Tidings February 2011

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The TIDINGS F e b r u a ry 2011

St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”




F EBR U AR Y 2011


OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (February 15th)


AS THE SPIRIT MOVES ME….. Many of you have had the task of cleaning out a parent‘s or grandparent‘s home after their death. It can be a joyous and holy experience as you hold treasured memories and gifts in your hands; .. as you share the memories and stories of those sacred possessions with others; .. as you pass them on as sacred gifts to the next generations. But it can also be a task filled with the sadness, disbelief, and hard work of cleaning out clutter and junk, as you find only an occasional treasured memory and sacred possession. One searches among those timeless and worthless possessions to come to some level of understanding of how things came to be the way they were. Sandy and I are experiencing the latter as we work with her brother and his family to give to family members the few treasured gifts and to charitable organizations that which might be useable by others. We‘re not done, and the following is merely a list of what we took to Goodwill, last Wednesday: - 150 pairs of shoes

- 231 purses

- 150 belts

- 13 bathrobes

- 20 coats

- 178 sweaters

as well as large numbers of blouses, slacks, lingerie, socks, scarves, hats, pair of gloves, swimsuits and more. And that‘s just what was upstairs. There are more clothes in the basement, though we believe most of them are not good enough for use by anybody. Sadly, we will have to discard those. As we work through this ―stuff,‖ and much, much more - as some of you have done, I am aware that Sandy‘s mother could just not depart with them. As personally meaningless as these possessions are to us, they gave her meaning and value. Sadly, I know why. 3

Sandy and I loved her grandmother - her mother‘s mother, but she once said something to Sandy‘s mother that scarred her forever. I like to believe that there was nothing intentionally malicious in her words, because I like to think better of people than that; but I could be wrong. To paraphrase Art Linkletter, “People say the darnedest things.” Sandy‘s grandmother once told her daughter (Sandy‘s mother) that she had not wanted to be pregnant with her; that she had not wanted her. In fact, she told her that she had tried jumping off the porch numerous times in the hope of forcing a spontaneous abortion. I was stunned the first time I heard that story, and even now feel the weight of its power. I can‘t even imagine the kind of pain, and hurt, and rejection, and sense of worthlessness as a person, that it must have put on Sandy‘s mother‘s heart and spirit. No wonder she gathered possessions that would make her look good, in her day - whatever decade of adulthood it was. And she may have had every piece of clothing she ever bought. She could not part with her possessions, for, to her, they were what meant that she had value and worth as a person. So, as I go through the clutter, the junk, and the few treasured possessions of Sandy‘s mother, I am sadly and painfully aware of her struggle to find and receive love, value and worth from others. So often, life was only about her, but I understand why. She was a hard woman to love, at times; but I understand why. Oh, if we could help people understand, and know in their hearts and souls, the great love God has for them; .. and they do not ever have to earn or deserve it; .. and that it is never withheld from them, by God; .. and that God also rejoices in the day they were born. Our vision at St. John UCC is ―bringing the healing love of Christ to our community for the glory of God.‖ .. Love someone today who needs that love, so that it heals some of the deep hurt and pain that lies within, of which you may not be aware or understand. But you can love them without having to know and 4

understand. You will love them with the love of Jesus Christ in your heart.

REV. LTC PETER BAUER PRESENTS February 5th 8:30-4:30 A special Event for Veterans, their families, friends, and professionals who deal with Veterans. This seminar will deal with the Spiritual Effects of Combat—How to Help Someone Returning from War—and Ministry to those Effected by War. Registration is free. Please call or email the office with any questions and/or an RSVP.


Kevin’s Korner….. So it‘s after midnight and I‘ve been awake thinking about winter retreat and all the other events that are coming in the next few months. I was thinking about how I need a challenge to lose 40 more pounds. I‘m already planning my menu for the next three plus months. I‘m figuring out my workout routines and looking forward to dropping those pounds. Many of you know that our local GetFit challenge has turned into an infinite weight loss program. I really need the challenge to get me competitive and excited to workout all the time. So I created, with the help of my Christ First Friends, the GodFit Challenge. It will last three months and I‘ve tied it to our Christ First weight loss program. I‘m really ready to step it up. The holidays have taken there toll on me.

As I consider all the other things I‘m looking forward to I can see where the anticipation is keeping me awake. I have an amazing group of Middle School kids. We are hosting an after school program for 20+ youth each Thursday from 3-5pm. It‘s a lot of fun getting to know all the new kids. I‘m truly blessed to have an opportunity to be part of their lives. I‘m also thinking about my Christ First friends and the new members we are about to share our stories with. I‘m amazed how God is using me in the lives of people who struggle with weight just like I do. I‘ve come a long 6

way in the last few years and it is crazy to think how different my life used to be. I‘m anticipating my training to begin for the triathlon (my first) I‘m going to do this summer. I‘m also considering doing a half marathon. And my youth are in the middle of fund raising for our Helix Youth Ministry. We are selling Super Bowl Subs. After Super Bowl Sunday I get a slight break from big events for a couple of weeks and then I‘ll focus on my first 24 hour lock-in for Middle School Helix in March. It‘s going to be insane, or at least I must be to think I can pull something like that off. We shall see. I‘m looking forward to trying something different and new things always bring the creativity out of me. I can‘t wait! Consumed by the Call, Kevin Eckert Director of Children & Youth Minsitries Director of Technology

ANNUAL REPORTS All Ministries and social groups are asked to submit a report of their activities for the past year. All reports will be due to the church office by February 14th, for the Congregational Meeting in March. Please check with your group and/or Ministry to see who is responsible for turning in the report.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING The annual meeting to discuss the above mentioned annual reports will take place following Sunday worship service on March 20th. 7

L AYC ARE M INISTRY Psalm 116:16 ―O Lord, truly I am Your servant, I am Your servant….‖ I‘m sitting here at my computer, with not one thought coming to me - no thought for this article is surfacing…the deadline for February Tidings is January 18th It‘s a long January day, it‘s snowing - the sky is as white as the snow on the ground and try as I may, I cannot get an uplifting thought moving in my head… Now I remember, the other day my horoscope read like this ―Don‘t associate with others who lack drive, initiative or purpose just because your ambitious urges are at a low ebb. Unfortunately, you will only diminish them further.‖ Well, that‘s my lesson for today. So, I decided if God was my boss for today - and I couldn‘t figure out how to do my job - what would I do? I did my usual morning routine, you know, made breakfast, washed the dishes, made the bed, got dressed, reconciled my bank statement, blew the snow and came back into the house - and I still was not sure what to write about. Then, I realized if God were my boss, and I‘m sitting here doing nothing, I‘m wasting God‘s time, I‘m wasting my boss‘s time. Now I am determined to get to work for the best boss ever! When I go into our upcoming Laycare Ministry meeting, I am determined to go in there with a good attitude, an attitude that will be happy, loving, giving and serving. We are 12 Laycare Ministers who are busy people. Busy serving God, our church and our community. Now how can I not do a good job working for my boss, my God. Each day I ask ―What is Your plan for me today, God‖. ―Whatever Your plan is, let me do a job that is pleasing to You.‖ I think it is OK to have a low day, a day where we don‘t have much drive. We just have to be careful that days like that don‘t control our lives. No time for a ‗pity party‘ on my schedule. 8

I thank God every day for the gifts I receive from God -another day, my health, a warm home to live in, food in my pantry, my church and my church family, my own family, my friends and my neighbors. I am so blessed! So don‘t spend time dwelling on days where your ambitious urges are at a low - look to God and ask ―How can I serve You, Lord?‖ Trust me, God will always have a job for you - don‘t disappoint your Boss! Dear God, let me do a job pleasing to You today.‖ Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry

WORSHIP MINISTRY The Ministry of Worship is pleased to announce that Marsha Roberts has accepted a permanent position as part-time accompanist. She has been with us on an interim basis for much of last year. She and Carole Bertram will share responsibilities for Sunday worship, special services, and choir rehearsals. We are fortunate to have two accomplished organists and pianists providing music for us. Marsha is married to Floyd Roberts, a long-time member of St. John, and is mother of our former choir director, Teresa Green, who is currently in seminary studying for the ministry and remains a member of St. John. Thanks, Marsha , for first coming to the rescue and now assuming an ongoing relationship with St. John.


S TEWARDSHIP M INISTRY ~ Ken W illiams In the years prior to his assumption of power in Germany, Adolph Hitler was a master of deception. He made free use of the Christian vocabulary and talked about the blessing of Almighty God and the Christian confessions of faith which would become the pillars of his new state. He assumed the earnestness of a man who is utterly weighed down by historic responsibility. He handed out pious stories to the press, especially to the church papers. He showed his tattered Bible to many church leaders and declared that he drew the strength for his great work from the Word of God. According to one pastor, ―He was actually able to introduce a pietistic timbre into his voice which caused many religious people to welcome him as a man sent from God.‖ As the world learned to its horror in later years, Hitler was an impostor. He had only used these things to mask his real intentions and to fool people. He was what could be accurately labeled the ―master hypocrite.‖ He said one thing while actually doing exactly the opposite. When it comes to hypocrisy, Adolph Hitler was in a league by himself. None of us desires to be — or should ever be — compared to him or his despicable actions. However, when it comes to the Christian life, sometimes we, too, say one thing and do another. We pretend to be great students of the Bible, when we actually seldom look at the Book. We give the impression that we spend hours in prayer, when we very seldom engage in prayer except when at church. We pretend to love other Christians, when, in reality, we can‘t stand some of them. This kind of behavior is also possible when it comes to giving. We might like to convey the impression that we are ―good givers,‖ and we might be reasonably successful in our efforts since other people usually do not actually ―see‖ our financial situation and our giving. However, if we are trying to say one thing and do another concerning our giving to the Lord, we will be confronted by our deception every time we look at the register in our checkbook. 10

Here‘s why: Our checkbook will quickly and methodically strip away our pretense. We can deceive others; we can even deceive ourselves in many areas of life, but our checkbook always tells the truth about what is really important to us. The Apostle Paul summed up this matter with this statement: the testimony of our conscience should be that ― . . . we have behaved in the world with . . . godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God‖ (2 Cor. 1:12). In other words, by walking in holiness and sincerity that God provides in response to our obedience, what we do will match what we say, including in the area of giving. Think about it: If your checkbook could talk, what would it say about you and about your giving to the work of the Lord at St. John United Church of Christ? Would it testify that you are walking in holiness and sincerity in your giving, or would it have a different story to tell?

FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY "Save the Date" Spaghetti Dinner is officially on the calendar and scheduled for Saturday, April 9 from 4:307 and Meatball prep is Saturday, March 19th look for signup sheets to come!

MISSIONS MINISTRY RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on February 6th for the FACC emergency fund. $155 was collected in January.


ENDOWMENT ANNUAL REPORT YEAR ENDING 2010 St. John United Church of Christ Endowment, Inc. was established by St. John United Church of Christ as ―a vehicle to protect the long-term stability of St. John United Church of Christ‖. Under its Articles of Incorporation, it is only authorized to disperse funds for the benefit of St. John United Church of Christ. Specifically, the Endowment is authorized to distribute income annually for the benefit of the church. In addition, it may distribute annually up to 10% of its principal. During 2010, the Endowment Board had six meetings. The primary meetings were on a quarterly basis to review the financial performance of the Endowment investments. Representatives of the Endowment investment advisors and asset custodian, Fifth Third Bank Trust Department, met with the Endowment Board at two of the meetings. The recent financial history of the Endowment is attached to this report. Presently, the Endowment has two accounts at Fifth Third. The general account and the Kampmeier Scholarship account. The investment objectives of the respective accounts are as follows: 

General Account:

This portfolio is invested in a balanced allocation of 50% equity and 50% fixed income. Growth and income are equal considerations. Cash, fixed income, alternatives, equities and REITS are the 5 asset classes utilized to allocate the 50/50 asset mix. The asset allocation includes investments such as large, mid and small cap equities, international equity and fixed income, emerging markets, REITS and commodities. The fixed income category is invested in preferred stocks, CDs, treasury inflation protected securities and high yield along with short and intermediate term fixed income. 12


This portfolio is invested for income with a secondary consideration of growth. The allocation is 30% equities and 70% fixed income. Cash, fixed income, alternatives, equities and REITS are the 5 asset classes utilized to allocate the 30/70 asset mix. The asset allocation includes investments such as large, mid and small cap equities, international equity and fixed income, emerging markets, REITS and commodities. The fixed income category is invested in preferred stocks, treasury inflation protected securities and high yield along with intermediate term fixed income. The current Endowment members are as follows:     

Lyle Krug – term expires 2011; Lisa Schubert – term expires 2011; Joanne Schwandt – term expires 2011; and Leland Otte – term expires 2014. Roger Swanlund – term expires 2015

Joanne Schwandt has served on the Endowment Board for three years and has tendered her resignation due to health issues. The nominating committee of the Endowment Board nominates the following individuals for the Endowment Board:   

Lisa Schubert for a 5-year term expiring in 2016; Wes Robinson for a 2-year term expiring in 2013; and Lyle Krug for a 1-year term expiring in 2012.

The Endowment Board underwrote the costs associated with the Rick and Laura Hall visit. The expenditure was substantially less than the $3,000 that was budgeted. The Endowment Board promoted to the congregation a video presentation produced by the denomination entitled ―Legacy of Love‖. That program was held in the sanctuary following the November 11 service. The Endowment has authorized two expenditures which will be made in 2011. First, it has agreed to underwrite expenses of the visit of Chaplain Peter Bauer who will be present in Freeport in 13

early February 2011 and presenting several programs. This expenditure is expected not to exceed $1,500. Further, at the request of the Council, the Endowment Board will be contributing $500 towards the expenses associated with the visit of the Children of Uganda. This is the school where Sara Cowan served while she was on her mission in the Peace Corps. The Endowment Board has worked with the church Council to plan for the distributions from the Joe and Helen Janshen Trust. Provided that the Council approves the proposed guidelines for the investment and distribution of the income from the Joe and Helen Janshen Estate as submitted by the Council to the annual meeting, the Endowment has agreed to invest and manage funds distributed to it by the church as a separate account. Expenditures will be made from the income of the account as requested and approved by the church Council. The Endowment Board focuses on the following objectives: 

Promote awareness in the congregation of the availability of the Endowment and its purposes;

Direct and monitor the investment of the Endowment assets; and

Distribute Endowment assets as directed by the donor or if no direction from the donor, as suggested by the Church Council and approved by the Endowment Board.

Respectfully submitted, Lyle A. Krug President


St. John Endowment General Account Fifth Third Account #23-23-000-8354433

YEAR END SIGNIFICANT DATE BALANCE CONTRIBUTIONS DISBURSEMENTS 12/31/07 $255,934.55 12/31/08 $165,148.68 12/31/09 $334,421.33 * ( a ) $129,457.00 ( b ) $6,472.85 ( c ) $6,976.25 12/31/2010 $361,092.45 ( d ) $2,051.44 NOTES: * Encumbered by $6,976.25 commitment to Boiler Fund (Paid Jan. 2010) ( a ) From H. Wurtzel Estate ( b ) To Choir per H. Wurtzel Estate ( c ) Commitment to Boiler Fund (Paid Jan. 2010) ( d ) Rick and Laura Hall Program


Kampmeier & Other Account Fifth Third Account #23-23-000-8354441 YEAR END SCHOLARSHIP BALANCE DISBURSEMENTS

12/31/2008 $22,695.44


12/31/2009 $24,547.88


12/31/2010 $26,638.41



ONGOING ACTIVITIES CLOTHING ROOM St. John is staffing the ―Hang Ups‖ clothing room at FACC February 28th and March 2nd. Please sign up on the bulletin board

PRAYER SERVICE Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on February 9th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth.

LOF Learning our Faith Sunday School class meets in Chapel Hearth every Sunday after worship. They are starting a new book: Journey Through the Bible, Colossians thru Jude.

BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. We are starting a new book, ―At the End of the Day, by James W. Moore, come and join us.

CARD CLUB Card Club will not meet until March.

PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!


RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings on the last Thursday of the month.

TAU ALPHA We will not be meeting in January or February

STITCH, SEW & QUILT Meets the second Friday of the month at 1:30pm All are welcome ! At our February 11 meeting of St. John Stitch, Sew and Quilt Group, Esther Dickman will show those interested the applique' method to make a Sunbonnet Sue square - or - you may continue to work on your own personal projects. We welcome any who are interested to join us at 1:30 p.m. Any questions contact Mavis Clark or Esther Dickman Supplies to bring are:  One 12" square background block of material  Small amounts of material for the bonnet, dress and sleeve  Flesh colored material for Sue's hand and black material for her shoes  Needle, thread, scissors and pencil for tracing Join in the fun of creating your own little girl!

JOIN US AT OUR ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We will not be meeting in January or February Come join us in March! We‘re not ―holier than thou,‖ nor is all the talk just ―God-talk.‖ It‘s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Please stay tuned for the next meeting date.


SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.

COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. You may not get a reminder call when it‘s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. FEBRUARY COFFEE HOUR— Tau Alpha will host 02/06 Sharon & Jerry Simler, Michael Simler, Karen & Mike Smith, Carol & Stan Smith, Sherrill & Jim Spaide, Vickie and Steve Spyrison, Jackie Stewart, Amy & Dan Stowe 02/13 Dr. James & Sharon Summers, Roger & Deb Swanlund, Daryl & Delene Tessmann, Glen & Marilyn Underwood, Don & Norma Valkema, Quentin & Joanne Valkema, Diane Vowles, LaVonne Wagenknecht 02/20 Jeff & Sally Wagner, William Wagner, Glenn & Roger Watson, Jerald & Jacqueline Watson, Michael Weaver, Patty Weik, Dan & Pam Wessel 02/27 Patrick & Linda Wilson, Mark & Beth Winter, Jean Wurtzel, Lynn Zimmerman, Carol Ahrens, Dorothy Albrecht, Dean & Irene Amendt, Mary Arnold MARCH COFFEE HOUR— YAHOOS 03/06 Terry & Deleana Atz, Wayne Bahn, Alex & Nichole Bertram, Carole Bertram, Gina Bertram, Greg & Anita Bicksler, Claire Biesemeier, Joyce Bloyer,


GREETERS February 6– Kya Eckert & Rachel Bicksler February 13 – Clyde & Jeanne Cross February 20 – Monty & Carolee Dietmeier February 27 – Betty Pruitt & Joyce Bloyer WELCOMERS February 6 – Doris Last & Gina Bertram February 13 – Wes & Joyce Robinson February 20 – Carolyn Moyer & Carol Robieson February 27 – Steve & Lisa Schubert NURSERY February 6 – Jill Kuntz & Logan February 13 – Denny & Carla Meyer February 20 – Tom Priewe & Dale February 27 – Tim & Angela Newkirk USHERS 02/06 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew 02/13 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 02/20 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill 02/27 Lee & Nancy Otte,, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jane Krug, Jeanne Koch DRIVERS February 6 – Don Valkema


February 13 – Jack Criddle


February 20 – Mike Smith


February 27 – Don Valkema


If you are in need of a ride to church please contact the person designated for driving. If you are a regular pick up and not planning to ride, please call the driver to let them know! 19

LAST MONTH WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 12/19/10- 202 12/26/10– 74 01/02/10- 146 01/09/11- 151 01/16/11- 141




PRAYER CHAIN: John Hendren, Scott Diffenderfer, Eveyln Dworak, Shelly Griswold HOSPITALIZED: John Hendren, Kathryn Cramer, Katherene Benson, Karen Smith, Eveyln Dworak, Jim Drew, Karen Smith

We would like to say ―Thank You‖ to all businesses and individuals who donated items, services, and food to theMichelle Lehman-Chenoweth Benefit. We would also like to thank all who attended and made donations of money. The generosity of our community has touched Michelle and all of us. -The family of Michelle Lehman-Chenoweth *************************************************************************


PRESIDENT Perry Cowan VICE PRESIDENT Daryl Tessmann S E C R E T AR Y Patty Weik T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHG ROW TH & M EMBERSHIP John Hendren FELLOWSHIP Carla Meyer M ISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Daryl Tessmann Bruce Dykstra S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Jeanne Cross S T E W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Patty Weik Mary Arnold

ST. JOHN UCC COUNCIL MINUTES Members Present: Perry Cowan, Bill Condie, Carla Meyer, Daryl Tessmann, Mary Arnold, Ulan Price, Lisa Ebbers, Ben Lee and Pastor Dutcher. President Perry Cowan called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm. Pastor Dutcher opened the meeting with prayer. Minutes: Minutes of the December Council meeting were approved as presented. Financial Reports: The financial reports were reviewed. Bill Condie moved and Ulan Price seconded a motion to approve the reports as presented. Motion carried. A discussion of the salary for the second part time organist was discussed. The weekly pay includes time spent at choir practice as well as the Sunday morning service. Carla Meyer moved and Ulan Price seconded a motion to pay $125 per week for this position. Motion carried.

The position of custodian was discussed. Hughes Resources has received applications from 2 or 3 individuals. The custodian will be hired for 12 hours per week. Interviews of the applicants will be scheduled in the near future. A discussion of Chapter 8 of the book ―If The Church Were Christian‖ was led Pastor Dutcher. The meeting was adjourned at 7:14 pm with the Mizpah Benediction. Carla Meyer Acting Secretary 21

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2011


1/01 1/03 1/10 1/18

General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income GF Income

$40,498.26 $ 3,248.36 $ 4,554.00 $ 7,869.00

1/21 1/21

Less GF Payroll & Compensation GF Other Checks

$11,094.35 $ 2,412.76

1/21 Ending Balance $42,662.51 _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010


1/01 1/03 1/10 1/18

Building Fund Beginning Balance BD Income BD Income BD Income

$15,208.74 $ 177.00 $ 688.00 $ 244.00


Less BD Checks

$ 4,306.60


Ending Balance



February Scripture Readings 01

Leviticus 19:1-18


2 Corinthians 12:1-21


Deuteronomy 6:1-25


2 Corinthians 13:1-13


Matthew 19:13-30


Romans 12:1-21


Mark 12:28-44


1 John 1:1-10


John 3:1-21


1 John 2:1-17


John 3:22-36


1 John 2:18-29


John 13:1-20


1 John 3:1-24


John 13:21-35


1 John 4:1-21


Hosea 1:1-2:1


1 John 5:1-21


Hosea 2:2-23


2 John


Hosea 11:1-11


3 John


Hosea 14:1-9


Jude 1-25


1 Corinthians 12:12-31


1 Corinthians 13:1-13


2 Corinthians 8:1-24


2 Corinthians 9:1-15 23


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