ArgenZ Anterior
Super Translucent
• Single to three unit anterior bridges
• Single unit posterior crowns
ArgenZ HT+
High Translucency Plus Single units up to full arch frames
• Frames or full contour
ArgenZ HT+ Multilayer
High Translucency Plus strength and Multilayer
• Single frames up to full arches
• Frames and full contour
ArgenZ ST Multilayer
Super Translucency
• 3 unit bridges including pre-molars
• Use anywhere in the mouth
ArgenZ Ultra
High Strength
• Single units up to full arch frames
ArgenZ™ HT+ Multilayer Zirconia discs offer unmatched strength and shade accuracy that mirrors the natural gradient of dentin and enamel without layer lines.
• 45% translucency
• Flexural Strength (1250 MPa)
• Single units to full arch
• 16 VITA Classical, 3 Bleach, and 5 Light Shades
Size 98x 12 98x 14 98x 16 98x 18 98x 20 98x 25 98x 30
ShadeA1 SAZ619 SAZ638 SAZ657 SAZ676 SAZ695 SAZ800 SAZ819
ShadeA2 SAZ620 SAZ639 SAZ658 SAZ677 SAZ696 SAZ801 SAZ820
ShadeA3 SAZ621 SAZ640 SAZ659 SAZ678 SAZ697 SAZ802 SAZ821
ShadeA3.5 SAZ622 SAZ641 SAZ660 SAZ679 SAZ698 SAZ803 SAZ822
ShadeA4 SAZ623 SAZ642 SAZ661 SAZ680 SAZ699 SAZ804 SAZ823
ShadeB1 SAZ624 SAZ643 SAZ662 SAZ681 SAZ700 SAZ805 SAZ824
ShadeB2 SAZ625 SAZ644 SAZ663 SAZ682 SAZ701 SAZ806 SAZ825
ShadeB3 SAZ626 SAZ645 SAZ664 SAZ683 SAZ702 SAZ807 SAZ826
ShadeB4 SAZ627 SAZ646 SAZ665 SAZ684 SAZ703 SAZ808 SAZ827
ShadeC1 SAZ628 SAZ647 SAZ666 SAZ685 SAZ704 SAZ809 SAZ828
ShadeC2 SAZ629 SAZ648 SAZ667 SAZ686 SAZ705 SAZ810 SAZ829
ShadeC3 SAZ630 SAZ649 SAZ668 SAZ687 SAZ706 SAZ811 SAZ830
ShadeC4 SAZ631 SAZ650 SAZ669 SAZ688 SAZ707 SAZ812 SAZ831
ShadeD2 SAZ632 SAZ651 SAZ670 SAZ689 SAZ708 SAZ813 SAZ832
ShadeD3 SAZ633 SAZ652 SAZ671 SAZ690 SAZ709 SAZ814 SAZ833
ShadeOM2 SAZ636 SAZ655 SAZ674 SAZ693 SAZ712 SAZ817 SAZ836
ShadeOM3 SAZ637 SAZ656 SAZ675 SAZ694 SAZ713 SAZ818 SAZ837
Purge-All Plus absorbs and eliminates all types of furnace contaminants. It eliminates porcelain discolouration, extends muffle and thermocouple life, and maintains thermocouple accuracy, whilst Purge-All Zr removes contamination build up from colouring agents used in shading zirconia crowns or bridges.
Whip Mix Sintering Beads
Sintering beads for effective Zr sintering.
• 45% translucency
• Flexural Strength (1250 MPa)
• Bridges up to 14 units
• Sinter HT+ and Anterior together (1500°C)
ShadeD3 SAZ339 SAZ355 SAZ363 SAZ376 SAZ395 SAZ438
ArgenZ HT+ provides the assurance of higher strength and better aesthetics, resulting in fewer fractures while mimicking the aesthetics of natural dentine.
ShadeC4 SAZ895 SAZ897 SAZ899 SAZ901 SAZ393 SAZ436 SAZ412 SAZ914
ShadeD2 SAZ338 SAZ354 SAZ362 SAZ375 SAZ394 SAZ437 SAZ413 SAZ915
ShadeOM2 SAZ342 SAZ358 SAZ364 SAZ379 SAZ398 SAZ441 SAZ417 SAZ919
ShadeOM3 SAZ343 SAZ359 SAZ323 SAZ380 SAZ399 SAZ442 SAZ418 SAZ453
ArgenZ HT+ zirconia offers 4%-5% more translucency and increased strength over other HT zirconia. It can be used for single
ArgenZ HT+ zirconia offers 4%-5% more translucency and increased strength over other HT zirconia. It can be used for single units to full roundhouse for frames or full contour.
Shaded Release April 2018
ArgenZ™ Anterior Super Translucent Zirconia is an exciting alternative to lithium disilicate offering the highest translucency with optimum strength most closely mimicking the natural dentin of the tooth. ArgenZ Anterior Zirconia material is manufactured in the USA, isostatically pressed and CE compliant.
• Available in 16 VITA shades, White and Bleach
• 50% translucency • 750MPa flexural strength
• Available for single posterior/anterior units and up to 3 unit anterior bridges
Select the value disc indicated to achieve the desired shade. SAZ033
Five Sizes: 12, 14, 16, 18 and 22mm for optimum
Most accurate match to 16 VITA Classical Shades
Quality produced and competitively priced
ArgenZ ST Multilayer Zirconia is suitable for anywhere in the mouth, up to three unit bridges including pre-molars. The material is available in
ArgenZ ST Multilayer Zirconia is suitable for anywhere in the mouth, up to three unit bridges including pre-molars. The material is available in five sizes, 16 VITA Shades, and 3 Bleach shades.
SAZ504 SAZ523 SAZ542 SAZ561
ShadeA4 SAZ486 SAZ505 SAZ524 SAZ543 SAZ562
ShadeB1 SAZ487 SAZ506 SAZ525 SAZ544 SAZ563
ShadeB2 SAZ488 SAZ507 SAZ526
ShadeC2 SAZ492 SAZ511 SAZ530 SAZ549 SAZ568
ShadeC3 SAZ493 SAZ512 SAZ531 SAZ550 SAZ569
ShadeC4 SAZ494 SAZ513 SAZ532 SAZ551 SAZ570
ShadeD2 SAZ495 SAZ514 SAZ533 SAZ552 SAZ571
ShadeD3 SAZ496 SAZ515 SAZ534 SAZ553 SAZ572
ShadeD4 SAZ497 SAZ516 SAZ535 SAZ554 SAZ573
ShadeOM1 SAZ498 SAZ517
ArgenZ™ Ultra Zirconia high strength and opaque properties make it a perfect solution over implants and for posterior restorations. ArgenZ Ultra material is manufactured in the USA, isostatically pressed and CE compliant.
• Available in 16 VITA shades, White and Bleach
• Available for up to 14 unit full arch bridges
• 1400MPa flexural strength
High quality, Nickel free non precious alloy, for all Crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, and telescopes. Offering high corrosion resistance, excellent CTE for all ceramics and lower hardness for perfect milling.
Titanium-based milling discs for open systems 98.5mm. They are characterised by high biocompatibility.
Manufactured in accordance with ASTM F136.
A comprehensive, ready to use system, compatible with all major Implant brands and platforms. In-house milling of customized abutments saves time and produces abutments with demonstrated clinical and aesthetic benefits.
– All Blanks in titanium grade 5, a stainless-steel holder, a blanks library in 3Shape and exocad, compatibility with all major implant systems
Ultra Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for anterior crowns and veneers, inlays/onlays and posterior single crowns, with a wellbalanced combination of chromatic and gradational translucency, which reproduces esthetic enamel and dentine effects.
Available in 2 types
16 Vita shades A1 to D4 (14 and 18mm only)
Enamel (E) shades, A1, A2, A3 and NW
Size 98.5 x 14mm
98.5 x 18mm
Shade A1 SNT2965 SNT2966
Shade A2 SNT2967 SNT2968
Shade A3 SNT2969 SNT2970
Shade A3.5 SNT2939 SNT2940
Shade A4 SNT2941 SNT2942
Shade B1 SNT2943 SNT2944
Shade B2 SNT2945 SNT2946
Shade B3 SNT2947 SNT2948
Shade B4 SNT2949 SNT2950
Shade C1 SNT2951 SNT2952
Shade C2 SNT2953 SNT2954
Shade C3 SNT2955 SNT2956
Shade C4 SNT2957 SNT2958
Shade D2 SNT2959 SNT2960
Shade D3 SNT2961 SNT2962
Shade D4 SNT2963 SNT2964
With an innovative concept of combining high translucency and strength, the best features of the well-known KATANA™ series have been combined in one disc, KATANA™ Zirconia YML. From highly esthetic anterior restorations that require high translucency, up to long-span bridges that require high strength, one single disc is all you need now.
Shade EA1 SNT2924 SNT2925
Shade EA2 SNT2927 SNT2928
With an innovative concept of combining high translucency and strength, the best features of the well-known KATANA™ series have been combined in one disc, KATANA™ Zirconia YML. From highly esthetic anterior restorations that require high translucency, up to long-span bridges that require high strength, one single disc is all you need now.
x 18mm
x 22mm
Shade A1 SNT3165 SNT3166 SNT3167
Shade A2 SNT3168 SNT3169 SNT3170
Shade A3 SNT3171 SNT3172 SNT3173
Shade A3.5 SNT3174 SNT3175 SNT3176
Shade A4 SNT3177 SNT3178 SNT3179
Shade B1 SNT3180 SNT3181 SNT3182
Shade B2 SNT3183 SNT3184 SNT3185
Shade B3 SNT3186 SNT3187 SNT3188
Shade C1 SNT3189 SNT3190 SNT3191
Shade C2 SNT3192 SNT3193 SNT3194
Shade C3 SNT3195 SNT3196 SNT3197
Shade D2 SNT3198 SNT3199 SNT3200
Shade D3 SNT3201 SNT3202 SNT3203
Shade NW SNT3204 SNT3205 SNT3206
Shade EA3 SNT2930 SNT2931
Shade ENW SNT2933 SNT2934
This technical guide explains key aspects helping to achieve the most aesthetic restorations with KATANA™ Zirconia YML.
Super Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for up to 3 units posterior bridges with a well-balanced combination of chromatic and gradational translucency, which reproduces esthetic enamel and dentine effects. Available in: A1, A2, A3, A3.5 and NW.
Shade A1 SNT2909 SNT2910 SNT2911
Shade A2 SNT2912 SNT2913 SNT2914
Shade A3 SNT2915 SNT2916 SNT2917
Shade A3.5 SNT2918 SNT2919 SNT2920
Shade A4 SNT3030 SNT3031 SNT3032
Shade B1 SNT3033 SNT3034 SNT3035
Shade B2 SNT3036
A new high strength, aesthetic zirconia ideal for fast sintering. With one strength through the block, the result is a reliable framework or monolithic bridge with a beautiful shape and colour fitting the patient’s natural dentition. 1150MPa, 45% Translucency.
Shade A1 SNT3226 SNT3227 SNT3228
Shade A2 SNT3229 SNT3230 SNT3231
Shade A3 SNT3232 SNT3233 SNT3234
Shade A3.5 SNT3235 SNT3236 SNT3237
Shade A4 SNT3238 SNT3239 SNT3240
Shade B1 SNT3241 SNT3242 SNT3243
Shade B2 SNT3244 SNT3245 SNT3246
Shade B3 SNT3247 SNT3248 SNT3249
Shade C1 SNT3250 SNT3251 SNT3252
Shade C2 SNT3253 SNT3254 SNT3255
Shade C3 SNT3256 SNT3257 SNT3258
Shade D2 SNT3259 SNT3260 SNT3261
Shade D3 SNT3262 SNT3263 SNT3264
Shade NW SNT3265 SNT3266 SNT3267 Price £138.89
The Initial Zirconia Coloring Liquid system consists of 12 water-based colouring liquids following the ‘IQ philosophy’. Apply the liquids onto the monolithic or anatomically reduced restoration after milling using the painting or dipping technique. The framework in the right colour tone can be finished.
IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime redefines all-ceramics. The revolutionary material ensures exceptional quality and esthetics and can be used for all applications, from the single unit crown to multiple unit bridges – and can be processed with all types of techniques.
SIV6184 IPS e.max
IPS e.max ZirCAD
IPS e.max ZirCAD is the versatile zirconium oxide system for CAD/CAM applications in the dental laboratory. It is used for the fabrication of copings and frameworks as well as fullcontour crowns and bridges.
IPS e.max ZirCAD MO SIV6135
IPS e.max ZirCAD LT
Colado CAD CoCr4 are discs made from a cobalt-chromium alloy. They are suitable for a wide variety of restorations, such a full-contour crowns and bridges, frameworks, implant-supported suprastructures and much more. The fine-grain structure of the material ensures excellent machinability with an ideal CTE of 14.4± 0.5 * 10 -6 /K.
Colado CAD Ti5 are discs made from a titanium alloy. These discs are suitable for the manufacture of crowns, wide-spanned bridges and implant-supported supra-structures.
ProArt CAD Splint, the dimensionally stable polymer and wax discs are easy to mill. As CAD/ CAM auxiliary materials, they cover a wide range of indications.
ProArt CAD wax discs establish the basis for accurate objects with excellent detail, for use in dental technology.
The Ivotion Denture System comprises a complete digital manufacturing process which allows you to create top-quality removable dentures. The integrated workflow involves digital laboratory fabrication methods and established clinical treatment steps. The new monolithic Ivotion disc, which is at the core of this system, features both tooth and denture base materials.
Fast manufacturing process
Premium materials
Predictable results
Individual complete dentures (upper or lower jaw)
Complete dentures (upper and lower jaw)
Duplicate complete dentures (upper and lower jaw)
Immediate complete dentures (upper and lower jaw)
Overdentures on 2 attachments (upper and lower jaw)
The key to amazing efficiency with the new Ivotion discs is that they allow you to fabricate monolithic removable dentures by means of an efficient digital workflow. Complete dentures are machined from one disc in one uninterrupted milling process, which reduces the need for manual work. This is in accordance with the product slogan: One disc. One milling process. One denture.
Ivotion Pink V, Preference, A1, A2, A3 - 98.5 U/1 £91.95
Ivotion Pink V, Preference, A1, A2, A3 - 98.5 L/1 £91.95
Ivotion Base are PMMA discs with high impact strength for CAD/ CAM finishing. Denture bases are produced from these discs using the milling manufacturing process for digital removable dentures. The 30-mm thick Ivotion Base discs are available in the four base colours Pink, Pink-V, Preference and 34-V.
Base Pink V, Preference, 34 V - 98.5-30mm/1 £54.05
The Ivotion Denture System seamlessly combines materials and processes from Ivoclar with scanning and software solutions from 3Shape. An exclusively developed design software together with coordinated and proven materials, including special manufacturing strategies and state-of-the art milling machines (PrograMill) promise exceptional reliability and consistent, predictable results.
Ivotion Dent discs are made of tooth-coloured, monochromatic DCL material. The material is characterized by an optimally coordinated translucency and lifelike fluorescence. The highly esthetic appearance is achieved by three main factors: Low opacity in combination with the anatomical shape of the anterior teeth and a natural looking surface finish.
Ivotion Dent Multi discs are made of multichromatic DCL material. The innovative pearl-structure-effect provides a harmonious gradation of colour, which gives the prosthetic teeth a highly esthetical appearance. The multi-chromatic discs are designed with three integrated layers resembling that of natural dentition: incisal – dentin – cervical.
Ideally suited for a variety of removable appliances
• Bite splints and bite guards
• Temporary crowns & bridges
• Partial denture frameworks
• Smile enhancers
Available in 5 VITA shades:
A1, A2, A3.5, B1 & G2 (bleach shade) and the new PINK 1 shade
• Discs are 98.5mm diameter with 10mm collar
• 3 thicknesses 15, 20 & 25mm
The clear choice for aesthetic flexible partials. Myerson VisiClear is an advanced thermoplastic for making semi-translucent flexible partial dentures. VisiClear is now available in a milling disc, which integrates seamlessly into a digital workflow. VisiClear delivers improved aesthetics, stainresistance, and ease of use compared to competing nylon flexible materials.
• Size: 98.5 mm
• Thicknesses: 15mm, 20mm and 25mm
• Mills fast and cleanly using standard PMMA tools
• Add clasps or make repairs quickly and easily with Myerson’s HotShotElite handheld injector
DuraFlex is now available as a milling disc!
This state-of-the-art thermoplastic material which combines flexibility, translucency and durability, along with stain-resistance and ease of use is now available as a milling disc.
Available shades: Pink, Medium Pink, Tissue Tone Pink, Dark Pink
• Size: 98.5 mm
• Thicknesses: 15mm, 20mm and 25mm
• Mills fast and cleanly using standard PMMA tools
• Add clasps or make repairs quickly and easily with the Myerson HotShotElite handheld injector
Ultaire™ AKP is an innovative, high-performance polymer that reduces the need for uncomfortable, unappealing metal RPDs. Milled from Dentivera™ milling discs, RPDs made from Ultaire™ AKP diminish the all-too-common pain points of metal for labs, dentists and patients alike.
• Taste-free
• Lightweight
• Biocompatible
• Pleasing aesthetics
• Bone-like and tooth-supported
• May minimize bone loss
Argen wax for high performance - Our synthetic, plastic-stabilized wax ArgenW is ideal for the production of crowns, bridges and other cast objects:
• CE marked
• Particularly stable - for the smooth handling of a restoration
• Residue-free, therefore ideally suited for casting and pressing
ArgenPMMA offers the highest quality, life-like temporary material in a wide selection of monochromatic and multishaded discs.
Size 95 x 20mm 98 x 14mm 98 x 20mm
Shade Clear SAP001 SAP005 SAP006 Price £48.02 £28.15 £34.29
Size 98 x 14mm 98 x 18mm 98 x 20mm 98 x 25mm
Shade A2 SAP007 SAP010 SAP013 SAP016
Optimised for intricate high speed milling, for manufacture of copings and bridges for burnout techniques, eliminates gumming up of drill bits, the rigid material eliminates shrinkage and warping and burns out clean without residue.
Precisely milled results with extremely smooth surfaces and strong edge stability due to the high degree of material homogeneity. Especially suitable for full ceramic restorations as the wax will burn-out without residue. Reliable milling process due to small milled chips which do not stick to the cutter or the object surface.
Shade A3 SAP008 SAP011 SAP014 SAP017
Shade B1 SAP009 SAP012 SAP015 SAP018
Price £28.15 £32.55 £34.29 £37.96
Size 98 x 14mm 98 x 18mm 98 x 20mm
Shade A2/A3 SAP042 SAP053 SAP043
Shade A3/A3.5 SAP041 SAP054 SAP055
Price £62.43 £67.87 £67.87
X-ray visible disc used for milling diagnostic stents for implant planning. X- ray visible powder.
Resin blocks and discs for the efficient fabrication of temporary crowns, hybrid abutments crowns and bridges using the CAD/CAM technique.
Shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B3, BL3, C2, D2
Size 98.5 x 16mm 98.5 x 20mm
Shade: A1 SIV6582 SIV6589
Shade: A2 SIV6583 SIV6590
Shade: A3 SIV6584 SIV6591
Shade: A3.5 SIV6345 SIV6592
Shade: B1 SIV6585 SIV6593
Shade: B3 SIV6586 SIV6594
Shade: BL3 SIV6370 SIV6595 SIV6604
Shade: C2 SIV6587 SIV6596 SIV6605
Shade: D2 SIV6588 SIV6597 SIV6606
Experience the convenience, speed, and savings of milling with the beauty and strength of Diamond D. Superior flexural strength, impact resistance, natural aesthetics, and patient comfort.
– CediTEC DB high-impact PMMA for the fabrication of denture bases for removable dentures.
– CediTEC DT CAD/CAM composite for denture teeth.
• Hybrid abutments
• Gingiva formers
• Bar constructions
• Tertiary constructions
• Telescopic crowns
• Occlusal splints
• Denture bases
• Crowns and bridges
• Transversal connectors
The proven medical-grade-quality used as reliable surgical endoprosthetics material is currently the most interesting dental CAD/CAM material for manufacturing high-end dental restorations (EU Medical Devices Class IIB).
Grandio disc nano-ceramic hybrid CAD/CAM material.
• Resembles natural teeth perfectly
• Excellent physical values for flexural strength and abrasion
• No firing required
• Highly aesthetic due to multicolour shades
• Can be processed using any conventional milling units
• Polish and repair optimally
• Ideal for milling/grinding even in cases with thin edges
BRILLIANT Crios is a reinforced, submicron hybrid composite. Highly aesthetic and easily polished. Brilliant Crios is available in 9 aesthetic shades and two translucencies, HT and LT. Shades A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B2, B3, C2 and BL.
£423.73 VOC077
Reinforced CAD/CAM composite for permanent restoration. With BRILLIANT Crios, the well-proven dental material entered the indirect CAD/CAM restoration technology. Compared to ceramics, CAD/CAM composites offer considerable advantages.
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A1 LT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A2 LT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3 LT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3.5 LT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A1 LT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A2 LT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3 LT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3.5 LT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A1 HT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A2 HT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3 HT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A1 HT 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A2 HT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc A3 HT 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc Bleach ST 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc Universal ST 14mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc Bleach ST 18mm
Coltene BRILLIANT Crios Disc Universal ST 18mm
Developed using the FSC technology, an innovative filler treatment method for homogeneous filler dispersion, having a great impact on physical properties. A stronger bond between the filler and matrix is achieved, together with an increase in filler load, resulting in a stronger material with improved aesthetic properties. The flexibility of CERASMART270 also lies in its ability to be either sandblasted or etched before luting, so that it adapts to every practice.
Initial LiSi Block is available in four aesthetic shades and two translucencies, HT and LT. When more characterisation is required, the Initial ceramic line comprises fully synergistic aesthetic solutions. Available in A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1 and BL.
14, A1 LT
Block, CEREC, 14, A3 LT
CEREC, 14, B1 LT
CEREC, 14, A1 HT
IPS e.max CAD blocks are available in a wide variety of sizes, shades and translucency levels. Excellent shade match due to a comprehensive range of shades and translucency levels provides maximum esthetics.
Available in A1, A2, A3, A3.5, B1, B2, BL2, C1, C2 and D2.
• Resembles natural teeth perfectly
• Excellent physical values for flexural strength and abrasion
• No firing required
• Highly aesthetic due to multicolour shades
• Can be processed using any conventional milling units
• Ideal for milling/grinding even in cases with thin edges
The first dental hybrid ceramic in the world with a dual network structure. In this dental material, the dominant ceramic network is strengthened by a polymer network, with both networks fully integrated with one another.
A new generation of glass ceramic material products. The innovative glass ceramic is enriched with zirconia (approx 10% by weight) to offer practices and laboratories a high-strength, zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS).
Grandio disc nano-ceramic hybrid CAD/CAM Blocks.
The PrograMill PM7 offers you a future-proof high-end solution for the precise and efficient production of dental restorations.
BENEFITS - 970 Watt power for sound results, Servomotors for the highest level of speed, Intuitive operation and touchscreen display, Integrated CNC PC and intelligent machine management and ioniser and automatic self-cleaning Active Air Suction.
FEATURES - Hybrid operation: Automatic change between wet and dry operation, 20-position tool changer for independent processing, Fully automatic materials management and Intuitive user interface for convenient operation.
PrograMill PM3 delivers ideal performance for the digital dental laboratory. This unit is suitable for wet and dry processing and offers a wide range of materials and indications.
BENEFITS - High precision and consistent results, Intuitive operation and touch-screen display, Integrated CNC PC and intelligent machine management.
FEATURES - Tool changer for independent processing, Intuitive user interface for convenient production, Wet and dry operation for a versatile range of options.
The PrograMill PM5, with its 8-way material changer, provides perfect automation for your laboratory. The material changer allows several production orders with different materials and indications to be processed. Individual machining strategies are used depending on the material and the indication. This allows short processing times for the respective restorations.
BENEFITS - High precision and consistent results, Intuitive operation and touch-screen display, Integrated CNC PC and intelligent machine management, Automatic wet and dry operation.
FEATURES - Fully automatic material and tool management, Automatic change between wet and dry operation, Intuitive operation on touch screen.
PrograMill DRY is a top-notch entry-level device for producing zirconium oxide restorations. Thanks to its compact design, the five-axis dry milling machine fits into every dental laboratory.
BENEFITS - Suitable for the production of zirconium oxide restorations, Compact design, Open system, Material change without any tools, Integrated into the Ivoclar Digital workflow.
FEATURES - 5-axis kinematics, Innovative Ivotion Denture process, Multi-unit control via one CAM software.
Automatic calibration, dry milling capabilities and intuitive software integration.
A game-changer for dental labs and clinics looking to elevate their production capabilities.
Whether your business is investing in its first milling device or you have a more established lab and want to expand your
The industry’s best-selling dental mill is now even more affordable for dental labs, clinicians, in-house labs, and DSO’s who are looking to expand their current production capacity and capabilities. Get the meticulous build quality, precision, and milling efficiency of DWX-52Di technology in a fixed clamp model without the added accessories and with increased unit capacity per disk.
The sophisticated look adds creativity to your lab’s atmosphere. The dedicated holder allows you to install a touch panel to the front of the machine. milling operations, the DWX-53D offers a user-friendly interface and cutting-edge technology that ensures seamless integration.
Think smart. Mill in-house with the DWX-52D
The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill has kept everything users love, and then made it even better. Reliable, precise and affordable, the DWX52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine now offers better disc handling, more material capabilities, improved tool management and other enhanced features and other enhanced features, to deliver even more efficiency.
DWX-53DC is a beautifully crafted thoroughbred, concealing the power to realise the infinite potential of Dental Technicians, like an artist manipulating colors to create a masterpiece.
The DWX-42W Plus enables wet milling of popular glass ceramic and composite resins with high precision and accuracy.
• Upgraded, redesigned spindle designed for wet milling of harder materials
• Faster milling times
• Prolonged tool life
vhf offers optimal CAD/CAM milling machines for every laboratory. Whether dry or wet processing – we have the perfect solution for you, which will position you for the future. These wet and dry milling machines are extremely precise and easy to operate.
The innovative milling machine.
The E5 requires no compressed air, therefore you have maximum freedom in the choice of the installation site and also benefit from minimal operating costs. The open system architecture of the E5 makes your entry into the digital production of dental restorations quick and easy, and fits perfectly into your workflows.
The 4-axis milling machine for blocks and abutments.
The N4+ is a wet processing machine for grinding glass ceramic, composite and zirconia blocks as well as titanium abutments. This machine combines the high precision and fast drives common to all vhf machines with a liquid cooling system in an extremely compact housing.
The 5-axis milling machine for dry machining.
Proven quality now even better: With the new K5+, you will achieve perfect milling results. Process a wide range of materials and indications (blanks up to 40 mm) with five axes. Revolutionary technologies, such as tool-free blank clamping and an integrated ionizer, help you achieve topquality results.
The 5-axis milling machine with blank changer for dry and wet machining.
The S5 is a highly versatile dental milling machine. It has five simultaneously operating axes, a blank changer for eight blanks and is designed for both dry and wet machining. With the optional wet grinding module, you can grind all common types of glass ceramic.*
THE GOLD STANDARD FOR YOUR LAB 5-axis for non-stop dry and wet machining
vhf has developed a highly automated milling and grinding machine that brings revolutionary approaches to the lab along with a ten-fold blank changer for wet and dry machining. In a minimal footprint, it combines utmost precision with maximum stability and is capable of handling any material.
Agile and precise, characterised by exceptional accessibility. DS1 is our response to the need to make the entire range of soft materials required for the construction of dental prostheses rapidly and with reliable results. The new Dyamach NC greatly simplifies the user experience, thanks to its clear and intuitive
AS1 is equipped with a tilting head spindle that allows the use of innovative milling strategies in accordance with the context. Precision and performance of tools are guaranteed also when machining soft and hard metals. The blank holder loading/ unloading system, removable tool rack, and the structure of the numerical control were designed specifically to optimize versatility and speed of execution in your laboratory.
DS1 PLUS is our response to the need to perform machining operations on materials such as fiberglass-ceramics and SLM secondary machining with proven simplicity and performance. The machine is characterised by its extreme robustness, a hallmark of all our products. Can mill e.max, LiSi composite and premilled abutments.
AS1 PRO is characterized by a tilting spindle head that allows for experimenting with original milling strategies, according to the milling context, allowing unmanned machining. Precision and tool performance are ensured even on metals and hard materials. The loading/unloading system of the blank holder, the removable tool rack, and the numerical control structure have been specifically designed to maximize versatility and execution speed.
High-Temperature Furnaces up to 1650°C
Suitable for Sintering Translucent Zirconia
These high-temperature furnaces are perfectly suited for sintering of translucent zirconia units. The special molybdenum disilicide heating elements offer best possible protection against chemical interaction between charge and heating elements. The zirconia units are positioned in ceramic saggars. Up to three saggars can be stacked into the high-temperature furnace.
The Programat S2 is a further development of the S1 1600 sintering furnace.
• Colour touch display
• Enlarged cooling tray
High-Temperature Furnace with SiC Rod Heating for Sintering Zirconia up to 1550°C
Designed as table model with SiC heating rods, this model offers numerous advantages when sintering zirconia at an attractive price. The large heating chamber and fast heating-up times make this model a good selection for the CAD/CAM processing of zirconia. The furnace controller can be freely programmed for the individual sintering of the zirconia material. The high-temperature furnace is moreover designed for connection to the single-phase mains supply.
High-Temperature Bottom Loading Furnace up to 1650°C with Integrated Speed Cooling System for Sintering of Translucent Zirconia
Due to its maximum temperature of 1650°C and the large chamber the high-temperature bottom loading furnace is perfectly suited for sintering of translucent zirconia. The electrically driven liftbottom provides for easy charging. The heating all around the cylindrical furnace chamber provides for a good temperature uniformity.
• Advanced OSD Display
• Intuitive User Interface
• Optimised Design (facelift)
The Vario S430 offers not only conventional sintering cycles, but also speed processes can be programmed. Zirconium frameworks are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
• For speed and conventional sintering
• 500 - program memory
• 5 + 1 freely programmable heating ramps
The Zircom Sintering Furnace delivers delicacy and beauty to your zirconia. It features a molybdenum disilicide heater that provides clean, reliable, and consistent results.
• Compact and user-friendly
• Suitable for various types of zirconia materials
Powerful, bag-free extraction unit with automatic filter cleaning and EC motor technology for heavily used CAM units.
• Bi-directional communication between extraction unit and CAM unit thanks to the PLC interface.
• Work in quiet conditions thanks to low operating noise of max. 54.3 dB (A).
• Reliable production process through brushless EC motor technology (guaranteed runtime of 5000 operating hours).
• High volume flow of approx. 4000 l/min.
• No follow-up costs due to bag-free dust collection.
• Safe disposal of fine milling dust with the help of a disposal bag.
• Reliable production process through innovative motor technology (3x longer service life in comparison to conventional collector motors).
• High suction capacity up to 3980 l/min.
• Bagless fine filter technology.
• Easy motor change within minutes.
• Low operating noise of max. 54.3 dB (A).
Powerful and inexpensive CAM extraction unit with collector motor, especially suitable for medium to large CAM systems.
• Consistently full suction power due to automatic filter cleaning.
• Bi-directional communication between extraction unit and CAM equipment thanks to the PLC interface.
High performance milling tools designed and engineered specifically for the digital dentistry sector. We are proud to bring to the marketplace coated and uncoated ranges for the Roland, vhf, Wieland and Amann Girrbach machines.
present on all Milling Tools
Ideal for milling all types of Zirconia, PMMA and Wax
NEW Argen MODEL Pro™ resins are expertly crafted to ensure your lab is set up for success.
- More accurate than leading industry resins
- Compatible with multiple 3D printers and post-cure units
- Removable, crown and bridge, and dental orthodontic models
- Colour options: Neutral Grey and Sandstone
- Available in a 1kg bottle
A material for every dental application. From aesthetics to mechanical strength, from elasticity to precision, we have you covered. Discover our dental materials.
DentaMODEL Models
DentaCAST Partials
DentaGUM Gingiva Masks
DentaFORM Vacuum Thermoforming SuperWAX v2 Investment Casting DentalBT Bonding Trays
DentaGuide Surgical Guides
DentaTRY Try-Ins
With dima Print Digital Denture, technicians can fully produce a good quality back-up denture using the fast and secure cara 3D printing workflow. The digital denture solution consists of three class IIa materials: dima Print Denture Base Try-in for the production of Try-ins, as well as dima Print Denture Teeth and dima Print Denture Base for the production of high quality duplicate dentures with multiple shade options.
MDR Approved and Validated on all Asiga 3D Printers
As an expert in the field of prosthetics and dental acrylics, with many years of experience in the digital dental process chain, Merz Dental now also developed modern manufacturing of 3D printing liquids for the dental workflow.
Phrozen Aqua 3D Printing Resins are developed for low shrinkage and high precision printing. These low odour liquids are easy to print and post-processed due to their low viscosity. 4K Printing Quality will showcase all the fine details. Water washable liquids are easily cleaned in water for easy post processing.
Light-curing resins for the additive manufacturing of dental precision objects. Chemists, dental technicians and materials engineers from the VOCO R&D department are masters of the molecules and their discipline - all of which meet the requirements of dental resins. This results in precise, fast, safe and efficient 3D printing.
Price £4629.63
Capacity 9 full arches
These units have been uniquely designed to provide higher temperatures and custom light wavelengths that are required to achieve a validated cure of Lucitone Digital Print materials.
Cure Time 90 minutes
- No FLIP curing technology - simplifies process with less labour
Target Large & Mid-sized Labs
- Low maintenance LEDsprovide long and powerful lifespan - One touch presets or custom mode
Positioning Efficiency
enabled (or interested) Large dental labs with Carbon or Asiga printers, Dentsply Sirona Large Capacity Unit is the next generation of curing oven that allows labs to operate efficiency because the Dentsply Sirona Cure – Large Capacity Unit provides a highly curing unit with a curing platform that can cure up to 9 arches in 90 minutes.
A complete system of materials to convert traditional denture processes to 3D printed production using the latest Lucitone Curing Units and Resins. All Lucitone Base shades and Premium teeth resins available. MDR compliance for all materials and liquids. 16 A-D Shades, plus two bleach shades - more shades than any competitor. Pour and print, no mixing or rolling.
High precision 3D printing, a growing library of specialized materials, intuitive software, and professional services, all in one package.
for Your 3D Printer.
The Resin Pumping System, a plug-and-play replacement for standard cartridges that enables continuous printing for extended periods, resulting in reduced downtime and improved workflow efficiency on your Form 3 and 3L printers.
SFO140 £169.00
High-speed, large-format 3D printer
SFO200 £11,299
- Backlight Unit
- Release Texture
- Flexible Film Resin Tank
- Light Processing Unit 4 (LPU 4)
- Intelligent Control Systems
SFO116 £5,259
SFO061 £2,470
Blazing Speed Meets Industrial Production. Print a dental model every 49 seconds. It’s accurate for a perfect fit every time. Versatility for over 15 Formlabs and thirdparty resins and intuitive enough to learn how to use in 15 minutes.
- High-Speed Automatic Resin Handling
With its XL platform, SOL Plus has a 12.7 x 21.8 cm large print screen that lets the dental lab print a full lower and upper jaw, and even multiple full arches, either horizontally (up to 8) or vertically (up to 28), all while ensuring accuracy and high precision.
ACK090 £7,777.78
A sophisticated UV-light source management system that enables users to do more in less time and space. Ideal for dental professionals who take biocompatibility seriously.
ACK012 £1,618.06
With new Tank Plus or dual tanks for a two-stage cleaning process for heavy and fine washes. Three times faster, CLEANI consumes 50% less alcohol than a manual wash and effectively removes 90% of uncured resins.
ACK091 CLEANI with Tank PLUS £693.52
ACK094 CLEANI with Dual Tank £750.19
CURIE Plus is a certified Class IIa biocompatible curing unit that guarantees reliable results with industry-leading dental resins, enabling exceptional restorations.
ACK087 CURIE PLUS £2,494.19 ACK088 NFinity £1,922.12
It allows you to:
• Process large batches: up to 150 parts!
PostProcess Technologies is the internationally renowned leader and pioneer of automated post-printing.
• Automated lift and pre-programmed cycles for repeatability
• Process parts faster: Most cycle times = <10 minutes
• Reduces IPA use significantly.
• Finish 5x as many parts as IPA before reaching saturation
• Reduce post-printing costs per model
POS001 £27,957.00
Starter Kit incl. 5x 20L PLM-403, 1x 5L AUX-400 SSP
POS005 £1,948.61
20 Litre PLM-403 Liquid
POS002 £538.84
5 Litre AUX-400 SSP Liquid POS003 £111.83
20 Litre AUX-400-Rinse Liquid
POS004 £450.72
Using patented and patent-pending approaches, PostProcess solutions effectively overcome the post-printing bottleneck with a complete blend of proprietary software, hardware, and exclusive chemistry, enabling complete end-to-end digitalization in additive manufacturing for medical with optimal end-part consistency.
ASI101 £12,703.99
Powerful and Precise 3D printers
Asiga’s most advanced 3D printer yet.
- Touchless Entry - Interact with your 3D printer without contaminating surfaces or double handling.
- Magnetic Platform Holder - Streamline your workflow and be automation ready with the new magnetic buildplatform holder
- Infrared Material Heater - Access a new generation of advanced materials with the infrared material heating system.
- Transparent Mode™ - True water-clear resins can now be printed with extreme precision.
Build Size xyz 189 ×106 x130mm Pixel size 50um
Technology 4K DLP imaging with Asiga’s integrated SPS™ technology and auto-calibrating LED power sensor
LED Wavelength 385m UV industrial grade LED Material Freedom Unrestricted and unlimited access to more than 500 industry-leading materials
Post-cure parts after printing, transform them into fully polymerized objects that are at full strength and safe to handle.
Tried and tested, the Max 2 delivers consistency in the most demanding production environments.
Build Size xyz 119 × 67 × 76mm
Pixel size 62um
- A simple user interface - Navigate to your next build easily and then follow the prompts.
- Transparent Mode™ - True water-clear resins can now be printed with extreme precision.
- Chamber heating - Take advantage of a chamber heating system to warm your temperature sensitive materials ready for printing.
DLP imaging with Asiga’s integrated SPS™ technology and auto-calibrating LED power sensor
LED Wavelength 385m UV industrial grade LED Material Freedom Unrestricted and unlimited access to more than 500 industry-leading materials
The PRO 4K combines the latest 4K imaging technology with Asiga’s well proven Smart Positioning System (SPSTM) to produce a build volume 3x larger than our desktop 3D printers. Precision, reliability, speed and an Open Material System all come as standard to provide production continuity for the most demanding digital manufacturing environments.
Build Size xyz 217 × 122 × 200mm
Pixel size 4K mode 56um
LED Wavelength 385nm or 405nm (high power LEDs) Material Freedom Unrestricted and unlimited access to more than 500 industry-leading materials
Exceptional print performance for over 15 dental workflows and validated with over 200 dental resins - The PRO 20 delivers peak precision 3D prints at high speeds with the Rapid Shape optional patented Force Feedback technology and the newly introduced RS Turbo, printing aligner models (150μm layers) in just 7 minutes and Crowns & Bridges models (50μm layers) in 15 minutes, making it the fastest DLP 3D printer for dentistry.
The newly introduced PRO 20 RS Crystal Polish Reservoir delivers highshine for splints, eliminating the need for post-process polishing. Paired with the PRO wash and PRO cure, this integrated system, featuring RFID checks, ensures flawless results, seamless connectivity, and effortless delegation throughout the workflow.
Print volume: (W x D x H): 133 x 75 x 115 mm
Overall Size: 334 x 357 x 544 mm
The D30+ is a semi-automated workhorse for continuous 3D printing in dentistry, designed for unmatched efficiency and performance. Featuring the optional patented Automatic Separation Module (ASM), it automatically queues, separates, and starts the next print job, minimizing manual intervention and maximizing productivity. With integrated Force Feedback and built-in resin heating, the D30+ delivers rapid, flawless prints in any environment. Validated with over 200 resins, it offers complete material freedom with guaranteed quality. Built to excel and endure, the D30+ is your ultimate workhorse for non-stop, high-precision dental 3D printing.
Clean and cure your parts directly after printing with the PRO wash and PRO cure post-processing units for an optimal and validated end-result.
Print volume: (W x D x H): 133 x 75 x 155 (with ASM: 70 mm)
Overall Size: 480 x 410 x 690 mm
The D50+ is the ultimate powerhouse for automated, seamless 3D printing in dental labs. Engineered for continuous production, it eliminates downtime with its optional patented Automatic Separation Module (ASM) and Automatic Resin Refill system, enabling nonstop printing. Simply queue your jobs, and the ASM handles print separation and starts the next—no manual effort needed.
Compatible with a wide range of dental resins, the D50+ is ideal for scaling up digital production while delivering consistently highquality results. With patented Force Feedback technology, it achieves incredible speeds without sacrificing precision, making the D50+ a true high-performance solution for dental applications.
Clean and cure your parts directly after printing with the PRO wash and PRO cure post-processing units for an optimal and validated end result.
Print volume: (W x D x H): 231 x 130 x 300 (with ASM: 100mm)
Overall Size: 600 x 570 x 1660 mm
The ultimate hands-off solution for cleaning 3D printed parts. With a simple click, users can select pre-set wash parameters for over 200 dental resins, thanks to its seamless integration with Rapid Shape 3D printers.
Cutting-edge curing solution that leverages advanced technology to deliver superior results. Featuring true 360° light distribution in a vacuum chamber environment, it ensures optimal curing for peak mechanical properties and long-term performance of 3D printed parts.
With a state-of-the-art, customised and purposebuilt laboratory, a bright refreshing seminar room for presentations and lectures, including a relaxing break-out dining area, Skillbond offer you an environment which will enrich your experience whilst you earn valuable verifiable CPD hours!
We offer a varied yet comprehensive programme of courses for Prosthetics, Crown & Bridge and the Digital environment, inviting world-renowned
presenters and demonstrators from suppliers of the leading product brands, as well as our own accredited training staff.
As an International Centre offering “Excellence Through Training”, Skillbond welcomes all technicians from the UK, Europe and extending worldwide, to attend its popular certified courses ranging from 1-day introductory to 2-day advanced courses.
We offer install training with purchase/rental of all 3Shape scanners to set you off on the right foot for your journey into the scanned, designed and printed workflow. We also offer different Levels of 3Shape training as well as bespoke training for your lab’s specific requirements.
We offer similar training to the above for GC Aadva scanners with exocad Ultimate software covering many modules such as Bar, Model Creator, Splint, RPD, Denture, Smile Creator etc.
accredited trainers
Skillbond can offer you a day (or more) of bespoke training at your lab, either oneto-one or for your entire team. As well as eliminating travel, you can learn how to use your own equipment in your lab’s natural environment and set up!
• Angulated twin cameras set-up with high-speed engines
• Maximized scan coverage
• 25% faster operation and accurate high-res data
• Fully automated object recognition
• Automatic positioning of the system plate
• Smart Occlusion & Hybrid Scanning avaialble*
ALS3 with exocad
£21,500 + VAT
• Angulated twin cameras set-up with high-speed engines
• Maximized scan coverage
• 25% faster operation and accurate high-resolution data
• Fully automated object recognition
• Automatic positioning of the system plate
• Smart Occlusion & Hybrid Scanning avaialble*
*Based on £499 per month and a minimum of 50 units per month.
✔ An Original and Flexible approach to accessing a scanner
✔ No Expensive outlay - start immediately
✔ No concerns about future digital developments
✔ Rent for 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years!
✔ One free digital intro course
✔ Offer unique only to Skillbond
✔ Low cost fixed payments
✔ No tie-in to finance
• Available with design software
• 2 x 5 MP cameras
• Blue LED Technology and multi-line scanning
• Auto-start scanning for high productivity
• Reliable impression scanning
• Black & White Texture scanning
• 10 - 12 μm accuracy
• Full Dentures & RPDs
• Abutments, Bars & Bridges
• Model Builder All Scans
• Impression Scanning
Scanning Strategy:
Die-in-model and all
• 4 x 5 MP cameras
• 2 x 5 MP cameras
• Scanning Strategy: Die-in-model
as STLs
• 2 x 5 MP cameras
• Scanning Strategy: Standard
Crown & Bridge
Complete Restorative
Design full anatomies, bridges, copings, frameworks and wax -ups.
Use CAD points to provide advanced indications.
Design all indications from the Crown & bridge package plus splints, digital temps, digital smile design, RealView, telescopes, post & core and more. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Get all indications from the Premium and Removables packages plus all available restorative add-ons to design abutments, implant bars, models and more at an attractive price.
Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Crown & Bridge
Complete Restorative
Includes the ability to export scans as STLs Premium
All the indications for the labs that specialize in
Design full anatomies, bridges, copings, frameworks and wax -ups.
and partial dentures. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Use CAD points to provide advanced indications. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Get all indications from the Premium and Removables packages plus all available restorative add-ons to design abutments, implant bars, models and more at an attractive price. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Design all indications from the Crown & bridge package plus splints, digital temps, digital smile design, RealView, telescopes, post & core and more. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Optional add- ons and CAD Points
Complete Restorative
Supplement your solution with add-on modules to offer abutments, implant bars and bridges, models, dentures and more. Or, purchase CAD Points to use on a case-by-case basis for indications not included in your package
Get all indications from the Premium and Removables packages plus all available restorative add-ons to design abutments, implant bars, models and more at an attractive price. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Design all indications from the Crown & bridge package plus splints, digital temps, digital smile design, RealView, telescopes, post & core and more. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
Complete Restorative
Supplement your solution with add-on modules to offer abutments, implant bars and bridges, models, dentures and more. Or, purchase CAD Points to use on a case-by-case basis for indications not included in your package
Get all indications from the Premium and Removables packages plus all available restorative add-ons to design abutments, implant bars, models and more at an attractive price. Includes the ability to export scans as STLs
to offer abutments, implant bars and bridges, models, dentures and more. Or, purchase CAD Points to use on a case-by-case basis for indications not included in your package
• Scanning Strategy: Standard
The intraoral scanner designed for an effortless scanning experience, nextlevel ergonomics, and improved hygiene.