Slaney News, Issue 154, March 2023

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12 yearS Sla ney News Issue 154 – March 2023 Tel: 053 9138992. Mobile: 087 2994988 Email: Computer & Laptop Sales & Repairs IT Services & Website Design KAVANAGH’S GARAGE Auto Maintenance & Repairs – Diagnostics – Pre-NCT and DOE Tests – Clutches, Brakes, etc – Breakdown Assistance ISLAND ROAD, ENNISCORTHY 053-9233601, 086-2457664 DUFFRY HILL, ENNISCORTHY. T: (053) 9234660. Haven Kavanagh’s Pharmacy Pharmaton Vitality 11 100s with 30 capsules FREE Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat will be staged in Oylegate Community Centre for four nights: Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th at 8pm. Tickets €12 for adults and €6 for primary school children. Bookings: 053 9138192 or 087 9552727.
row: Rhian Fitzgerald, Grace and Ella Barry. Front row: Rachel Woodbyrne and Emma Kiely. Bio-Kult Range Buy 1 Get 1 HALF PRICE

If you suffer from lack of sleep due to ongoing health issues, such as back or body pain, twisting and turning at night, age related etc. or if you just want to spend your money sensibly on a high quality mattress, then we can help to eliminate the guesswork in making such an important decision.

We would be delighted to receive stories and photos from our readers around the county. If you have anything you’d like us to share, please email and we will do our best to include as many photos and stories as possible.

SlaNey adS 3rd March 2023 - Page 3 Contents of this issue of Slaney News... News page 4 Leisure & Lifestyle page 50 Arts page 82 Food & Drink page 86 Business & Finance page 92 Pets page 98 Motoring page 100 Sport page 104 History & Heritage page 114 Environment page 122
A family-owned Wexford company providing you with a reliable and quality service since 1988  Ask about our Easy Pay Budget Plan  All Major Credit & Laser Cards Accepted Delivering Kerosene, Diesel, Gas Oil, Agri Diesel to homes, farms and businesses all around Co. Wexford. TEL: 053-9255219 - RATHNURE - ENNISCORTHY PAT MURPHY OIL LTD.

Welcome to the March issue of Slaney News.

The local news in recent days has been dominated by the recent fire in Wexford General Hospital leading to what has been described as the biggest evacuation in the history of the health service in this country with up to 100 ambulances from all around Ireland involved in transporting patients to alternative hospitals nationwide. Miraculously nobody was in jured in the fire incident itself or in its aftermath.

A small number of patients remain in the fire-damaged hospital. Maternity services reopened there on Friday morning. Outpatient activity will recommence from this coming Monday. The ED (Emergency Dept) remains closed, and is likely to remain so for a couple of more weeks. Other areas of the hospital will reopen on a phased basis depending on how quickly essential services like medical gasses, oxygen, etc can be restored.

Significant damage has been caused to the hospital not only by the fire itself but also by smoke and water. Assessors and technical experts are still working on the site to establish how the fire started and the exact extent of the damage.

Hospital management and staff and emergency services, statutory and voluntary, have all played an immense role in handling this unprecedented situation, and deserve huge credit. For patients or families who have any concerns, Wexford General Hospital has a helpline on 0539153012.

Check out the Slaney News Facebook page for regular updates.

If you have any news or photos you’d like us to share in the Slaney News, please email them to and we will do our best to include as much as possible. Also, please let us know what you think about our new format. Telephone: 087-2403310, or message us through our Facebook page, ‘Slaney News’, which now has over 10,500 Followers. And, of course, if you like our new online format please spread the word so we can grow our online readership. Thank you

To advertise in the

SLANEY NEWS, CLONHASTON, ENNISCORTHY Tel: 087-2403310 Email: Facebook: Slaney News Online:

PUBLISHED in Enniscorthy by Corcoran Print & Design


Slaney News reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement submitted for publication.

Slaney News does not attempt to investigate or verify claims made in advertisements appearing in our publication. The appearance of an advertisement in this publication in no way implies endorsement or approval by us of any advertising claims or of the advertiser, its product, or services. Slaney News disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with advertising appearing in this publication.

Every effort has been made to ensure that all articles published in Slaney News are true and accurate but if any errors do occur please let us know and we will gladly rectify them in our next issue.

Where details of future events are given in this publication, we recommend that you check these details directly with the organisers as event details may be subject to change.

Slaney News strongly recommends seeking independent professional advice before acting on any financial, medical or other information contained in this publication.

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please contact:
My team and I are ready to help you Of昀ce Open Weekdays: 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm. Browne TD James Minister of State at the Department of Justice TD for Wexford Contactme Lower Church Street, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford 053 9235046 @JamesBrowneTD
Tel: 053 9233593 Email: Donanore, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford, Y21 X6V6 Open Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5.45pm Call today 053 9233593 TESTING OF ALL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES TACHOGRAPH & PLATING STATION ...................................................................... ENNISCORTHY WINDSCREEN CENTRE DIRECT BILLING TO MOST INSURANCE COMPANIES Vans & Jeeps Trucks & Trailers Buses & Ambulances Motor caravans Tractors Mixed fleets & other vehicle types SlaNey adS 3rd March 2023 - Page 5 Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy Technology Park Happy St. Patrick's Day WorkingforYou Mobile: 087-6736966 Email:

Safe cycle park to open this month

Enniscorthy’s new Safe Cycle Park, situated opposite the Enniscorthy Sports Hub, is almost complete and is due to open later this month. n

Historic Town Initiative

Wexford Co. Council has submitted an application for funding to the Heritage Council to develop a heritage-led plan for Enniscorthy which will examine the existing heritage of the town and determine what conservation focused interventions are required. The resulting plan will be used to inform future grant applications for capital works. The announcement of successful HTI projects by the Heritage Council will be made within a matter of weeks. n

Garda pop-up stations


1st Wednesday of every month:

12:00 to 13:00 at Enniscorthy Mart, Old Dublin Road.

3rd Thursday of each month:

Bree – 16:00-17:00

Clohamon – 14:30-15:30

Kiltealy – 11:30-12:30

Ballymurn – 10:00-11:00. Next pop-up stations are on 16th March. n


Repair works at Wexford General Hospital are expected to begin "almost immediately" but how long that work will take is not yet known until the full extent of the damage has been established.

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SlaNey adS 3rd March 2023 - Page 7 Enviropak Treatment Systems By
● WasteWater Solutions –24 Hour Service ● Maintenance & Servicing of Septic Tanks and Treatment Systems ● Pump and Parts Sales ● Fully Insured Ballygillistown, Davidstown, Enniscorthy. Email: Phone: 087 2338913 / 087 6343976 This size ad can be yours for just €50+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details. Senator Malcolm Byrne If I can help in any way please let me know. Tel: 085-8245142 Holding clinics on the last Saturday of every month: BUNCLODY Redmond’s Bar 2.00pm to 2.45pm. FERNS Ferns Community Centre 3.00pm to 3.30pm. CAMOLIN Jack’s Tavern 3.45pm to 4.15pm. KILMUCKRIDGE Upton Court Hotel 4.30pm to 5.00pm

Sad passing of ‘gentleman’ John

The Slaney News was saddened last month to learn of the passing of Wexford town resident and Enniscorthy CBS school Principal, John Ryan, after a short illness. Mr Ryan’s funeral took place in the Church of the Assumption, Bride Street, Wexford, followed by burial in Barntown Cemetery. He is survived by his wife Eilish, son Sean, daughter Aisling, and an extended family.

John was originally from Donoughmore, Cork, and graduated from Maynooth University before taking up teaching roles in Arklow and Wexford CBS. He was then appointed Principal of Enniscorthy CBS in 1999.

The Slaney News had many dealings with John over the years and we always found him to be a pleasure to deal with, sincere, patient, calm and assured. He will be hugely missed by all who knew him.

On our Facebook page comments, one phrase kept cropping up to describe John Ryan and that was ‘a gentleman’. And that is indeed a most apt description.

One former teacher at the school tweeted: “A leader of people who led St Mary’s CBS with great energy, empathy, honesty, integrity and courage. Empowering staff and always student focused with a sincere willingness to listen. A fearless leader and friend to all. John will be incredibly missed by many.”

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam uasal. n

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Mr John Ryan, R.I.P.
SlaNey adS 3rd March 2023 - Page 9 3 Local venues Galbally Community Centre. Mondays at 7pm. Pay As You Go. €10 per class. The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, Mondays 10am. Pay As You Go. €10 per class. Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, Enniscorthy. Thursdays 7pm. Pay As You Go. €10 per class. Julie Fox Tel: 086 0263713 Classes suitable for Beginner–Intermediate levels

Enniscorthy’s new Tech Park opens for business


In August 2018, the Slaney News was present for the sod-turning on the new Park (see photo opposite). It has been a long process since then, not helped by Covid, but now the first finished building has its first tenant (Pinergy Solar Electric). The emphasis in the new Technology Park is very much on sustainability and 'green' businesses. Pinergy is one of Ireland's leading clean and smart energy suppliers/solutions brands. As the energy sector transition gathers pace, and in response to demand from the market, Pinergy will be scaling its business to meet this growing demand from its new offices in Enniscorthy. With the first building 75% let already, it is expected that the building will be operating at full capacity later this year, and we can then look forward with confidence to several other buildings coming on stream at the Park in the years ahead. n

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A drawing giving a flavour of what the Park might look like in the future. Turning the sod in August 2018.

John’s finger is on the political pulse

John Roche, Enniscorthy resident, former Mayor of Wexford and former Cathaoirleach of Wexford Co. Council, may be retired from political life but he is still very much a political anorak – astutely following everything that’s happening around the county, and country, in the political, social and economic fields

His huge bank of experience and knowledge is being put to good use in his new talk show, Today’s World, broadcast on Wexford Music Radio, live from the Coast Hotel, Rosslare.

The first show went out on Tuesday 24th January at 5pm and featured a lengthy interview with Cllr Michael Sheehan, Cathaoirleach of the New Ross Municipal District.

The show can be accessed here:

And one can listen live on: n

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Enjoy Enniscorthy, which officially launched on Friday 24th February, is all about Enniscorthy celebrating itself and all it has to offer, shouting its attributes from the rooftops (or from digital media platforms!) for all to hear.

This new town project aims at highlighting all the town’s unique treasures to a wider, more high-tech audience through the medium of Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, TikTok, Podcasts, etc.

Enjoy Enniscorthy has been set up by a hard-working committee consisting of Alan Quirke (Ireland South East Development Office), Ed Murphy (Invest Wexford), Dermot Kavanagh (Smyths Homevalue), Mico Hassett (Enniscorthy Castle and 1798 Centre), Angela Devitt (Riverside Park Hotel) and Frank Corcoran (Slaney News).

The day-to-day operation of the new premises at the bottom of Slaney Street, and the website and digital output are expertly managed by Neill Ikbal and his team at Enjoy Enniscorthy who are promoting, projecting, and propelling all that is positive, constructive, unique, fruitful, beneficial, and productive about Enniscorthy out into cyber space, so to speak. This is about Enniscorthy selling itself and will only succeed if we all buy into it and make it happen. This is not about sitting back and waiting for someone else to do something for us, this is about us doing it for ourselves with the help and expertise of the team at Enjoy Enniscorthy.

The Official Opening was attended by Minister James Browne TD, Paul Kehoe TD, Verona Murphy TD, Senator Malcolm Byrne, Chairman of Enniscorthy Municipal


District Aidan Browne, Town Councillors

Cathal Byrne, John O’Rourke, Jackser Owens, Kathleen Codd-Nolan, BarbaraAnne Murphy and Michael Sheehan from New Ross, together with Wexford Co. Council Director of Services Eamonn Hore, members of Enniscorthy and Co. Wexford Chambers, members of the Enniscorthy business community and newly appointed Enniscorthy Municipal District Manager Claire Lawless who appropriately cut the ribbon on the new Enjoy Enniscorthy Slaney Street premises.

So let’s do this Enniscorthy, let’s all begin to value, appreciate, and celebrate our picturesque, historic, and unique town, after all how many towns in Ireland can boast a magnificent Norman Castle and a river meandering through it. Not too many is my guess so let’s make it work for us and Enjoy Enniscorthy are here to help us do just that.

A wonderful concept and one that the whole town can benefit from.

Words by Maria Nolan. Pics by Cathy Keane, Maria Nolan, Enjoy Enniscorthy and Slaney News.

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L-R: Josie Van Embden and baby Freja with Michael Freeman. L-R: Cllr Cathal Byrne, Enniscorthy Municipal District Manager Claire Lawless, Cllr Kathleen Codd-Nolan. Karen Cloke, Caroline Doyle, Millie Claire Lawless (Enniscorthy Municipal District Manage cuts the ribbon assisted by Ed Murphy. L-R: Paul Kehoe TD, Senator Malcolm Byrne and Maria Nolan.
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Moore. Cllr Michael Sheehan, Emma Dunphy (Co. Wexford Chamber CEO), Laura Callaghan (Enjoy Enniscorthy), Brendan Crowley (President Co. Wexford Chamber). L-R: Frank Corcoran (Slaney News), Bernie Quigley and Claire Lawless (Enniscorthy Municipal District). Above left: Minister James Browne TD, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, Claire Lawless (Enniscorthy Municipal District Manager). Above right: Angela Devitt, Amanda Whitmore, Dervla Tierney. Minister James Browne TD with Dermot Kavanagh (Smyth’s Homevalue). L-R: Áine Doyle (Enniscorthy Credit Union), Cllr Kathleen Codd-Nolan, Senator Malcolm Byrne, Patrick Higgins.
Chairman of Enniscorthy Municipal District Aidan Browne with Billy Byrne (Co. Wexford Tourism Officer), Mico Hassett (Enniscorthy Castle and 1798 Centre).

Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors moving back to their origins

The long established Enniscorthy legal practice of Frizelle O’Leary McCarthy has changed both its name and address but not its reputation for reliable legal advice on all aspects of the law.

The practice is now known as Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors, and its new address is Mill Park Road, Enniscorthy, next door to the Post Office and just a stone’s throw from its former location in Slaney Place. The new premises is spacious, warm and welcoming, and has disabled access.

The practice is one of the oldest in Ennis-

corthy and was founded by the late Henry J. Frizelle back in 1929. Ironically enough, the new address for the firm is the former home and office (for a period) of Henry J. Frizelle and the late Mrs Marie Frizelle so the new practice is, in effect, moving back to its origins.

The move to new premises is to meet the demands of an ever increasing clientele and, in order to do so, the practice now has three solicitors working from the new offices. Annette McCarthy, Principal, deals with conveyancing and general law, Suzanne Carthy specialises in probate and conveyancing and Jillian

O’Shea is an experienced litigation solicitor who is the latest addition to the firm.

The practice also has a very able and experienced back-up staff of five office personnel in its all-female team.

Annette McCarthy says, “We are really looking forward to being able to assist our clients, both established and new, from our new base here in Enniscorthy.”

Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors

Mill Park Road, Enniscorthy, Y21 W5T1

Tel: 053-92 33547, Fax: 053 92 34880

Email: n

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Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors’ new premises at Mill Park Road, Enniscorthy, next door to the Post Office
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Above L-R: Melissa Kavanagh, Ann Byrne, Ger Healy, Anna Walsh, Siobhan Gabbett. Left: Principal of Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors, Annette McCarthy. Below left: Solicitor Suzanne Carthy who specialises in probate and conveyancing. Bottom left: Solicitor Jillian O’Shea who specialises in litigation. Below: The full team outside the new premises on Mill Park Road.

Enniscorthy St Patrick’s Day Parade

Friday 17th March 2023 at 3pm

(See detailed parade route map on page 18)



2.00pm Market Square

Entertainment : Music and free children's entertainment.

3.00pm Street Parade

Commences from St Senan’s Church.


United Nations Veterans’ Association, Organisation of National Ex-Servicemen, Athletic, GAA, Rugby, Hockey, Soccer and Boxing Clubs, Ferns Diocesan Youth Service, Scouts, Guides and Brownies, Dancing Schools, Gymnasts, Town Festivals, Plus Various Floats, Vehicles and Vintage Machines.


St Colman’s Pipe Band, Ballindaggin.


The Reviewing Stand will be located at Abbey Square.

Due to Health and Safety regulations, Insurance implications and advice from An Garda Síochána, horses/animals will not be allowed to take part in the Parade this year.


MARCHERS depart St. Senan’s Church led by the Army Reserve Colour Party at 3.00pm. They will proceed along Templeshannon Quay, cross Séamus Rafter Bridge, past the Reviewing Platform, turn left into Mill Park Road at the Post Office, take first right up Friary Hill, turn left into Court Street, turn right up Hospital Lane, then right along Parnell Road and Pig Market Hill, turn right at Doyle’s Corner into Duffry Street (Cathedral Street), past St. Aidan’s Cathedral, into Main Street and the Market Square, where the Marchers will be diverted to Wafer Street.


FLOATS and vehicles will join the Parade at Séamus Rafter Bridge after all the Marchers pass by and turn left at the Post Office and proceed along Mill Park Road to Arnold’s Cross where they turn right at the 1798 Visitor Centre and proceed along Parnell Road and rejoin the Marchers on Duffry Hill


The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee would like to thank the following for their support in helping to make our Annual Parade possible: An Garda Síochána, The Army Reserve, Enniscorthy Unit of the Irish Red Cross Ambulance Service, Slaney Search & Rescue, Staff of Wexford County Council, Stewards, Liam Sharkey and John Reilly, Michael and Annette Dunbar, Adjudicators of Floats and Marching Groups, and J.C. Breen Transport, Ferns, for providing the Reviewing Platform.


Wexford County Council.

A local Red Cross ambulance service will be located adjacent to the Credit Union.

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Adults are requested to ensure that children are supervised at all times. Please Keep Enniscorthy Tidy and Litter Free.

All set for Enniscorthy Parade


CLOSING DATE FOR PARADE ENTRIES IS 10TH MARCH 2023 Contact Seán Doyle, 2 Esmonde Road, Enniscorthy Tel: 053 92 35119. Email:

The Enniscorthy St Patrick’s Day Parade is going ahead this year on Friday, 17th March 2023, at 3pm.

The parade route will be the same as last year with the marchers going up Hospital Lane which means that Rafter Street and Wafer Street will be bypassed.

Led by the Army Reserve Colour Party, the marching groups will set off from St. Senan’s Parish Church at 3.00pm.

The floats and vehicles taking part in the parade will assemble on The Promenade.

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, in association with the Cottage Autism Network, is looking at including a Sensory Inclusion Street for the 2023 Parade. The Sensory Street would be on Templeshannon Quay between William Barker Bridge and Séamus Rafter Bridge. The area would be for people with different needs to access the parade in an environment which is safe and sensitive to their needs.

Due to health and safety regulations, insurance implications and advice from An Garda Siochána, horses/animals will NOT be allowed to take part in the parade this year.

Over one hundred clubs, organisations and cultural groups have been circulated with relevant forms for the parade and if any organisation/club hasn’t received one please contact Seán Doyle, 2 Esmonde Road, Enniscorthy. Tel: 053 92 35119. Email: n

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Enniscorthy St Patrick’s Day

All set for Hope & Dream 2023

Hope and Dream 10 will take place on Sunday April 2nd 2023 at 10.15am in aid of the Hope Cancer Support Centre CLG which is looking forward to your participation and support.

Similar to last year, the proceeds will again go to supporting services for its clients. These include support worker assessment and support, counselling, reflexology, massage, lymphoedema treatment, bra and prosthesis fitting along with all its support groups.

The Hope Centre is in the process of redeveloping the centre and incorporating the new premises into the old. It is important to note that a completely separate funding stream will be utilised to fund this development and no Hope & Dream 10 proceeds will be used for this purpose.

Hope & Dream participants this year are again being offered the choice of a virtual event, along with the option of doing 10km or 10 miles. Bearing this in mind, the Hope Centre asks that you please read the FAQs at qs/ before you register for the event.

The money raised over the past 11 years has made a huge difference to the quality of life for hundreds of people across Co. Wexford.

Online registration is live on the website Postal entry forms are also printed in the Enniscorthy Guardian and Wexford People. The countdown is on!

It will NOT be possible to register for the race on the day. Registration will strictly end at 8pm on Saturday 1st April in The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy. And remember, if you do nothing, nothing will happen. n

What a great place to work!

The Riverside Park Hotel is delighted to be recently certified as a ‘Great Place to Work’. This certification acknowledges businesses that excel in employee wellbeing and is granted to hotels who are dedicated to providing a supportive, inclusive, and positive work environment for employees. Commenting on the award, the hotel’s Marketing Manager Angela

said: “We are absolutely thrilled to receive this award and would like to say a huge thank you to our team. It is through your commitment, exceptional customer service and the respect you show one another that has enabled us to win this certification.”

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The new Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre is a developer-led (Axis Health Care Assets and Primary Care Properties Group) €12.5 million project. The 50,000 square feet, three storey development at Blackstoops, Enniscorthy, accommodates and facilitates co-location for a multidisciplinary group of health and social care professionals to deliver primary care services to the local population for the mid Co. Wexford area. The HSE, Tusla and the Dr. Máiréad Kelly-led Quarry park Medical Centre GP practice share the building.

Primary Care services to be provided in the Centre by HSE/South East Community Healthcare (SECH) include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Public Health Nursing, Dietitian, Speech and Language Therapy, Ophthalmology, Community Medical Doctor, Counselling in Primary Care, Dental, Psychology, Community Health Network management, Chronic Disease management team members (including Dietitians, Physiotherapy, Podiatrists and COPD rehab nurses) and other community healthcare administrative supports.

SECH’s Enniscorthy area Community Mental Health Team (serving surrounding mid Co. Wexford population of 37,000) will also be based in the Centre. This 7-days-a-week Consultant Psychiatrist-led team includes Psychology, Social Work, Occupational Therapy and Nursing services. The Centre in Enniscorthy is also the base for a range of SECH Health and Wellbeing support team members. Free nicotine replacement therapy and other smoking "quit" supports are available to the community from the Health Promotion and Improvement Officers at this service. Some Disability service supports will also be based in the Centre, in addition to the Caredoc out of office hours GP co-operative.

A further phase at the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre is planned, providing additional accommodation for the development of co-located accommodation for Chronic Disease Management, Integrated Care for Older Persons and Community Diagnostics.

Speaking at the official opening, Minister Donnelly said: “Enhanced Community Care is a huge investment in community healthcare services in the HSE, aiming to provide more services closer to people’s homes, and provide extra services for older people, or people who live with long-term health conditions.”

Minister for Healt Enniscorthy Prim

“94 Community Healthcare Networks (including one based in the Enniscorthy and surrounding area), 21 Community Specialist Teams for Older Persons (including one in Wexford), 21 Chronic Disease Community Specialist Teams (including one based in the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre) and 21 Community Intervention Teams (including one here in Co. Wexford with the involvement of Wexford General Hospital) are now in place, with national coverage. Community diagnostic services provided over 253,000 scans to patients in 2022.

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The Minister for Health, Stephen Donn February 2023 to officially open the town HSE’s €240m national Enhanced Commu reduce pressure on services and depen care through enhanced and in
Some of those at the opening of Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre with Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly TD (centre).

th officially opens mary Care Centre

Care Ms. Anna Marie Lanigan. Speaking at the official opening, the Chief Officer Ms. Killeen White said: “Primary care centres, such as this state of the art one in Enniscorthy, together with the Integrated Care for Older People hubs such as the one in Wexford allow us to provide integrated and high-quality services closer to people’s homes. I want to thank the HSE staff, working in partnership with GPs and Primary Care Teams, who are already making a difference to the lives of people in the Enniscorthy area and throughout Co. Wexford.”

Mr. Pat Healy (National Director, Clinical Programme Implementation with the HSE) said: “Developed as part of implementing Sláintecare, the ECC programme aims to ensure all HSE primary and community care services work in an integrated way to meet population health needs across Ireland, to reduce dependence on hospital services and provide access to consultant-led specialist services in the community. This transformational programme will include 96 Community Healthcare Networks (CHNs), 30 Community Specialist Teams for Older Persons, 30 Community Specialist Teams for Chronic Disease and 3,500 additional staff when fully implemented. This marks a very significant step in supporting older people and people living with chronic disease by bringing specialist services closer to local communities and the people who need them and reducing pressure and dependence on hospital services.”

“An essential theme underlying this programme is developing a new, integrated model of care, which is responsive to the needs of local communities. This requires strong leadership and ownership at local level, bringing the relationship between General Practice, Primary Care and Specialist Community Care into a much more patient focused and integrated model of care in each locality.”

“The national Enhanced Community Care programme is, at its core, a reform programme representing an investment of €240 million to develop and enhance care in the community. It has been developed under the Sláintecare Programme to ensure all HSE primary and community care services work together effectively.”

Minister Donnelly was welcomed to the Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre by Chief Officer, HSE/South East Community Healthcare Ms. Kate Killeen White and Head of Service/Primary

James Browne, local TD and Minister, said: “This is a state of the art investment, one which will deliver comprehensive healthcare services for Enniscorthy district and the wider county well into the future.... With the addition of diagnostic services as part of the next phase of development, the numbers of people from Wexford having to travel far to hospital appointments will be reduced.”

More photos overleaf 

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nelly TD, visited Enniscorthy on 17th of ’s new Primary Care Centre as part of the nity Care (ECC) programme designed to dence on the hospital-centric model of ncreased community services.
Dr Mairead Kelly at the official opening.

Minister for Health officially opens Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre

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Left: Minister Donnelly meets one of the clients of the new Centre. Above: Dan Kickham with Cllr Jackser Owens. Right: Minister Donnelly with HSE/South East Community Healthcare Wexford mental health services Clinical Nurse Specialist Una Joyce (HSE staff member at Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre) and her 15-week-old baby daughter Lauren. Above: Health Minister Stephen Donnelly TD (fifth from right) officially opens the new Enniscorthy Primary Care Centre on 17th February 2023. Above left: Minister Donnelly meets Enniscorthy Fine Gael Councillors Kathleen Codd-Nolan and Cathal Byrne. Above right: Cllr Donal Kenny, Brendan Howlin TD, Anna Marie Lanigan (HSE Head of Service/Primary Care), Minister James Browne TD, Minister Stephen Donnelly TD, Paul Kehoe TD.
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Above left: Minister James Browne TD with Minister Stephen Donnelly TD. Above right: Paul Kehoe TD, Jimmy Gahan (Enniscorthy Chamber), Cllr Ger Carthy. Left: Minister Donnelly chats with one of the clients at the new Centre. Right: Sue Egan, Amy Cleary and Marcia Billane (all Chronic Disease Admin). Below left: Kate Killeen White (Chief Officer, HSE/South East Community Healthcare), Minister Stephen Donnelly, Dr. Mairead Kelly, Anna Marie Lanigan (HSE Head of Service/Primary Care), Minister James Browne TD. Below right: Wexford Co. Council CEO Tom Enright, Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy, Cllr Kathleen Codd-Nolan. Above left: Paul Kehoe TD, James Buckley (Managing Director, Axis Real Estate Group Ireland, the developer), Cllr. Ger Carthy. Above right: Minister James Browne TD, Kate Killeen White (Chief Officer, HSE/South East Community Healthcare), Anna Marie Lanigan (Head of Service/Primary Care).


Reducing your food waste helps the environment and saves money too. Stop Food Waste is the national campaign to give you information and tips on how to make the most of your food and avoid food waste.

Will you take the Stop Food Waste 7-Day Challenge?

1st March was National Stop Food Waste Day and we are invited to record our food waste for one week to identify what types of food we waste most. To record the food that goes into your food bin (, you could:

 Keep a pen and pad by the food waste bin to take note each time you use it.

 Keep track of what you waste on your phone using the notes app.

 Use the Weekly Food Waste Recording Sheet, click here:

At the end of the week, tally up your results and see which types of food you wasted the most. By knowing this, you can see where you can make savings on your food bill and take action!

The average Irish household can save around €700 a year by avoiding food waste. In the most recent national food waste attitudes survey commissioned by the Environmental Protection Agency, three food types were identified as those wasted most often in Ireland:

 Bread (41%)

 Fruit (39%)

 Vegetables (38%)

If you find you waste any of these food types, or perhaps all three, don't worry, you're not alone! The good news is, there are easy steps we can all take to stop food waste: we can buy less, store better, eat it or freeze it.

BREAD ( it and Eat It!

You can freeze bread if you have too much. Find out how to make the most of bread (

You don't need to throw out stale bread. Find out how to stop wasting bread with Jamie Oliver's top tips (

Sustainable Enniscorthy

monthly column

In their column in this issue of the Slaney News, the local Sustainable Enniscorthy group looks at Food Waste.



Store Better and Eat It!

Store apples

( in the fridge so they last longer – they will store for up to 1 month!

Use your over-ripe bananas to whizz up a quick and delicious smoothie. To kick start your day try this banana & oat breakfast smoothie:




Buy Less and Eat It!

You can buy potatoes singly or in different package sizes. A large bag of spuds is only good value if they are eaten. Find out more about potatoes:


Tired-looking and floppy veggies are still nutritious and can make a yummy meal. Try SafeFood's Vegetable Provencal recipe: (

If you are taking the seven-day challenge,

the Stop Food Waste team wants to hear how you get on! Share your results on social media by using the hashtag #KnowYourFoodWaste and tagging

Find Stop Food Waste on:







Sustainable Enniscorthy is carrying out a community energy survey linked to the development of an Energy Master Plan for Enniscorthy. We’d appreciate you taking the time to complete it! QLSfYhR18DpPgP6jP39MoFtZ8i_evCB11Ii Jm4gNrBVBWV5KaKQ/viewform?vc=0&c= 0&w=1&flr=0

Support Sustainable Enniscorthy by following us on Facebook or Instagram. Website: or contact us to get involved! n

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The Peoples Transition led by TASC and supported by AIB aims to develop solutions that work for people and the planet. Complete this survey and tell the organisers how we can improve life in Enniscorthy. The deadline for completing the survey is Friday, 10th of March at 5pm. n

Have your say on the future of Enniscorthy! Celebrating ten great years

Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board (WWETB) is celebrating ten great years delivering education and training across the region.

WWETB is joining 15 other Education and Training Boards across the country to celebrate ten years since their establishment. To mark the milestone, a national ‘ETB Week’ is taking place from 27th February – 3rd March 2023.

Commenting, Kevin Lewis, Chief Executive of WWETB, said: “We are very pleased to mark the 10th year anniversary of the establishment of WWETB long with our 15 other ETBs across the country. We believe we have come along way in that time in delivering on our mission to provide a wide range of education and training programmes based in our schools, further

education and training centres within the community, whether through further education courses, youth services, music generation, outdoor education, etc. We look forward to the next ten years of leading learning and further enhancing the services we can provide to our communities in Waterford and Wexford.”

WWETB delivers education services to over 25,000 students and learners across the region, and has responsibility for 12 Post-Primary Schools, 1 Post Leaving Cert College (WCFE), 1 Community National School (Kilnamanagh CNS), 29 Further Education and Training Colleges, and works with community groups in several locations across both counties.

For more information on WWETB, visit: n

SlaNey NewS 3rd March 2023 - Page 25
Front row L-R: Eimear Ryan (WWETB Director of Schools), Alan O’Gorman (Acting Director of FET), Kevin Lewis (WWETB CE), Annemarie Jones (HR Manager - Culture and Egagement). Back L-R: Fintan O’Reilly (Corporate Services Manager), Karina Daly (Director of OSD), Owen O’Mahony (Head of Finance), Michael O’Brien (Innovation and Development Manager), Sandra Murphy (HR Manager - Operations).


One can only observe with distaste the tone of many protests in our capital city in recent weeks. While watching video footage on social media, one can clearly see how this campaign is progressing and is right out of the playbook used so often in Europe since the 1980s and also in America within the last few years. Concerns over immigration policies are legitimate and protest is a necessary part of our democratic process. What I see is a systematic whipping up of fear and emotion in the public to do the work of a core of right wing activists acting within the shadows. Now where have we seen this before? Ireland has experienced this tactic in recent years. We have seen examples in the recent past of protests being controlled in the margins by people that senior Gardaí have described as criminal elements of interest. The recent visit to Ireland of the notorious four-time imprisoned criminal Tommy Robinson only confirms my view.

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon aka Tommy Robinson has a very impressive CV in the far right activist department. He was the co-founder of the English Defence League. The Vice Chair of the British Freedom Party. He was a prominent member of the neofascist party B.N.P. He organised the British chapter of a German far right organisation. He contributes to the ‘Rebel News’ – a Canadian far right website. A guest on the infamous American media programme ‘InfoWars’. This is the character that Dee Wall, who has led several of the re cent protests, welcomes to Ireland to ‘observe’ the protests and would have him as her son. Notorious,


a “full democracy” following its choice of a new President. Ireland is not anywhere there yet but the same M.O. is being used here.


So why should we take stock of this movement’s agenda? Tapping into the anti-immigrant sentiment has grown traction in Europe. Italy has recently elected the most far right government since the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Last year in Sweden a political party with “neo-Nazi roots” received 20% of the votes. In France, Le Pen came close in the presidential election with 41% of the votes. Brussels has described Hungary as being no longer

Politics is a self-preservation society. We have seen this in England where the right wing of the Conservative Party feared the rise of the UKIP eating into their vote. This forced the government to have the Brexit vote which England are still suffering the after-shocks of today. In America, the G.O.P., Republican Party, has struggled with the far right agendas, resulting in “their man in the White House” and the storming of the capital. The common thread is to provoke fear and anxiety into communities. Stoke up the frightened public to do the campaigning for you while they carefully organise from the sidelines. This brings the agenda into the political mainstream. Politicians will take heed of the concerns of local people at a public meeting. This route will be exploited in Ireland.

There will be more protests, more intimidation and more violence and more public meetings. As for electoral success, I think there may be pockets of presence in some big urban areas in the next local elections, particularly in Dublin. There will not be any real breakthrough in Ireland nationally. The success the far right has experienced in other countries was due to their ability to harness the disaffected and disfranchised voters in difficult economic times. There is little room in this area for many gains as Sinn Féin has this sector firmly in their corner. n

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four-time imprisoned criminal Tommy Robinson has recently visited Ireland.

LEADER delivers 72 new jobs in Wexford in 2022

An estimated seventy-two new jobs are to be delivered in County Wexford by businesses that were approved for LEADER grant aid during 2022.

€730,000 was allocated between fourteen diverse businesses to facilitate expansion and diversification. The range of successful start-up and existing businesses include niche food producers, tourism enterprises and specialised engineering services from across the county. Meanwhile, a further six tourism focused feasibility studies were funded. In due course, these have potential to result in unique additions to the tourism infrastructure in the county.

According to Tom Bermingham, LEADER Programme Coordinator at Wexford Local Development, this grant aid is supporting the creation of 72 new jobs in the county as well as sustaining 133 existing jobs in the grant-aided businesses. These jobs have a significant impact on the local economy and prove the success of LEADER in improving the quality of life in rural areas.

Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) in partnership with Wexford Local Development has responsibility for the delivery of LEADER funding in the county under the remit of the Department of Rural and Community Development. The focus of LEADER is to support local economic development, diversification of the rural economy and the creation of employment opportunities in the county.


Andrew Jacob, Jardiners View, Bunclody, €33,629.79

Purchase of e-bikes, dehumidifier, washing machine and construction works for a new tourism enterprise.

Mannions Farm Shop, New Ross, €26,047.50

Farm-shop equipment fit-out beside entrance to new Greenway. Purple & Gold Ltd T/A Leisuremax, Wexford, €13,500.00

Purchase of an inflatable adventure zone for family entertainment centre.

Natural Ice Cream Wholesale Ltd, Wexford, T/A Scup Gelato, €33,697.50. Purchase of production equipment to facilitate expansion of Scup Gelato.

Morris Manufacturing Ltd, Enniscorthy, €18,562.50

Purchase of welding equipment to facilitate expansion of trailer manufacturing business.

JTW Engineering Ltd T/A South East Greenway Bike Hire, New Ross, €95,349.74

Purchase of bikes and transporter trailer for new bike hire business at the New Ross Greenway.

Tergiversation Ltd T/A Pirates Cove, Courtown Harbour, €68,625.00

Purchase of bumper boats and go-karts for Pirates Cove entertainment complex.

Una Sinnott T/A Nutorious Nutrition, Gorey, €50,320.31

Purchase of mobile unit, kitchen equipment and marketing supports for a new food business.

Trudies Catering Kitchen Ltd T/A Trudies Kitchen, New Ross, €97,236.73

Construction works, purchase of specialised production equipment and a generator to facilitate expansion of food business.

Regan Organic Produce Ltd, Caim, Enniscorthy, €13,822.50

Purchase of pelleting machine and three-phase electricity supply for food business.

O Neill Foods Ltd, Enniscorthy, €68,276.25

Purchase of specialised production equipment to facilitate expansion of food business.

Heroic Foods Ltd, Oulart, €99,999.54

Purchase of equipment for new oat based crisp to be marketed as “The Heroic Oat”.

Killanne Regeneration Ltd, €16,200.00

Feasibility study for potential development at Rackards of Killanne.

Oliver Kelly, New Ross, €14,760.00

Feasibility study for potential development at Kelly’s Wood outside New Ross.

New Ross Needlecraft Ltd, €18,637.50

Feasibility study for potential development of The Ros Tapestry.

Horetown House Hotel Ltd, Foulksmills, €16,500.00

Feasibility study for potential developments at Horetown House.

Shane Stafford, Adamstown, €14,114.25

Feasibility study for potential developments at Loch Mahon Lakes.

Tennant Consulting Ltd, Tagoat, €15,187.50

Feasibility study for potential developments at IOAC

Total Grant Funding: €714,466.61. n

SlaNey NewS 3rd March 2023 - Page 27
John Roche
Tom Bermingham, LEADER Programme Coordinator, Wexford Local Development.

Enniscorthy Community College

Great range of courses available at Enniscorthy Community College. Check them out at: n

Information sharing

Wexford County Council has developed a free online information sharing portal for not-for-profit community owned facilities to inform the public and promote usage. You can submit facility details at: n

Oulart storytelling house

At Bygone Days Storytelling House in Oulart, a great welcome awaits all, with good music, songs, stories and plenty of craic, tea and refreshments served. Eircode: Y25 YP70. For details of upcoming events keep an eye on: n

Enniscorthy Toastmasters

Keep an eye on: for news of upcoming meetings at The Bailey, Enniscorthy, the second Tuesday of every month. n



Enniscorthy Library events

For upcoming Enniscorthy Library events see: n

Beachlodge children's residential house on Munster Hill, Enniscorthy, is fundraising for a sensory room for its clients... all support would be much appreciated for its Coffee Morning on 4th March in The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy. n

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The recent spate of vandalism in Enniscorthy directed at memorial plaques placed to honour deceased local people is beyond reprehensible. Hopefully the perpetrators will be brought to justice and severely dealt with. These scoundrels didn’t just break a plaque or two, they broke people’s hearts. And hopefully the courts will recognise that.


I’m continually fascinated by the fact that this great road, which has helped Enniscorthy so much in terms of removing traffic congestion, was brought back to the old N25 north of Oylegate. Regular delays occur while travelling north or south on this road. Why the planners didn’t see that the sensible thing to do was go south of the village when the road was being designed is beyond me. In a few years time the council will come along and say that this is now urgent and start an entire new process to extend the road which of course will be very costly and will take about 20 years to complete.


Any right-minded person would have to condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine despite taking into consideration the fact that the present government in Ukraine is not as squeaky clean as the Western powers would have us believe. Actions by that government over almost a decade in certain eastern areas of their country genuinely need scrutiny by some impartial authority. However, where that will be found is something that I for one don’t know. Taking all that into consideration, nothing whatsoever justifies the murder and carnage caused by Putin and his top brass who are clearly war criminals at this stage. The worrying aspect of this entire situation is the concern in many circles that the war is really a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia with the unfortunate people of Ukraine caught in the middle.

View from the Centre

that. Whether we like it or not, this situation is to continue for a number of years yet while the Russians and their customers, and the Americans who are not impacted in this regard, continue with business as usual.

We have a position where the unfortunate Ukrainian people are paying a terrible price in terms of death and destruction, the young Russians that Putin is sending out to be slaughtered are paying with their lives, and he and his elite don’t care anymore about them than they do about the Ukrainian people, and us Europeans are paying a high economic price while the real protagonists Russia and the United States suffer little.

A local contributor, based in the centre of the county, looks at life today in Co. Wexford and beyond

Remarkably, Russia, despite the many sanctions applied, has suffered very little economically. Despite the ban on purchasing oil and gas by Europe, the sales of these products by Russia has increased by 40% in the past year with India, China, Pakistan and other countries taking up the slack. The purchase price to them from Russia is pretty low which makes their goods very competitive on the world market against European products which are the victims of the massive prices these countries are paying for fuel. Furthermore, inflation is running at 4.4% in Russia while the rest of Europe is suffering from an inflation rate of more than double


It baffles me as to how economists and politicians continue to pursue a policy of increasing interest rates when they want to bring down inflation. The rationale behind it is to reduce spending and demand which in turn will bring down prices. As usual it is the people at the bottom of the ladder who suffer most when mortgage rates increase and lending rates to businesses go through the roof as all these increases are passed on. While the rationale may be correct, the reality is not. Those who suffer most have little spending power anyway regardless of the interest rate and every increase simply sinks them into greater debt. (Maybe that’s the desire of the ruling elite as a means to keep people subjugated). Those who have spending power are little impacted by the increases and will continue to spend as they wish. It is worth nothing that the head of the ECB which dictates these matters is on a salary of over €400k per year while board members receive €270k per year. The head of the Irish Central Bank receives a salary of €286k per year. So, as we can see, a few points on the interest rate won’t affect them too much. n

SlaNey NewS 3rd March 2023 - Page 29
The war in Ukraine – “The real protagonists, Russia and the United States, suffer little.”
SlaNey ad SlaNey adS Page 30 - 3rd March 2023 A SPOT HERE CAN BE YOURS FROM €20 GUTTERS, FASCIA & SOFFIT Cleaned and Repaired Contact John 086-3298522 HILLTOP DRY CLEANERS Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy, 053-9233893 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR MARLOWE DRY CLEANERS WE HAVE A FULL LAUNDRY SERVICE Easy to use Rent the RugDoctor Clean your own…   Carpets   Upholstery,   Rugs   Car Interiors Great Value! Clonhaston, Enniscorthy Contact Billy at (087) 2749493 Fresh Chicken  Whole Chickens  Fillets  Kievs Maryland  Mexican Wraps  Turkey Breast PARTY FOOD: Goujons, Wedges, Chips, Cocktail Sausages, Prawns in Filo Pastry, Chicken Drumsticks, Mini Spring Rolls BARBECUE: SteakBurgers, Chicken Kebabs, Sausages And many more items at wholesale prices ✔ Focus on Quality… ✔ Focus on Service… ✔ Focus on Value… FOOD FOCUS Traffic-stopping content...for your business! ★ SEO-optimised website content ★ Unique product descriptions ★ Expert article writing ★ Top quality blog content for your business Discover how Copywriting by Changing Lanes can help bring more traffic to your website and connect you with more customers for your products and services. Professional copywriting and editorial services based in Co. Wexford. Phone: 087-7946277. Email: This size ad can be yours for just €20+vat. Telephone Frank at 087-2403310 for more details. 087 0951019 ECCE SCHEME Naíonra; IrishLanguagePreschool GCó “CúplaFocail”! ECCE & NCS Scheme Within: Gaelscoil InisDrumgoold,Córthaidh, Enniscorthy. Audiology - Hearing Aids Micro suction wax removal Audiologist of the year winner 3 Slaney Place, Enniscorthy, Y21 W4C9 Tel: 053 92 52111 Facebook: Doyle Hearing Solutions DOYLE HEARING SOLUTIONS
SlaNey adS 3rd March 2023 - Page 31 +VAT PER ISSUE. CALL 087-2403310. M emorial C ards available at C&R PRINT Templeshannon Quay, Enniscorthy Call us on 053 9235295 ● Gates - Railings ● Welding & Repairs ● ● Mild Steel ● Stainless Fabrication ● ● General Engineering ● ENNISCORTHY ENGINEERING & FABRICATION Enniscorthy Engineering & Fabrication Rockview, Ballyorrill, Enniscorthy Phone Mick McGrath: 087 9392624 Email: ● New website: ● ENQUIRIES WELCOME Call us for all your alteration needs No job is too big or small for our expert dressmakers Fabrics, Zips, Interface and Elastic available in store Castle Hill, Enniscorthy Co. Wexford Y21 P5C7 Tel: 085 8581526 Click here to find us on Facebook
side gates made to measure. New frames, treated timbers and top quality galvanised fittings.  SHED DOORS
doors replaced, old ones taken away. Phone Mike 086 3564242


A group of people from Davidstown and Bree community have volunteered to get their heads shaved to raise funds in aid of the Hope Cancer Support Centre by holding a shave event in The Millennium Bar, Davidstown, on March 18th 2023.

This initiative was created as a result of the recent passing of Kathleen (Lally) Monaghan, a valued member of the local community who was affected by cancer and also other members of the volunteer group whose families have been impacted by cancer.

This event promises to be a great night of entertainment as the brave volunteers will have heads shaved, beards shaved and waxing done.

As we are all aware, many families have faced a cancer journey and have been impacted as a result, and during this journey the Hope Cancer Support Centre is, and has been, a great support to many providing .... HOPE.

The organisers ask that you kindly support this event, either in

person on the night, or by supporting through sponsorship cards which are available throughout the community or by donating through the link:

Kilmuckridge man shares his journey with Tommy Tiernan

Last month, disability rights activist and Trinity academic Dr Vivian Rath appeared on the popular Tommy Tiernan show on RTE. A person with a disability, Vivian has been a disability activist for many years, campaigning for greater participation of people with disabilities in public and political life. The Kilmuckridge man believes everyone has a role to play in making the world a more inclusive place.

Vivian spoke in the programnme about his own experience, at a young age, of undergoing surgery for a spinal tumour, and how damage caused by that surgery has affected his mobility. He also spoke about the often-times harsh reality of life in Ireland for people with a disabaility. He says people with a disability “need to be at the decision-making table”.

Dr Rath has a degree in pharmacology and an MSc in Business Management where he researched the employment of graduates with disabilities. He has been Director of AHEAD and a founding member of the national third level mental health campaign He is a member of the National Disability Stakeholders Group, and has extensive experience providing supports to people with disabilities accessing education and employment opportunities. n

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Dr Vivian Rath

Major investment in Wexford’s roads and greenways

Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne TD has confirmed major government investment in County Wexford’s National Roads and Greenways projects for 2023.

Confirming the funding, Minister Browne welcomed the provision of “€7,427,126 as part of TII’s 2023 allocation of funding to Co. Wexford projects. €1,150,000 will be directed towards the development of the N11/N25 Oylegate to Rosslare motorway extension. This funding will support the early stages in the development process.

“Greenway construction work will continue on the Waterford to New Ross Greenway project with some proposed sectional openings. Funding worth €3,350,000 will benefit the south eastern greenway, especially between New Ross and St. Mullins, Wexford and Rosslare and between Belview and Waterford.

“Capital investment worth €4,380,958 will include €1.6 million allocations for works on the N25 between Ashfield Cross and Ballykillane and on the N30 between Scarawalsh and Ballycarney respectively, while €500,000 allocations will be directed to works on the N25 Ballygillane Roundabout and the Rosslare Europort access road respectively. The current maintenance plan for County Wexford roads will benefit from an allocation worth €533,294.”

Wexford’s regional and local roads to benefit from investment worth €22.81 million this year.

Commenting on this funding announcement, Minister Browne outlined how “restoration improvement works worth €10,897,500, restoration maintenance to the value of €1,591,000 and a discretionary grant of €3,024,000 are included within this package of investment funding for Co. Wexford’s regional and local roads.

“My government colleagues and I are keen that County Wexford’s regional and local road network benefit from protection and renewal works.

“Significant investment has been allocated towards the Deeps Bridge in Killurin. €1.5 million will be dedicated to

significant improvement works to the bridge. I am confident that this major government investment will make a great difference to preserving the bridge as a key access route for locals in the Killurin, Kyle and Kilpatrick area.”

Climate change adaptation and resilience work applications have resulted in funding worth €682,000 for 15 projects. Works are due to take place at Lucas Park, Enniscorthy, Tomnalossett Road, Enniscorthy, Shanwole Cross, Caroreigh, Green Lane, Clonroche, Shelmaliere Commons, Wexford, Duncannon New Line Road, Forth Mountain, Wexford, Davidstown, Enniscorthy, Ballywilliam New Ross, Wellingtonbridge, New Ross, Barntown, Wexford, Tottenhamgreen, Taghmon, Rosslare Strand, Wexford, Haggard Junction, Ramsgrange, and Cooleycall, Baldwinstown.

Minister Browne says, “17 bridges across County Wexford will benefit from investment worth a total of €610,000. The locations include Carley’s Bridge, Enniscorthy, Ballinapierce Bridge, Davidstown, Boley Upper Bridge, Ballycanew, Milshoge Bridge, Camolin, Barmoney Bridge, Bree, Goffsbridge, Horetown, Waddingtown, Cleariestown, Badgers Hill Bridge, Glynn, Old Boley Bridge, Barntown, Tomgarrow Bridge, Ballycarney, Cooraun Bridge, Bree, Dunmain Bridge, Gusserane, Ambrosetown Bridge, Duncormick, Kingsbridge, Cullenstown, Ballynaleck Bridge, Crossabeg, Boleany Bridge, Riverchapel, Newcastle, Bridgetown.

“I’m delighted to confirm that safety improvement works will take place at 15 lo-

cations across the county, with investment totalling €392,000. Among the projects, €40,000 has been allocated towards works at Waddingtown, Cleariestown while €35,000 will support works at the Castlebridge village junction and Annagh Long, Hollyfort respectively. Projects at Island Road, Enniscorthy, Distillery Road, Wexford, Raheenaskeagh Lower, The Ballagh, and Ballindaggin village will benefit from €30,000 investment respectively. Other areas benefitting from works include Enniscorthy town, Ballyfinogue, Wexford, Forth, Wexford, Clongeen, Gusserane, Ballyroebuck, and Murrintown.

€411,705 for Co. Wexford laneways. Minister Browne has confirmed that €411,705 has been allocated for repairs and improvement works on County Wexford’s rural roads and laneways.

The funding, under the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS), will support the continued improvement of non-public roads and lanes that are not normally maintained by the local authorities like Wexford County Council.

Minister Browne confirmed the funding, outlining how the investment “will benefit many families in County Wexford’s rural communities. The funding allocated will now be used by Wexford County Council as they assess the most suitable laneways in need of repair”, Minister Browne concluded. n

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Wexford TD and Minister of State for Law Reform James Browne TD

New Enniscorthy to Wexford bus route launched

across Wexford with TFI Local Link Route 384 to










For more visit

SlaNey ad SlaNey NewS Page 34 - 3rd March 2023
News! The new TFI Local Link Route 384 Wexford to Enniscorthy now makes getting around Wexford by bus, even easier. Route 384 operates 5 return trips a day, Monday to Saturday and 4 return trips per day on Sunday.
384 also provides improved connectivity to regional bus and rail services from Wexford and Enniscorthy and facilitates onward travel to South Wexford, Waterford, Carlow, Wicklow and Dublin.
Brought to you as part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan. A NEW WAY TO GET FROM A TO

Last month there was good news for those who use public transport in Enniscorthy, Wexford and the villages in between, with formal confirmation that a new TFI Local Link Wexford Bus Route 384 will provide a service from Enniscorthy to Wexford serving the villages of:

Tomnalossett  Wilton  Bree  Ballyhogue

Kilurin  Glynn  Ferrycarrig

The route commenced on 13th February, and the timetable is reproduced on this page. There are five return services each day from Monday to Saturday and four every Sunday.

This new route is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan which is a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the National Transport Authoritiy (NTA) as part of the Transport for Ireland Network.

The new service will provide improved connectivity to regional bus and rail services from Wexford to Enniscorthy and will facilitate onward travel to South Wexford, Waterford, Carlow,

384 Wexford to Enniscorthy

Wicklow and Dublin. The new route will also provide improved access to medical services in St John’s Community Hospital, local libraries, local town bus services and tourist attractions such as the Irish National Heritage Park, Enniscorthy Castle, the historic Athenaeum and the National 1798 Rebellion Centre.

Speaking about the route launch, Mary B O’Leary, TFI Local Link Wexford Manager, said: “We are delighted to announce TFI Local Link Service 384 which connects towns and villages from Wexford to Enniscorthy. The new service will give people the opportunity to get to work, visit family, travel to medical appointments, shop locally, attend leisure activities and take in some of the historic sights Co. Wexford has to offer.”

For more route and timetable information, please call TFI Local Link Wexford on 053 9011828. Email: or visit or their Facebook or Twitter pages. n



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WEXFORD TO ENNISCORTHY DepartsStopsMonday - SaturdaySunday/Public Holidays Wexford* Redmond Sq - McCauley's 06:3009:1512:3015:0018:0009:1512:3015:0018:00 Wexford* Carriglawn - County Hall 06:3509:2012:3515:0518:0509:2012:3515:0518:05 Ferrycarrig National Heritage Park 06:4209:2712:4215:1218:1209:2712:4215:1218:12 Glynn Garda Station 06:4909:3412:4915:1918:1909:3412:4915:1918:19 Killurin Marty B's 06:5209:3712:5215:2218:2209:3712:5215:2218:22 Ballyhogue Opp Bellevue Cottages 06:5909:4412:5915:2918:2909:4412:5915:2918:29 Ballyhogue Bellevue Heights 07:0009:4513:0015:3018:3009:4513:0015:3018:30 Bree Memorial Garden 07:0709:5213:0715:3718:3709:5213:0715:3718:37 Wilton Opp Garden Centre 07:1009:5513:1015:4018:4009:5513:1015:4018:40 Tomnalosset Petrol Station 07:1510:0013:1515:4518:4510:0013:1515:4518:45 Enniscorthy Munster Hill - st John's 07:1910:0413:1915:4918:4910:0413:1915:4918:49 Enniscorthy Parnell Rd - Opp Library 07:2110:0613:2115:5118:5110:0613:2115:5118:51 Enniscorthy Templeshannon - Bus Stop Shop 07:2610:1113:2615:5618:5610:1113:2615:5618:56 Enniscorthy Island Rd - Opp Petrol Station 07:2810:1313:2815:5818:5810:1313:2815:5818:58 Enniscorthy St Mary's Cemetery 07:3010:1513:3016:0019:0010:1513:3016:0019:00 Enniscorthy** Cluain Buí 07:3210:1713:3216:0219:0210:1713:3216:0219:02 Enniscorthy** Meadowfields 07:3310:1813:3316:0319:0310:1813:3316:0319:03 *Pick Up Only, no set down permitted **Set Down Only, No pick up permitted Pick Up & Set Down is in operation for all stops on Sunday & Public Holiday
DepartsStopsMonday - SaturdaySunday/Public Holidays Enniscorthy* Meadowfields 07:4510:3013:4516:1519:1510:3013:4516:1519:15 Enniscorthy* Opp Cluain Buí 07:4610:3113:4616:1619:1610:3113:4616:1619:16 Enniscorthy Past St Mary's Cemetery 07:4910:3413:4916:1919:1910:3413:4916:1919:19 Enniscorthy Island Rd - past Petrol Station 07:5310:3813:5316:2319:2310:3813:5316:2319:23 Enniscorthy Templeshannon - Bus Stop Shop 07:5510:4013:5516:2519:2510:4013:5516:2519:25 Enniscorthy Weafer St - Astor Electrical 07:5610:4113:5616:2619:2610:4113:5616:2619:26 Enniscorthy Parnell Rd - Garda Station 07:5710:4213:5716:2719:2710:4213:5716:2719:27 Enniscorthy Munster Hill - Tennis Club 07:5910:4413:5916:2919:2910:4413:5916:2919:29 Tomnalossett Petrol Station 08:0310:4814:0316:3319:3310:4814:0316:3319:33 Wilton Garden Centre 08:0810:5314:0816:3819:3810:5314:0816:3819:38 Bree Knocknagross Estate 08:1310:5814:1316:4319:4310:5814:1316:4319:43 Ballyhogue Bellevue Heights 08:2011:0514:2016:5019:5011:0514:2016:5019:50 Ballyhogue Bellevue Cottages 08:2111:0614:2116:5119:5111:0614:2116:5119:51 Killurin Marty B's 08:2711:1214:2716:5719:5711:1214:2716:5719:57 Glynn Church 08:3011:1514:3017:0020:0011:1514:3017:0020:00 Ferrycarrig National Heritage Park 08:3811:2314:3817:0820:0811:2314:3817:0820:08 Wexford** Carriglawn 08:4311:2814:4317:1320:1311:2814:4317:1320:13 Wexford** Wexford General Hospital 08:4511:3014:4517:1520:1511:3014:4517:1520:15 Wexford** Redmond Sq - McCauley's 08:5311:3514:5017:2020:2011:3514:5017:2020:20

‘Reach Ability’

New name for Wexford’s premier empowering organisation for those with an intellectual disability

In a major move, CWCW (County Wexford Community Workshop) has changed its name to ‘Reach Ability’. County Wexford Community Workshop Enniscorthy is in existence since 1975 and for almost half a century has helped thousands of people with disabilities to live independent, fulfilling lives.

The organisation has always been pioneering, innovative and forward-thinking – traits also ingrained in the founder of the organisation, Fr. Tony Scallan.

To remain progressive and in listening to feedback from service users, County Wexford Community Workshop has undergone a change of name and rebrand and is now known as Reach Ability.

The mission of the organisation is to enable and empower people with disabilities to live the life of their choice to

their utmost potential. No longer just a place where people go to work, it was felt that a new, dynamic name was needed to accurately reflect the activity of the organisation’s whole community. Developing the new name was a collaborative process with key stakeholders of the organisation. Trevor Jacob, CEO, commented, “Helping people to be as independent as possible is what our organisation is all about. That journey is different for everyone and not just achieved through work. Independence can be reached by gaining employment but also by attending vocational training or finding new social groups or learning simple everyday life skills. It was felt that ‘community workshop’ was underselling the offering of our organisation and the vast personal achievements that those who use our services reach every day. Reach Ability portrays these individual

journeys and the sense of achievement and joy of attaining personal fulfilment in that person’s life, whatever shape that may take.”

In 1975, a team of volunteers led by Fr. Tony Scallan formed County Wexford Community Workshop. His aim was to develop a work programme for adults with disabilities. The service came into being in the old band room of St. Patrick’s Boys Club in Enniscorthy under the helm of Maureen O’Dwyer, offering services to six adults.

As the years passed, more services were introduced, such as Government assisted employment schemes and Intuition vocational training programmes. The mission evolved from being purely employment focused, to one of empowering each person to live the life of their choice and achieve personal fulfilment. This journey is unique for every-

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one and can involve everything from learning life skills and providing social outlets; to providing educational and career opportunities. The final destination, however, is common to everybody –reaching full potential and a sense of fulfilment.

Reach Ability is now one of the southeast’s largest providers of services to children and adults with an intellectual disability and their families. The service now provides a range of supports to over 230 people, from early childhood to older age. 240 staff are employed and there is also a team of dedicated volunteers. Day, Residential, Respite, Vocational Training and Childcare Services are now provided in 15 locations around County Wexford, from Bunclody to Castlebridge, and Bree to Monageer, with a large concentration in Enniscorthy town itself. These are all valuable services meeting the needs of individuals in their own communities.

Reach Ability has three social enterprises that support the organisation, Kilcannon Garden Centre and Restaurant, Astro Active Centre and Bellefield Design picture framing and gift shop. The names of these enterprises remain unchanged but

they also have a fresh new look. “Our social enterprises are integral to the success of what we offer,” says Trevor.

“While they provide vital resources for employment, training and work experience for people who use our services, they are also commercial ventures in their own right, serving the wider community. Kilcannon Garden Centre, on the outskirts of Enniscorthy, is the closest garden centre to the town and is very busy as a result. It has a very busy restaurant that is very popular and well supported by the local community. Bellefield Design has gained a strong reputation for picture framing and recently has added a range of complementary gift ideas. It also showcases the work of local artists. The Astro Active Centre is now a vast sports complex with a vibrant gym membership, full sized basketball arena and café facilities. Outside, there is a public looped walk, outdoor gym equipment, and clubs and groups travel from across the province to use the full size AstroTurf pitch and facilities.”

A new website has been launched as part of the rebrand strategy. Comprehensive information on each of the social

enterprises, along with their online shops is also available. Visit www

And on Facebook, search:

‘Kilcannon Garden Centre & Restaurant’, ‘Bellefield Design’ and ‘Astro M Active’ n

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Trevor Jacob, CEO, Reach Ability.

A welcome development in Enniscorthy

NYN Property Ltd has been granted planning permission for a major development at 4 Castle Street, Enniscorthy, involving the change of use from retail/office to retail/residential use consisting of six self-contained residential accommodation units and

modifications to previously approved plans.

The property is situated between Modern Fashions and Ibar Carty's shop premises on Castle Street.

At a quick glance it seems to tick a lot of

the right boxes for the type of development our town centre needs – sympathetic to its protected structure, providing modern retail space, and creating apartments which will bring people into the town centre to live helping to bring life back to the heart of the town. n

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Planning granted in relation to above building.


Reimagining Enniscorthy is connecting with Irish Seed Savers for a free Community Orchard Day in Enniscorthy.

Join us for a community Meetup and talk all about growing and caring for apple trees at Templeshannon Community Centre, followed by a community planting workshop at Father Murphy Park. We’ll learn all about apple trees, from the different types of trees and apple varieties, to planting, pruning and caring for the trees throughout their life. We’ll also talk about planting for pollinators and natural methods of pest and disease control, as well as how we can help to preserve our food crop biodiversity by planting heritage Irish trees.

The planting workshop starts from the ground up, and covers soil and ground preparation, how to plant and stake apple trees, and set them up for healthy growing into the future with mulches and compost. Participants will be guided by practical demonstration and expert advice from Irish Seed Savers, and it’s a hand-ons demo so dress for the weather and get involved!

We're booking for the talk & planting workshop as one event, but people can come to either or both or drop in on the day, everyone's welcome!

Book now on Eventbrite through the QR code below or


Reimagining Enniscorthy is helping to create a local food network so we can all grow and share our own food, buy seasonally from local suppliers, and reduce our food waste.

95% of the €100 million worth of apples consumed in Ireland annually are imported! We can help change this, and reduce our carbon footprint and our food miles, by planting our own community orchards.

We’re connecting with community members all over the town to start a local growing network and support people in using their gardens and shared public green space for biodiversity and growing food. As part of this we’re providing free heritage Irish apple trees, and want to connect with community groups, friends & neighbours who would like to plant some apple trees in the shared green space of their housing estates, or individually in their gardens as a group. We’ll provide help and advice on how to care for them going forward so you can look after the trees together and share in future apple harvests with your community.

If you would like to get involved and plant some trees with your neighbours let us know. Get in touch through our website or email us at


Public art and community decarbonisation project

Reimagining Enniscorthy is a public art & community decarbonisation project, taking place in 2022-23 throughout Enniscorthy town. It’s a collaborative, place-based response to the climate crisis, and a creative exploration of Enniscorthy as Wexford’s pilot Decarbonisation Zone.

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Wexford winners at national leadership awards


Everyday leaders across the business, sport, not-for-profit, and community sectors have been honoured at this year’s LIFT Ireland’s Leadership Awards held in Dublin on 14th February 2023. The annual event celebrates those people who embody values that underpin effective leadership in their communities and in Ireland.

Soccer referee Michelle O’Neill and Permanent TSB’s Head of People Karen Hackett, both from Co. Wexford, were amongst the leaders recognised this year. Wexford's Karen Hackett of PTSB was presented with the ‘Listening’ category award, with the organisers noting that, “Listening with an open mind allows us to learn. It also shows respect to the experience and perspectives of others. Listening provides a means for resolving conflict and solving problems.” A testimonial from one of Karen’s nominess says: “Karen is someone who genuinely and selflessly listens and works for the greater good of team, and not for her progression. She invites different views and opinions, and promotes an environment of diverse thinking, deliberately

seeking out those who are different to her.”

Michelle O’Neill was the winner of the Accountability award, with the organisers noting that, “Accountability means both taking public and private responsibility for one’s own actions and additionally being willing to hold others accountable for their actions and behaviours. It enables high levels of performance and ensures that standards are maintained.

Michelle O’Neill is a League of Ireland Referee and FIFA International Assistant Referee. Michelle is the first Irish football match official to officiate at an Olympic Games which was held in Tokyo in 2021. In 2019, Michelle became the first ever Irish person to officiate at a World Cup Final, USA v Netherlands, which was followed closely by being selected to officiate as part of the first ever female refereeing team to officiate at a men’s Supercup Final in Istanbul between Liverpool and Chelsea in 2019.

A testimonial from one of Michelle’s nominees says: “Everything Michelle does is rooted in accountability - both for herself and for others. For herself - she is very clear on her goals. Her dedication is evident in the way she sets her objectives and plans carefully to get there. She

breaks her goals down into smaller actions and sets daily and weekly targets. She has a strong sense of personal responsibility - and commits to each of the smaller targets as part of getting to the overall goal. She doesn't make excusesbut seeks to focus on what she can control.”

The award categories align with the ten leadership values most in need in Ireland today, which were identified by LIFT through proprietary research via national and independently-run surveys. They are: Listening; Positive Attitude; Honesty & Integrity; Respect; Accountability; Dedication & Determination; Competence; Empathy & Understanding; Innovation & Adaptability; and Resilience.

LIFT Ireland (Leading Ireland’s Future Together) is a social enterprise initiative aimed at increasing the level of positive leadership in Ireland. Only 1 in 5 Irish people believe that they can positively impact Irish society, but LIFT believe that everyone has the potential to do so. The organisation aims to deliver on this by rolling out a nationwide leadership learning programme via a volunteer facilitator network, with an overall goal of reaching 10% of the population within ten years. For more see n

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Award winners: Karen Hackett of PTSB, Wexford, third from right, and Michelle O’Neill, second from right

EVOLV: celebrating 30 years in business

This year, Evolv, one of Enniscorthy’s landmark retailers, situated at Castle Hill, is celebrating a significant milestone – reaching 30 years in business.

To celebrate, proprietors Matt and Nuala are offering a 4-day special bonanza that you won’t want to miss! 30-50% off therapies, huge reductions on your favourite foods and supplements, and not to mention massive savings on gifts… there’s something for everyone! These offers are available from Wednesday 1st to Saturday 4th March so if you want to bag a bargain, you better hurry! n

Unsung heroes

Did you know that volunteering can help to reduce stress, increase social and relationship skills, and can be a great way to exercise, meet new people and in the case of Enniscorthy Tidy Towns – help improve the local environment.

Enniscorthy Tidy Towns volunteers meet on Sunday mornings to collect litter and tidy up around the town. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed! Contact: 053 923 6518 or email

If you are sick of seeing rubbish on your road, street, estate or community, please register for this year's An Taisce National Spring Clean and get a free clean up kit. ringClean.

Let's all help to make Enniscorthy cleaner and greener! n

Wishing Johnny a speedy recovery

Local TD Johnny Mythen is out of action at present due to illness.

He says: “I'll be out of touch for a short spell, in the meantime my office is fully functioning, and at your service (087 1142100). I hope to make a speedy recovery and be back at your everyday service as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding, goodwill and patience.”

Johnny Mythen’s constituency office remains open at Slaney Place, Enniscorthy.

Tel: 087 114 2100. n

The Enniscorthy branch of the Red Cross held its Annual General Meeting recently at which a number of important issues were discussed. The branch also reviewed the last year of activities.

The committee for the coming year is composed of Aine O’Neill (Assistant Secretary), Paul O’Meara (Treasurer), Shane Roche (Vice-Chairman), Ruairi Ryan (PRO), BredaCoughlan-Roche (Chairperson), Sally Flynn (Area Rep), Elisha Pickles, Olive Lett, Paddy Redmond and Caroline Syme.

The organisation was nominated for a national Red Cross award under the Branch of the Year section, in 2022, and it was a fantastic achievement to be one of only three nominated branches from across the country.

The meeting saw general duties being discussed, as well as plans being put in place for the coming year. Meanwhile, the organisation continues to be very busy in Rosslare tending to Ukranian refugees entering the country. n

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Enniscorthy Red Cross AGM

Open Night (Oíche Oscailte) at Enniscorthy’s Scoil na nÓg

It was great to see such a huge crowd coming through the doors of Scoil na nÓg, situated within Gaelscoil Inis Córthaidh, for its open night on 28th February. Run by the delightful Karen Leacy, ably assisted by her sister Aideen and other staff members including Shannon Peare, it can cater for over 40 children (aged from 2 years, 6 months upwards) with some places still available on their ECCE and NCS schemes. The operating hours are 8.45am to 11.45am with an option for children to stay until 1.15pm. With the great interest being shown by visitors at the open night, it looks like the future of the Irish language is in safe hands.

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Above L-R: Robert Ronan, Freya Ronan and Theresa Peare. Right: Some of the expert team at Scoil na nÓg L-R: Karen Leacy (proprietor), Shannon Peare and Aideen Leacy. Below: Nora Dwyer with mum Hayley enjoying her visit to Scoil na nÓg.

Gaelscoil Inis Córthaidh Open Night

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28th February 2023
L-R: Dawn Whelan (teacher), Wendy Walsh (parent). Sharon, Niamh and Ray Quirke. L-R: Brooklyn Ní Chinnéide, Sophie Ní Rónáin, Niamh Ní Cheirc. Top photo: Deirdre Kehoe (Chairperson Parents’ Council), Daithí Bennett (Chairperson Board of Management), Helena Ní Fhloinn de Róiste (Leas-Phríomhoide), Siobhán Uí Ifearnáin (Phríomhoide). Left: Chloe and Anita at the school’s Club Maidine / Tráthnóna. Right: Aoife Walsh, Katie Sinnott, and Katie Rose Kelly.

New social cafe for Wexford

Minister of State at the Department of Justice James Browne TD was delighted to attend the opening of Kafé Konnect in the Spawell Centre in Wexford Town on 17th February last. Kafé Konnect is a social café which will provide employment to those who have found it difficult to access the labour market as a result of prior criminal convictions, or who are in recovery from addiction.

The project aims to support people to make sustainable changes in their lives, to move away from criminality and substance misuse, and regain stability in their lives.

Kafé Konnect provides training and real work experience in a range of hospitality related roles including chefs, cooks, pastry chefs, baristas, wait staff, cashiers, kitchen support staff and café management.

Its establishment has been supported by a €50,000 grant from the Kick Start Probation Service Fund and it is under the auspices of the Cornmarket Project, a Probation Service funded community based project based in Wexford.

Speaking at the launch event, Minister Browne said, “As a Social Enterprise Community Café, Kafé Konnect will give those who work here an opportunity to engage in training while continuing their journey away from addiction and criminality. It will focus towards creating more fulfilling and productive lives for those involved as responsible members of their communities.

“By educating and providing people with opportunities to grow and develop new skills they can bring out in to the job market, it will, I have no doubt, provide that important bridge to finding meaningful employment.”

The opening of this café is in keeping with the Department of Justice’s ‘Working to Change – Social Enterprise and Employment Strategy 2021 – 2023’. Published in late 2020, the strategy sets out the Department’s direction for supporting employment options for people with convictions by working to remove systemic barriers.

The Strategy builds on a solid foundation of employment supports already in place across the criminal justice sector and is a collaboration between the Probation Ser-

vice, the Irish Prison Service, and the Department of Justice.

Minister Browne continued, “The Working to Change Strategy strives to create a flexible, responsive system that prepares people with criminal histories for the working environment and ensures that they have the skills and talents required for identified labour shortages now and into the future, and not just at entry-level positions.

If a person is employed, they are more likely to be able to build positive relationships and stable routines and this is why initiatives such as Kafé Konnect are so important.”

Kafé Konnect is open five days a week Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm and offers breakfast, lunch and a range of delicious all day snacks. All food is prepared following a simple policy of offering great food that is fresh, locally sourced and seasonal. n

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Minister James Browne TD (third from left) attending the opening of Kafé Konnect, a new social café for Wexford town. Minister Browne looking forward to sampling the fine fare.

Mum’s the word

It’s always a pleasure to vist Enniscorthy’s MUM shop which has specialised over the last four years in clothing alterations, selling fabulous fabrics and a huge range of zips and haberdashery of all kinds. And now it has added Communion dresses to its repertoire – both readymade and made to order! Indeed, MUM can make any dress for any occasion.

Proprietor Elina has just moved MUM from Wafer Street to a new premises on Castle Hill. The always-smiling Elina might

have dreamed of living in a Castle some day but the next best thing is working next door to one!

Check out their Facebook page ( and their website ( where you can see many of the fabrics available to buy in the shop.

MUM, Castle Hill, Enniscorthy. Eircode: Y21 P5C7. Open Tues to Fri from 10am-4.30pm and Sat from 10am-1pm. n

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Left: Elina with some of the fabrics available to buy at her new premises on Castle Hill, Enniscorthy. Above and right: Elina (proprietor) and Iryne (staff member) outside the new MUM premises on Castle Hill, Enniscorthy

Josh raises €7,627 for Hope Centre

Local teenager Josh Rothwell raised €7,627 for the Enniscorthy Hope Cancer Support Centre through selling a 2023 calendar he produced based on the outstanding photos of local photo artist Ken Hayes.

Josh is a student in FCJ Bunclody and produced the calendar for his Transition Year mini-company there, selling it in shops and other outlets all around Co. Wexford. Josh thanks his various sponsors, outlets, classmates, and particularly Ken Hayes for the use of his beautiful photos. n

Wexford LGBTQIA+ Community Support

The Wexford LGBTQIA+ Community Support group meetings take place twice monthly from 7pm-9pm in the usual location of the IFA Centre, Millpark Road, Enniscorthy. This confidential group provides a safe space for community members of all backgrounds and experiences to come together to extend support and solidarity.

New faces are always welcome – if you're feeling anxious or require assistance to make participation more accessible, don't hesitate to get in touch with the group. Every segment of the LGBTQIA+ community is welcome, including BIPOC, Traveller and Roma, and immigrant groups.

Funded in partnership with Wexford Pride and @bepiercedbyliam.

See ‘Wexford PRIDE’ on Facebook for updates. n

Hope Cancer Support Centre, Enniscorthy.

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You’re all invited!

Damien Murphy, a local Enniscorthy man, recently published his first book through Amazon. The book is titled: Irish Spy (ISA) Chronicles Book 1: Diving In and Damien will be hosting a book launch in The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy, on the 12th May 2023, 7pm-9pm, and the good news is that everyone’s invited!

The information about the launch is contained in the accompanying graphic. If you intend going along, just RSVP Damien at 085 2312954 or email n

Christina is new ambassador


Christina is a full-time mother of three and lives in Enniscorthy with her husband Derek. She enjoys family outings, watching sunsets, and spending time at the beach.

Christina began her rare journey in 2021 shortly after her mother and brother passed away. When she noticed her health was declining, she sought out testing. She was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis as a result of short telomeres and the TERT gene. Having witnessed firsthand the devastation this cruel illness has caused her family, she sought out support from Team Telomere and began researching and educating herself.

In Ireland, there is a very limited understanding of Telomere Biology Disorders. By serving as an ambassador for Team Telomere in Ireland, Christina hopes to raise awareness, fundraise for research, and connect with other families affected by Telomere Biology Disorders. n

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Little Soles by Caoimhe

Best wishes to young Enniscorthy woman, Caoimhe Wall, with her new business ‘Little Soles by Caoimhe’ which has opened recently on Rafter Street sharing the premises with her mum Majella who has operated the very successful J’Adore shoe boutique there for several years, and continues to do so.

Caoimhe is specialising in big brand shoes for little people –catering for all ages from babies right up to teenagers.

Having worked with Majella for several years, Caoimhe is very familiar with the shoe trade and sees huge potential for her chosen business in a town like Enniscorthy which is expanding rapidly population-wise and also in the range of businesses now operating here.

It’s particularly encouraging to see young people opening businesses in Enniscorthy and investing in their own and the town’s future. Best of luck Caoimhe! n

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Pic: Enjoy Enniscorthy. Pic: Enjoy Enniscorthy.

Enniscorthy family helps publicise Global Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month

The recent "The Beat Goes On" conference, held in Dublin, was organised by the charity Heart Children, marking Global Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month.

Our accompanying photo shows Prof. Pier Paolo Bassareo, Consultant Cardiologist, Mater Hospital (second from right), at The Beat Goes On conference in Dublin, with the Kenny family from Enniscorthy L-R: Edel, Conor and John Kenny. The event took place as part of Global Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month and aimed to support teenagers in maximising their health and mental well-being in the transition from paediatric services to care in an adult hospital environment.

Congenital heart disease is the most common birth defect worldwide and between 500-600 babies are born with the condition here in Ireland each year. It encompasses over 40 heart conditions, and can vary from mild, such as a small hole in the heart, to severe, such as missing or poorly-formed parts of the heart. n

For more information on the work of Heart Children, and the supports provided, visit

Wexford Town CCTV

Wexford County Council proposes to install and upgrade the existing 33-camera closed circuit television system in Wexford Town centre and to also add 16 additional cameras at 12 new locations in the town.

The purpose of this system is to provide a deterrent to crime and anti-social behaviour, improve public safety, assist emergency services and assist the Local Authority in the management of public areas for the wellbeing of the town and the general public.

All cameras and camera locations in Wexford Town have been agreed in consultation with An Garda Siochana.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme will be available for inspection during normal office hours (9.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday) at Wexford Borough District Office, 61 The Bullring, Wexford. n

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Slaney ad Slaney leiSure & lifeStyle Page 50 - 3rd March 2023 Oulart-The Ballagh Camog Club and Oular The Ballagh GA Club Dinner Dance Riverbank House Ho Wexford, 5th Feb 20
Roiseen and Martin Story. Eileen and Ian Codd. Lexie Carty and Aaron Byrne. Lisa Kavanagh and Jack Roche. Dyphna Doyle and Grainne Sinnott. Yvonne and Gillian Redmond. Patrick O’Mahoney, Rachel, Patrick and Jackie Fortune, Caroline and Paul Ha
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Rachel Long and Bernie Sheridan. Helene Walsh and Sean Murphy. Dervla and Marie O’Dowd, and Jamie and Katie Grimes.
Lisa and Pat Mythen. Katie Wright and Kevin Nimmo. Aoife Walsh, Kayleigh Martin and Chloe Fortune.

Are you the next Rose of Tralee? Start your Rose of Tralee journey today!

A reminder that applications are still welcome from all potential Roses and Escorts who wish to participate in the Rose of Tralee International Festival Community Selection process.

Last year’s Rockin’ Food & Fruit Festival was a major success. Emerging from the doldrums of Covid, it is estimated that the 2022 Festival attracted approximately 20,000 visitors to our town and generated in the region of €2.5 million for our economy.

In addition to that, the organisers have positioned the festival and our town as one of the highlights of the summer for families across the Southeast.

Enniscorthy has long had the tradition of selecting a Strawberry Queen, a symbol of the now defunct Strawberry Fair, who represents the town and the Festival at events countywide. In an effort to retain this popular element of the festival, this year the organisers of the Rockin’ Food & Fruit Festival have partnered up with The Rose of Tralee International Festival and are delighted to announce a new selection process for the Rockin’ Food & Fruit Festival Rose, which will take place in The Riverside Park Hotel on Friday 10th March 2023.

The Festival Rose will not only be the Festival Rose for the duration of the Enniscorthy Festival weekend in Au-

gust but will also go forward to represent The Festival and Enniscorthy at the County Wexford Rose of Tralee Finals on Friday 31st March at The Ashdown Park Hotel.

This is a wonderful opportunity for the business community and organisations of Enniscorthy to fully support this marvellous new initiative to be associated with the long standing, world renowned, prestigious Rose of Tralee Festival.

The Application Process is open for Roses to enter the selection process and applicants may enter independently or with the support of a local sponsor.

If you are aware of anyone who might be interested in entering as a Princess or an

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Escort, you are encouraged to support them where possible. But hurry, applications close this Monday 6th March, and can be made online by visiting

If you are interested in supporting a Princess, and/or Escort, please make contact with the organisers: Maria Nolan 087-6644603 or Amanda Whitmore 087-4419140. The fee for a Rose is €100 and an Escort is €50.

If you would like any additional information, please visit the Rockin’ Food & Fruit Festival website n

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Joy Quigley from Ferns represented Co. Wexford with distinction at last year’s Rose of Tralee competition. Organisers of the Rockin’ Food & Fruit Festival Rose selection which will take place in The Riverside Park Hotel on Friday 10th March 2023: Above Maria Nolan, below Amanda Whitmore.

Drive-in Bingo at the Unyoke every Sunday

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Sunday 5th February 2023: Left: Three big fans of the bingo are Phil Barron, Katie Stanp and Peggy Breen Right: Calling the balls, it’s the one and only Tony Kehoe watched by Danielle O’Co Three young bingo fans having a cuppa before the bingo started: Rachel Phillipin, Leagh Jordon and Shane Fortune. Eyes down: Kay McDonald. Annette Healy a first bi In the car and all set for the first number were Margaret Leacy and Kay McDonald. A happy looking Jack French at the Bingo. Jack was the lucky winner of the Snowball last week. Laura Waters at t Olive Kelly all set for the Sunday bingo. Bernis Smith, Marie Redmond and Dawn Morrissey. Annette Healy said it’s a great way to sp
Slaney leiSure & lifeStyle 3rd March 2023 - Page 55 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTS CENTRES Wexford Arts Centre: 053-9123764. The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy: 053-9233000 The Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely: (0402) 38529 o e y n. onnor.
and Elle O’Connor were the ingo fans to arrive. Playing the game was Rita Murphy. the bingo. Noel and Anne Redmond tune into their phone to get the numbers. pend the afternoon. Enjoying the bingo in the comfort of their car: Mary Dwyer and Mary Shannon join in.

Sharon’s pure joy at GLammie nomination

Ireland’s leading hair extension brand Great Lengths has announced the finalists for this year’s GLammies Awards, the ultimate awards for hair extension specialists. The Great Lengths GLammies on March 26th will have eight categories; it will be a night overflowing with glamour and style.

The GLammies by Great Lengths seek to celebrate the craft and creativity of hair stylists and salons across the Republic of Ireland and the business of extensions. With six creative categories and two business categories including the coveted Great Lengths Trophy for Extension Excellence, stylists across the country created their most daring and innovative looks to stand out amongst their peers in each category.

Rachel-Marie Walsh, editor of Creative Head Magazine, Karina Corbett, editor of Professional Beauty Ireland and supermodel Sophie Anderton were tasked to choose the finalists of each category and will award the overall Great Lengths Trophy for Extension Excellence at the finals on March 26th at an evening event in the unique Medley venue on Fleet Street, Dublin, which will be MC’d by TV presenter Brian Dowling.

One of eight categories to be judged at the awards is the Creative Innovation category. Here, stylists stepped out of their

comfort zones to demonstrate unique and experimental concepts whilst creating their looks.

The nominees in the Creative Innovation category are:

Emma Leung at Kelly Leung Hair Design

Linda Thornton at Lynda T Hairdressing

Sharon Sheehan at AC Pure, New Ross

Laura Francis at Hession Hairdressing, Clontarf

All winners will receive tickets for a group tour of the Great Lengths production facility in Rome, with two nights 5* accommodation, meals and internal transfers for two people.

Winners will also receive a GLammies trophy, logos for marketing, social media coverage and plenty of PR across the country in both trade and local press – all of which will allow salons and stylists to stand out from the competition and mark themselves out as the best in the business.

To purchase tickets to The GLammies by Great Lengths 2023, call Great Lengths direct on +44 (0) 113 278 1292 or email

We wish Sharon all the best on the night and fingers crossed a national award will be winging its way to Enniscorthy and New Ross on 26th March. n

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Above left: Sharon Sheehan of Enniscorthy who is the proprietor of AC Pure hair salon at the Brandon House Hotel, New Ross. Above right: Sharon’s Creative Innovation category nominated hairstyle.

Live at The Presentation Centre

March 25th at

8pm, €10 Peer Pleasure Presents Work Allergic 2.0 Crimson / The Donnys / No Hassle / Jenny Murphy

Crimson are a Wexford based psychedelic blues/hard rock group fresh off the shelf with hard hitting stage presence and a salacious nature redefining modern Rock ’n’ Roll with their brand new set of original material soon to rattle the Irish underground.

The Donnys are a 5-piece rock and roll experience born and bred in Kilkenny. The youngest and hottest on the scene, The Donnys blend classic rock sounds with modern energy, and are truly a renaissance of all that makes rock and roll great. Since their creation in late 2021, The Donnys have proven themselves as an ambitious and ever growing force. With a sold out show supporting Kilkenny legends Kerbdog in the historic Set Theatre and

packing out numerous bars with their high octane performances.

No Hassle are a hard rock/punk band formed as a cover band in 2018. No Hassle it was in 2018 where Tomas, Ethan, Conor and Tim all met in secondary school and decided why not. They have just released their first single, Deception, which is out on all streaming platforms.

Jenny Murphy. Jenny is a 20-year-old jazz/soul singer from Enniscorthy. She is currently in her first year studying in Cork School of Music. She recently released her debut EP “Destitute” in November 2022 under the name “Mile House Murphy”. You can find it on all streaming services and on Youtube. Jenny regularly performs both in Cork and Wexford, her favourite venue being the 115 Jazz Cafe on Oliver Plunkett Street in Cork. She cannot wait for this gig and urges you all to make it because it’s one that shouldn’t be missed! n

Andy takes to the road

Wexford Drama Group is bringing The Father, by Florian Zeller, on the drama circuit this month as the group begins the search for All-Ireland drama honours. And leading the way is Enniscorthy’s statesman of theatre, Andy Doyle, whose CV is chockablock with awards and commendations garnered over many years performing and directing.

Andy’s involvement with Wexford Drama Group began with playing Edward in their production of the Frank McGuinness play Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me, directed by Paul Walsh. Since then he has played Sharky in The Seafarer by Conor McPherson, directed by Tom O’Leary; Artie O’Leary in Billy Roche’s Belfry, directed by Paul Walsh and, of course, more recently Baylor in A Lie of the Mind by Sam Shepard, again Paul Walsh directing.

Other recent stage highlights for Andy have included the inaugural One Voice Festival in the Wexford Arts Centre performing a piece written by Tom O’Leary, directed by Paul Walsh and, of course, travelling to perform in the Eugene O’Neill Festival in San Francisco.

Prior to his involvement with Wexford Drama Group, Andy had a great run directing shows for Kilmuckridge Drama, that included a string of All Ireland appearances.

Andy’s long association with the Enniscorthy Theatre Group, after many years participating in Athlone finals, culminated in

three All Ireland winning titles, in two of which he won Best Director.

Andy enjoyed playing the lead role of Andre in The Father for six hugely successful nights at Wexford Arts Centre last month, with standing ovations every night, and is now looking forward to taking the play on the road. Among other places, you can catch the play in Carnew on 26th March and the National Opera House in Wexford on 31st March. The Slaney News has seen this fantastic production and highly recommends that you do so too! n

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Andy Doyle
details and

Volunteer Expo Wexford

Talbot Hotel, 23rd February 2023.

Above left: At the Wexford Older People’s Council stand at the Volunteer Expo Wexford in the Talbot Hotel on 23rd February were John Roche and John Carr.

Above right: At the Soroptimist International Wexford stand were Mary Kerr, Niamh Tierney and Sue Karran.

Left: Kilmore Area Community First Responders Sean Joyce and Simmi Duffin with John Roche of Wexford Older People’s Council in between.

Below left: At the Cottage Autism Network Wexford stand were Louise Fitzpatrick and Pauline Devereux.

Below right: Members of Wexford Folk Orchestra Jim O’Neill, Pat Collins and Richie Mahoney.

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THE FABELMANS Movie Review with Kyle Walsh 

I went to see Steven Spielberg’s new film The Fabelmans last week in the cinema. This film is a semi autobiography about Steven’s love and passion for film as a young boy growing up in humble beginnings with a dream of becoming a film director. To see the world through motion picture. To see the world and his dreams through the lenses of different types of film cameras. People would say to him that his love and passion was just a hobby, but he would defend himself by saying back to them it’s NOT just a hobby. God knew, Steven knew, it was more than just a hobby, soon the world would know it was not just a hobby.

In my opinion Steven is the greatest film director of all time. He is something completely different than all the rest. He has made all types of movies, sci fi, war, thrillers, action, monster, all you have to do is look at his film catalogue. It’s truly amazing what he has done for film and for so many more young people who have the same vision, the same dreams that he once had. His imagination will live on forever more with some of the greatest films ever made.

I feel this is Steven’s most personal film to date. This film tells the story of his youth growing up with his mam and dad and his two sisters. A middle class Jewish family. His mother was a concert pianist and now she is a stay-at-home mother who teaches piano. His mother is played here by the outstanding Michelle Williams. She is the standout here. It’s a heartbreaking performance. Paul Dano plays his dad here, who is a scientist and works for tech companies. He expects his son to get his education and go to college and live a normal middle class lifestyle. But Steven had other ideas. One night his parents bring a young, impressionable Steven to the cinema for the first time to see a film called The Greatest Show On Earth. He sat in his chair, eyes wide open, imagination going wild, watching his dreams on the big canvas, it changed his life forever. This part of the film brought me back in time to when I was a young boy of seven, my dad brought me to the cinema to watch The Beastmaster and I sat there like that young Steven, and I have had a huge love and passion myself for movies ever since. Unfortunately, we can’t all be Steven Spielbergs!

So his parents got the young boy a camera and from that second on he started filming. Making little shorts himself, trying to replicate what he saw in The Greatest Show On Earth. That’s how it all began for him. He would film his parents and uncle Benny and the sisters when they would go on camping trips. He wanted to film everything. Through his love of making films he stumbles on a dark secret on his home movies that will send him and his family on a dark road of life. I’m sure lots of viewers are affected by some of this part of his life, I

know it moved me while watching it. It also shows no matter who you are or what you have in this life, no one has it all.

Then Steven had to deal with moving town, going to a new school where he felt left out. He had to deal with bullying, his religion, women and, of course, his destiny. Then there is that scene at the end where he gets to meet the great director of the time, John Ford. This is a beautiful scene and hit me hard when I watched it.

This is a beautiful film about a boy with dreams, with an imagination, a boy who did not want to be just like your typical boy, he wanted more and he sure did get more. Dreams can come through. Your vision can become a reality if you put the work in. So many of us don’t do that and we live in regret.

Steven did a fantastic job of directing his own semi autobiography. His use of camera movements makes this film constantly flow. The acting on all fronts is brilliant. It is a bit long, it could have been at least 20 minutes shorter, but that would be my only quibble. I really like the way this film asks us questions about marriage, relationships, religion, parenting and of course dreams and images. It’s a really beautiful film and interesting. I really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend it and I would give it a good 4/5. One vital lesson we as a audience should take from this film is – if you can dream it, you can live it. Live your dreams. Don’t live in regret. n

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Julie Fox is a qualified Yoga teacher and Reiki level 2 practitioner. She holds an Advanced Diploma in Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy, works as a Recovery Education facilitator with Mental Health Ireland and has 20 years experience as a Social Care practitioner. The always-busy Julie also runs retreats under the name ‘Fox&Hen Retreats’ at the beautiful Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, just five minutes from Enniscorthy (check it out on Facebook and Instagram). Writing is another one of Julie’s interests, ‘Sharing my writing in a way that brings healing, laughter and inspiration to others, is a huge passion of mine.’ This new monthly column allows Julie to share her love of both yoga and writing.


This week we will briefly explore the impact of Yoga on the Nervous system. As I said in last week’s article, Yoga is for Everyone and one doesn’t have to be well versed in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to enjoy and benefit from the practice. While an intellectual understanding of Yoga and Yoga philosophy does give

deeper insight into the teachings, they are not a prerequisite before considering joining a class or doing the practice! When I first started doing Yoga 20 years ago, I knew nothing of the Vedic texts –Upanishads and so forth but it did not stop me from reaping the benefits of the class.

The techniques of Yoga including ‘Pranayama’ breath work are methods of purifying the nervous system which can only be welcome considering the fast paced world we live in today. Our bodies and minds crave the time and space to ‘just be’ and Yoga provides this opportunity to refresh, rest and revitalise! There are many different Yoga teachers out there with different styles (fast-paced – slow –beginners – advanced) so find the right teacher who suits you and never be afraid to ask questions. If for example you find that a fast-paced Yoga (Vinyasa) is too much for you and actually aggravates your nervous system then allow yourself permission to try a slower-paced class such as ‘Yin Yoga’ – ‘Hatha’ or ‘restorative Yoga’. A big part of a Yoga practice is ‘Self Care’ and choosing the right class is step 1 in your Self Care journey.

086 0263713


‘Yoga With Julie’

Now back to the Nervous System which is a common buzz word lately. To keep it simple, we ourselves know when we are out of balance or feeling ’overwhelmed’, feeling ‘frantic’, feeling ‘up to 90’, feeling ‘agitated’, feeling ‘fearful’ etc, etc. These feelings are our bodies and minds speaking to us. It is an opportunity to listen and take the time to reflect on what is not working for us in our lives. Yoga allows this time and space, a safe space to gently reconnect. It is not about getting the perfect physique or walking out the door feeling enlightened (although this could possibly be a payoff). When we focus on the breath and introduce gentle movements such as ‘child pose – Balasana’ we are bringing our awareness into the present moment, into our bodies, leaving all judgements and criticisms aside. This surrender brings with it a bounty of benefits including better quality of sleep, alleviates stress, and stimulating the digestive system and so much more.

When we are free and safe to explore our bodies and minds without intimidation, coercion or comparison during a Yoga practice, we truly transform on a deep level. In my class this is my intention for all participants.


Pay-as-you-go Yoga classes, €10, suitable for Beginner-Intermediate levels at: Galbally Community Centre, Mondays at 7pm. Sweetfarm Studios, Kilcarbry Cottage, Enniscorthy, Thursdays at 7pm. The Presentation Centre, Enniscorthy, Mondays at 10am.

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Dancing with Declan

Keep up to date with the local dancing scene on: n

Wexford Arts Centre

For details and updates on all happening in Wexford Arts Centre: n

What’s On Wexford

Opinion You Didn't Ask For Podcast

Check out for the best listing of what’s happening all over Co. Wexford. n

Enniscorthy Library

Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube Channel...

Make sure to check out Wexford Public Libraries' YouTube channel. Catch up with all the events you may have missed or would like to watch again, as well as handy guides and tutorials for accessing Wexford Public Libraries' e-services. n

Baby & Toddler Time at Enniscorthy Library...

Every Tuesday at 10:30am Enniscorthy Library is delighted to welcome parents and guardians with their little ones for fun rhymes, stories and songs. Suitable for ages 0-4. The relaxed and friendly environment of the library is the perfect setting to make friends and introduce books and reading from an early age. Children must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.

Contact Enniscorthy Library to book a place:

Phone: 053 9236055

Events and activities... n

Stay in touch

Wexford Public Libraries Social Media: Wexford Public Libraries on Facebook.

Wexford Public Libraries on Instagram @wexfordlibraries.

Wexford Public Libraries on Twitter @wexlibraries.

YouTube: "Wexford Public Libraries" n



Phone: 053 9236055


Monday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm).

Tuesday 10.30am - 5.30pm.

Wednesday 10.30am - 5.30pm.

Thursday 10.30am - 8.30pm.

Friday 10.30am - 5.30pm.

Saturday 10.30am - 5.30pm (closed 1pm to 2pm).

Closed Saturday & Mondays of bank holiday weekends. n


Lymington Road - Enniscorthy

Phone: 053 9236055

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Tune in to Jamie and Blayne’s podcasts and check out:


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Above left: Deirdre Quille and Regina Wall. Above centre: Jevgenia and Alex Kubarska. Above right: Ann Finn, Linda Fogarty and Ti
Kati Go N S C C M
Hannah Cullimore and Caitlin Mallon. Paidi and Finnan Gregg. Peda Connelly-O’Leary and Lisa Foley. Micha


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ina Noonan. Far left: ie Gordon, Heather ordon, Orla Dolan, iamh Gordon and Hanna Hearne. Left: Shauna McGuire, Ciara Gordon and Corey Kavanagh. Right: Fran Power, Shauna and John Dier. Far right: Meena Kenny and Laire Rowe. Ella-Louise Fenlon with her family Nicola, Sean and John. Annis Kehoe and Stephen Flood. aela Boland and Laura Cardiff. Katie and Niamh Gordon. Veronica and Artem Kelly.

Due to a number of factors, Enniscorthy Musical Society (EMS) had to recently cancel its proposed production of "The Producers" and expressed its gratitide to everyone who had supported and encouraged them in their efforts to stage that show.

But all is not lost! A musical society doesn’t get to reach the 50-year milestone without being resilient, and EMS is indeed blessed with that attribute. Under Chairperson James Dobbs, it was decided to hold a number of other events to help celebrate its important anniversary, starting with its recent ‘Race Night with a Twist’ in the IFA Centre on February 24, followed by a Craft Fair taking place in the IFA Centre on 12th March, 11am to 4pm, and then the pièce de résistance – its ‘Hits from the Musicals’ show which will take place in Coláiste Bríde on April 15, and for which the group is busy rehearsing at present, and really looking forward to performing it in front of a live audience particularly after several years of covid-induced inactivity.

The Slaney News wishes the cast every success with it ‘Hits’ show under the expert guidance of director Imelda McDonagh, musical director Kevin Kennedy and choreographer Anne Marie Cooney. With such a formidable team behind the production, everyone is eagerly looking forward to getting back on stage again in front of a live audience.

Meanwhile, the society is always open to new members joining and those interested in doing so can make contact with the organisation through its Facebook page ‘Enniscorthy Musical Society’. Keep an eye also on that page for more details of its

Enniscorthy Musical Society... lots to look forward to IFA raise €12,000 for St Patrick’s

A family fun day featuring a live crib, nativity play, Irish dancing, a gospel choir and indoor stalls, hosted by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) in Enniscorthy in December has raised €12,000 for the local St Patrick’s School.

A presentation of the cheque for €12,000 was made to the school principal, Lee Rogers, during the Wexford IFA AGM held on February 27.

The funds raised will be used to purchase a new hoist to help pupils with mobility issues to safely access the school’s on-site hydrotherapy pool and a portion will also be used to help cover some of the cost of school bus transport for the children. n

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L-R: Lee Rogers (Principal, St Patrick’s School), Jer O’Mahony, (IFA Wexford Chairman).

‘Farsiders’ on circuit

Enniscorthy Drama Group presented Farsiders by Fintan Kelly in The Presentation Arts Centre from 16th to 18th, and 24th and 25th February prior to setting off on the All-Ireland drama circuit later.

This coming-of-age tale is set in Enniscorthy in 1981. Friends Chopper, Hawk and Red work in the local unemployment office and plan to go to the rugby club disco at the weekend. Chopper fancies Mary but has never had the courage to ask her out. But so does Pat Corrigan who has been bullying Chopper since they were kids. Will Chopper finally get the girl of his dreams?

The group is performing the play in the following venues countrywide:

February 27th Kilmuckridge.

March 2nd Gorey.

March 6th Doonbeg.

March 8th Kildare. n

March 9th Mountmellick.

March 20th Carnew.

March 22nd New Ross.

March 24th Wexford.

The cast is:

Chopper - Tim Connaughton Red - Podge Dwyer

Hawk - Anthony Finn

Jane - Niamh Crowhurst

Mary - Maeve Ennis

Jenny - Roisin Barry

DJ - Liam Doyle

Bringing a production on circuit is a huge commitment, so best wishes to the group with this ambitious endeavour. n

Rattlesnakes at The Presentation Arts Centre

Rattlesnakes is a new one-act play by Paul O'Reilly, and is the result of the Creative Acting for Theatre Course that was facilitated recently by Fintan Kelly at The Presentation Arts Centre in Enniscorthy. The play ran last month for two successful nights at that same venue.

Rattlesnakes follows the story of three sisters at different stages of their lives and loves, and focuses on the varying relationships in their lives.

The characters were created by participants in Fintan Kelly's Creative Acting For Theatre Course and starred those same participants: Leona Eustace Breen, Christine Quinn, Jennafer Riggs-Miller Boyd, Clodagh Doyle, Naoise O’Connor, John Kirwan and Paul O’Reilly (pictured). n

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Pat - Brendan Robinson Fintan Kelly

Delightful Dollies Valentine’s T

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Above left: Josephine Rowsome, Mary Vardy and Jeane Hendricks. Above: Let’s dance – Jackie Larkin and Theresa Ring. Left: Kathleen Hennessey and Liz O’Brien. Below: Kitty O’Brien, Margaret Brady and Mary Kells. Left: Cathy Murphy. Above: Monica Morehouse and Mary Dobbs. Above right: Peggy Dillon with her flower.

Tea Dance The Presentation Centre, 12th Feb 2023

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Above: Catherine Quigley and Helen Wildes. Above right: Gertie Bolger, Kit Kenny and Ellie Coady. Below: Liz Kavanagh and Betty O’Brien. Below right: Helen Wildes and Dora Byrne. Bottom: Ellie Coady got her flowers from committee member Theresa O’Connor at the tea dance. Bottom right: Breda Kirwan and Mary Murphy dancing.

Wexford Light Opera brings Hunchback to the stage

Wexford Light Opera Society (WLOS) is delighted to be staging its 2023 production, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, at the National Opera House, Wexford, from 24th April – 29th April 2023.

The production team includes Thomas O'Leary at the helm once again as Director, Aisling Doyle as Choreographer, and the amazing musical team of Fintan Cleary as Musical Director and Eithne Corrigan as Chorus Mistress.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is a sweeping, grand-scale musical based on the 1996 Disney film and Victor Hugo’s 1831 novel. The musical tells the story of Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bell-ringer of Notre Dame, and his desire to one day be a part of the outside world.

Showcasing themes such as faith, power, discrimination, isolation, and sacrifice, The Hunchback of Notre Dame offers a powerful message of acceptance that resonates with audiences worldwide.

With a star-studded cast and WLOS’s multi-award winning chorus, this a show not to be missed.

Information and bookings: n

WLOS presents... A Night of Musicals

Wexford Light Opera Society (WLOS) will be performing in St. Iberius Church at 8pm on Thursday 9th March 2023 for one night only featuring the WLOS award-winning chorus in addition to soloist performers singing some of our favourite numbers in addition to some new musical numbers.

Tickets are €20 and all money raised will go towards teh so-


For more information and booking:

Box Office at National Opera House: Opening Hours Monday to Saturday, 9:30-17:00

By telephone: 053 9122144

Online: n

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South East Rock ‘n’ Roll Club –join now!


The Enniscorthy-based South East Rock ‘n’ Roll Club is re-activating its club membership scheme with Single Membership costing €15 and €25 for a couple.

Benefits include:

- 20% off entry to all club hops, band gigs and festival gigs.

- A monthly members’ draw with cash prize.

- Free SE RnR Club compilation CD featuring favourites from club gigs.

- New club t-shirt at cost price.

- First choice and reduced rates on transport for club trips.

Membership runs for twelve months from date you sign up, and your card will be provided with dates on it. n

Fundraising for Nadia

A fundraising event for Nadia Dempsey will take place this Friday night (3rd March) in TJ Murphy’s in Enniscorthy, with thanks to Nicky and Stephen there for facilitating.

Nadia has been diagnosed with cervical cancer in Thailand. Her health insurance is refusing to cover the costs with some single treatments costing as much as €16,000. Already in December

Nadia has had a full hysterectomy and is currently undergoing chemo and radiotherapy in Thailand.

Nadia hasn’t the option of returning home as her cancer “small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma” isn’t treated here in Ireland.

Your support for this event would be much appreciated. n

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Fun run in Blackwater

The Blackwater 5K and 10K Run is a family-friendly event in aid of Wexford Friends of Crumlin Children’s Hospital, Blackwater Ladies Football Club and Blackwater Coiste na nÓg. It’s a fun event that helps to encourage people, young and old, to be active and involved in their community. Walkers, buggies and small children are encouraged to participate to help make this a fun day for all.

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Sophie, Ryan, Delores, Graham and Hope Ruttledge. Aishling Farrell and Roiseen Roche. Libby O’Brien and Adam Cullen. Luke, Laura, Celine and Niamh Walsh. Mia Doyle, Emily Whelan and Ciara Broderick. Siobhan Browne and Caroline Murphy. Above: Lisa Wickham and Carmel Cash. Below left: Isabelle, Josh, Fionn and David Corrigan. Below right: Aoibhin, Laoise and Jennie Roche, Lizzy O’Brien, Michelle Curran and Orlaith O’Brien. Gene, Tom Kearney and Anna Cullen.

The exiles return!

The Exiles from Slaney Street return for the annual fundraiser for the Wexford Hospice, on Saturday April 8th. The Old Fogertys have been learning songs from their 60s mix tape and have a great line-up of guest vocalists to join them in performing in Holohan’s on Saturday 8th April. Expect to hear songs like The Last Time, Satisfaction, You Can’t Always Get

Tony and Trish –Enniscorthy’s two greatest losers!

Tony McCann and Trish Dagg know a thing or two about losing weight – both have lost huge amounts of weight in recent years and are now helping others do the same through their Slimming World classes here in Enniscorthy.

Tuesdays @ 6.30pm, The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop, call Tony on 087 1785384.

Wednesdays @ 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.30pm and 7.00pm, Enniscorthy Rugby Club, call Trish on 087 3607615.

Saturdays @ 9.00am and 10.30am, The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop, call Tony on 087 1785384. n

What You Want, Light My fire, My Girl, Stand By Me, Do You Love Me? You Can’t Hurry Love, Think, Fortunate Son, Where Did Our Love Go? Rescue Me, Son of a Preacher Man, Waterloo Sunset, Daydream Believer, I Say a Little Prayer, Dock of the Bay, Ohio, Hit the Road Jack, etc And if it’s like any other year there will be shenanigans!!! n

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Tony McCann and Trish Dagg

A BAFTA for Ballymurn!

33-year-old Keith Kehoe (pictured above) from Ballymurn is the executive producer of the recent BAFTA (British Academy of Film & Television) awardwinning short film An Irish Goodbye.

Keith and his production colleague Nick Sadler, and writers Ross White and Tom Berkely, were at the Royal Festival Hall for the award ceremonies and to collect their BAFTA for Best British Short Film, and now they will attend the upcoming Oscars in Los Angeles where their film

has been nominated for Best Live Action Short Film.

A past pupil of St Peter’s in Wexford town, Keith started out in the production side of filmmaking and TV work, but in recent years has moved more into the the financial side helping to back creative ideas with the finance needed to make it all happen.

One of these ideas has turned into An Irish Goodbye – a 23-minute short film set on a farm in Northern Ireland, which

sees two estranged brothers forced to reunite following the death of their mother.

Keith is married to a British girl and hopes to return home to Ireland at some stage in the future and continue his work in the film industry which is riding a wave of success here at present with huge BAFTA and Oscar recognition.

No doubt, Keith’s parents Ingrid and Jonathan are exceptionally proud of their son’s success. n

The Presentation Centre presents...

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Full details on

Chaplin hits all the right notes

New Ross Musical Society presents the musical ‘Chaplin’ from 7th - 11th March 2023 at St Michael's Theatre, New Ross.

Chaplin is based on the real-life story of Charlie Chaplin, the iconic film actor, writer, producer and director.

The new musical spans the comic’s entire career, from Chaplin’s first performance as a child in 19th-century London to his tearful acceptance of an honorary Academy Award in 1972. The show documents the beloved actor’s rise to fame and the people who shaped his life, including his mother Hannah, his older brother Sydney, his fourth wife Oona O’Neill and gossip columnist Hedda Hopper.

The musical dramatises the making of Chaplin’s legendary films, including The Kid, The Circus, Modern Times and The Great Dictator as well as his turbulent childhood, frenzied love life and political beliefs. It features an original score by Christopher Curtis, including “Look at All the People,” “Just Another Day in Hollywood” and “This Man”.

Chaplin tells the touching story of the man who makes the world laugh as his legendary screen persona, the Tramp, but struggles to find happiness in his own life. n


Mark it in your diaries and calendars, the Enniscorthy Rockin' Food & Fruit Festival returns once again this year over the August Bank Holiday Weekend.

More details to be announced soon so keep an eye on their Social Media channels for regular updates.

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Enniscorthy Community College to stage TY Variety Show

A great night’s entertainment is guaranteed on March 14th as Enniscorthy Community College Transition Year students take to the stage in the Riverside Park Hotel for one night only for a Variety and Fashion Extravaganza.

It has been five years since the College last tread the boards with their production of John B. Keane's The Field. Now they return with a fusion of fashion and a variety of comedy, drama, and song, raising funds for the TY programme in the school, along with giving a percentage of the profits to the Hope Centre in Enniscorthy.

The first half will be a mixture of comedy sketches, music, and a specially commissioned comedy/drama piece written by TY student Katie Nolan. The second half will see a brilliant splash of colour and creativity, as the students will present their Junk Kouture fashion in a spectacular show finale, with a very special Lip-Sync Battle of the Teachers!

Tickets are on sale from the college, €10 for adults, €8 for students. Keep an eye on the school Facebook and Instagram pages for more details on what will be a great night's entertainment. n

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Always lots happening at Enniscorthy Library

Enniscorthy Library events March 2023:

Baby & Toddler Rhyme Time every Tuesday at 10:30am.

Out at the Movies, cinema evening for grown-ups, 6pm, Thursday 2nd March.

Word-Bird Workshop / Ceardlann Éan-Scéal with author, Sadhbh Devlin, 11am, Saturday 4th March, for ages 6-12.

Teenage book club, for 13 to 15 year olds, 4:30pm, Thursday 16th March.

Family movie, 11am, Saturday March 18th.

Nutrition Talk – Eating Well for Menopause with Liz O’Leary, dietitian, 7pm, Thursday March 23rd.

Junior Book club, for 8 to 12 year olds, 3:30pm, Thursday 23rd March.

Two-part Upcycling Sewing workshop – Level 1 beginners course, 10:30am-1pm, Friday 24th and 31st March (participants must be available for both sessions).

For more information and to book your place contact Enniscorthy Library on 053 9236055. n

At Enniscorthy Library: Brand new adult fiction, non-fiction and children's fiction from ages 0-2, 2-6, 6-9 and 9-12, so there's plenty to suit all ages and genres.

Beginner sewing classes at the library

A two-part Sewing Course for beginners will take place in Enniscorthy Library over two days – Friday 24th and Friday 31st of March.

This course is suitable for the complete beginner stitcher or someone who hasn’t machine sewn in a long time. This course will focus on teaching students how to safely operate the sewing machine while learning some basic alteration/upcycling techniques. It will take a clear step-by-step approach to teaching to ensure that each student has a clear understanding of the course content.

Day 1 – Introduction to the sewing machine.

Day 2 – Bring along an item of clothing from home to learn a basic alteration or upcycling technique. Examples of basic

upcycling techniques – turning up a hem to shorten a trousers, sleeve or taking in a waist of a skirt or trousers. All machines and tools will be provided.

Participants must be available for both sessions.

Booking essential. Please contact Enniscorthy Library on 053 9236055. n

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St Mary’s Day Care Centre –Valentine’s Day in Tagoat

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Top left: The Entertainers, back row JP Costello, Joleen Cowman, Janice and Above left: Enjoying the rhythm. Above centre: Betty Walsh and Mary Ferguson. Above r Below: Some of the members and helpers with the presentation party trio in centre of front row: Ray Flynn (organis and David Clancy (helper). Joeleen Cowman doing the enteraining. Enterainer Anthony Bates, The Virginian.


Too good to eat!

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Herbert Johnson and in front Betty Walsh. right: Sarah Dunne, Kay O’Riordan and Eilish Redmond. ser of the Christmas Day Swim fundraiser), Siobhan Murphy (Manager St Mary’s) Nurse Trish Hill and John Murphy. Bridie Phelan and Debbie O’Shea. Helping out at the Open Day at St Mary’s Day Care Centre in Tagoat. The Afternoon Tea Party to mark Valentine’s Day.

Gorey Night Run 2023 in aid of North Wexford Hospice

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Gorey 5K Night Run 2023 in aid of North Wexford Hospice, 16th February 2023. Above: A group of friends gathered at the starting point, Gorey Library, before the run. Above left: Siobhan and Senan Power. Above centre: Aoithe and Faolain Merrigan-Darroll. Above right: Kellie Ann and Michael O’Neill.
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Above left: Eileen Breen and Danish Byrne. Nessa Derring, Izza and Joe Killroy. Above right: Ellie Cullen all set for the run. Above left: Hilary Knott, Ruari and Cian McCarthy all ready for anything really! Above right: Abigail, Cassie and Tara Hegarty with Mr.Giggles at the Gorey Night Run 2023 in aid of North Wexford Hospice. Above left: Tom, Susanne and Noah Keane. Above right: All set for the Run.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat will be staged in Oylegate Community Centre for 4 nights in March: Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd, Friday 24th and Saturday 25th at 8pm. Tickets €12 for adults and €6 for primary school children. Book by phoning 053 9138192 or 087 9552727.

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Back row: Rhian Fitzgerald, Grace and Ella Barry. Front row: Rachel Woodbyrne and Emma Kiely. Paul Darcy as Joseph, and some of his fellow cast members. Centurian Brendan Kavanagh, Pharaoh John Farrell and Centurian Bobby Dunne. Back row: Jean Goff, Caroline Doyle and Sarah Mackey. Front row: Hannah Quigley and Annette Hillis.

Enniscorthy Madness Captured

A very proud Tony Bolger launched his debut novel In Hindspite before a packed gathering of family, friends, and well-wishers on Saturday 25th February at the Theatre Chapel in The Presentation Arts Centre, Enniscorthy.

In Hindspite, the back cover tells us is the story of ‘how far an idiot will go to avoid dealing with his own nonsense, as he navigates a tornado of self-made disasters, endless sandwiches, and random bird attacks’.

Sounds intriguing and no doubt hilarious from this humorous and unassuming Enniscorthy man who left the town at the tender age of nineteen, studied English and Creative Writing in Bristol, and has written numerous articles for local and online publications.

In Hindspite has been in the melting pot for nearly seventeen years with Tony telling the Presentation audience that it took that long for him to put a little bit of Enniscorthy madness between the pages of a book.

Describing it as light-hearted reading, Tony says he is delighted to be home and hopes everyone will enjoy the book, which is available as a paperback on Amazon.

I got my signed copy in the Presentation on Saturday and am very much looking forward to reading it.

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Tony Bolger with his newly launched book. Large attendance at Tony Bolger’s book launch.


“Wexford Arts Centre, over all the years, has been a beacon of light. In art, film, theatre, dance, music, it has enriched the life and the imagination of Wexford town. It is one of the great achievements in Irish culture life over the past half century.”

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– Colm Tóibín
MARCH 2023

Sonorous strings at the Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely

Music Network presents Maxim Rysanov, Nikita Boriso-Glebsky, & Dóra Kokas

Friday 17th March 8pm

Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinehely €18/€16

Maxim Rysanov – viola

Nikita Boriso-Glebsky – violin

Dóra Kokas – cello

March 2023 will bring the sonorous delights of a string trio, comprised of superb musicians, to audiences around Ireland. Led by Grammy-nominated violist Maxim and performing together for the very first time, the trio also features magnificent violinist Nikita BorisoGlebsky and one of the rising stars of the classical music world, cellist Dóra Kokas. The programme will showcase the elegance and exuberance of Mozart’s only string trio, Beethoven’s glorious Trio in G major and a thought-provoking work by Bulgarian composer Dobrinka Tabakova which aims to highlight the extraordinary unity of sound created by a string trio.

Maxim Rysanov

Grammy nominated Ukrainian-British violist and conductor Maxim Rysanov has established himself as one of the world’s most vibrant and charismatic musicians. As a violist, he is principally known as a frequent guest on the international music scene. In parallel with playing viola, Maxim enjoys a thriving career as a conductor, often combining conduction and directing as a soloist in the same concert.

Nikita Boriso-Glebsky

Having been awarded the silver medal and five special prizes in the XIII International Tchaikovsky Competition in 2007 and subsequently winning the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition in Helsinki in 2010, Nikita BorisoGlebsky’s international career has reached remarkable heights and continues to go from strength to strength.

Dóras Kokas

Born in Hungary in 1992, Dóra Kokas has quickly established herself as one of the leading cellists of her generation. She

has received multiple awards at notable international competitions including 3rd Prize at The Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld International Cello Competition (China), 1st Prize at Debut Hamburg International Concerto Competition, 2nd Prize at the International Johannes Brahms Competition (Austria) and two special prizes at The Pablo Casals International Award (Hungary).

“Maxim Rysanov’s playing is outstanding - I’ve never heard a viola sing quite like this.” – The Arts Desk.

“His (Boriso-Glebsky) timbre has both sparkle and depth, and he is fully equal to the technical high jumps” – Gramaphone.

“Agile, expressive and with a mastery of line and dynamics, Rysanov is a prince among viola players” – Gramphone.

“Bold and Brilliant” – The Dallas News (Dóra Kokas). n

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‘Not somewhere else but here’ an exhibition of work by Wexford artist Serena Caulfield

Wexford Arts Centre, Cornmarket, Wexford, Y35 X5HF

14 February – 23 March 2023

Gallery open: Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm / Sat, 10am-4pm

Wexford Arts Centre is pleased to present Not somewhere else but here, an exhibition of new paintings by artist Serena Caulfield. The exhibition will run in the lower and upper galleries from Tuesday 14 February to Thursday 23 March, 2023.

Serena Caulfield was selected to take part in the MAKE/Curate programme; a partnership initiative between Wexford Arts Centre and the Arts Department of Wexford County Council. The aim of the programme is to provide artists working regionally with an opportunity to work with national curators to critique their practice and introduce other areas of interest. Over the course of two years, Caulfield worked with Curators Marysia Wieckiewicz-Carroll and Cliodhna Shaffrey toward her solo exhibition at Wexford Arts Centre. Distinct from the curatorial support, mentorship was also facilitated by artist Sinead Ni Mhaonaigh.

Not somewhere else but here is a line taken from Adrienne Rich’s poem What Kind of Times Are These. The poem deals with uncertain and dangerous times but more importantly, its message is the responsibility to speak out against injustice and to listen when we hear others doing the same. Caulfield felt that it was all too appropriate for our current climate, despite being written nearly thirty years ago. This repurposing of the established is one of the most inventive and engaging features of her work.

Caulfield blends the traditionally patriarchal field of classical art with a fresh, current approach and a distinctly feminine vantage point. Her work includes re-imaginings of many classical artists’ works, including Jan Brueghel the elder, Frans Snyders, and Eugene Delacroix. A subject that arises through this referencing, is memory and specifically the gradual distortion of memory. A

number of paintings provoke a sense of déjà and viewing the work can feel like straining for a childhood memory that you can only recall in broken, faceless fragments with key elements missing. The fallibility of memory is given a dreamlike quality through Caulfield’s inclusion of local myths and the landscape of her home in County Wexford. The depiction of animals with night-time backdrops in particular, have an ethereal quality often found through dream or warped recollection.

Along with contemplating the reliability of human memory, comes the challenge to our notion of linear time. The reference to classical paintings contradicts the usual straightforward conception we have of development. Blending past and present together with such dexterity, Caulfield’s works show that art can transcend and be adapted beyond both time and gender. As the artist states; “My sources range from classical artworks to children’s drawing books, aural histories to local myths. Disobeying a linear art history while reclaiming it somehow in the present, I repurpose art history to play with its power, both visually and conceptually, imbuing the anachronisms of the past with the attitudes of the present.”

Not somewhere else but here will run at Wexford Arts Centre from Tuesday 14 February to Thursday 23 March 2023. The exhibition is supported by the Arts Department of Wexford County Council in partnership with Wexford Arts Centre through the Make/Curate Programme.

Wexford Arts Centre, Cornmarket, Wexford

Tel: +353 (0)53 912 3674 Email: Web:

Wexford Arts Centre is supported by the Arts Council and Wexford County Council.

For further information on the exhibition or artist Serena Caulfield please contact Catherine Bowe - Curator, Wexford Arts Centre, email n

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Serena Caulfield, Not Somewhere Else But Here, 2022, Oil on Canvas, 100x80cm Serena Caulfield, The Light That Gets Lost, 2022, Oil on Canvas, 100x80cm

Art at The Presentation Centre

After a hugely successful 6th Annual Open Call in 2022 where The Presentation Arts Centre gallery in Enniscorthy hosted 139 artists from all backgrounds and levels of expertise, the 7th Annual Open Call Exhibition is returning in 2023 running from March 6th to May 1st in what has been described as a staple of the arts and culture calendar in the south east of Ireland.

Official Opening & Awards Ceremony: Saturday March 11th, 6pm - 8pm.

Over 100 visual artists (and still counting!) are taking part from Enniscorthy, and from all over Co. Wexford, and beyond.

This exhibition will be opened and adjudicated by special guest Tom Mooney, who is renowned for his work on the annual Wex-Art Visual Arts Festival, Jazz At Johnstown Festival, and the Wexford Arts Festival. Currently the communications manager for Music For Wexford and Four Rivers Theatre Company, Tom has also worked on projects with the Arts Council Of Ireland, Culture Ireland, Creative Ireland, and Culture Night.

The Presenation Centre gallery is always free and no booking is required, so drop in any time up to 1st May for a look.

See more on n

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Far right: Glenn Gibson's wire sculpture called 'Guardian'. Below: Conor Gibson preparing a brand new mural for the gallery as part of the exhibition. Below right: Artwork by Hannah Bowler, Nadia Corridan, Zdenka Maksimova and Paola Iacovone.

Tried-Tested-Tasted by Caitriona

Caitriona Barron from Drinagh, Wexford, grew up on her dad’s farm with plentiful homegrown veg and their own meat so “we really knew the value of good food. My mother started a seafood business after meeting my stepfather fisherman, my brother now runs the seafood business so I’m well used to fresh food.”

“I worked with the family business before leaving to be a stay-at-home mother but soon got bored (lol!) and started taking pics of my food, sharing my recipes on social media. When people started showing interest, I realised this could be a job so I bought myself a camera and threw myself in the deep of it. I love it and I get to work with amazing companies. Seeing my pictures in magazines, in shops, and occasionally on TV is pretty amazing.

“I’m a mother of two boys and, yes, juggling it all can be very tough. But I keep it going as it’s my passion now and it’s very rewarding.” and Caitriona_barron on insta n


Lemon Sugar:

¼ cup white sugar

1 ½ tsp lemon zest


Blueberries and 1 jar of lemon curd

Dutch Baby Pancake Batter:

2 tbsp butter, melted and slightly cooled

4 large eggs

¾ cup milk

¾ cup all-purpose flour

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp vanilla

⅛ tsp fine salt

2 tbsp melted butter, for pan

Icing/confectioner's sugar, for garnish


Place a 12-cup or two 6-cup muffin tins in oven and preheat oven to 220c (with muffin tins in oven).

Mix up the lemon sugar by stirring together the white sugar and lemon zest in a small bowl. Set aside.

Make the Dutch baby batter by combining all the pancake ingredients in a blender and mixing well, until frothy. Leave in blender.

When oven is preheated, melt additional 2 tbsp butter. Remove hot muffin tins from oven and quickly brush bottoms and sides of pan with melted butter. Turn blender on for a few seconds to re-mix batter, then quickly pour in to hot muffin cups, dividing equally between 12 cups, filling about ½ full.

Place in oven and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until puffy and deep golden colour.

Let cool for 10 mins add lemon curd to centres with blueberries and sifted icing sugar. n

Pic: Caitriona Barron.


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Caitriona Barron

Your local

Slimming World Consultants in Enniscorthy

Providing you with a huge choice of sessions throughout the week:

Tuesdays @ 6.30pm

The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop

Call Tony on 087 1785384

Wednesdays @ 8.00am, 9.30am, 11.00am, 5.30pm and 7.00pm

Enniscorthy Rugby Club

Call Trish on 087 3607615

Saturdays @ 9.00am and 10.30am

The Salt n Pepper Pot, Community Workshop

Call Tony on 087 1785384

Slaney food & drink 3rd March 2023 - Page 87

ooted in exford

Mark Cooke invites you to grow along with him and also visits soft fruits growing expert – Cyril Wheelock

on board with his new monthly column. Mark is a committee member at Enniscorthy Community Allotments, and has a huge passion for growing fruit and veg which he shares on his Instagram platform @rootedinwexford which has over 6,500 followers. Mark describes himself very much as a ‘hobby gardener’ who is not academically trained in horticulture. He started planting with very little knowledge a few years ago and that knowledge has now ‘mushroomed’! Mark loves sharing his passion for growing with readers of the Slaney News.


March is here and that means that we can now start to grow a lot more in our garden. We still need to be careful as we can get frost that can undo a lot of our hard work. Before I get into what my plans are for March, I will give you an update on what I got up to in February.

For anyone who follows my Instagram page, @rootedinwexford, you will have seen that my greenhouse got a good clean and tidy as planned. It was well needed and took a few hours over two weekends, but I was delighted to get it all done. After I cleaned it, I gave the soil a good soaking, added some fresh organic seaweed fertiliser and topped up the beds with some compost.

I began to sow my seeds. As mentioned last month, February is a little early and if you haven’t started already, don’t worry, you still have lots of time. The first things that I sowed were tomatoes. Last

year I grew 22 varieties, but this year I have 42. It’s a lot, but it’s lovely to see all of the different varieties and all of the different colours. I like to grow heirloom varieties. These are generally seeds that have been passed down through generations and are not like the tomatoes that you would see in the supermarkets. You can also save the seed from them each year and regrow them. It’s great to share all of the different tomatoes with family and friends and they are packed full of flavour.

Following on from my tomatoes, I grew some aubergines. Aubergines were difficult to get right for me and they took three years of growing for me to successfully get some crops from the plants, but I persisted and was happy with the results. The trick for me was to ensure that I sowed them early in the season and that I kept the greenhouse hot, at a minimum of 10 degrees.

Finally, this month I grew chillies and some peppers. I have lots of different varieties to grow including the normal green, yellow and red bell pepper that you see in the supermarket, but I have also sown some chocolate bell peppers. The chocolate name doesn’t reflect the taste, it refers to the colour of the pepper. The chocolate bell pepper does have a sweeter than normal taste and is

said to be a great addition to a salad. It’s my first time trying to grow them. They are also a heirloom variety so again it’s great as you can save the seed to grow the following year. Chillies and peppers may grow outside but generally they grow best when in pots in a greenhouse. As mentioned before, next month there is a lot more that you can grow. The days are becoming warmer and there is a lot more light too. This is good news for seeds as they like warmer temperatures. Again, I would try to keep your seeds indoors to germinate and move them outdoors once all risk of frost has passed. I’m lucky

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Mark Cooke –firmly ‘rooted in Wexford’

that I can keep mine in my greenhouse and then wrap them up with horticultural fleece to protect them, but your warm windowsill, if you have room, is also still an ideal space.

I will start this month with some herbs, followed by some brassicas; such as cabbage and cauliflower, along with cucumbers, carrots, potatoes and peas. A great herb to start with is chives. Chives are a perennial herb. This means that they come back every spring. Chives, if allowed to, will also grow flowers. The flowers are commonly a purple colour, but you can also get them in pink, red and white colour (depending on the variety of chive). They are edible too and they are a lovely addition to your summer salads too.

Potatoes can be grown at this time of year. I usually sow them in a raised bed or a pot towards the end of the month. At this time of year, you usually grow varieties that are known as first earlies or second earlies. They have this name as they are usually the first to crop and they will be ready to harvest in May or June. The variety I have chosen to grow this year is British Queens and they are a second early potato. Before I grow my pota-

toes I chit them. This is a process where you place the seed potatoes on a seed tray (or an old egg carton) in a cool and light window. This allows shoots to form before you plant them. It just gives them a little head start.

When I mention I am living in Wexford to anyone outside of the county, like many of you, people always talk about strawberries. Wexford and strawberries usually go hand in hand. This time of year is a great time to start growing strawberries. To look at this more, I went to the Village at Wheelock’s and met with Cyril Wheelock. Cyril grows strawberries that can be seen across the county, and beyond, on the side of the road in the famous strawberry stalls, that pop up each summer. Cyril invited me out to have a look around his glass houses where he grows over 100,000 strawberry plants each year.

Cyril spoke at length about strawberry growth, and we spoke about the challenges that it can bring. He spoke to me about how he has made a conscious effort to change from peat, to coir, as a growing medium. He noted that this was his first year using it which brought a set of new challenges but said how he was

excited to see how it turned out. It was evident from speaking to Cyril that he likes new challenges and that he has a great passion for strawberry growing and even eating them, stating he eats them every day.

Cyril said that he grows mostly two varieties but always likes to try new varieties. He grows Centenary and Favori. These varieties are said to give great taste. The first variety gives just one crop, so Cyril needs to plant these at two-week intervals. Favori is known as an everbearing variety, which brings a flush just weeks after the previous harvest. It was great to see how the strawberries are grown at this level and it was fantastic to see how they are planted, with taste and quality as the end goal. I look forward to getting back out to see how they progress and to hear how Cyril is getting on with his growing this year.

If you’d like to see more about what I am growing, or ask me questions, then make sure to pop over to @rootedinwexford on Instagram. You can also check out next month to get some updates on how I got on this month and my plans for next month. n

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Mark with Cyril Wheelock at the Village at Wheelocks.

M&M Meats, Rafter Street, Enniscorthy: Mick and Thomas Crofts took home gold from the 2023 Associated Craft Butchers Awards. Pic: Courtesy of Enjoy Enniscortrhy.

M&M’s award-winning sausages

Enniscorthy’s M&M Meats – a traditional butcher’s shop based on Rafter Street, recently won the best sausage award at the Associated Craft Butchers of Ireland Awards 2023 taking home gold for their low fat sausages.

Brothers Mick and Thomas Crofts have more than 40 years experience in the trade and are masters in the art of sausage making. So pop in any time for a supply of their great value, tasty, and award-winning low fat sausages. n

M&M Meats on Enniscorthy’s Rafter Street, and their prize-winning sausages. Pics: Courstesy of Enjoy Enniscorthy (

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A sad farewell

The Slaney News is sorry to see that Earthy Eats has closed in Enniscorthy after trading here for the last two years. Based on Slaney Street, this attractive coffee and deli takeaway /eco shop was a great asset to that quaint street. We wish Rose and her staff well in their future endeavours. n

Enniscorthy Community Allotments

The multi-award-winning Enniscorthy Community Allotments, based at at Gort Na Gréine, beside the Enniscorthy Sports Hub, is all about local people growing their own food in an organic and sustainable way.

To find out more: Email: yallotments

Check out the video: n

What is menopause? Learn how dietary and lifestyle changes can help you. Thursday 23rd March at 7:00pm. Booking Essential:


A review of the outdoor dining structures in Enniscorthy is ongoing with a view to removing those that are not in regular use and regularising those that are.

Danone – proud to be carbon neutral

Danone Ireland recently welcomed local TD and Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality, James Browne, to its carbon-neutral, formulamilk factory outside Wexford town, which employs more than 350 people locally.

Danone’s Wexford factory was the first formula-milk factory in the world to be certified carbon neutral by the Carbon Trust, and the first specialised nutrition plant to install a biomass boiler which allows CO2 emissions to be reduced.

As part of a local project over ten years between the Irish Wood Producers and Danone, this biomass boiler is powered by sustainable wood fuel sourced from the local wood-chipping industry and it allows farmers in the South East to generate income by producing forest biomass on unused land.

With Danone celebrating over 25 years in Wexford, Minister Browne also heard from the Danone Ireland team about how the factory operates, its healthy product portfolio, and that Danone purchases some €100 million worth of Irish dairy produce each year. n

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Join n
Pictured L-R: Killian Barry, Managing Director, Danone Ireland, Jean-Francois Cournil, Danone Wexford’s Factory Director, Minister of State at the Department of Justice and Equality James Browne TD and Mark Stafford, Danone’s Sustainability Manager. Photograph: Patrick Browne.


Small businesses and budding entrepreneurs have the opportunity to sample local and national events aimed at helping them to start or grow their business as part of this year’s Local Enterprise Week in Wexford. These events will focus on practical tools to help local businesses to achieve their goals in 2023.

The nationwide initiative organised by Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), supported by Enterprise Ireland and the Local Authorities, takes place from the 6th-10th March.

Hundreds of events are taking place nationally during the week, including five Spotlight events that are available for free online. Such has been the level of interest in Co. Wexford that many of the local events are now booked out but at the time of going to press some places are still available for three events: “What LEAN Could Do for Your Business” with Jim Hoey on 7th March, “Embracing Equity Breakfast” with Joanne Hession of LIFT Ireland on International Women’s Day on 8th March, and a “Business Breakfast with Blaise Brosnan – Small Change Big Impact “ on 10th March.

Breege Cosgrave, Head of Enterprise and Economic Development at Wexford LEO, says: “Local Enterprise Week is a fantastic marker in the road for any busi-

Breege Cosgrave, Head of Enterprise and Economic Development at Wexford LEO.

ness. It’s an opportunity to take stock of where you are, see where you can grow, where you can innovate or maybe become more sustainable and see what resources are available on your doorstep. There is something for everyone and those who maybe always had that ambition to start on their own, or a great idea, this is the week to see how to get started and make it happen”.

“There are hundreds of events taking place all over the country covering everything from exporting and digital to going green or growing that idea with five Na-

tional Spotlight events. I would encourage everyone to check out the schedule of events and get involved.”

Each of the 31 Local Enterprise Offices will be running a full programme of events in their area that will tackle a variety of areas relevant to small businesses and starting up. The events are open to all from budding entrepreneurs to established businesses and gives them the opportunity to get expert advice on key areas of business from financial skills, raising funds, exporting and boosting your business online to future trends such as sustainability and digitalisation.

Deirdre O’Neill, Senior Regional Development Executive with Enterprise Ireland, says: “Enterprise Ireland is delighted to support and be involved in Local Enterprise Week. Working closely with the Local Enterprise Offices across the year, this week is a chance for small businesses to focus on key areas, the areas where they can make a real difference for their future ambitions. This may be in relation to digitalisation or becoming more sustainable, or those who have ambition to grow internationally and begin to find new markets.

“If you are a business who wants to grow, internationalise or innovate, then there is something for you at Local Enterprise Week and we would encourage

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every small business out there to see what is happening in their area this year and take that next step.”

Details for all the events taking place across the country during Local Enterprise Week, from March 6th to 10th, are available at

5 National Spotlight Events (Online & Free to attend):

Monday 6th March – 9:30am to 11.30am


Considering expanding into international markets? Or are you an early-stage exporter? Then this Spotlight event is for you. This webinar is designed to outline the steps to export success.

Tuesday 7th March – 9.30am to 1:00pm


No matter where you are on your digital journey, You're the Business is the programme to help you go further. As part of Local Enterprise Week, Google are hosting three online trainings, live from Google in Dublin, for businesses that are looking to Get Online, Grow Online, or Go Global.

Wednesday 8th March – 11.00am to 12.30pm


The Green Panel aims to inform, inspire, and engage owner managers and their key staff in how they can implement Green technologies, processes and products to their business in order to be more competitive.

Thursday 9th March – 2.30pm to 3.30pm


Looking for ways to improve competitiveness and productivity in your business? This online panel discussion is a must for all businesses ambitious for growth.

Friday 10th March – 10:00am to 11:30am


Innovate: to introduce improvements through new methods, ideas or products. Hosted by Noel Davidson of The Entrepreneurs Academy, this lively event will feature expert speakers. It will also outline the range of government and financial supports to drive innovation in your business.

At the time of going to press, some places are still available for three Wexford Local Enterprise Office events: 07/03/2023 An Introduction to LEAN –When Small Changes have Big Impacts.

Online. Time: 11:30 - 13:00.

The theme for this 1.5 hour webinar is What Can LEAN do for Your Business; Case Studies and Examples from Local Businesses.

08/03/2023 International Women's Day

The Talbot Hotel, Wexford, 08:15 - 10:30. Join in to celebrate International Women's Day on Wednesday, 8th March 2023. Learn, LIFT & Laugh.

10/03/2023 Business Breakfast – Small Change Big Impact

Venue: The Council Chamber, Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford. Time: 08:00 - 10:00.

A business breakfast with Blaise Brosnan - When Small Means Big.

Book any of the above on:

For more information:

Wexford Local Enterprise Office, Wexford County Council, Carricklawn, Wexford, Y35 WY93

Tel: 053 9196020 n

Taking the first step for export success

If you are considering expanding into international markets or if you are an early stage exporter this FREE First Steps to Export Success webinar is for you.

Organised by the Local Enterprise Offices, in conjunction with Enterprise Ireland and Bord Bia, this webinar will heighten your awareness of market opportunities and supports available. It will examine challenges to internationalisation and feature case studies drawn from both Local Enterprise Offices and Enterprise Ireland clients.

Aimed at companies with potential for export or who are at the early stage of exporting, this event will provide information and encouragement to guide your company towards market diversification opportunities. It will outline the steps to export success and provide practical advice, supports and case studies of businesses who are already on the export journey.

Hosted by Richard Curran, presenter of RTÉ’s ‘The Business’, this is a must attend webinar for anyone planning on developing export markets.

Book Now: n

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Sully & Juno come out tops at Wexford Local Enterprise Awards congratulationS!


Thursday, 23rd of February, was a very important day in the business lives of Sully & Juno founders Nina Shelton and Gillian Duggan-White.

Following their success last December on the Late Late’s Taking Care of Business Show, where they took home a bursary worth €15,000 for their adaptive and sensory clothing business based in Wexford, Nina and Gill have just become Wexford’s finalist for 2023 in the National Enterprise Awards.

Shortlisted by Wexford Local Enterprise Office, the finalists in this year’s Wexford finals of the National Enterprise Awards included a range of business across a variety of sectors – food and drinks, manufacturing, textiles, engineering and software.

Eventually, following an application and shortlisting process, six businesses were chosen to compete for the opportunity to represent Wexford at the national fi-

nals in Dublin in June. The six finalists were MachineLab Ltd, Profitsflow, Yola Sourdough Bakery, New Era Spirits, The Tasty Parlour Gluten Free Bakery and Sully & Juno.

Judges Blaise Brosnan of the Management Resource Institute (MRI) and Rosemary Ward of South East Business & Innovation Centre (SEBIC), eventually nominated an overall winner, and, this year, two runners-up, such was the level of quality, innovation and business excellence in the competition.

Winners Sully & Juno took home a beautiful, newly-commissioned trophy by Wexford stained glass artist Bianca Da Vito, a voucher for €500 Training and Mentoring from Wexford Local Enterprise Office, and a cash prize of €1,500. Nina and Gill will go on to represent Wexford in the national finals of The National Enterprise Awards in Dublin’s Mansion House in June.

Joint Runners-Up Profitsflow and MachineLabs Ltd – two very different businesses in two vastly different sectors,

had a number of things in common according to the judges – excellence across all business functions, innovation and constant improvement, and the attitude and driving force of the business founders. Each of the runners-up also received a stunning trophy, a framed certificate and a voucher from Wexford Local Enterprise Office for mentoring and training to a value of €200.

Presenting each of the finalists and winners with their certificates and prizes, Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council George Lawlor drew attention to the realities today for small businesses. Noting the commitment and sacrifice that starting, running and staying in business means, and congratulating each of the finalists on the contribution that small and medium businesses make to the local economy and the local business landscape, An Cathaoirleach outlined a range of projects and opportunities that Wexford County Council are currently engaged in that will support and develop local business. n

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L-R: Breege Cosgrave (Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Wexford), Nina Shelton (Sully & Juno), Cllr George Lawlor (Cathaoirleach, Wexford County Council), Gillian Duggan (Sully & Juno), Cllr Maura Bell (Mayor of Wexford).

Feasibility Study Grants

Feasibility Study Grants are designed to assist the promoter with researching market demand for a product or service and examining its sustainability. It includes assistance with innovation including specific consultancy requirements, hiring of expertise from third level colleges, private specialists, design and prototype development.

The maximum Feasibility Study Grant payable shall be 50% of the investment or €15,000 whichever is the lesser.

Expenditure may be considered under the following headings: Market Research - Consultancy Costs - Technical Development/Prototype/ Innovation - Salary/Own Labour Research - Miscellaneous Costs

Please contact Wexford LEO for an application form for the Feasibility Study Grant. Phone: 053 919 6020. Email: n

Business supports

The Business Expansion Grant is designed to assist a business in its growth phase after the initial 18 month start-up period. Sole traders, partnerships or limited companies that fulfill the following criteria can apply:

- Located and operating within the LEO geographic area.

- A business, which, on growth, will have the capacity to progress to the Enterprise Ireland portfolio

- A business employing up to 10 employees

- A manufacturing or internationally traded service business

- A domestically traded service business with the potential to trade internationally.

For more information and how to apply click here:

The Agile Innovation Fund is now available for small businesses: Introduced by Enterprise Ireland, the Agile fund will help clients of LEO Wexford respond more quickly to market opportunities and challenges like Brexit. Offering fast-track approval and a streamlined online application process, the new Agile Innovation Fund will allow companies to access up to 45% or 50% in support for product, process or service development projects with a total cost of up to €300,000.

For more information click: n

Green for Micro

Sign up for The Local Enterprise Office Green For Micro programme – helping your business prepare for the low carbon, more resource efficient economy of the future.

Book Now:

This FREE initiative is available to companies with up to ten employees, and provides the mentorship and technical support your business needs to go green, covering such as resource efficiency, understanding your carbon footprint, reducing costs and implementing an environmental management system. n

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Record year for Rosslare port

2022 was a record year for Rosslare Europort as freight units exceeded 200,000 for first time ever, and passenger numbers made almost full post-covid recovery.

Rosslare Europort delivered further growth in 2022 with over 200,000 freight units passing through the port for the first time in its history.

Overall freight in the past two years has grown cumulatively by 53% with a 398% increase in continental trade. 2022 also saw the port secure a new twice-weekly direct service to Zeebrugge with Finnlines part of the Grimaldi Group.

There was also a significant return to the passenger business with over 550,000 people using the port. This represents a 128% increase on 2021 and just 5% behind 2019 pre-covid levels.

Rosslare Europort remains Ireland’s number one port for direct freight and passenger services to the EU. Along with 58 weekly UK services, the port now also operates over 34 services between Rosslare and Bilbao, Cherbourg, La Havre, Dunkirk and Zeebrugge. It is now the only port in Europe to have the three largest RoRo brands operating services collectively.

Glenn Carr, Director Commercial Business Units, Iarnród Éireann which is the Port Authority for Rosslare Euoport, said, “We continue to see increased growth and demand at Rosslare Europort and our focus is on further delivering port infrastructure and services that supports Ireland’s Exporters, Importers, Tourism and Energy Renewable industries. 2022 was a tremendous year for freight at the port and we also welcomed back significant passenger numbers using Rosslare. As we go through 2023 and beyond, we will see historic levels of investment in numerous projects. Not only will these reinforce Rosslare Europort’s position as Ireland’s Gateway for freight and passenger traffic to Europe, but will also see the port emerge as Ireland’s national hub

to support the Offshore Renewable Wind projects planned for the Irish and Celtic Seas.”

Investment Plans at the port comprise Port, OPW and road infrastructure developments including:

n n Rosslare Europort Masterplan, including port digitalisation: These works will reflect its status as Ireland’s Gateway to Europe and will include new freight and passenger facilities, storage, export and import facilities, berth extension, new freight entrance, new car parking areas, lighting, security and complete resurfacing of all ground areas. Matching the port’s physical transformation, a digitalisation of systems and operations is also planned which will deliver a better, more effective and more efficient port.

n n Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub development, including an ORE purpose-built quay and berth, ORE quayside storage and pre-construction up to 50 acres in area, navigable channel dredged down to a minimum of 9 metres depth, and management control centre and management offices and facilities.

n n Office of Public Works Project T7, to develop a permanent Border Control Post within the port, to provide the facilities and systems for all aspects of Border Control.

n n New TII N25 Rosslare Europort Access Road will ensure a better experience for port users and enhance quality of life for those living and working in the area by taking trucks out of the village and improving access and connectivity to the port.

In total, these developments will see a total of circa €350 million invested in the port and its environs. n

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Rosslare Europort and ESB join forces on offshore wind projects

ESB and Iarnród Éireann (Port Authority for Rosslare Europort) have signed a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to cooperate on the organisations’ respective development plans to support offshore wind projects in the Celtic and Irish Seas.

With ESB developing a portfolio of offshore wind farms, and Rosslare Europort progressing plans to establish the port as Ireland’s offshore renewables hub, the joint initiative seeks to take advantage of their respective fields of expertise and knowledge. The MOU establishes a common goal of maximising the opportunities of the development plans of each.

While non-exclusive in nature, the agreement sets out the two organisations’ intention to work together with the aim of developing a port solution capable of supporting ESB’s offshore developments in Ireland, in line with the country’s climate action targets and ESB’s Net Zero by 2040 strategy.

In 2022, Rosslare Europort management announced plans to establish the port, its hinterland and the south-east region as Ireland’s Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub, with the potential to create up to 2,000 jobs.

The port is uniquely located within 60100 nautical miles of most of the planned developments in the Irish and Celtic seas, including many of the portfolio of OWF projects being developed by ESB within Ireland.

To deliver its vision for ORE, Rosslare Europort plans significant works, including:

ORE purpose-built quay and berth.

ORE quayside storage and pre-construction up to 50 acres in area.

Navigable channel dredged down to a minimum of 9-11 metres depth.

Management control centre and management offices and facilities for operations and maintenance.

Minister of State at the Department of Transport Jack Chambers TD said: “Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) is integral to meeting Ireland’s Climate Change ambitions with a target of achieving 7GW of offshore energy by 2030, 2GW of which is dedicated to the production of green hydrogen.

“As set out in a policy statement published in December 2021, a multiport approach to the provision of port infrastructure will facilitate the development of ORE in Ireland which will help maximise the economic benefits at regional as well as national level in terms of the creation of jobs and new SME enterprise that can support the development of the ORE industry.

“This agreement between Rosslare Europort and ESB is a welcome demonstration of the collaboration and commitment by these two commercial entities in delivering on our ORE ambitions.”

Glenn Carr, Director Commercial Business Units for Iarnród Éireann, the Port Authority for Rosslare Europort, said, “Rosslare Europort is excited to work with ESB whose vision for the potential of ORE aligns with our own. We believe there are strong synergies to be achieved as we work together to place this renewable energy industry at the heart of Ireland’s decarbonised future.”

Paul Lennon, Head of Offshore Wind and Hydrogen at ESB, says, “ESB has ambitious plans for the development of offshore wind, hydrogen and renewable storage projects in Ireland to support the renewable targets set out in the Climate Action Plan 2023 and ESB’s Net Zero by 2040 corporate strategy. ESB looks forward to working with Irish Rail to ensure that suitable port infrastructure is available at Rosslare Europort to enable the successful delivery of these projects.”

Investment Plan Rosslare ORE Hub:

The Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub development at Rosslare Europort will be the first of its kind in a port within the Republic of Ireland. Representing a €220m investment, this world class facility will provide the ORE industry with the necessary port infrastructure to support the many Wind Farm projects planned for the Irish and Celtic Seas. The facility will include an ORE purpose-built quay and two berths, ORE quayside storage and pre-construction up to 50 acres in area, navigable channel dredged down to a minimum of 9-11 metres depth, and management control centre and management offices and facilities. n

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L-R: Glenn Carr, Director Commercial Business Units for Iarnród Éireann (the Port Authority for Rosslare Europort), Minister of State at the Department of Transport Jack Chambers TD and Paul Lennon, Head of Offshore Wind and Hydrogen at ESB. Photo: Mary Browne.
Organisations to pool expertise to mutually support development plans.

Pamper your pet at Chateau K9

A new pet grooming salon has been opened in Enniscorthy by Dee Greenwood at Coolnahorna just 2kms past Medeira Grove (Eircode Y21 T6K0).

Dee is a graduate of the Gorey Adult Education Animal Grooming Course at QQI Level 5. Content of that course includes:

n Canine, feline and other small animal body language so as to handle, house and groom animals appropriately.

n Cycles of hair and nail growth in a variety of dog breeds and other small animals.

n Anatomical skin structure and physical skin appearance in animals so as to be able to suggest skin and coat abnormalities.

n Potential causes of hair loss and how to deal with them if evident in the grooming facility.

n Correct uses of equipment used in the grooming facility and the appropriate maintenance of such equipment.

n Information sources, including dog owner, examination and observations of dog, to plan the grooming process including brushing and de-matting, nail and ear care, bathing, drying and clipping, hand stripping and/or cutting as appropriate.

Dee loves working with dogs and looks forward to pampering your pet at her new salon. n

At Eco-Kind, Duffry Hill, Enniscorthy:

Welcome to 'Chateau K9' a new and welcoming dog grooming salon at Coolnahorna, Enniscorthy, just 2km past Madeira Grove (Eircode Y21 T6K0) For enquiries or to book an appointment please contact Dee Greenwood on 085 114 7303 or message through Instagram or Facebook: WE LOOK FORWARD TO PAMPERING YOUR PET

Making friends

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Humans and pets geting to know one another at Min Ryan Park, Wexford.


Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy. T: (053) 9233187, 9236674.

F: (053) 9236674.



I spoke with a friend of mine from the UK yesterday evening and was aware that her horse was old and dying. She had made the very difficult decision to put him down and it was tugging every heart string in her body to do it. This horse was born and raised in Russia and she worked over there for a good number of years. She bought Mischa as a four-year-old out of a corral of about twenty horses but this one stood out for her, not because he was the most handsome but because there was something about him that just drew her to him. It was a friendship that was to span the bones of quarter of a century, across two continents and many adventures on route. They rode through snow bellydeep in the depths of the Russian winter, swam in the gulf and galloped across plains and fells back in England. People who don't have animals find it hard to comprehend what a close bond can be forged between someone and their four legged companion.

I often say to clients that an animal isn't looking to see what clothes you're wearing, they're reading your energy field and can read us like a book. A horse will know straight off if someone is scared of them. They're not checking your pulse but they are checking you out. There is a wonderful video that was doing the rounds of a 14-year-old stallion who was brought into a hospital each week and had a remarkable effect on lots of the patients especially the very sick and terminally ill patients. It is time for us to explore more this realm they work from and are inviting us to open up to... It is that inner knowing,

with Joe Kavanagh of the Moyne Veterinary Hospital

that deep sense of right, of doing the right thing only because it feels right rather than what our head tells us to. We often hear the phrase, 'Trust your gut feeling... it won't set you wrong.' That gut-brain axis is well established now and some say the number of neurons in the brain is matched in our gut. Working from this innate intelligence is foreign to most of us but when you see the really good horsemen and women and you try to define what is it that sets them apart it’s that inner knowing that transcends formal thinking and lies much deeper within. The journey within is that journey we all must take in our lives somewhere along the way... be it through illness, heartache, trauma or loss. It’s very difficult to avoid it at some point in our lives. The famous American Joe Campbell spoke about 'finding the hero within' and there is a great Youtube video called 'Finding Joe' which talks very eloquently about this very path.

Mischa guided his owner along this road and she often spoke about him being her greatest teacher... He pushed her to go further within and find new strengths that she didn't realise were already there. He was always very clear in what he wanted and was uncompromising but in hindsight it was almost always for the better for both of them. This journey has come to an end for him today but his spirit will live on and his real wisdom will be carried by those privileged to have known him.

That is what these creatures can teach us... how to listen. n

If you have a topic you’d like Joe Kavanagh to address please email Slaney News at:


9.00am–1.00pm and 2.00pm–6.00pm

Small animal clinic (please tel. for appointment):

Daily 9.30–10.30am, 2.30–3.30pm, 5.00–6.00pm. 24-hour, on-call, Emergency Service: (053) 9233187.


Full blood analysis (haematology, biochemistry)

Gas anaesthetic – Digital X-rays – Ultrasound – Bioenergy

Dermatological testing – Kinesiology – Prescription diets

Herbal remedies – Homeopathy – Allergy testing

Slaney petS 3rd March 2023 - Page 99

It's 25 years since the Ford Focus first went on sale. Back in 1998, it was a huge hit for the brand with its New Edge styling and class-leading driving dynamics. It's always been a big seller, rivalling the mighty Volkswagen Golf and sitting for many years among the bestselling cars in Ireland.

But with the rise of crossovers and SUVs, these days Ford sells more Kugas and Pumas. Just like the Golf, sales of the Focus have taken a hit in recent years. Ford hasn't given up on the Focus just yet and the latest version smartens up the styling and updates the cabin technology. And did I mention the Ford Focus is one of the best-handling hatchbacks you can buy?


Bunclody native Caroline Kidd brings us reviews of the latest new cars to arrive in Ireland. Caroline is the founder and editor of the online automotive magazine Changing Lanes and a jury member for Irish Car of the Year. Find out more about her editorial and commercial copywriting services at

This fourth generation Focus launched in Ireland in 2018 and it's aged well. For the latest update, the Focus gets a bit more than the average motor industry facelift. The blue oval badge has moved from the bonnet down to the centre of the redesigned grille. The headlights are new with LED technology that comes standard across the range. There's a new bonnet that is a bit higher than before. The rear lights also have a new loop-like LED lighting signature. Overall, it's a positive revamp for the Focus.

With pricing kicking off from €32,541, the Focus is competitively priced against competitors like the Toyota Corolla and the Opel Astra. The range starts with the Titanium that comes with 16-inch alloy

wheels, climate control, keyless entry/start, heated windscreen, parking camera, and cruise control. Go up to Titanium X for upgraded 17-inch alloy wheels along with more creature comforts like wireless smartphone charging, heated front seats and heated steering wheel.

There is also the crossover-inspired Focus Active and Active X with more rugged styling and a slightly raised ride height. But it's fair to say that sporty ST Line and ST Line X models look the best overall with a special honeycomb grille finish, side skirts, roof spoiler, diffuser-effect in the rear bumper, and unique 17-inch alloy wheels (18-inch on ST Line X with red brake calipers).

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Ford Focus

There are more changes for the Focus inside with a glossy new 13-inch touchscreen taking centre stage. It's one of the biggest in the segment now and adds much needed modernity to the cabin. It uses Ford’s Sync 4 operating system, with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto included and improved voice control. The only downside is that Ford has moved the controls for the ventilation to the screen also, which is a bit more fiddly to use.

There's also a new digital instrument cluster. It's not standard unfortunately but it is worth upgrading for. The quality of the cabin is about the same as rivals though it's not the plushest cabin finish or the most stylish, with lots of black plastic on show. Still, ST Line models add some different seat fabrics and sportier red stitching detail.

The Ford Focus offers a 375 litre boot, which is on par with rivals like the Golf and Corolla. Where the Focus scores very well is in rear passenger space. Legroom is very generous and the back of the car feels more open and roomier than a lot of rival hatchbacks.

The Ford Focus is offered with petrol and diesel engines, as well as manual and automatic gearboxes. The entry level 1.0litre petrol engine is well-priced and offers competitive power (125hp) and efficiency - 5.9 litres per 100 kilometres during my test drive. It's also a delight to drive with good refinement and noise suppression from the three cylinder engine. There's no thrashing through the gears, just an ample smooth delivery of power. Other options include a 1.0-litre petrol mild hybrid automatic with 125hp or a 1.5-litre diesel automatic with 115hp.

On the road, the Focus is one of the best handling hatchbacks you can buy with

great composure through bends and nicely weighted steering. Drive modes come as standard - Normal, Sport and Eco - which adjust the steering and throttle response. The balance between sporty handling and comfort is just right, though ST Line models are a little firmer because of sports suspension. There's also some road and wind noise at high speeds on the motorway.

The Ford Focus has a lot going for it and is a great choice of hatchback. Thanks to this latest update, the Focus is better-looking than before and the technology update lifts the cabin too. Sensible, practical and fun to drivethere are lots of reasons to check out the Ford Focus!

Model tested:

Ford Focus ST Line X 1.0 petrol

Price: €36,347

Engine: 1.0-litre turbo petrol

Power: 125hp

Torque: 170Nm

Top speed: 197 km/h

Acceleration (0-100 km/h): 10.5 seconds

Motor Tax: €200 per year n

Slaney motoring 3rd March 2023 - Page 101 AUTO REPAIR NCT Preparation – Repairs – Timing Belts Clutches – General Servicing – Etc No job too big or too small NCRS, Old Dublin Road, Enniscorthy (opposite Cooney Furlong / Gala) Tel: 086-8299431 – 053 9233033 – Email: ENNISCORTHY

Rise in theft of second-hand imported cars

An Garda Síochána is warning of a rise in theft of secondhand imported cars.

With over 4,000 vehicles reported stolen in 2022, theft of vehicles continue to show a significant increase, a 52% increase on 2021 and 17% increase on 2019.

This is driven by the theft of second-hand imported cars from outside the European market, which may be due to the lack of security features in the most commonly stolen imported vehicles.

For instance, many second-hand car imports do not have a fully fitted car alarm system or are without a fitted immobiliser. This makes them vulnerable to hot-wiring. If the model has a keyless ignition it has proven possible to pick up a signal from the key fob from within the house where it is parked.

Sergeant Mark Bolger, Garda National Crime Prevention Office, said: "Car theft especially that of second-hand imported vehicles is on the rise. Car buyers and owners can take actions to decrease the risk of the theft of their vehicle. Cars imported from international markets are not automati-

cally manufactured with the same security features as cars manufactured for the European market.

"We urge buyers and owners of vehicles to confirm the security features of import vehicles, especially if there is an in-built immobiliser and to consider additional security options.”

Safety advice:

• Buyers should check the security features of their vehicles and make decisions relating to augmenting security

• For cars without an immobiliser, additional steering wheel lock or chain should be considered

General vehicle security advice is:

• Do not leave valuables on show

• Lock doors and fully close windows

• Fit an alarm

• Retrofit an Immobiliser or use a physical lock

• Install a tracker

• Use physical security features such as a steering wheel lock and catalytic convertor lock

• Fit theft-resistant number plate fittings

• Park under streetlights

• Park where there is CCTV when possible. n


Wexford haulier Cummins Transport Limited has added six new Actros 1853LS units to its commercial vehicle fleet, increasing the number of Mercedes-Benz units now on the company’s fleet to 27.

Supplied by Somers Commercials of Camolin, the new units are finished in an eye-catching all-black livery with a distinctive chrome grille.

A loyal Mercedes-Benz customer since the company’s forma-

tion in 1999, Cummins Transport managing director, Shane Cummins attributes the appeal of the Actros to its ‘reliability and impressive fuel economy’, coupled with the accommodating service provided by Somers Commercials.

Specialists in ambient and refrigerated/temperature-controlled container transport, Cummins Transport operates from headquarters in south west Wexford providing international transportation services between Ireland, the UK and Continental Europe. n

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February new car registrations up 9.9%; EV sales up 37.5%

The Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) has released its official 231 new vehicle registrations statistics for February.

New car registrations for the month of February were up 9.9% (13,161) when compared to February 2022 (11,971). Registrations year to date are up 9.4% (40,476) on the same period last year (36,985).

Light Commercial vehicles (LCV) are up 12.8% (2,585) compared to February last year (2,291) and year to date are up 11.0% (8,152). HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) registrations are also showing an increase of 45.9% (267) in comparison to February 2022 (183). Year to date HGV's are up 49.9% (691).

Imported Used Cars have seen a 4.9% (3,990) increase in February 2023, when compared to February 2022 (3,805). Year to date imports are marginally down 0.9% (7,776) on 2022 (7,846).

For the month of February 2,219 new electric vehicles were registered compared to 1,614 in February 2022 (+37.5%). So far this year 5,893 new electric cars have been registered in comparison to 4,311 on the same period 2022.

Electric Vehicle and Plug-in Hybrids and Hybrids continue to increase their market share, with a combined market share now of 41%. Internal combustion engine type vehicles remain dominant with petrol accounting for 32.48%, Diesel 23.32%, Hybrid 19.16%, Electric 14.56% and Plug-in Electric Hybrid 7.59%.

Brian Cooke, SIMI Director General, commented: “February new car registrations have continued on a similar pattern to January, with a 9.9% increase compared to the same month last year, but still lagging 13% behind pre-Covid February 2019. Sales of commercial vehicles, both Light (LCV) and Heavy (HGVs), have shown a strong increase on last year. Electric Vehicles (EVs) continue to outperform the market. Increased supply, strong Government supports and the State’s commitment to investing in charging infrastructure, are all essential elements in encouraging the transition to

electric. Drilling into the EV sales patterns, it is important to highlight private customers, who still benefit from the SEAI Grant, account for 75% of EV sales so far this year, with these sales increasing by over 40% when compared to last year. On the other hand, sales of new EVs to companies, which don’t benefit from the grant support, and which now attract a higher level of BIK since January, are slightly down on last year. This underlines the importance of the grant and it is vital that we that we don’t interrupt consumer momentum by continuing this support at current levels beyond June”. n


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Brian Cooke, SIMI Director General.
New Car sales total year to date (2023) 40,476 v (2022) 36,985 +9.4% New Car sales total year to date (2023) 40,476 v (2019) 47,439 -14.7% New Car sales total February (2023) 13,161 v (2022) 11,971 +9.9% New Car sales total February (2023) 13,161 v (2019) 15,069 -12.7% Light Commercial Vehicles sales year to date (2023) 8,152 v (2022) 7,342 +11.0% Light Commercial Vehicles sales year to date (2023) 8,152 v (2019) 8,013 +1.7% Light Commercial Vehicles sales total February (2023) 2,585 v (2022) 2,291 +12.8% Light Commercial Vehicles sales total February (2023) 2,585 v (2019) 2,465 +4.9% Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales year to date (2023) 691 v (2022) 461 +49.9% Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales year to date (2023) 691 v (2019) 535 +29.2% Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales February (2023) 267 v (2022) 183 +45.9% Heavy Goods Vehicle total sales February (2023) 267 v (2019) 241+10.8% New Buses/ Coaches sales year to date (2023) 89 v (2022) 112 -20.5% New Buses/ Coaches total sales February (2023) 52 v (2022) 58 -10.3% Used Car Imports total year to date (2023) 7,776 v (2022) 7,846 -0.9% Used Car Imports total year to date (2023) 7,776 v (2019) 17,862 -56.5% Used Car Imports total February (2023) 3,990 v (2022) 3,805 +4.9% Used Car Imports total February (2023) 3,990 v (2019) 8,859 -55.0% New Electric Vehicles sales total year to date (2023) 5,893 v (2022) 4,311 +36.7% New Electric Vehicles sales total year to date (2023) 5,893 v (2019) 1,124 +424.3% New Electric Vehicles sales February (2023) 2,219 v (2022) 1,614 +37.5% New Electric Vehicles sales February (2023) 2,219 v (2019) 325 +582.8% 5 Top Selling Car Brands 2023 were: 1. TOYOTA, 2. HYUNDAI, 3. VOLKSWAGEN, 4. SKODA, 5. KIA 5 Top car model’s year 2023 were: 1. HYUNDAI TUCSON, 2. TOYOTA YARIS CROSS, 3. KIA SPORTAGE, 4. TOYOTA C-HR, 5. TOYOTA YARIS 5 Top Selling Electric Vehicles (EVs) Car Brands 2023: 1. HYUNDAI, 2. VOLKSWAGEN, 3. KIA, 4. BMW, 5. NISSAN 5 Top Selling Electric Vehicles (EVs) models 2023: 1. HYUNDAI IONIQ 5, 2. VOLKSWAGEN ID.4, 3. HYUNDAI KONA, 4. KIA EV6, 5. BMW I4 Top Selling Car (February) 2023: KIA SPORTAGE Top Selling Electric Car (February) 2023: VOLKSWAGEN ID.4 Market share by engine type 2023: Petrol 32.48%, Diesel 23.32%, Hybrid 19.16%, Electric 14.56%, Plug-In Hybrid 7.59%. n

Over 200 run in Slaney Olympic 10k

The Annual Slaney Olympic 10km road race, proudly sponsored by CAMPION INSURANCE, took place on Sunday 12th February 2023, starting outside Lifestyle Fitness on the old Dublin Road and completing two loops out to Scarawalsh and back in along the main Dublin Road, with the finish line just off the main road. Over 200 runners set off at 12 noon and were led off by the two lead cyclists Tom Clifford and Andrew Owen.

First three men across the line were:

1. Isak Eriksson, Halle IF, 31.42

2. Derek Crammond, Sli Cualann AC, 32.20

3. Myles Gibbons, SBR, 33.17

First three Ladies across the line were:

1. Meghan Ryan, DSD, 35.42

2. Catherine O Connor, Sli Cualann AC, 38.02

3. Paula Grant, 39.02

First Slaney athlete home was Denis Whelan in 5th place in a time of 33.41, our first lady home was Catherine Roche in 4th place and first in her age category in a time of 40.24.

The organisers thank Alan Wilson and Lifestyle Fitness (Old Dublin Road) for the use of their grounds for the day.

Full set of results at: Slaney Olympic members results:

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Denis Whelan 0:33:41 Sean Crotty 0:36:52 Paul Browne 0:39:48 Catherine Roche 0:40:24 Michael Quigley 0:40:43 John Roban 0:41:43 John Daly 0:41:50 Conan Doyle 0:42:17 Ed Cahill 0:42:44 David Byrne 0:42:49 Kenneth Murphy 0:43:07 Colin Garry 0:44:53 Joe Whelan 0:45:40 Eric Derr 0:46:08 Patrick Hennessy 0:47:48 Katey Gregan 0:48:45 Billy Reck 0:49:24 Orla Keogh 0:51:07 Kieran Sludds 0:51:36 Allan Ronan 0:54:18 John Chapman 0:57:07 Kate Doyle 0:59:47 Margaret Cahill 1:00:04 Annis Kehoe 1:02:56 Enda Waters 1:05:19 Andrew Kehoe 1:08:33 Jim Kehoe 1:08:33 Valerie Murphy 1:11:23 n See more photoS
on page 112

Astro Turf Enniscorthy Greyhound Track

Racing resumes after the winter break on Thursday 2nd March 2023. n

Running for Ireland

The eagerly awaited new Astro Pitch project at Ross Road, Enniscorthy, is making progress.

The planning process for the new pitch has been completed. A call went out for tenders for the construction of the pitch and tenders closed on 10th February. Work is likely to commence this Spring 2023 and the project is expected to be completed over the following few months. n

Sacre Coeur Boxing Club fundraiser

At Enniscorthy Greyhound Track on Thursday 16th March 2023. Your support would be most welcome. n

Enniscorthy Sports Hub

O’Leary Sludds Architects were appointed in Feb 2021 for the detailed design, procurement of works contractor and construction management of the proposed new Sports Hub building consisting of a sports equipment storage area, changing rooms, toilets, showers and a small office.

A competition to award a works contract was advertised in May 2022. The lowest price tender opened for the project exceeded the available budget and, therefore, it has been decided not to progress with awarding a works contract. A redesign process for the project is now underway, and it is expected to retender in early 2023. Enniscorthy Municipal District is working on an online booking system for the existing facility. The new system will be in place in the coming months. n

St Patrick’s Pitch & Putt

The Enniscorthy club recently held its AGM. The following were elected: President – Billy Hudson. Chairman – Aidan O’Brien. Vice chairman – Maurice Donohoe. Hon Secretary – Ruairi Fortune. Hon Treasurer – Mervyn Cooney. Captain – Conor Hayes.

Vice Captain – Liam O’Brien. Competition Secretary – Conor Hayes & Liam O’Brien. PRO – Dale Kirwan.

Juvenile Officers –Ruairi Fortune & Liam O’Brien Committee – Ger Doyle, Dean Grannell, Mick Molloy, Dan Power, Eddie Doyle. n

Senior international debut...

Congratulations to Dannan Long (Enniscorthy Athletic Club) who was selected to run for Ireland, over 200 metres, at the Dynamic New Athletics (DNA) U20 International meet in Madrid on February 22nd last. n

Enniscorthy Rugby Club’s Dominik Morycki (second from left) won his first Polish senior cap at the beginning of February. A fantastic achievement for him and a proud moment for the club.

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Dannan Long

Ballymurn 5k Run/W

in aid of Ballymurn National Scho

Temple Street Childrens Hosp

29th January 2023

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Above left: Aisling Walsh and Susan Ryan. Above centre: Katie Flood. Above right: Mary Murphy and Kate Kelly. Left: Kieran Sludds and Marie Chapman. Right: Oscar Parle. Below left: Alexa Doyle and Niamh Farrell. Below centre: Katie and Mae Byrne and Kelly Nolan.
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Above left: A family affair –Alex, Jack and Paul Brooke. Top right: Sarah Birmingham, Darren O’Grady and Helen Wallace. Above right: Grace Connelly, Robin Sheehan, Penny Parle and Ellie Sheehan. Left: Emma Carthy. Right: Melia Kavanagh, Caoimhe Walsh and Roiseen Farrell. Below left: A group of friends all ready for the start.
Below right: Christine Doyle, Ciara Donohue and Jackie Conroy.
and ital

Enniscorthy rugby round-up for February

With the return of rugby in the middle of January, the month of February was filled with games from both the senior team and the J1s of Enniscorthy Rugby Club.

First, the J1s hosted Lansdowne on the 4th in Alcast Park, losing 36-17. Tries from Miguel Byrne and John Nolan in the second half gave Enniscorthy a glimmer of hope of a comeback, but a relentless attack from the visitors saw them score six tries in a convincing win.

The following Saturday, the 12th, saw the seniors travel up to Magherafelt to face Rainey Old Boys, the game that was called off in January due to the snow in Derry.

Despite a valiant effort, they were unable to pick up the win on away soil, losing 26 to 20. Tries from Nick Doyle, MJ Doyle and Ben Kidd kept Enniscorthy in the game until a Rainey try late in the game cemented their win.

Then, on the 19th, they once again had a serious commute on their hands, travelling to Deramore Park in Belfast to face the Belfast Harlequins.

Nick Doyle got on the score sheet again with a try, alongside Peadar O’Mahony, but Belfast were able to put the Enniscorthy defence under pressure throughout the game, with the hosts winning 20-16.

To close out the month for the seniors, their last game in February was in front of the Enniscorthy faithful, hosting second place Galway Corinthians on the 25th.

After going down 17-0 within the first 15 minutes of the game, Enniscorthy dominated the remaining 65, coming back to win 26 to 24. Tries from Nick Doyle, Dominik Morycki, Timmy Morrissey and a late try from Angelo Todisco gave the hosts the upset win, a win that they hope will give them momentum going into March.

The J1s finished off their March fixtures on the 26th against Portlaoise in the second round of the Provincial Towns Cup, winning 31 to 19. Tries from Mel Doyle, Kevin O’Connor, Killian Creed and Ciaran Doyle, along with three penalties from Fiachra Hourihane gave Enniscorthy a 12 point win and a place in the third round.

For the month of March, we start off with a game on Thursday the 2nd of March against Blackrock College for the J1s in the Metro League Division 2.

The seniors then travel to Tyrone to face Dungannon in AIL 2B on Saturday the 4th.

The J1s are back out two days after St Patrick’s Day to face Tullow in the third round of the Towns’ Cup on the 19th, before the seniors close out the month with a game on the 25th against Malahide at home at Alcast Park. n

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Edermine Ferry rowing success at national indoor rowing championships

Tina Kavanagh secured 5th in the 2000m & 1st in the 500m, 40-49 age group.

Bernie O'Leary was 2nd in the 1000m, and 5th in the 2000m & 500m, 50-59 age group.

Joshua Martin was 11th in the Lightweight mens open 500m.

Anne P Shore was 2nd in the 1000m, 1st in 2000m & 2nd in 500m.

Bridget Byrne came 1st in the 1000m, 55-59 age group.

Clodagh Dempsey Jnr competing in the 2000m & 500m, 15 yrs age group, recorded a personal best in both. n

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Bellefield Beat with Maria Nolan

February at Bellefield GAA, the home of the Rapparees/Starlights, has been all about preparation. With the All County Hurling and Football Leagues kicking off on the weekend of 3rd/4th/5th March our players and mentors are back to the grindstone as they begin to tone their bodies, hone their skills and train their eye, in readiness for the season ahead.

Likewise, it has been all about preparation and groundwork at our premises as major clean-ups were mounted at weekends with Executive members and players putting their collective backs into readying the grounds for the opening of the main pitch to games and training from 17th March.

Thank you to the spit and polish and clean-up gangs who turned out in numbers and to Stephen Murphy and Michael Donohoe, chief co-ordinators.

Our Ireland Lights Up initiative was a great success thanks in the main to Nicola Warren and Stephen Murphy and all who braved the elements on those crisp February evenings to grace our walking track, and in the Healthy Clubs Every Step Counts Challenge we ended up in 17th posi-

tion in Leinster from a total of over 50 clubs, making us the best club in Wexford.

So well done all.

Our very hard working and progressive Building Bellefield Development and Finance teams are making trojan efforts behind the scenes with our field signage almost full to capacity, and our innovative Patron Wall almost sold out, we cannot thank them and the people of Enniscorthy and beyond enough for their generosity and support for our new development which will not only enhance Bellefield but the entire town.

In February, our former Chairman Michael Doyle received an award at the Riverside Park Hotel at the Enniscorthy District Awards event for his service to his club and the Enniscorthy District over many years.

A momentous occasion for him and a proud night for his family and club, and our heartiest congratulations to him.

Our Bellefield Teen Disco, Bellers, took place on 17th February and is as popular as ever with our young people. Thank you to Eamonn and

Ronan Furlong and their very large contingent of stewards and helpers who ensure that Bellers is a safe environment where our youth can come to enjoy themselves.

Our weekly Lotto Jackpot stands at €15,000, with the draw taking place every Monday night. Tickets are available online and in licensed premises around the town.

Our weekly Bingo takes place at the Clubhouse every Wednesday night with over €2,000 in prizes nightly. Look for us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok for updates on all our projects, match fixtures and results.

– Words and pics by Maria Nolan

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Gracing the Bellefield walking track during the crisp February evenings.
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Above: Well done to former Chairman Michael Doyle receiving his Enniscorthy District Award. Left and below: February at Bellefield has been all about preparation.

Slaney Olympic 10k, 12th Feb 2023

Enniscorthy’s Slaney Olympic Athletic Club 10k Run on the Old Dublin Road on 12th February 2023 sponsored by Campion Insurance.

Top left: Darragh Clifford warms up before the race.

Top centre: Warming up was Annis Kehoe and Enda Waters.

Top right: Warm up before the race.

Above left: Mary Tully and Catherine Murphy.

Above right: All smiles.

Right: Helen and Adrian Doyle stopped to have their picture taken before the race.

Below left: Warming up was Wayne Holmes.

Below right: On their way on the first lap.

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Above left: Aidan Ahearne came along to support his dad Brian at the 10k run. Above right: The leaders off and running on the first circuit of the 10k run. Left: Patrick Hennessey and Colm Garry were up for the the 10k run. Right: Mary Nolan-Hickey, Annis Kehoe and Rachel Cole. Below left: Veronica Kehoe and Aaron Noonan collecting their race jerseys. Below right: Abbey O’Driscoll and Lauren Baker were happy to be taking part in the Slaney Olympic 10k. Bottom left: Jo Ayres and Catherine Roche. Bottom centre: Anne Marie Kenny, Derek Crannond, Catherine O’Connor and Aine Lennon. Bottom right: Emer Hayden.

Wreath-laying at Lifeboat Memorial in Rosslare

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The Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Burrow Lifeboat Memorial in Rosslare Strand on Sunday 19th February 2023. Above: Councillors, TDs, clergy, and family members at the memorial event. Right: Some of the crowd who attended the ceremony. Below left: Cllr Lisa Mc Donald addresses the attendees. Below right: Kevin Whitty and Ger Brennan playing music for the occasion.

Above: Listening intently at the annual wreath-laying ceremony.

Below left: Some of the large crowd in attendance.

Below right: Blessing by the clergy present.

Bottom: Bishop Ger Nash addressing the crowd.

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Left: Brian Murphy, MC, Helen Delaney, Billy Doyle, Chairman, Cllr Ger Carthy and Fergus Wickham.

Co. Wexford – Parish by parish

On Our Own Ground: County Wexford Parish by Parish is on sale in the various branches of the County Wexford library service. Volume 1, 2 and 3 are all available, €30 per volume. Cash only sales.

This three-volume series, written and compiled by Dr Ned Culleton, with contributing editor Celestine Murphy, is a

stand out publication that details the built and natural heritage of County Wexford through the centuries. It is beautifully illustrated with colour photography, drawings and maps to compliment the detailed text.

On Our Own Ground provides researchers and local people with a record of the landscape, archaeological sites,

For your diary

Ceremonial Event – 7th March 2023

A ceremonial event will be held on Vinegar Hill on the 7th March to commemorate the day the Tricolour was first flown publicly in 1848 in Waterford City by Thomas Francis Meagher and carried in a parade on Vinegar Hill, Enniscorthy. Keep an eye on the Slaney News Facebook page for full details. n

Easter Monday – 10th April 2023

The usual Easter Monday commemoration events in Enniscorthy will take place again this year with the celebration of Mass in the Cathedral followed by a procession to Market Square where the Chairman, Cllr. Browne, will lay a wreath. Keep an eye on the Slaney News Facebook page for full details, which will also be carried in our April online magazine. n

industrial, commercial and domestic buildings, and other man-made objects that dot the Wexford countryside. The books showcase the impact man has made on the landscape and his contribution to the heritage of our localities.

Contact your local branch for more information. n


Tommy was the beloved husband of the late Peggy, dearly loved and loving father of Michael, Helen and Claire and much loved brother of Myles, Kathleen and the late Harry, Ben, Biddy and Meg.

He will be sadly missed by his loving son, daughters, brother, sister, sons-in-law Roderick and Branko, Michael’s partner Zoe, his adored grandchildren Ruairí, Aoibhlinn, Emmet, Tara and Stefan, family, relatives and friends.


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– see story on next page
Launch of the new Norman Rooms at

Launch of the new Norma at Enniscorthy Castle 16th F

Enniscorthy Castle Manager Mico Hassett and her team were busy over the winter season preparing for the reopening of Enniscorthy Castle and its new Norman exhibition.

Enniscorthy Castle was originally built in the 13th Century and has been home to Norman knights, English armies, Irish rebels and prisoners and local merchant families.

The latest unveiling of the Norman Rooms is a superb in-house curated exhibition running across the ground floor of the castle dedicated to the Norman history of the Castle.

Mico Hassett says, ‘Our staff have worked hard over the winter to update the Castle and offer a new experience to locals and

tourists alike. We want to give Enniscorthy and County Wexford residents a reason to visit us again and again.’

Sean Doyle, Director of Enniscorthy Castle and 1798 Rebellion Centre, officially opened the new exhibition and spoke about the history of the Castle and encouraged everybody to visit the exhibition in the castle over the coming months.

Mico said the exhibition is designed with families in mind and the team worked together to create a more engaging experience for families. Visitors to the castle will now enjoy a variety of new interactive additions along with a period weapons display, an exploration of daily life in Norman times, new decorations and a

Knight in full armour bringing medieval magic to young and old.

From the ground floor, visitors can move forward through time via the spiral staircase to the first floor and explore the industrial age in Enniscorthy and the history of the Roche Family, who were resident in the Castle for nearly 50 years.

The second floor holds the permanent Eileen Gray exhibit with replicas of her timeless, modern designs. Last year saw two further rooms on this floor dedicated as temporary exhibition space. These rooms will host a new exhibition starting the beginning of March entitled, Enterprise & Determination: the History of the Irish Countrywomen’s Association. The staff of Enniscorthy Castle have worked closely

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Above L-R: Cllr John O’Rourke, Paul Kehoe TD, Minister James Browne TD, Mico Hassett (Enniscorthy Castle Manager), Seán Doyle (Director of Enniscorthy Castle and National 1798 Rebellion Centre) cutting the ribbon, Cllr Aidan Browne (Cathaoirleach, Enniscorthy Municipal District), Cllr Cathal Byrne. Re-enactors and politicians istening intently to the speakers at the launch of the new Norman Rooms in Enniscorthy Castle on 16th February.


February 2023

with a number of Wexford ICA guilds to highlight the past and present of the organisation, their community initiatives and importance to the social fabric of Ireland. This exhibition was launched on 2nd March 2023 and runs until the end of May.

Enniscorthy Castle is open Mon-Fri 9.30am to 5pm with the last tour at 4.30pm. Throughout the weekend, the Castle is open from 12 noon to 5pm. Entry is €6 per adult and families can avail of a Family Saver ticket for €15. Students and senior citizens €5. Visit Enniscorthy Castle and the National 1798 Rebellion Centre for only €20 for the whole family! Tel: 053 923 4699 n


The Norman invasion in 1169 was a watershed in Ireland's history marking the beginning of more than 800 years of direct English and later British rule in our country, which even in 2023 impacts our everyday discourse; with our country partitioned, ongoing dispute and argument over the Northern Ireland Protocol and some politicians demanding a Border Poll.

This building we are in this evening originated with the Normans. The medieval history of Enniscorthy Castle begins in the early days of the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland. Leader of this invasion was Strongbow, who granted the lands of the Duffry, which included Enniscorthy, to his trusted knight, Robert de Quency. De Quency, however, died in battle shortly after gaining his new lands which were then passed down to his infant daughter, Maud, who could regain her lands once she came of age.

In the meantime, the guardianship of the Duffry was in control of a man named Raymond le Gros. Le Gros would have constructed the first defensive structure on the site in the form of an earthen and timber 'Motte and Bailey' castle.

Around 1190, Maud de Quency married Philip de Prendergast and the couple regained the lands of the Duffry and constructed the first stone Castle on the site. Enniscorthy Castle remained in the ownership of the descendants of the Anglo-Normans until the Gaelic Irish revival in the late 1300s. In the 1370s, the Gaelic Irish chief Art MacMurrough Kavanagh retook the Castle by force, following which the Castle remained in his family's ownership until they finally surrendered in the 1530s.

For the next 50 years, Enniscorthy Castle remained in a ruined condition until the arrival of Sir Henry Wallop who rebuilt the Castle for military use upon its existing foundations. Wallop also defeated the last of the Gaelic Irish resistance in the locality which meant that Enniscorthy Town could be made into a plantation town in the 1620s. It was at this stage that the town began to grow and expand rapidly.

In the middle of the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell arrived in County Wexford and besieged Enniscorthy Castle. It was re-taken later the same year and then taken again by Cromwell's forces under the Governor of Wexford. It remained under foreign government control until the end of the 18th century.

During the Rebellion of 1798, the Castle was used as a prison by the crown forces to hold suspected rebels. In the early 1800s, Enniscorthy Castle was used as office space, but with the Fenian Rising in the 1860s it was used to billet the extra police forces assigned to the area.

In 1889, the Castle was leased for 999 years by P.J. Roche of New Ross. He gave Enniscorthy Castle to his son, Henry Roche, and his new wife, Josephine Shriver, to use as their home. The Roches spent a number of years renovating the Castle and moved in during 1903. The Roches were prominent and respected members of the commumty. In 1916 and again in 1922, the Roche family vacated the Castle during the occupation of the town and the Castle, first by the Irish Volunteers and then by the Free State Army.

In 1951, the Roches left the Castle to the management of the County to be used as a Museum. The Wexford County Museum opened in 1962 and closed in 2006 for major renovations and re-opened in 2011 as Enniscorthy Castle, with a focus on local history, industry and community.

I will digress for a couple of minutes by suggesting use for The Athenaeum, on which a considerable amount of money was spent on its renovation and is now lying idle. The powers that be should seriously consider returning all the artefacts that were displayed in the Castle Museum and create a home for them in The Athenaeum along with a professional Curator. It would bring The Athenaeum back into everyday use and prevent its deterioration and possible disintegration.

Before I conclude, I would like to refer to some writing dealing with the Normans. Goddard Henry Orpen of Monksgrange wrote a four-volume history of 'Ireland under the Normans 1169-1333'. It was reprinted in 1968. Billy Colfer published 'Arrogant Trespass. Anglo-Norman Wexford 1169-1400’.

Of course, we Doyles are of Viking extraction and there are a lot of surnames in county Wexford that are of Norman origin. Of course the Normans were second-hand Vikings.

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Above: Seán Doyle and Mico Hassett. Below: Cllr Kathleen Codd-Nolan, Maria Nolan and Cllr John O’Rourke.

The Normans Return to the

To be fortunate enough to have an intact, working, Norman Castle at the very heart of our town and then not to use it as a Norman heritage site has always been rather remiss in my opinion.

So, I am delighted with Manager Mico Hassett and her hard-working team who brought the Normans back to the Castle on Thursday evening 16th February with the official opening of two Norman rooms on the ground floor.

Doing the honours of cutting the ribbon, Enniscorthy gentleman and icon Sean Doyle gave the gathering an informative

and concise history of the Castle from its construction in the 1200s to present day.

Manager Mico and her team have put together an interactive space that not only tells the tale of our Norman ancestors and their legacy in Enniscorthy, in particular the names that have remained here in the town for 850 years – Browne, Codd, Roche, Sinnott, Devereux, Colfer, Rossiter, Butler, Warren, I could go on and on, but also includes a display that can be used by tourists to enhance their visit to the Castle.

A large Norman wooden chair set against a beautiful backdrop, including

the Enniscorthy crest, is the ideal location for that compulsory tourist photograph, almost guaranteed to go viral, which will spread our Norman story far and wide.

On a personal level, I was delighted to find my own Norman heritage, the Warren Coat of Arms among a collection of ten displayed on the wall, my paternal grandmother being a Warren.

With lots of informative storyboards and displays of Norman chainmail and implements of battle placed around the colourful rooms, this is only the beginning of the Norman Return.

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Enjoying the opening of the new Norman Rooms at Enniscorthy Castle. Pics: Maria Nolan

With a huge French interest in all things Norman, and with Wexford being its closest European neighbour post Brexit, and ferries leaving and returning every day from Rosslare to French ports Roscoff, Cherbourg, and Dunkirk, our shared Norman heritage will have major tourism potential.

So like Waterford laid claim to the Vikings, Wexford should now stake its very valid claim to the Normans, after all they landed here in 1169 and 850 years later are still to be found here in our castles, in our placenames and in our surnames.

An Tánaiste Micheál Martin to give Parle Creane and Hogan oration in Taghmon

An Tánaiste, Minister for Defence and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheál Martin TD is scheduled to deliver an after-Mass oration in the village of Taghmon, Co. Wexford, at midday on Sunday 12 March during a weekend of commemorations for three young Wexford men executed 100 years ago for their anti-Treaty stance. James Parle, 25, (Clovervalley), John Creane, 18, (Clonerane) and Patrick Hogan, 19, (William St., Wexford town) were shot dead by a firing squad in Wexford Jail.

In another event of the weekend, Killorglin Drama Group from County Kerry will present a Civil War drama about the 36day hunger strike in 1923 of Dr Jim Ryan (1892-1970) of Tomcoole, Taghmon, during the Civil War. Dr Ryan, a founder of Fianna Fáil, was a medical assistant at the GPO during the 1916 Rising. De Valera appointed him Minister for Health and ultimately Minister for Finance.

Hunger Strike, written by his wife Mairín Cregan, noted author and playwright, will be presented by Killorglin Drama Group in nearby Camross Hall on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 March.

They presented the play last year for the first time in their native Killorglin and decided to present it in Dr Ryan’s native homeland in Co. Wexford this year.

The drama, written in the decade after the ending of the Civil War, reveals the personal emotions and conflicts which often get lost in the public recollections of momentous events. It represents the personal conflict of Mairín Cregan, as she agonised over her husband Jim Ryan as he neared death. He didn’t die, and went on to become one of the country’s leading politicians.

The Ryan family from Tomcoole played an instrumental role in the foundation of the Irish state but had divided loyalties during the Civil War.

The historic play will be staged in Camross Hall and will be held on Friday 10th and on Saturday 11th March at 8.00pm each night. Tickets are €15 and can be booked by contacting Margaret on 086 8369047.

Gregory Walsh of Coolcull, local author and historian, will deliver a lecture entitled “Taghmon during the Reformation and more recently its part in the Civil War” at the TAG Centre in Taghmon village on Monday 13 March at 7.30pm.

Camross Hall Committee, Killorglin Drama Group, The Parle Creane and Hogan Commemoration Committee and Taghmon History Society are the joint organisers of the weekend of commemorations. n

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e Castle

Major Enniscorthy water works

amount of clean drinking water lost into the ground.”

Joe added, “I would like to thank the local community in advance for their patience and cooperation during the works. We know based on previous experiences that the short-term inconvenience will be overshadowed by the long-term benefits.”

Where water mains are being constructed, traffic management will be in place during this time. Local and emergency traffic will be maintained at all times. These works are being carried out by Shareridge Civil Engineering in partnership with Wexford County Council on behalf of Uisce Éireann and are due to be completed by the end of March.

Safeguarding the water supply in Wexford is a vital focus for Uisce Éireann with works underway as part of its national Leakage Reduction Programme to drive down leakage and provide a more reliable water supply for the community.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Wexford County Council, is replacing approximately 260 metres of aged water mains with new modern pipes along Ross Road in Enniscorthy. The project, which will commence this week, will provide a more reliable water supply and reduce the amount of treated drinking water lost to leakage. The works are a critical step in conserving this precious resource and reducing high levels of leakage which have been a significant source of disruption and interruptions for customers.

The works will also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers’ property boundaries and connecting it to the customers’ water supply.

Outlining the benefits the water mains replacement project will bring, Joe Carroll, Regional Delivery Lead at Uisce Éireann, explained, “Old and damaged water mains are a huge source of leakage and continue to impact communities right across Ireland, causing low pressure and supply disruption. Replacing these old water mains in poor condition will eliminate existing leaks and significantly reduce the

The national Leakage Reduction Programme helps provide a more reliable water supply to Irish communities by reducing high levels of leakage and improving water quality. Since 2018, its delivery represents an investment of over €500 million to upgrade the underground water network across the country through the delivery of the Leakage Reduction Programme. Uisce Éireann is also investing a further €250 million annually up to the end of 2030 directed at fixing leaks and replacing pipes to provide a more reliable water supply.

To find out more about Uisce Éireann’s national programme of works to reduce leakage and improve Ireland’s water supply visit the Leakage Reduction Programme Page Uisce Éireann’s customer care helpline is open 24/7 on 1800 278 278 and customers can also make contact on Twitter @IWCare with any queries. For updates please visit the Water Supply Updates section of the Uisce Éireann website or set your location on our website n

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Joe Carroll, Uisce Éireann. The old and the new.

Court takes dim view of quads


An interesting case came up in Wicklow last month where the illegal use of quad bikes in the Wicklow mountains resulted in community service for three young men.

On 2nd February, the three young men pleaded guilty to a breach under Regulation 29 of European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations 2011-2021. The case involved the illegal use of quad bikes within the Wicklow Mountains Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and was brought before Carlow District Court.

District Court Judge Geraldine Carthy offered the chance for the three defendants to put their mistake behind them and to carry out habitat restoration

work in order to make amends. She reserved her judgement, and said that if they satisfactorily carried out 30 hours of community service and made a €400 donation to a local wildlife charity, she

would strike out the charges later in the year. Our photo shows the three defendants using quad bikes at the summit of Slievemaan Mt, near Lugnaquillia, Co. Wicklow. n

Register now for Spring Clean 23

Last year, over 5,600 clean-ups were organised and volunteers collected an estimated 2,800 tonnes of litter as part of the National Spring Clean campaign.

The National Spring Clean initiative is a great opportunity for volunteers to get out again and do their bit for their local environment, contribute to creating a more sustainable community, meet new like-minded people and make a difference.

This year participants are encouraged to record their events if they can, e.g. a short video or photos, and send them back to the national Spring Clean organisation via direct message so it can keep a record of all the wonderful work being done

To register, visit the website through the link below and be sure to check out the guidance document released in conjunction with Clean Coasts before undertaking your clean-up: n

3rd March 2023 - Page 123 Slaney enVironment

Roadside trees, ditches and hedges

Wexford County Council wishes to give notice that under the terms of the Roads Act, 1993, landowners and occupiers of land are obliged to take all reasonable care to ensure that the trees, ditches, hedges and all other vegetation growing on their land are not or could not become a danger to people using or working on a public road.

Examples of hazards might be dead or dying trees, ditches or hedges interfering with traffic, blocking or impeding access to footpaths, obscuring road signs or obscuring a view of the road ahead.

You are required to fell, cut, log, trim or remove such trees, ditches and hedges. Adequate signposting should be provided and the Council and Gardaí notified before works commence.

Hedge cutting operations should, as far as possible, only be undertaken outside the critical nesting period of 1st March to 31st August.

Liability for damage or injury resulting from such hazards will rest with the landowner/occupier. n

These six ‘R’s can save our planet!

Refuse single use plastics (bags, cups, etc)

Rethink your choices

Reuse as much as possible

Repair before you replace

Recycle all packaging and plastic bottles

Rot all your organic stuff and put it back into the soil n

Green loans from Enniscorthy Credit Union

Need to retrofit your cold, 1970s house? Enniscorthy Credit Union’s Green Loan is designed to help you do just that – with one of its lowest rates for a loan 5.25% (5.4% APR) you can save money, save energy and save the environment with Enniscorthy Credit Union!

Talk to them today at 053 9233835 or email: n

Energy supports and resources

There are a number of government supports and resources available to help businesses mitigate the impact of energy price rises and become more energy efficient, whether you are beginning your journey to sustainability or at an advanced stage.

National Spring Clean 2023

An Taisce is asking volunteers in County Wexford to join the National Spring Clean 2023 and help our circular economy keep turning! Recycling and habitat protection are key actions during National Spring Clean events – Register now to take part in Irelands largest anti-litter campaign and to learn more about the circular economy. See full details on page 128. n

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For many years now Apple has come under fire for various reasons, such as slowing down iPhones and complicated self-repair programmes. Apple’s self-repair process is said to be time-consuming and the tool kits are more expensive than going to an Apple store for assistance. These actions deliberately force Apple’s customers to upgrade and purchase new devices, thus contributing to increased e-waste. Now, the latest issue is Apple’s use of T2 Chips which has severe consequences for the right to repair movement and circular economy.

T2 Chips were introduced to MacBooks in 2018 and on the surface they appeal to consumers and businesses who buy from Apple due to their enhanced security abilities. As we enter 2023, more of the older 2018/2019 MacBooks are appearing in refurbishers’ stores and many are faced with challenges when it comes to unlocking the device and restoring it to factory settings. T2 chips prohibit refurbishers from restoring the device to factory settings and therefore prevent its resale within the digital circular economy. This results in thousands of MacBooks around the world being sold cheaply as scrap or ending up in a landfill.

The use of T2 Chips further highlights Apple's disregard for the refurbishment market and the efforts that are going towards the right-to-repair movement. The movement's ambition is to increase the lifespan of a device by 10 years, ultimately

Peter Windischhofer (pictured above), Co-Founder of Refurbed, Ireland’s leading online marketplace for refurbished electronic devices, has released a statement on the negative impacts Apple's use of T2 Chips is having on the refurbishment industry.

reducing e-waste. However, Apple’s use of T2 Chips undermines this goal. Coupled with this, it restricts con-

sumers' access to refurbished sustainable devices and impedes the continued development of the refurbishment industry.

We need to see a systematic change whereby Apple takes responsibility for the effects that T2 chips are having on the development of the digital circular economy and the supply available to consumers. T2 Chips can be identified as a lever on which Apple can act upon in order to reduce the e-waste that is created as a result of their use. The continued use of T2 Chips in Apple products shows a disrespect for the efforts of refurbishers in developing the digital circular economy and the lengths they go in reversing the negative impacts that the creation of new electronic devices have on the environment.

The Global E-Waste Monitor estimated 59.4 Mt of e-waste was disposed of in 2022 – it has also projected this figure to grow to 74.7 Mt by 2030.

If Apple, and other large corporations, continue to ignore their damaging impact on the environment, the “2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals” will become unreachable. For a company that claims to be sustainable, it must act in a way that does not harm the environment and community it operates in. It is time that we put further pressure on Apple and corporations alike to change their practices and work with us to promote the refurbishment industry across the globe for a better future. n

Slaney enVironment 3rd March 2023 - Page 125

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) is a Local Authority shared service with 60 specialist staff from a broad range of backgrounds and expertise, who are based within 13 different local authority centres nationwide.

The European Union Water Framework Directive places statutory obligations on Member States and local authorities for the development and implementation of River Basin Management Plans. LAWPRO is coordinating the LAs response to these obligations through a new approach that includes five themes:

 Programme Coordination

 Community Engagement

 Catchment Science

 Governance

 Innovation

A core function of LAWPRO is to work with community groups to support the work already being done to promote better water quality, and to encourage more groups to get involved. Community involvement is key to the protection and management of local waterbodies. This is being achieved through a three-stage process:

 Raising awareness of LAWPRO and engaging communities on local water quality issues and concerns.

 Supporting community involvement in the stewardship of local streams, rivers, lakes, and coasts.

 Building capacity within local communities through knowledge funding and training.

LAWPRO is building networks of active communities with the knowledge, skills,

and capacity to make a difference. In this way, LAWPRO’s 13 Community Water Officers have established themselves as contact points for local communities. This is clear by the growing number of groups and champions getting involved in caring for their local water environment.

Ann Phelan is the LAWPRO community water officer for the South East, and she is working to identify issues affecting water quality. Where issues are identified she supports the local authority, public bodies, water stakeholders and communities to find a solution. Collaboration and community engagement is the cornerstone of the programme, combining that with local knowledge to find what is happening in particular water bodies.

Under the new River Basin Management Plan, the River Slaney has been chosen as a pilot catchment to roll out a catchment management plan and form a catchment forum to increase public participation in the water environment area, so to this end Ann is looking to meet with community groups, environmental groups, farming groups/individuals, tidy towns and people who are interested in the River Slaney Catchment and improving water quality. Please contact Ann on 085-8084067 or email and visit: n

Clean Coasts Roadshow in Kilmore Quay

On Tuesday 28th February, the Clean Coasts organisation (which is celebrating its 20th birthday this year) was delighted to team up with Wexford Co. Council, Tomhaggard Clean Coasts Group, and Wexford Sub Aqua Club, to give a community talk by Ivan Donoghue (WSAC) as part of a Clean Coasts Roadshow event.

The event was held at the Stella Maris Centre, Kilmore Quay, and attracted a big crowd of over 50 people. The Tomhaggard Clean Coasts group have an upcoming Saltee Island biodiversity trip and the talk showcased the abundant life around the islands, and underwater life and wrecks around the Co. Wexford coastline.

The Clean Coasts Roadshows are a series of free talks and workshops for coastal communities which take place all around the coast of Ireland between February and May each year. The Roadshow aims to bring together all those with an interest in protecting their local beaches, seas and marine life and environment. n

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“By re-imagining something that otherwise may have ‘had its day’ – upcycling opens up a world of new possibilities, designs, business opportunities and waste solutions. It’s pretty exciting! And that’s why I set up The Upcycle Movement in 2012,” says Wexford woman, Lynn Haughton.

“The first time I really grasped what upcycling means was in December 2005 when my brother gave me a Christmas present. It was a bag – but no ordinary bag.

“In 2004, the devastating tsunami hit Asia, leaving so many dead and others homeless. My bag was made by widows who had lost everything at that time. It was made from the canvas tsunami rescue tents they sheltered in.”

“And that’s when I got it. That’s when I got what upcycling means.

“These incredible women saw value and opportunity in something they no longer needed. Something that could easily have been deemed as waste. But instead, they transformed it, keeping it out of landfill, while also making money to help their community move along.

“What inspiring women. And what a powerful concept.

“Since then I started to look at things differently and realise that with just a bit of creativity and imagination, almost everything around us can be a resource for something new.

“I see a world of potential in a world of wasted opportunities.

“To landfill, incinerate, dispose, export and even recycle – all cost money and resources to do. They also impact our environment in the process. As does the extraction and processing of raw materials.

“And I can't help but think about the age-old advice to 'make the most of what you have'. Upcycling does just that.

“We have enough.

“More than a decade on, I still use that bag. It’s so well made, hardy and super quality.

“What I love most about upcycling can be summed up in that bag: the resourcefulness, the imagination, the value added and created, the innovation, the opportunity identified and the story it holds.

“Since my eyes have been opened to the creative world of upcycling, I’ve come across so many innovative, upcycled and sustainable products by environmentally conscious designers who have also hugely inspired me. I'm always looking out for them, and so I

really wanted to share my discoveries with you here.

“I've realised how much untapped possibilities there are for business opportunity and product design if we look at waste as a resource. And I felt that a platform for the designers and makers who are challenging how we think about waste was needed – to promote what they do and how they think.

“I believe 'It's only waste if we waste its potential'. And that now, more than ever, we need to support these innovative, design and business ideas that are offering waste solutions and those which will help to implement a more sustainable, circular economy. There are so many amazing things happening.

“They need more support.

“Together we can make the world a more sustainable place. We are so incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful planet to call home. Let's keep it that way.”

“We are looking to grow and expand on what we do here at The Upcycle Movement and so we are on the hunt for a new space... We are looking for a work studio /community hub in or around the Gorey/Enniscorthy area. If you know of somewhere or any leads please email n

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Register for National Spring Clean

Recycling and habitat protection are key actions during National Spring Clean events 2023. An Taisce is asking volunteers in Co. Wexford to register now to take part in Ireland’s largest anti-litter campaign and to learn more about our circular economy.

Throughout the month of April, the National Spring Clean will encourage communities in Co. Wexford to tackle the problem of litter in local areas and to see the benefits of a litter-free environment. National Spring Clean is operated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce in partnership with Local Authorities and supported by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and Mars Wrigley.

Over the past 24 years, the National Spring Clean has been focused on the message of the collective responsibility we share in tackling and preventing our national litter problem. By participating in organised clean-ups, groups and individuals of all ages come together to make a meaningful and positive contribution to their communities – to date this has resulted in the collection of almost 45,000 tonnes of litter across Ireland!

This year, the National Spring Clean is also raising awareness about how the adoption of a circular economy model will reduce our litter, and climate impact. The circular economy is a waste prevention approach to keep resources in use for as long as possible, enabling us to extract the maximum value from them

before recovery and regeneration. This is based on three principles: eliminating waste and pollution, keeping materials and products in use (through re-use and recycling), and protecting nature. This means that as we transition to a more circular economy, we’ll see less waste, less litter, and lower emissions, and thus, cleaner planet.

These principles of a circular economy have been central to the ethos of National Spring Clean for the past 24 years. Last year some 35% of all waste collected was recycled, thanks to recyclable waste bags provided to groups and individuals who register, while the removal of litter from our natural environment has helped tackle biodiversity loss.

Throughout this year’s campaign, National Spring Clean also hopes people will consider their waste output and moderate consumption behaviours that produce excess waste, and look at alternatives that will move us away from a throwaway culture to a more sustainable circular culture.

Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan TD, said: “An Taisce’s National Spring Clean continues to showcase the dedication of volunteers all over the country. The commitment of volunteers in continuing to organise local clean-ups each year is a testament to the spirit in Irish communities and I would urge as many people as possible to get involved in the campaign. My Department will continue to support the campaign and An Taisce, whose role in organising this successful

campaign each year, deserves to be acknowledged. I look forward to the many events that will be held all over the country in the coming months.”

Mars Wrigley Ireland Corporate Affairs Manager Nicola Forde added: “National Spring Clean is about removing waste and litter to protect our biodiversity and create cleaner and healthier communities. We welcome initiatives of the Circular Economy Act such as the ban on single use plastics, the proposed ‘latte levy’ and the deposit return scheme which will help us to eliminate this waste at the first stage.”

“Mars Wrigley Ireland is proud to support programmes like the National Spring Clean, which has played a significant role in reducing litter across the country over the past 24 years bringing people together with these invaluable community cleans-ups. We’re also delighted to see this year’s campaign highlight the importance of the circular economy model, something which is a core element of our ‘sustainable in a generation’ mission. Our goal is to switch to 100% recyclable packaging by 2025.”

In 2022, almost 200 registered for the initiative in County Wexford. With the support of people all around Ireland, the National Spring is hoping to have an even bigger campaign this year. To register to be part of Ireland’s largest antilitter campaign, people can visit

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Ballindaggin National School, Enniscorthy, doing its bit for National Spring Clean. Gorey Tidy Towns volunteers hard at work for National Spring Clean.

Alzheimer event in Clonard

‘Sporting Memories’ event organised by Wexford Co. Council, Wexford GAA and The Alzheimer Society of Ireland in the Clonard Community Centre, Wexford, 6th February 2023.

L-R: Marguerite Furlong, Paddy Kinsella and Angela McCormack. L-R: Garda Anne Quirke, Tony Doran and Sergeant David Ferriter. At the Denis O’Connor Photographic Archive were Seamus Heffernan, Denise O’Connor Murphy, and Paddy Rossiter. Garry and Doris Stafford and George O’Connor. Denise O’Connor-Murphy with her photos from the late Denis O’Connor’s photographic archive, Tony Doran and Ed Rowsome.
George O’Connor and Dr. Eithne Harkin, Wexford General Hospital. 3rd March 2023 - Page 129
Slaney SnapS

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Articles inside

Register for National Spring Clean

page 128


page 127

Clean Coasts Roadshow in Kilmore Quay

page 126


pages 125-126

Green loans from Enniscorthy Credit Union

page 124

Roadside trees, ditches and hedges

page 124

Register now for Spring Clean 23

page 123

Court takes dim view of quads

page 123

Major Enniscorthy water works

page 122

An Tánaiste Micheál Martin to give Parle Creane and Hogan oration in Taghmon

page 121

The Normans Return to the

pages 120-121

Rooms February 2023

page 119

Launch of the new Norma at Enniscorthy Castle 16th F

page 118

Co. Wexford – Parish by parish

pages 116-117

Bellefield Beat with Maria Nolan

pages 110-111

Enniscorthy rugby round-up for February

page 108

Enniscorthy Sports Hub

page 105

Over 200 run in Slaney Olympic 10k

page 104

February new car registrations up 9.9%; EV sales up 37.5%

page 103


page 102

Rise in theft of second-hand imported cars

page 102


pages 100-101


pages 99-100

Pamper your pet at Chateau K9

page 98

Rosslare Europort and ESB join forces on offshore wind projects

page 97

Record year for Rosslare port

page 96

Feasibility Study Grants

page 95

Sully & Juno come out tops at Wexford Local Enterprise Awards congratulationS!

page 94

Taking the first step for export success

page 93


pages 92-93

Danone – proud to be carbon neutral

page 91

Enniscorthy Community Allotments

page 91

ooted in exford

pages 88-90

Tried-Tested-Tasted by Caitriona

page 86

Art at The Presentation Centre

page 85

‘Not somewhere else but here’ an exhibition of work by Wexford artist Serena Caulfield

page 84

Sonorous strings at the Courthouse Arts Centre, Tinahely

page 83

Enniscorthy Madness Captured

pages 81-82

Beginner sewing classes at the library

page 75

Always lots happening at Enniscorthy Library

page 75

Enniscorthy Community College to stage TY Variety Show

page 74

Chaplin hits all the right notes

page 73

A BAFTA for Ballymurn!

page 72

The exiles return!

page 71

South East Rock ‘n’ Roll Club –join now!

page 69

Wexford Light Opera brings Hunchback to the stage

page 68

Rattlesnakes at The Presentation Arts Centre

page 65

Enniscorthy Musical Society... lots to look forward to IFA raise €12,000 for St Patrick’s

page 64


pages 63-64

THE FABELMANS Movie Review with Kyle Walsh 

pages 59-61

Volunteer Expo Wexford

page 58

Andy takes to the road

page 57

Live at The Presentation Centre

page 57

Sharon’s pure joy at GLammie nomination

page 56

Are you the next Rose of Tralee? Start your Rose of Tralee journey today!

pages 52-53

Enniscorthy family helps publicise Global Congenital Heart Disease Awareness Month

pages 49-51

Little Soles by Caoimhe

page 48

Christina is new ambassador

page 47

Wexford LGBTQIA+ Community Support

page 46

Mum’s the word

page 45

New social cafe for Wexford

page 44

Open Night (Oíche Oscailte) at Enniscorthy’s Scoil na nÓg

page 42

Wishing Johnny a speedy recovery

page 41

Unsung heroes

page 41

Wexford winners at national leadership awards

page 40

A welcome development in Enniscorthy

pages 38-39

‘Reach Ability’ New name for Wexford’s premier empowering organisation for those with an intellectual disability

pages 36-37

New Enniscorthy to Wexford bus route launched

pages 34-35

Major investment in Wexford’s roads and greenways

page 33

Kilmuckridge man shares his journey with Tommy Tiernan

page 32


page 32

View from the Centre

pages 29-31


pages 28-29

LEADER delivers 72 new jobs in Wexford in 2022

pages 27-28


page 26

Have your say on the future of Enniscorthy! Celebrating ten great years

page 25

Sustainable Enniscorthy

pages 24-25

th officially opens mary Care Centre

pages 21-24

What a great place to work!

pages 19-20

All set for Hope & Dream 2023

page 19

All set for Enniscorthy Parade

page 17

Enniscorthy St Patrick’s Day Parade

page 16

Frizelle McCarthy Solicitors moving back to their origins

pages 14-15


pages 12-13

John’s finger is on the political pulse

pages 11-12

Enniscorthy’s new Tech Park opens for business

page 10

Sad passing of ‘gentleman’ John

pages 8-9

Safe cycle park to open this month

pages 6-7

To advertise in the

pages 4-5
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