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About the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids By Ian O’Rourke

Table of contents Title page………………………………………………………page 1 Introduction………………………………………………….page 3 How pyramids were built etc……………………… 3 The types of pyramids………………………………… 3 Who built the pyramids……………………………… 3 What are the pyramids made of……………………page 4 What was inside the pyramid…………………………… 4-8 Conclusion…………………………………………… 4 Glossary…………………………………………………………….page 6-7

Introduction Have you ever heard of ancient Egyptian pyramids? What were pyramids used for? How were pyramids built? Do you know about the types of pyramids? All of those answers are in this article. Have you heard that the pharaoh’s slaves built his pyramids? That’s not true. Ancient Egyptian farmers built them, because they would be paid. Pharaohs made the people build the pyramid next to the Nile River, so that they could get water faster. Pharaohs were the rulers of ancient Egypt. 4,000 Ancient Egyptians started building it by making a ramp so they could pull blocks to the top. They poured mud and water on the ramp, so they could make it easier to pull the blocks to the top. Two blocks equaled the weight of an adult elephant. If you were good with a chisel and hammer then you would work in the quarries. The quarries were where you would work inside the pyramids.

Pyramids were triangular buildings built as a building that had the pharaohs’ tombs inside them. The very first ancient Egyptian pyramid was the Step Pyramid built in 2,667 B.C.E. Then, King Djoser wanted a straight pyramid to be built but cracks started appearing so they had the pyramid built on an angle in 2,600 B.C.E. After that when Khufu ruled, he thought he could do what King Djoser couldn’t do. He built a pyramid with straight sides, The Great Pyramid. The Great Pyramid was also built with help from King Khufu’s relatives in 2,560 B.C.E., his son, Khafre and his grandson, Mentaure. It is the largest ancient Egyptian pyramid ever built, and it still stands today!

Ancient Egyptian architecture is very famous. The most famous are the Great Pyramids at Giza. The Great Pyramids at Giza are made of exactly 2,300,000 blocks. The Great Pyramid at Giza took about 30 years to build. When they started building The Great Pyramids at Giza, Khufu built the pyramids. We think that Khufu was crowned pharaoh in 2,800 B.C.E. The Great Pyramid is 482 feet tall. The Red Pyramid was built from 2575 – 2551 B.C.E. Why do you think pyramids were originally built? They were actually built for pharaoh’s tombs. Pharaohs were buried with lots of jewelry. That is one of the reasons why King Tut is one of the most famous pharaohs, because he was buried with the most jewelry (and his tomb just itself). Pharaohs were in the same room as their pets after when put in their tomb. They were also buried next to the room as their servants, so the servants could serve the pharaoh in the

afterlife. Coffins, weapons, jewelry, furniture, instruments, and chariots were stored in the pyramid. Hunting supplies, food, and treasure were stored in the same room the pharaoh was in for the pharaoh to use in the afterlife. Sometimes in a pyramid they made fake chamber rooms, so if a grave robber was trying to steal the jewelry put with the pharaoh they would be tricked. Pharaohs usually preferred to be buried up high in the pyramid. Those are the reasons why pyramids were so important to pharaohs, servants, animals, and mainly the whole entire ancient Egypt. I hoped you liked my article and thought it was interesting.

Glossary words Pyramid: A triangular building built as a tomb place for pharaohs. The Great The Bent Pyramid: While building this pyramid the Ancient Egyptians tried building a pyramid with straight sides but cracks started appearing so they built a pyramid with an angle.

The Great Pyramid: They have smooth strait sides and are the tallest kind of pyramids.

Pharaoh: The political leader of all of Ancient Egypt The Step Pyramid: The very first Ancient Egyptian pyramid

The Quarries: The place inside the pyramids where you would work. So you would work on the inside of the pyramid Servant: The most important person who did whatever the Pharaoh said

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