Get Fit Get Sexy - April 2015 Issue

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APRIL 2015


3 Ways


Staying Fit During



FITNESS Tasty Edible Flowers You Can Grow Yourself


on the inside 10 5 Aerobic Exercises and Fitness 6 Exercise, for that Extra Glow 7 Getting Back in Shape after Pregnancy 9 Kick Boxing and Its Benefits 10 A Beginner's Guide to Power Yoga 11 Benefits of Push-ups

12 Whey Protein - The Side Effects It Can Possibly Cause 14 Staying Fit During Pregnancy 15 Swim Your Way to Fitness! 16 Walk Your Way to Fitness! 17 What Pilates Can Do For You 18 Peanut Butter: Tips to Consider


on the inside 20 20 Tasty Edible Flowers You Can Grow Yourself 22 Organic Cherries and Their Benefits 23 Best Exercises for Losing Your Double Chin 24 Effective Guide to Stop Emotional Eating 25 Ease into Warm-Weather Exercise 28 Juice Up Your Life the Healthy Way!

30 What Women Can Get From Strength Training 32 Carrots – One of the World’s Healthiest Food 33 3 Secrets to Reduce Belly Fat 34 Beginners’ Guide to Cardio Training


35 Energy Boosting Herbs For Weight Loss and Mental Clarity


FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to this month’s issue of Get Fit. Get Sexy. Magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your goals and success.

Rest assured that all the articles included in this issue are all produced with the goal in mind to satisfy YOU. Truly, this is an expression of our labor of love for you, most particularly to our avid readers and most welcome new subscribers. In our goal to better improve our magazine, we appreciate contributions and feedback from you. This time is the most appropriate to thank our valued advertisers who relentlessly provide products and services for our readership. Should you have the time, kindly visit our sponsor's website, for they are surely your ally as well, with all your undertakings. I would like to congratulate you for investing your time reading this magazine. We are proud to be of service to you, and we insistently look forward to serving you for many years to come. Let this issue be your guide as you ease fitness into warm weather! Thank you for your incessant support to Get Fit Get Sexy. Regards,

Moji Tehranian , CPT

Health & Fitness Editor (

AEROBIC EXERCISES AND FITNESS The word ‘aerobic’ means ‘with oxygen’ and is an amazing form of workout that makes your heart and lungs race, pumping blood and oxygen rapidly to all parts of the body. This is great for the health and wellbeing of your heart and lungs as well. Aerobic exercises also prevent the accumulation of plaque in your arteries. Since they also benefit the lungs, your respiration naturally improves. Aerobic exercise is popularly known as cardiovascular exercise, which typically works the larger muscles groups, such as hamstrings and quadriceps. Walking, swimming, cycling and all vigorous or strenuous activities are examples of aerobic exercise. If you want to combine fun with your fitness routine, there are also aerobic exercise classes to join. Regular aerobic exercise also yields many more benefits apart from just your heart and lungs getting stronger and healthier! It makes you less susceptible to health problems like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. And with a proper supply of oxygen being delivered to your tissues by your blood, aerobic exercise eliminates all the toxins and other waste materials present in your body. This improves your skin condition, helping it to glow with health and beauty. Aerobic exercises not only burn

... Aerobic exercises prevent the accumulation of plaque in your arteries. Since they also benefit the lungs, your respiration naturally improves. calories; they also burn off body fat helping you to lose weight. One particularly fun and very enjoyable way of exercising aerobically is Aerobic dance. This is a combination of dance and exercise, in which you dance to music and stay fit with exercises that are designed to combine fun and fitness. These dance exercises fall into four categories: high impact, low impact, water aerobics and step aerobics. Aerobic dance is a very popular form of aerobic exercise; people just love this kind of a workout! It tones your muscles, is great for your immune system, helps you lose weight and comes with a number of other benefits. So what are you waiting for? Pull on your sweats and get to an aerobic dance class near you! Basic aerobic tools.:

Dumbbells (SPRI Deluxe Vinyl, $8.98 - $59.98) Aerobic Stepper (Tone Fitness, $24.48) @OfficialSleekly




Who doesn’t pine for that beautiful, radiating, flawless skin? But what do we do for it? Most of us just liberally apply all the creams, lotions, potions available in the market. But do they really work? No, and even if they do they are loaded with chemicals that do more harm than any good. So, ladies pull on your sweats and exercise your way to glowing skin. Run on treadmill, hit the gym, dance, play, cycle, swim or just do anything that freshens and invigorates you. Cardiovascular exercises work wonders for your skin. These exercises supply freshly oxygenated blood to all parts of your body and impart a healthy glow to your skin. Try to exercise daily, or at least three times a week, for 30 minutes or more. Exercise will make you feel good about yourself, keep you fit and burn calories, all of which will help you feel very positive about your life. But it’s not all about cardiovascular exercise. Yoga and meditation will also give you a lovely luminescent skin, as these soothe and rejuvenate your mind and body, which will be reflected in your skin. Aside from taking the right amount of exercise and meditation, you should also eat healthy and drink lots of water every day.

Run on treadmill, hit the gym, dance, play, cycle, swim or just do anything that freshens and invigorates you.

Doctors say that drinking 7-8 glasses of water per day is crucial for a healthy life. If you have dry skin, you should drink even more water to stay hydrated. So ladies, make water an integral part of your beauty regime! Steer clear of all the greasy, junk and fattening foodstuffs

and caffeinated drinks, such as coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, salads and juices. Use olive oil for cooking, and on your salads. And drink green tea, which contains antioxidants which bring a myriad of benefits.

How Beauty Feels: An Essay on Inner Beauty



BACK IN SHAPE After Pregnancy All of us are aware of the unpleasant body changes that come along with pregnancy. They are very disturbing for some and most do not know how to cope with them, making them succumb to stress and depression. But these changes are perfectly normal and you cannot blame anybody for them, so learn to love yourself. It’s also very important to take care of your health and nutrition needs after pregnancy. Many women get extremely busy taking care of their babies and totally forget themselves, thus overlooking a very crucial part of post-pregnancy care. Saggy breasts, loose skin and stretch marks are some of the undesirable body changes that women may notice during and after pregnancy. But don’t panic. Who doesn’t want to get back in good shape? All you need is desire, determination and hard work to look great again. You need to consult your fitness trainer before beginning to exercise after delivering your baby. Take care to look after your diet and don’t starve yourself; it’s important to have small portions of food every two hours. This keeps your blood sugar levels stable. Don’t shun good fats completely because, your body needs them for nutrition and energy. Moreover, as you breastfeed, fats are also essential for the good health and nutrition of your baby as well. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water daily in your busy schedule, as better hydration helps you burn more calories and keeps you fresh and energized all day.

fruits and vegetables. It will help you lose weight faster. Resist sweets and desserts, sugar is not good and it won’t help you lose weight easily. Don’t have caffeinated drinks and limit your alcohol consumption. You can also take some supplements like multivitamins and omega 3 oil along with your food. Rainbow Light, Multivitamins for Women $22.86 ($0.15 / Count) Dr. Tobias, Omega 3 Fish Oil Pills - $28.97

With some patience and determination, you can get back into shape very easily just follow these simple steps, and exercise properly and regularly. ... Don’t shun good fats completely because, your body needs them for nutrition and energy. Moreover, as you breastfeed, fats are also essential for the good health and nutrition of your baby as well.

Don’t consume packaged or frozen food; eat fresh



KICKBOXING AND ITS BENEFITS Kickboxing has some amazing health and fitness benefits. It is a martial art in which you are required to punch and kick while standing. It is a sort of cardiovascular exercise that is very good for your heart and your overall health and fitness.


The heart starts pumping really fast when you punch and kick which is the most integral part of kickboxing. These movements make your heart fit and strong in the long run, if practiced regularly for a considerable amount of time. Apart from a healthy heart, you have various other benefits that can be derived from this form of martial art. Yes, it definitely helps you lose weight, gives you toned muscles and burns calories. Now isn’t it awesome!

The other very important benefit of kickboxing for women is self-defense, and this is probably the best use of this martial art. The movements are usually practiced on punch bags. So, it is also very nice for those who are aggressive by nature, as they get a sense of calm after taking out their fury over the poor bag!

Kickboxing also makes you flexible, when done regularly. It improves body posture and reduces the chances of injury. You are instantly charged up and feel very active and energetic.


Kickboxing is also very beneficial for women as it does not focus on any specific area or body part; it tones up all the muscles and helps the entire body.

In other words it’s an excellent stress-buster for you, so just go for it!

Comfy clothes or any active wear. (Athleta - Women's Athletic Clothes) Comfy shoes. (EasySpirit - Comfortable Shoes for Women)

You have to twist yourself, kick high and keep punching; this is the basic part of kickboxing. It also alleviates stress and tension, thus making you feel fresh, tranquil and happy after your workout.

Gloves. (Everlast EverCool Kickboxing Gloves, $19.21) Bandages. (180" Elastic Cotton Meister MMA Handwraps, $2.99)

WHAT TO BE WARY OF? It is possible to pick up an injury when kickboxing, so beginners are recommended to start with a professional trainer to ensure all safety measures are followed.

... Kick Boxing also makes you flexible, when done regularly. It improves body posture, reduces the chances of injury. You are instantly charged up and feel very active and energetic.

Make sure that you using proper gears for kickboxing and wearing comfortable clothing.




The more energetic and powerful form of yoga is popularly known as Power Yoga (a fitness-based approach to Vinyasa Yoga). It is derived from the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Bryan Kest and Beryl Bender Birch, yoga teachers from America, came up with the name. Power yoga is not identical to Ashtanga yoga, as you don’t follow a fixed sequence. Yoga in American fitness centers is now synonymous to a great workout, all thanks to Power yoga. People in western countries have welcomed this phenomenal form of exercise with open arm and they practice it religiously. It is believed that the regular practice of this fast and vigorous style of yoga results in significant weight loss. The size-zero diva Kareena Kapoor vouches for power yoga and she still counts on it for shedding those extra kilos and staying in shape. ...The synchronization of the body’s movements with the breath, just like in other styles of yoga, is important when practicing power yoga.

Because of this, Power Yoga and its practice is often questioned by the health experts. According to them, the essence of yoga is its cooling and calming effect on both body and mind. In contrast, Power Yoga is all about pushing yourself to the limits and high energy, focusing on the core. It can result in injury if you are not fit enough to do vigorous exercises. Power Yoga exercises are taught differently everywhere, and all classes teach the form in their own special way. The synchronization of the body’s movements with the breath, just like in other styles of yoga, is important when practicing power yoga. It is definitely not recommended for beginners. But if you are already quite fit and you enjoy an intense workout, then give this a try and prepare to work hard and work up a sweat, just remember that you can rest when you think your body needs one.


BENEFITS OF PUSH-UPS Push-ups are probably one of the best, easiest, and most common exercises if a well-toned upper body is what you are aiming for. The shoulder, chest, upper arm, wrists and forearm muscles all derive great benefits from this exercise. Push-ups exert your body, make your heart pump rapidly and burn calories, and all this improves metabolism. A good push-up session is believed to be equivalent to many hours of perspiration at the gym, giving you a much stronger and energetic feeling after!

men’s. So, doing pushups can be extremely beneficial for women as it strengthens and tones the upper body including – chest, arms, forearms, shoulders and wrists. Women should aim to start with 10-20 pushups daily or at least four times a week, for good results.

Push-ups are also great for women, as women’s upper bodies are typically much weaker in comparison to

Apart from helping the upper body, push-ups can also work for the core muscles in the mid part of the body. To start, extend your elbows, straighten your hips, back and legs with your toes touching the floor. Remember you need to use the right technique for this exercise; the wrong technique can lead to injuries, and the push-up will be of no benefit. The trunk should be kept straight. If your bottom is too high the exercise will be less effective and you will expose your body to risk of pain and injury. Daily push-ups are not recommended by health and fitness experts, as exercising this often does not allow the body muscles to rest sufficiently meaning, so you will not benefit very much. The best part about push-ups is that you don’t need any equipment, or to pay hefty gym fees; you just need determination and stamina to get great benefits.

...Remember you need to use the right technique for this exercise; the wrong technique can lead to injuries, and the push-up will be of no benefit.




8 Workout Mistakes Women Make...

The Side Effects It Can Possibly Cause ...Whey proteins are not any magical potions that’ll help you shed those kilos overnight. Getting the right amount of exercise and regularly working out is essential when taking whey protein.

your health. It is dangerous to your kidneys and liver and can also cause kidney stones. It can also lead to the development of gout. Gout is a sort of arthritis, it is the accumulation of stone like crystals in the muscles of legs and feet, these crystals are of uric acid. Make sure you take only the required amount of whey protein and not more. This amount may vary from person to person depending on the kind of activities or workout you do, women generally need less amount of whey protein than men. So, an appropriate amount of consumption is extremely important for our health and fitness. It’s very important to evaluate the side effects of any kind of dietary supplement before taking them on a regular basis. Whey, which is the by-product of cheese and whey protein, is composed of globular proteins that are separated from whey. There are three kinds of whey proteins available. These are isolate, concentrate and hydrolysate. The isolate type is for anyone allergic to lactose. The other whey proteins comprise of about fivesix percent lactose whereas isolate whey protein contains less than one percent lactose, making it ideal for lactose intolerant people. Many people are unaware of the differences in lactose content and are, therefore, prone to the side effects of unsuitable whey proteins. An excessive amount of any protein is very harmful to

People believe that taking whey protein alone can help them lose weight, and so stop exercising regularly when they start to take the supplements. But, the truth is that whey proteins are not magical potions that’ll help you shed those kilos overnight. Getting the right amount of exercise and regularly working out is essential when taking whey protein. Whey proteins are generally used by the body builders and it is very important for them to plan their intake of any supplements properly. Sleekly recommends: Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Protein, $57.99 to be continued...



FLAB---TO FAB in as little as 10 Minutes a day..


Staying Fit


PREGNANCY It is very important to take care of your health and fitness during pregnancy. Exercising regularly can have very positive and beneficial effects for you and your baby. It also gears you up for the hard time during labor.

- football, - basketball, - tennis - gymnastics, - horse riding, etc.

A good workout session fights stress, fatigue and sleeplessness during pregnancy. It is also believed that exercising during this time keeps your weight under control and helps you lose weight quite easily after delivery.

Pregnancy is definitely not the right time to experiment with any new workout regimes or try anything your body is not accustomed to. Don’t ever go overboard while you work out.

BEST PREGNANCY EXERCISES Some safe and beneficial exercises that can be done during pregnancy include: - cycling, - swimming, - walking, - jogging, and - anything that is not vigorous and intensive. Yoga is also a great option if you can find yourself a good yoga instructor. EXERCISES THAT SHOULD BE AVOIDED There are several exercises and forms of workout that should be avoided during pregnancy. You should keep away from rigorous sports activities such as:

Exercising three times a week for about 20-30 minutes is more than enough, and you will benefit from it in the long run. Stop exercising immediately if you experience: – pain in the chest, legs, tummy, dizziness, weakness, and excessive fatigue, contractions, bleeding from the vagina or breathing difficulties. You should also be very careful to take account of the baby’s movements and act accordingly. It’s very important to be extra careful and alert during your first trimester. After this, you should steer clear of all exercises that require you to lie flat on your back or stand in one place for very long. You should also not exercise without consulting your physician first. Get your iron levels and blood pressure checked before embarking on a workout routine.

Sleekly recommends: Suzanne Bowen's Slim & Toned Prenatal Barre Workout, $16.99


Swim Your Way to Fitness! ...You can burn 500-700 calories; depending upon the intensity and time you spend swimming, improving your metabolism and toning your muscles up.

Swimming is a great and enjoyable form of exercise; it keeps you fit, healthy and active. If you are a good swimmer and you swim regularly, you are less prone to various heart diseases and chronic illness. Moreover, those intending to lose weight can also swim to stay slim! Anybody from any age group can learn to swim at any point of time in life. The best part is that this is really refreshing and such a fun way to tone your muscles, especially for those who just love spending time in the water. Instructors usually start beginners in shallow water to make them feel comfortable and less terrified. At least one hour of swimming daily is equivalent to miles of jogging, according to experts. Swimming is also believed to have calming and soothing effects on both our body and mind. So just get your swimwear and get ready to take a dip in a pool nearby!

bodies are about twenty years younger than their age. Do you still need some more reasons to just go for it? Swimming can have a magical effect on you. It’s not rocket science, but with a little determination and hard work we all can learn to swim very easily. Once you’ve learned how to swim, you immediately feel the difference. Life gets much better and healthier than before. All you have to do is find some local swimming classes to get started immediately. Swimming is a beneficial water workout. Learning a combination of different strokes, such as freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke (good for better posture), is sure fun.

Shop Swimwear

You can burn 500-700 calories; depending upon the intensity and time you spend swimming, improving your metabolism and toning your muscles up. Water relaxes your joints giving you a great sense of wellbeing. Experts also believe that swimmers’ Swimming: The World’s Healthiest Exercise?


Walk Your

To maintain your overall health, you need to try to walk thirty minutes a day at normal walking pace (when you are still able to talk easily).


For a good cardiovascular workout, you should walk very fast for about twenty or thirty minutes every day.


If you are looking to lose weight, you have to work a little harder and walk for at least forty to sixty minutes or aim to walk 10,000 steps a day. Sleekly recommends: 10,000 Steps a Day to a Better You (Pedometer Set), $15.95 ... Walking properly and regularly can improve many health issues like high cholesterol and blood pressure, it can increase bone density and toughens joints and bones.

Walking properly and regularly can improve many health issues like high cholesterol and blood pressure, it can increase bone density and toughens joints and bones.

Walking is great for health and fitness. It can be done without any equipment, all you need to get going is a good pair of shoes and start walking. You can do this for ten minutes or more daily, and then slowly and gradually build up more time to your walk.

Walking can also burn calories as it makes the heart pump rapidly. Health and fitness experts believe, on the basis of their research, that walking coupled with an adequate diet can prevent you from gaining weight in future.

To get the most benefits from this exercise, it is very important to maintain the correct posture while walking. Walk with your head held up, back straight and shoulders at rest.

Moreover, walking also alleviates stress and tension. It is also recommended for older people to improve their health.

Make sure you stay hydrated and drink water often during, before and after your walk. You should begin walking with a slow pace and do some stretches afterwards.

... More and more people try to make walking their form of exercise. It makes sense because it’s so easy to incorporate walking to your normal daily routine. However, not all succeed in doing it every day. Here we list some tips and tricks that you can use in order to make walking a lifelong, fun habit.

If you can’t walk daily, aim to walk 4-5 times a week quite fast to get the best results and improve the health of your heart.

How to Make Walking a Lifelong, Fun Habit


What Pilates CAN DO FOR YOU

We all suffer from back pain, joint pain and any other flexibility issues. One simple reason for all these problems is bad posture and one of the best ways to get rid of all these problems is to do pilates. Pilates is an excellent exercise because it concentrates on your posture and improves a wide range of motions, flexibility, abdominal strength, and blood circulation. Here we list the amazing benefits of pilates. BODY AWARENESS Pilates experts believe that pilates makes you be more aware of your own body. While going about our daily tasks, we are not aware of our posture or stance, and end up having back, neck, and joint pain. This wonderful mode of exercising teaches us how to build symmetry and trains your mind to improve posture while sitting in front of the PC at work, cooking in the kitchen, and even when brushing your teeth. People slouch all day in their offices and then go to fitness clubs to get rid of their back problems. They fail to understand that their body lacks dynamic stability and it requires special exercises to get back to a healthy posture . A STRONGER CORE Without dynamic stability, you cannot live a healthy life because, according to experts, our body is like a tree that can easily topple over if it lacks a strong trunk. The main aim of Pilates is to build a good foundation and give you a stronger core. People usually equate a flatter stomach with a stronger core. However, again according to experts, a

flatter stomach has nothing to do with a stronger core. Pilates is a holistic approach to getting a strong back and a flat tummy. RELAXATION Your body goes into a state of relaxation when it gets back into the right posture. While performing pilates, you might experience fatigue, but the after-effects of these exercises make it all worthwhile. When you perform these magical exercises in a group of 5 to 6 people in a peaceful atmosphere and slow tempo, you also feel mentally relaxed. IMPROVES ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Pilates is well known for improving sports performance. It is specifically beneficial for cyclists, equestrians, long and shortdistance runners, golfers, divers, football, baseball, and basketball players. For an athlete to perform his best, he should have strong legs, trunk stability and flexibility. Pilates not only helps get a lean body, but also builds strength, endurance, and power. Golfers commonly suffer from back injuries and are recommended to try pilates to get relief from pain. If you continue doing pilates for long time, your body becomes strong, muscular, and less vulnerable to injuries. Pilates exercises will have a great impact on your lifestyle because they completely relax your mind, body, and soul. ... The main aim of Pilates is to build a good foundation and give you a stronger core. @OfficialSleekly




for Quick Weight Loss

Rich and creamy spread made from peanuts can be a delicious addition to a nourishing diet provided the right product is chosen. When the wrong varieties are bought, your pantry shelves get stacked with jars crammed with hydrogenated oils and artificial ingredients. This is why you should buy peanut butter that is healthy and packed with organic ingredients. Spreadable peanut butter made from pure peanuts is the staple food item of most American households, and commonly used in many food items. If you look closely, you will find that this wonder food is a healthy snack because it is tasty, filling and packed with 30 vital nutrients with no gluten, trans fats or cholesterol. In this article, you will learn how to choose the tastiest and healthiest spreadable treat. READ LABELS CAREFULLY Whenever you pick up a jar from the grocery store shelves, make sure you read the label carefully to learn about the ingredients. If you see that the product is gluten free and made with all natural ingredients, feel free add it to your shopping cart! Again, if you want unsalted peanut butter, look for the words, 'salt free'. Also check whether it contains the best tasting Valencia peanut if you want the best tasting product. DO A PROPER EVALUATION Just reading the label alone is not sufficient if you want to make a fully informed choice. You also need to consider the product ingredients. Some manufacturers add sugar to their peanut butter recipe to make the product sweeter. But added sucrose and corn syrup are not good for your health and should be avoided. ASK FOR NATURAL VARIETIES Spreads that are processed contain industrial ingredients that bring about a change in the fat. This is not the case with all natural jars. Supermarket products have unhealthy fat content and hydrogenated oils that are damaging to your health. Hydrogenated oils have a high content of trans fatty acids that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is why you must fill your shopping cart with organic spreads, which don’t have these harmful ingredients. All natural spreads contain only a very small amount of salt, and that’s a good thing for those people who need to be careful about their sodium intake. For example, two tablespoons of natural spread has only 80mg of sodium while regular supermarket brands have as high as 150mg in two tablespoons of spread. So, don’t worry about the salt content when you spread the organic delight on warm toasts, waffles, sandwiches, crackers, bagel or pretzels.

PICK BRANDS WITH REDUCED FAT Don’t buy products that are high calorie and high in fat. Most supermarket brands contain 16g of fat and 200 calories for every two tablespoons of spread. However, companies selling all natural spreads have reduced calorie and/or fat content. If you compare different supermarket brands, organic products contain significantly fewer calories. So, when you buy peanut butter next time, bear these facts in mind before you buy. People who are keen on losing weight and want to follow a low-fat diet must choose the healthiest, organic brands of peanut butter.

... While picking a jar from the store shelves, make sure that you read the label carefully to learn about the ingredients. If you see that the product is gluten free and has all natural constituents, add the item to your cart. Sleekly recommends: Teddie All Natural Peanut Butter, $20.37 (pack of 3)




April is a month for gardening – Garden Month encourages for planting, growing, and spending time creating a beautiful, healthy and productive environment. Gardening and growing plants is good for you, encouraging relaxation, cooperation, and a sense of achievement.



Garden Month Featur




Add a beautiful, aesthetic touch to your next dinner with tasty edible flowers that you can grow yourself. Many upscale restaurants have adopted the practice of garnishing salads and certain dishes with edible flowers. Edible flowers provide a touch of color, fragrance, texture and taste to an ordinary meal. You too can create a beautiful dish by growing your own edible flowers. Can you really eat flowers? The answer is: yes! If you are new to the idea of eating edible flowers, you will soon find that these can make tasty and beautiful garnishes. Think of edible flowers like garnishes. Except like traditional garnishes like parsley, edible flowers provide a dazzling array of colors, fragrance and texture. Many people who come across edible flower garnishes for the first time in their life are often afraid of eating them. Don't be afraid! They are quite good to eat, often adding a zesty or fragrant flavor to an otherwise dull meal.

The dual purpose of edible flowers... Many edible flowers serve a dual purpose: they are there to look beautiful in your garden, as well as to provide an aesthetic and tasty treat on your dinner plate. You can grow edible flowers and enjoy them in your garden, and you can also enjoy them in the kitchen. Some specialty grocery stores will also offer edible flowers for sale. However, these are often expensive because edible flowers are quite fragile and will not keep their texture for long after they have been picked. You can save yourself the expense and provide a steady supply of fresh and edible flowers to your dinner table by growing edible flowers yourself. You should also be wary about the edible flowers you eat—specifically, make sure that they are organic and free of any pesticides. Here is a brief overview of the most popular edible flowers and how they might be used in your cooking. to be continued...


... Tasty Edible Flowers You Can Grow Yourself

Nasturtiums—the most common edible flower. Nasturtiums are by far the most common edible flower, and there is a good reason for this. Nasturtiums provide a bold dose of scarlet and yellow colors. They look and taste great with green salads and come in a wide range of colors, including, cream, orange and many bi-colors. They are also relatively easy to grow. You can grow them from seed or eat them straight off a transplant (making certain that they are safe to eat, of course). What does nasturtium taste like? You will find that they make a flavorful addition to any salad, and can range from slightly sweet to bold and peppery. Many chefs have discovered the unique taste of making flavorful vinegar from nasturtium. Simply add a handful of fresh nasturtium to a high-quality white wine vinegar and let the mixture sit in a dark cool place for several weeks. Flower Nasturtium Empress of India, $8.54

... Nasturtiums provide a bold dose of scarlet and yellow colors. They look and taste great with green salads and come in a wide range of colors, including, cream, orange and many bi-colors. For a minty flavor, choose Pansies. Pansies are popular annuals that can provide a mild wintergreen flavor to any dish. Use pansies in order to create cake decorations, or make a luxurious cream cheese appetizer. Sunburst Pansy Seeds, $5.88 Marigolds—a useful substitute for saffron. Pot marigold, also known as calendula, can be easily substituted for saffron. Simply cook them with oil, which will bring out the flavor and color of the flowers. You can cook them with a bit of olive oil and some chopped onions and add these to rice or broth for a unique and flavorful combination. Marigolds are quite inexpensive and easy to grow, making them a good choice if you are new to edible flowers. Marigold Flower Seeds, $5.29 Eat healthy with squash flowers. Squash flowers are one of the most popular and common of the edible flowers. You can use squash flowers, zucchini flowers, acorn and patty pan squash in various dishes. Squash flowers have been used in traditional Mexican and Mediterranean cuisine for many years. Yellow Crookneck - Organic Squash Seeds, $2.58




of arthritis and gout. Cherries are also known to be rich in vitamins and minerals which are great for promoting healthy body functions from digestion to improved blood circulation. Moreover, this tiny fruit is also great for losing weight because of its low calorie content; and its high water content makes it ideal for snacking on - it can help both nourish and hydrate the body at the same time.

One of the recent trends in food nutrition is the growing popularity of organic cherries. You are probably already well aware of the value this juicy fruit offers. It is a great source of nutrients and other healthy substances. With organic cherries, you are getting the same goodness as the regular variety but without the dangerous chemicals that can be inadvertently added to any freshly harvested fruits. To fully understand this, it helps to take a look at the current farming methods and how these can affect the quality of the food that you eat. The growing demand for many agricultural products including cherries has created the need to produce a larger crop with every harvest period. As a result, many modern farmers use all sorts of chemicals and synthetics to ensure that the harvests are bountiful. From artificial fertilizers to harsh pesticides, modern farming methods expose consumers to chemicals that are eventually transferred into freshly harvested fruits. Organic farming seeks to eliminate these harmful chemicals by relying on natural farming methods to achieve a bountiful harvest and control pests during cultivation. Organic farming techniques include crop rotation, composting, and the use of manure as natural fertilizers, as well as wellknown biological pest control methods to achieve the same results as artificial fertilizers and chemicals. Today, organic agricultural products are widely considered to be the gold standard for healthy foods. People no longer want to eat all the harmful and toxic chemicals that come with modern farming techniques. In this regard, organic cherries are no exception. By eating organic cherries, you can still benefit from all the goodness contained in every serving. The healthy dose of antioxidants like bioflavonoids and anthocyanin can help combat the risk of cancer and heart disease. It’s well known how this healthy fruit can help ease the pain

... Cherries are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals which are great for promoting healthy body functions from digestion to improved blood circulation. Organic cherries confer all the same benefits as regular cherries – just more so. With organic cherries, the risk of eating any pesticide and chemical fertilizer contaminants is gone. You can be confident that every bite you take out of an organic cherry is only going to bring health benefits without the additives that can lead to a number of diseases. So, if you have the option, choose to buy organic cherries instead of the natural ones that you find on most supermarket shelves. Why expose your family to the dangers of artificial chemicals when you have cherries that are clean and just as nutritious? Consider switching to organic cherries today so you can finally appreciate what it means to eat fresh and healthy in all its true meaning. In time you may completely switch to eating organic foods and totally dispense with the deceptive non-organic produce that is marketed as healthy, but which has its fair share of toxic chemicals from pesticides and synthetic fertilizers contaminating them. If fresh organic cherries are not available, your next best option is: Fresh Frozen Organic Tart Cherries, $69.99


BEST EXERCISES for Losing Your Double Chin Regardless of what you think about your double chin, the number one cause is definitely excessive weight. Yes you could have excessive skin under the chin and not be overweight – but nevertheless the majority of double chin sufferers are plump. It can also be a sign of getting old. When we age, our skin has a tendency to lose some of its resilience.

The Sleeping Tilt Action The next exercise that will help you reduce that annoying double chin can be carried out before you even get out of bed every morning. Lie on your side using a pillow and tilt your head way back just as much as you can. This will target the neck area, firming it. This firming activity can be done in the morning as well as just before going to sleep at night.

Now you actually don't need to be that much overweight to become plagued with a double chin. Quite often someone will merely gain a couple of pounds and end up with a double chin. So, even though most sufferers will also need to lose a few pounds, there are also chin exercises you can do to banish your double chin. The most effective routines that will help you reduce your double chin are usually exercises that center on the neck, jaw and head. These routines will help you get rid of fat in the chin area. The Chewing Gum Action You can actually chew gum or maybe just go through the motions associated with chewing gum to reduce chin fat. It is more effective if you first raise your chin, and then go through the motions of gum chewing.

The Sitting Tilt Action Another exercise you can do is to sit up straight and tilt your head slowly backwards. You should not move your shoulders. Go as far back as you possibly can without stressing yourself. Hold the position for a count of 10 and then bring your head slowly back to your starting position. Repeat five times. The Open Mouth Scooping Action Another effective exercise is to open your mouth very wide then move your bottom jaw in a downward and outward path so that your lower teeth move to overlap your upper teeth, as if you are attempting to scoop something up. When you feel your lower teeth lightly brush against the top of your upper lip you have completed the exercise correctly. Repeat about 15 times several times per day.

Although these different exercises will help to reduce your double chin, at the same time you should try eating healthy and always drink lots of fluids.

... The most effective routines that will help you reduce your double chin are usually exercises that center on the neck, jaw and head.




Effective Guide to

EMOTIONAL EATING You’ve been trying to stop emotional eating a countless number of times, haven't you? So much that it is draining every bit of energy you have? If you are feeling frustrated by your inability to control the urge to stuff your mouth during difficult times, know that you are not the only one waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Have you ever experienced a situation where you spent the whole weekend lying on the sofa - with packs of ice cream and beers drenched with the thoughts of your intolerant boss? Or better still, your ex is driving you mad, and as such, you'd rather be in a bar with friends drinking yourself out, because that makes you feel better? Well, it does - for a while. But by the end of the year, your pant size would have doubled. These are examples of how your emotional state affects your overeating sessions. Therefore, before you can stop emotional eating, you must learn ways to reduce your stress levels. Do you bottle your emotions? Would you rather keep quiet and suffer the pains of a bad experience than 'hurt' a relationship? Your friend has just offended you, but you think it's better to keep quiet because you want to keep him happy? Please don't do this - it is a dangerous path to thread. This unresolved stress is neither good for your health nor weight. Not only will it be difficult to stop emotional eating, you also stand at risk of becoming hypertensive; a situation that might cut your life short if unchecked. You need to stop emotional eating because your weight is getting out of hand. But to do this, you must start to learn ways to deal with life problems logically so as to live a fulfilling life. What you think determines how you feel; if you can control your thoughts, you'll be able to control your reactions to stress triggers. You are old enough to understand that difficult situations happen without much notification; they catch you unaware. You have little or no power over them.

But since you don't have this level of control, you can control your response to their effects. It is the meaning you give to them that determines how you feel. By the time you understand how to relate with situations - how to analyze events - you would have conquered the urge that tells you to overeat in such circumstances and thereby stop emotional eating. I urge you that each time you are in a stressful condition - a time you are most likely to overeat – see the situation for what it is and act- or don’t eat - accordingly. Sleekly Recommends: End Emotional Eating Understand Your Triggers (And Learn How To Avoid Them) by Dr. Mindy Pelz, DC @OfficialSleekly




Spring is Here and Summer is Coming! Ease into Your Warm-Weather Exercise Routine to Avoid Injury The prospect of warmer weather just around the corner, especially after a winter like this one, is already inspiring many people to "get back in shape." It's like a second chance at that New Years' resolution you made back in January and never followed up on because it was freezing outside. We all know that exercise is good for us. But no one likes having to put on ten layers of clothing to run outside or having to drive 20 minutes to the gym for a one-hour workout during the winter months. At around this same time every year, spring weather makes it easier for many people to "reboot" their exercise goals and to increase their level of physical activity. However, it's important to use some common sense when jumpstarting your warmweather exercise program. There are at least two big reasons why. First, statistics tells us that over half the people who start a new exercise program quit within six months. "Easing into it" and taking things slowly at first can help to prevent this. Second, starting to exercise again after a period of inactivity can lead to a number of injuries that can easily be avoided by taking a more realistic approach to exercising again. For example, if you're a runner, don't start out by trying to run a marathon. Ease into a new running routine by starting with short runs and extending the distance you run each time you go out.

...The warm-up period is far more critical if you haven't exercised for a while, because you need to get your body used to increased activity before you put demands on it. Always warm up before exercise and stretch/cool down afterwards. The warm-up period is far more critical if you haven't exercised for a while, because you need to get your body used to increased activity before you put demands on it. So do your jumping jacks or other gentle exercises to raise your heart rate and get your circulation going before you start your sports or exercise routine, and then do some stretching afterwards during a "cool down" period to allow things to settle down again. Start slow, and don't overdo it. If you've been inactive for some months, start with a couple of weeks of vigorous walking before you ease back into running. Also, if you're an outdoor runner, be sure to pace yourself when picking routes, remembering that you have to run just as far to get back home.

Also, try to remember the following general guidelines about exercise in general and exercising in warm weather.

to be continued...


Saving the

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...Ease into Warm-Weather Exercise

Set goals, measure your progress, and try to keep to them. If possible, work with a trained sports/exercise counselor at your gym to set realistic exercise goals for yourself. Then carefully monitor your progress, making note of exactly how far you run or how much weight you lift in each session. Doing this will help you actually see your own progress and provide additional motivation when you run into problems or your performance plateaus.

put a lot of pressure on your knees and joints. As a general rule, avoid believing in the "no pain, no gain" meme. That's for committed athletes, and until you've been back in the swing of your exercise routine for six months or more, you're not one. Don't push yourself to the point of pain, and if you feel weak or in pain after a particular workout, rest for a day or more before exercising again. Dress right. Yes, the temperatures are warmer, but be sure to wear proper clothing and footwear for the sport or exercise you are performing. A remarkable number of injuries are caused each year by things as simple as running while wearing improper shoes.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. We can't say this enough-hydrate. Drink lots of water before, during, and after exercising, especially as the temperature and humidity rises. The amount of water you need to consume depends to some extent on your weight and how long you exercise, but as you make progress and your workouts get longer, remember to consume a sports drink beforehand to replenish your electrolytes. This becomes more important as temperature and humidity rises, and you begin to sweat more.

If you become injured, remember R.I.C.E. This acronym stands for Rest (take off for a few days to rest the injured area), Ice (apply ice or cold packs to reduce swelling and inflammation), Compress (wrap swollen areas in a compression bandage), and Elevate (raise the injured limb). Avoid activities that use the injured area for a few days. You can still remain active, but don't rush back into the same activities that caused the injury in the first place. For example, if you sprain your ankle, spend the next week exercising your arms and upper body.

Cross-train. If possible, try to vary your workouts, even as you're easing back into them. Try running one day, lifting weights the next, and swimming the next, etc. This will develop different muscle groups more evenly and help you avoid injuries caused by repeatedly using the same ones.

Lastly, if you are overweight or have known health problems, consult a doctor first. Don't be macho-discuss your plans to get back in shape with your physician, and follow his or her advice.

Listen to your body and be aware of your limitations. If your arthritis has been acting up all winter, naturally don't start with exercises that


Juice Up Your Life the Healthy Way! Juicing has become a popular way to obtain vital nutrients from the juice of whole fruits and vegetables. Its promoters say juicing is the very best way to get a multitude of vitamins and minerals from the fresh whole food. But is that really true? Let's take a look at the selling points, and you can decide whether you want, or need, to start juicing.

Truth or Myth #1: Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from the vegetables and fruits. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables have such life-giving power. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and thousands of plant chemicals (phytochemicals). Juicing promoters say that juicing liberates the life-giving nutrients in fruits and vegetables for your body to use more readily, without the fiber that sometimes may impair your body's uptake of some of the nutrients. This can be true. But there's a drawback. The fiber in the pulp that gets separated from the juice is also an important nutrient. And most Americans don't get enough of it. Many other life-giving nutrients may also be trapped in the pulp along with the fiber. And the skins of fruits and vegetables are often left behind in the juicing process. Therefore, I would say that juicing may help you absorb certain nutrients in fruits and vegetables better. But unfortunately, if you are drinking the juice only, you are losing many other nutrients found in the pulp. To get the most bang for your buck from juicing, use a juicer that does not discard the pulp. Or eat the pulp separately. See the suggestions in Part 2 of this article for exciting ways to make the pulp into a new dietary treasure. Truth or Myth #2: Juicing can boost your immune system and reduce your risk of cancer. This is true. But the nutritional benefits of juicing come from the fruits and vegetables themselves. So the

same hold true when you eat fruits and vegetables the normal way. Truth or Myth #3: Juicing helps remove toxins from your body. Your body already has powerful built-in detox centers. These are your liver and kidneys. They constantly process, filter, and rid you of toxins. Many of the life-giving nutrients and chemicals in fruits and vegetables assist your liver and kidneys in detoxing your body. So the ability of juicing to detox your body comes from, again, the fruits and vegetables themselves. It has nothing to do with the process of juicing alone. Truth or Myth #4: Juicing allows you to consume an optimal amount of vegetables and fruits if you avoid eating them because of their taste. This is true. Juicing is a great way to get the life-giving nutrients from whole vegetables and fruits if you do not especially care for eating them. But remember, you can mask the taste of whole fruits and vegetables by using a favorite flavor. For example, you can add lemons, limes, carrots, beets, or apples to mask the bitterness of some of the vegetables you avoid. Some people simply add one or two tablespoons of frozen natural juice concentrate to them. You have plenty of choices for this purpose. Grapes, pineapple, and lemonade are some of the favorites.

to be continued... @OfficialSleekly

... Juice Up Your Life Truth or Myth #5: Juicing helps you lose weight. Weight loss happens when you do not take in enough calories for your body's basic needs. The end result of juicing is low in calories and protein. So if you do not eat enough of other foods, you may lose weight. But the juice is not complete nutrition. Trying to lose weight by only drinking the juice will make you lose your precious muscle mass. Also, as the juicer takes the "work" out of chewing your food and saves the "energy" from processing the bulk and fiber of the food in your gut, you actually lower part of your metabolism, and thus burn fewer calories. If you want to lose weight, use juicing as one of the components of a balanced approach. Remember, after losing weight from ANY program or by ANY means, your body has toned down its metabolism to adjust to the low-calorie intake. You can, therefore, gain weight very fast if you start eating the same foods in the same amounts as you did before your weight loss attempt.

.... If you want to lose weight, use juicing as one of the components of a balanced approach. Sometimes, juicing may add extra unwanted calories if you are not careful. The human body does not register the calories from liquids very well. You can consume many more calories from liquids without realizing it. In general, a 12-oz cup of pure fruit juice may have about 180 calories (kcal). A cup of pure vegetable juice has about 25 kcal. If you blend vegetables with fruits, the juice will have calories that are somewhere in between. The Bottom Line: Juicing is one valid way to enjoy lifegiving nutrients. It is a great option if you do not eat many vegetables or fruits. Even if you like produce to start with, juicing can be an exciting way to add variety, nutrition, and more interest to your enjoyment of food. Eating vegetables and fruits in any way beats not eating them at all!

Sleekly recommends: Hurom Elite Slow Juicer, from $450.49



There was once a girl I knew who worked out a lot, doing cardio exercises almost every day of the week for at least an hour and a half each day. She was not obese or even overweight but she did not have firm or toned muscles. Like many other women out there, she was slim but flabby. It was obvious that she wanted to look better and be healthier. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been spending so much time at the gym. But when I suggested that she go into strength training, she replied that she didn't want to look like a female bodybuilder with all the muscles that she might gain. This is actually the most common misconception that women have about strength training. They think that working out and lifting weights will automatically make them gain huge muscles and look like a female Arnold Schwarzenegger. That is not the case at all. Unless you dramatically increase your protein and carbs consumption, you will not become bulky through strength training. You will only have more toned muscles and your body will be better able to shed any excess body fats you may have. Furthermore, women are not naturally as prone to muscle gain as men, because women have much lower levels of testosterone in the body; high testosterone levels are essential for massive muscle gain.

...Once your body improves through strength training, you will carry yourself with a lot more confidence than before. the following: • A more balanced figure. For example, strength training can balance out a body with skinny arms but fat thighs. • Better bone density. Osteoporosis is a very common health problem for older women, and strength training can help prevent it from happening to you. • A stronger body. Strength training helps build strength in all parts of the body so practically everything gets easier, from doing household chores to giving birth to a child. • More self-confidence. Once your body improves through strength training, you will carry yourself with a lot more confidence than before. With all these benefits, it's not surprising that so many women are getting interested in strength training. If you want to start regular strength training yourself, make sure that you do the routines properly and use the right techniques and you will get the most out of your training.

Women actually have a lot to gain from strength training. Apart from burning fat, which is the number one goal that most women strength trainers have, women can also expect

Check out this 'Spring Workout Routine' that you can do in 10 minutes or less.


Reset Factor by Dr. Mindy Pelz, DC

coming soon...



CARROTS One of the World’s Healthiest Food carrots more nutritious. Vitamin A that you can get from both raw and cooked carrots is a prime factor in keeping your skin silky smooth as well. More Tasty Beauty Foods For Your Skin >>

When you eat carrots, not only are you getting the right antioxidants, you are also preventing your immune system from becoming compromised, and so keeping you healthy. Recent studies have shown that mashing up carrots may give you even more nutrients than just eating them whole. Carrots have been measured raw and cooked, and the cooked carrots have more nutrients. Foods that contain antioxidants are not just delicious, they also help prevent chronic health concerns and build a strong, healthy immune system. So next time you are wondering what to eat for dinner, consider eating some mixed greens with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Your immune system will thank you. Carrots contain more carotene than any other vegetables. They have plenty of vitamins B and C. When carrots are raw, they are a great source of vitamin A and potassium. When the carrots are cooked, they are a great source of Vitamin A and they also contain potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper and folic acid. This is because raw carrots have a tough cellular wall which cannot easily be broken down in the gut, so we can convert less than 25% of their carotene into vitamins. The tough cellular walls partially break down when cooked, making cooked

...When carrots are raw, they are a great source of vitamin A and potassium. When the carrots are cooked, they are a great source of Vitamin A and they also contain potassium, vitamin B6, magnesium, copper and folic acid. In order to get all that you can out of carrots, it is important that you chew them fully. Since they are more nutritious when cooked rather than raw, we recommend you eat cooked carrots, mashed. People often use carrots because they have a sweet taste when mixed with other foods and they also contain an anti-anemic element, making them great for healing ailments. Carrots are delicious and a great source of antioxidants. They go great with most lunch and dinner foods, so why not cook a nice healthy meal with carrots on the side? The benefits from eating carrots are phenomenal and your health will benefit from eating them regularly as you’ll help prevent chronic health issues. Remember, when you are choosing fruits and vegetables to eat for their antioxidants, a lot of the nutrients are found in, and just under, the skin. So next time you go to peel your food, think twice or you will be throwing the most important, nutritious part of that vegetable or fruit in the trash.



REDUCE BELLY FAT Most people think that in order to lose weight they have to exercise constantly. But that is just not true. Learning how to get rid of fat fast is simple; you just have to combine a really good belly fat busting exercise regime with a good diet plan.

Are you exercising to try to lose belly fat? If you are, then you may not realize that doing the wrong exercises will only make you more frustrated. Wanting to shift stubborn belly fat is the most common problem amongst people trying to lose weight. They try many diets but still do not manage to shift their fat. Here are some secrets to help you get rid of belly fat: Secret 1: Find an exercise that will allow you to lose calories - fast. The best exercise for losing weight is one that gets you moving and grooving whilst still burning fat. Look for an exercise that will allow you to lose 500-1000 calories in a single hourly workout. Secret 2: Find a program that offers sneaky weight loss tips. Fat does not fight fair and neither should you. If you are trying to lose that lower belly fat, then you’d better start using some weight loss tricks to burn the fat fast. Secret 3: Find a program that will teach you how to burn body fat up to 30% faster. Using a program that gives your body an instant boost and cause it to start burning body fat is the best way to rev up your body for even greater weight loss.

Once you have the winning combination, you will see that losing fat could not be easier. So let's recap what you need to do to get rid of belly fat fast... First, you need to find an exercise plan that will burn 500-1000 calories fast in a single exercise session, and second you need to combine it with a 'fat burning fast' weight loss plan. Now that you understand what you need to do to get rid of your weight worries, you just need to dig deep and stick with it. Too many people try a program for a week and then quit because they say it does not work. Following any routine for just one week cannot ever be considered consistent enough to see results from any program. Commit to exercising to lose belly fat fast and you will see results. ...Learning how to get rid of fat fast is simple; you just have to combine a really good belly fat busting exercise regime with a good diet plan. How to go from Flab to Fit in as little as 10 Minutes a day >> @OfficialSleekly




Not surprisingly, cardiovascular training will always be an incredibly effective way to burn fat and get the physical body you want. The problem is that a lot of people aren’t doing it properly. Unless you're a cross-country runner, or similar, you need to understand that routinely doing the same monotonous aerobic cardio exercise over and over again, will never give you the final results you really want!

BODYWEIGHT EXERCISES Bodyweight exercises are a good way to develop muscle and are also a fantastic cardio training technique when included in a circuit. If you're aiming to improve overall body strength and lean body mass, body weight workouts can definitely do the job.

It's time for high-intensity cardiovascular training! This form of workout will provide you with rapid fat loss results in no time. Bear in mind that high-intensity training done properly will take 100% dedication and effort if you want great results. You're going to have to get pumped up and channel Rocky’s ‘eye of the tiger!’ The hardest part of this type of exercise is that you have to drive yourself through your own limitations to levels you previously didn’t think possible. Ready to start?

To develop your own personalized circuit, just put together 4-5 cardiovascular workouts and do each one sequentially without relaxing. After you have completed all of the exercises in turn, relax for 90 seconds. Body weight circuits are psychologically and physically demanding, but are a very important tool for anyone wanting to get rid of excess weight.



I'm happy to go out on a limb here and say that sprinting is the most useful high-intensity cardiovascular exercise you can ever do! Sprint training will allow you to build up lean muscle mass and burn extra fat. The good news is you don’t need to spend more than an hour of cardiovascular training because adding in a sprint regimen typically only takes an extra 15 minutes. And if you’re just starting out, I would recommend starting with the traditional sprint.

People who ignore plyometrics as a cardio training method are honestly missing out! Plyometrics strengthens twitch muscle fibers quick. As a result of the high-intensity exercise, you also increase anaerobic stamina and burn fat while building up lean body mass. And the best thing? You’re only going to need 20 minutes of your time and energy to accomplish a high-intensity plyometric regime!

Sprinting regularly on a level surface will help you build up a solid foundation to start tackling harder sprints, such as inclines and road runs. A sprint must never be longer than sixty yards though, or else it may send your system into an anaerobic state, which is not fat burning.

There are a lot of high-intensity cardiovascular training and physical exercises that you can use to see the good results you seek. All you need to do now is put your plans into action and work at it! It's time for everyone to get started!


GINSENG Ginseng is also fantastic at treating a number of mental and physical deficiencies. It will improve your stamina, immune system, memory, energy levels and promote mental clarity. In addition, Ginseng will also help reduce stress, anxiety and boost low self-esteem.

Energy Boosting


For Weight Loss and Mental Clarity

There's no need to take synthetic and chemically manufactured supplements to boost your energy levels and keep your state of mind positive, when there are perfectly good enough herbs which will boost your energy levels naturally. These herbs can keep your mood steady, rather than fluctuating rapidly from a state ecstasy to melancholy. TULSI TEA When taken with a glass of water in the morning, a cup of Tulsi tea sets you up wonderfully for a hectic day ahead. Known as the queen of herbs in India, Tulsi tea and water will help flush out the toxins accumulated from your night’s sleep, flushing out unwanted free radicals and boosting your metabolism. You should also accompany the Tulsi tea with some morning stretches. Stretching will relax your muscles, helping the herbs to reach and recharge all the muscle groups.

Ginseng and a light head massage complement each other perfectly, and for those who work in a stressful environment, a Ginseng tea and a massage at lunch time will prepare you for the afternoon with much-improved vigor helping you expend more energy naturally. Yogi Ginseng Vitality Tea 16 Bags, $6.83

GOTU KOLA Gotu Kola is the perfect pick-me-up to banish a sad and melancholic mood. It is extremely rich in rare nutrients, and has been medically prescribed for generations as treatment for depression and melancholia. By stimulating the central nervous system, Gotu Kola helps you avoid fatigue later in the day and helps you to maintain a strong and steady mood, so you can ‘be your natural self’, without relying on a caffeine rush from pills or regular cups of coffee to get you through the rest of the day. Organic India Brahmi-Gotu Kola, $14.93 ($0.17 / Count)

Bottom line: These 3 herbs alone when taken with a fresh glass of water, and/or accompanied with some stretching and a massage, will work fantastically at helping you speed up your metabolism and keeping your mood level and mental clarity clear and focused.

Organic India Tulsi, $9.47


"Don't worry about being worried. You're heading out on an adventure and you can always change your mind along the way and try something else." – Tracy Kidder



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