30_godini_katalog-direkcija za kultura i umetnost

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Del od idejni re{enija za plakati na Skopsko leto Some conceptual solutions for posters by the Skopje Summer Festival:





Kako rezultat na entuzijazmot i kreativnata samosvest na lu|eto koi go sakaat svojot grad i znaat deka toj zaslu`uva so svoite duhovni vrednosti da se najde na istata kulturna mapa so svetskite metropoli, vo 1980 godina me|u skopskata publika po~na da govori za Skopsko leto. I taka e ve}e so decenii. Sekoja godina, sekoga{ so po~etokot na letoto, slavej}i go Svetskiot den na muzikata, odnovo i odnovo se nurnuvame vo dlabo~inite na nepoznatoto, se vivnuvame vo visinite na duhovnoto bogatstvo i slobodata na kreacijata. Se isprepletuvaat vo edno ni{kite {to gi tkaat muzite. Se isprepletuvaat boite na Euterpa, Erato i Talija so onie na Melponena, Polimnija i Terpsihora. Od dobronamerno premostuvawe na „mrtvata sezona”, blagodarenie na sekoga{ novite sodr`ini i programi ponudeni pred se od doma{nite umetnici, avtori, ansambli, edinstvenata i prepoznatliva skopska omarnina be{e osve`ena i zameneta so novata „sezona vo sezonata”. Od prezentacija na doma{noto tvore{tvo, preku otvoraweto na „prozorecot kon svetot”, Skopsko leto prerasna vo {irum otvorena porta za kulturna komunikacija so svetot, pre~ekuvaj}i gi dobronamernite po duh od site strani i meridijani, ispra}aj}i poraka za zaedni~ko za~uvuvawe na vistinskite vrednosti i duhoven identitet. Stoticite so koi se brojat koncertite, izlo`bite, teatarskite i filmskite pretstavi, iljadnicite u~esnici i stoticite iljadi publika, ne se edinstvenite pokazateli na bogatstvoto na Skopsko leto. Mnogu pove}e od toa se dru`eweto so umetnicite, komunikacijata so publikata, inspiracijata za ra|awe na istorodni manifestacii vo drugite gradovi vo Makedonija, otkrivaweto na novite scenski prostori. Zaradi seto toa Skopsko leto }e ostane kop~a na vremiwata, spona na duhovnata razmena na Skopje i Makedonija so svetot, na~in na komunikacija na vekovnata tradicija na makedonskata kultura, so novite doma{ni i svetski vrednosti. Nikola Gligorov Direktor na Direkcijata za kultura i umetnost na Skopje


As a result of the enthusiasm and the creative self-awareness of the people who love their city, and who believe that the city, which harbours spiritual values, deserves to be on the same cultural map among world metropolises, the Skopje’s audience has started to talk about the Skopje Summer Festival since 1980. And this has been continuing for decades. Every year and always at the beginning of the summer, by celebrating the world day of music, we dive over and over again in the depth of the unknown, soar into the height of the spiritual treasure and the freedom of creation. The threads woven by the muses are interweaving into one. The colours of Euterpa, Erato and Thalia blend together with the ones of Melpomene, Polyhymnia and Terpsichore. The incomparable and recognisable sultriness of the Skopje city is replaced and invigorated by a new season within the season through a well intentioned process of crossing over the dead season, and due to a continuous introduction of new programmes and subjects, above all, offered by the national artists, authors and ensembles. By presenting native creative work and by ‘opening a window to the world’, the Skopje Summer Festival has become a gate wide opened for establishing cultural communication with the world. The Festival welcomes the wellwishers worldwide, and what is more, it sends a message of a mutual preservation of the true values and spiritual identity. The hundreds of concerts, exhibitions, theatre performances and films, the thousands of participants and the hundreds of thousands of people are not the only indicators of the Skopje Summer Festival’s richness. What is also of great significance is the pleasure of being accompanied by artists, of communicating with the audience, of being encouraged to organise similar festivals in other cities in Macedonia and thus, to discover new venues. This is the reason why the Skopje Summer Festival will remain as a pillar of all times, a crossroad of spiritual exchange between Skopje and Macedonia on one hand, and the world on the other, a way of spreading the centuries-old tradition of the Macedonian culture together with the new national and world values. Nikola Gligorov Manager of the Directorate of Culture and Arts in Skopje




ТОМИСЛАВ ОСМАНЛИ, urednik vo Telma televizija Ve}e trieset godini Skopsko leto e istorija na kulturnoto `iveewe na ovoj grad, na koe so zadovolstvo sakam da se potsetam vra}aj}i se na vremeto na negovite po~etoci,ednostavno, zo{to Skopsko leto be{e rodeno od eden zanes i eden koncept na demokrati~na kultura koja toga{ be{e mnogu aktuelen. Skopsko leto koj go otvori skopskiot mikro prostor, pritoa baraj}i novi mesta na kulturni slu~uvawa i novi dimenzii na kulturni aktiviteti , prerasna vo moderna manifestacija koja se doka`a vo tekot na vremeto i koja opstojuva do den denes.

„Svetulki vo no}ta” – Produkcija Skopsko leto - 1997 Fireflies in the Night–Skopje Summer Production–1997

Tomislav Osmanli, Editor at Telma Television Station For 30 years the Skopje Summer Festival has been writing the history of the cultural life of this city that I constantly wish to be reminded of. I enjoy looking back to its beginnings for a simple reason that the Skopje Summer Festival was born out of an enthusiasm and out of an idea of a democratic culture that was extremely relevant at the time. The Skopje Summer Festival, having revealed a new microcosm, and new venues for cultural events, as well as having given new perspectives for the cultural antiquities, has grown into a modern cultural event that is well-established and continues to function.

„Vojaxer” samostoen proekt na „Dnevnik” – 2006 Voyager - an independent project by “Dnevnik” – 2006

„Bure barut” – MNT – 2003 Powder Keg–the Macedonian National Theatre–2003

„ Antigona” – Albanski teatar - 1998 Antigone–the Albanian Theatre–1998

„Garderober” – Jugoslovensko dramsko pozori{te – Belgrad - 1998 Cloakroom Attendant–the Yugoslavian Drama Theatre–Belgrade

„Taen brak” – Makedonska Opera i Balet – 2004 Secret Marriage – the Macedonian Opera and Ballet – 2004

ЛАБИНА МИТЕВСКА, akterka Skopsko leto pretstavuva navistina kulturen fenomen. Jas izrasnav so Skopsko leto, od sredno u~ili{te pa se do denes. Skopsko leto gi donese i gi vospostavi onie vistinski vrednosti koi nie kako tinejxeri gi baravme i den denes se trudi da go napravi toa.Deneska koga vistinskite vrednosti se gubat, koga preovladuva ki~ot, ovoj fenomen i site lu|e koi se vo nego, sekojdnevno se borat za da tie vrednosti seu{te opstojuvaat vo Makedonija. Poradi toa koga navistina sakam da vidam ne{to dobro, ne{to {to znam deka }e se sovpadne so moite vrednosti, so moite pogledi kon svetot odam i gi sledam nastanite na Skopsko leto.

Labina Mitevska, Actress The Skopje Summer Festival is a real cultural phenomenon. I have been growing up with the Skopje Summer Festival ever since I was in the secondary school. The Skopje Summer Festival brings and establishes real values that we were looking for as teenagers, and it still tries to do so even today. Nowadays, when the real values are gradually disappearing, and when the kitsch dominates, this phenomenon and the people who take part in it try to preserve the values which still exist in Macedonia. As a result of this, when I really wish to see something good, something which will coincide with my values and my views of the world, I attend the events of the Skopje Summer Festival.

„Drakula” – Drama SNG – Maribor, Slovenija - 2002 Dracula–Drama SNG– Maribor, Slovenia–2002

Vesna Ginovska - Ilkova – sopran, Liljana Ivanova – pijano - 2004 Vesna Ginovska-Ilkova–soprano, Liljana Ivanova–piano–2004

Vlado Cvetanovski Director and Professor at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts

Ruski akademski kameren orkestar - 2001 The Russian Academic Chamber Orchestra–2001

ВЛАДО ЦВЕТАНОВСКИ, re`iser i profesor na FDU Da se osvoi nov scenski prostor sekoga{ bilo predizvik za site teatarski rabotnici, dejci. Direkcijata za kultura i umetnost na Skopje, so Skopsko leto, sekoga{ e stavena pred toj predizvik i mislam deka vo toj domen nema so kogo da se natprevaruva vo Skopje. Mi se ~ini deka vo Skopje ima tolku mnogu teatarski prostori, blagodarej}i na nivnata kreativnost, na nivniot entuzijazam i na nivnata posvetenost na ovoj mnogu zna~aen za Skopje festival.Moite sorabotki so Skopsko leto sekoga{ bile te{ki, so mnogu problemi, no sekoga{ sme nao|ale na~in, najdobro re{enie, i zaradi toa sum mnogu sre}en i bi sakal da sorabotuvam i da bidam del od toj mnogu zna~aen festival.

To conquer a new stage has always been a challenge for all the theatre staff, for all the public figures. The Directorate of Culture and Arts in Skopje with the Skopje Summer Festival always has that challenge ahead, and I believe it is without competition the best cultural event in Skopje. It seems to me that there are so many stages in Skopje thanks to the Directorate’s creativity, enthusiasm and dedication to the festival which is of great importance for the city of Skopje. My cooperation with the Skopje Summer Festival has not always been very easy, with lots of problems. However, we have always managed to find the best solution and this is the reason why I am so pleased and willing to continue my cooperation and take part of this very significant festival.


Milka Eftimova – alt, Jasminka ^akar – pijano – 1992

Skopsko leto e eden od klu~nite faktori za muzi~kiot `ivot vo gradot i Republika Makedonija.Toa donese mnogu novosti. Otkri novi prostori za instituciite od nacionalen interes. Uspea Operata da ja izvadi na ulica, Baletot na Plo{tadot, a pak ansamblite na MBUC i FMU na gradskite platoa i so toa im dade nova dimenzija, privlekuvaj}i {irok krug na publika. Skopsko leto e festival so zna~ajna referenca, profesionalna, pred se i zaradi svoite me|unarodni komunikacii i kako takvo toa odigra golema uloga za edna generacija pomladi umetnici , za nivnite prvi navistina sjajni dostignuvawa, sekoga{ selekcijata profesionalno izdr`ana, a so samoto toa osobeno programata mnogu atraktivna za publikata.

Milka Eftimova–alt, Jasmina Chakar–piano-1992

Snezana Anastasova Chadikovska, Professor The Skopje Summer Festival is one of the key factors for the musical life in the city of Skopje and in the Republic of Macedonia. It brings lots of new things. New locations of national interest have been discovered. The Festival manages to bring the Opera at the street, the Ballet at the square, the ensembles of the Music and Ballet Centre, and the Faculty of Music at the city plateaus by offering a new perspective, at the same time attracting a wide range of audiences. The Skopje Summer Festival is a festival with a significant professional reference due to its international contacts. It also plays a significant role for a whole generation of young artists and their first magnificent accomplishments. The selection is always outstanding, and thus, the program is attractive to the audience. Gala operski koncert so solistite i orkestarot na Makedonskata opera - 2000 Gala opera concert by the soloists and orchestra of the Macedonian Opera–2000

Balkanska filharmonija - 2000 The Balkan Philharmonic Orchestra-2000

Simon Trp~evski – pijano – 2002 Simon Trpcheski-piano–1999

Aleksandar Gerasimovski

Secretary General of the Macedonian Musical Youth


Pove}e od dvaesetina godini i kako ~ovek i kako generalen sekretar na Muzi~ka mladina na Makedonija sorabotuvam so Direkcijata za kultura i umetnost na Skopje, osobeno vo edna od najzna~ajnite manifestacii na ovaa organizacija , a toa e Skopskoto leto.Sorabotkata e osobeno zna~ajna vo delot na prezentacijata i promocijata na mladite muzi~ki talenti ne samo od na{ava zemja ,tuku i od stranstvo.Se se}avam deka golem del od na{ite mladi muzi~ari {to sega se vrvni muzi~ki ispolniteli, osobeno onie {to sega `iveat i rabotat vo stranstvo, prvite ~ekori gi imaat tokmu na Skopsko leto.

I have co-operated with the Directorate of Culture and Arts in Skopje for over twenty years, both as an ordinary man and as a Secretary General of the Macedonian Musical Youth, especially on one of the most significant projects delivered by this organization, most commonly known as the Skopje Summer Festival. The cooperation is particularly important for presenting and promoting young musical talents, not just from this country, but also from abroad. I remember that a great number of our young musicians, who are now renowned musical performers living and working abroad, have made their first steps at the Skopje Summer Festival.

„Begalka” – Naroden teatar Bitola – 1995

„Tri sestri” – Produkcija Skopsko leto – 1996 Three Sisters–Skopje Summer production–1996

The Runaway – Bitola National Theatre - 1995

„Planetarium” – Produkcija Idea plus internacional, Omo dens Ko – Kanada, Makedonska Opera i Balet - 2003 Planetarium–Idea Plus International production, Omo dens Ko–Canada, the Macedonian Opera and Ballet–2003

Johann Urhes, direktor na Francuskiot kulturen centar Francuskiot kulturen centar u{te od samiot po~etok e eden od partnerite na Skopsko leto.Ovaa me|unarodna institucija ovozmo`i skopskata publika da vidi brojni francuski grupi , kako {to be{e kompanijata “Preqoka`” vo 1994 godina, ili pak minatata godina francusko – romanskiot “Duel”. Ovaa sorabotka e dotolku pove}e interesna {to datata na po~etokot na Skopsko leto 21 juni ne go odbele`uva samo po~etokot na letoto , tuku i me|unarodniot den na muzikata koj za prv pat be{e odbele`an vo Francija i toa tokmu spored duhot na francuskiot po~etok so konceptot na 80-tite godini, odnosno slobodna muzika otvorena kon publikata i kon svetot. Johann Urhes, the Manager of the French Cultural Centre The French Cultural Centre from the beginning is one of the partners of the Skopje Summer Festival. This international institution has enabled the Macedonian audience to see many French groups, such as Preljokaj Company in 1994 and the French – Romanian Duel which we saw last year. This co-operation is even of greater interest due to the opening date of the Skopje Summer Festival, which is June 21st and which does not only mark the beginning of the summer period, but it also signifies the international day of music, which was celebrated for the first time in France in the spirit of the French beginning with the concept of the 80’s. In other words, this celebration meant unlimited music for the audience and the world.

„Skulptura hram” – od @arko Ba{evski - 1998 Temple Sculpture by Zarko Bashevski–1998

Instalacija „Sveta {uma” od Simon [emov – 2003 The Holy Forest-installation by Simon Shemov–2003 Skin Sensuality Sex – Olgica Dimitrovska – 2007 Skin Sensuality Sex – Olgica Dimitrovska–2007

СИМОН ШЕМОВ, likoven umetnik Pred desetina godini koga pretstojuvav vo Japonija i koga razbraa deka sum od Skopje mi prijde edna poznata japonska pijanistka i so voshit i odu{evuvawe mi zboruva{e za Skopje i Makedonija i za nejziniot nastap na Skopsko i Ohridsko leto.Zna~i Skopsko i Ohridsko leto vzaemno si gi razmenuvaat programite, a so toa dobivaat vo kvalitet {to e mnogu zna~ajno.Vo posledno vreme Skopsko leto se {iri i von terminite na letoto {to e pozitivno zatoa {to gradot ima potreba od vakvo posredstvo i vo drugite sezoni.

Simon Shemov, an artist Ten years ago, while I was staying in Japan, a famous pianist approached me when she realised that I was from Macedonia and started enthusiastically and with a great amazement to describe her performance at the Skopje Summer Festival and at the Ohrid Summer Festival. Both the Ohrid Summer Festival and the Skopje Summer Festival exchange their programmes, and thus, they improve their quality, which is quite important. For the past few years, the Skopje Summer Festival spreads over even in the period after the summer is finished, which is a great benefit because there is a need of such events in the off-season too.

ВАНГЕЛ БОЖИНОВСКИ, arhitekt Ako nema {to da se slavi, nema {to da se gradi e re~enica koja se nao|a tokmu ovde, bidej}i Skopje e prapo~etok na evropskata arhitektura. Skopsko leto e naslednik na taa re~enica i ja prifa}a taa odgovorna zada~a dadena kako poraka od Golemata majka, simbolot na Skopje i simbolot na Skopsko leto da go ukrasi gradot i postojano da go ukrasuva so manifestacii. Sorabotkata pome|u Skopsko leto i arhitektite poteknuva u{te od po~etokot na Skopsko leto, odnosno odbele`uvaj}i ja proslavata na arhitektite kako vrvna umetnost, a so toa postavuvaj}i go Skopje kako grad na kulturata.Prv pat vo svetot me|unarodniot den na arhitekturata se proslavi na dostoinstveno nivo samo vo Skopje. Sojuzot na arhitektite i Skopsko leto go napravija toa. Programite izvedeni na ~unot izgraden vo rekata Vardar skopjani nikoga{ nema da gi zaboravat. Koncert na Ansamblot „Orce Nikolov” – 1998

Vangel Bozinovski, an architect If there is nothing to be celebrated, then there is nothing to be built. This assertion refers to the city of Skopje for it is here that the European architecture originates. The Skopje Summer Festival is the successor of this assertion and accepts this task delivered as a message from the Great Mother, who is both the symbol of Skopje and the symbol of the Skopje Summer Festival, and thus, embellishes the city life with cultural events. The cooperation between the Skopje Summer Festival and the architects is from the very beginning of this festival. Since the first time the festival was held, the architecture has been celebrated as an art form that displays Skopje as the city of culture. It was for the first time that the international day of architecture was celebrated on a dignifying level in Skopje. The Association of Architects and the Skopje Summer Festival enabled the occasion. The citizens of Skopje will always have fond memories of the events performed on the vessel constructed in the Vardar River.

Concert by ANIP Orce Nikolov – 1998

Koncert na Ansamblot „Tanec” Concert by ANIP “Tanec”

Koncert na Ansamblot „Ko~o Racin” Concert by ANIP “Koco Racin”

ЕМИЛИЈА ЏИПУНОВА baletski kriti~ar Osobeno {to me impresionira kaj lu|eto {to go organiziraat Skopsko leto e nivniot sens za reaktivirawe na prostori ve}e zaboraveni, no koi so kulturnite nastani {to tie gi realiziraat tokmu tamu dobivaat poinakva dimenzija, stanuvaat mnogu poubavi, potopli, po `ivi. Seu{te ja do`ivuvam i ja gledam pred sebe baletskata pretstava ”Tri sestri” bidej}i be{e igrana vo sosema zaboraven prostor,a toa e dvorot na starata ”U~itelska {kola” koja so svojata prirodna scenografija, so svojata `elezna porta navistina ostavi nezaboravno do`ivuvawe.

Vertigo and the diamonds power of human love - Izrael - 2006 Vertigo and the diamonds power of human love – Israel – 2006

Emilija DzIpUnova, a ballet critic What really makes a great impression on me is the fact that the people who organise the Skopje Summer Festival have a great sense of reviving forgotten places; parts of the city that obtain a different perspective, and become more beautiful, cosier and livelier due to the cultural events that take place. I can still have a clear vision of the Three Sisters ballet performance for it was performed in a completely deserted place: a yard of an old school, which with its natural set and iron gate had made a really unforgettable impression on me.

„Karmina Burana” – Makedonska Opera i Balet - 2006 Karmina Burana – the Macedonian Opera and Ballet – 2006

ВАСЈА ИВАНОВСКИ muzi~ki novinar Bluz i Soul festivalot pretstavuva vrven dostrel vo ramkite na tradicionalnoto Skopsko leto, nastan koj privlekuva golemo vnimanie na site qubiteli na dobrata muzika vo dr`avata. So isklu~itelen kvalitet na u~esnicite od site kontinenti, festivalot se zdobi so reputacija koja odamna gi nadmina granicite na Makedonija i se vklopi vo me|unarodnata asocijacija na festivali od najvisok rang. Muzi~ari i sostavi so razli~ni stilski opredelbi vo bluzot i soulot na doma{nata publika ponudija i pretstavija bogatoto bluz nasledstvo koe datira od po~etocite na bluzot (Dejvid Haniboj Edvards, sovremenik prijatel na bluz legendata Robert Xonson!) pa se do dene{nite vrvni imiwa koi se pojavija na skopskata scena. Se razbira, seto toa ne }e be{e vozmo`no bez golema `elba i entuzijazmot na Direkcijata za kultura i umetnost na Skopje koja ima{e prefineto ~uvstvo i senzibilitet da se vpu{ti vo bluz avanturata koja trae. Tokmu zatoa skopskiot festival so svojot kvalitet zaslu`uva golem respekt, ne{to {to definitivno se potvrdi spored odglasot na muzi~arite, nivnite agenti, muzi~ki kriti~ari i kone~no, {to mo`ebi e i najbitno, publikata.

Blues and Soul Festival – Candy Dulfer & Fanky Stuff – Holandija - 1996 Blues and Soul Festival - Candy Dulfer & Fanky Stuff – Netherlands - 1996

Vasja Ivanovski , music journalist Blues and Soul Festival is a huge accomplishment within the traditional Skopje Summer Festival. It is an event that attracts huge attention from all the devotees of good music in this country. The festival has gained reputation which has become well-known beyond the borders of Macedonia as a result of the remarkable quality of the participants of this festival, who come from all the continents in the world. What is more, it has taken its place in the international association of festivals of the highest rank. Musicians and bands with various stylistic choices in the blues and soul have offered and presented to the Macedonian audience the enormous blues heritage, which dates back to the beginnings of the blues (David ‘Honeyboy’ Edwards, a contemporary blues musician and a friend to the blues legend Robert Johnson). Also, there are contemporary established musicians who have performed on the Macedonian stage. Ana Popovic, who is undoubtedly a world blues star, has had one of her first performances at the Skopje Summer Festival. The list of the performers who have gained world glory after having performed at the Skopje Summer Festival is very long. And this is partly due to the efforts of the organizers of the Festival. However, this would not have been possible without the great will and enthusiasm of the Directorate of Culture and Arts in Skopje, who had a sophisticated feeling for beginning a blues adventure. The blues is music whose roots are the foundation of the whole contemporary world music scene. Thus, the Skopje Summer Festival deserves all the respect, and this has been confirmed by the great interest shown by musicians, their agents, critics and of course, by the audience.

Blues and Soul Festival – Ana Popovic band Holandija - 2001 Blues and Soul Festival – Ana Popovic Band Netherlands –2001

Blues and Soul Festival – Eric Sardinas – 2002 - SAD Blues and Soul Festival – Eric Sanders – 2002 – the USA

Simfoniski koncert na Makedonskata filharmonija - 2007

Robert Cekov – violina, Mark Van Der Feen – pijano – Holandija - 1997

The Symphonic concert of the Macedonian Philharmonic Orchestra – 2007

Robert Cekov–violin, Mark Van Der Feen–piano–Netherlands –1997

@enski mladinski hor „Rustiko” - 2006 Rustico Female Youth Choir – 2006

ЃОРЃЕ МАРЈАНОВИЌ, univerzitetski profesor Osobeno mi e drago da progovoram za manifestaciite vo Skopje zo{to toa ima ubava tradicija da sekoe godi{no vreme ima svoja manifestacija.Skopsko leto e lete, Esenskite muzi~ki sve~enosti se vo esen, podocna Denovite na makedonskata muzika i t.n. Site ovie manifestacii se za naj{irok krug na lu|e i kako toa lu|eto od ovaa organizacija go pravat navistina nikade go nema. Na ovie programi se sre}ava ubava publika, koja me|usebno se poznavaat i kade site se izbrani.Programite se otvoreni , a osobeno {to me raduva e toa da nie so vreme se pove}e i pove}e imame mladi ispolniteli koi na nivo mo`at da nosat edna manifestacija.

GJORGJE MARJANOVIK, Professor at University It gives me great pleasure to talk about the cultural events that take place in Skopje because each season has its own event. The Skopje Summer Festival is in summer, the Autumnal Musical Festivities are in autumn, and then follows the Days of the Macedonian Music and so on and so forth. All these events are for a wide range of people and the way that they are organised is simply amazing. At these events you can find beautiful audience, people that know each other and that belong to a selected group. The programmes vary, and what brings me great pleasure is that there are more and more younger performers who honourably take part in this festival.

„Mir” – Gradski teatar – Istanbul – Turcija - 1999 Peace–City Theatre–Istanbul–Republic of Turkey-1999

Me|unaroden seminar za fotografija – 1993 International seminar of photography – 1993

АЛЕКСАНДАР КОНДЕВ fotograf Manifestacijata Skopsko leto od ideja da go potpolni prazniot leten prostor izrasna vo centralna kulturna manifestacija na gradot.Za mene vo osnova Skopsko leto e mo`nost da realizirame eden golem proekt, a toa e da napravime dokumentacija za umetnicite vo Makedonija i vo stranstvo koi pominuvaat niz gradot i gi ostavaat svoite dela.So ovaa dokumentacija sakame da poka`eme deka Skopje ima nastani i umetnici so koi mo`e da se gordee.Mnogumina se trudat konceptot na Skopsko leto da go kopiraat, no site tie kopii zavr{uvaat so ednodnevni kulturni nastani koi vedna{ se zaboravaat. Skopsko leto ne se zaborava.

„Jonadab” – Dramski teatar Skopje - 2007 Jonadab - Dramski Theatre Skopje-2007

Aleksandar Kondev, a photographer The Skopje Summer Festival, from the simple idea of filling up the dull summer period, has grown into a crucial cultural event in our city. In my opinion, the Skopje Summer Festival is basically an opportunity to implement a huge project for gathering documentation of Macedonian and foreign artists who spend certain amount of time in this city and leave the traces of their work. This documentation proves that the city of Skopje can be proud of itself. Many have tried to copy the concept of the Skopje Summer Festival, but all turns into oneday event that eventually becomes forgotten. And the Skopje Summer Festival is never forgotten.

„Junakot i sudbinata” – Produkcija Skopsko leto - 1998 The Hero and the Destiny–Skopje Summer production-1998 „Kralot Hamlet” – Turski teatar – 1995 Prince HamletTurkish Theatre-1995

Petre Bakevski Writer

„ Dundo Maroe” – Dramsko kazali{te „Gavela” – Hrvatska 1996 Dundo Maroe-Gavela Dramski Theatre – Croatia-1996

ПЕТРЕ БАКЕВСКИ, pisatel Nad tri decenii Skopsko leto so letata skopski?! Ne{to neverojatno vo nesopirlivot odmin na vremeto. Zar tolku odmina, zar tolku ostarevme?! I zar tolku dolgotrajna duhovna energija nasobravme vo kolepkata na na{ata `ilava izdr`livost? Pa da, ete, tolku se storile tie na{i Skopski leta bez koi dolgite leta bi ni bile posni i su{ni, pekolni i neizdr`livi, prazni i obezli~eni, vo burjanite na siroma{tijata na duhot zolesteni, vo sparninata na palankata dogoreni! Skopsko leto e golemata makedonska kulturna prikazna za uporitosta da se izleze od provincijalizmot, od zatvorenata destinacija na samobendisanosta, od sitnite kompleksi za~ineti so }epbap~iwata na “balkanskata kr~ma” na samonegacijata i za (ne)izgubenata samodoverba. Skopsko leto e odbrana na na{ite vistinski, avtenti~ni i originalni tvore~ki identiteti na dolgite i raspojasani leta kraj vardarskiot namalen leten dotek.

The Skopje Summer Festival has been a part of the summers in Skopje for over three decades, hasn’t it? This is something unbelievable in the unstoppable passing of time. Has it so much passed by? Have we grown so old? What is more, have we gathered so much spiritual energy in the cradle of our sturdy endurance? As a matter of fact, there really had been so many Skopje Summer Festivals without which the summers would have been dry and uneventful, hellish and unbearable, empty and impersonal in the darnel of the poverty of the soul and burnt down in the sultriness of the small town. The Skopje Summer Festival is a long Macedonian cultural story about the persistence of stepping out of provincialism, of the limited range of narcissism, of the small complexes spiced with barbecued minced meat, known as kebab, from the grocer’s tavern of self-negation, and about the lost and preserved self-confidence. The Skopje Summer Festival is a defence of our real authentic and genuine creative identities of the long and uncontrolled summers by the Vardar River with its reduced flow of water in the summer.

ЛОКАЛИТЕТИ Sve`inata, provokativnosta i atraktivnosta na programata na Skopsko leto, doa|a i od prostorite vo koi taa se odviva.Pred se toa se otvorenite prostori vo gradot koi se animirani za kulturni zbidnuvawa kako {to se: Starata ~ar{ija, Gradski park, Skopska tvrdinata Kale, Kejot na Vardar, Objektite: Kur{umli an, Suli an, Kapan an, Zabaven park ‘Luna”, Platoto pred Domot na ARM, Plato pred Muzej na Makedonija, Makedonska opera i balet i plato pred MOB, Makedonski naroden teatar, letna scena “Midsummer night theatre”, Mladinskiot kulturen centar, Markov manastir, Soborniot hram “Sv.Kliment Ohridski”, Muzej na grad Skopje, Muzej na sovremena umetnost, Nacionalna galerija na Makedonija, /Objektite: Multimedijalen centar Mala stanica, Daut pa{in amam i ^ifte amam/, Dramski teatar, Turski teatar, Albanski teatar, Kulturno informativen centar, Stara u~itelska {kola “Idadija”, Ezero “Matka”,

Localities The fresh, provocative, and attractive programs of the Skopje Summer Festival are partly inspired by the places and venues where these events take place. First and foremost, there are open spaces in the city which have been adapted for cultural events, such as: The Old Market Place, the City Park, Skopje Fortress Kale, Vardar River Quay; then buildings such as: Kurshumli An, Kapan An, the Amusement Park Luna, the Plateau in front of the ARM, the Plateau in front of the Museum of Macedonia, the Macedonian Opera and Ballet, the Macedonian National Theatre, the Youth Cultural Center, the Monastery of Marco, St. Clement of Ohrid Cathedral, The Museum of Skopje, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the National Gallery of Macedonia/ Daut Pašin Amam, Čifte Amam, Multimedia Centre Mala Stanica/, Dramski Theatre-Skopje, the Turkish Theatre-Skopje, the Albanian Theatre-Skopje. The old school of Idadija, the Cultural Information Centre, The Lake of Matka.


Participant countries

Vo izminatite godini u~esnici na Skopsko leto bile umetnici od

In the course of the past years the participants of the Skopje summer festival were artist coming from:

Avstralija, Avstrija, Albanija, Argentina, Bosna i Hercegovina Brazil, Bugarija, Velika Britanija, Venecuela, Germanija, Grcija, Danska, Izrael, Indija, Iran, Italija, Japonija, Kanada, Kuba, Latvija, Malezija, Moldavija, Narodna Republika Kina, Polska, Romanija, Rusija, SAD, Severen Kipar, Slovenija, Srbija, Turcija, Crna Gora, Ungarija, Ukraina, Finska, Francija, Holandija, Hrvatska, ^e{ka, [panija [ri Lanka

Australia, Austria, Albania, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Venezuela, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Izrael, India, Iran Italy Japan, Canada, Cuba, Latvia Malaysia, Moldova, People’s Republic of China, Poland, Romania, Rusia, USA, Northern Cyprus, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey Monte Negro, Hungary, Ukraine, Finland, France, Netherlands, Croatia, Czeh Republic, Spain, Sri lanka

I taka. Sigurno deka tuka ne zavr{uva avanturata i vozbudata nare~ena „Skopsko leto”. Taa prodol`uva i }e trae u{te dolgo, blagodarenie na onie koi ne vodat niz taa vozbuda. Blagodarenie na brojnite umetnici, avtori, poedinci, ansambli i institucii koi vo izminatite decenii nesebi~no vgradija del od sebe vo ona {to e denes Skopsko leto. Ne postoi taa „kniga” nitu mastilo {to }e mo`at da gi ispi{at site nivni imiwa. Zatoa za site niv ogromna blagodarnost za izminatite godini zaedni~ka sorabotka i poraka deka od sekoga{ i za sekoga{ Skopsko leto im pripa|a nim. Nim i na prekrasnata publika koja sekoga{ e najdragata inspiracija, potkrepa i poddr{ka vo samosoznavaweto i sozdavaweto novi vrednosti. Golema blagodarnost kon pokrovitelite na manifestacijata: Gradot Skopje i Ministerstvoto za kultura na Republika Makedonija, kako i kon sponzorite, donatorite i poddr`uva~ite koi so svoeto partnerstvo vo izminatite decenii go ovozmo`ija postoeweto i rastot na Skopsko leto na zadovolstvo na umetnicite i publikata. Tie stanaa negov nezaobikoliv del potvrduvaj}i ja svojata op{testvena svest, qubov i odgovornost kon svojot grad i dr`ava.

It is certain that this is not the end of the adventure and venture known as the Skopje Summer Festival. It will continue for a long time thanks to those who lead us through this adventure, i.e. the numerous artists, authors, individuals, ensembles and institutions that for the past decades have unselfishly given part of themselves in the manifestation known as the Skopje Summer Festival. There is neither a book nor a pen which can hold all these names inscribed. Thus, we offer our deepest gratitude to them all for their longstanding cooperation. Also, there is a message sent that the Skopje Summer Festival has always belonged and always will belong to them. It belongs to them and to the wonderful audience that is always the dearest inspiration, a truthful support in the self-awareness and creation of new values.

We would like to express our gratitude towards the patrons of the Festival: the City of Skopje and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia. And also to our sponsors, donators and benefactors who, much to the delight of the audiences and the artists, have greatly contributed to the development of the Skopje Summer Festival with their outstanding support shown over the past decades. They have become an inseparable part of the Festival, and thus, confirming their social awareness, affection and responsibility towards their own city and country.

Оваа публикација е реализирана со поддршка од Македонскиот институт за медиуми (МIM) преку Грантовите за промовирање на резултати, кои се дел Проектот за зајакнување на граѓанското општество, финансиран од страна на Агенцијата на Соединетите Американски Држави за меѓународен развој (УСАИД), а имплементиран од партнерски конзорциум предводен од Институтот за трајни заедници (ИТЗ). Мислењата што се изразени во оваа публикација му/им припаѓаат на авторот/авторите и не ги одразуваат ставовите на Институт за трајни заедници (ИТЗ) или на Агенцијата на Соединетите Американски Држави за меѓународен развој (УСАИД). Исто така, спомнувањето трговски марки или комерцијални производи не претставува поддршка или препорака за користење.

CIVIL SOCIETY STRENGTHENING PROJECT In partnership with the Macedonian Institute for Media (CIRa); European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL); and Macedonian Institute for Media (MIM) Izdava~:NVO Direkcija za kultura i umetnost na Skopje Za izdava~ot: Nikola Gligorov Prevod: Marija Vasilevska Lektura na angliski: Marija Girevska Foto Aleksandar Kondev Dizajn: Ladislav Cvetkovski pe~at: Skenpoint

Publisher: NGO Directorate of Culture and Arts of Skopje For the publisher: Nikola Gligorov Translation: Marija Vasilevska Translation editor: Marija Girevska Photo: Aleksandar Kondev Design: Ladislav Cvetkovski Print: Skenpoint

Organizator: DIREKCIJA ZA KULTURA I UMETNOST NA SKOPJE Nikola Gligorov, Mirko Stefanoski, Nata Keckarovska, An~e Kuzmanovska, Zdravko Ko~i{ki, Stamat Naumovski, Petranka Georgievska Bo`ica, Filip Fidanovski, keramika

DIREKCIJA ZA KULTURA I UMETNOST - SKOPJE Bul.”Sv.Kliment Ohridski” 58 b po{t. fah 519 tel/faks +389 (0)2 31 65 064, 32 22 341, 32 38 372, E-mail:skleto@unet.com.mk www. dku.org.mk

DIRECTORATE OF CULTURE AND ARTS – SKOPJE Bul.”Sv.Kliment Ohridski” 58 b. p.o. box 519 Telephone/fax: +389 (0)2 31 65 064, 32 22 341, 32 38 372 E-mail:skleto@unet.com.mk www.dku.org.mk

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