Tidings Nov 2011

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The TIDINGS November 2011

St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God”






OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824

E-Mail: stjohn@comcast.net

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (Novembert 15th) 2

Poinsettia Order Form Add the bright red glow of beautiful poinsettias to the soft warm glow of candlelight and our sanctuary will be ready to proclaim the message of Christmas. You are invited to “remember a loved one or honor a family member” by placing a poinsettia in our sanctuary at Christmas. We are offering these 6” potted plants at $9.75 each, (ordered from Deiningers) and you will be able to take your plant home at the close of our 5:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Service. Please return this form to the office by December 1st. I/We wish to place _______ poinsettia plant/s in the sanctuary to add to the beauty of the season. Enclosed is $___________ ($9.75 per plant).

IN MEMORY OF ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ IN HONOR OF ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

PRESENTED BY ____________________________________________________________

Please take to a shut-in: ___________________________________________________

I will pick up my poinsettia. ________________________________________________


ATTENTION!! Your Input Requested ONE SERVICE FOR CHRISTMAS EVE The Ministry of Worship would like to try having only one Christmas Eve service this year. We are considering service times in the range from 5:00 p.m. at the earliest to 7:00 p.m. at the latest. Please give Pastor Donnley, Kirsten, Hugh Knapp or other members of the Ministry of Worship (see the directory) your feedback prior to our next meeting on Tuesday, November 8. Thank you.

TOTENFEST One of the ancient traditions of our Christian faith is to set aside one Sunday each year to remember and honor those who have died in the faith during the past year. In our St. John tradition we observe “Totenfest” which means “Festival of the Dead”. We remember our members who have passed in the last year. We light a candle in remembrance of each person as their name is called and offer prayers and scripture on Sunday November 6th.

CHURCH WOMEN UNITED OF FREEPORT You are invited to the World Community Day Celebration service on November 4th at 1:30pm at the Salvation Army, 106 W. Exchange St., Freeport. The theme is “Living Our Faith, Unlocking Action”. This is the 70th birthday of World Community Day. The Bible Study will be held October 28th at the Salvation Army at 9:30 am.


S TEWARDSHIP M INISTRY GIVING for 2012 Members and Friends of St. John UCC: It is with joyful hearts that we write to thank you for the generosity, faithfulness and support you have given to St. John UCC this year and in past years. Because of the blessing and grace of God, and the support you give through your prayers, presence, service, financial giving and more, we are growing the ministry of our church to our members, friends, and the community. Thank you! We, as your Stewardship Ministry, wish to make our giving more an act of personal faith than a matter of dollars and cents. Since Christ’s giving to us and the world was a spiritual act of his faith relationship to God and us, so also our giving is to be the same. Besides, it is a more powerful, meaningful and personally fulfilling act when our giving is an act of our personal faith rather than just about the dollars we give. By making it a matter between us and God, we make our giving to the church a more spiritual act of our faith and relationship with God than just a matter of the church budget or our pocketbook. In the coming weeks you will be receiving a letter, an envelope, and two half sheets of paper. One of the sheets you are to fill out, place it in the envelope, and seal . Bring or return it to church on Sunday, Nov. 20, to be received and dedicated. (This will never be opened as it is a covenant between you and God.) Then the second sheet you will keep for your records. Remember, we will NOT be able to tell you what you pledged if you call, because we will not have opened your sealed pledge. However, we will keep a record of your giving for your faith and tax needs. You will also still receive giving envelopes. Recall, if you give more than once a month it helps the bookkeeping process greatly if you use an offering envelope with your correct number on it.


L AYC ARE M INISTRY You have all seen those nesting dolls, you know, the little wooden dolls that open up to reveal a smaller doll, one inside the other - I think they originated in Russia. They can be as small as 1/8 of an inch. They are so much fun. I imagine that is how God created us - complex, layered, and sometimes, not so easy to figure out. I was visited by a friend from Rhode Island a couple weeks ago and if you look at her, you would never see her sense of humor, her intelligence or her independence. It took quite awhile for me to get to “really” know her. To find her sense of humor and appreciate her intelligence. We spent a lot of time together and every time we do get together, I learn something new about her - just like those nesting dolls. This trip, during one conversation, we talked about her daughter-in-laws deep faith and religious beliefs. I learned my friend is not religious, but very spiritual - another layer revealed. As years go by, and we see each other, I wonder how many more layers will be revealed. We have discovered that as those layers are revealed, we have enough in common to be really good friends. I’m sure, as time goes on, the discovery will continue. Do you have someone in your life that reminds you of those Russian Nesting Dolls? I’m glad I do and I pray that I can be the kind of friend to her, and any new acquaintances I make, that I will take time to discover the many layers people have to offer. I love the book of Proverbs - Proverbs 18:24 says “Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.” Peace and Love, Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator or Laycare Ministry 6


9:00 a.m. - Noon

Mark your calendars and tell your friends! Our annual cookie walk is just around the corner. Come and enjoy the morning with us – come early! Calling all cooks and bakers! Begin thinking about what you want to bake. Look up your most delicious cookie recipes and decorate them with a holiday flare, make a delightful snack mix or cook up the most mouth watering candy you have ever tasted! The calling committee will be sure you are contacted. Sign-up sheets will be on the bulletin board, so be sure and watch for them – get your name on the job you enjoy the most. Its lots of fun so don’t miss out.

HANGING OF THE GREENS Please join us as we gather to prepare our church for the Christmas Season on Saturday, November 26th, from 3:00-5:00pm There will be decorating, cookies to make and a light dinner. If you’ve never helped decorate the church before, join us… it is a great time of fellowship!

MISSONS MINISTRY CLOTHING ROOM St. John UCC is working the FACC Clothing room

November 21st and 23rd 9-12 noon and 1-3pm There is a sign up sheet on the bulleting board in the narthex or call the church and we will mark you down. 7

SWEATERS NEEDED! Attention all knitters! As you know, Sarah Cowan is bringing the children from Africa to perform here in the United States. They will be here in the winter of 2012 - It’s cold at that time! It is time to knit some sweaters. If you are interested, please see Mary Arnold for patterns and yarn. Your sweaters knitted -with love- will be greatly appreciated.

RED CAN SUNDAY Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on November 6th for the FACC emergency fund. $217 was collected in October.

FA C C PA S TA Christmas will get her faster than you think and FACC needs 250 –2 pound boxes of spaghetti from St. John. The pasta boxes are put in the Christmas Baskets that FACC gives out to 250 families in the Freeport Area. There will be a shopping cart in the Ramp Room for your donations .

MITTEN TREE Starting Nov. 1st, we will have our annual collection of Mittens, Hats, and Gloves (no scarves please as many of the schools are not distributing them). This year we are expanding to Sweaters, Sweatshirts, sweatpants, winter coats and even boots are needed for all sizes. Pam has yarn in her office for anyone to use for homemade items. 8

The Widening the Welcome Conference #2 began in Columbus OH with worship. Giving praise, being in prayer. Fitting for a conference of UCC members gathered to develop or expand our own mental health ministry. I want to share with you a litany of healing, recovery and wholeness that was used in that opening worship. One: We are each of us worthy, beloved. All: We are all sacred, souls created for wholeness. One: We each have gifts. All: We all are instruments of God’s love. One: Make of our frailty an invitation to gentleness. All: Make of our limits, a calling to support one another. One: Make of our imbalances and disorders, a deeper well being. All: Be present in our humanness, O God, and share through us, Life. We, as a church, have taken seriously, our mission to sharing the healing love of Christ with all. That is what the Conference was about, too. There are many ways we do that, but the one that I am personally involved in is the healing ministry of those affected by mental illness. We have begun a chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) here with a support group that meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6pm in the Chapel Hearth Room. We also offer a prayer service on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm. The Family to Family group, a 12 week educational series has begun with 21 participants on Thursday evenings and two people have attended training for Peer to Peer programs. These services have been long overdue in this area, and I praise God that we have been able to step up and Widen the Welcome. If you or someone you know is affected by mental illness or you wish to find out more, I invite you to one or both of the Wednesday night programs or just talk to me. Peace and Love. ~ Carol Ahrens 9

ONGOING ACT I VIT IES CHOIRS The adult Chancel Choir meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please come and join us if you have a love for music and enjoy making a joyful noise! The Bell Choir meets every Thursday at 6 pm. Please consider joining us. An ability to read music is helpful but not required.

BIBLE STUDY We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library. Please join us!

TAU ALPHA TIME CHANGE! We are going to start meeting days for those who don’t like to drive at night so our next meeting will be: November 21st at 1:00pm

CARD CLUB Card Club will meet the first Monday of the month at 1pm

PING PONG We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men & women join in on the fun!

RESOURCE GROUP Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings the fourth Thursday of the month. 10

ST. JOHN UCC MEN’S GROUP We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk just “Godtalk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation, laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual. Our next gathering is Saturday, November 5th at 8-9:30am in the Temple Sunday School room. Come check us out!

NAMI National Alliance for Mental Illness group meeting A Support group for those who suffer with Mental Illness and their loved ones meets the first Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30 pm in Chapel Hearth.

MONTHLY PRAYER SERVI CE Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on November 9th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth. This service is to pray for and support those who suffer with mental illness and it is also for the loved one of those who need our support. Everyone is welcome!

STITCH SEW QUILT Our quilt/sewing group will meet Friday, November 11 at 1:30 P.M. in the Temple Room. We will be working on finalizing our Advent Banner. Also please bring suggested pattern ideas for a proposed raffle quilt for 2012 and ideas for projects or outings for our winter meetings. Any sewing or knitting work can also be done at our meetings - not just quilting - or just come and offer your ideas and chat with us.

MEALS ON WHEELS December 5th-9th call Sherrill Spade if you would like to help. 11

HELIX MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th) Thursdays after school 3-5 pm if there is no school we don’t meet (No HELIX November 3rd it is a 1/2 day) HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th) Sunday November 27th 6-8pm

CHRIST FIRST This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5-6 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact the Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.

WORKOUT NIGHTS Are changing! Monday at 6pm will be a low impact aerobic workout DVD open to everyone Free! We have a Zumba instructor coming starting in November! Jacqui D. is a certified Zumba instructor that offers classes in both Rockford and Freeport. She will be at St. John on Wed and Friday evenings. Zumba on Wed 5-6pm and Zumba Toning on Friday evenings from 5-6pm . First Class is $5 Drop in rate after that is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.


SERVING Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church office or fill out a pew card.

COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share. Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together. NOVEMBER COFFEE HOUR - Resource 11/6 - Don & Ronnie Clock, Dory DeFrane, Monty & Carolee Dietmeier, LaVonne & Todd Dietmeier, Cory & Annette Ditsworth, Laurie & Rick Ditsworth, Ray & Dorothy Ditsworth, Jim & Gwen Drew 11/13 - Donnley & Sandy Dutcher, Tim & Lisa Ebbers, Kevin and Kirsten Eckert, Arnold & Mary Eder, Holly Edler, Kim Evans, Sue Feagan 11/20 - Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Angie Folgate, Jack & Diana Fox, Don & Vicki Franz, Mary Frazee, Clyde Fruth, Kristy Fruth, Melinda Fruth and Greg Ware 11/27 - Denny & Judy Garkey, Jack & Jill Gastel, Russ & Bonnie Gennusa, Audrey Gianquinto, Maida Gimple, Steve & Lorrie Gitz, Shelly Griswold, Brian Hamon DECEMBER COFFEE HOUR - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! 12/04 - Deb Hartman, Dick & Mary Heffner, John & Betty Heiden, Jean & Linda Heidenreich, Diane Heilman, Eunice Hildebrandt, Keith & Cherryl Hinrichs, Sharon Hull NO COFFEE HOUR DECEMBER 25th! 13

GREETERS November 6 – Jackie Stewart, Carolyn Moyer November 13 – Claire Biesemeier, Mavis Clark November 21 –Rosie Cosgrove & Carol Ahrens November 28 – Ray & Jeri Nieman WELCOMERS November 6 –Clyde & Jeanne Cross November 13 – Dana Brill, Mary Frazee November 21 – John & Betty Heiden November 28 – Ben & Lucille Lee NURSERY November 6 – Marla Kreeger, Olivia Shaffer, Anita Bicksler November 13 – Dennis & Carla Meyer November 21 – Dale & Thomas Priewe, Jill Kuntz November 28 – Tim & Angela Newkirk USHERS 11/06 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew, Jerald Watson 11/13 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike Smith, James & Tom Priewe 11/20 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson, Dana Brill, Ray & Jeri Nieman 11/27 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jane Krug Jeanne Koch 14

DRIVERS W e have several drivers available if anyone should need a ride to church. If you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on Friday, 815 -235-2824 and talk to Pam WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 10/2 - 145

10/16 - 145

10/9 - 143

10/23 - 127




PRAYER CHAIN: Ted Wootan, Joyce Veer HOSPITALIZED: Shirley Durrstein, Randal Carpenter, Joyce Veer DEATH: Our condolences to the family of Glen Watson who passed away on October 13th.

Thank you to the Fellowship committee, and Keith and Cherryl Hinrichs for an outstanding event! The Harvest Fest was a huge hit and hopes to be one of our best annual events for years to come! - Thank you to all who made it a wonderful day! ************************************************************************* Thanks much for the luncheon and to everyone that made a dish to pass for Ferne Ottenhausen’s funeral.—Kay & Al Lutz and family. ************************************************************************* 15

I want to thank everyone for your Get Well Wishes. Also, Thanks for your birthday wishes. Your remembrances and prayers are very much appreciated. ~Thelma Neberman ************************************************************************** To all my church friends and family, A sincere and heartfelt “thank you� for your calls, cards, visits, prayers, love and concern. You lifted my spirits through some very dark and difficult days and helped me see the sunshine through all the pain during my lengthy hospital stay. God bless each and everyone of you. ~ Phyllis Cohen ************************************************************************** Thank you for your financial contribution of $635 generously given to the Freeport Area Church Cooperative in June. We truly value your gift and your continued support.~ Dean Wright ************************************************************************** Thank you so much for your 2010 Neighbors in need contributions of $492.00. Two thirds of your offering goes to support Justice and Witness Ministries and one third goes to support the Council of American Indian Ministry. Our Goal for 2011 is $111,111 collected between Nov. 1 and Nov. 11 and 1 million healthy food items along with 11,111 letters to congress to support just food policies all over the world ~Paul Osgood, Chairperson JWM Development Committee ************************************************************************** Thank you to all who made Glen Watsons funeral a wonderful experience. The luncheon was very nice and Keith Hinrichs singing was wonderful. Thank you also to Katheryn Paisley who officiated a beautiful service. ************************************************************************** Thank you! to the Ebbers family for cleaning off the garden at church. Kristi needed a Community Service Project for school. Tim called and asked if she could clean off the garden for her school project. Well you talk about an answered prayer! Of course! I agreed to this. Why not! They not only cleaned off the garden, they drained the hose and moved the garden storage shed inside the fence! What a family! Thank you so much! -Marilyn Ruthe *************************************************************************** Thank you to Marilyn Ruthe and the Prayer Shawl knitters for the beautiful Shawl. ~ Jackie Watson 16


Bill Condie S E C R E T AR Y Deb Hartman T R E AS U R E R Ulan Price C H R I S T I AN E D . Lisa Ebbers CHURCHGROWTH M A R I L YN R U T H E FELLOWSHIP Ben Lee MISSIONS Bill Condie PROPERTY M AN AG E M E N T Keith Hinrichs S T AF F R E L AT I O N S Joyce Robinson S TE W AR D S H I P Ulan Price WORSHIP Mary Arnold


Oct 3, 2011 Members Present: Perry Cowan, Bill Condie, Ulan Price, Mary Arnold, Lisa Ebbers, Keith Hinrichs, Joyce Robinson, Marilyn Ruthe, Pastor Donnley, ex-officio. Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m. Opening prayer by Pastor Donnley. September Minutes: Previously approved by email. Treasurer’s Report: Noted that the Building & Grounds Reserve Account should now be closed as Council voted at the August 8, 2011 meeting to transfer the remaining $10,833.67 back into the main Building & Grounds Fund, thus closing out the B/G Reserve account. Income & Expenses reviewed. Ulan moved / Mary seconded acceptance. Approved.

Church Accountant Position: Ruth Kuntz has notified the office that she will be resigning her volunteer accountant position effective 1/1/2012. She has been training Pam Wessel to potentially take over her duties. Joyce moved / Ulan seconded that Donnley & Perry meet with Pam to discuss whether she is willing to take over the church accountant duties, including preparing the monthly treasurer’s report and bills, recording contributions and other bookkeeping duties, in addition to her normal work duties, and how many additional office hours would potentially be needed to perform both functions. Approved. 2012 Proposed Budget: Changes to the 2012 Budget were reviewed and some further tweaks made, including that the Janshen Estate Fund should be set up as a separate fund per the September, 2011 minutes. At this time, we are projecting a $4,200 budget deficit for 2012. Bill moved / Mary seconded we accept the amendments to the proposed budget. Approved. 17

Addie Toelle Memorial Gift: St John has received a generous memorial gift of $16,800 from the Addie Toelle Estate. After a brief discussion, it was decided to set the money aside in the General Fund for a month before deciding anything further. Janshen Estate Fund request: The Ministry of Christian Education submitted a formal letter requesting that a portion of the Janshen Estate Interest Fund be set aside, as funds become available, to help reimburse the salary expenses of two new Middle School (MS) HELIX Program Aides, at an estimated yearly expense of $3865. Approved. It was noted that in the next few months, Council will need to establish procedures for the use of this fund for ongoing expenses past the first year. Mission Project Day: Bill Condie reported on behalf of the Missions Ministry that a community work day is being planned for Saturday, October 22. Three projects have been identified and volunteer workers will be needed. This should provide a great opportunity for St. John to make a difference right here in our own community. Pastor Donnley Vacation: Donnley will be on vacation from October 16-30. Justin Mapes and Carol Ahrens will be preaching in his absence. Staff Office Hours: Kirsten Eckert, Staff Secretary, requested that her office hours be adjusted on Thursdays to 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. rather than 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. so that she may attend a Noon Bible study at another church. Approved. Council also requested that Kevin Eckert post regular office hours so members know when he is available at church. Next Council Meeting: November 14, 6:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. with the Mizpah Benediction. Respectfully submitted by Lisa Ebbers, Acting Secretary


FINANCIAL STATEMENT Beginning Balance January 1, 2011


10/01 10/03 10/10 10/17

$20,498.73 $ 3,396.35 $ 7,151.50 $ 6,345.75

General Fund Beginning Balance GF Income GF Income GF Income

Less 10/21 GF Payroll & Compensation $11,134.83 10/21 GF Other Checks $ 4,800.72 10/21 Current Bills Outstanding $ 1,494.89 10/21 Ending Balance $ 19,961.89 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010


10/01 10/03 10/10 10/17

$ 8,948.13 $ 410.00 $ 308.00 $ 467.75

10/21 10/21

Building Fund Beginning Balance BD Income BD Income BD Income Less BD Checks

$ 1,977.51

10/21 Ending Balance $ 8,156.37 ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________



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