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Catherine Cook School

Amazing Ancient Egypt Fashion What did people wear in ancient Egypt???? Emma Flannery


Ancient Egyptians wore many types of clothes, jewelry, and makeup. Ancient Egyptians would even shave their heads! Ancient Egyptians would make important decisions on what to wear every day. Some Egyptians wore more jewelry than others too, and some wore henna. In this report, you’ll be learning about the jewelry, makeup, and clothing. This is Ancient Egypt fashion remade!!

Clothing Egyptians wore many types of clothes. Most Egyptians would wear loose linen kilts, so they could cool off under the hot sun. Most everyone would wear linen, kilts because of how loose the light the linen was. Workers would wear a loincloth as they worked on pyramids and coffins. Loincloth is a linen cloth Fun fact: farmers and workers wore so they could work in Men would wear a the sun. They also would wear a cloth on their skirt-like kilts that head to keep it from burning. Boys and girls reached up to their wouldn’t wear anything until their teens, but girls knees. wore a string of beads around their waist. A woman had a very interesting way of getting dressed. A woman would wash before dressing. Then, she rubbed herself with scented oils. Then she put on linen. She put on the linen carefully, and tied it into a knot. Finally, she put on her makeup and wig. Those are all of the clothes Egyptians would wear. Now let’s move on to jewelry and makeup!!!

Jewelry and Makeup Did you know that ancient Egyptians were the first to use the cosmetics and jewelry we use today? EVERYONE wore jewelry, because it symbolized power and wealth. Jewelry also brought luck. Egyptians would wear the same makeup and jewelry as we did today. They would wear eye liner (kohl or malachite), lipstick, and even the same jewelry!! Eye liner and lipstick were made from minerals from the ground like galena or iron oxide. Today, people dye their hair different colors. Well, way back then in Egypt, people would dye the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet!! Crazy huh? Now, let’s move on to our last topic: Accessories!!!

Accessories Egyptians, just as they were with clothing, were very careful about picking their accessories. They wanted to look their Fun fact: absolute BEST. Both men and woman would shave their Priests would have to pluck all their body hair in order to be clean.

heads because they wanted to be



would also shave their heads, except for a strand in the back of their heads. Egyptians would use makeup and perfumed oils to add to their look. Egyptians would “paint their lips� using red orche mixed oil or fat.

Conclusion I had so much fun learning about this topic. I liked the topic I picked, because I have always wanted to learn about the fashion of ancient Egypt.

Glossary Amulet=A good luck charm worn to keep away evil and sickness. Henna= Body art worn to cover lips and nails. Kilt=light clothing worn by ancient Egyptians.

Kohl=The eyeliner Ancient Egyptians wore. Linen= the cloth people used to make kilts. Loincloth= a cloth slaves wore as a garment. Malachite= another word for kohl. Perfume= A nice smell that was sprayed or rubbed on skin.

Bibliography Burrow, M. (n.d.). Retrieved April 9, 2013, from Ancient Egypt: http://www.chidingstonekent.scho.UK/homework/egypt/clothes Hazen, W. A. (2006). Ancient times. Tuscan, Arizona: Good year books. Sands, E. (2005). Egyptology . Cambrige Massachusetts: Candlwick press. Steedman, S. (2005). The Egyptian News. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Candlewick press.

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