Skinnie Magazine Issue 133 - Summer 2014

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Jena Malone The Shoe Is On Another Foot


Mogwai No Vocals Needed


howie mandel A New Season of Deal With It


THe last ship Humanities Last Hope Is Rhona Mitra


skinnie girl Jacqueline Schaffer


Jack bruce Inspiring With A New Album


SKINNIESCENE The Rundown On What You Missed


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Issue133 summer2014




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summer 2014 J ISSUE NUmber 133 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

PUBLISHERS Jimmy Clinton Jason Zahler ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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the skinnie staff hopes our readers have

A Great summer! bikini’s by fresh Peaches swimwear

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It’s More than ‘dead rabbit hopes’ for

jena malone While She Is Trying On A Different Pair of Shoes By Patrick Douglas Photos Courtesy Girlie Action

Malone has already experienced immense success in the entertainment industry. Cur4Jena rently most recognized as the tough-as-nails Johanna Mason in the “Hunger Game” series, Malone has also had major roles in films like “Donnie Darko,” “Sucker Punch,” “Into the Wild,” “Cold Mountain,” and “Stepmom.” But it’s her current real-life role as lead singer that is getting a lot of attention these days. She may be greatly successful in film and television but it’s her drive to make it in the music industry that has her excited. Six years ago, Malone, who had already been messing around and experimenting with creating music, teamed up with musician Lem Jay Ignacio. That chance collaboration at a party quickly became a bonafide music project known simply as The Shoe. The two artists are releasing a second album, their first full-length, in early June called “I’m Okay” and it’s safe to say that it is no longer just two people jamming in a room together. The Golden Globe nominated actress describes herself as having “musical Tourette’s” and recalled her early days of attempting to sing, long before she met Ignacio, as being as grassroots as it gets. “I was singing all the time, all of it freestyle, all of it improvisation of the moment,” said Malone. “I was up in Tahoe making music with myself and it was strange and bedroom electronics and weird because I don’t really know how to make music in the sense that I wasn’t a musician. I would just pick up an instrument and pretend to play it. I was frustrated with that because I wasn’t a very good musician. I ended up building this contraption which was this steamer trunk that I put all my gear in and I bought a generator and I thought, ‘I’m gonna drive down to L.A. and play on street corners and just kind of fail.’ I just wanted to fail so much that at one point it might make me become a better musician and do it in front of people. I’m a performer and I feed off of that. It’s easy to pretend to do things in your bedroom but once you’re standing in front of real human beings, you have to put it together.” It was that free and unscripted approach to songwriting that led Malone to Ignacio. The two met at a mutual friend’s Christmas party and knew immediately that they had a personal musical connection after they found each other side-by-side onstage. 9


“I was invited to a Christmas party and my friend was like ‘Oh, you’re singing now? Great. Come and play a song,” Malone recalled. “Lem Jay was asked to be one of the musicians onstage that would be backing all these different singers that would come in and sing these acoustic Christmas songs. I thought she forgot about me because it didn’t happen until like 1:30 in the morning. Lem Jay was there but the band had left. I told him we were going to do ‘Walking in a Winter Wonderland.’ We had just met and I asked him, ‘Do you mind if I do it in mythical Portuguese?’” “I was like ‘What’s that?’ added Ignacio. “He really didn’t bat an eye. He was like ‘Yeah, sure, let’s go.’ I did the whole thing in these mythological languages which were just gibberish which kind of sounded like Portuguese,” she said. “He followed me and we created this beautiful seven-minute rendition of gibberish ‘Winter Wonderland.’ I went up, he went up. I went down, he went down. We were definitely communicating on a level that wasn’t that we had just met musically. There was already some sort of innate language there.” The duo went to Ignacio’s house after the party and wrote seven songs. Eventually, they were getting together on a regular basis just to jam together and The Shoe was born. “It seems like she never left my house for a year and we were constantly making music,” Ignacio said. “Free styling and jamming and making up complete songs spontaneously. It wasn’t like working with a singer or a musician or a songwriter and making songs like that. We were always kind of always doing it.We’d be in the car and she’d be driving and I’d have a Casio in the passenger seat and she’d be singing on a road trip or we’d be in a cemetery or would be in a park or we’d be in my studio in my garage. I don’t know how to say it without being corny but (it became) a way of life or a way of making music with Jena.” The Shoe just released the single “Dead Rabbit Hopes” and the video features a mostly naked Malone singing on a piano in “American Beauty” style. According to the actress, it’s nothing unusual for her to expose herself in such a way when creating art.

“It was really freeing, actually,” she said. “A couple of times (on the album) when I was doing vocals, I was like ‘I’m just going to take my clothes off right now.’ Lem Jay’s like ‘Okay.’ We’re really good friends so it doesn’t matter. I did a lot of the recording of the vocals naked and raw. It wasn’t about being sexual. It was about being human and vulnerable to the moment. (For the video) we all sat down and came up with this idea of this sort of nude in flowers with a piano and it was a heartbreaking song about death and the celebration. At the end of the video as we were shooting, I was just crying because when you see something come so full circle, you have this seed of an idea and then it becomes a reality and it becomes a bigger and more beautiful reality than you could ever imagine. It’s a gift.” Malone isn’t concerned with cynical audience members who view her as an actress trying to “act” like a singer. She figures, if they’re there, they’re already interested in the music and besides, she doesn’t have time to worry about what people think of her. “I don’t want them to know me as anything,” she said. “I just want them to close their eyes and listen. I don’t really care about how they got there or preconceived notions or whether they view me as a painter or an actor or a woman or a stranger. All of that stuff, I don’t think matters. At the end of the day, if you’re moved by something that someone else is giving you whether it be a performance or a song or a painting, it’s about that exchange. It’s not about the person anymore.” “There’s really no divide in Jena as an actress and knowing if (the music) is the real deal because it’s not like she just decided to do an album,” added Ignacio. “She’s been doing this for a very long time, even before she met me. Even though this is our first full-length, just the fact that she has been making music for a long time, it’s not just this actress’s pop project. That’s definitely not where Jena’s coming from as a musician or as a musical artist.” “There’s nothing wrong with those either,” said Malone. “To each his own. However you get there is beautiful.” 11



music for music’s sake


Solo Ablum from Pantera’s Frontman By Patrick Douglas Photos Courtesy Steve Gullick

know when a foreign television show has made it when it becomes a remake in the U.S. 4You


Last year, IFC aired the French series, “Les Revenants” (aka “The Returned”) and it spread like wildfire. ABC soon released a version of the show for American audiences called “Resurrection.” The show just completed its first season and just like anything else, proved that a copy isn’t usually as spot on as the original. “Les Revenants” is nearly perfect with stellar acting, an incredible story and, some would argue, one of the best soundtracks ever to accompany a TV show. It isn’t like Scottish band Mogwai just put together a theme song. The band produced an entire album of instrumental music to accompany the show and once you listen to it, you never forget it. Mogwai has very little to say in terms of lyrics. So little, in fact, that on an album like “Les Revenants,” you won’t find a single vocal on the album. What you will find is an eclectic mix of instruments from cello and xylophone to keyboards, guitars and drums. As Mogwai’s Barry Burns explained, it has always been about the instruments for the band and the thought of having vocals on the songs or being known for lyrics only opens things up for the possibility of pretentious or silly messages. “It’s been a really fortunate thing because we’ve never really had anybody singing songs,” said Burns. “If you look at how hip hop artists start out, they’re rapping about having no money and no clothes and just surviving and at the point where they’re really famous, like Jay-Z, what the fuck are they going to sing about anymore? They kind of run out of topics. We’ve never had that problem. We’ve always been pretty much instrumental.” That’s not to say there will never be lyrics on a Mogwai record. Occasionally guitarist Stuart Braithwaite will pop up in a song with a vocal melody or two but it’s a rare gem. The lack of lyrics is so purposeful that the rare message from fans about being inspired by the music sometimes comes as a shock to guys like Burns. “People will e-mail us and tell us stories about a song that we’ve written and that it sort of brings up images or emotions or even stories to them and it’s never our intention for that to happen,” he said. “We just play music for music’s sake. We don’t have any messages to give anyone. I think it’s really nice that people tell us stories that they have. I guess people take from the music what they want. We don’t have any input really. I know that sounds crazy but we don’t have any messages to convey.” 13

To see just how crazy the men of Mogwai are, simply search for “Mogwai live setup” on Youtube and watch the video showing what goes in to setting up a Mogwai show. Each band member has more pedals than a dandelion but Burns doesn’t see it as being any different than any other band. In fact, he thinks Mogwai might be more organized than most. “I guess if you look at the Ramones, yes, (our set up) is complicated,” he said with a laugh. “We talk to our crew a lot about stuff and they say we’re actually quite easy to deal with compared to other things so maybe it’s less complicated than it looks. It’s just a bunch of pedals and they’re not always on. Occasionally some things will get turned on and off for a few seconds and that’s how we’ve always done it but it’s really difficult to get the songs from the album stage to the live stage because we change the songs so much in the studio that it almost feels like we’re having to relearn the songs and rehearse.


That’s the most difficult part of it and it can get quite frustrating but we get there in the end.” Considering the complexity of the songs, it’s surprising to hear that most of the tunes are constructed individually by each member, tossed back and forth online via mp3. When they finally do get together to write new material as a group, it’s basically already done. It’s just a matter of polishing the edges and rehearsing at that point. “We don’t really talk about the music when we make it,” said Burns in a thick Scottish accent. “In the beginning it’s sort of a solo thing. There’s four people in the band that write songs and it’s very sort of solitary at the beginning. We meet together in Glasgow and we still don’t really talk about it. It’s kind of weird. We trust each other to come up with parts but we don’t talk about it. It’s pretty strange. Maybe a bit repressed. I’m not sure.”


The band is one of those groups that people whisper to each other as if knowing about them is a status symbol. They’re still on a cool label (Sub Pop) and are considered indie so if someone shares Mogwai music with you, consider yourself part of the underground club. That underground status was challenged when Mogwai took part “Les Revenants,” not just providing the theme song, but offering up an entire soundtrack album.The way Burns recalls it, the whole connection came after French director Fabrice Gobert became a fan of Mogwai’s other soundtrack work, including the Darren Aronofsky film, “The Fountain.” “He wanted to try to use us for ‘The Returned.’ It was great working with him, I don’t know, maybe because he’s French but he just let you get on with it and he trusts you. He doesn’t really interfere,” said Burns of Gobert. “We’ve worked with people in Hollywood before and it’s almost like working with people who don’t understand how music works. Not with ‘The Returned.’ It was great fun

working. It was constant conversation with the director but it’s always constructive and you kind of left with your own devices and it’s quite nice.” As Mogwai closes in on its 20th anniversary as a band, it’s worth noting that they haven’t had a lineup change in 16 years. Burns was the last new member brought on board and that was way back in 1998. That consistency has helped the five band members evolve as a group and avoid the pratfalls brought on by fights and jealousy. “It feels like a little gang there.We’ve grown up together,” said Burns. “We’re really good friends together as well.When we’re not touring, we tend not to see much of each other because you can’t be around people all the time. I think we get along with each other really well and that’s important. We watch other bands and you can tell they hate each other but they have to keep doing it because that’s the job they want to do. I can’t imagine that. I think it would be horrendous.” 15

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master puppeteer howie mandel’s

deal with it With A New Season of Pranks and Craziness Words by Patrick Douglas Photos Courtesy of TBS

If you plan on going to lunch in Los Angeles any time soon and the person 4Beyou’rewarned. meeting with starts acting completely insane, they might be a contestant on the new TBS game show, “Deal With It.” Produced by veteran game show guru Howie Mandel and hosted by Theo Von, “Deal With It,” is currently in its second season. Just like before, this season has offered up hilarious scenario after hilarious scenario as contestants are asked to do the most bizarre and embarrassing things in front of people who thought they knew them. The premise is simple, producers find a couple of folks looking to have an otherwise uneventful meal, nab one of them and propose that the person wears an earpiece and does whatever they’re told.The prize at the end is $5,000 but these contestants must go through a lot of embarrassment to get to that point. All the while, whoever came to eat with them gets the brunt of the torture. “When someone walks in the door, we’re like the NSA. We have cameras everywhere and we discern ‘Okay, that’s a father and a daughter. There’s a couple of people talking about an office. A coworker.’ It’s random,” said Mandel. “If we get the father acting goofy and you know how daughters get when they’re embarrassed, this will be good. If we get him doing crazy things in public, we’ll probably get more of an embarrassment factor and maybe more comedy. Or, if they’re coworkers, maybe one of them is the boss. Let’s get the employee to do crazy things in front of their boss and will they? How far will they go? In one scenario, a woman is asked to suddenly pretend to be a germaphobe in front of her unsuspecting boyfriend. She goes as far as drinking from a bottle of hand sanitizer (filled with sugar water) and dumping out a glass bowl of candy to put on her head as protection from germs. Another episode has a contestant who confesses to his friend that he has always wanted to be a superhero and is soon tossing a thief (an actor planted in the restaurant) through a pane of glass. 19



It’s all a crap shoot as far as finding the right person to participate in the game. After all, they must be convincing enough to trick the person sitting with them while at the same time not pissing them off to the point where they walk out. If the friend gets up and leaves, the game is over. “It never ceases to amaze me because sometimes we’ll think that one person will be great and they won’t be as good as expected and then you’ll find someone that seems like of a bit more dominant human and they’ll get out there and really just explode,” Von said. “Sometimes people are waiting for that moment when they’re going to put one over on their friend and you never know who’s going to shine. Every day we filmed, I was more impressed than the day before.This season is absolutely ridiculous.” “Deal With It” was originally inspired by an Israeli game show Mandel came across. As he explained, he knew the minute he saw it that it would be a special addition to American television. The former “Deal or No Deal” host bought the American rights and quickly sold the show to TBS. “That’s what I love about this medium,” said Mandel. “’Candid Camera’ is what got me into show business because I love the unpredictability of what could happen. I love the reality of what is happening. We don’t know what we’re gonna get. Is it gonna end well? Is it gonna be funny? Are people gonna perform? Are they gonna do as they’re asked?” Each episode features a different celebrity sitting with Von and they essentially act as the puppet master of the pranks being played out. Season one featured celebrities that included Heidi Klum, Adam Carolla, Joan and Melissa Rivers and Mandel. Season two has featured Mandel, Tom Green, the Jenner sisters and Nick Cannon among others. “The electricity from the time the celebrity meets the contestant and says ‘Do you want to do this challenge?’ and 21


they say “Yes,’ you can feel the energy and I feel the audience at home feels the same kind of electricity,” Mandel said. It’s true that whenever you put someone in a position to act a fool in front of another person, there’s a chance something could aggravate the person in the dark. “Deal With It” is a little different in the sense that the person pulling the pranks and the person unaware of the cameras are family or close friends thus the chances of violence are minimal. But that certainly hasn’t prevented some tense moments as the oblivious portion of the pair occasionally gets fed up and angry. “I never thought a beat down was coming but I felt the tension get warmed up,” said Von. “Everyone has always been happy at the end so I think that’s how you determine the outcome.” “I think we’re responsible,” added Mandel. “We call it surfing the bit. We kind of watch it. If we say something and somebody is getting upset, we will ride it and go ‘Back off, back off. Apologize, apologize.’ We don’t want it to get dangerous.”


“We have a staff there and I wouldn’t want to see anybody get physically hurt or even hurt emotionally that is irreparable. It’s all in good fun,” Mandel said. “If it got to a point where somebody was really embarrassed and got up to leave, at the end, everybody is happy and everybody laughs and everybody is thrilled to be on the show.” “Deal With It” is sort of a demented game of “Simon Says” where the contestant is the guinea pig and the person they are with is the actual test dummy that the audience laughs at. The unexpected results of that pairing are the reason to watch, according to Mandel. “Every moment is like the best surprise party you’ve ever been to,” said Mandel. “That moment when you’re hiding behind the couch and they’re driving up the driveway and you’re wondering how they’re going to react. That’s the feeling this television show exudes.” “This format is a well-oiled, unplanned machine. That’s the beauty of it,” he added. “We laugh because we’re watching every second of the unexpected and everybody just comes to the party and we watch it unfold just like the audience and just like the people at home go ‘Oh my god.’”







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‘The last ship’ leading lady

rhonda mitra As Dr. Rachel Scott; Mankinds Last Hope Words by Patrick Douglas Photos Courtesy of TNT

apocalypse is certainly the most popular genre on 4The television these days. It’s to modern TV what CSI shows were a decade ago and the latest offering from TNT has a unique spin on it thanks to producer Michael Bay. Bay’s take on “The Last Ship” is pretty simple: a strain of a deadly virus takes out 80-percent of the world’s population as a U.S. Navy destroyer remains safe at sea with a passenger who happens to have the means to come up with a cure for the disease. While we’re used to apocalyptic stories showing us the carnage that happens when people are stuck in the middle of it, we don’t often, if ever, see a story that shows what it’s like for those stuck at sea while it’s all going down. British starlet Rhona Mitra stars in “The Last Ship” as the last hope for mankind as Doctor Rachel Scott. At first, she’s an annoyance of sorts for the captain of the Nathan James Naval destroyer, but he soon finds out that she’s been placed there by the President in hopes that she can come up with a cure for the disease. “I’m not a guest on the ship. She is the Faberge egg on the ship unbeknownst to the captain,” explained Mitra. “She’s been heralded in her past and championed in everything she’s done so she’s been assigned on this mission. It’s an incredibly difficult position because she’s holding the responsibility of all of their families lives in her hands and she has to keep it a secret and it’s a terrible thing to do because she’s not aware exactly the magnitude and how it has impacted until we really understand about four months in that about 80-percent of the world’s population has been infected. Even she didn’t know that going into it.”

What results is a mission where the Nathan James must balance staying at sea with limited resources while also battling the constant threat from Russian ships that want access to Dr. Scott and her potential cure. What results is a strange cat and mouse between the two countries in the open seas that may remind some of “Star Trek” and the battle of wits often waged between Captain Kirk and the Klingons. “Ultimately what you have is the people who wanna do right and the people who wanna do the wrong thing with the right aspect,” said a laughing Mitra before adding her own comparison between the two entities. “I would connect Frank Oz and Jim Henson and I will go ‘Dark Crystal’ with you, if you will. I will liken it to the Skeksis and the Gelflings.” Based on the William Brinkley novel with the same name but slightly different story, “The Last Shipx” was filmed in San Diego on real Navy vessels including the USS Halsey, USS Dewey and the museum ship, USS Iowa. Having to come up with such a strong relationship with the Navy helped tremendously in production, according to Mitra. “I think it was extraordinary for the (Navy) to allow us (access) and vice versa because we have one of the most incredible crews that is obviously privy to so many different locations and impediments,” said Mitra. “I don’t think anybody had really come across the restrictions that a naval destroyer could impose on a shooting schedule, number one and the shooting day, number two.Very narrow compartments and channels to navigate your way around so when you’re dealing with cameras and big, burly men like Eric Dane and Adam Baldwin that became restrictive. The Navy was so intrigued to have us there and in such a position that it became this really lovely symbiotic respectful dance between the two parties where humility on both sides was really prevalent in a very beautiful form, aware of how the other works.” “When you have two really big kids playing together, you work out this ballet,” she added. “I’ve had the privilege to work on enough shows to understand the way the mechanism is supposed to work on a very well-oiled machine. That we had to work with the government and that’s an unusual beast to maneuver around especially when you’re dealing with government shutdowns and the like. It was such an extraordinary dance that everyone throughout the value of the shoot, everybody had to be 150-percent there and then some. 25


I’ve never known a crew or cast to be more awake and more wide-eyed.” Just don’t ask Mitra what it’s like to play a character responsible for saving the world. It’s a phrase she doesn’t find all that accurate when looking at the world featured in the story. “Nobody’s saving the world,” she said. “That’s what Bruce Willis does. That’s an arrogant statement. There’s a very big difference


between saving the world and saving the human race, isn’t there?” Mitra has been used to playing characters with a strong sexual appeal while being strong females at the same time. She starred as Sonja in “Underworld: Rise of the Lycans,” was the original model for Lara Croft in the “Tomb Raider” video game series and, of course, played the tough love interest of Ali G in “Ali G Indahouse.” According to the talented actress, the thing that

attracted her most to this role was the fact that she could play a strong female lead without all the fluff that often comes with that. “It’s one of the most amazing female characters that I’ve ever read on paper to date thus far,” she explained. “The amalgamation and also the blend of who she has to be as a woman, as a scientist and as somebody who’s trying to tread through new territory and unnavigated territory, (it’s) just one

of the most extraordinary places to be as a female at this time without having to burn bras, beat chests and just be a scientist and be a human being and do absolutely what is best. I like dealing with that as a woman at my age. I’m not a kid. I’m not trying to don a suit or a cute outfit or a PVC cat suit. This is a very real woman dealing with a real possibility and that’s kind of brilliant.” “And it’s Michael Bay.” 27


Jacqueline Schaffer

Founder A Sandwich A Day

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AN intervi w with

jacqu el


Why did you choose to become a Doctor? Why Dr? Because the best thing in life is to give back and help others! So tell us more about your accomplishments so far, not only a Doctor, also seen in Top magazines, how did it all started? Well the best and most important thing I am proud of in my accomplishments is creating A Sandwich A Day, which is a non-profit organization that feeds the homeless worldwide. It has also been a blessing to be featured on Norway FHM magazine, Maxim South Africa, Sports Illustrated, Epoca in Brazil, which has millions of viewers, and commercials for skin products. That’s a good question with how it all started! Honestly I have always loved the entertainment world since I was a child. You have so many things going on these days! How do you manage to balance between Modeling/Acting world and being a Doctor? I am just really good with time management, something I learned at a young age from “Imma Shellee” Hebrew for My Loving Mother. Will people be surprise to see you looking like this? I do not think so because if you look at Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman, they are women that have either a degree from Harvard, are philanthropist, actress, model, they have done it all. And there is nothing more beautiful then women who love to give back to the world. Your body looks incredible how do you stay in shape? I stay in shape by running and pole dancing! You’re known to give back to society, a Sandwich a day? Tell us more about it Yes A Sandwich A Day is something that I take very seriously because my heart is fully committed to helping as many people that I can in this lifetime and one of the ways is through A Sandwich A day. What’s your biggest guilty pleasure? My biggest guilty pleasure would be Crème Brûlée What special skills do you have that no one knows about? That skill is meant to be kept private… So you spend your time in Spain mostly, what’s the sexiest word in the Spanish language that makes you mmmmmm? Well I love romance so it’s, “Te amo.” What’s in store next in Jacqueline’s remedy (TV shows, movies ,branding ..)? What is in store next? Is my Skin Care Line all I have to say is women and men are going to love it. Also you will see me in Action and Adventure Movies, thats 100% for sure! Any advise for the future models/ actresses to be? My best advice for future models and actresses to be: Be your unique self and love others and the world will love you back!

You can always see what I am doing on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook,, and my new website for my skin care line is coming out 2015. 31


PhotographerMichael Vincent MakeupMichelle Almanza HairSelina Acosta StylistBika Bazaar ProducerTal B Hajek LocationRobert Camarillo

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“been there, done that”

jack bruce Still Inspiring With First New Release In Over A Decade

By Patrick Douglas

Photos Courtesy Lee Millward

Bruce knows more than a thing or two about the early and 4Jack defining days of rock and roll. After all, he was a big part of it. Whether it was teaming up with Eric Clapton in the ‘60s, jamming with Jimi Hendrix, working with Charlie Watts when the two musicians were young or playing with Ringo Starr in the ‘90s, Bruce can certainly look back on his career and say, “Been there, done that,” for most things. Known mostly for co-founding the mega group Cream in the mid‘60s, Bruce has played with a veritable who’s who of musicians in the 46 years since Cream split up. He’s been regarded as one of the most influential bass players in rock history and is often cited as being one of the most important blues bassists to ever play the instrument. Guys like Sting and Geddy Lee will cite Bruce as their biggest inspiration when they were young and still capable of being influenced. Bruce is still going strong, sticking to his blues roots and showing that rock can still be conjured by a dude in his 70s.His new solo album, “Silver Rails,” is heavily drenched in the blues riffs which he once helped revolutionize but he’s quick to give partial credit to the great musicians who have been a part of his development throughout the years. “I’ve been very fortunate to be around some great people who taught me about the blues,” said Bruce. “I wasn’t really a natural for the blues. I was really into classical and met people like Phil Davis and Eric Clapton who were steeped in the blues. I think a little of that rubbed off on me. It was a great good fortune that I got to play and hang out with these guys because I learned so much from them. Eric’s not just a great player, he’s also a great musicologist. My first drummer I played with really was Charlie Watts (of Rolling Stones fame). The blues is just part of me. It’s a working man’s song. It’s something that you can go anywhere in the world and the music and the culture is going to have that feeling.”

Bruce admits that he’s still learning his craft to this day and surprisingly credits bands much younger than his peers as being a source of inspiration and motivation. He mentioned the Seattle band Earth as inspiring him to write some of the songs on the new solo record and cited the California drone metal band OM as being a current favorite. “The motivation for really the whole album, one of my sons played me an album by a band called Earth and they have this album called ‘The Bees Made Honey In The Lion’s Skull.’ That pretty much tilted me in this direction,” said Bruce. “It was nice to have that kind of young inspiration.” “Silver Rails” is his first release of new music in over a decade but, as he explained, it wasn’t initially supposed to happen. “This is very special because I had no real plans to make a studio album,” said Bruce, who recorded the album at the famed Abbey Road Studios. “It gets harder and harder to make an album these days. I just started writing and the songs came so easily.” “There’s not too many places like Abbey Road anymore,” he said. “It’s like going into a museum but everything is up to date. The music (history) just sort of seeps out of the walls.” In one of Bruce’s first bands his drummer was Mitch Mitchell, who later played drums in the Jimi Hendrix Experience. Prior to his death, Hendrix had even talked to Bruce about forming a “dream band” together. Bruce ultimately found his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow when he got together with a young Clapton and drummer Ginger Baker to form Cream. Clapton had just exited The Yardbirds and was bouncing around from project to project when he teamed up with Bruce and Baker. The group sold over 15 million records, released hit songs like “Strange Brew,” “Sunshine of Your Love,” “White Room,” “Crossroads,” and “Spoonful,” and ended up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 35

bass&treble Bruce was the bass player, primary songwriter and vocalist in the band and talked about the successful but extremely short-lived run the group endured. Not willing to compromise, Cream ultimately closed up shop to avoid having to become just another pop rock outfit. “That was something else. It was honest almost to a fault,” Bruce said of his days with Cream. “That’s what it was. That’s what we were trying to do. I think that’s why we the band didn’t last long because then we would’ve lost that honesty.” The early ‘60s was certainly a time when the foundations for all sub genres of rock and roll were being constructed and Bruce looks back on the time with a sense of fondness and innocence. “The thing is that we were kids and rock and roll was invented and had just come out with Elvis and the very first generation of rockers,” he recalled. “You’re like nine years old and that suddenly starts happening. Along with the Stones and the Beatles and the guys in that generation, I won’t say my generation. We had no choice but to go along with that amazing American music that just sucked us up and took us to a different place. Out of a post war, sort of black and white country we were living in at the time. It gave us color and it gave us hope.” “To me that was an amazing time. I was like 19, 20 and finding out about the blues and finding out about life. The early ‘60s, being a part of that was just absolutely mind-blowing,” he said, adding that the ‘70s were even more intense as far as living the stereotypical life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. He recalled an incident in which he was


touring with Cream and had a stop in San Diego. On a whim, he and a couple roadies decided to “sneak” into Mexico for no reason other than to get into trouble. The three were eventually busted trying to get back into the states and spent the night locked up in a decrepit jail cell on the border. “Our album was number two on the charts and we had just played in L.A. I said to two roadies, ‘Let’s go down to Mexico and see what we can find out down there just under the border,’” he recalled. “I ended up being arrested and thrown in some kind of prison somewhere just inside the American border. The whole prison was covered with flies. The fans had died in that jail. They had no choice but to let us out. I don’t really remember what I did but I think it was so bad they could’ve thrown the book at me.” Because everything was so new and inventive at the time, Bruce recalled an age when rock stars initially weren’t in it for the celebrity but rather an opportunity to participate in something so exciting. Back then there wasn’t TMZ or the Internet to pump up a person’s image until they are bigger than their body of work. Back then, the budding rock star was just a guy on a record, shrouded in mystery and idolized for creating great songs. “The fame thing seems to happen despite everything but it wasn’t a big master plan,” he said of the idea of making music to chase fame and fortune. “A lot of the time, we didn’t have time and we didn’t go after anything because we were on the road. That was our attitude.”


Ateve Angelo @ XS Nightclub







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p.042 Weekly Club Listings

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p.046 Weekly Club Listings

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Calendar Club Pictures

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Calendar Club Pictures

Calendar Club Pictures p.043 Battle for Warped Tour @ HOB Anaheim

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Los angelesSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Playhouse, Bobby Reyes of EVENTVIBE


06/27-06/29 BET Experience at LA Live ft. OutKast, Rick Ross & Mary J. Blige @ Staples Center

@Club DV8

@Club DV8

06/25 Red Bull Sound Select Presents: LA @The Roxy 07/03 Independent Music LA 2 Year Anniversary @ House of Blues Hollywood

@Club DV8

@Club DV8

@Club DV8



Jermaine Dupri@Playhouse



07/10 Crack ‘Em Up Thursdays @ The Comedy Store

07/21 Lady Gaga’s artRave: The ARTPOP Ball @ Staples Center

07/18 Masters of Ceremony Hip Hop Reunion ft. DMX, Naughty By Nature @ Nokia Theatre 07/24 Say Anything @ Fonda Theatre 08/01 Ali Siddiq @ Hollywood Improv

08/03 On The Run Tour: Beyonce & JAY Z @ The Rose Bowl


Los angeles | Skinniescene

Lucha vavoom 10th aniversary

@ mayan theatre

Images by Karen Curley 39

Las VegasSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Danny Mahoney/XS and Tryst, Erik Kabik


07/03 Official UFC Int. Fight Week Pool Party @ Liquid Day Club

Rose Rabbit Lie Memorial Day Mansion Party @The Cosmopolitian

David Copperfield @Rose Rabbit Lie Memorial Day Mansion Party

06/28 Rehab: DJ IKON @ Hard Rock Pool 06/30 Tommy Trash @ XS Nightclub 07/04 Jermaine Dupri @ Tryst Nightclub

08/02 The Legends of Hip Hop ft. DMX, Biz Markie & More @ The Joint

Condé Nast Traveler’s Hot List Party @Rose Rabbit Lie

Rose Rabbit Lie Memorial Day Mansion Party @The Cosmopolitian

Emily Ratajkowski Condé Nast Traveler’s Hot List Party @Rose Rabbit Lie

Davied Guetta & Ryan Seacrest @XS Nightclub

07/05-06 UFC Fan Expo @ Mandalay Bay 07/27 DJ Vice @ Marquee Day Club 08/08 JT: The 20/20 Experience World Tour @ MGM Grand 08/08-10 Las Vegas Art N Ink Festival @ South Point Hotel

08/16 Pacino: One Night Only @ The Mirage


@XS Nightclub

LA Kings Stanley Cup Party @ XS Nightclub

Festus Ezeli, Jesse Waits, Tito Ortiz @XS Nightclub

@XS Nightclub

Las Vegas | Skinniescene

presidents day weekend at body englis and the joint @

hard rock hotel & casino

Photos: Scott Harrison / Erik Kabik Photography, Carlos Larios / Hard Rock Hotel & Casino, Hew Burney 41

Orange countySkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of Taylor Eszlinger, Bobby Reyes of,


07/11 Grand Opening I Love Fun Fridays: Shwayze @ Ten Nightclub




I Love Fun Fridays @Ten Nightclub

06/27 102.7 KIIS FM Live: Alex Dreamz @ Yost Theater 07/12 Hortons’s Hayride ft. The Rev. Horton Heat, Supersuckers & More @ Rumble on the Pines 07/25-08/03 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presents Legends @ Honda Center

@Ten Nightclub

@Ten Nightclub

@Ten Nightclub

@Ten Nightclub

@Ten Nightclub

@Ten Nightclub

08/15 Lisa Lampanelli @ The Grove of Anaheim 07/31 Adam Carolla @ Irvine Improv 08/21 Live Nation presents Keyshia Cole: Point of No Return @ House of Blues Anaheim

08/24 Under the Influence of Music Tour: Wiz Khalifa & More @ Verizon Wireless Amphitheater


Orange countySkinniescene

battle for Warped tour finals for Las Vegas show winners Behind The Fallen

@ house of blues anaheim


san diegoSkinniescene

Photos by Bobby Reyes, Jeremy Wassink of


06/28 6th Annual Microbrew & Craft Beer Festival @ Pechanga Casino

Lil Jon @Intervention Sundays

Lil Jon @Intervention Sundays

@Intervention Sundays

@Intervention Sundays

Lil Jon @Intervention Sundays


Undie Run @SDSU


Undie Run @SDSU

Undie Run @SDSU

07/04 Nipsey Hustle @ House of Blues SD 07/06 KISS & Def Leapord @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre 07/10 Quiet Riot & more @ House of Blues SD 07/24 The Aquabats: 20th Anniversary Tour w/ Koo Koo Kanga Roo @ House of Blues SD

07/05 Big Bacon Bite Fest @ Del Mar Fairgrounds 07/30 Motley Crue: The Final Tour @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre 08/06 Arctic Monkeys @ CCCU Open Air TheaterSDSU 08/15 Local Brews, Local Grooves: All Access @ House of Blues SD

07/25 Chris Tucker @ San Diego Civic Theatre

44 45

inland empireSkinniescene

Photos Courtesy of KrisLumague, Margarita Rocks, Fresh Peaches, 909Pub, Alex Trujillo


07/02 CHER D2K Tour @ Citizens Business Bank Arena

@Margarita Rocks

@909 Pub & Grill

College Night @Brand ‘N Iron

@909 Pub & Grill

Mansion @Sevillas

College Night @Brand ‘N Iron

Mansion @Sevillas

Mansion @Sevillas

06/26 Boys II Men @ Fox Performing Arts Center 06/27 Super Freestyle Explosion @ Citizens Business Bank Arena 07/03 Firecracker Fiesta @ Margarita Rocks

07/26 LYAO! Comedy Tour @ Citizens Business Bank Arena 07/11 Mickey Avalon @ Marquee 15 08/07 MavTV King of the Cage: Point of Impact @ San Manuel Casino 08/22 Jay Mohr @ Ontario Improv

07/28 VIBE in Wonderland @ VIBE in Casino Morongo


Fresh Peaches 35th Anniversary Fashion Show @Margarita Rocks

Fresh Peaches 35th Anniversary Fashion Show @Margarita Rocks

Skinniesceneinland empire

Call it Wild Wednesday Rockfest with

Dose Of adolescence

Photos Courtesy of Margarita Rocks 47


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