Sunday Worship 9 a.m. Kids Worship 9:20 Christmas Eve Worship 7 p.m. New Year’s Eve Service 6:30 p.m. Our Mission Statement: “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”
December 2012 Vol..98
St. John United Church of Christ is an open and affirming congregation who is welcoming and embracing of every person, of every race, age, nationality, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, as a child of God. We invite all to join and fully participate in the life and ministry of this church. STAFF MINISTERS………………….…THE MEMBERS OF THE CHURCH SENIOR PASTOR……………………...……DONNLEY DUTCHER DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN & YOUTH MINISTRY / DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGIES………………………………..…KEVIN ECKERT MINISTRY OF CHURCH LIFE & MEMBERSHIP…....PAM W ESSEL STAFF SECRETARY…………………………..KIRSTEN ECKERT CHOIR DIRECTOR…………………...……….....GINA BERTRAM ORGANISTS………….CAROLE BERTRAM & MARSHA ROBERTS CUSTODIAN ………………………………….ANGELA NEWKIRK
OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.
Church (815) 235-2824
E-Mail: The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is December 18th by noon. 2
AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. The staff of St. John Church brings you prayers and wishes for a joyous and meaningful Advent-Christmas season. May God’s love for you in Jesus Christ, and Christ Himself, be born anew in you in this season. May the hope that is ours in Jesus Christ give you confidence and promise in whatever trials and difficulties you face. May gladness and joy fill your spirit for God coming to you, and our world, in Jesus Christ and for His presence in your life. MERRY CHRISTMAS! †
As the thoughts of Christmas day and our celebration of God’s birth in our world in Jesus Christ begin to occupy my mind and fill my planning for the next few weeks, I am drawn to all the demands this season places on each of us. One of those demands I find more and more challenging, every year, is the tradition of gift-giving and receiving. We want to give expression to the depth of our love and bring joy to others, and gifts can do that; but, remember, they are not a substitute for the love, itself. I remember my children, and myself in much earlier years, laying on the living room floor in front of the fireplace going through the J C Penney and Sears Christmas catalogs, as we turned the pages of those “Wish Books.” Doing the same with a laptop computer just doesn’t bring me as much meaning and joy. It’s also much more difficult for me to create a list of gifts for family to buy me, now. My needs and wants are much fewer in life, now. 3
Some of that is because I am blessed with so much in life. I’ve accumulated much in my life. In many ways, too much. Some of which just clutters the closets and basement. I’m also at a stage in my life when I can afford to buy what I need. So making a list for others is difficult. Yet, as I pause to think of it, I do know, deep in my heart and soul, what I truly need for Christmas. I need the gift of Christ’s forgiveness for my sins, past and present. Living with the guilt and anger that builds within my heart and spirit - and alienates and separates me from God and others - is always too much to bear. I need the love of God, others and self, without which I have no self-esteem, no compassion for others, no generosity of spirit, and no connection with others. I need the gift of humility to insure against arrogance, selfglorification, too much self-satisfaction, and falling into the trap of believing my way is always right and best. I need the gift of Christ’s peace and joy, reconciliation with God and others, the inspiration and energy to love and serve others as Christ loves and serves me, and the gift of knowing and living my salvation and life in Jesus Christ. These, and the other gifts from God and my faith in God that I have not named here, are what I truly need this Christmas. In this season, I need and want to remember that they are the most important gifts of this season, and will come only from God in Jesus Christ and those who carry His love and spirit in their hearts and lives. May you know and receive the same.
An Introduction to our New Members Jim Burcham is father to one son and grandfather to four grandchildren. He was a CNA that worked with HIV/AIDS patients. He loves the arts. He hopes to be a part of serving St. John through service to others and help out in the kitchen, once and a while. Amy Doll is wife to Mark Swanson and mother to Caleb and Foster. She and Mark moved here from Champaign, and she works as the Aquatics Director at the YMCA. She enjoys running, swimming, cooking and baking. She is looking forward to being a part of a group that works toward serving others in our community and improving our community. She wants St. John to be a place and opportunity to meet people and form relationships, and a place for asking and exploring the hard questions of faith and religion Kya Eckert is the daughter of Kirsten and Kevin Eckert. She is the oldest of three children and enjoys reading, baking, and traveling. She enjoys helping with Children’s worship, VBS, and CROP Walk. She wants St. John to continue trying new things and helping others. Jean Mahon is the daughter of a UCC minister and has always been active in the church especially the music department. She has 5 children and 9 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild. She worked mostly in retail, part time, and in 2004 was diagnosed with breast cancer - a life changing experience. She loves attending worship here at St. John and participates in Bell Choir. She would like St. John to continue to be a friendly and caring place. Brian Peterson was raised in Sterling, was a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and went to school at U of I. He has two grown daughters and is a White Sox fan. He likes to read history books, enjoys movies from the 30’s and 40’s, and loves music. He is a member of our Chancel Choir and enjoys bible study and sharing in fellowship and the work of the church.
David Crowell is a lifelong resident of Freeport. He and Shawn Killingbeck have been together since August of 1999 and had a Civil Union in Iowa in May of 2003. He has two grown sons and four grandchildren. His parents and one sister still live in Freeport and another sister in Forreston. He is a licensed massage therapist for the past 3 years and works from home. He hopes to invite friends and family to St. John and hopes that they, too, will see the closeness and friendliness of St. John. Shawn Killingbeck is returning to the church after 20 years of not being part of a congregation. Both of his parents were ministers. He enjoys music, singing and theater. His partner of 13 years is David. He has one son, two step sons and 4 grandchildren. He wants to be part of St. John and show others that everyone's faith is important, as he re-establishes his faith in God. Jason Carson Wilson is the eldest of three raised by his greatgrandmother. He was raised in a conservative church with the hope of being a minister. He embraces writing as a way to minister to others and is a published poet. He would like to put his writing and marketing skills to use here at St. John and be able to minister to more minorities. He is interested in service opportunities through St. John. Christine Busker and Russ Gennusa were also received into membership.
HOLIDAY HELIX Helix will be meeting as a combined group on December 27th and January 3rd grades 5th thru 8th are welcome for these two dates during Winter Break.
KEVIN’S KORNER… This past month Kirsten and I attended the National Youth Workers Convention in Dallas Texas. We spent several days attending workshops and worshiping with several thousand youth workers. It was a great time of learning, planning and worship. The main message I returned with was, be more like Jesus. Jesus wasn’t “busy”. Today’s culture pushes us to fill every minute of the day with something. This often leaves us unavailable to tend to our spiritual needs. When was the last time you were still, with God, just breathing, reveling in your existence? Most of just can’t. The kids need a ride here and have some sporting event they need to attend there. I often find myself trying to figure out where I can place that next ministry program. Honestly, I never think about finding a quiet place to just be with God, reflecting, contemplating, and breathing in His life. Life’s chaotic pace has brought me to this place we all find ourselves in, this place called “busy”. Jesus was never too busy. If I’m truly trying to be more like Christ, I need to pursue being available to God. Seeking God’s guidance and love. Why can’t I just exist for a time? Just sit in the stillness and quiet. I’ve written several months of tidings articles and the theme has been repeated where I say I need to take time. Rest, Recharge, only to return to the chaos of “busy”? Today I’m seeking God’s guidance in my pursuit of being available, spiritually, mentally and physically. I want to be more like Christ, Never Too Busy. Merry Christmas Kevin T. Eckert Director of Children & Youth Ministries Director of Technologies Ministry
HOLIDAY SERVICES The Children are singing a few songs with the Congregation on December 16th during the Moment with Young Christians. They are learning these songs during Kid’s Worship. (There will not be any extra practices) CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE 7:00pm December 24th NEW YEARS EVE PRAYER SERVICE 6:30pm December 31st MERRY CHRISTMAS ST.JOHN Members friends and family! May your holiday season be blessed with the seekingwonder of the Magi and the grace of God’s love in His son Jesus Christ. ~St. John Staff The office will be closed on December 25 and 26th and January 1st. ADVENT DEVOTIONALS “Jesus Beloved Son” by Henri J.M. Nouwen and “The True Gifts of Christmas” by O.P. Kretzmann, are available in the Narthex. 8
LAYCARE MINISTRY I have a “Motto” framed on my desk - Part of it goes somewhat like this….. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely - we should arrive with our bodies thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO - WHAT A RIDE!” We have a group of people so committed to our church and our ministry and our St. John members that , in the end, all will shout WOO HOO - WHAT A RIDE! So I say ‘thank you’ to all of the members of this ministry who are so willing to make hospital calls, home visits, home communion visits, send cards, take our members shopping, or drive someone to visit a family member in a hospital in another city and spread the healing love of God to our community. “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will among all people.” MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Anne Carroll, Doris Last, Lucy and Ben Lee, Mary Arnold, Dixie Marklund, Carol and Stan Smith, Jeanne Koch, Jeri Nieman, Deb Scott and Marilyn Ruthe
QUILT RAFFLE 2012 Our 2012 St. John quilt raffle tickets are on sale each Sunday in the narthex after our service and from all quilt group members. This quilt is very stunning, Queen size, machine pieced/hand quilted in rich, vibrant deep red, ivory, black and olive green. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing for the winner will be December 16, during our service - just in time for Christmas! 9
MISSONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY We will be receiving monetary donations on December 2nd for the FACC emergency fund. $310 was collected in November.
FOOD FOR FACC In December our food item to collect is 250 cans of Mixed Veggies. In case you are looking for sales to stock up January’s food item will be boxes of Mac n Cheese.
FA C C PA S TA Christmas will get her faster than you think and FACC needs 250 –2 pound boxes of pasta from St. John. The pasta boxes are put in the Christmas Baskets going out to 250 families in the Freeport Area.
WINTER CLOSET! (formerly known as the mitten tree) Starting Nov. 1st, we will have our annual collection of Mittens, Hats, and Gloves (no scarves please as many of the schools are not distributing them). This year we are expanding to Sweaters, sweatshirts, sweatpants, winter coats and even boots are needed for all sizes. Pam has yarn in her office for anyone to use for homemade items.
CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR FACC The list of Children and gifts requested is up on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Please take a name and make a child's Christmas a little more joyous by giving them a gift they would otherwise not receive. All gifts must be wrapped and labeled in the office by December 16th.
ST. JOHN UCC IN CHICAGO We had a donation basket in the Narthex to benefit our sister Church in Chicago and You all did an awesome job of helping them out. We collected $1,945 in the month of November to send them. Wow. Merry Christmas St. John!
FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY HANGING OF THE GREENS Please join us as we gather to prepare our church for the Christmas Season on Saturday, December 1st, 3:00-5:00pm There are trees to be decorated and wreaths to be hung. Cookies to be decorated in the kitchen. A light dinner will be served.
STEWARDSHIP Reminder to turn in your stewardship pledge and Time and Talent Sheets if you have not already done so. Year end Contributions must be received in the office by December 28th at noon.
O N G O I N G WAY S T O PA R T I C I PAT E I N THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH CHANCEL CHOIR& BELL CHOIR Practices are Thursday evenings. Bells at 6pm and Choir at 7pm. Our director is Gina Bertram and if you would like to join either of these groups just show up! We would love to have you.
C . A . T. s Caregivers And Toddlers Please join us for our play group geared for toddlers and the adults that care for them. We get together in St. John’s nursery Tuesday mornings 10-11am, Bring your friends, all are welcome. Find us on Facebook
HELIX Honor, Engage, Listen, Include, eXample MIDDLE SCHOOL Tuesdays (5th and 6th graders) 3-5pm Thursdays (7th and 8th graders) 3-5 pm (No Middle School Helix If there is a half day or no school) SENIOR HIGH First Sunday 10:30am in the youth lounge (room N4) after worship for food and discussion time together with Kevin.
BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. Wednesdays, in the Library. All are welcome - Please join us.
PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!
CARD CLUB Join us for Euchre the first Monday of the month, in the Chapel Hearth. See you on January 7th. Cards will not meet in December .
RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We will assemble the Tidings on December 27th.
MEN’S GROUP We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “Godtalk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, December 1st at 8 a.m. We meet until about 9:30 a.m. Come check us out!
CHRIST FIRST This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5-6 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.
ZUMBA Zumba with Jacqui Davenport on Wed and every other Friday 5-6pm. Drop in rate is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.
QUILTERS Our Stitch, Sew & Quilt Group will meet Friday, December 14 at 1:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. We will continue to plan for our projects for 2013 and also prepare our raffle quilt tickets for our drawing Sunday, December 16 during our worship service. Please bring a staple remover if you have one.
LGBTQ Support Group December 17th at 6:30pm This is a group for teens and adults that are Lesbian, Gay, Transgendered, Bisexual or those Questioning their sexual identity. This is also a safe group for allies, friends and family, of the LGBTQ community. Childcare is provided.
SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or speak with Pam Wessel our Volunteer Coordinator.
COFFEE HOUR Before and after service we gather coffee and treats in the Narthex area with room to mingle and socialize. If you would like to find a place to sit and talk there is plenty of room in the Chapel Hearth and Fellowship hall is always open. Please, if your name is on the list (dates are assigned alphabetically by the directory) for this month, bring in a treat to share, some ideas are... cookies, bars, mini muffins, bagels etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. If you do not wish to be on the list for treats please contact the office and we will remove you. DECEMBER - CHURCH GROWTH 12/2 - Barb & Phil Copus, Rosie Cosgrove, Perry & Martha Cowan, Jack & Marg Criddle, Clyde & Jeanne Cross, Marvin & Sandra DeBoer, Valerie DeBoer, Dory DeFrane 12/9 - Monty & Carolee Dietmeier, Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth, Amy Doll and Mark Swanson, Jim & Gwen Drew, Donnley & Sandy Dutcher, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin & Kirsten Eckert 12/16 - Arnold & Mary Eder, Holly Edler, Kim Evans, Sue & Mike Feagan, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Jack & Diana Fox, Don & Vickie Franz, Mary Frazee, Melinda Fruth, Denny & Judy Garkey 12/23 - Jack & Jill Gastel, Audrey Gianquinto, Steve & Lorrie Gitz, Shelly Griswold, Brian & Mary Hamon, Deb Hartman, Dick & Mary Heffner, John & Betty Heiden, Diane Heilman 12/30 - Eunice Hildebrandt, Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs, Sharon Hull, Shirley Ifert, Sally Kahler, Donna & Zael Klapp, Sarah & Hugh Knapp, Jeanne Koch 15
JANUARY - FELLOWSHIP 1/6 - Dan & Marla Kreeger, Lyle & Jane Krug, Jill Kuntz, Larry & Lana Kuntz, Bill & Ruth Kuntz, Doris Last, Ben & Lucille Lee, Jane Lehman
GREETERS December 2 - Mavis Clark & Rosie Cosgrove December 9 – Monty & Carolee Dietmeier December 16 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross December 23 – The Priewe Family December 24 – 7 p.m. Volunteer needed December 30 – Jackie Stewart & Carol Ahrens
WELCOMERS December 2 – Diane Heilman & Marilyn Ruthe December 9 – Lisa & Steve Schubert December 16 –Cindy & Ulan Price December 23 – LaVonne Wagenknecht & Sharon Simler December 30 – Ben & Lucille Lee
NURSERY December 2 – Olivia Shaffer, Marla Kreeger December 9 – Carla Meyer, Amy Doll December 16 – Tom & Melinda Ferguson December 23 – Jill & Logan Kuntz December 30 – Cherryl Hinrichs, Jeanne Cross
USHERS 12/2 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 12/9 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 12/16 Ray & Jeri Nieman, Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 12/23 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch, Jane Krug 12/24 - Christmas Eve - John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 12/30 - Doris Last, Sharon Simler, Ben Lee, Diane Heilman
NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH? W e have several drivers available, if you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on Friday, 815 -235-2824 and talk to Pam.
SHUT-INS: The following is a list of people that either can’t get out and may love a visit or a card from those thinking of them. Deloris Burkhalter at Oakley Courts Dorothy Miller and Laura Uthlaut at Parkview Nettie Hendren, Jim Fry, Nada Scheisser, Ken Buss at Liberty Village Bob Heilman at Monroe Manor June Nagel, Joyce Kaiser and Holly Genant at Stephenson Nursing Center Katherene Benson, Elvira Miller, Dorothy Fox, and Rita Wittbecker at Provena Evelyn Dworak in Kewanee Provena In their homes are, Kathryn Cramer, Karen Salter, Vivian Pals, Phyllis Cohen, Esther Dickman, and Maida Gimple, Shirley Durrstein, Ruth Hille, Harold Reints 17
PRAYER CHAIN: Jim, John Ness, , Brad Heilman, David Phillips, Olivia Shaffer, Wayne HOSPITALIZED: Gina Bertram, Mary Arnold, Carolyn Moyer DEATHS: Our condolences to the family and friends of Jean Heidenreich who passed away on October 20th and Russ Gennusa who passed on November 25th. WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 10/21 - 134
11/4 - 211
11/18 - 124
10/28 - 148
11/11 - 198
11/25 - 137
Our Cookie Walk was another Huge success! Thank you to everyone who contributed in any way: making phone calls, setting up, making those delicious cookies, candy and snack mixes, the Peanut Brittle Crews, The Resource Group, working during the cookie walk, providing supplies or with your monetary donation. ALL were greatly appreciated. Pam Wessel and Vicki MacAdam ************************************************************************* Thank you very much for the college scholarship money. I used it to pay for books and also for a Christian Student Fellowship retreat through University of Illinois/ Springfield. I’m in my sophomore year and am enjoying living in Springfield. I’ve 18
become involved with a church here and often sing on their praise team. Thank you again ~ Alex Fruth ************************************************************************* Dear St. John, We wanted to express our sincere thanks for allowing us to come and worship with you and minister through song. The welcome that we received was greatly appreciated and the potluck was delicious!. Special thanks to Kevin and Kirsten Eckert. Their help was wonderful. No matter how many miles separate us, we share the common bond of Christian love and faith. Should any of you be in the Sutter/Warsaw area, please let us know , Sincerely Fruit of the Spirit (Katie, Ben, Sami, Jennifer, Shelby and Cyndy.) ************************************************************************* I would like to thank everyone at St. John for supporting Cub Scout Pack 839. I sold lots of popcorn this year. It will make a big difference for our pack, and allow me to go to cub scout day camp next summer!! I can’t wait. Thanks again to everyone who bought popcorn. I can’t wait to do it again next year. Thank you, Logan Daniels ************************************************************************* A big thank you to the Peanut Brittle Crew. Edie Rosenstiel, Carolyn Moyer, Betty Pruitt, Donna Klapp, Vicki MacAdam, Marilyn Underwood, Marilyn Ruthe, Sharon Simler, Carolee Dietmeier, Barb McDonough, Lucy Lee, Betty Heiden. They are a terrific crew who set records again this year! I am grateful for your service, Ruth Olson.
ANNOUNCEMENTS If you have an announcement about a loved one such as a special anniversary or birthday or the birth of a new baby in the family- Kevin would be happy to post it on the TV screen in the Narthex. There are forms in the office to fill out so that he has all of the information. Please give him at least a weeks notice. 19
PRESIDENT Bill Condie VICE PRESIDENT Joyce Robinson S E C R E T AR Y Deb Hartman T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROWTH Maril yn Ruthe FELLOWSHIP Ben Lee Jane Krug MISSIONS Dennis Manus PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Keith Hinrichs S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Joyce Robinson S TE W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Mary Arnold BOLD Deb Hartman
St. UCC Council Minutes 11-12-12 Members Present: Bill Condie, President, Lisa Ebbers, Deb Hartman, Keith Hinrichs, Jane Krug, Ben Lee, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson, Marilyn Ruthe, Pastor Donnley, ex -officio. Opening Prayer: Pastor Donnley October Minutes: Previously approved via email. Treasurer’s Report: Clarifications were made. Ulan, Bill, Donnley, Keith and Mike Smith (Stewardship Ministry chair) will work together with Pam to prepare for presentation of the report for the Congregational Meeting on 11-18-12. Marilyn made the motion to approve the report as presented. Ben 2nd. Discussion followed. Motion carried.
Boy Scouts Troup #4 Request: Scout Troup #4 will be purchasing a new trailer. We will be looking into the insurance issues related to this as far as coverage of trailer and contents, liability and cost of coverage. Sunday Fellowship Hour: There was discussion relating to the value of keeping Fellowship Hall and the Narthex both available for coffee hour after the morning service. Some people find it awkward to stand and prefer to have a place to sit at a table for their coffee and cookies. We will make it clearer to everyone that the Chapel Hearth is available with chairs and tables for those who prefer that. We are still looking at the flow and how people are feeling about the new arrangement and use of these spaces. We welcome feedback. All Ministry Meeting: This group met for the first time on 20
November 4 at 11:30 am. It was well attended. There was a suggestion to identify the Ministry Chairpersons at the beginning of the meeting but keeping “introductions� brief, being mindful of the length of the meeting It was discussed that the classes that normally meet after morning service will need to reschedule their time so that the All Ministry Meeting can begin sooner. The next All Ministry Meeting will be February 3, 2013 at 10:45 am. Heat in Parking Lot Entrance Area: Keith reported that Building & Grounds is looking into bringing the heaters back up to functioning mode and having them work on timers set for Sunday mornings. The coatracks will be moved into the Fellowship Hall when necessary. Keith also reported that one of the boilers has sprung a leak. It is still covered under warranty, but the company needs to examine the faulty part. It has been sent to them, they will evaluate it and contact us. Agenda Item from August Meeting: Discussion tabled from August meeting about a bonus or other compensation for staff. The Policy Manual specifically prohibits any kind of bonus. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Ulan Price, Ben Lee 2nd. Motion carried. Adjourned with Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted, Deb Hartman Council Secretary
FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2012 11/01 General Fund Beginning Balance 11/05 GF Income 11/13 GF Income 11/19 GF Income 11/19 Cookie Walk 11/19 11/19 11/19
Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks GF Current Bills Outstanding
$32,692.43 $9,650.99 $6,124.50 $3,181.50 $6,414.00 $2,625.40 $12,343.03 $6,122.45 $415.90
11/19 Ending Balance $9,115.01 _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2012
11/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance 11/05 BD Income 11/13 BD Income 11/19 BD Income
$5,328.87 $341.00 $428.00 $197.00
Less BD Checks
Ending Balance
$3,609.04 _________ $2,685.83
December Scripture Readings 01
Psalm 92
Isaiah 49:1-23
Luke 21:5-38
Jeremiah 31:1-22
Psalm 95
Jeremiah 31:23-40
Psalm 96
Jeremiah 33:1-26
Psalm 97
Luke 1:1-25
Psalm 98
Luke 1:26-56
Psalm 99
Luke 1:57-80
Psalm 100
Luke 2:1-20
Isaiah 8:16-9:7
John 1:1-18
Isaiah 11:1-16
Luke 2:21-52
Isaiah 25:1-9
Hebrews 1:1-14
Isaiah 26:1-19
Hebrews 2:1-18
Isaiah 35:1-10
Hebrews 3:1-19
Isaiah 40:1-31
Hebrews 4:14-5:14
Isaiah 42:1-17
Hebrews 6:1-20
Malachi 3:1-18 23