Jaime Alemán Midwestern State University Major: Spanish/ Minor: Journalism
Spring 2021
Table of Contents
Letter from the Editor:................................3 Hometown: Wichita Falls, Texas...............4-5 Language: The relationship I have with Spanish..........................................................6-7 Family: The epitome of the sacred word, “familia”..............................................8-9 Event: Presidential Inauguration...............10-11 News:.............................................................12-18 Movies with the Family...............................19-20
Spring 2021
A Different Kind of Semester Lets get one thing clear up front: If you think this was a regular semester, you were not living on Earth in 2020. And at universities across the world, drastic changes were happening everday. If it wasn't health protocols to a flip-of-the-script in a class that switched to Zoom, a normal class just didn't happen. My die-hard professor that was joyous and, said it everyday, how happy she was to be able to teach from home to avoid getting sick, would at the last minute say, " Ok, I think students are cheating so, essay test in PY101 for the next class." I thought the world had ended as we knew it when I heard this coming through my AirPods as I was staring into the red "end" button at the lower right of my Zoom window. Expect the unexpected. I came to a final conclusion that this semester would actually be the best one ever. I liked the constant complaining from everyone about wearing masks. I liked the chatting with other students behind the professors back. I liked the "easier" online exams. And we all know that no one ever took out their notes or "accidentally" left open the Style Book in Dr. Wilson's class. With all the advantages I noticed, I definitely believe this will be my best semester ever, because the memories will be unmatched to someone until another 100 years. Yea, I'm thinking that in another 100 years another generation will have something compared to what we all went through Fall 2020-Spring2021. So I put together my writing from this school year. Assignments that ended up describing myself and what im all about. Things I like. Topics I genuinely enjoy. My city. My family. Me. Also, news stories that I wrote that will remind me what all happened that pandemic year.
Jaime Aleman
Spring 2021
Mi Ciudad L
a ciudad de Wichita Falls, Texas suele estar en la visión de una persona, sin darse cuenta, tratando a localizar en un mapa Dallas, Texas u Oklahoma City, por estar en medio de las dos ciudades metropolitanas. Si Oklahoma y Texas fueran una torta de aguacate y queso, Wichita Falls seria un condimento entre las dos rebanadas de pan. Está cerca de un rio que sirve de frontera entre los dos estados que se llama Red River. Su nombre de Wichita proviene de los indígenas americanos que son originarios de esta tierra y el nombre de Falls por una verdadera cascada localizada en el rio que desapareció inundado ya años atrás. El rio es peculiar porque la tierra se ha convertido en un tipo de barro que los geólogos llaman “Permian Red”. Es un rojo que parece el mismo color que refleja en una puesta de sol que ha dejado su huella pintada con una pincelada artística. La entrada a la ciudad por el norte demuestra la mejor apariencia por la autopista central. De ahí los cuatro o cinco edificios en el centro de la ciudad forman un grupo de gigantes congelados. Arriba en una cima, el auditorio municipal observa el centro y la iglesia de First Baptist Church que es similar a la Acrópolis de Athens, Greece por cubrir la cuadra entera. Las personas de la ciudad son la parte mas rica por ser amables y respetuosas. Son trabajadores y saben aprovechar de las mañanas frescas durante el amanecer. Esto es por su clima. Muchos ciudadanos dicen que es el lugar mas caliente en todo el estado y por eso genera tornados de tamaños inimaginables. En 1980, registraron en la ciudad por setenta y nueve días seguidos temperaturas de cien grados o más y rompiendo récord de cientodiecisiete grados. Con razón es difícil recordar cosas en esta ciudad, porque pareciera que sus memorias se evaporan con la intensidad del calor. La ciudad está distribuida en cuatro zonas, el sur, norte, oriente, y occidente. El norte es mas bien zona industrial por tener muchas fábricas como Cryovac, PPG Corporation y la base militar de la Fuerza Aérea. La zona sur-occidente es donde la mayoría de los ciudadanos viven por ser zona de mucha llanura Spring 2021
y espacio. El barrio de club campestre es donde viven los más ricos. Se encuentra una casa que parece Mount Vernon, la casa en el estado de Virginia del primer presidente George Washington. Hay otra casa que es réplica de la Casa Blanca y da la impresión de estar en Washington D.C. El lago Wichita tiene 2.6 millas de pista pavimentada para andar a gusto por bicicleta o simplemente andar de excursión. La pista pavimentada encierra casi toda la ciudad y da la impresión de una serpiente enroscada. Wichita Falls es una ciudad de ciclistas y es anfitrióna de una de las más grandes carreras de ciclistas conocida como Hotter’n Hell Hundred. Cada año llegan miles de ciclistas para participar en la carrera de cien millas y durante la carrera parece un ciempiés caminando por toda la ciudad. Durante las noches, a veces veo sapos caminando cerca de mi casa y me sorprende que es posible que tengan cien años de edad. Se que no es posible pero su conocimiento maduro debe corresponder algo parecido.
My City T
he city of Wichita Falls, Texas is usually in the vision of a person, without realizing it, trying to locate Dallas or Oklahoma City on a map, because it is in the middle of the two metropolitan cities. If Oklahoma and Texas were an avocado and cheese sandwich, Wichita Falls would be a condiment between the two slices of bread. It is near a river that serves as the border between the two states called, Red River. Its name “Wichita” comes from the American Indians who are native to this land and the name of “Falls” for a real waterfall located in the river that disappeared years ago in a flood. The river is peculiar because the dirt has turned into a type of mud that geologists call “Permian Red”. It is a red that appears as the same color that reflects in a sunset that has left its mark painted with an artistic brushstroke. The entrance to the city from the north shows the best view of downtown from the main central highway. The four or five buildings in downtown seem like frozen giants. Up on a hilltop, the Municipal Auditorium overlooks downtown and First Baptist Church, which is similar to the Acropolis of Athens, Greece because it takes up the entire block. The residents of the city are the best part because they are kind and respectful. Also, they are hardworking, and due to the climate, they know how to take advantage of the cool mornings at dawn. Most of the citizens will say it is the hottest place in the entire state and everyone agrees the heat is the reason the city generates tornadoes of unimaginable sizes. In 1980, the city registered for seventy-nine days in a row, temperatures of one-hundred degrees or more, and broke a record of one-hundred-and-seventeen degrees. No wonder it is difficult to remember things in this city, because it seems that their memories evaporate with the intensity of the heat. The city is distributed in four zones; the south, north, east, and west. The north is more of an industrial zone because it has many factories such as Cryovac, PPG Corporation and the Shepard Airforce
Spring 2021
Base. The south-west area is where most of the citizens live because it is an area open with a lot of space. The Country Club neighborhood is where the wealthiest citizens live. There is a house that looks like Mount Vernon, the Virginia state home of the first president, George Washington. There is another house with a lot of columns that is a replica of the White House and gives the impression of being in Washington D.C. The main body of water, Lake Wichita, has 2.6 miles of paved trails around the lake for biking or a nice hike. The paved track encloses almost the entire city and gives the impression of a giant coiled snake. Wichita Falls is a cycling town and is host to one of the largest bike races known as Hotter’n Hell Hundred. Every year thousands of cyclists come to participate in the hundred-mile race and during the race, with all the riders, it gives an impression of a centipede strolling through town. During the nights I sometimes see frogs walking near my house and I like to imagine that they may be a hundred years old. I know it is not possible, but their mature behavior must correspond something similar.
Español M
i relación con el español comenzó naturalmente con mi familia. Casi todos lo hablan de primer idioma. Mi mamá solamente se comunicaba en español pero mis hermanos hablaban español e inglés. Otra relación con el español es con las películas. Me interesaba mucho poder entender las películas en español para no tener que leer los subtítulos. La ultima relación con el español es con los libros. Soy lector desde niño y los libros en español eran difíciles para mí. Por eso mi interés y mi relación con el español se ha desarrollado a través de los años. Desde que tengo memoria siempre he escuchado el español. Mi mamá siempre me regañaba en español y apenas si la entendía. Muchas veces tenia que preguntarles a mis hermanos mayores que era lo que me decía mi mamá. Eso no me gustaba. Soy una persona extrovertida y yo quería poder defenderme con mis propias palabras. Aprendí muchas palabras precisamente para comunicarme mejor con mi mamá. Fui a la biblioteca municipal para pedir prestados libros de gramática y un diccionario. Empecé con una novela pequeña, después de unos meses estudiando español, se me hacia fácil deletrar las palabras porque las palabras se escribían igual como la pronunciación. Con el tiempo pude comunicarme mejor con mi mamá y expresarme solo. Mi mamá grababa películas que salían en la televisión cada domingo. Yo si me sentaba en la sala con ella para verlas porque me interesaban. Los temas si me gustaban, pero resultaba que los actores hablaban demasiado rápidos. Desde aquellos tiempos de ver películas con mi mamá los domingos, mi interés con el español aumentaba con los años. Solo yo sacaba los DVD's y los empecé a ver solo. Me dedicaba a apuntar las palabras desconocidas y buscarlas en el diccionario. Como las películas eran DVD's yo podía rebobinar o regresar a escenas donde no entendía porque hablaban demasiado rápido. Ya con internet, mi interés en películas en español creció. Las películas de México me interesaban porque me enseñaban la vida autentica de la Ciudad Spring 2021
de México. Veía las muchachas bonitas hablando un español espectacular y yo quería hacer lo mismo. Los hombres ricos me impresionaban como dominaban el español con seguridad y confianza. Se expresaban de una manera casual y trataba de copiarlos cuando podía para demostrar lo que había aprendido. La manera como aprendí más rápido era poniendo los subtítulos para leer y ver las palabras en la pantalla. Viendo las palabras escritas es una manera más fácil para aprender. La última relación que he tenido con el español es a través de los libros. Ya más avanzado mi español, empecé a leer novelas que había visto en las bibliotecas y de las que mis hermanos me platicaban. Mis hermanos estudiaban en la universidad y yo veía los libros complicados y novelas interesantes que tenían que leer. Una novela particularmente se destaca que encendió mi interés. Era la novela de Julio Cortázar que se llama Rayuela. Un día escuché a mi hermana mayor discutiendo el tema con un amigo de la universidad. Su amigo era americano, pero con un español impecable, y explicaba como la novela brincaba capítulos con fines diferentes según la manera que leías. Desde ese momento yo tenía que aprender mejor el español para algún día poder leer ese libro de Julio Cortázar. Y no traducido en inglés sino en su idioma original. Mi relación con el español ha sido a través de varios caminos pero todos con la idea de dominar el español para poder comunicarme mejor con mi mamá y defenderme de mis supuestas travesuras. Las películas me enseñaron la vida real del mundo hispano y aproveché para pasar momentos inolvidables con mi familia. Los libros permitieron que yo aprendiera mejor el español y también a viajar por mundos desconocidos.
Spanish M
y relationship with Spanish naturally started with my family. Almost everyone speaks Spanish as a first language. My mother only communicated in Spanish, but my brothers and sisters spoke Spanish and English. Another connection with Spanish is with movies. I was interested in being able to understand movies in Spanish so that I didn’t have to read the subtitles. The last connection with Spanish is with books. I have been a reader since I was a child and books in Spanish were always difficult for me. That is why my interest and my relationship with Spanish has developed over the years. Since I can remember I have always heard Spanish around me. My mom would always scold me in Spanish and I couldn’t understand what she was saying to me. Many times, I had to ask my older brothers what my mother had told me. I didn’t like that. I am an outgoing person and I wanted to be able to defend myself with my own words. I learned many words in Spanish precisely to communicate better with my mother. I went to the public library to borrow grammar books and a dictionary. I started with a small novel. After a few months studying Spanish, I noticed it was easy for me to spell the words because the words were written the same as the pronunciation. Over time, I was able to communicate better with my mom and express myself. On Sundays, my mom bought movies that were in Spanish and I liked to sit in the living room with her and watch them because they were so good. The movie plots I especially liked, but it turned out the actors spoke too fast. I had to do something about that. Gradually, my interest in Spanish increased over the years and later, I would take out the DVD's and watch them by myself. I used to write down the unknown words and look them up in the dictionary. Since the movies were on DVD's, I could rewind or go back to scenes where I didn’t understand. Now with the internet, my interest in Spanish movies grew more. The films about Mexico interested me because they showed the real Spring 2021
life of Mexico City. I saw pretty girls speaking spectacular Spanish and I wanted to do the same. Rich men impressed me as they spoke Spanish with such confidence and how they expressed themselves in such a casual way and I would try to copy them when I could, to demonstrate what I had learned. The way I learned the fastest was by putting the subtitles to read and see the words on the screen. Reading subtitles makes it so much easier to learn Spanish. My last connection I have had with Spanish is through books. With my Spanish more advanced, I began to read novels that I would see in libraries and the books my sisters told me about. My sister, Angelica, was studying at the university and I would notice the book covers of the interesting novels she had to read. One novel in particular stood out that sparked my interest. It was the novel by Julio Cortázar called Hopscotch. One day I overheard her discussing the novel with a friend from college. Her friend was American, but with an impeccable Spanish, and she later explained to me how the novel was written so that you could skip chapters (hopscotch) for a different ending depending on the way you read it. From that moment on, I had to learn Spanish better so one day I would be able to read that book by the Argentine, Julio Cortázar. And not translated in English, but in its original language, Spanish. My relationship with Spanish has been through various paths but all with the same idea to master Spanish and be able to communicate better with my mother and defend myself from my alleged antics. The movies taught me the real life of the Hispanic world and I took the opportunity as we watched movies to spend unforgettable moments with my family. The books allowed me to learn Spanish better and also to travel through unknown worlds.
de Oklahoma (OU) en Norman, Oklahoma porque se encontraba más cerca a la familia. Ariel nunca despreciaba su tiempo con su familia. Ya graduada de la universidad, buscaba afanosamente su primer trabajo. riel Salas es una Primero trabajó de secMexicana-Amerretaria para una empresa icana y mi pariente internacional y reconocida que yo conozco muy en California. Trabajó aplibien. Ella es mi sobricadamente en una oficina na. Tiene 25 años de con muchos otros empleaedad y está casada y su dos, pero al principio fue esposo se llama Jorge. muy difícil. Entonces ella Ariel y Jorge tienen un prosperó rápidamente por bebe hermoso, Maxisu talento y con su lidermiliano, de sólo 4 meses azgo y capacidad de dirigir de edad. Yo creo que los proyectos. A Ariel le ella demuestra muchas gustó mucho este trabajo y características buenas y se destacaba por su talento. es un buen ejemplo para Trabajó por dos años para segunda generación de esta empresa de publicidad inmigrantes de México. “Para mí las oportunidades exy ganó mucha confianza La historia de sus logros para manejar independiisten para todos sólo hay que y su habilidad de suentemente un departamenperar en cualquier cosa aprovecharlas y pórtate bien y to de la empresa. Vino a que se afrenta es una puedes salir adelante en este país.” Dallas, Texas para operar inspiración para muen una posición ejecutiva chas mujeres con padres para la misma compañía. originarios de México. Ariel es la raíz de la hermosura de su bebe. Ella Ahora navega astutamente tres equipos y toma todas las decisiónes con actitud decidida. Ella ya no trabaja es alta y con piernas largas. Va y viene con el humor entre secretarias porque es gerente regional. de siempre, camina con confianza y parece que busca Ariel es un buen modelo para muchas mujeres a sus amigos por su equipo celular con la frecuencia que son primera o segunda generación de migrantes, de una mujer amistosa. Su pelo es largo, negro y liso. no sólo de México, pero para todos los extranjeros Es atlética y corre diario y le gusta irse de paseo en su bicicleta. Camina todos los dias, con ternura, a sus dos que vienen a trabajar duros para mejorar sus vidas y perros en el parque. Ella siempre escucha atentamente las vidas de sus familias, porque ella superó todos los obstáculos en su camino. Siempre fue reconocible sus a todas sus primas y sabe dar consejos importantes esfuerzos inexhaustos para salir adelante y formar su para guiarlas por un camino con menos obstáculos. propia familia. Ella trabajó mucho y ahora tiene una Cuando un sobrino o una sobrina tiene dificultades posición ejecutiva en la compañía, una casa bonita en en cualquier cosa, ella siempre está disponible para compartir inteligentemente sus ideas y dar una sensata Dallas, Texas y una familia buena. Ariel habla español e inglés muy bien. Ella dice, “Para mí las oportunisolución para arreglar el asunto. dades existen para todos sólo hay que aprovecharlas y Ariel asistió la preparatoria en Wichita Falls, pórtate bien y puedes salir adelante en este país”. Por Texas y de temprana edad estudiaba mucho y se todas estas razones Ariel Salas es un hispano modelo. graduó a la corta edad de diecisiete años. Ella decidió,
independientemente de sus padres, en la Universidad Spring 2021
looking for her first job. She started as a secretary for an internationally known company in California. She worked diligently in an office with many other employees, but at first it was riel Salas is a Mexivery difficult. She quickly can-American and climbed in her position is a relative who I know because of her talent, very well. She is my niece. leadership skills, and the She is 25 years old and ability to manage large married and her husband’s projects. Ariel really liked name is Jorge. Ariel and this job and she stood out Jorge have a beautiful because of her talent. She baby, Maximiliano, who is worked for this advertising only 4 months old. I think company for two years and she has many good chargained a lot of confidence acteristics and is a perto independently manfect example of a second age a department in the generation of immigrants company. She later moved from Mexico. The story of to Dallas, Texas to operate her accomplishments and “For me opportunities exist for evin an executive position her ability to outperform eryone, you just have to take advan- for the same company. She in whatever she does is an now navigates three teams tage of them and behave well and inspiration to many womand makes all decisions en with parents who come you can get ahead in this country.” with a determined attifrom Mexico. tude. She no longer works Ariel is the reaamong secretaries because son of her baby boy’s beauty. She is tall with long legs. she is the regional manager. She comes and goes always with a positive attitude. Ariel is a good role model for many women She walks confidently and seems to be talking to her who are first, or second-generation migrants, not friends on her cell phone with the frequency of a only from Mexico, but for all foreigners who come to superstar. Her hair is long, black and straight. She is work hard to improve their lives and the lives of their athletic and runs every day and likes to ride her bike. families, because she overcame many obstacles along She walks in the park energetically every day with the way. She was always recognized in her inexhausther two dogs. She always listens carefully to all of her ible efforts to get ahead and raise her own family. She cousins and knows how to give important advice to worked hard and now has an executive position with guide them down a path with less obstacles. When the company, a nice home in Dallas, Texas, and a beaua nephew or niece has difficulties in anything, she is tiful family. She speaks Spanish and English very well. always available to intelligently share her ideas and She said, “For me opportunities exist for everyone, you give a sensible solution to fix the matter. Ariel attendjust have to take advantage of them and behave well ed high school in Wichita Falls, Texas and she studied and you can get ahead in this country.” For all these hard and graduated at the young age of seventeen. She reasons, Ariel Salas is a major Hispanic role-model. decided, independently, to go to University of Oklahoma (OU) in Norman, Oklahoma so she could be closer to family. Ariel always tried to never miss time with her family. Already a college graduate, she was eagerly
Spring 2021
2021 Presidential Inauguration By: Jaime Alemán January 21, 2021
he Presidential Inaugural Address that took place on January 20, 2021 was an historical event like no other. President-elect Joe Biden took the oath to become the 46th President of the United States of America. The importance of this moment for the media was very meaningful because the Press is known as the unofficial check and balance of the government. What the speech details will be a window into what this presidency may become. It is the start of a new way of handling government in Washington D.C. All eyes and ears are ready to make sure the President follows through with what the President said. It is important to be knowledgeable of what he has to say because this speech also allows us to know
Spring 2021
which way the nation is heading. The intelligence in his choice of words. The elegance of his demeanor. The respect he shows toward citizens. All this is a glimpse of what the next four years will be. President Biden stated that unity is what will help our nation heal. Biden recognized the damage done by the previous president and began by proving that democracy will always prevail. Biden said, “The will of the people has been heard and the will of the people has been heeded. We have learned again that democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile. And at this hour, my friends, democracy prevailed.” Biden’s bold words resonated with truth because the proof was being watched around the world. Democracy proved itself once again, Biden said, “to restore the soul and to secure the future of America—requires more than words. It requires the most elusive of things in a democracy: Unity. Unity.” President Biden highlighted all the characteristics of America and referenced many of the ideals that have made us a nation respectable and looked-up-to. For over 200 years, America has been a beacon of hope for many and for very specific reasons. Biden said, “our uniquely American way—restless, bold, optimistic— and set our sights on the nation we know we can be and we must be, America the leading force for good in the world.” After World War l, America began to show power and prestige in the world. It continued and became the most powerful nation. The most powerful ideal that led us to this, Biden said, “has been the constant struggle between the American ideal that we are all created equal.” We still fight for this ideal every day and strive to become better and closer to this. President Biden spoke of specific topics and issues that are important for this nation. He considered this as “democracy’s day” in contrast with previous President Donald J. Trump’s view of the office as an extension of his personal power. He spoke of democracy prevailing. “Democracy is precious. Democracy is fragile.” The importance of the transfer of power. Biden declared defiantly that the process has been successful10
ly completed without the previous president’s participation. A clear view of his true character. The new president Biden said, “Unity doesn’t depend on one person, or a party, or a few of us, it takes all of us.” He also spoke of the struggles we have faced as a nation, during peace and during times of war. The constant struggle we have as a nation to seek a more perfect union such as getting rid of political extremism, white supremacy, and domestic terrorism. The inaugural address had a solid tone that resembled other respectable presidents. A speech that inspired images and accomplishments that made the young want to strive to become president. Biden’s words drew images of George Washington taking the first oath and his words helped us imagine every other single president taking this same oath. He used the word “patriot” that is a term connected with the nation’s founders to describe previous presidents. Biden also painted us an image with his words about COVID-19 taking as many lives in one year as America lost in all of World War ll. He also described the respectable image of The Arlington National Cemetery and said that they were heroes who gave their last full measure of devotion and may they rest in eternal peace, which was a hugely needed demonstration of affection and empathy from our president. Biden also referenced historical events that made an impressive look back at some of the relevant moments in our nation’s history and he also spoke of one that was historical for the first time at this same inauguration. He reminded us about the great Mall where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of his dream. Also, about women’s sufferage Biden said, “Here we stand, where 108 years ago at another inaugural, thousands of protestors tried to block brave women from marching for the right to vote.” He was talking about March 3, 1913—the day before the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson. Black women were stopped by others from marching to the Capitol by others who
were against them asking for their right to vote. And the most impressive historical event he spoke of, was one that happened that same day, the swearing-in of the first woman in American history elected to national office—Vice President Kamala Harris. Many inaugural speeches include great quotes and President Biden incorporated a few that impressed many people. Biden quoted Abraham Lincoln when he said in another January in Washington, on New Year’s Day 1863, when Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, “If my name ever goes down into history it will be for this act and my whole soul is in it.” Biden followed by saying, “My whole soul is in it. Today, on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation.” President Biden highlighted his priorities of his presidency. Biden mentioned a few of his goals that will make our nation a healed nation. He said, “We will repair our alliances and engage with the world once again. And we’ll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.” This heroic statement will be repeated and mentioned every time this inaugural address is discussed. Biden ended his speech about what role of government has in addressing the nation’s problems. He spoke of what we as citizens can do to help solve problems. President Joe Biden said, “And each of us has a duty and responsibility, as citizens, as Americans, and especially as leaders—leaders who have pledged to honor our constitution and protect our nation—to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.” This Presidential Inaugural Address was very significant and historical. It will enable us as writers to chronicle this moment and remember it as the shift-changing event it will become known as. History will know what side you were on.
“And we’ll lead not merely by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.” -President Biden
Spring 2021
Two Organizations Bring Alumni to Speak About Latin People in the Workforce By: Jaime Alemán February 4, 2021
he World Languages and Cultures Department and the Organization of Hispanic Students will sponsor, Latin People in the Workforce, an event that will showcase seven Latin alumni from the university, all from different career fields. Each presenter will hold individual conferences on Zoom every Friday at 6 p.m., starting Feb. 5 through April 9. During the event, each speaker will talk for 30-35 minutes and then there will be time for Q&A. Participants must write the questions on the Zoom chat and a moderator will read them to the presenter,” said Issac Nuñez, sponsor and spokesperson for the events in an email. Nuñez also said that the whole activity should last about an hour for each presenter, including the questions and the speech. All students can join and the events are not limited in size, since it will be held on Zoom.
law, medicine, music, mass media, and more. Each presenter will also share some knowledge about their respective professions, that will let the audience know where they are now after graduating. There will be seven speakers to choose from and will allow for a variety for all interests. Montoya said, “If professors want to offer extra credit for attending, we can do that.” Montoya also said that as the presentations go, the sponsors holding the events, will send out flyers with a brief biography on each presenter to allow students to choose a favorite or just the presenters in their similar majors.”
“The presenters will talk about their hardships, motivations, struggles, and successes, as some of them are the first generation to go to college,” said Dr. Claudia Montoya, professor and director of World Languages and Cultures. To showcase the diversity of the Hispanic world, there will be professionals from a number of fields such as
Spring 2021
Valentine Valograms from Fraternity Chapter TKE are starting to get back to it, but with all the safety precautions in place. Our campus has quite of few fraternities, but only four are Interfraternity Council members. “TKE is one of the four IFC fraternities on campus. We love Valentine’s Day and raising money, so 20% of the revenue from the valograms is going to go straight to St. Judes, which is our philanthropy,” Nunez said. So before the week ends and Valentine’s Day sneaks up on you, go buy a valogram at Sundance Plaza for your significant other or your family members.
By: Jaime Alemán February 10, 2021
embers of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity will have $1 valograms starting Feb. 8-12, at the Sunwatcher Plaza to raise money for St. Jude’s Hospital and chapter operations. Rogelio Nunez, the president and philanthropy chair of TKE said, “the valogram is a little heart message that we are going to sale. You just write a nice note for either a friend or family member. They are only $1. You get a heart and a carnation with it.” The fraternity will also sell $2 raffle tickets for a chance to win a gift basket or a goodie bag with a carnation. They will also sell a package deal with everything, the note, the raffle ticket, and a goodie bag with a carnation. “The valograms started today and will be happening until Friday. We will be selling them every day this week,” Nunez said. Due to the potential of Spring 2021
snow and dropping temperatures Nunez said they are trying to move the event inside, but so far its going to be at Sunwatcher Plaza. “I bought a valogram for all four of my family members. They are only a $1 and make a nice gesture for Valentine’s Day that will help make their day better. It’s also for a good cause. I really like the TKE fraternity and anything I can do to help them out, I try to do,” Enrique Olvera, freshman finance major
said. Students and faculty are welcomed to purchase the valograms. “After leaving Einstein’s Bagels for my lunch break, I seen TKE set up and seen the valograms they were selling and thought of my loved ones. I bought a couple of them to help out and the carnation flower looked nice,” business office teller, Nick Rodriguez said. Some fraternities and sororities have not been doing fund-raisers because of COVID-19, but they
All Classes Canceled Again Due to Winter Storm without power. Jaime Alemán January 30, 2021
he university cancelled all in-person and virtual/hybrid classes through Thursday, Feb. 18 due to the deadly winter storm and power outages, according to a message from Director of Marketing and Public Information Julie Gaynor. “Due to some students without power and the bad road conditions campus will remain closed Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 17-18. We are trying to reach out to off-campus students who have been left without power,” Gaynor said. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which manages the flow of electric power on the Texas Interconnection system that supplies power to more than 25 million Texas customers—90% of the state’s electric load, declared its highest state of emergency in the aftermath of the winter storm that has engulfed the Lone Star State, leaving thousands Spring 2021
Gaynor said, “It has us worried about students stuck in their apartments off-campus with no electricity or family nearby. The Legacy Multipurpose Room and the Clark Student Center are opened as warming stations for current students living off-campus and are without power.” It has been unclear if the outages are from the rolling blackouts described by Oncor, the electric utility company, to drop power load through maintained controlled outages or poor grid conditions. “Rolling blackouts, I think not. I have friends who have been without power this whole time, and here I am in an apartment with my son and its 40 degrees. We are freezing,” Mary Davis, computer science senior said. Others have not experienced the power outages, but still feel the effects from the university closures that have turned into a small vacation from the stress of classes.
Music education student, Georgia Kirkpatrick said, “I live in the dorms and if we did have a blackout, I might have been asleep during that time, but I haven’t seen any. The internet has cut off once or twice, but it was back on within minutes.” The dangerous road conditions have also directly affected the students on campus who have to go to work or pick up supplies from the grocery store. “It’s kind of scary. Snow is beautiful, but at the same time it’s scary, because so many people have to travel during this weather with all the ice. Plus, no electricity for some, its stressful, to say the least,” Kirkpatrick said. Students with power outages or housing issues can go to Mesquite Dining Hall for food and
shelter during normal dining hours, according to MSU Texas social media. Wichita Falls Mayor Stephen Santellana said on Facebook many non-profits are set up to help with overnight shelters and warmup stations, such as One Life Community Church, Hope Church, First Baptist Church, and Salvation Army. Students and residents are encouraged to conserve energy as much as possible, according to Payless Power, an electricity provider. Ways people can conserve power and lower energy costs include turning down the thermostat to 68 degrees, keep lights off when not in room, and unplug appliances when not in room. 14
More COVID-19 federal money provides relief to Financial-Aid students Jaime Alemán April 12, 2021
he Financial Aid, and the Business Office will begin the process of distributing funds from the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 grant to qualifying students on March 5. “Qualifying students will receive money from $125 to $750 depending on the level of financial need. There is high-level, mid-level, and low-levels of financial need based on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid,” financial aid processor Frances Tasker said. Full-time undergraduates who receive Pell Grants with an Expected Family Contribution of $0$5,771 will receive the full amount of $750. Tasker said mid-level fi-
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nancial need students that have an EFC of $5,772$25,000 will receive $500, and low-level financial need students who have an EFC of more than $25,000 will receive $125. Federal relief funds help manage unexpected expenses related to the coronavirus and help students continue their education despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nick Rodriguez, teller in the Business Office, said, “For faster payment processing, students are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit through Touchnet located in the MSU Texas portal. It is also important for students to update their mailing address in WebWorld so the check can be delivered to the correct mailing address.” Despite an account balance in the Business Office, students will receive the funds from the grant. The CRRSA grant can be applied to the student’s account balance if they
choose to do so. Rodriguez said students with account balances will be their responsibility. Also, students will receive relief funds 3 to 5 business days after March 5 if you have set up direct deposit, or otherwise via check to your mailing address can take 7 to 10 business days. Students not eligible to receive federal dollars can apply to the student emergency fund for relief from the pandemic or other emergencies such as the winter storm damages.
pected financial burdens and students search for financial relief from all sources available. “We are really happy and thankful because it is an entirely donor funded program so supporters of the university, community members, local organizations and foundations, even university faculty have contributed money to make the funds possible,” Park said.
“The winter storm and ensuing negative impact financially on students because of whatever they may have experienced, could be something eligible for funding through the student emergency fund and there are ample funds for students to submit those applications,” said Matthew J. Park, the associate vice president and dean of students. The pandemic and the winter storm cause unex-
65th Annual Meeting for Credit Union comes with the famous “Best Raffle on Campus”
he university Credit Union Board of Directors and staff held the 65th annual meeting on March 5 to discuss the yearly audit, to give the Chairman’s Report for 2020, and to present future goals for its members. Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, Crystal Tate said, “Our job is to go over the yearly audit that is done by the Credit Union Department of the State of Texas. According to the current audit, all prior examination findings were adequately resolved, which is good news. The Credit Union remains well-capitalized, loans underwritings are adequate and there is ample liquidity to meet loan demand and share withdrawals.” The issues found during the audit refer to policy and customer procedure that require revision, and updating the employees with the new changes. Tate said an issue that needed to be made is revisions to the Bank Secrecy Act policy and procedures under the area of customer due diligence to ensure compliance. “I want to assure you that the employees at the Credit Union and the Board of Directors are working to take appropriate action to resolve all the findings identified during the audit. There was nothing serious or difficult to correct,” Tate said. The Bank Secrecy Act is a U.S. law requiring financial institutions in the United States to assist U.S. government agencies in detecting and preventing money laundering, also known as the Currency and Foreign
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Transactions Reporting Act. During the past year, the Board of Directors and Credit Union Management have examined avenues to increase loan revenue in order to decrease the use of reserve funds for Credit Union operating expenses. Jonathan Price, treasurer and chair of the credit committee said the Chairman’s Report of 2020 shows 254 loans approved, a small decrease from the previous year of 258 loans approved, a 1.6% decrease. “The pandemic rose with full intensity and everyone was challenged and our Credit Union was no exception. As a consequence of the pandemic, we’re in an economic crisis that has depressed interest rates at historical lows. Although there’s a silver lining to that, this is an excellent time to borrow money,” Price said. Other financial institutions have hidden costs with robotic customer service, but the university Credit Union considers the member’s best interest because they are a partner. Price said, “If you are in the market for a loan, ask us what we can do, think of us first. And more importantly, if you have friends or colleagues on campus that could benefit from us, don’t leave them out, let them know that we can be an asset to them.” In today’s economy member loan activity is important to generating revenue for any financial institution. To increase income, the Credit Union is committed to expanding the university Credit Union’s membership pool. “Our membership pool is made up of current MSU employees, students as well as grads, and family members. We are looking at bringing more of Vernon, we have expanded to Vernon and its usually Vernon faculty that we’re looking at. We are looking at the possibility of including students from Vernon also,” Chairman, Barbara DeBois said. As of December 31, 2020, the Credit Union assets totaled $5,687,880.15.
Students For the First Time able to Get COVID-19 Vaccine on Campus
and will help things get back to normal, but concerns about receiving the vaccine persist. Miranda said, “I do understand some of the concerns of not wanting to get vaccinated, however I believe you have to take that risk in order for the country to start back up again.”
Millions of people have received the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines in the United States, but now there’s a new vaccine on the list. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for emergency use, making it the third vaccine available in the U.S, which is the vaccine that will be used at the vaccine clinic on campus.
orking together to help achieve herd immunity in our community, the Vinson Health Center will host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic. It will begin April 8 at the Sikes Lake Center thanks to a collaboration with the Texas Military Department and the Texas Department of Emergency Management. “We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the TDEM and TMD to host these clinics as we work together toward achieving herd immunity,” Dr. Keith Williamson, medical director at Vinson Health Center, said in an email. The shipment our campus received supports our campus community, but also allows a chance to help the region reach the herd immunity goal. Clinics will start Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and continue each Tuesday and Thursday during Spring 2021
the month of April while supplies last. “MSU Texas received plenty of Johnson & Johnson vaccines to last the month of April,” Director of Health in Wichita Falls, Lou Kreidler said. The on-campus vaccine clinic will be available to students and faculty with proper identification such as a driver’s license or state-issued ID. Everyone on campus is encouraged to participate to help summer travel become less risky when they return for Fall 2021. “The main reason I want to get vaccinated is because I want to be safe especially around my mother who has some health conditions. I’m also planning to travel this summer to visit family members in Mexico so getting vaccinated and keeping them safe is necessary,” spanish junior Edwin Miranda said. The Health Department maintains the effectiveness of the vaccine continues and has low risks
Kreidler said the ultimate difference is the way the instructions are delivered in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine because it uses the more traditional virus-based technology. This approach attacks the spike protein. It uses a harmless virus that doesn’t make people sick. The harmless symptomless virus spreads in your body and releases the spike protein fragments. Just like the mRNA vaccine, the body reacts to the spike protein making your body fight any run in with the COVID-19
virus. The body sees foreign protein and produces an immune response, so when the real virus shows up, the spike protein gets attacked making the virus harmless. The public questions the side effects of all vaccines, but the vaccines are both effective and safe. “I didn’t even know MSU was offering the vaccine but our professor just reminded us this morning,” Taylor Mendez, computer science senior, said. “I’m concerned about the side effects, but, I’m going to get it because I don’t want to be responsible for getting any of my family sick.” Pain near the shot and soreness is standard and most people will feel achy and a little feverish. These side effects are signs your body is taking the task of a good immune response seriously. Mendez said she is ready for life to return to “normal” and that will only happen if enough people get the vaccine to reach herd immunity.
Update: With only three known cases Johnson & Johnson pauses vaccine due to potential blood-clots V
inson Health Center pauses Johnson & Johnson vaccine doses because of cases around the U.S. involving blood clots, but will continue tomorrow April 15 giving the Moderna vaccine at Sikes Lake Center. “People can still go to Sike Lake Center on Tuesdays and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. but will receive the Moderna vaccine,” Elizabeth Lyn Doman, medical office coordinator, said. The pause on J & J vaccine comes after reports from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of nine rare cases of blood clots in vaccinated
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individuals. “I received my vaccine last Tuesday at Sikes Lake Center and it was the Johnson & Johnson. After reading about the pause of the vaccine because of blood clots in a few cases, I got nervous and started reading everything I could about what signs I should be looking for,” Taylor Mendez, computer science senior, said. The CDC recommends looking for signs of severe headaches, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath that could be related to the J & J vaccine. If you are one who received this vaccine, the CDC advises to seek medical attention if
experience any of these symptoms. Mendez said, “I have not experienced any of the symptoms the CDC says to lookout for, but I am concerned.” She also said she believed MSU would give quality vaccines, but now doesn’t trust what doctors are saying. The CDC still encourages to get vaccinated, but the growing number of people with concerns and fears about the vaccine continues to grow. “After reading about the blood clots related to the Johnson and Johnson vaccine that I got at the
Sikes lake, I began to get worried. I’m a fearful person about getting sick so my mind began to wander and I am still worried, but I try to stay positive,” Edwin Miranda, spanish junior, said. The 9 rare cases involve women. The CDC is monitoring vaccine safety constantly to ensure the confidence in the population. “The fact that it involves only women with the blood clots, I have to keep myself updated with stuff about the symptoms in case I have them, I want to know and go see a doctor, Mendez said.
Media Lessons to Learn and the Effects of Television By: Jaime Alemán February 3, 2021
s a growing adult and uncle, growing concerns about the “effects” of watching television have become an issue more relevant to me. As I observe my nephew watching cartoons and movies, I notice the effects it can have on his developing brain. The positive effects are noticeable just as much as the negative effects. The positive effects include vocabulary and broad concepts, while the negative effects range from bullying and stereotypes. Teenagers seem to have a little different circumstance with watching television because they are slightly more developed, but they also tend to have an interaction with the television that definitely effects different aspects of their lives. Adults can feel confident about recognizing bad effects from watching television, or even try to avoid television, but also end up effected by the screen (tv, movie, or phone), both good and bad. Observing my family of mixed ages, mostly girls, interact with each other and the tv is a spectacle, because we are a family that always gives voice to our opinions. A normal Sunday afternoon, closer to evening, we usually all sit in the living room to watch a movie. We all vote on the movie after each person shows a trailer of what they want us to watch together. Because some are in elementary, no rated-R movies are allowed. Some days there are exceptions, like when the kids are swimming is one example of when the movie will be rated-R. The mix of ages is what makes the evening more interesting. As the movie begins, the behavior is usually the same always. It starts with every one paying attention and focused on the beginning to be able to form an opinion about the movie. Based
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on the first few minutes, I note the interest level of everyone. Mostly, the majority shout out a general evaluation about the movie. Something about if it is going to be good or an idea about it being sad makes the older sisters want to get more engaged with the movie, because they love to cry during a movie. For them, it is a sort of therapy. When the interest level is high, this can make them behave like school-girls because the chatter is notable. The boys in the room act more serious until something is funny. The boys enjoy comedy and a comedy movie makes us want to interact more with each other or bring up a funny story of the past. Some tell others close to them about an actor or actress they seen on another movie. Some like to tell the whole group. Others will agree, or sometimes challenge the validity of the movie the actor was in. Someone always pulls out the phone to look on IMDB (Internet Movie Database) or Google to prove them right or wrong. After this, the typical list of other movies that actor was in, or the other movie the director made and about how good said movie is. The comparison of the other movies is typical in my family. Furthermore, interaction with the television can involve betting on these discrepancies because everyone believes themselves as a “Siskel & Ebert” (past duo movie critics) that know the facts about all movies. Sometimes things get so serious that the movie or channel gets switched over to YouTube to see if the fact is true. Once, two sisters argued and bet against each other over Salma Hayek, the Mexican actress, who acted in Quentin Tarantino’s “From Dusk til Dawn”. The bet needed to be settled right then and there. One sister said the
actress in “From Dusk til Dawn” was Jennifer Lopez and the other sister said that it was Salma Hayek. A hundred-dollar bill was laid on the line and the tension was seriousness and thick. Obviously, the correct sister took both bills and flaunted her winnings with a dance in the middle of the living room. The interaction with the two actresses was interesting because we continue to laugh at this drama, but we all learned and created a terrific memory. During the middle of a Sunday evening movie with the family, most are either very interested and guessing what is about to happen, or half asleep. The ones still involved continue to discuss possible endings and what they want to happen. Discussion can get to the point of pushing pause and allowing each person a chance to say what they think will happen. We all learn something from our guesses because most guesses are reasonable and entertaining. We also let the younger kids express their ideas about the movie. Over the years, we all become more knowledgeable and watching television as a group does have its benefits. The debates over actors, directors, and what they acted in or directed, tend to evolve over the years. When I was one of the kids in the room, I remember not knowing much
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about the directors, or who won an award or the Oscar, but now I do know and enjoy discussing and sharing what I know with my nephew or niece. I enjoy sharing my familiarity with movies, especially the Marvel or DC movies or “Star Wars”, because we all enjoy passing on what we like or want them to learn about a movie. Also, explaining to them what the “force” from “Star Wars” really means to me is exciting and meaningful. The purpose will always be to help guide them to understand what the movie wants to express. Analyzing a book in class is not always fun to most kids, but analyzing a movie and making it fun, helps teach them that analyzing a book is similar and can also be fun. Shaping a younger generation to critique a movie allows them to absorb and examine what they see on television or their phones. Media literacy is important because it can lead to viewing the world in a positive way and avoid negative effects from television. There will be negative effects from watching movies on tv or at the movies, but the interaction and positive discussion can help steer younger kids toward a more favorable outlook about the effects from television.