SKY Magazine Issue 34

Page 28

Cover Story

SKY Girl Lez tells us about being a teen girl in Botswana

Food review with Dato Seiko and Gape Makwati

Re Shapo ka

Body shaming



Boys answer questions from SKY Girls

Study Tips

How to improve your grades

Period Calendar Track your period!

Re Sure Ka

Teenage Dream My



I honor my life; I love each and every part of myself and I deserve to be kind to myself.

I am beautiful I am confident I am worthy I am loved I matter and the things I do matter I believe in myself

I am never too young to dream big

On my own I am still able; I am not defined by my circumstances.

I am smart I am beautiful I am strong

I am black

I am leadership

I love myself unconditionally. I trust in my ability to succeed. I am compassionate towards myself. I am beautiful inside and out. I am worthy of love and respect.I am unique and valuable. I allow my true self to flourish. I believe in myself and my abilities.

I am loved, I am appreciated, I can do everything I work hard at, I got this, it is just a phase and I will bounce back, I am a Pearl, I am beautiful, I am heading for success and shall be big one day, I am me and no one is or will ever be like me… I love you.

Today is a glorious day, I shall fill it with excellence, chasing after my visions with a heart full of love, limitless integrity and boundless enthusiasm.

Hi girlies! In a world where beauty standards are constantly changing, it’s normal to feel insecure but it’s important to remind yourself that you are beautiful just the way
I will aim to be real and not too perfect.
Whitney Houston was a producer on The Princess Diaries.
3 SKY Sisters Now Behind the Tik Tok Frenzy Body Beautiful: Periods Cover feature Boys answer your Q’s Career Corner Rating Shnacks Self-Love Quiz Period calendar Puzzles & Games 14 18 8 25 10 4 5 8 10 12 14 18 20 22 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 C o n t e n
t s
Cleopatra was said to have soaked her ship sails in perfume so everyone could smell her arrival.

Editor’s Note Contributors

What’s up SKY girls!

First of all, Happy New Year!! Hope the new year is treating you great! IDK man but something about 2023 screams lots of positivity and endless opportunities. I meeaaannn, have y’all been keeping your eyes on our social media accounts? Hmmmm! lots and lots of opportunities!

You know, ever since I watched bo High School Musical excitement was overwhelming guys. Ka re I was so prepared to live the teenage dream bathongpopular girl in high school, thousands of people crushing on me and the likes. Holdzawn, that’s Dream’! We’re bringing you loads of info on dream teenage life. Is it popularity? Friends? Good grades? Stay tuned and see what the cover girl has to say.

Is your teenage dream being a young entrepreneur? Well look no further cause we came in clutch. We mean business! Literally. We have an article on small local businesses just for you. Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur? We gotchu! Looking for a new plug? We gotchu! Check out the article and give the baddies some support. You know what they say bout pushing local. It’s lekker ;). If this isn’t your teenage dream, don’t you worry cause we’ve got another article on the subject for y’all.

from, your dreams are valid.’ - Lupita Nyongo.

I really want all the future generations to experience all the teenage fun but at the rate climate change is taking place, the chances are about saving earth for future generations together.

One thing about teenage hood is it’s not all fun and games. It includes so much stress. One of the biggest challenges of segment of this mag is about periods and menstrual health. You can get to know more about your period, as well as tips on taking better care of yourself. We also have a food reviews article which might come in handy when deciding which food you’re gonna binge is centred on local snacks.

Finally, we’ve got more fun and interesting articles about all sorts yourself!


Gaone Manatong Chief editor Ke sure ka kindness, Ke shapo ka smoking, being broke, misogyny Tapiwa Karumekayi Editor Ke Sure Ka women education Ke Shapo Ka negative peer smoking Alessandra Sbrana Designer Ke sure ka dreaming big, faith Ke shapo ka negativity, Diphuka Moleboge Writer Ke sure ka the ability to achieve my dreams, fashion Ke shapo ka evil people, Tutsi Sithole Writer Ke sure ka self-discipline, freedom Ke shapo ka self-sabotage, Gorata Manji Writer Ke sure ka tennis, mental health Ke shapo ka Fanta Rabie Ramatlhakwana Writer Ke sure ka dancing, content creation, adventures Ke shapo ka entitlement, hubbly, littering 4
Elvis Presley was actually a natural blonde.

Past Faces of SKY

Where are they NOW?

Hey besties. SKY Girls BW has existed since 2014 and throughout the years, we’ve had girls take the pledge to stay true to themselves. Some girls got the opportunity to work with SKY whether being radio presenters, cover girls, or content creators. We interviewed 10 faces of SKY aged 21 to 24 about their journey with SKY, and this is what they had to say.

SKY: What did you do for SKY and how did you get there?

Chipo: I won a radio competition to become a SKY Live radio presenter in 2017.

Mmapula: I started off as a SKY ambassador because the girls in the school I went to (LKC), chose me as one of the girls that inspired them.

Mandipa: I was a radio presenter for the Sunday SKY on Yarona Fm. It was a fitting role for me as I am bubbly and talkative and enjoyed being on the radio. I then became an ambassador, a role which allowed me to explore many interests through various roles such as modelling for the SKY Girls BW magazine, writing articles, appearing on the first SKY Girls BW web series and most recently on The Mix.

Tamia: I was volunteering during shows and I was also part of Matswaka bae which is the SKY radio drama available on 124.

Katleho: I was a radio host for SKY Live, which aired on RB2. I saw a Facebook post that SKY was looking for teen radio hosts and I applied. They called me back for live auditions and I won the final round after SKY Girls voted online! Thank goodness they picked me!

Warona: Worked as radio host of The Sunday SKY on Yarona FM. Co-hosting the SKY Show alongside Mmapula. Interviewing SKY Girls, travelling for SKY Fest with celebrities.

Nthabiseng: I got approached by Gaone. We built a connection, got to know more about each other’s interests and I guess through all that I left a good impression with an amazing opportunity to be a part of an issue that embraces friendships.

Chantel: I have been contributing towards helping SKY Girls stay true to themselves and be their role model with the help of SKY as I am an influencer. I have been featured in a SKY magazine article talking about boss babe moves. I enjoy dancing

The age they joined SKY

Warona: At 15 years old (in 2015).

Chantel: I was 18.

Mmapula: 16.

Tamia: I believe I was 16 when I joined SKY Girls.

Nthabiseng: I was 16.

Chipo: I was 17 years old when I joined.

Mandipa: I joined SKY when I was 14.

Katleho: I joined the team in early 2018 when I was 16 years.

Abie: 14.

Chipo, 23 Mandipa, 23 Katleho, 21 Abie, 22 Chantel, 23 Mmapula, 24 Tamia, 24 Nthabiseng, 22
5 Your ears never stop growing for as long as you are alive.

dancing mostly so I create dance content and work with different brands regarding my social media presence.

SKY: Where are you now and what are you doing?

Katleho: I have now relocated to China. I’m in my final year of university, studying International Trade and Economics. I’m also a commercial model.

Nthabiseng: I recently graduated with a degree in BSc General from the University of Botswana (Class of 2022), where I did a double major in Biology and Chemistry. I’m currently working in marketing and I also freelance as a model and creative director.

Tamia: I work in a law firm as a secretary.

Chantel: I am a content creator, professional dancer, video editor and owner of FiDance Academy. I travel back and forth between South Africa and Botswana as that’s where most of my work is based.

Abie: I graduated from BAC with a degree in International Finance and Banking and I’m still finding my way into the creative, digital industry so look out for me folks.

Mandipa: I am currently in the Netherlands studying Global Responsibility and Leadership. It is an interdisciplinary course based on the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Warona: I am a graduate from Mmadikolo (University of Botswana), having majored in Archaeology and English.

Mmapula: I am in Gaborone, currently working as a Client Services Strategy Manager at an advertising agency.

Chipo: I am in between Lobatse and Gaborone and I am a Digital Strategist managing different companies’ social media accounts.

SKY: How has SKY helped you stay true to yourself?

Abie: The SKY pledge. A promise I made to myself that I had to stick by. I was always bullied at school so being part of SKY made me feel like I belonged and I felt I couldn’t go back on my promise.

Nthabiseng: SKY Girls created a platform where I could reflect on who I wanted to be, what I wanted to represent and the values I wanted to carry. That ability helped me to be bold and to nourish parts of me that made me feel the most alive.

SKY: How was your journey with SKY?

Katleho: My time at SKY is one of my favourite eras because it made me discover my love for media and public speaking. I

started on the SKY Live radio show with my co-host, and then went on to attend SKY events. I always enjoyed meeting other SKY girls because there was always so much love.

Abie: SKY taught me to have a kind heart and a sisterly love for everyone, especially women. SKY also taught me how to love myself and to be kind with my thoughts as well.

Chantel: My journey with SKY has been nothing but amazing, the growth and the beautiful work that is being done kept me motivated

Tamia: My journey with SKY was absolutely amazing because being in a clique came with a lot of hate and jealousy but with SKY Girls, we were combined together by one common goal.

SKY: What have you learned from being a SKY Girl?

Warona: One of the greatest lessons I’ve held onto is ‘Stay true to yourself’. Cliché and kinda corny I know, being that it’s the SKY Girls slogan, but it truly is the greatest lesson I’ve learned so far.

Abie: Being a SKY Girl taught me to trust myself. I no longer have to seek validation from anyone. SKY taught me that, I mean, it is a sisterhood after all.

Katleho: Self-control, self-love and discipline.I’m a strong believer that how you love yourself sets the standard for how others love you, and the more love and respect you have the more you will receive.

Mmapula: That I am POWERFUL beyond my comprehension and my dreams and aspirations are mine alone and learning how to say yes and no to the things that bring me closer to my dreams.

Chantel: I have learned that I should stay true to myself and not pressure myself in trying to live a life that is not mine but instead focus on achieving my own, prioritising myself & my dreams.

Nthabiseng: It taught me how to step out of my comfort zone and to be more intentional with the things in my life.

SKY: What’s your favourite thing about SKY?

Warona: My favourite thing about SKY undoubtedly, is the sisterhood. Often as a teen you feel alone as though there’s no one that you can relate with. SKY Girls and the platforms they have proved that as different and alone as we may feel there is someone out there and right here (in BW) that is like you.

Nthabiseng: My favourite thing about SKY would have to be the community: one gets to be part of a revolution. I believe SKY is constantly moving with the times therefore it is ever

In Rome, only aristocrats and royals could wear purple clothing.

changing. It adapts to newer technology, trends, current affairs, involves more demographics etc.

Mmapula: You mean apart from the MERCHANDISE? Haha, I love knowing that I have a family, a tribe of sisters rooting for me!

Tamia: During a mall activation there was a girl who came up to me & asked how to take a pledge and I took her through the steps and up to this day she still messages me whenever she has a problem which goes to show that not only do I have one big sister at home but I’ve got millions of them.

SKY: How do you think SKY can change to address issues to the current generation that came after you?

Warona: SKY could practise equity by providing people with what they need as individuals. I’d say one of the main issues with this current generation is mental health, another being identity. These two translate into all areas of our lives, how we love, our relationship with money, the careers we venture into, our relationships with others and ourselves. It would be helpful in sharing more information on where they can get help.

Mmapula: Well, I don’t think SKY has to change. I believe that SKY can expand its mandate through challenging girls to not only stay true to themselves but to stay true to their best self. This means identifying who you are and aspire to become but also embedding the aspiration to be their best selves. I see more mental health issues surfacing and this generation has glorified being depressed/ anxious which is not a small thing. These mental health issues should be highlighted.

Mandipa: I believe that there could be more emphasis on the cultivation of the self as a girl child. Provide tools for young girls to truly discover who they are, their moral standing, and their interests to equip them with the skills needed to resist negative peer pressure because they know the person they would like to be.

SKY: What are your 3 Shapos and 3 Sures?

Warona: Ke sure ka my family and friends, God and being active. Ke shapo ka ignoring mental health problems, smoking and being rude.

Mmapula: Ke sure ka Success, Love and God

Ke shapo ka smoking, negative people and eggs on potato salad

Nthabiseng: Sure: Taking up space, mindfulness and continuous learning. Shapo ka self-doubt, unreciprocated energy and greed.

Chantel: Sure, ka smiling, spreading love and dancing.

Shapo ka mangos, betrayal and smoking.

Abie: Ke sure ka positive friendship, hard-work and kindness and Ke shapo ka negativity, lies and bullies.

Katleho: Sure ka: prayer, positive mindset and good grades. Ke Shapo ka: smoking, cyber bullying and over sharing.

Tamia: Shapo ka being fake, fake friends and body shaming. Sure, ka positive mindset, staying true to myself, creativity. Shapo ka betrayal

SKY: What advice would you give teen girls out there who are trying to find themselves?

Warona: Breathe in. Ask yourself, “where do(es) (my goals, habits) truly stem from and why?”. We are influenced by people around us and the environment we’re in, whether we end up like what we see or become the complete opposite or a mix of the aforementioned. You can find yourself in many things and people, as long as you stay true to yourself.

Katleho: Limit your social media usage. Don’t compare yourself to the ‘perfect’ lives you see online, that’s bad for your confidence! Social media has way too many pressures and opinions, Focus on doing only what you like. Remember that you’re the only permanent person in your life - so treat yourself like it.

Chantel: It is okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to learn from them. Believe in yourself and never limit yourself.

Nthabiseng: Do not be afraid to be different. With it may come being or feeling alone. Find comfort and affirmation in knowing that despite all of that, there is a tribe for you somewhere out there and someday you’ll know when you have found it.

Abie: Be confident, create boundaries and live in the moment. Most importantly, STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF.

Mandipa: No matter what anyone may tell you, no one on this planet is like you. You are unique, with talents and interests that are particular to you. Don’t feel pressured into doing anything that doesn’t align with the person that you are. My last piece of advice would be to write 3 things a day that you are grateful for in your life.

The first deodorant appeared on the market in 1889

Are you looking for cooking tutorials, life hacks, make-up tutorials, lip syncing videos and trending dance videos? This is the kind of content TikTok became known for. It became extremely popular and never moved away from its roots. Create your own ‘For You’ page that brings you joy! Now let’s look at the top TikTok songs that got us putting on our dancing shoes back in the days!



Where the hotties at? This was one of those songs which builds up classy (as all the girlies should be). Even for those who say they don’t body’yadiyadiyadiyadi! What a queen indeed!



hear the line ‘I never been with a baddie’ you instantly stop what you

SALARY – ROBOT BOII 2022 High heels were originally designed for men for the purpose of riding horses. The tongue is covered in about 8,000 taste-buds, each containing up to 100 cells helping you taste your food!

There are over 5,000 euphemisms for periods to avoid calling it a period.

for real!

That’s on Period!

We receive lots of messages from girls like you asking for advice. Sometimes we share those questions on our feed, anonymously, to get the sistahood to help. This time, a SKY girl was worried about her period experience.

“Hey girls please help me, for as long as I have had it, I have felt so uncomfortable and anxious on my period. I don't sleep well because I worry about staining my sheets, I experience a lot of discomfort, I often wonder if my classmates can smell me even though I shower twice a day and I feel so down. I’d like to feel more in touch with myself and my body when I am menstruating. How can I do this?”

SKY Girls online responded by saying:


T. Siya

I’m sure we all feel uncomfortable during this time ey But it’s not like we can control it Mme hela.... I advise you to get period panties tsa ko CB stores, those are the best. You feel better ka tsone. And ka the smell, just make sure you clean well

Also...try wearing dilo tse di loose in public, you'll feel better bcz no one can notice seemo sa gago.

vulva (the outside part of your genitals). Do not try to clean the inside of your vagina as it is self-cleaning).


at school. It’s gonna be hard because most people can be shameful about periods, but you should have that mentality of menstruation. Also, make sure to check yourself regularly at the school toilets and keep pads in your bag that way you won’t struggle. If you feel a lot of discomfort, you can take a painkiller. Love you!


Babes. I've got you. Trust me I can relate, went through 90% of high school with incredibly low self-esteem, so trust me when I

tell you is that you’re beautiful, all girls have that though, it’s mostly all in your head and it's completely normal. Now for the it, pads, liners, perfume, deo, some lotion (oh so heavenly has a strong scent so I recommend it) and maybe an extra pair of bottoms (skirt/ pants).

Secondly my best friend and I always sat behind each other when those times come. Whenever we'd leave for the next class, I'd stand up last and she'd be behind me to check, then walk right behind me if at all there is a stain and I'd do the same for her. Third, if you feel very self-conscious about it wear a new one after every lesson or every double lesson which ever works best for you. Four, fold a small towel and sleep over it. Five, make sure your group of friends are reliable. You need people who will tell you if at all there's

When you talk to people about your problem freely, they will advise you and help you freely. Gape when you have a problem or they notice something wrong, they won't feel scared to tell you. Mtana, remember to love yourself and get out of your head. You've got this.

experimenting with pads, try the longer/night ones for sleep. Change them from time to time, keep spares in your bag, if you have friends/older women that you are comfortable with ask them casually how they handle these things too. If you are using tampons, try to pair them with a light pad or panty liner. You can do the same when disposing pads, or even use toilet paper rolls and pinch the ends.

Have some beauty and care products that you use bubblegum, some tea too around this time. If you are wearing uniform try tights underneath, change pad every 3

be afraid to use public restrooms.

10 Climate change could be irreversible by 2030

laundry soap, if soap is not available cover stain with jacket tied around waist. If at school ask teacher for help, parents may be asked to bring extra clothes/uniform for you.

Chantell Rose

First always laugh because it helps reduce pain. Second spoil yourself, buy treats, it’s okay to be moody cause ur the one going thru this, and be proud to be a girl.


Most of the time no one can smell you, it's just the anxiety but if it's worrying you check with a friend you can trust to tell you the truth.

no one can smell you because you're keeping clean. My last bit of advice is be a girl For so long women have been made to feel ashamed about their periods and told to hide it but just tell yourself it's natural and spend time listening to your body. It's a beautiful cleansing process and it happens to every girl, and guys have mothers who bleed. It's a common thing. Look within yourself and make sure it isn't taboo within you. You are a girl and that is beautiful. If you have the luxury of staying home when you're on your period like if it's really hurting and all, rest and take care of your temple. Love it, pamper it, remind yourself how beautiful you are and how this is all a natural process


The only advice I have is for the one for sleeping, every night before you sleep lay a towel or something long before you sleep. Also, buy

is it heavy, light, how long it lasts! As a teen, your period might be irregular and that’s okay. Just track it using a calendar or a period

and sleep over a towel at night drink tea, or use a hot water bottle over your and may require you to take some pain

when your period is close to avoid surprises under your school uniform

without any products like soap when washing around your vulva. when they are in their periods and know that having a period is normal and a part of life.

The only muscle that never tires is the heart.


2023 Sures

We’re all about good vibes, spreading love, and getting good grades. Re SURE ka everything that makes us happy, healthy, and heavenly. Here is what we will be surrounding ourselves with and what we’ll be accepting in the Lord’s year of 2023

Going private

Social media has become chaotic, mara rona we want to take control of our spaces. Some people out there ga ba re ratele botshelo so we want to stay safe and protect ourselves. One easy way is to go to settings and set our accounts on private. Not all of us are influencers who depend on the public to share our content with the world to gain that engagement and make the bag. So, us just being regular teen girls living our normal lives, 2023 is where we set those boundaries to protect our peace by locking our accounts. Which means, only our families and close friends that we allow to view our content get to do so. There’s no point opening ourselves to getting cyber bullied and dragged online for who we are by strangers and opps! Go private and be your free authentic self on there babe, it’s worth it.

Improving our grades

This year we’re all about pushing ourselves to make sure we safeguard our futures. That starts with taking school seriously and getting good grades. Anything that tries to distract us from achieving our goals, we let go of immediately. Ain’t nobody got time for that sis. So, if wena wa re o sure ka “books before boys…” stay true to yourself with that because that type of distraction can bring forth heartbreak and unnecessary drama into your life. Re batla go enjoya our teen lives with our friends, girlbossing through our education, and learning about who we are before we could mess all that up. It’s time to hit the books and reap the benefits to our focused hard work when it comes. No regrets!

Minding our words

We know people believe in “Free Speech” which we’re also in support of. No one should be silenced from speaking their truth and standing up for what’s right. However, there is a limit to that free speech because the moment you start being racist, misogynistic, colourist, fat-phobic, judgmental, spreading

lies… now that’s just being a hater. Rona re shapo ka hate speech. Some people don’t realize that spreading lies by gossiping about others is also a form of bullying. If you find yourself in a situation where your friends start talking about another girl maliciously and being gossipy, step up and let them know it’s not a nice thing to do nor to experience. It’s time we mind our words, what we say to others and about them whether in our own close circles, online, or just anywhere.

More things we’re all about this year!

Respect Kindness

Gentle relationships

Minding our business

Caring about others


Making good choices

Setting boundaries

Enjoying good food



Growth Hygiene

Cucumbers are 95% water.

2023 Shapos

Re SHAPO ka anything that brings us down. Anyone that has malicious intent towards us and don’t wanna see us thrive. In 2023, we rebuke negative energy, we don’t accept disrespect, or giving up on ourselves. Here’s more of what we say no to


Waitse it’s almost as if the world does not take us teen girls seriously tu! Koore it’s almost as if we don’t have a voice, like we don’t have our own personal experiences to talk about, and we get a lot of disrespect for being our authentic selves. We get catcalled by men on the way to school but then we’re expected to be quiet and not react. Social media has allowed people to shame us openly and freely for our looks, our confidence, our choices, unprovoked. We do not accept that in 2023. Anyone who dares to perpetuate disrespect towards girls for just existing in their own skin shall be blocked! And the double standards never cease to amaze us, especially now since most of that has been trending and normalized. Re shapo ka tsone!

Period shame

Billions of girls and women experience menstruation in their lifetime. This is something natural that is biological to our female bodies. When adolescent girls reach puberty, we get to a stage where we start menstruating, and that’s normal. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. So, we should stand together as girls to make sure we fight against period shame and not participate in that negativity. These are our bodies, and we should love ourselves fully. Periods are not dirty. Periods are also different from one girl to another, but we can still help each other out when in need. Girls can still participate in everyday life activities on their periods by choice. Some people get mood swings, some get acne, or their boobs swell up, others get cravings, or very severe period pains. It’s normal, all we gotta do is learn our bodies, love them, and take good care of them.

Doing things to impress others

Hear me out—it’s okay to want to change to improve yourself to be a girl boss or to achieve your life goals. Sometimes that’s just growth and we love it. What we’re not going to do is to change ourselves just so other people can like or accept us. Like if a boy said he wants you to do something to prove your love for them, or making judgy comments about your body, now that’s a red flag sweety run the other way. There

are people out there for us, find them and surround yourselves with those people that you can be your true authentic self with. Even if they are in another class. The trick to making friends easily is to join school clubs. What are your interests? Chess, video games, Basketball, debate, cooking? Join the club. If the one you’re looking for doesn’t exist, make one. Or join any, you never know you might just like it.

More things we’re NOT about this year!

Being judgmental

Cyberbullying smoking

Sharing nudes

Being uncomfortable



Peer pressure

Bad grades

Spreading lies


Lack of focus


Gender Based Violence

The last time carbon dioxide levels on our planet were as high as today was more than 4 million years ago.

Teenage Dream My

My name is Lez!

If I were to summarise, being a teen in Botswana is just… confusing. Between navigating parent-teen dynamics to establishing your sense of self while everyone is just as clueless ei bathong, it’s stressful to say the least. On a personal level, I struggled with my confidence, which is ironic because I will jump and leap at any opportunity to succeed, so knowing that I am capable yet somehow doubting myself was a theme in my life for a long LONG time. With time and counselling I finally overcame this, although sometimes I get nervous, it is not the same piercing self-doubt I used to feel in my chest.

I am now at a point in my life where I feel I can achieve almost anything, as long as I am willing to learn, envision and work. Which leads me right into today’s topic, the “teenage dream”. What it means (to me) and how I apply it as a concept in my life.

To me, the teenage dream refers to youthful exuberance or bliss, put simply. It is freedom of expression, it is growth and it is self-love. My teenage dream goes beyond temporary pleasures, and speaks to a reality where I live to make the best of memories, to laugh and on the odd occasion to cry. To me, it means to feel and to experience life wholly, with the idea of success motivating me rather than draining me.

The first mark of this dream would be academic success, as someone who feels like they hold their breath all the way

Ke sure ka:
It could become too hot to live in many places by the end of the 21st century
Ke shapo ka:

up until results are released despite studying endlessly. Mme hela the hallmark of my teenage dream would be successfully completing my degree and any other academic pursuits.

Next would be new memories, whether it is cracking that one inside joke that my friends and I will carry for years to come, or going on our first vacation as “the girls”. My teenage dream entails living in the moment and appreciating the love that I am blessed to have around me.

Thirdly, I spoke of self-expression that, to me, means taking risks. Ha ele gore it means sending that audition tape or finally standing in front of a crowd again. The teenage dream for you, could mean signing up for the talent show and getting a standing ovation. Ultimately, I believe that each time you put yourself out there

YOU are living the dream.

Self-love and self respect come to mind when I think about the teenage dream. Defining your sures and shapos can assist with this, as it sort of lays the foundation for you to really envision and outline what THAT version of you looks like, the one who is even more confident, who knows how beautiful she is, who knows that she is still growing and can only get better from here.

“The now” this brings me to my last point, that the teenage dream, is your present life, whether it is slow paced or full of drama, your days in school uniform, basking in the sun o emetse combi these all form part of your story, your ice-pop melting before you get to bite into it, sengwe le sengwe that to me, is the real dream.

So tell me SKY family, what is your teenage dream?

My DMs are open but most importantly so are SKY’s, you can find us online @skygirlsbw to let us know your thoughts.

The entire surface of your skin is replaced every month, which put another way means you have about 1,000 different skins in your life!


19 year old

Naomi says:


Our environment is capable of influencing us one way or the other, but only to the extent you give it the opportunity to. You can allow your environment to destroy you or


One has to emphasize the importance of accountability. It's important for a teen to reaffirm the greatness they pose and their limitless capabilities about themselves and with the necessary support or guidance we have the ability

16 year old Tshepo


As a teenager you need to have self control, to know what you want and don't want as this helps you become true to

There is no person who can live without a dream. Having a dream not only helps you to go forward and to move with the fashion of the world, but to also be part of society.


Be a teenager who sits down and thinks about her life and tells herself “I want to improve here in my academics” or I want to open a group which will help SKY girls on how to reach a certain level of excellence and just make visions that will motivate you and that are reachable.

17 year old Kesaobaka says:


My teenage dream has been to reach greater heights ever since I was young. This has helped me to strive for the best. I made a decision to persevere in my studies. I started to revise extra hard at school and at home with the help of my teachers, parents and some revision material. It's my dream as a teen to further my studies and now I'm going to high school.


Hee! What a challenge it is to own up to one's mistakes but in order to attain my teenage dream I had to own them. When I was doing JCE last year I would get a drop in my studies and I realized that I wasn't doing something right but I learnt that "the greatest mistake I can make is not making a change. I changed my study schedule to studying early in the morning from 3am and so forth and learning to


My teenage dream can be all about knowing that life is an adventure, everyday I get to learn new things that impact a positive change in my life. I got to be bold and courageous doing grade 6 after trying debate and pageantry which made me love myself and improve even more and also remember that I have a purpose in life .

The man who murdered Michael Jordan’s father was wearing a Michael Jordan T-shirt.


Nothing is better than that feeling you get when you stand up for yourself. You just feel like a boss lady. Don’t care about what people think about you, especially those who judge you for being you. You should learn to support yourself and your rights as a girl child. Most people think girls are meant to be nothing but housewives. But girls are going to prove them wrong. We will be one of the future leaders of this country because we believe in ourselves.


Girls if you don't have acne then you are living the best teenage life. No girl in this world likes having acne. It just ruins our skin and brings your confidence down. But girls don't worry if you have acne. Having acne is normal. Try some self care tips and some will work but even if they don't work it's still fine. Just continue living life to the fullest and happiness shall follow. Remember that you are beautiful just the way you are.


This is what builds the best teenage experience. We girls love Fashion! At least some of us if not all. If we could get access to all those expensive clothes we would all run for that opportunity. Like those Louis Vuitton and Chanel clothes, shoes, perfumes etc . You are living the life if you have access to all this. Someday we will be able to buy all of the expensive clothes we set our eyes on just work hard and shall reach that goal of yours and be able to buy absolutely anything you want.

19-year-old Rendani Gouwe says:

The teenage dream. First off, you gotta ask what a dream is. A hope? An inspiration? An aspiration? I mean as a teenager, we are either dreaming of being Tiktok famous or rich, of getting good grades and achieving our goals. It is teenagehood that is the path to our future. My teenage dream is to feel better and to do good. My dream is to be kind as I know I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but I want to do better. I want to improve my mental health, I want to feel good about myself. I aspire to feel free. I dream to be helpful, I dream to be a better friend, a better sister, a better daughter. I dream to be a teenager I can be proud of, one my family can be proud of, a teenager that can teach the world different things. I dream to do good and to feel good.

16 year old Oabile Pilane says:


Spending time alone creates self awareness and you learn to be true to yourself. And find time to practice self care because it will leave you relaxed and at peace. Lastly, don’t allow negativity to bring you down. Take care of yourself boo!


Having self love lets you know you’re beautiful, unique, precious and worthy.You are the first and last YOU. Self love is also a reflection of how people should treat you because it is when you love and respect yourself and set firm boundaries that people will reciprocate the same energy.


Babes, don’t let your life revolve around just one thing! Be versatile, relatable and sociable! Participate in extracurricular activities because it will open you to many parts of yourself that you didn’t know existed. You’ll also discover your talents and gifts and be able to develop them.

On average you fart enough in one day to fill a party balloon.


Have you ever heard of fast fashion? The fashion industry used to have just 2 fashion seasons per year, meaning that there would only be 1-2 collections made by fashion houses per season. These 2 seasons have now evolved into 52 micro seasons. This means that the fashion industry needs to make new collections at least 52 times per year. How on earth do you design, produce and ship clothes by the thousands, 52 times in a year? It’s called fast fashion. Cheap labour, cheap fabric and standardized manufacturing processes in factories. Did you know that textile production contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined? I won’t bore you with the facts (that’s what Uncle Google is for) but the truth is that all these brands that seem to have new stock every other week, are harming our planet. This is why, I would like to encourage all of us to do this by re-using clothing items and reducing how often you buy clothes.

Do It Yourself!

You can crop any t-shirts that you have to create crop tops, then sew/glue the edge (with fabric glue) for a clean look. It’s pretty easy to cut long skirts and jeans, to make mini-skirts and shorts as well. Tie-dye is available at pharmacies (I know, weird af) and its actually kind of fun to paint your jeans, like we talked about in season 3 of the Mix. Just looking at an item with a new perspective can help you give it new life! You could revamp half of your entire current wardrobe for less than P300 in total.

Layering pieces

It is super easy to get some oversized items, that’s you, I got you! Throw something on top. It could be a belt, a corset, a waistcoat, a cashmere vest, etc. Have fun and go crazy, coming up with a look that suits your style this way. Let’s say that you do like a baggy

of a long sleeved shirt or a tank top under an un-buttoned, button-up shirt.

Only 1% of the earth’s water is safe for human consumption.


There are three ways to reuse clothing;

* Swapping/getting clothes from friends and family

* Thrifting (buying second hand clothes)

Now that you know the how and the why, we can go into detail with a few practical tips to.

Mix n’ match

If you have a funky vintage piece from that leaves you stumped when it comes to the styling, this is the way to go. Just pair something new with something old. Get a simple tank top or a simple pair of sneakers then throw on some modern accessories, and bam! You got because you know the chance of someone wearing something similar to you on civics day are slim to none.

Go big or go broke

Some people spend a ton of cash on something basic and ‘trendy’ because they are afraid of explore your style and have fun seeing what makes you feel good. Don’t be that girl. If you like it, wear it! Don’t think too much about what people will say. Feeling comfortable to wear something a little out there is all part of the fun switching up your fashion and slowing down your style. Enjoy looking like you walked right out of 90s movie set or a Destiny Child’s music video. Stay true to yourself.

Cotton candy was created by a dentist.

What do Boys think?

Teen girls want to understand the mind of a teen boy from their own voices. We exist in the same spaces—at home, at school, at events, at malls, online… but our experiences are different. Just like girls, boys are not all the same. Boys also behave differently, you might be out here wondering how guys feel about certain situations, why they do certain things, or what they like. We wanted to hear from different boys their thoughts and opinions on certain things, especially those that affect us girls. We asked SKY girls online to send us questions for boys to answer. Some boys opted to be anonymous *wink*, here’s what they had to say:

Do looks really matter?

Batho - The way I see it, looks matter just as much as personality. If I'm not as attracted to you physically as I am mentally then it just won't work romantically.

Agi, (19)- Looks do matter.

Boy 1 - Yes, looks do matter a lot because they play a vital role in attracting a boy. However, preference on looks varies from boy to boy therefore what one finds attractive, the other might not and vice versa.

Would you choose an Arsenal match over a Valentine’s date on February 14?

Ezra, (17) - No, I won't. What matters is those little euphoric moments that you spent with your partner.

Nicky (17) - Personally, I am more into playing than watching football, therefore my answer would automatically be no.

What is it like being a boy?

Batho - Being a boy has its difficulties... There's a lot more external pressure than most people realize. But for the most part it's bearable.

Boy 1 - Well there are pros and cons. Being a boy is cool and all as compared to a girl because we don’t go through menstruation and pregnancy. At the same time being a boy can be difficult, there are hardships we go through because of toxic masculinity.

How do you handle many other girls without us noticing?

Nicky, (17) - I might get into trouble for this but 'if you provide a woman with everything she needs then you do not give her reason to doubt you or your loyalty' the moment you start lacking is when she starts questioning everything.

Boy 1 - Personally it’s one girl all the way.

Do you think girls can be smarter, stronger, braver, or more successful than boys?

Nicky ,(17) - Yes, it is very possible, many women have proved this on a lot of different occasions.

Batho - I don't think gender has anything to do with what you're capable of as a person. It's up to what standards you set for yourself. Girls can be just as smart or strong as guys if they wanted to.

How come boys don’t seem to need reassurance?

Ezra, (17) - Iyoo it’s a tough one, in the sense that we carry the burden of being “the man”, and we must meet societal expectations. Kana ka Setswana the man is the breadwinner sooo.

Boy 1 - We are used to bottling up our problems and dealing with them ourselves.

How do you manage to stay calm in certain circumstances?

Batho - How do I stay calm? Now that you mention it, I don't really know. I find it easier to just keep quiet and talk myself out of whatever stressful situation I'm in.

Boy 1 - I put everything in God’s hands, so I’m always calm when faced with certain situations.

Why do boys make fun of other boys enjoying “girly” things?

Batho - I’d like to think it's because of how we were raised traditionally and society's failure to move from that traditional upbringing of young men.

Nicky, (17) - Boys thrive on ego and pride and sometimes that pride is in the form of masculinity. The moment you show signs of femininity they will relate you to the same energy even if you aren't gay.

As a boy, what do you think boys can do to help lower the rates of sexual harassment and sexual assaults happening among us teens?

Nicky ,(17) - I think it would help if boys improved in their discipline and self-control. Dear men and boys, please control your sexual urges.

Powell, (17) - If boys stood up for girls and didn’t entertain guys when they did such things, this would reduce these rates.

Boy 1 - We should always protect girls when we see other guys being aggressive towards them.

What are boys' long term goals in life?

Powell, (17) - Making money and making sure our mothers are taken care of.

Boy 1 - Be stable, that is have money, a place you can call home and a woman who can treat you right.

The ocean absorbs most of the heat we produce

Powell, 17

Batho, 19

Why do boys like aggressive handshakes and all that?

Boy 1 - It's a show of our masculinity and also empowers us. Boy 2 - Lol, we are “aggressive” in nature, I guess.

Boy 3 - Sign of strength, high testosterone, and dominance.

Why do you think boys like breaking girl’s hearts?

Boy 1 - I don’t think we like it, it’s just unavoidable, as much as you want to do right by someone and treat them right, eventually somewhere down the line you unintentionally hurt them.

Boy 2 - We don't necessarily like breaking girls’ hearts. We just end up doing things to impress our boys which results in a heartbreak.

Why do boys hide their emotions?

Agi, (19) - Afraid of being judged and getting comments like “man up” or (don’t be a baby).

Nicky, (17) - Like I mentioned earlier, you must endure whatever you go through, and even though some may think that this is "toxic masculinity" it really is just reality, as emotions can be taken as weakness. Men can't show weakness because women don't find that attractive.

Boy 1 - We were taught by society that boys don’t show emotions and if you do it’s a sign of weakness, also men’s feelings aren’t taken seriously.

What do you think is the reason why boys keep acting like they like a girl and date her even when they don't?

Katlo, (16) - So that they will be seen to be dating the prettiest girls around. Basically ke clout.

Boy 1 - I wouldn't date a girl I don't like. But I think gore the other boys do so to prove a point ko majiteng.

What do you look for in a girl—face, body, or personality?

Boy 1 - Personality.

Boy 2 - All the above but a little bit more personality.

How do you think we can end the gender wars between males and females for us all to be loving, kind and respectful to one another?

Leatile, (19) - we should stop saying negative things about the other gender on social media because that just adds fuel to the fire.



Katlo, (16) - I think gender wars can be ended by educating young people on how males and females are equal in this generation.

How many female besties do you have?

Boy 1 - 1. Boy 2 - 3.

Boy 3 - I don't have any, but I do have female friends and I don't think there is really a difference between female besties and female friends.

What are your thoughts on GBV among teens and among adults?

Nicky, (17) - I think it's sad how this has become the new pandemic and at the rate this is happening, it really deserves more attention.

Katlo, (16) - I believe it’s time for nations to take a stand and create effective campaigns which will help educate young people on GBV and laws that include imprisonment.

Boy 1 - It’s something that needs to stop because it has a huge effect on people’s anxiety and causes a lot of traumas.

Why are boys not nice to girls they don’t find attractive?

Leatile, (19) - This is because they don’t feel the need to be nice or entertain girls they aren't willing to pursue which is wrong.

Nicky, (17) - I genuinely do not know, and I cannot speak for the whole gender demographic, but I think sometimes it is to make sure they don't give off the wrong signs.

Boy 1 - It’s the same with girls. They are not of interest.

What do you expect from a girlfriend?

Agi, (19) - Love, honesty, loyalty, trust, care, and a bright future (not those girls who think about drinking 24/7).

Nicky, (17) - I expect her to be selfless, reasonable, obsessive, understanding, self-respecting, virtuous, responsible, patient, ambitious, loving , smart , socially aware, compassionate, trustworthy, genuine, open minded , social, nurturing, to be in touch with her feminine energy and is equally romantic and lustful.

Powell, (17) - Love, loyalty, and marriage.

Katlo, 16 #skyguys

The combined weight of ants on the planet is higher than all human beings.


Hey Brainiacs! The first term is almost over, and we need to push our new year resolutions in getting those grades up. Are your old study tips leaving you in the dust? Well, you’re in luck because in this article we featured our Big Sister Diphuka who is going to tell us about how she managed to get through school and boost her grades.

Q: Which high school did you go to?


How to improve your grades

I attended Moselewapula CJSS for my junior high and St. Joseph's College for senior high. I was an average C student. I stopped caring about school and only wanted to go home and watch TV with my friends. I was not taking my studies seriously.

My JCE results were a shock, and I knew I had to make a change. I needed to take school more seriously and do better. I had let myself down and felt like a failure. I made a promise to prioritize school and do better academically. I was lucky enough to be placed in the pure sciences class where I was surrounded by high performing students that pushed me to do better. It was a challenge to be honest but I was determined to prove myself and improve. I was proud to score 44 points for my BGCSE.

My double sciences A* A* was one of my greatest achievements and I felt like I had finally done something worth being proud of.

Q: What kind of student would you say you were in terms of your studies?

I was an average student. A 60% student really but I ended up scoring 44 points for my BGCSE and even to date I’m proud to say that I got a A* A* for my double science.

Q: What study tips would you say were effective in helping you improve your grades?

Past papers were my best friend, especially when I didn't really feel like studying. Ask your teachers for past exam papers and students who are in the grade above you for their past papers which you can use when you are studying.

PRO TIP: The questions in BGCSE/IGCSE repeat themselves every year or every other year.

Baby giraffes use their butts as pillows.

Sure ka

abilityMyselfandthetoachievemydreams * Fashion * Mymother

Shapo ka

* Evil people

* Being broke

* Adversity

Understanding my studying style: You must understand the type of person and student you are. I can only study in a very quiet environment, so I don’t need or enjoy any background music or rooms where people are talking loudly.

YouTube videos saved me especially for subjects like accounting and mathematics. You might find tutors who can explain certain terms that you can easily understand.

Rest: Breaks, including walking or exercising, make us more alert, help us focus, and help our motivation. They can help prevent fatigue and procrastination. They increase our productivity and even our creativity. And working too long without breaks can lead to burnout. I would take a nap before studying because trying to study or read after a long day at school then the tutor, in the sun then expecting my brain and body to function didn’t work.

Where I struggled, I sought help: tuition is 10 out of 10 highly recommended: that external help really does reap rewards and it contributed to me passing my BGCSE.

Q: What study patterns would you say were ineffective to you?

1. Group study was a myth, well at least for me. Going back to the point of needing a quiet place to study. Also, group studies usually wind up being 80% gossip and chatting and 20% actual studying for me, therefore you may be more productive on your own.

2. Trying to study the whole syllabus the night before an exam: This has never and will never work. If I was lucky, I’d get 50%.

3. Memorizing passively- I used to not read to understand but rather just memorize which was a really bad idea because I would forget what I memorized then I would be stuck with a blank mind in an exam room.

4. Only studying during exams- Trust me last minute reading is not it.

Lemons float but limes sink.

to help you get that mojo. Share with us your favourite inspirational quotes.

24 to help you get that mojo. Share with us your favourite inspirational quotes.

“It’s a choice. You have to wake up every day and say, ‘There’s no reason today can’t be the best day of my life” – Blake Lively

“It’s a choice You have to wake up every day and say, ‘There’s no reason today can’t be the best day of my life” – Blake Lively

“It's really important that young women be reminded that their involvement matters. Even if it feels like it's small, it really can make an impact.” – Meghan Markle

“It's really important that young women be reminded that their involvement matters. Even if it feels like it's small, it really can make an impact.” – Meghan Markle

“For every little child no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid” – Lupita Nyong’o

“For every little child no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid” – Lupita Nyong’o

“You cannot live to please everyone else. You have to edify, educate and

“You cannot live to please everyone else You have to edify, educate and fulfill your own dreams and destiny”

– Viola Davis

“Everything I do is driven by love. “The way I from a place of love and light.” - Jenna Ortega

“Everything I do is driven by love “The way I interact with the world my work, interacting with people, decision-making comes from a place of love and light.” - Jenna Ortega

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”

- Maya Angelou

“Success is personal and should never be driven by other people’s measures of success but your own” - DJ Zinhle

“Success is personal and should never be driven by other people’s measures of success but your own” - DJ Zinhle

“Stop following the hype”x Halle Bailey

“Stop following the hype” - Chloe x Halle Bailey

“I think in life you should work on yourself until the day you die.” – Serena Williams

During the 1970s, South Korea had a fashion police that measured women’s mini skirts.



Starting and running a business or getting into activism for s o cial change, is pe ople would rather have an offic e job, while others ements by getting their hands dirty in the field. Out there, o typical care ers like owning a nurs ery s cho ol, b eing an eing an activist. Our big sister SKY Girl sat with four young lo cal iduals to find out ab out their care er choic es and how they run

e Ka y intent and what I or mys elf

Ke Shapo Ka

• Unsupp ortive friends and family

• Pe ople who I can’t learn anything from

• Climate Change

. Why is it important for us to protect the environment and use oducts that don’t harm it?

So that we live in a nice, clean place and save the earth for future enerations. When we protect water streams from being polluted it means that animals are not harmed and we’re not eating a cow that has swallowed plastic.

. How can SKY girls participate in climate change activism?

e have the Botswana Environment Assessment Practitioners sociation, which I’m the chair of right now We’re an association of activists and we want to encourage young people to come join to drive the environmental climate change mandate You don’t need a special kground to join. Visit our page on Facebook for more details.

. What would you say to a young ambitious girl looking to start a business focused on environmental conversation and sustainability, or a girl interested in climate action??

I’m an environmentalist by profession. I deal a lot with what impacts the sustainability of the environment, and ESG is a factor that contributes to that. ESG stands for Environmental Social Governance, a tool used by corporates to show how their processes are affecting the environment. We are people that make sure that all the corporates in all industries carry out their practices in an eco-friendly way

In everything we do, and how we operate as a company, we use green practices; we recycle mayonnaise bottles for water, we pack lunch, w don’t use black plastic bags, we use recycled white plastic bags, and encourage carpooling meaning we drop each other off after work. Our packaging is biodegradable and you can use it rather than plastic. If it ends up in a landfill, it will dissolve in about 3 months.

Q. How easy has it been to shift the mindset of Botswana to switch to more sustainable and environmentally friendly products?

It’s still difficult because people consider what we do and our products, ‘western’, we’re selling something totally new, but it’s getting better, a few corporates are buying our packaging and using them for gifting

everything you do with intent and be focused. My main advice is that you should be an employee before you become an employer. You can also get some experience and improve your knowledge by volunteering at climate action organizations and participating in local organized activities.

Global Climate Activists that inspire us


one is too small to make a difference’.

“Your actions matter. No action or voice is too small to make a difference”

“Leaders become great, not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others”

“Once we start, hope is everywhere so instead of looking for hope, look for action. Then, and only then, hope will come”

e a businesswoman t I’m going to d 401 on Lindiwe
cision I made
Brenda Mwale, a Malawian Climate Change Youth Advocate Farmer and founder of Green Girls. Thunberg, a Swedish Environmental activist, and author of ‘No Vanessa Nakate, a Ugandan author, and activist who has recently been appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2022. Cows kill more pe ople than sharks.

Mr Musa Mhlasi

Mr Musa Mhlasi is a self-taught chef and owner of Musa’s Café and Pâtisserie. You may have heard of his famous cakes.

Favorite food: Pasta or Steak

Favorite song: Joe- I wanna know

Would you rather, go to jail for 5 years or be in a coma for a decade: JAIL

I quit my job lol.

It takes a while for people to believe in your brand.

it reminds you of why you’re doing what you’re doing. And doing what I love, of course.

Ms Thato Sekwati

MD in marketing.

Owner of Junitha Luxe Gowns shop which specializes in rental and purchase of evening gowns.

Favorite food: Pap and chicken stew

Favorite song: Libianca- People

Would you rather, go to jail for 5 years or be in a coma for a decade:

Junitha Luxe Gowns idea came about when I was still in the pageantry industry

No, in 2020 I started a poultry business because I needed a new phone.

I get up around 7am, then my morning prayer. Check my business phone and slot my appointments accordingly. Create my to do list.

The importance of branding. Also, the true essence of patience, when dealing with clients.

What would you say to a young ambitious girl looking to start a business or

Find your niché and specialize in what you do. If you love what you do, your work will speak for you. Don’t do it for the money, do it because you love it!

I’m proud of how far you’ve come, can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Keep pushing.

Pistachios aren’t nuts—they are actually fruits.

sure ka God Myself and my dreams Working hard Ke shapo ka Negativity Toxic friends Unfruitful conversations and engagements
Smoking Drinking
Ke sure ka Going after my dreams Staying true to myself Ke
Doubting myself

Dr Precious Serero

A doctor and founder of Phemo clinic, which is a general practice center in the CBD.

Favorite food: Mabele, morogo and beef stew

Favorite song:

Would you rather, go to jail for 5 years or be in a coma for a decade:

I think starting is probably the hardest thing, and secondly thinking you always have money

What would you say to a young ambitious girl looking to start a Dreams don’t work unless you do, it’s not enough to just dream, we must also do. Be patient, some things take time.Please don't be afraid to ask for help and get a mentor as early as you can.

Social media is an amazing tool to grow business. As a business we have decided to use social media to educate and that is how people get to know about Phemo Clinic.

Ms Wame Selala

Wame Selala is a young make-up artist. Her clientele ranges from FNBB to the graduate, or birthday girl. “We work to enhance the beauty that already exists.” Is how she describes her business.

Favorite food: Pizza and Pasta

Favorite song: Nao- Drive

Would you rather, go to jail for 5 years or be in a coma for a decade: JAIL

When you start you hardly see growth and that’s where you lose your and that’s where your patience starts running out.

It’s that when you keep going, you start seeing the fruits and results of your patience; when the money starts coming in, being recognized amongst big brands.

I gave some of it to my grandmother and I re-invested in the business. What would you say to a young ambitious girl looking to start a business

JUST START and everything else will follow. Avoid comparing yourself with other people, you’ll make it.

Ke sure ka Giving my dreams a fair chance Asking for help Going for therapy
things to please others Backstabbing
Ke shapo ka
Not believing
myself Doing
Unhealthy habits
Ke shapo ka
Giving up Laziness
to myself
Ke sure ka Staying true
herds make decisions by voting.

Big Sister Advice Column

Should I tell my friend that she has bad breath? I don’t know what to do and I don’t want her to be mad at me mints, but she would say she doesn’t like them, but I just want to help.

Mumcy -

Bridget -

My friend went through a traumatic experience that’s trusted her boyfriend who said he loves her, so she sent him some nudes when he begged her. But then he must have shared them with his friends and now the whole school has them in their WhatsApp groups. She’s embarrassed and she feels violated. I don’t know how to help her she’s just not herself anymore

SalomeJoy - !

Faith -

Ananda -
1 2 M&Ms are named after their creators: Mars & Murrie.

More male giraffes are homosexual than straight.

My cousin got raped by our other cousin. She told his mom, but she accused her of lying. She lives with them, and she says she’s scared, what should we do?

All our love, SKY Big Sisters

AnandaLolita - Tshepo - Lolita -
KakaleNatasha -

Local is Lekker!

Rating shnacks

We said that this year we’re supporting local and locally produced products. So, we went out to the streets and into our local stores to look for indigenous fruits and locally manufactured food. I bet you’ll

We rated the food based on the following categories: taste, appearance and how the food makes you feel, does it evoke feelings of nostalgia, sadness or happy times? We did this with our friends of SKY, and her manager, Gape Makwati on this one and agreed on overall ratings.


These were a childhood favorite of mine; I know that a lot of people love the chilly flavor because they were giving very much, mabudola. But for this review we bought the cheese flavor.


This was a tough one, they are kind of stale in texture and they aren’t cheesy enough. Gape and Dato did not enjoy these at all.


These are categorized as fruits but are quite different from your normal fruits. Morojwa is sticky once chewed and mmilo a bit dry.


We got these in the streets of Main Mall and these indigenous fruits remind us of our childhoods, picking them from streets in the neighborhood. These fruits are sweet, nice snack.


You can find it mostly in shops like Square Mart where they stock the most local produce. It’s not hard to miss.


Another childhood favorite of ours, that brings back so many feelings of nostalgia from primary school. Even now as adults, we could shamelessly take down a bag. Did you know that they are manufactured locally in Shashe?


This was based on taste and appearance. They smell like farts, but it's bearable.


Yes! you heard right. Mogodu in a can. Your typical mogodu but in a can. You can get it from most local shops like Choppies.


“Mogodu o o skono thata”


We bought this at Square mart and we agreed that it was too clean, lol. We much rather prefer the one from the streets.

RATING 9.5/10

This chilli sauce was SO yummy. It was a big hit however, we deducted half a point because we felt like it was too CHILLI and not “mild” as stated on the bottle.

The ancient Egyptians were the first to use makeup.

A little self-introspection is important once in a while. It helps you love and express yourself more. Be part of the fun activity and learn more about who you are and how you can be true to yourself.

1. Favorite thing to do

2. What I admire most about myself:

3. Greatest achievements:

4. Celebrity crushes:

5. My dreams:

6. My greatest fear:

7. What I want to change in the world:

8. What I need to work on:

9. What I love most about my life:

10. Ke sure ka:

11. Ke shapo ka:

14. My star sign: G E T T I N G T O K N O W M E B E T T E R

12. Favourite solo pastime activity:

13. Favourite quote:

are bulletproof.

Keeping track of your period can seem unnecessary and sometimes you can forget, but you gotta do it anyway. Not knowing when your next period is what they call the danger. Imagine you are wearing a cute outfit kana all white then SURPRISE! Not feeling so cute anymore yea! We are going to let you in on a little secret on how you can avoid such incidents. A PERIOD CALENDAR.

A period calendar can help you stay prepared in more ways than one. It's a great way to make sure PMSing or your periods don’t take you by surprise. Charting gives you more control over your reproductive health and helps you understand your own body rhythms.

Here is how it works:

Cycles normally take 28-35 days and differ from person to person. Some people, especially when you’re about 12, 13, 14, or younger, and you just started menstruating, your periods will be irregular. You might find yourself skipping months without one. So to be safe, always have an extra pad in your bag. For you to estimate your next period you begin at the first day of your most recent period (this is day one) and count out the number of days your menstrual cycle typically lasts. The day following the end of your cycle is when the next period is predicted to begin. Throughout the rest of the month when you’re not menstruating, you could experience some mood swings, cravings, body changes and other things. Note those down as well and see which dates you’re feeling this way to know more about yourself. You can use apps, like Oky, to help you track your period.

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 February Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 March Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 April Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 May Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 June Su Mo Tu We Th Fr 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 21 22 23 28 29 30 July Su Mo Tu 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 October Su Mo Tu 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 My FLO! My FLO! Track your period pooh!
2023 January
The Vatican declared the bikini a sin upon its introduction in 1946. After that, many countries banned the swimming piece.


24 25 26 27 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 July We Th Fr Sa 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 August Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 September Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 October We Th Fr Sa 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 24 25 26 30 31 November Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AWARENESS CONFIDENT FASHION POSITIVE SELF BEAUTY DREAM HEALTHY RESPECT SMILE
Applesauce was the first food eaten in space.

We have reached the end of the road… with this issue lol. We have this fun reflection section for you to remind yourselves of the things you may have learnt in this issue and to put down some things that you might want to think about (Yes, like homework, but fun). You can look at this reflection alone, or with some friends, this might be a great way to learn more about each other, a bonding moment. ANYWAY, LETS GOOOO!

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Let’s write down our affirmations for this year, grab a sticky note and write it down and stick it to your mirror, or on the first page of your diary! If you don’t have one yet, go ahead and use one of the girls’ and go ahead and customize it.

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Journey with us on this blast from the past with some of our past SKY Girls. Get to learn where they are now, and what they’ve been up to, you’ll definitely leave inspired. Who was your favorite SKY Girl of all time?

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It’s not too late to learn how to dance!!! Learn a few new dance moves with our top Tik Tok songs of all time!

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Learn about the importance of tracking your periods ladies, it’ll save you a whole deal of stress, trust us.

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Let’s get cracking and make a list of our 2023 sures and shapos, let’s be very deliberate about what we are accepting this year and what we’re not. We have a few you can steal too *wink wink. Be sure to send us your list!

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In our teenage dream feature we talk about what it looks like for our cover girl, Lez to be living hers, and we also reached out to our other cover girl winners to find out. Listen, if you had the ability to manifest the life of your dreams right now, what would it look like? Take out your pen and write THAT down and let’s work backwards in making it happen!

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Have you every heard of FAST fashion?

Well it’s a PANDEMIC, let’s read all about it and see how we can do our part to save the environment and fight climate change!

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So you thought you knew everything about what a boy wants… turns out, we might have been wrong this whole time! We reached out to a few and some of their responses might help you understand this complicated species a little better.

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Have you ever felt like an academic failure, well this doesn’t have to be your story anymore. This year we’re getting our grades up, and we came through with the tips to help you do just that.

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What’s your favorite celebrity quote or lyric? If you don’t have one, pick one from our SKY Girls. You can cut them out and paste a few on your vision board for the year.

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Have you ever considered being an entrepreneur or been curious about what it looks like. Well… Before you decide, check out what our entrepreneur friends had to say about their jobs.Also read about how you contribute to positive change in the world, by fighting climate change, there are so many little things you can do to make an impact.

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If you’ve ever been in a tight corner and wondered what to do, like if you have a friend who you have to confront about something but don’t know how. Don’t worry, read and learn in our SKY advice page, what our SKY Girls had to say about tackling different topics.

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Put your phone to the side and do some reflective work before bed. Knowing yourself helps a lot with self-confidence so let’s get cracking with our Know Yourself quiz!

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Listen, tracking your period (which is important btw) JUST GOT EASIER! Try to remember when your last period was or if you’re on right now, mark the last day and use our period calendar to keep track this year, cos we’re organized girls worldwide!

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Finally, it’s time to stimulate your brain with some fun and not so serious games. I REPEAT, put down your phone and let’s get cracking! I bet you won’t be able to match 80% of the celeb kids with their parents!

Viola Davis, Jennifer Hudson, and Whoopi Goldberg are the only black women to EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony award)

What is SKY? What is SKY?

SKY is a sisterhood of teenage girls all across Botswana that supports, empowers, and celebrates being true to ourselves. Becoming a SKY girl means taking the pledge to define your Sures (things you love) and Shapos (things you don’t need in your life).

What sets SKY girls apart?

We are not swayed by peer pressure, instead, we make choices that are true to ourselves and we stick by them. Whatever our Sures and Shapos are, we stand by them, because those choices define us, and make each one of us unique. To become a SKY Girl you need to take the pledge and live by it.

Take the SKY Pledge today, to unlock competitions, prizes and exclusive event invites!

SKY Pledge

I pledge to be true to myself and what I believe in. To be confident in who I am, and not let anyone define me. I will say Sure Ka Yone to the things I am all about - like music, friendship and my future. I will say Shapo Ka Yone to the things I am good without - like negative vibes, smoking and peer pressure. I will make choices that are true to me. I pledge to define my SKY.

How do I take the pledge?

Inbox us on our Facebook page @skygirlsbw with the following details: your name, surname, date of birth, location, 3 Sures and 3 Shapos! We will get right back to you to confirm you are now officially a SKY Girl, and you can start getting the benefits of being a member of SKY Girls!



Facebook @skygirlsbw

Instagram @skygirlsbw

YouTube @skygirlsbw

TikTok @skygirlsbw

Spotify @ SKY Girls BW

WhatsApp – 76224437

3 times a year, delivered to your school TV!

The Mix – Magazine show on our YouTube

Sure Ka Rafiwa – TV sitcom on our YouTube channel Events!

Keep checking our socials for news :) Podcast!

Off the Clock with SKY -Podcast on Spotify, Facebook, and YouTube



Shati Kassy



Brand New SKY Girls BW podcast

LISTEN ON Spotify @ SKY Girls BW

Also on the SKY Girls BW YouTube channel

tiktok and Facebook page

dial 124 to listen

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