4 minute read
We have reached the end of the road… with this issue lol. We have this fun reflection section for you to remind yourselves of the things you may have learnt in this issue and to put down some things that you might want to think about (Yes, like homework, but fun). You can look at this reflection alone, or with some friends, this might be a great way to learn more about each other, a bonding moment. ANYWAY, LETS GOOOO!
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Let’s write down our affirmations for this year, grab a sticky note and write it down and stick it to your mirror, or on the first page of your diary! If you don’t have one yet, go ahead and use one of the girls’ and go ahead and customize it.
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Journey with us on this blast from the past with some of our past SKY Girls. Get to learn where they are now, and what they’ve been up to, you’ll definitely leave inspired. Who was your favorite SKY Girl of all time?
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It’s not too late to learn how to dance!!! Learn a few new dance moves with our top Tik Tok songs of all time!
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Learn about the importance of tracking your periods ladies, it’ll save you a whole deal of stress, trust us.
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Let’s get cracking and make a list of our 2023 sures and shapos, let’s be very deliberate about what we are accepting this year and what we’re not. We have a few you can steal too *wink wink. Be sure to send us your list!
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In our teenage dream feature we talk about what it looks like for our cover girl, Lez to be living hers, and we also reached out to our other cover girl winners to find out. Listen, if you had the ability to manifest the life of your dreams right now, what would it look like? Take out your pen and write THAT down and let’s work backwards in making it happen!
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Have you every heard of FAST fashion?
Well it’s a PANDEMIC, let’s read all about it and see how we can do our part to save the environment and fight climate change!
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So you thought you knew everything about what a boy wants… turns out, we might have been wrong this whole time! We reached out to a few and some of their responses might help you understand this complicated species a little better.
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Have you ever felt like an academic failure, well this doesn’t have to be your story anymore. This year we’re getting our grades up, and we came through with the tips to help you do just that.
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What’s your favorite celebrity quote or lyric? If you don’t have one, pick one from our SKY Girls. You can cut them out and paste a few on your vision board for the year.
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Have you ever considered being an entrepreneur or been curious about what it looks like. Well… Before you decide, check out what our entrepreneur friends had to say about their jobs.Also read about how you contribute to positive change in the world, by fighting climate change, there are so many little things you can do to make an impact.
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If you’ve ever been in a tight corner and wondered what to do, like if you have a friend who you have to confront about something but don’t know how. Don’t worry, read and learn in our SKY advice page, what our SKY Girls had to say about tackling different topics.
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Put your phone to the side and do some reflective work before bed. Knowing yourself helps a lot with self-confidence so let’s get cracking with our Know Yourself quiz!
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Listen, tracking your period (which is important btw) JUST GOT EASIER! Try to remember when your last period was or if you’re on right now, mark the last day and use our period calendar to keep track this year, cos we’re organized girls worldwide!
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Finally, it’s time to stimulate your brain with some fun and not so serious games. I REPEAT, put down your phone and let’s get cracking! I bet you won’t be able to match 80% of the celeb kids with their parents!
What is SKY? What is SKY?

SKY is a sisterhood of teenage girls all across Botswana that supports, empowers, and celebrates being true to ourselves. Becoming a SKY girl means taking the pledge to define your Sures (things you love) and Shapos (things you don’t need in your life).
What sets SKY girls apart?
We are not swayed by peer pressure, instead, we make choices that are true to ourselves and we stick by them. Whatever our Sures and Shapos are, we stand by them, because those choices define us, and make each one of us unique. To become a SKY Girl you need to take the pledge and live by it.
Take the SKY Pledge today, to unlock competitions, prizes and exclusive event invites!
SKY Pledge
I pledge to be true to myself and what I believe in. To be confident in who I am, and not let anyone define me. I will say Sure Ka Yone to the things I am all about - like music, friendship and my future. I will say Shapo Ka Yone to the things I am good without - like negative vibes, smoking and peer pressure. I will make choices that are true to me. I pledge to define my SKY.
How do I take the pledge?
Inbox us on our Facebook page @skygirlsbw with the following details: your name, surname, date of birth, location, 3 Sures and 3 Shapos! We will get right back to you to confirm you are now officially a SKY Girl, and you can start getting the benefits of being a member of SKY Girls!
Facebook @skygirlsbw

Instagram @skygirlsbw
YouTube @skygirlsbw

TikTok @skygirlsbw
Spotify @ SKY Girls BW
WhatsApp – 76224437
3 times a year, delivered to your school TV!
The Mix – Magazine show on our YouTube
Sure Ka Rafiwa – TV sitcom on our YouTube channel Events!
Keep checking our socials for news :) Podcast!
Off the Clock with SKY -Podcast on Spotify, Facebook, and YouTube