Skin Deep Exposures- Issue 2

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ISSUE [2]: JUNE 2013


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Exposing Beautiful FROM THE



©Naomi Mautz Photography 2 2

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11:00AM – 2:00PM



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Senior editor

NAOMI MAUTZ creative services m anager

MICHAEL MAUTZ production assistants

GIDEON & MELINDA THOMPSON contributing editors


features contributors MELINDA THOMPSON, KATY MARTURANO, MICHAEL MAUTZ, WENDY CARNS, NAOMI MAUTZ features manager MELINDA THOMPSON at advertising materials contact MICHAEL MAUTZ at


subscription rates / information U.S. print 12 issues: $79, single copies: $12, back issues: $15 ($2 from every subscription goes towards cancer awareness and research.)

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NAOMI MAUTZ senior editor / photographer

MICHAEL MAUTZ creative services manager

GIDEON & MELINDA THOMPSON production assistant features manager

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contributing editor

contributing editor

contributing writer

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As I sit and listen to the birds sing outside and feel the sun shining through the window, it is hard to be anything but happy. I love summer time! Especially being from Colorado where the winters often seem never-ending, summer is a time for celebrating; if for no other reason than just because the snow is FINALLY gone for a couple of months! Summer around here is always filled with the smell of chlorine and barbeque, campfires and freshly cut grass and the sounds of laughter and water splashing from swimming pools and sprinklers. Days are filled with outdoor sports, bicycle riding and lounging around. Nights are filled with camping, stargazing, and drive-in movies. What could be better than summer? June is a crazy month in our family. Every single birthday, with the exception of four of us, are in June. So as soon as Christmas is over we spend the next 5 months saving up again for June! It is an exciting month though. Every weekend is full of parties and get-togethers. We spend a lot of time with family in June, which makes it a month everyone looks forward to every year. June is also when most of our summer camps happen, Vacation Bible School week and our favorite summer sports begin. Needless to say life becomes insanely busy in the summer- but that is the way we like it! Here’s to the beginning of summer. May all of your days be filled with sunshine and your nights with the warmth of being surrounded by friends and family! God Bless,


<>< EDITOR Naomi Mautz 10 10

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One of my favorite singers from the 70's is Dan Fogelberg. My favorite song that he sang was "Leader of the Band". I would love to say this song brings back fond memories of my own father but I can’t. I didn't know my real father and my stepfather was not exactly a father figure. My mother however is whom I think of when I hear this song. My mother is my "leader of the band" and I am her "living legacy". I lost my mom three years ago and this song becomes more meaningful with each passing year as I strive to live my life as her legacy. My mom worked hard to instill in me how important it is to just be me. I have never had to be any more or any less than exactly who I am for her. I never appreciated the enormity of that gift she so freely gave to me when she was alive. I wish I could tell her what a blessing she always was to me, what a beautiful example she lived. My mom’s life was filled with a great deal of pain and heartache and tragedy. Through it all though, she had one of the most gentle and humble spirits I have ever known. The trials that were laid in her path were met with enduring determination and quiet self-sacrifice. Father’s Day is always a little sad for me as I think of the relationship that I was denied. The sadness only lasts for a minute though because it is not hard to remind myself that even though I may not have had a strong Father figure in my life, I had a mother who taught me to love myself despite my father’s absence. She stared life in the face and with a steely determination; she became everything I ever needed. More than anything, though, my mother made sure I knew that I was not a fatherless child, I was a daughter of the King. The example of my mom’s life showed me the spirit of a loving God, a Father in the truest sense who loves me unconditionally.

Many of us don't have a father to celebrate on Fathers Day. As a girl, the absence of a ‘Daddy” leaves a void that no one else can fill. Sometimes life seems unfair and it is easy to feel cheated. But we are destined for great things, each one of us. And we have a Father in heaven that loves us more than we could ever imagine and wants everything good for us. You are not a fatherless child; you are a princess, a daughter of The King. That is cause for great celebration for all of us this Father’s Day! I am so thankful for the mom that God blessed me with. She gave so much and asked for so little in return. As I strive to honor her legacy by the actions of my own life, I pray that the light of my Heavenly Father shines through me as it did through her. Thank you Mom for supporting me in everything, encouraging and complimenting me just when I needed it most and for loving me in all of my stupidity. Thank you for showing me that I can be beautiful by being the woman that my Father in heaven created, nothing more, nothing less.

"My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man (my mom). I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band."


My Beautiful Mom, my guardian angel. 12 12

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“Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them and try to follow them.” -LOUISA MAY ALCOTT

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Father’s Day is just around the corner and I’m sure almost everyone is scrambling for a card or some sort of gift to show their dad how much they love them. Mother’s Day I always find a bit easier. Let’s face it ladies you all are just pleased as punch if you get a phone call these days, and if your children remember the cards, and maybe even a gift of flowers you’re having a fantastic Mother’s Day. Maybe this is just how my parent’s work but my Mom is easy to get a gift for. I could pick up a rock, maybe even paint it, and give it to her. She’d be touched I thought of her, even though I’m almost thirty years old. Fathers, (well my father) on the other hand are not that easy to get a gift for. Not that he wouldn’t be just as equally impressed with a rock; it’s just that men don’t get that emotional about it all. I’ve often heard, or seen comics, or read stories, about how dad always gets a tie on special occasions, maybe even several. This never happened in my house. My dad would rather die than wear a tie. I mean can you see a biker with a big burly beard sporting a tie? Yeah I can’t either. So every Father’s Day my siblings and I were forced to get a little more creative, we knew a tie would never see the light of day. My dad’s the kind of guy who never asks for anything. If he wants something, he buys it. This leaves us kids with little or no room for a surprise gift. Our classic go to was always his favorite candy. This year though, I wanted to do something different. Something he wouldn’t expect and would let him know just how much I love him and thank God every day that he is my dad. Since I’ve been on my very own health kick, buying someone enough candy to go into a diabetic coma didn’t seem like the right gift to say “I love you and appreciate you” No, it just didn’t sit right with me, besides it was way too easy. I was at a loss. What do you get a man who won’t wear a tie and has anything he could ever ask for? I began to brainstorm; meaning I did what I do whenever I can’t think. I hit the Internet, the land of a million ideas to borrow or steal. I immediately found

several lists of the worst gifts for dad. That’s just great, not a lot good ideas there. So if you’d like to ruin Father’s Day just get a gift for him from one of those lists. I continued on and learned some of the history of Father’s Day. Fantastic if I were writing a paper but not helping me on my search for a gift. I also learned that although Mother’s Day wins the award for most phone calls placed, Father’s Day wins the award for most collect calls. Funny, but still not something I could give my dad. None of these were gift ideas, nothing I could buy. Then it hit me. The best gifts can’t be bought; they simply must come from the heart. The most fantastic way to show your dad what he means to you is to tell him. Write him a letter. In my opinion the written word is way better than a phone call; especially if you called collect. My dad is such an amazing person I know he deserves to hear how much I love him and appreciate all he does way more than just one day a year. He is a stoic man. He’s been through hell and back and he’s never once said he would like to give up. His life has been anything but easy. From an ongoing battle with kidney failure that started at a young age to a fairly new diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, this man has been up against the world from square one. Yet he just does what he knows best, which is, carry on. I’ve come close to losing my dad several times which I think makes me appreciate having him here way more than I would have had he always had great health. He’s been through not one, not two, but three kidney transplants. I have my mother to thank for my dad still being here as well because it was her kidney that he received on the last transplant. I am forever grateful for that one selfless act done of love, for it has given us so many more years of happy times and trials; as that’s what keeps life interesting. 14 14

Issue [#]: [Issue Date] I praise God every day that my dad is still here to keep me in line. He does the small things no one ever thinks about. If he weren’t here I’m sure we would run out of toilet paper or never have jumper cables in our trunks, because he’s the one who thinks of these “little” things that make up our daily lives. As well as being thankful for the small, silly things he does I’m thankful my dad is around because he is the biggest inspiration and role model for me. I look up to him as I was recently diagnosed with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, another rare nerve disease. Whenever I’m having a rough day, stuck in a funk, or just plain old having a pity party for myself, I think of my dad. He never screams and cries about how hard life is, he just lives it. I admire him. I admire his unwavering strength, and it gives me courage to go on. He never says much. In fact he says very little if you get all emotional on him. He always knows what to say though, even if it’s as simple as “get over it.”; which is probably the best advice anyone could receive at certain times. So this is my Father’s Day gift to my dad. I have chosen to share it with you so perhaps you now have a place to start. It doesn’t matter if your dad is here, or in heaven, or just away. Just pick up a pen, tell your dad what he means to you and how he has affected your life. Make it from the heart, you can’t find that in any store. Tell him you love him for who he is. I’m sure he will listen.

“The greatest gift I’ve ever had came from God, I call him DAD.” - unknown


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By Michael Mautz

I recently trekked the kiddos out to a popular local Park in the Springs. The sun was hot and the air was filled with the sounds of children's laughter. For once it was nice and hot out. In true Colorado Springs nature, we all knew that would most likely change in about five or ten minutes, so there was also a sense of urgency in the air as the kids rushed around eager to enjoy the sunshine. This particular park has more goodies than my kids are used to but it also has an addition that I have yet to see at any other park. This one is inundated with wannabe Parkour enthusiasts. Parkour is the art of seeing the environment around you differently and then negotiating those obstacles in a new way. Think of Jackie Chan negotiating your child's jungle gym. Anyway, it was more than a little funny to watch these guys, not because they aren't good at their craft, but because of how they are going about doing it. As I watched this fiasco, I couldn’t help but notice the other parent’s reactions to the display. I found the whole thing extremely interesting and couldn’t help but share my humble two cents on the issue. So to all of you Parkour junkies, next time you think about strapping on your iPod, shedding your shirt and heading out to the local CHILDREN’S park for your daily pursuit of Parkour mastery, I implore you to keep these two things in mind; first, and most important, is prime time park play really the ONLY time you can get out there to practice? It seems like the overall feeling of the parents was a sense of frustration at the fact that in an effort to give their kids a medium through which to enjoy the summer sunshine, they end up contending with the local parkour crew for jungle gym real estate. When I say prime time play I mean that time between finishing our cereal in the morning and mid afternoon naptime. Go to any park during these key hours and you will find half of the world’s population of children engaging in the burning off of a winter’s worth of pent up energy. This time is sacred for parents and caregivers. This is the time when sanity is preserved. Those few precious minutes of parking ones backside on a bench might just be the only few minutes that parent’s feet will not be hitting the floor for

the day in a mad dash to run errands, keep up with spills, tantrums, potty breaks etc. So again, I ask, is this really the only time for the honing of parkour skills? This leads to the second cent I have to offer as it applied to the cool factor. Do you really need to execute your practice sessions minus a t-shirt? I suspect there are a few possible ulterior motives to the particular time and place of some of these Parkour practice sessions. The parks are highly populated with moms of all ages and young girls serving as care givers for the summer, so I guess I can see a sliver of logic in these young boys’ minds. However, I think more often than not, these females are less impressed by the acrobatics and more concerned if one of these guys is going to nail a 10-point landing on one of their toddlers. Many are most likely cringing at the example inadvertently being set for their impressionable children. So as you are jumping off of slides and flipping over monkey bars, each mom is waiting for you to provide her with an object lesson as to why engaging in this activity is a bad and dangerous idea for her little ones. It is fair to say that the likelihood of your mad skills being admired as you narrowly avoid slamming into toddler after toddler and your emerging muscles being drooled over as you run across the monkey bars occupied by dozens of tiny hands is probably pretty slim. Finally, and really this is more of a general observation for any to whom it might be applicable, in conclusion to the cool factor; I don't care who you are, you never look as cool as you think you do when you have your music blaring in your headphones. Everybody around you is not sharing in on the music you're playing so when you dance, strut, and backflip to "Eye of the Tiger", the rest of us just aren't feeling it. I do have to say though, that for myself the show was thoroughly enjoyed gentleman! In the midst of my fatherly responsibilities of supervision and the impossible number of times I had to hear, “Daddy, I have to go potty, again” during our park adventure, I was certainly kept entertained. I may just try my luck at this park again, equipped with my iPhone camera and see what I can capture. It will either be a cool action video or it could find itself on Americas Funniest Home Videos. Consider this your head’s up!

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“I want to be beautiful And make you stand in awe Look inside my heart and be amazed I want to hear you say Who I am is quite enough I want to be worthy of love and beautiful -­‐BETHANY DILLON “BEAUTIFUL”-­‐

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“To be told when you are young and searching that ‘you can be anything’ is not helpful. It’s too vast. It gives no direction. To be told when you are older that ‘you can do anything a man can do’ is not helpful either. I don’t want to be a man. What does it mean to be a woman?” -Captivating (p.4)-

Join the online discussion www.naomimautzphotoblog/sdebookclub

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“The King is enthralled by your beauty.” -Psalm 45:11-

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A FATHER’S EYES My child I see sadness and confusion in your eyes. Because Father, in the mirror I see all that I despise. My child, mirrors are deceitful, cast your eyes on me. For I do not look at you through reflections, your heart is all I see. Beauty is the baby I formed in her mother’s womb, My heart still melts to hear the cries as her first breaths were consumed. Beauty is the child I watched swing on sunny days, Her laughter filled my ears, as I was the wind blowing across her face. Beauty is the girl whose heart that boy had all but crushed, I cried all night beside her and stayed till her tears were hushed. Beauty is the mother she becomes with her first child, Through broken sleep and diapers her patience remains steady and mild. Beauty is the loneliness that she turns into her strength, At night I still lie next to her to soothe those not so strong of days. Beauty as she endures this life seemingly on her own, I live for the days she reaches out for me and knows she’s not quite so alone.

Beauty is my creation that I look upon today, My presence my not be readily felt, but I am never far away. Beauty I watch in the morning, all day I’m standing near, And I love to see her dream at night and whisper comfort in her ear. Beauty is the woman, who through life has made mistakes, But every day I find myself so proud of her and every step she takes. My child I do not understand that reflection you so despise, For beauty is all you are to me, come see the way I see you, through a Father’s eyes. BY NAOMI MAUTZ

Share your voice Submit your original work of poetry by June 25 and yours could be the next Poet’s voice. Submit poems to:


Beauty as she shows love to strangers in her quiet, humble ways, And gracefully endures the not so appreciated days. Beauty in her commitment and her passion for life that doesn’t sway, Her time divided in so many ways yet she never forgets to play. 22 22


The SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES Project is a call to action, encouraging women everywhere to stand up against insecurity. It is a challenge to discover a beauty that is more than SKIN DEEP in order to be an example and an inspiration. The next generation of

Find out more about the SKIN DEEP EXPOSURES Project by visiting:

beautiful girls deserves the chance to become amazing women and it is up to you and I to set the example for them! 23 23

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The Interview ME: Let’s start by introducing each of you. Shelly, let’s begin with you, how would you describe yourself? SHELLY: One of the things that describe me, I guess is caring. I’m kind of a sucker for a sad story. I love people; I love to do for people to the point sometimes when I forget to do for myself because I would rather keep people happy. I can be silly and goofy sometimes, but I can also be very scary, I hate to admit that but I can also be very intense. MELINDA: Its funny to hear my mom describe herself, because I would say the same things. The way she talks about herself though, you would think her qualities are bad things, but I think those are the things she has passed on to me, and I think they are good things. She always helps others before she helps herself. She always makes sure that everyone is taken care of and when I am a mom, I hope I will be able to have those same qualities. I would describe her the same way she describes herself, though the things she thinks are maybe bad things are the things that are endearing about her. Those things come off positive to me. ME: So, Melinda, you would say that you are a lot like your mom? MELINDA: Yes, I am a lot like my mom in a lot of ways. I am a very loyal person and at the same time a very intense person. And the combination of those two things can sometimes create situations where if someone betrays my loyalty, I have a hard time with trust and forgiveness after that. ME: What about you, Emilly? EMILLY: I am someone who struggles with emotion. I can easily distance myself from emotional situations. I can pretty much shut off my emotions on command, which is a good thing and a bad thing. It is nice to be able to test the waters without having to show emotion and make myself vulnerable. It also allows me to be pretty introspective so I am able to access a situation without reacting to it. I can come back to it later and have a reasonable response with out creating offense or tension. SHELLY: One of the things that I see in you is that you are so honest and you stand up for what is right even when it is hard. For a fifteen year old, to me that is really kind of outstanding because I don’t see that very often. It’s the situations when you don’t fall into peer pressure and you are not afraid to say, “I don’t do that”, that quality makes me stand in awe of you. Even as an adult there are times when I don’t stand up for the things that I know I should stand up for because I don’t want to offend anybody. That is not to say that I don’t think you aren’t concerned with offending people, you just have such deep convictions of right and wrong and you are very strong in living your convictions, I think that is amazing. MELINDA: I agree and it has been neat to watch you grow into yourself. When you were little you were so stubborn and combative and out to prove that you didn’t need anyone and now you have taken that and turned it into a strong sense of self and independence. I think it is amazing the way you stand up for what is good and what is true no matter what anyone says. SHELLY: Right, it’s not defiance anymore, now it has turned into a conviction and strength and you really do live wholly in that.

EMILLY: I just wish I could figure out how to control it a little better sometimes. My mouth seems to get me in trouble pretty often. ME: Let’s talk about a few of the things that inspire each of you. SHELLY: Honestly, these two girls inspire me. Sometimes I feel like I have cheated them in some ways, but I see them as such strong, beautiful, courageous women. It inspires me that even through so many hard times, so much good has come out. They just inspire me all the time in all that they do. Melinda sees something and she just goes after it and Emilly has so much conviction for life and for her faith. It is just amazing to me to hope that I might have had a little bit of a hand in those things. These are the two that inspire me to keep going, to do and to try new things that I have never done. MELINDA: A huge source of inspiration for me is to see someone who has a super challenge to deal with in their life in the form of a handicap or a really tough situation. They always make me stop and realize that I don’t have any of those things holding me back, but I still complain. It helps kick me out of my own issues and makes me realize that it could be worse. Whenever you are forced to look at the trials of others sometimes it makes you realize the blessings in your own life, and seeing strength in others is always inspiring. My mom is also a huge inspiration to me. Despite the many things we didn’t have growing up, she managed to make it work. She raised two daughters who had explosive personalities and we grew up to be pretty functional. Through everything we have come out of it being one of the tightest families that I know of. EMILLY: For me, I am inspired by both of you. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today without you two. I wouldn’t have any guidance or any clue what I was doing. On the lighter side, one thing that really inspires me is seeing a group of people function together, for a bunch of people to have the same purpose and to come together to accomplish the same goal. It almost brings me to tears as I look around at school as a bunch of High School students gather together to say the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. It is inspiring to know that we can all come together and function as one, we can all connect in some way and see eye to eye. ME: Describe your family dynamic. Yours obviously isn’t the normal cookie cutter family unit, it has always been just the three of you. What has that been like? How do you make it work? SHELLY: I would say that we had a lot of fun. It has been a great life. The dynamic we have has maybe always been a little strained, just in that there is such an age gap between the girls that maybe served to harbor a bit of volatility. I always playfully call each of my girls only children in that sometimes it was like having an only child and then another only child even when they were together there was such an age difference. I would say our life was crazy. Even not having their dads around, Melinda’s not at all and Emilly’s very little, I think we were fortunate to have such a strong extended family.

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“My two daughters inspire me. Sometimes I feel like I have cheated them in some ways, but I see them as strong, beautiful and courageous women.”

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“We keep each other grounded and balanced.”

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“It inspires me that even through so many hard times, so much good has come out.” 30 30

Issue [#]: [Issue Date] “I guess a talent in my life is maybe tenacity and focus and the drive to never give up. I have been in the same, well what started as a job and has now become a career, for 23 years. I have a High School education. I had Melinda at nineteen and started working when I was 20. I started in a basement with a cookie sheet and now I manage two teams. I work daily with attorneys, different government branches and officials in the court system. Just being able to say that I’ve come so far as a professional having such a humble background and having overcome some of the things that I have has been an accomplishment for me. It didn’t come naturally and I have had to work very hard to keep up with those around me and to maintain my place among them. “

“For me, where I am most often misunderstood- or I guess the thing I wish people knew about me, is that I am a very insecure person but I am also very competitive. I think a lot of times my competitiveness serves as compensation for my insecurities. Often I can come across as being more assertive than I actually am. There are instances when there is a goal I want to accomplish and knowing that I often have to work harder than others, I feel the need to prove myself (even if only to myself) that I can achieve those things. Sometimes this drive comes across to others as me trying to steal someone else’s thunder or that I am stepping over them to get to the top. For me it isn’t about getting to the top, it comes more from a fear of failure and the knowledge that I have always had to work really hard for what I want. I am trying to learn to deal with imperfection in myself though because I know I can be a perfectionist and that can cause me to become that much more competitive. I wish I could communicate that it is never about besting anyone; it is a need to prove to myself that I can accomplish something.”

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“seeing strength in others is always inspiring.” 32 32

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“I would say there are a lot of things I have been good at but I am kind of waiting for that one thing I will be great at, the one thing that will kind of define me. I can’t really think of anything I can say I have been really great at. As I get older, I think the one thing God has blessed me with in my life that I hold as more valuable than anything else is my ability to relate to other people. Throughout my life I have found it easy to draw people in. When I was younger I hated it at times because I would find myself being told things I didn’t necessarily want to know but now I am able to look at it as more of a gift and something I want to continue to develop in my life. People tend to be comfortable around me. They tend to be open in feeling like they can tell me things. I feel like I have the ability to relate to them and understand what they are going through. So, I think above all that is something I have come to highly value in my own life. It is something I think I am naturally good at and I want to work to become great at. As far as my achievements in this life, the things I want to define me; the things that matter to me are the things that will echo in eternity. So for me, my own personal growth as a Christian woman

and the process of maturing and kind of breaking away from the naturally wild tendencies I have- those are the things that have come to be huge achievements for me, mostly because they have been my biggest struggles.”

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Emilly “It is inspiring to know that we can all come together and function as one. It is awesome when we can all connect in some way and see eye to eye.”

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“I think one of my most apparent talents is numbers. They just make sense to me. They are logical; I can see them, understand them and I think that attests to the way I deal with life situations as well. I am a very logical person. I very much function in a sense of reason. I think that comes out in an ability to explain things and reason things out in a very emotionally dethatched way and allows me to be a source of calm in situations that could easily become, well-­‐ not so calm. “

“I am definitely misunderstood emotionally. I know that sometimes it is hard to tell, but I do have a lot of emotions and I am a very sensitive person but I am just not comfortable with the expression of my emotions. Any time I do try to make myself emotionally vulnerable it ends up coming off weird and awkward and uncomfortable for everyone. I do feel things though. I am a very empathetic person but I don’t know how to communicate that outside of myself. So I think I am often taken as a cool, calculating, emotionless person and I’m really not. I am a very open person, but my trust has to be earned and that can be very off putting sometimes.” 35 35

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the interview continued from page 25

I have four older brothers and then my dad, and they all stepped in. So as hard as it was at times to be doing parenting without a partner, I don’t think I have ever looked at it as being any more challenging than it may have been otherwise because I do have such a strong and supportive family who helped and provided guidance. I look at Melinda and I am so thankful for Gideon and their marriage. He is so good to her and has been a strong male in her life. He also has such a strong family and I think his dad has really stepped in the gap in a lot of ways for her as a father figure. They have all just been such a blessing for all of us. MELINDA: For me, I guess I just never knew any better. I never felt like I was cheated or lacked anything. As far as my dad was concerned, my family really did step in and looking back I can see the way God has always been working in our lives. No matter what it was there was always someone there to fill the needs that arose, and we never went without. It was a weird family dynamic; not just because there was no dad present but because of the age difference between Emilly and myself. Being ten years apart our needs at any given time were so different and so it did create a constant sense of chaos maybe. We share so many traits but we also have such drastic differences between us. It did make for a pretty explosive environment sometimes. But all of those things, I look at them now and it seems like a mess. But it really is such a beautiful mess in that it made me who I am. A lot of really valuable lessons were learned. I have never been given anything. I have had to work for the things I want and I am so thankful for that. That is something we learned from mom, watching her work so hard. We are able to know what it is like to be thankful for what you have and to be proud of the things you do and accomplish because a lot of hard work had to go into it. So, yeah it was a very bumpy and broken road. But in the end, God knows what he is doing and we are all stronger because of the brokenness. I think we are all proud of who we are and I wouldn’t have changed any of it. I don’t know how necessarily, but it works. We work. SHELLY: I think there came a point when we all just had to figure out our different roles in the family. Emilly has kind of become the peacekeeper and she is the one to kind of draw us back from each other. For me especially, Emilly acts as a voice of reason when things become highly emotional.

MELINDA: And Gideon has become that for me. He is the one who keeps me glued together. SHELLY: Yes, Gideon keeps us from flying apart sometimes. But Melinda is probably the organizer of the family. Drill Sergeant, organizer-­‐ either one works! But we all keep each other grounded and balanced. For some reason it works, and it works well.

“I think there came a point when we all just had to figure out our different roles in the family.” 36 36

Issue [#]: [Issue Date] Watch their Video Interview online!

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Your wedding day was a success; you rocked the shoes, the hair, THE DRESS. Before it takes up residence in the back of your closet-­‐ Re-­‐Rock the Dress… the way you always wanted to!


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It’s your Once upon a time…

Don’t miss a single moment. 41 41

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In this monthly column, I hope to explore the depth and intricacy found in the beautiful women of the Bible. “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB). God has given us examples in his inspired word to help us learn, grow, find hope and be encouraged. So many amazing women in the Bible give us insight into God’s character and his plan for our lives. Join me in exploring the lives of each of these women in the hope of gaining deeper wisdom into navigating our own unique journeys. Understanding that every intricacy of our lives is intimately entwined in our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we can draw nearer to Him and nearer to becoming the women we were created to be. BY MELINDA THOMPSON

s women, our lives are often riddled with sadness and anger. How is it that our hearts are so fragile yet so hardened? From a young age, girls are introduced to the constant struggle of being a woman. If you’re anything like me, you often find yourself puzzled by your own complexity. The range of situations and emotions we have to face each day is staggering. The women of the Bible were no different. There are some women in the Bible who carry a stigma. There’s Jezebel, the woman at the well, Eve (more to come on that later) and Bathsheba. I think most of us know someone who has lost a husband, lost a child, been a victim or had an affair. Have you ever thought about the fact that Bathsheba had to endure all of these things? Most of us have heard the story of David and Bathsheba, but have you ever really considered the story from her angle? We are told in Acts 13:22 and 1 Samuel 13:14 that David was a man after God’s own heart. Can you imagine, being described as having such a likeness to God? I can’t fathom such a thing. We know that David was a brave and just ruler. We know of his heart through the Psalms. We know about his reign and his kingdom and his conquests and legacy. It is also true, despite all of this, that David lusted after Bathsheba, had an affair and had her husband killed. Just think, even David, a man after God’s own heart, was tempted and entangled in sin. God’s grace reached David even in the depths of his sin. I know God gave us this profound and raw insight into David’s life to help us understand the full extent of the salvation and grace we receive.

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What of the other side? What about Bathsheba? It takes two to tango so they say. The explicit details about Bathsheba’s life and feelings were not recorded, but that doesn’t mean we can’t gain insight into her situation. What do we know about her? She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite who was a soldier in King David’s army. The life of an army wife is often difficult and lonely. She was beautiful. Her outward appearance was enough to capture the attention of the king. She is a woman who was made an adulteress because of her beauty. As a result of her affair with King David, she became pregnant. Because of the child, David had Bathsheba’s husband Uriah killed to hide his own sin. And because of David’s sin, God did not permit the child to live. To say that Bathsheba had to endure a lot would be an understatement. It would be ridiculous to say that she had to endure such suffering because she was a horrible person. Sometimes we must endure pain and suffering to strengthen our faith and to become the person God has always intended for us to be. Job was a blameless and upright man, but God allowed Satan to persecute him in order to solidify a faith in God that only comes through trial dependence on the Father. In the end, Job upholds his faith in God when he has lost everything and because of this, God restores Job’s life twofold. I believe the same is true for Bathsheba. We are told in scripture that we should delight in

our suffering. “3And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us,” Romans 5:3-­‐5. James 1:2-­‐4 says, “2Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

How often have you asked yourself, what have I done to deserve this? Why me? How could God let this happen to me? Think of Bathsheba. I’m sure she questioned her circumstances. I also believe that she was faithful and persevered. After all the heartache,

Bathsheba was the loyal wife of the king who was a man after God’s own heart. And in the end, Bathsheba bore a son, Solomon, who would become David’s successor as the King of Israel as well as the wisest man who ever lived. Solomon had a huge impact on the world around him and his legacy lives on today as we draw from his great wisdom in the Old Testament book, Song of Solomon. Because of her faith through her suffering, Bathsheba was treasured as a daughter of the True King and her faith was rewarded. God gives us these examples of women in the Bible so that we can take heart in our trials and find the faith to persevere. We serve a God who wants our love and obedience. He yearns for us to seek him. Sometimes our suffering is to bring us to our knees before him. The breaking of our heart is sometimes necessary for God to reveal to us his infinite love and mercy. Through that revelation comes eternal healing.

Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. -JAMES 5:11-

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OKLAHOMA TORNADO RELIEF Find out how you can help at

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Our prayers are with you.

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Pack up your boots, shed the layers and dig your sandals out of storage, it’s time to soak up

some Colorado summer sunshine! Mark your calendars for these local events.

June 2 - August City Park Jazz

Concerts in the park 17th Ave. and Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO.

June 12 – August 11 COLORADO


JUNE 15 3-6PM

FESTIVAL Mary Rippon Theatre/ University Theatre, University of Steamboat Mountain Village

Starting JUNE 20 Thursday Nights: The Shops at Briargate

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Family Summer Fun!

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A few of our favorite local picks…

Seven Falls . Ghost Town Wild West Museum Garden of the gods Mini- Golf Family Fun Night @ World Golf Tiny Town & Railroad Cave of the Winds Denver Aquarium

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Cripple Creek & Victor Railroad

Vacation Bible School

2025 Parliament Drive | Colorado Springs 47 47

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Cherokee Legend of the Two Wolves; An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend. "Let me tell you a story," he said. "It is as if there are two wolves inside me; one is good and does no harm. He lives in harmony with all around him and does not take offense when no offense was intended. He will only fight when it is right to do so, and in the right way." "But...the other wolf... ah! The littlest thing will send him into a fit of temper. He fights everyone, all of the time, for no reason. He cannot think because his anger and hate are so great. It is helpless anger, for his anger will change nothing." "Sometimes it is hard to live with these two wolves inside me, for both of them try to dominate my spirit." The boy looked intently into his Grandfather's eyes and asked, "Which one wins, Grandfather?" The Grandfather smiled and quietly said, "The one I feed."

TWO WOLVES There are some people that you meet in life who have a certain attractive quality to them that you just can't shake. I am not talking about physical attraction. I am talking about that man/woman or guy/girl that can walk into a room, sit down, and somehow just their presence captivates you. When they talk and interact with you or others around them you see this quality at work like some sort of fantastical glamour being worked on the crowd. You may even find yourself wasting countless hours trying to pinpoint just what it is about them that is different. There have only been a very few people in my life who have caused me to stop and wonder, but the effect they had on my life was profound.

What I have come to find out (in my case) is that these people are pretty good at reflecting what is at the heart of them. . . peace. I think we all reflect what is in our hearts. If at the core of your being is an angry person, then that is probably what you emote to those around you. If at your core you find a playfully nefarious jokester, there are probably some people sitting next to you right now who are pretty annoyed (or they are LOL'ing themselves into a stupor). And if at your core there is a gentle, loving spirit, you can't help but express that to those around you. A peaceful, gentle spirit is unavoidably attractive. We are naturally drawn towards those who harbor these qualities. These are the people who seem to have an invisible sign on their foreheads that reads, "You might want to ask me for some advice." And despite yourself, you want to! 48 48

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Naturally, when we encounter these types of people, questions begin to stir in our own hearts. What is beneath the surface of my skin? What inhabits the core of my heart that people see when they look at me? You and I both know what we want people to see but the truth is, whichever fruits or poisons we choose to feed our spirit, those things become the product of who we are and how we reveal ourselves to others by what we do (or say; Matt. 15:18). I remember reading about the Apostle John and how he was basically the best friend of Jesus. By the way, how does that happen? Seriously, how does someone get the distinction of becoming BFFs with The Lord? Did he tell good jokes? And, if so, were they better than mine? And how would you get to the punch line with the Lord (who knows everything) before he says, "Oh, I know this one!” Truth is, we may never know how John got to be Jesus’ BFF. But if I were to take a wild guess it probably boils down to the core of who John was. Spiritually, he probably just gave it his best. While I would be immaturely concerned with trying to get Jesus to spit out water in laughter, John was probably making an honest go of tapping into that “living water” God has to offer.

Time and again Jesus let it be known that he saw to the core of an individual. A good example was when he was conversing with the wealthy ruler in Luke 18:18-25. More often than not, I think others see us for who we really are, no matter how talented we become at disguising ourselves. At the end of the day, the jig is up and the curtain falls and we are left lying smack in the middle of whatever bed we made for ourselves. It does not matter how fake I make my outer self appear, it is God who unfailingly sees what is beneath my skin. He sees me for who I really am, at my core. While I am sure I will probably never be mistaken for John, when all is said and done and I stand before My Lord, I am pretty sure I will hear something along the lines of, “you weren’t perfect by a long shot.” My hope is that despite my many failings, He will smile down on me and add, “but well done, my good and faithful son.”


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The ordinary man is involved in action, the hero acts. An immense difference. Henry miller

What is your definition of an American HERO? Is there someone in your life who personifies this definition? Tell us your hero story and we will share it in the July issue of SKIN DEEP EXPOSRES. (If you have a photograph to go with your story, please share it with us as well.)

This Independence Day, help us honor our country’s many


Submission deadline is June 25th , 2013 51 51

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Capture life’s moments

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You or someone you know could be featured in a future Exposed article!

{ Join the Project! }

We would be honored to have you as a part of the Skin Deep Exposures Project! Just fill out an online entrance application form, answering a few questions about yourself and what inspires you. As you answer the questions, please be open and honest. You are absolutely NOT being judged on the extremity of personal experiences or on your affinity for world peace. There are no right or wrong answers. You have your own unique experiences and circumstances that have shaped you. These are the things that make you exceptional, the things that make you an inspiration to others. This is NOT a beauty pageant! The point of the project is to get to know you, the real you. So, just… BE YOU! J

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