an advert. When you configure your ad set (budget, calendar, audience, etc) and your advert, choose Instagram in the placement section (the place where the advert will appear). Your advertising objective has to be in line with Instagram’s advertising: ○○ Involvement in page advertising ○○ Clicks to a website ○○ Conversions on a website ○○ Mobile app downloads ○○ Involvement in mobile apps ○○ Video views

You can also display your Dynamic Ads on Instagram


03/ How do you launch on Facebook successfully?

03 / IN THIS CHAPTER‌ A/ Create quality adverts B/ Performing Bids C/ Strategic Targeting D/ Positioning your Facebook Dynamic Ads E/ Monitor your results


03/ How do you launch on Facebook successfully?


A / CREATE QUALITY ADVERTS Facebook shows internet users the most relevant adverts: in order for Facebook to judge your advert as high-quality, your advert has to provoke interaction. The best strategy is to have several rotating adverts at the same time, so you can run tests on the quality of your titles and product descriptions. For the text, good practice is to start with a question to arouse interest. Your text should be clear, so consumers understand your offer immediately. Your offer should be striking: make an offer that is impossible to refuse and provokes a reaction. This striking notion should also apply for the title of your product where your offer should be clearly detailed. You should spend time selecting images, as they have the largest impact on your CTR. Put an image forward which piques attention and which is relevant to your offer. Choose to display your products using the carousel option: display one product in several ways, or several products in the same range, promotional products, etc. Facebook can change the order of your images automatically so the one that generates the most interest appears first.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


03/ How do you launch on Facebook successfully?

03/ How do you launch on Facebook successfully?



To have high-quality adverts which generate conversions, you need an organised, well-structured and optimised product catalogue. Thanks to our partnership with Facebook, Lengow makes posting Facebook Dynamic Ads easy. We ensure that retailers’ product catalogues comply with Facebook’s specifications and you are able to configure your feeds: modifying, deleting or updating the status of your products Lengow helps you display quality, converting product ads because we match your product catalogue categories with categories recommended by Facebook, we optimise fields (title, description, etc.) that appear in adverts, and we have rules to filter which products will be published on Facebook or not So as to not waste clicks unnecessarily, keep your stock status up-to-date, so that adverts for out-of-stock products are put on standby. When you add a product feed, use Lengow to configure a synchronised download so that your catalogue is always up-to-date (new products, out-of-stock products, etc.)

It is important to base the structure of your campaigns on your commercial objectives; if you do this, your results will perform better and all your marketing actions will be logical. Improve your adverts’ performance by creating different product sets, each with a different bid. This will help you monitor your bids and maximise your ROI. You should also consider creating a product set set with all of your products, to ensure that all of your catalogue is covered. This will also mean that you avoid creating product sets that are too small, because ads will be launched less frequently.

C / STRATEGIC TARGETING Take advantage of Facebook’s targeting options and test them all out to find the best ones for your market. Segmenting your audience lets you adapt your adverts and listed products depending on your prospective customers. Target specific audiences manually for precise products (for example: the products that most people consulted, or top-selling items), or use automatic targeting and leave it to Facebook to decide which products to advertise to which audience.

Facebook’s automatic bids can be really useful for advertisers. Facebook will manage your bids so a sufficient amount of people from your chosen audience see your advert, whilst getting the best results for your budget.

Error reports and email notifications let you monitor your distribution on Facebook on a daily basis.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


03/ How do you launch on Facebook successfully?


For best results, display adverts on computers and mobile devices at the same time. Separate bids according to your ads’ positioning (in the right-hand column or in the News Feed) rather than according to device.

E / MONITOR YOUR RESULTS The best advice that anyone can give you is to test, test and test again! It is the best way to see which advertising format works best for a certain audience and which types of bid work best for you. This will help you refine your targeting so you can achieve the best possible ROI. To help you maximise your ROI, create reports in Power Editor to consult essential advertising measures and discover how to reach your commercial objectives.

Segmenting your audience lets you adapt your adverts and listed products depending on your prospective customers

04 /

04 / Conclusion


Alongside its e-commerce strategy, Facebook has also expressed their desire to acquire sections of the m-commerce market. Facebook users mainly visit the site on a mobile device ( more than 1.5 billion people use Facebook on their mobile each month), and the social network continues to roll-out new features - the last being Facebook Canvas, launched in February 2016. Available on all mobile devices, Canvas is an immersive advertising canvas which lets internet users discover business and then browse their product catalogue interactively in full screen. By clicking on the advert, the user can interact with the retailer’s content: photos, videos, text and links. By developing new services for mobile devices, Facebook is adding a new string to its bow. They continue to improve user experience and give enhanced visibility to advertisers on the platform.




05 / Glossary & sources

05 /

05 / Glossary et sources







A collection of mobile applications where Facebook advertisers can display ads using the same targeting tools that they use on Facebook. This network gives advertisers the option to extend the scope of their campaigns into other mobile applications.

Payment model where the advertiser pays according to the number of clicks their advert generated.

An audience created by Facebook based on the same criteria as custom audiences but reaching new people: Facebook users who have never been on a retailer’s website.

A marketing tool which helps display adverts to internet users who have already visited your site without completing a purchase.


Payment model based on the amount of advert displays where the cost is calculated per 1000. This model should be used if you want to increase brand awareness.

A collaborate interface where you can manage all of your business resources: Facebook Pages, advertising accounts, product catalogues and applications.

CUSTOM AUDIENCE A targeted advertising option which creates audiences from several sources: client databases, website visitors or Facebook app users.

CUSTOM LABELS Custom labels let retailers divide a product catalogue by values which they have chosen. For example, you can identify ‘top products’, ‘summer’ season products, or even products with a strong profit margin, to improve CPC rates.


POWER EDITOR A tool which lets advertisers create and manage large-scale product distribution easily.

SAVED AUDIENCE Targeting option which lets you download popular targeting options so you can re-use them easily and apply them on your future adverts.

GOOGLE TAG MANAGER Google Tag Manager lets you centralise all of your tracking codes using one single tag container placed on your website.



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The Facebook Pixel is an HTML code which lets you track visitor behaviour when they are on your site or app. It combines the Custom Audience Pixel and the Conversion Tracking pixel to monitor conversions, optimisation and retargeting.

Get Ahead with Facebook Dynamic Ads: your e-commerce guide


About Lengow

Lengow is the ecommerce automation solution that helps brands and distributors improve their performance, automate their business processes and grow internationally. Intuitive and innovative, the Lengow platform is the key that opens the door to strong profitability and visibility for products sold by online retailers around the world on all distribution channels: marketplaces, comparison shopping engines, affiliate platforms and display/retargeting. With more than 1,800 partners that have been collaborating with Lengow since 2009, the SaaS solution offers a powerful ecosystem to the 3,600 online retailers that use it in 45 countries across the globe.

20 rue Treilhard, 75008 Paris, France +33 (0)1 84 79 10 88

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