Staff Development Catalog
Step Ahead.
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Welcome Welcome to the 2016–2017 Staff
workshops designed to meet the needs of SLCC
Development Catalog, a collective effort of many
staff. Offerings are organized into tracks aligned
departments across the College committed to
with our vision, mission, values and strategic
providing professional development and facilitated
goals. A guiding principle for professional
learning opportunities for SLCC employees.
development activities at SLCC is participant
We all engage in informal learning in the workplace through our interactions with colleagues and students every day. We read articles, we search YouTube and other media to learn new skills, we mentor and coach each other; learning is not confined to the experiences contained in these pages. It is inspiring to work at an organization where people are so interested in learning from their peers and co-workers. Earlier this year, the Professional Development Task Force was commissioned by Cabinet to make recommendations for meaningful and integrated professional development at SLCC. The Task Force identified the need for a centralized catalog and calendar to make learning opportunities more accessible for all employees. The Staff Development Catalog builds on our shared culture of learning through trainings and
engagement—we recognize that professional development is not a single event. Workshops and trainings are personalized and focus on the goal of building knowledge and skills that can be readily applied to your work at the College. A future goal is to link professional development activities and opportunities with the Growth Planning and Support (GPS) staff performance management program currently under development. Our purpose in Staff Development is simple: to empower employees to learn through unique professional development opportunities. We encourage you and your supervisor to utilize this catalog to plan your learning experiences over the next year. Staff Development welcomes your feedback and contributions to this process. It is in our best interest (and that of our students) to keep learning and growing together.
AA/EO Institution • Rev. 9.1.16. If you need ADA accommodations, contact the Disability Resource Center at 801-957-4659.
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Table of Contents The Professional Development Center
How to Register for Professional Development Opportunities
Staff Development Tracks
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Grants, Awards and Recognitions
Events 22
All information is current as of the publishing date of this catalog. Any updates can be found on our website: i.slcc.edu/staff-development
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
The Professional Development Center The new Professional Development Center is now open. It is a shared space that includes staff and faculty development opportunities. Located on the third floor of the Calvin Rampton Technology Building on the Taylorsville Redwood Campus, the Professional Development Center has space for IT training, professional development presentations and workshops, and eLearning support (including a new video and audio studio). Next to the Professional Development Center, is a newly redesigned faculty-support area where faculty can get day-to-day support, find a computer lab, and schedule consultation rooms.
Staff Development Team Anjali Pai, Director of Staff Development Anjali works to ensure that our offerings are innovative, relevant, and inspiring. Her main objective is to continue to create strong partnerships so learning environments are provided for our staff to do their best work and learn from each other. anjali.pai@slccc.edu, 801-957-4366 Angie Hunter, Administrative Assistant Angie is the administrative assistant to the director of Staff Development. She is responsible for managing the new Professional Development Center, handling multiple budgets, travel, scheduling meetings, and event planning. angie.hunter@slcc.edu, 801-957-4374
Deanne Arvizu, Coordinator, Training and Development Deanne coordinates our training and workshops with employees and our trainers. She is responsible for ensuring that our learning experiences are professional and engaging. deanne.arvizu@slcc.edu, 801-957-4088 Clint Stoker, Coordinator Universal Access Initiatives Clint works to train and support faculty and staff with making the College an accessible environment to people with disabilities. clint.stoker@slcc.edu, 801-957-4763 Jason Holt, Specialist Jason is responsible for independent testing and verification of software accessibility. He meets with vendors and software developers to help make improvements for accessibility. jason.holt@slcc.edu, 801-957-4743
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Staff Training Leave Policy At SLCC, eligible full-time staff may use up to 48 hours of release time per year for training purposes. Salt Lake Community College supervisors are to release SLCC staff employees from normal work duties to attend training programs which promote professional development or improve job skills. This policy ensures the institutional commitment to current and future skills of our campus community.
How to Register for Professional Development Opportunities Many professional development opportunities require registration and (in the case of adjunct faculty) approval from the associate dean. To register for a staff development-sponsored event, workshop, or other opportunity: Log in to MyPage 1. Click on the Employee tab. 2. S croll down and click on “Register for Training” in the Employee Training box on the right side of the screen. 3. C lick on “Register for Training” on the top left of the screen. 4. In the drop-down menu, choose “Staff Development.” 5. C hoose the course you are interesting in Registering for and click “Search.” 6. Click “View Details.” 7. I nclude any special accommodations and click “Register.” You are now registered for the training. You will also see a list of all trainings you are currently registered for on this page. If you have any questions about registering for Staff Development offerings, please contact us at staffdevelopment@slcc.edu or call 801-957-4374.
Staff Development Tracks
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Staff Development Tracks Supervision, Management, Leadership Courses in this track aim to explore issues of supervision, management and leadership, including communication. Whether you’re just moving into a supervisory position or have been a supervisor for a long time, do you know what SLCC expects of you? All supervisors are highly encouraged to attend essential core trainings as well as other courses as part of their comprehensive professional development.
Personal Effectiveness Courses in this track provide employees with curriculum to support you in finding balance between your personal and professional lives, from wellness programs to writing effectively to other topics. Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Financial and Business Processes
John Robinson, Manager, Employee Relations, Human Resources, john.robinson@slcc.edu or Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
As a college employee, you may be responsible for specific financial and business processes. These trainings are designed to assist with your understanding of good stewardship, fiscal responsibility and SLCC policies. You will learn meaningful budget tools and training to guide you in your work.
Inclusion and Diversity
Doug Hansen, Controller, doug.hansen@slcc.edu
SLCC is the most diverse higher education institution in Utah, but we must work constantly to ensure everyone feels welcome, has what they need for success and is treated with respect on our campuses. Inclusivity and equity is our mantra, embedded in the fabric of our college, to serve all our constituents and the broader community.
Roderic Land, Special Assistant to the President, roderic.land@slcc.edu
The Office of Information Technology provides training in a variety of software and tools for employees to integrate the latest technology into their work environment. By attending these trainings, you will improve your knowledge, skills and abilities, and increase your job performance. Hands-on customized training is the preferred method of training offered in the new state-of-the art OIT Training Lab at the Professional Development Center. John Hunt, OIT Trainer, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Supervision, Management, Leadership Supervisor Essentials Human Resources and Staff Development have created a series of essential workshops intended to support current supervisors at SLCC. Workshops and courses aim to explore issues of supervision, management and leadership, including communication. All supervisors are highly encouraged to attend “essential trainings” as well as other courses as part of their comprehensive professional development.
Supervisor Essentials Module 1: Communication and Performance Management (In-person)
In partnership with HR and Staff Development, College Leaders will learn how to translate the SLCC Mission, Vision and Values into their work. Through interactive presentations and realistic scenarios, college leaders will think about employee engagement, managing performance through “GPS” and developing a growth mindset. Marni Fisher, Director, Employment and Compensation, Human Resources, marni.fisher@slcc.edu Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Supervisor Essentials Module 2: Corrective Action and Compliance (In-person) Supervisors will learn the College’s corrective action and supervisory compliance policies and practices. Through interactive presentations and realistic scenarios, supervisors will learn the Corrective Action process, become knowledgeable about employee grievances, and gain a better understanding of some of the trickier aspects of supervision such as FMLA, ADA and EEO. John Robinson, Director, Employee Relations, Human Resources, john.robinson@slcc.edu
Supervisor Essentials Module 3: Hiring & Employment (In-person) Supervisors will learn to successfully navigate the hiring process including recruitment, onboarding and salary administration. Additional topics include writing job descriptions, talent management, and handling voluntary separations and retirement. John Robinson, Director, Employee Relations, Human Resources, john.robinson@slcc.edu, or Marni Fisher, Director, Employment and Compensation, Human Resources, marni.fisher@slcc.edu
Managing Part-Time Employees Part-time employees are a crucial component of our staffing at the College. This course will allow you to explore basic practices of communication and inclusion with your part-time staff; managing performance and expectations, and how to effectively onboard and train new hires who may have a variety of schedules and work-life needs. This course will be offered twice in the fall and twice in the spring for supervisors at SLCC. This workshop will be supported by online resource materials. Shannon McWilliams Director, Student Services (South Region), Enrollment Services, shannon.mcwilliams@slcc.edu and Kathie Campbell, Director, Student Services (North Region), Enrollment Services, kathie.campbell@slcc.edu
Hiring Committee Training This training is designed for employees who are unfamiliar with our hiring process and want to be ready to serve on a hiring committee, or for employees who need a refresher course. Marni Fisher, Director, Employment and Compensation, Human Resources, marni.fisher@slcc.edu
Dealing with Highly Disruptive Employees Although managing and addressing Highly Disruptive Employees can be taxing, failure to do so can result in a drain on employee morale and productivity, turnover of talented employees, negative public perception of the department and decreased output/quality/efficiency of the department as a whole. This individualized training will give supervisors tools and techniques to effectively manage highly disruptive employees. Jill Tew, Specialist, Employment Relations, Human Resources, jill.tew@slcc.edu
The Art of Delegation In this highly interactive workshop we’ll explore why delegation can be valuable to both leaders and employees. We’ll discuss the when, what, who and how of assigning tasks and responsibilities. Participants will learn effective methods for follow-through to ensure that tasks are completed effectively and employees supported appropriately. Amy Weiland, Vice President of Jefferson Smith Training and Consulting, Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Communication and Leadership Development Crucial Conversations® Crucial Conversations® is a two-day course that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional or risky topics at all levels of your organization. By learning to speak and be heard (and encouraging others to do the same), you’ll begin to surface the best ideas, make the highest-quality decisions, then act on your decisions with unity and commitment.
Building High-Performing Teams Organizations frequently talk of teams and most organizations are designed to foster groups. This course will examine the differences between these two concepts, and identify philosophies and actions required to create and sustain high-performing teams. Participants will do an assessment of their current team’s competency in specific team-success areas and develop an action plan to increase the team’s effectiveness and potential.
Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu or Keenan Adcock, Coordinator, eLearning, Keenan.adcock@slcc.edu
Pam Gardiol, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Utah Master of Public Administration and Associate Instructor, Continuing Education and Community Engagement.
Working Through Conflict
No matter your work environment, you likely negotiate conflict every day. Using a combination of lecture, discussion and exercises, this course will help you understand the issues of conflict, learn effective communication styles and discover strategies for effective negotiation. Pam Gardiol, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Utah Master of Public Administration and Associate Instructor, Continuing Education and Community Engagement.
Leading Transformational Change In this highly interactive workshop, we’ll identify ways to build cohesive teams through effective leadership. We’ll explore how to create—and implement—department vision/purpose statements while considering SLCC’s overall vision and mission. We’ll set short-term and long-term goals. We’ll write action plans to achieve our short- and long-term goals. We’ll also discuss how to best utilize your employee strengths. Amy Weiland, Vice President of Jefferson Smith Training and Consulting and Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
At Salt Lake Community College, we believe our greatest potential lies in our strength, and that we can achieve high levels of success by building on these inherent talents.
Exploring Your Strengths (Tier 1) This is an introductory workshop for all SLCC employees to learn about their personal talents and how talents become strengths. In this highly interactive session, individuals will explore their top five talents and learn ways to develop and apply these talents in their work at the College and beyond. Participants will be notified and given instructions after they register, regarding the completion of the StrengthsQuest™ Assessment prior to attending the workshop. Deanne Arvizu, Coordinator, Training and Development, Staff Development, deanne.arvizu@slcc.edu or Linda Richards, Specialist, Disability Resource Center, linda.richards@slcc.edu
Strengths in Your Career (Tier 2) This workshop is for employees who have taken the StrengthsQuest™ or StrengthsFinder assessment and attended a Strengths presentation. We would prefer that individuals have gone through the Exploring Your Strengths Workshop, but that is not required. You must have taken your StrengthsQuest™ assessment to find out your top five talents before registering for this workshop.
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Strengths for Supervisors (Tier 3)
Learning as a Way of Leading
To identify each individual’s strengths, we use the common language of the Clifton StrengthsFinder. This workshop is for employees who have taken the StrengthsQuest™ or StrengthsFinder assessment and attended a Strengths presentation. We would recommend that individuals go through the Exploring Your Strengths Workshop, but that is not required.
Explore the theoretical framework of nine learning tasks for leaders published by Stephen Preskill and Stephen D. Brookfield in 2009. This training will examine the challenges, benefits and famous leaders for each of the nine learning tasks: Be Open to Others, Critical Reflection, Support Growth of Others, Collective Leadership, Analyze Experience, Question, Democracy, Sustain Hope in the Face of Struggle and Create Community.
Brandi Mair, Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, brandi.mair@slcc.edu or Curt Larsen, AVP, Student Life, Director, Student Life and Leadership, curt.larsen@slcc.edu
StrengthsQuest™ (Tier 4) For departments, committees and/or work groups on campus that would like to have a targeted training focusing on appreciation of individual strengths, strengths of others, utilizing strengths in a team setting and establishing a shared language, among other topics. Supervisors, chairs, or leaders may contact Brandi Mair to set up an individualized training that could be presented at a staff meeting, committee meeting or retreat. Brandi Mair, Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, brandi.mair@slcc.edu
Leading from the Middle What do you do when you are responsible for the success or failure of an assignment but you are not the person in charge? How do you effectively and ethically influence decision-makers above, below and beside you? What type of power can you use when you are not in a position of power? How do you really lead from the middle? Emphasis will be on developing and enhancing these leadership tools. The learning methodology will include instruction, practical exercises, articles, case studies and discussion to develop knowledge, skills and abilities that can be used immediately on the job. Scott Stephenson, Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu
The “Work on Purpose” Program This unique training is brought to you by SLCC’s own in-house experts who have been trained in the curriculum. These sessions are crafted for emerging or mid-level leaders in higher education fields. We encourage you to think about your work at SLCC within a broader context of creating a career with social impact and developing boldness to create careers that align with your purpose. Right for You: Aims at cultivating interpersonal and intrapersonal competence, knowledge, integration and application. The curriculum will help participants reflect on how choices can bring them fulfillment. Brandi Mair, Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, brandi.mair@slcc.edu or Curt Larsen, AVP, Student Life, Director, Student Life and Leadership, curt.larsen@slcc.edu Good for the World: Focuses on developing intercultural skills and humanitarianism, ethical reasoning and civic engagement. The curriculum will help participants shape their impact on the world. Curt Larsen, AVP, Student Life, Director, Student Life and Leadership, curt.larsen@slcc.edu or Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu Be Bold: Guides participants to immerse themselves in work that is “Right for You” and “Good for the World.” The curriculum will help participants strengthen a spirit of innovation and risk-taking that will launch them down their purpose path. Brandi Mair, Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, brandi.mair@slcc.edu or Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
The “Work on Purpose” Half-Day Training The half-day training reviews the full Work on Purpose curriculum consisting of three sections: Right for You, Good for the World and Be Bold. Work on Purpose will help you discover who you are and where you are meant to be. For anyone seeking greater purpose, clarity and fulfillment from their work. Brandi Mair, Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership, brandi.mair@slcc.edu Curt Larsen, AVP, Student Life, Director, Student Life and Leadership, curt.larsen@slcc.edu Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu
Project Management Fundamentals During this course you will learn and apply fundamental project management skills and processes. Each module of the course covers a specific principle of project management. Your retention is reinforced at the end of each module through email assignments that are performed using one of your own projects. Complete a quiz at the end of each module and score 100 percent before you can move on to the next module. You will also interactively explore how an effective Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) establishes the foundation for many other project management skills. Joel Huntington, Senior Vice President, Zions Bancorporation and Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Project Management Skills—How to Communicate When Things Go Wrong Participants learn and practice three powerful principles that make a critical impact on ensuring project success. What can go wrong when communication breaks down? Joel Huntington, Senior Vice President, Zions Bancorporation and Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring Introduction to Coaching will provide participants with an overview of the coaching process, introduction to the 11 competencies as identified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as well as information on how to apply coaching to professional and personal performance development. Trigena Halley, Founder and Owner, Peak Performance and Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Inclusion and Diversity Inclusive Excellence This workshop explores the essentials of developing a shared SLCC value of inclusivity and equity. As language is so vital to our shared experiences, participants will explore definitions of inclusivity, equity and diversity. A major component of SLCC’s Mission is open access—a critical component that has long been part of our culture given our belief that diverse perspectives, life experiences and cultures fundamentally enrich the learning environment. Participants will think about their role in managing their own biases and stereotypes and help foster a community that continually engages in this important work. Shellie Jo Enscoe, Director, Office for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs, shellie.enscoe@slcc.edu
LGBTQ+ Awareness SafeZone is a program that identifies faculty and staff who will provide empathy, acceptance, support and resources for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and questioning students. The SafeZone symbol posted in an individual’s workspace lets students and staff know they can go to that person for help or advice, or to speak in confidence with a person who will be supportive and accepting. This symbol also means that biased and offensive actions and comments will be addressed in an educational and informative manner. Elisa Stone, Professor, English, elisa.stone@slcc.edu
Engaging a Multi-Generational Staff For the first time in American history we have four generations together in the workplace. The values and expectations of employees from each generation are often vastly different which often creates workplace challenges. Learn how to effectively capitalize on the strengths each generation brings to the workplace and how to collaboratively work together to improve productivity. Drew Sanders, Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Universal Access Initiatives Universal Access Initiatives at the College help staff understand how students and others with disabilities learn and access information. Participants learn how to create documents and media using accessibility best practices to ensure access for everyone. Topics range from “creating accessible documents” to “video captioning” and “Universal Design in the classroom.” Workshops taken from this track also count toward the Universal Access Designation, a foundational training achievement for all faculty and staff.
Universal Design Workshops will help define Universal Design principles and ADA laws. Participants will practice redesigning classroom spaces, online environments and coursework with Universal Design Principles in mind. These sessions are for both faculty and staff.
Creating Accessible Documents Learn how to recognize accessible documents and how documents are translated via screen reader software. This session will cover best practices for accessible document creation.
Video Captioning This session covers the basics of video captioning. Learn how to search SLCC library and online resources for professionally captioned videos. Participants will also practice captioning through Amara.org.
Universal Access – Core Training The Universal Access Designation consists of four core training sessions and a choice of two elective workshops that give participants information and practice in creating documents, courses, videos and other electronic communication in a way that is understood and accessible to all students, including students with disabilities.
Writing Alternative Text “Alt-Text” is a written description of a digital image. These descriptions are important to make images accessible to students who are blind or have low vision. Learn how to identify decorative images and how to write useful alt-text, suited for broader content. Clint Stoker, Coordinator of Universal Access Initiatives, clint.stoker@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Personal Effectiveness Wellbeing: 10 Strategies to Begin Improving Your Overall Wellbeing Participants in this educational and experiential presentation will explore the role of 10 evidence-based strategies for improving your overall wellbeing and quality of life. Preston Lindhardt, Manager, Wellness and Human Resources, preston.lindhardt@slcc.edu
Caregiving Seminars SLCC and Salt Lake County Aging Services partner to offer caregiving seminars to SLCC Employees. These seminars provide valuable resources to our employees who may need additional support in the workplace while caregiving.
Caring for Seniors and Other Vulnerable Adults Support is available for family, community and working caregivers, as they reach out to meet the needs of our aging population. Come learn about resources, home-based programs and other vital support options and events.
Caring For Those with Dementia: Learning Coping Skills Caring for an individual with Dementia has unique challenges. Learn the following tips and tools for keeping the family together during the process and challenges of caregiving. What is Dementia? How is it diagnosed? Useful skills a caregiver should learn to communicate effectively and manage behaviors. Simple behavior tips and communication tools to minimize Dementia care challenges.
Caring for Those with Depression, Anxiety and Other Mental Health Challenges Depression, anxiety and stress make a care situation difficult. What should we know about those with depression and anxiety? How do we tell if a condition has become chronic? What tips and behaviors can we use to maintain boundaries? How do we stay positive? Come work through scenarios and ask questions.
Compassion Fatigue – Understanding the Need for Developing Resilience Compassion Fatigue (CF) or Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS) is a gradual loss of compassion for, or the ability to care for others long term. Though first recognized in First Responders, CF has opened the door to understanding what family and professional caregivers face as they provide long-term care. We will cover: How this impacts care, what puts a caregiver at risk and how a caregiver can cope and rebuild a life filled with fatigue.
Coping with Holiday Stress for Caregivers Holiday stress comes from holiday expectations, holiday challenges across cultures, spending more time indoors, gray skies, sundowning and other challenges. We will cover: sundowning, indoor activity options, safe winter activities and winter stress options and techniques.
Guardianship, Conservatorship and Legal Options What’s the difference between a Power of Attorney (financial or medical), Guardianship and Conservatorship? What are the responsibilities of the individuals who fill these roles? When should independence and self-care come into question? Take time to explore options, promote safety and protect those you care for.
Involving the Family – Roadblocks, Recruiting Help and Resources Sharing the care of a parent or sibling with other family members is a transitional exercise in organization, research, time, adjustments and patience. Families may not have a standard model of how to work together on a schedule, or how to hold family meetings and organize care. The desire and ability of each family member to provide care adds its own challenges to family dynamics, as does the care receiver’s desire to receive care. Come learn simple tools and tips for keeping the family together during the process and challenges of caregiving.
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Safety Resources and Current Utah Concerns Seniors are at risk of abuse, exploitation and most often self-neglect. What are Utah Seniors’ current concerns and warnings? Who do you contact with questions and concerns? What resources and local programs exist to support seniors who are facing challenges? Learn about Adult Protective Services, ombudsmen, resources for exploitation concerns and more.
The Accessible Home and Assistive Devices Are you trying to prepare your home for mobility support, safe access or the ability to stay independent at home? Come learn about how to prepare the home, available resources and product ideas.
Time Management Prioritizing Work Tasks We all want to make the most of our workday schedule. This workshop will provide strategies for identifying tasks worth doing. We’ll discuss a system for prioritizing those tasks to construct an efficient, effective and focused workday. Amy Weiland, Vice President of Jefferson Smith Training and Consulting and Associate Instructor, University of Utah Continuing Education and Community Engagement
Running Highly Effective Meetings at SLCC (Online) In this course, learn how to be engaging and hold meetings that have value. Work on strategies to stop wasting time and work more effectively to lead productive meetings. Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Retreat Work Center for Authentic Leadership and Mindfulness (CALM) The CALM retreat is held each fall and spring at Silver Fork Lodge in Big Cottonwood Canyon. This retreat provides SLCC employees with the opportunity to slow down, unplug and listen to their own voice. Soni Adams, Associate Dean, Health and Lifetime Activities, soni.adams@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Writing Effectively Writing Across the College (WAC)@SLCC WAC@SLCC is designed to responsively support faculty and staff across many writing areas. Support for writing in the classroom, writing in the workplace and professional writing is available through a range of formats.
Writing Effective Email: Clearing Up “e-Confusion” The typical workplace email user gets at least 100 emails a day. This workshop will help you send a clear message the first time and reduce the need for follow-up clarifications that clog your inbox. Learn when, and when not to, send an email and how to use the subject line strategically.
Writing for Academic Publication: Canvas Course and Writing Support Group SLCC staff and administrators, while not faculty, are teachers and learners of the highest quality. Staff and administrators are the knowledge-makers of higher education systems and policies, in addition to other areas of research and expertise. Tiffany Rousculp, Director of Writing Across the College, tiffany.rousculp@slcc.edu
Financial and Business Processes Budget Center Manager (BCM) and Administrative Assistant Essentials Travel and Payroll Training Training is primarily for administrative assistants and BCMs covering current payroll and travel related rules and procedures, including how to enter employee time and leave and what travel expenses are reimbursable. Doug Hansen, Controller, doug.hansen@slcc.edu
BCM Financial Responsibilities and Banner® Finance Training Training is geared for new BCMs and administrative assistants, and provides refresher training for those currently filling these college positions. Attendees will gain a better understanding of finance-related policies, governance and budget management. This session provides an overview of BCM and administrative assistant financial roles and responsibilities, and a more in-depth review of Banner®-Finance screens and reports to help users better read and understand the content and enhance their ability to manage their budgets. Doug Hansen, Controller, doug.hansen@slcc.edu
Customized Budget Training This training provides BCMs and their administrative assistants essential knowledge and understanding of the Banner® chart of accounts structure and how to manage budgets through the use of Banner® inquiry screens and reports. This training also provides information on salaries and benefits. This is not the broad Banner® Finance trainings provided by IT. Each training is customized to each BCM and administrative assistant’s specific area and budget needs. Hoa Nguyen, Budget Analyst, Budget Office, hoa.nguyen@slcc.edu Recommended courses: OIT Banner® Basics and Navigation, OIT Budget Management Tools in Banner®
Informed Budget (IBP) Process for Supervisors The Informed Budget Process encourages college wide involvement in developing the annual operating budget. This training will assist supervisors with understanding their specific role in the IBP process with discussion about identifying areas to redirect and restructure funding sources within a department, and for new funds for specific projects. Emphasis will be on aligning requests with institutional priorities. Darren Marshall, AVP for Budget Service & Financial Planning, Budget Office, darren.marshall@slcc.edu
Purchasing Card (P-Card) Training Mandatory P-Card training is available to all new cardholders and renewal training is available for those whose cards have renewed. Training is also provided for administrative support staff who do reallocations and paperwork for their supervisors or departments. Training is available to college personnel during one-on-one trainings or group trainings to offer highly-customized support. Samantha Wood, Accounting Technician, Business Office, samantha.wood@slcc.edu
SLCCBuy Shopping Cart Training This training is for anyone assigned a purchasing role in the College. It teaches users how to navigate within the system, order goods and services, and process certain employee-expense reimbursements within SLCCBuy. Tutorial videos are available online to help understand the procedures more thoroughly. Peter Tolo, Assistant Purchasing Director, Accounts Payable, peter.tolo@slcc.edu
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Personnel and Recruitment System (PARS) Training (Online) PARS online system stores all full-time and part-time position descriptions and positions. It allows managers to evaluate applicants when considering hiring part-time or full-time employees. It also provides an Applicant Portal, wherein anyone interested in applying for a position must apply via our website. Human Resources manages the operation and functions of PARS. Craig Pollock, Manager, Employment, Human Resources, craig.pollock@slcc.edu
Technology Banner® Banner® Basics and Navigation Learn the basics of Banner®; what it is, how to navigate the system and how to use it. Training is held twice per month. There are no prerequisites. • T raining is for all new Banner® users and anyone interested. • T his training is a prerequisite for New Banner® users prior to participating in other Banner® trainings. • The training is general and not job specific. • Banner® access is not required for this training. • This training is not required for Banner® access.
Budget Management Tools in Banner® This training is designed for all SLCC Budget Managers and those working with an SLCC budget. This training is held once per month. The prerequisite is Banner® Basics and Navigation.
Windows 10 This training is designed for all faculty and staff. Learn to use the functionality and capabilities of the Windows 10 Operating System. This course is held once each month. John Hunt, Trainer, Office of Information Technology, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Office 2016 Suite Word Level 1 Word 2016 Level 1 is designed for all SLCC Employees. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned Word user, you will benefit from this training. This training is held once per month with no required prerequisites. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Excel Level 1 Excel 2016 Level 1 is designed for all SLCC Employees. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned Excel user, you will benefit from this training. This training is held once per month with no required prerequisites. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Excel – Advanced Formulas There are hundreds of Excel Functions. Come and learn about functions that you may not be familiar with. • Relative and Absolute References • Financial functions • Database functions Dan Trujillo, Manager, Computer Training/Certification, Program Development, dan.trujillo@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Outlook Level 1 and 2
Office 365: OneDrive and Sites
Designed for all staff and full-time faculty, these trainings are designed to teach Outlook, beginning with the basics and moving to more advanced features and capabilities. This training is held once per month with no prerequisite required for Level 1. Please take Level 1 prior to Level 2.
Office 365 for is a suite of online applications which includes the online versions of Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. Just as MS Office 2016 is a suite of desktop apps, the SLCC Office 365 subscription gives you these same apps online. Employees can access and work on files from any device with internet access. This training is held once per month with no required prerequisites.
John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Outlook – Advanced Tips and Tricks • Organizing email with folders • Creating and using Custom Signatures for email • Using Quick Parts • Creating and using custom Calendar Categories Dan Trujillo, Manager, Computer Training/Certification, Program Development, dan.trujillo@slcc.edu
PowerPoint Level 1 PowerPoint 2016 Level 1 training is designed for all SLCC Employees. PowerPoint 2016 is the Office 2016 presentation program that allows you to create amazing slide presentations that can integrate images, video, narration, charts and more. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned PowerPoint user, you will benefit from this training. This training is held once per month with no required prerequisites. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
OneDrive Your SLCC Office 365 subscription provides you one terrabyte (Tb) of cloud storage. OneDrive is the app to access the storage, upload and download files, and share files with others. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Sites Your SLCC Office 365 subscription provides you and SLCC organizations the ability to create websites known as Sites. Formerly known as SharePoint, these sites are cloud based and provide collaborative tools for organizations, projects, teams, etc. Tools include calendars, lists, document libraries and more. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Google Tools Every SLCC employee gets a Google account through Bruin Mail. This training is designed to introduce the tools available besides email, through a Bruin Mail account, including unlimited cloud storage. This training is held once per month with no required prerequisites. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
WebEx WebEx is SLCC’s video conferencing software available for all staff and faculty. Conducting meetings or interviews with individuals off campus? WebEx is the perfect web conferencing software. There are no prerequisites. John Hunt, Trainer, OIT, john.hunt@slcc.edu
Templates Available in Word and Excel • Work smarter not harder. • Learn how to use the free templates in MS Word and MS Excel. • We will also learn how to create and save your own templates. Dan Trujillo, Manager 2, Computer Training/Certification, Program Development, dan.trujillo@slcc.edu
Specialized Training Administrative Assistant Learning Community (AALC) AALC is a professional development opportunity for all administrative assistants (and Secretary III’s) to strengthen their knowledge, skills and abilities. AACL will be held monthly with timely topics for administrative assistants at all levels of the profession, including those located within academic units. Deanne Arvizu, Coordinator, Training and Development, Staff Development, deanne.arvizu@slcc.edu
Bruin Beginnings New Employee Orientation Bruin Beginnings is a program that provides a welcoming and consistent experience for new SLCC employees. Bruin Beginnings is intended mainly for staff at SLCC. New faculty will also continue to participate in new faculty orientations held prior to the start of fall semesters. Supervisors are required to send full-time staff to this program, preferably on the employee’s first day of work (approx. first day of each month). A supervisor may also choose to send their part-time employees to Bruin Beginnings. We welcome all new employees to this program. This program is held at the Taylorsville Redwood Campus in the Professional Development Center. Over lunch, new employees will have a chance to connect with other SLCC employees and with a Bruin Ambassador to learn about the mission, vision and values that define our SLCC culture. All new hires and their supervisors will receive an Outlook invite to the session.
Customized Training If you are interested in utilizing external and/or in-house experts for staff professional development retreats, consultations and staff meetings please let us know. With your supervisor’s approval, we can arrange for an expert to assist your group on a specific program such as team development, delegation, communication and other key aspects to staff leadership, management and development. Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Additional Resources President’s Leadership Institute Salt Lake Community College President’s Leadership Institute will provide faculty, staff and administration an opportunity to be introspective, interactive and collaborative in an effort to becoming better and transformative leaders. While the College possess many solid leaders across campus, this Institute is designed to assist in expanding those leadership characteristics and guiding others who are interested in developing stronger leadership skills. The Institute will provide an opportunity for participants to interactively learn more about leadership styles, management tools and higher education administrative operations. All faculty, staff and administration are welcome to take advantage of this opportunity and help the Salt Lake Community College become an even greater institution of higher learning. Mallory Bohn, Technician, President’s Office, mallory.bohn@slcc.edu or Roderic Land, Special Assistant to the President, roderic.land@slcc.edu
Online Staff Development Options Staff Development utilizes an innovative set of formats, learning management systems (LMS) and services to provide flexibility, convenience and a dynamic learning environment where you can apply new skills directly in the
workplace. To keep up with the latest technology, we seek partnerships with companies that understand our organization’s needs. We currently have two platforms that we are reviewing and testing for our employees.
Udemy Udemy is an LMS that allows SLCC employees to choose from a large selection of courses and the ability to design their own courses. We have several customized courses such as Inclusive Customer Service, Telephone Etiquette, and many of the key Emergency Preparedness and Response Training courses for staff.
Bridge Bridge is a professional development LMS built by Instructure (the company that made Canvas). Faculty and staff development in partnership with eLearning will be piloting the new platform this coming year. It is mobile ready and includes an intuitive authoring environment. This system allows for better tracking and ease of registration of training events. This is a first step in thinking about how eLearning training and development opportunities for faculty and staff can be improved.
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Thayne Center
The Office of Sponsored Projects
What Can the Thayne Center Do for You
Orientation to Sponsored Projects
This interactive workshop will explore the range of opportunities for staff, faculty and administrators to engage in the community. The Thayne Center strives to build reciprocal partnerships with organizations in the community, and departments here at SLCC. From serviceleadership development for students to building strategic community-based partnerships, the Thayne Center is SLCC’s bridge to the community.
Designed for all faculty and staff, emphasis is placed on finding funding and getting started once a funding source is identified.
Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu
Community Engagement Leave Training (Online) A new online training video is in production to explain the benefit of the Community Engagement Leave for full-time staff. Stay tuned for more information over the fall semester. Sean Crossland, Assistant Director, Thayne Center, sean.crossland@slcc.edu
Library and Information Science Copyright Made Simple: Learning How to Utilize Fair Use and other Tools Participants will come to understand the importance of copyright in their day-to-day activities and how exceptions such as Fair Use, in conjunction with tools such as Creative Commons make dealing with copyright issues easier. (Online, 45 minutes)
Grants Process and Compliance Training This training provided jointly by the Office of Sponsored Projects and the Controller’s Office is for BCMs, administrative assistants, and everyone assigned as a grant or contract project director. The training will cover College policies and procedures dealing with grants from the pre-awarding process through the post-award grantperformance period and to grant close-out. Cost and other compliance principles will be addressed to help ensure the College is in compliance with all grant and contract requirements and rules.
Grant Administration Training Series A fully online, self-paced, open-access course comprised of grant administration classes. Designed for all leadership, faculty and staff involved with any type of grants at SLCC. The classes listed below must be taken in order.
1. I ntroduction to Grants and the Office of Sponsored Projects
Jen Hughes, Librarian, Library Services, jen.hughes@slcc.edu
Explains the basic framework used to administer sponsored project activity at SLCC. By the end of this module, you will be able to explain the stages of the grant lifecycle and tasks within each stage, identify the tools used during each stage, and describe the role of OSP, PI and other players within each stage of the grant lifecycle
Library and Information Literacy for Staff
2. R egulations for Sponsored Projects
Introductory overview of information literacy, based in the competency standards of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). Areas of focus include: defining information needs; access to information; critical evaluation of information resources; use of information in accomplishing a task; and the economic, ethical, legal and social issues around information. The resources which the library acquires are not just for students and faculty. From the books we purchase to our databases, we are here to support staff goals in any way we can. The library is always interested in recommendations on books and films to purchase. The library also has access to resources and databases such as the AP Style Guide, Kanopy Streaming Video, Mergent Intellect Business/Industry and Market Search, The Chronicle of Higher Ed., Safari Technology Resources, New York Times and many other resources which could be of value. Zack Allred, Assistant Director, Instruction & Liaison, Library Services, zack.allred@slcc.edu
Explains how to find and gain knowledge of the major regulations governing public grants with focus on compliance with sponsor rules, SLCC policies and the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) Uniform Circular. This module is meant to be an introduction to the regulations.
3. C ompliance and the Sponsored Projects Handbook Outlines the compliance responsibilities of Principal Investigators (PI) and grant personnel, and explains how the Sponsored Projects Handbook can help individuals fulfill those responsibilities. This course is for those writing a grant for internal sources (Staff Development, Faculty Development, or Community Engagement) external private partners (the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), or external public partners, (the Department of Education). Nicole Omer, Director, Office of Sponsored Projects, nicole.omer@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Grants, Awards and Recognitions
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
SLCC Grant Opportunities for Staff
Awards and Recognitions
Community Engagement Grant
Each year, the College recognizes and rewards employees for excellence in teaching, service and innovation at SLCC.
Faculty and Staff Community Engagement Awards are one-year awards open to full-time Salt Lake Community College faculty and staff working to advance SLCC’s mission to promote engaged learning and outreach. The award incentivizes development and innovation of engagement initiatives and promotes cross-college collaboration. Awards of between $250 and $20,000 are given in support of new initiatives or specific innovations that significantly change or increase community engagement in an existing initiative. A total of $45,000 is available each fiscal year. Funding must be used within the fiscal year that the award was granted. Requests for funding less than $2,000 may be made at any time. Requests for grants greater than $2,000 must be submitted by the deadlines listed online at the Government and Community Relations web page. There will be a workshop approximately one month prior to each deadline. Applicants are encouraged to attend a workshop or call Jennifer Seltzer Stitt in the Office of Community Relations to discuss ideas and receive feedback on applications.
Employee Innovation Grants Employee Innovation Grants (EIG) provide opportunities for full-time employees to learn and develop new skills, with the goal of sharing their knowledge with colleagues and making innovative changes at SLCC. EIG grants support meaningful and well-charted professional development projects for which funding might not otherwise be available for up to $1,000. Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Grant The Office of the Special Assistant to the President seeks to leverage innovation to improve the recruitment and retention efforts of diverse faculty, staff and students. Known as the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Grant (EDI), this initiative will challenge our campus community to conceive and implement projects that advance campus diversity. The maximum of each awarded grant is $2,000. Faculty, staff and student organizations are encouraged to submit proposals that are innovative, impactful and move the needle on diversity for underrepresented/underserved populations. Mallory Bohn, Technician, President’s Office, mallory.bohn@slcc.edu
SLCC Innovation Award The SLCC Innovation Award is an opportunity for all employees to showcase their creative excellence. This contest is designed to recognize employees and celebrate ideas that inspire innovation in education. Through this contest, the College will send the SLCC Innovation Award winner (up to two individuals, if a team proposal) to a nationally recognized conference approved by the committee chair. The overall SLCC Innovation Award award winner receives $3,000 to advance their innovation. The Excellence in Innovation winners will receive $500 to advance their innovation and share their work with the college. We invite all Salt Lake Community College employees to reflect on their projects and achievements within the last five years and consider sharing them in the SLCC Innovation Award. Anjali Pai, Director, Staff Development, anjali.pai@slcc.edu
Staff Association: Outstanding Staff Awards The purpose of the Staff Association Outstanding Staff Awards is to annually recognize the remarkable contributions of our full-time and part-time staff, while supporting the mission of the College and its strategic priorities.
Alan E. Hall Award A biennial award given to a faculty or staff member or collaborative team at each of the eight USHE institutions, the award is given to support initiatives with clearly defined and well-conceived innovative strategies that are intended to improve undergraduate student success.
Award Objectives • Reward an innovative strategy leading to student success that is likely to be highly effective, replicable and which can be launched, augmented or advanced with an investment of $5,000. • Highlight the work of innovators to develop a culture of innovation among Utah’s institutions of higher education. • Draw attention to effective innovations at USHE institutions. The awardee or awardee team at each USHE institution will receive $10,000: $5,000 direct award to the faculty/staff member(s) (split equally between team members if a team is the awardee) and $5,000 to be placed in an institutional account for the staff/faculty awardee or awardee team for the advancement of the highlighted innovation (Innovation Implementation and Augmentation Fund).
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Events Salt Lake Community College and Staff Development offer a number of large events each year. These events can become meaningful entry points or moments of recognition in one’s professional development journey. They also help us have better collective conversations about our shared priorities and values. It is a great chance to meet your colleagues across the college.
Convocation August 23, 2016 Each fall, we come together as a College to mark the beginning of the new academic year. This year, the College is excited to welcome Dr. Michael Wesch from Kansas State University as the Convocation Keynote Speaker. In addition to being an accomplished scholar, Dr. Wesch has achieved a reputation for his work around undergraduate education and student engagement. You can see his latest project at myteachingnotebook.com.
SLCC Technology Day September 29, 2016 Staff Development is partnering with Faculty Development, IT, eLearning, Library Services and the Faculty and Staff Associations to offer an SLCC Technology Day. Join SLCC employees to explore technology tools and resources. Learn tips on Office 365, Google, Canvas, library database and apps. Find out what help is available to support innovative projects. Try digital tools you will use in your job. Enjoy sessions focusing on solutions to tech-related challenges.
The Tanner Forum on Social Ethics, October 19, 2016
Dr. Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor, will be our Fall 2016 speaker for the Tanner Forum on Social Ethics at the Grand Theatre. He will speak on economic inequality and how we can make capitalism work, as he says in the subtitle off his recent book, “for the many, not the few.”
Diversity and Inclusion Conference October 19, 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Dialogue November 9, 2016 Diversity Exploration and Inclusion Series is designed to foster diversity, social justice and inclusion awareness among students, staff and faculty at Salt Lake Community College. The program provides opportunities for respectful interaction and meaningful dialogue among people of diverse backgrounds. The program aims to introduce an essential component of education and to help everyone to consider perspectives other than their own, encouraging civil debate, broadening the basis for critical thinking and dialogue on ideas that promote diversity, social justice and inclusivity.
Utah Women in Higher Education Network April 7, 2017, Price, UT The Utah Women in Higher Education Network (UWHEN) is part of a national group of networks that carry on the work of the ACE Women’s Network at the American Council on Education (ACE). The SLCC Chapter of UWHEN, which began in the winter of 2015-16, was started to create an environment of collective empowerment for all women working in higher education at Salt Lake Community College and partnering institutions. The SLCC Chapter invites women of all backgrounds to engage in professional development, networking, mentoring, discussion and action on topics that are important to its members and to provide opportunities to develop leadership skills and abilities. The annual UWHEN meeting is an opportunity to engage in discussions about leadership, growth and professional development. Angie Napper, Assistant Director, Instructional Design, eLearning (SLCC UWHEN Chapter President), angie.napper@slcc.edu
Staff Development Catalog 2016–2017
Employee Recognition Celebration April 21, 2017 SLCC’s Employee Recognition Celebration is a great way to honor the accomplishments and contributions of the people we work with every day. Both full-time and part-time staff are invited and encouraged to attend.
Staff Development and Training Opportunities
Step Ahead.