Penthouse 2 Bedroom

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Penthouse Level Living Located above the resort pool the Penthouse Level features breathtaking unobstructed panoramic views of the Caribbean.This one of a kind 2-bedroom residence offers pure luxury directly on Turks & Caicos’ famed Grace Bay Beach.With over 1,600 feet of rooftop living, comprised of a covered area for al fresco dining, private living room, wet bar & Grill, an open air space ideal for sunbathing and your own private pool, you can enjoy all of the comforts of relaxing at the resort, but in the privacy of your own residence. Accessible from the master bedroom and main living room, the terrace extends the elegance and respite of island living into the suite through floor to ceiling sweeping ocean views.

A World Class Beachfront Resort Andaz Turks & Caicos Residences at Grace Bay offers all the convenience of resort living - with access to a full suite of services and amneities that transform day-to-day life into an inspiring and unforgettable experience. An optional rental program is offered which allows flexibility in use while being provided the opportunity to offset the costs of ownership. Located along 5.5 acres of pristine Grace Bay Beach, the 59-key hotel and 74-unit brandad luxury residences are designed to seamlessly integrate into the hotel’s operational program, introducing the inspiring concept of the luxury lifestyle brand to the world class destination of Turks & Caicos Islands.

4 bedroom penthouse - 2 total- Type P H H & PHE 3 bedroom penthouse - 2 total - Type PHF & PHG 2 bedroom penthouse - 1 only - Type PHD 1 bedroom penthouse - 1 only - Type PHC

• Rooftop terrace with private access. • Wood roof deck with shade trellis. • 42” high glass railing on view side. • Private pool approximately 9ʼ. • The roof terrace can be accessed from the condo units main deck. • All rooftop terraces have outdoor residential kitchen area

2 bedroom penthouse - 1 only - Type PHD



Listing price $ 2, 800.000



Interior Area — 963 Sqft

Bedrooms —2

Roof Top Living —1,130 Sqft

Bathrooms —2

Total Area — 2,093 Sqft

Terrace —3

Proposed Floorplan. Design and prices are subject to change at any time and withoutnotice.

TH IS IS N O T AN OFFERING OR SO LIC ITATIO N IN AN Y JU R IS D IC T IO N W H E R E PR O H IBITED B Y LAW OR W H E R E PRIOR R EG ISTR ATIO N IS REQUIRED B U T H A S N O T BEEN O B T A IN E D . Vista D evelopm ent, L td . (“D eveloper”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the m arketing and sale of the residences. H yatt Services C aribbean, L .L .C . (“H yatt”) has granted D eveloper the right to offer and sell the residences using the A ndaz nam e and tradem arks p u rsu a n t to a revocable license a g re e m e n t. N either H yatt n o r any of its affiliates has any o w n e rsh ip interest in the p ro je ct n o r is responsible for, or m akes any representation or w arranty, co n ce rn in g the d e ve lo p m e n t, m arketing or sale of the residences. The structures, m aterials and recreational features and am enities d e scrib e d and d e p icte d herein are based u p o n current d e ve lo p m e n t plans. S o m e im ages featured in this m aterial are an artist’s c o n ce p tu a l rendering of the p ro je ct. The D eveloper reserves the right to m o d ify , u p d a te , alter, delete or c h a n g e any d e sig n s, specifications, d im e n sio n s, am enities, b ra n d s, fixtures, finishes, e q u ip m e n t, services, and features of this p ro je ct, w ith o u t n o tice and w ith o u t incurring o b lig a tio n . S p e cifica tio n s, d im e n sio n s, m easurem ents, and other inform ation in this m aterial and other D eveloper m aterials are a p p ro xim a te and based u p o n prelim inary designs and d ra w in g s and are n o t in te n d e d to form any part of the c o n tra c t for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, in c lu d in g square fo o ta g e , m ay differ due to variations in co n stru ctio n . All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing p a cka g e s are su b je ct to ch a n g e at any tim e and w ith o u t n o tice . D eveloper’s c o n tin u in g right to use the A ndaz nam e and tradem arks is s u b je c t to the satisfaction of certain c o n d itio n s. Failure of D eveloper to satisfy s u c h c o n d itio n s c o u ld result in the R esidences ceasing to be b ra n d e d w ith the A ndaz tra d e m a rk s. This advertisem ent is n o t an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised p ro p e rty . N o offering of the advertised property can be m a d e and no d e p o sits can be a cce p te d , or reservations, b in d in g or n o n -b in d in g , can be m a d e until an offering plan is filed w ith the N e w Y o rk State D epartm ent of L a w . W A R N IN G : T H E C A L IF O R N IA B U R E A U O F R E A L E S T A T E H A S N O T EX A M IN E D T H IS O F F E R IN G , IN C L U D IN G , B U T N O T L I M IT E D T O , T H E C O N D IT IO N O F T I T L E , T H E S T A T U S O F B L A N K E T L IE N S O N T H E P R O J E C T (IF A N Y ), A R R A N G E M E N T S T O A S S U R E P R O J E C T C O M P L E T IO N , E S C R O W P R A C T IC E S , C O N T R O L O V E R P R O J E C T M A N A G E M E N T , R A C IA L L Y D IS C R IM IN A T O R Y P R A C T IC E S (IF A N Y ), T E R M S , C O N D IT IO N S , A N D P R IC E O F T H E O F F E R , C O N T R O L O V E R A N N U A L A S S E S S M E N T S (IF A N Y ), O R T H E A V A IL A B IL IT Y O F W A T E R , S E R V IC E S , U T IL IT IE S , O R IM P R O V E M E N T S . IT M A Y B E A D V I S A B L E F O R Y O U T O C O N S U L T A N A T T O R N E Y O R O T H E R K N O W L E D G E A B L E P R O F E S S I O N A L W H O IS F A M IL IA R W IT H R E A L E S T A T E A N D A L A W IN T H E C O U N T R Y W H E R E T H IS S U B D IV IS IO N IS S IT U A T E D . Facilities and am enities m ay be part of the A ndaz T urks and C a ic o s at G race B ay or, separately, the A ndaz T urks and C a ico s R esidences at G race B ay. U sage of facilities w ill be s u b je c t to strata d o c u m e n ts and c o s t of m aintenance, usage and re p la c e m e n t m ay be c h a rg e d as part of the h o m e o w n e r’s a sse ssm e n t or payable u p o n u sa g e .




• Spanish porcelain tile flooring evokes the look of a unique polished cement floor.

• Walk-in wet room in master bathroom with free-standing soaking tub

•High-design accent wallcoverings • Specialized engineered solid wood doors withbrushed stainless steel hardware

•Rain and hand-heldshowerhead • Porcelain mosaic floors and glazed porcelain mosaic walls in wetroom • Vanity with quartzite tops andundermounted vitreous China sinks.

•Elegant interior architecturaldetails •Custom millworkthroughout •Smart-home ready •Wired for high-speed internet, Wi-Fi, TV, and phone • Custom floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall hurricanesliding glass doors/windows •Each residence is individuallymetered. •Custom-designed master residence. •Built-in safe in eachcloset. •Ceiling heights starting at 9feet.

•Toilet with dual-flush and slow-closingseat •Chrome bathroom hardware, fixtures, and accessories • Signature Hardware three-jet outdoor shower panel (in select residences)

SALES GALLERY Le Vele Plaza, Grace Bay Road, #E103 Providenciales, Turks and CaicosIslands T 13032497729

THIS IS NOT AN OFFERI NG OR SOLICI TATION IN ANY JU RIS DICTI ON WHERE PROHIBITED B Y LAW OR WHERE PRI OR RE GIS TRATIO N IS RE QU IRE D B UT HAS NOT BEE N OB TAI NED . Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. Vista Development, Ltd. (“Developer”) and its affiliates are solely responsible for the marketing and sale of the residences. Hyatt Services Caribbean, L.L.C. (“Hyatt”) has granted Developer the right to offer and sell the residences using the Andaz name and trademarks pursuant to a revocable license agreement. Neither Hyatt nor any of its affiliates has any ownership interest in the project nor is responsible for, or makes any representation or warranty, concerning the development, marketing or sale of the residences. The structures, materials and recreational features and amenities described and depicted herein are based upon current development plans. Some images featured in this material are an artist’s conceptual rendering of the project. The Developer reserves the right to modify, update, alter, delete or change any designs, specifications, dimensions, amenities, brands, fixtures, finishes, equipment, services, and features of this project, without notice and without incurring obligation. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, and other information in this material and other Developer materials are approximate and based upon preliminary designs and drawings and are not intended to form any part of the contract for the sale of an individual residence. Each residence, including square footage, may differ due to variations in construction. All prices for the residences and the prices for the furnishing packages are subject to change at any time and without notice. Developer’s continuing right to use the Andaz name and trademarks is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions. Failure of Developer to satisfy such conditions could result in the Residences ceasing to be branded with the Andaz trademarks. This advertisement is not an offering. It is a solicitation of interest in the advertised property. No offering of the advertised property can be made and no deposits can be accepted, or reservations, binding or non-binding, can be made until an offering plan is filed with the New York State Department of Law.

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