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Big Sister Advice Column

Should I tell my friend that she has bad breath? I don’t know what to do and I don’t want her to be mad at me mints, but she would say she doesn’t like them, but I just want to help.
Mumcy -
Bridget -
My friend went through a traumatic experience that’s trusted her boyfriend who said he loves her, so she sent him some nudes when he begged her. But then he must have shared them with his friends and now the whole school has them in their WhatsApp groups. She’s embarrassed and she feels violated. I don’t know how to help her she’s just not herself anymore
SalomeJoy - !
Faith -
More male giraffes are homosexual than straight.
My cousin got raped by our other cousin. She told his mom, but she accused her of lying. She lives with them, and she says she’s scared, what should we do?

All our love, SKY Big Sisters