Get Fit Get Sexy by Sleekly - December 2014 Issue

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5 Christmas Gifts for




DIET TIPS for the Festive Period



The Psychology of

OVER-EATING Fitness through Everyday Activities


on the inside 11 5 The Importance of Fitness 6 Fitness and Yoga 7 Swimming for Fitness 9 Exercises for Fitness 10 Fitness Techniques for IT Professionals 11 Fitness through Aerobics

12 Food and Fitness 13 Cross-Training for Fitness 15 Tennis for Fitness 16 Fitness through Everyday Activities 17 Health Benefits of Drinking Green Tea on Regular Basis 18 Get in Shape the Sexy Way - Pole Dancing Lessons Online


on the inside 22 20 Find Out How to Lose Weight Successfully 21 5 Christmas Gifts for Fitness Fanatics 22 Tools to Jump-Start Your Home Workout 23 How to Buy Workout Supplements 24 Why Do People Meditate? 25 The Ultimate Workout Guidelines for Beginners

29 26 Potatoes and Health 28 The Psychology of OverEating 29 Easy to Follow Diet Tips for the Festive Period 30 The True Wellness Advantages of Wheatgrass Powder 31 Lose Weight After Christmas Fast


FROM THE EDITOR Welcome to the December issue of our magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your fitness goals and successes.

We all worked hard to put together all the relevant articles and issues of this magazine. Alongside with it, we sincerely welcome any feedback and contributions from all our loyal readers. A publication like this would not be possible without the support of our valued advertisers who provide relevant products and services for our readership. Kindly find time to visit our sponsors store and website for they most definitely know what you need to assist you in all your endeavors. Lastly, I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time reading this magazine. We are proud to be of service to you, and we insistently look forward to serving you for many years to come. Regards, Moji Tehranian, CPT Health & Fitness Editor (




Competition and the need for survival have altered the way we lead our lives. Gone are the days when people had the luxury to take a 9am to 5pm job and spend the rest of the evening with family or indulge oneself in hobbies like gardening and music. Work schedules have gone for a toss. And with the advent of technology, coupled with globalization, work was mandatory and obligatory for people to stay connected with their jobs 24x7. As a result, fitness and health have taken a backseat. Most people do not have the time, on a daily basis, to exercise and stay fit. As a result, obesity has become a major concern in many countries. The main reason for obesity is primarily attributed to the sedentary lifestyle of individuals that are devoid of exercise or control of the type of food being consumed every meal. Staying fit has a number of associated benefits. Some of the most alluring advantages are: 1. It helps people to stay alert and calm 2. Exercise keeps both the body and mind fit and hence, increases the productivity of an individual 3. A fit body will enable a person to develop more flexibility, power and strength 4. Fitness increases general stamina and immunity 5. Apart from physical stamina, a person can develop mental stamina by staying fit and healthy. There are a number of ways to fitness. It is no longer necessary for individuals to visit a gym to stay fit. There are other alternative forms of keeping healthy, which can be practiced at home, such as yoga, aerobics and other outdoor games like cricket and tennis that help improve fitness and health. Also, there are a number of low-cost exercise equipment available in the market that aid individuals to exercise for a minimum period everyday but reap most benefits out of it.

Most people do not have the time, on a daily basis, to exercise and stay fit. As a result, obesity has become a major concern in many countries. The main reason for obesity is primarily attributed to the sedentary lifestyle of individuals that are devoid of exercise or control of the type of food being consumed every meal. While there are a lot of ways and means of fitness, it is up to the person to choose which of the techniques would suit her best and invest time in. Surely, all these efforts are taken in the interest of one’s health and well-being.


‘Yoga’ – It has become the new buzzword of the fitness enthusiasts. Yoga, having its origin in India, is one of the most widely adopted fitness techniques across the globe. This fitness technique has gained popularity owing to the simple nature of the exercises that provide individuals with enormous benefits. There are different forms of yoga when practiced, will incredibly help in improving health and fitness. Even during the ancient times, yoga already gained prominence. Yoga in Sanskrit means ‘unity’. Yoga helps individuals to unite the mind, body and spirit. Yoga, when practiced regularly, provides the following benefits: 1. Calms the body from within 2. Frees the mind from tension and anxiety. 3. Promotes mental fitness. 4. Improves thinking capacity and concentration

Yoga is promoted by a number of spiritual and non-profit organizations and has gained wide acceptance among the general public. Some of the different forms of yoga are: 1. Hatha Yoga 2. Bhakti Yoga 3. Raja Yoga 4. Jnana Yoga 5. Karma Yoga 6. Tantra Yoga Each form of yoga has a specific purpose and is unique in its own way. It is up to the individual to decide what form suits them better and opt for it. While there are a number of self-help books that allow individuals to learn and practice yoga, it is advisable to be enrolled in a training session because the formative years in a yoga class are very important for a proper comprehension of the technique and executions. Whatever the form of yoga practiced, it unifies the mind, body and spirit and leads to both physical and mental fitness. For those who are deprived of time and energy after a hectic day, a short session of yoga, surely, would rejuvenate and energize the whole body, mind and spirit.

Sleekly Recommends: Ashley Turner's Element Yoga for Weight Loss

Each form of yoga has a specific purpose and is unique in its own way. It is up to the individual to decide what form suits them better and opt for it.

The word fitness has undergone a paradigm shift. One decade back the only way to fitness was to hit a gym and workout using various machines to burn down calories. It was both a time consuming and expensive process. Also, a lot of people were unable to afford or are skeptical to spend. But over the past few years a number of new fitness techniques have come into existence. Yoga, aerobics and gymnastics are some of them that are worth mentioning.

SWIMMING for Fitness

With so many techniques available, it has become difficult for both men and women to decide which suits them best. While men find it difficult to decide on their fitness choice – whether to get registered at a local gym or to set up a fitness studio at home, etc. For women, it is an even more difficult task as they may have physical limitations with respect to the heavy equipment at the gym or the complex postures at a yoga class. One choice of exercise that fits everyone – from kids to adults is swimming. Swimming is a great fitness choice, provided it is practiced on a daily basis. There are neither any weights involved in swimming nor are there any other complexes asanas/posture to be adopted. Swimming tones the entire body muscles and as an exercise, it is suitable for both men and women. Unlike other fitness exercises, swimming can be practiced even by people who are suffering from arthritis and obesity. Apart from improving the fitness levels, swimming also helps in burning calories. Since swimming completely puts to work all the big muscle groups of the body like the chest, thigh and back muscles, it also assists in burning fat and facilitates in stretching the muscle fibers and ligaments in the body. Swimming: The World’s Healthiest Exercise?

Additionally, swimming also improves mental health by way of engaging both the body and the mind to coordinate various movements and as a result, acts as a great stress buster. Sleekly Recommends: The Swimming Dragon: A Chinese Way to Fitness, Beautiful Skin, Weight Loss, and High Energy Swimming for Total Fitness: A Progressive Aerobic Program

Swimming tones the entire body muscles and as an exercise, it is suitable for both men and women. Unlike other fitness exercises, swimming can be practiced even by people who are suffering from arthritis and obesity.


Exercises are a good way to stay fit and healthy. Everyday exercise for 15-30 minutes keeps the body trim and the mind alert. Exercises also improve blood circulation in the body, strengthen the heart and muscles and keep an individual alert and active throughout the day. Thus, exercising ultimately improves the general stamina and fitness levels of an individual.

Stretching Exercises Stretching exercises are essential to build bones, tendons and joints. Pilates is a very good form of stretching exercise and also offer good benefits. Stretching exercises are usually performed after a strength workout. It will help relax the muscles after a strenuous workout. Also, stretching exercises help individuals to increase and improve body balance.

There are different types of exercises that benefit a variety of parts of the body. Broadly, the three main types of exercises that improve the fitness levels of the body are:

While these are some of the broad categories of fitness elevating exercises, there may be other forms of exercises available today that, in the same way, would add to the fitness level of an individual.

Cardiovascular Exercises These are exercises that build the stamina and tone various parts of the body. These kind of exercise increases blood flow by rising heart rate and pumping more oxygen into the blood. The different versions of cardiovascular exercises are running, cycling, aerobics and gymnastics. In fact, dancing is also claimed to be a form of cardiovascular exercise. These exercised should be practiced on a daily basis according to a set schedule to gain greatest benefits out of it. Strength Exercises Muscle strength adds to the general fitness levels of an individual and is critical to good health. Strength exercises involve the lifting of weights to increase the lean muscle mass of the body. Different weight exercises can also be used in combination, to give wholesome benefit to the body. While strength exercises would come handy for men, women may find it hard to improve fitness through strength exercises as they are physically very demanding.

Exercises are a good way to stay fit and healthy. Everyday exercise for 15-30 minutes keeps the body trim and the mind alert. Exercises also improve blood circulation in the body, strengthen the heart and muscles and keep an individual alert and active throughout the day. Incorporating exercise into your life is easy to achieve and, believe it or not, can be fun too. Get started with: Denise Austin: Quick Burn Cardio Safe Strength Training for Osteoporosis Prevention Bob Anderson's Stretching (30th Anniversary Edition)




for IT Professionals

With the evolving technology and luxury, lifestyle and habits of human beings have undergone a sea change. Technological advances in various domains have reduced physical labor and made our lives a lot more sedentary compared to a decade earlier. A case in point is the life of IT professionals. IT professionals, due to the nature of their work, are confined to their seats from dawn to dusk and always operate in an air-conditioned office space with no access to natural air and sunlight. Long working hours coupled with extreme stress are some of the characteristics that describe the job of IT professionals. Owing to the sedentary lifestyle, IT professionals are at a high risk of becoming obese and developing a lot of physical and psychological health problems. Since their movement is largely restricted, they are more prone to muscular problems as the muscles lose their tenor and start sagging. Lack of physical exercise can lead to accumulation of body fats which subsequently causes a rise in cholesterol levels. In most cases this path will lead to obesity, with greater risk of a heart attack. There are means of using free time in the office. Practicing a few exercise techniques that would need no equipment or investment of money would be best to start with. Meditation is one of the best exercises, which IT professionals can adopt, as it connects the body and the mind at the same time. All that one need is a dark and

Meditation is one of the best exercises, which IT professionals can adopt, as it connects the body and the mind at the same time. silent room with a maximum time of 10 minutes. Stretching exercises for the hands, legs and neck can be practiced during meetings and discussions. Ample sleep is also crucial for IT professionals to keep up their mental fitness. Sleep is the only time when the brain and other parts of the body can rest and revitalize. While what kind of exercise is not important, it is mandatory that IT professionals indulge in exercises and sports of any kind on an everyday basis to stay fit and live a healthy and active life.

Sleekly Recommends: How to Meditate -A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind




While there are different forms of physical exercises that can be chosen to stay fit and healthy, there is another form of exercise that has gained a lot of popularity and acceptance among the general publicAerobics. Once considered a sport, Aerobics is now being used more as an exercise to keep up with the general fitness levels. People of all age groups ranging from the young to the old are learning and practicing this exercise form. The specialty of aerobics is that it combines two forms of physical exercises namely strength training and stretching. This technique improves flexibility and muscular strength apart from promoting cardio fitness. Aerobics has become a part of almost all professional fitness programs. Aerobics strengthens the heart and lungs and increase the general fitness level. These exercises also ends stress and fortify the body’s immune system, making the individual strong and resistant to a number of common medical problems such as cold, cough etc. For people who are more concerned with losing weight and looking trim, aerobics is the best way to do it. Research indicates that aerobics promotes natural weight loss as it is the only form of fitness technique that directly burns the body fat. Aerobics also help in regulating body cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the accumulation of fats. Aerobics is also the cure for another common medical problem called hypertension. Sleekly Recommends: Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism

Aerobics lowers the heart rate and reduces blood pressure when practiced regularly. Practicing aerobics regularly stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain killers, which help to cut anxiety, stress and feelings of depression. Aerobics also help in the control of mood swings. Though aerobic exercises help the individual in a number of ways, it is advisable to start slowly and increase the session time gradually for best results.

Want a more intense aerobics and step workouts? These are perfect additions: Aerobic Stepper Dumbbells (you want to choose that ones that weigh between one and three pounds) Research indicates that aerobics promotes natural weight loss as it is the only form of fitness technique that directly burns the body fat. Aerobics also help in regulating body cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the accumulation of fat.

Food and


People opt for exercises and other techniques to stay trim and fit. While some of them hit the gym. Other people would practice yoga, aerobics and other forms of fitness techniques that will cut down flab, increase body stamina and allow the person to stay fit and healthy. Seldom do we realize that the food we eat contributes a lot towards body fitness. If only people watch their diet, there is no other easy way for them to stay fit and healthy. Food and nutrition are equally important as exercise is in order to maintain a fit and healthy body. If the food intake lacks nutrition or if the food intake is not balanced, exercise will do no good to the human body. If food intake is not regular and balanced, it could lead to several disorders that subsequently will direct to a number of potential health problems. In a broad, level food and nutrition can be divided into five broad categories: PROTEIN Protein supply all necessary amino acids required to keep the body tissue hale and healthy FAT Fat is always related to obesity or as something that is detrimental to the human body. Fat is necessary for the human body to store and release energy. While excessive fat can cause obesity and debilitating health problems, lack of fats may lead to feelings of depression and vitamin deficiency. FIBER Fiber helps to regulate cholesterol levels in the body and give a number of digestive benefits. VITAMINS AND MINERALS These are essential to regulate body metabolism, maintain healthy cellular growth and functionality and to improve body fitness.

CARBOHYDRATES Carbs prevent hypoglycemia and weakness, when consumed in a regulated manner. By adhering to a balanced diet consisting of the above mentioned nutrients, individuals can maintain general fitness levels and stay fit, happy and healthy.

Food and nutrition are equally important as exercise is in order to maintain a fit and healthy body. If the food intake lacks nutrition or if the food intake is not balanced, exercise will do no good to the human body. Check out: A Beginner’s Guide to Nutrition for Losing Weight


FOR FITNESS Exercise and diet help individuals maintain a fit and healthy body. People often visit the gym or take up different exercise techniques with a view to stay trim, fit and healthy. When practiced regularly exercises help individuals to improve general fitness and stamina levels. But the disadvantage with exercises is that over a period of time, people experience boredom out of exercising. Doing the same exercises over and over for long periods of time create boredom and a sense of monotony for individuals. The latest trend being adopted to maintain fitness is known as ‘cross-training’. Cross-training refers to practicing different exercise techniques every day in order to keep away boredom and also to tone up different parts of the body. Cross-training produces an overall body conditioning thereby exercising the entire body instead of only a group of muscles. Also, by practicing different exercise forms individuals will be able to increase their skill, agility and flexibility. Cross—training eliminates or rather reduces injury and muscle tear that occurs when a particular set of muscles or body parts are used to perform a specific

exercise type. Technically these injuries are referred to as ‘overuse injuries’. Cross-training schedules include cardiovascular exercises, strength training exercises, sprinting, circuit training and also includes sports that are physically exhaustive in nature. Cross-training helps to reduce body fat and prevents obesity. It also improves blood circulation to various parts of the body, reduces obesity and improves physical strength and stamina. Hypertension is also under control when exercise is performed on a daily basis. Cross-training not only prevents the body from wear and tear but also offers overall health benefits for the body. While exercising is one of the ways of maintaining fitness levels, food also plays a major role. Hence, it is important to balance both food and exercises to have a fit and healthy body. Cross-training Essentials: Elliptical Trainer Cross-training Shoes



FOR FITNESS worlds – sports and cardiovascular exercise. Usually this program is conducted under the mentorship of experienced tennis professionals while the activity is a group activity with 8-10 players on the tennis court per session at any given time. Cardio Tennis provides the double benefit of toning the body and learning tennis at the same time. Some primary benefits of cardio tennis compared to a normal workout are that it is social – providing ways of meeting new people, it is entertaining and exciting, energizes the body, and the best of all, it is adaptable to people of all ages and all fitness levels. A typical 60-minute cardio tennis regimen will consist of the following steps: 1. A warm up session, for about 10-15 minutes, similar to the normal fitness workout programs, which includes activities such as tossing and catching skills, light hitting and drills. 2. Cardio provides benefits that are twofold – 1) to improve fitness and 2) to lose weight. Hence, this session is divided into zones with each zone catering to a specific goal. This session is designed to last for 30 -40 minutes and is a combination of drill-based and play-based activities.

Tennis is a game that requires a high level of fitness and energy. The game is very taxing and exhausting physically. In order to play a game of tennis, individuals need to be physically fit and need to have a high level of skill and flexibility. Similarly, there is something called ‘Cardio Tennis’ that is being used to promote fitness among individuals. Cardio Tennis is a high energy group fitness activity that can be taken up by individuals of all age groups. It usually combines the best of both

3. A cool down session brings heart rates to normal levels and provide fun for exhausted individuals. Individuals, who practice cardio tennis, walk back home happy enjoying the game and satisfied of having completed their daily fitness regimen. Sleekly Recommends: Senior Tennis: Strokes, Strategies, Rules and Remedies Find womens tennis apparel from Athleta and enjoy comfortable style and durable design >>


Through Everyday Activities Taking your dog on a power walk is a great type of aerobic exercise that will benefit not only his health, but yours as well.

When we talk about fitness the immediate thought that most people have is that of hitting a gym and burning those extra calories that have been accumulated over a period of time. But if we put in a little more thought, there is another very easy and definite way to improve body fitness levels and stay healthy. Wondering what that magic technique is? It is nothing but fitness through everyday chores. Are you wondering if it is really possible? Absolutely Yes!! Everyday household chores can do a lot of good for the human body. That is specifically one of the reasons why women, who are housewives, are always fit and trim. Everyday activities can be used as an effective means to maintain general fitness of the body and the mind. Fitness through household chores is a double whammy as it saves on the valuable dollars for the gym fee, and at the same time helps to complete all the pending jobs back at home. Yard work or gardening is a good way of burning calories. Studies indicate that doing yard work for 20 minutes every day will help in burning approximately

about 300 calories. Yard work may include digging, weeding, sweeping and washing a car. Cleaning the house for about 30 minutes helps in burning about 200 calories while making beds helps in burning about 125 calories. Shopping, which can be fun for some, can also be used to improve fitness levels. Research indicates that people who carry heavy shopping bags, for half an hour, will burn about 200 calories. Other regular chores like walking the dogs twice a day, climbing a fleet of stairs, painting, decorating the house, vacuuming and dusting the house and ironing clothes, for the duration of half an hour, will help in burning roughly about 200 calories. Most of the activities mentioned above are accomplished even without the consciousness that these are all fitness boosting techniques. It is pretty clear that just by attending to our daily chores regularly, we can be fit and trim off unwanted pounds.

Health Benefits of Drinking


In the last few years, green tea has become an extremely popular drink around the world. The major reason for its popularity is that it is amazingly beneficial for your health. I would say that if you are not drinking a cup a day, you are missing out a big opportunity leading you towards a healthier life. Let’s talk about the top 5 health-related reasons to drink tea on a regular basis. 1. Cures Cancer: It helps to cure cancer and also reduce the risks of introducing cancer cells in the body. Green Tea is an antioxidant agent, which, according to research is 95 times more effective than vitamin-C and 30 times better than vitamin-E. That is how it protects your cells from damaging. 2. Cures Heart Disease: It also helps in lowering the cholesterol level, which automatically prevents heartrelated problems. Even if you had experienced a stroke, green tea speeds up the recovery process and prevents the cell deaths. 3. Anti-aging: There is an antioxidant known as Polyphenols, which works against aging. Green tea is one of those natural elements which contain the

highest amount of Polyphenols. It is a common fact that green tea is anti-aging. Nowadays people spend big bucks just to buy those creams that claim to contain this plant. So why not drink it instead of applying it on your face? A glass of green tea would surely be a better choice than a tube of cream. 4. Helps in Losing Weight: Now this is one of the biggest reasons behind the usage of this item. There are millions of people around the globe worried about their weight and looking up for tips to reduce it. Fortunately, green tea is a good choice. It boosts up your metabolism rate naturally and also burns unwanted fat from your body. According to a research, by just drinking a cup could burn up to 85 calories a day. That is about 8 pounds within 1 year. If you find it difficult to work out, just enjoy 2 cups a day to reduce 16 pounds after 1 year. 5. Good For Your Skin: I have already discussed about the antiaging benefit of drinking green tea. Categorized under Skin-Care, Anti-aging is not the only benefit, there is a lot more. It also removes wrinkles and protects your skin against sun rays and dust. Any unwanted fat or a bad hygiene could cause skin issues, but this magical tea purifies those types of fat and helps your skin. Now you know the top 5 benefits so it is better to use this natural element to overcome a lot of issues instead of wasting your money buying non-trusted products. Keep yourself away from all those weight loss supplements and overcome your worries while enjoying a sip of hot, refreshing green tea. Coffee, Tea, or Yerba Mate for Weight Loss?


Get in Shape the Sexy Way



for Quick Weight Loss LESSONS ONLINE - Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise

It's a great way to learn how to feel sexy, but it can be an embarrassing process if done in front of other people because the bottom line is, you just don't know how to do it... Yet!

The online pole dancing lesson is a great way to learn how to pole dance when there is no pole dancing classes in your area or you simply can't go to classes due to things like your time schedule. Learning to pole dance in the comfort of your own home is in some ways better than taking a class because you can go at your own pace as your fitness levels allow. You are not intimidated or pushed to move forward based on what everyone else in class can do. Also, if you are worried that you won't be strong enough to take the pole, then taking online pole dancing lessons at home can help prepare your muscles for dancing in a mainstream class. When you first learn to dance, it can be really challenging, especially if you need to lose weight. Gripping the pole and holding your own body weight up to execute a move is rather difficult at first. It can be embarrassing if you are in class and find that you can't do even the most basic move because you can't hold your own body weight up nor even does one pull up. It is common for most women not able to do one pull up when they first come to class, but that doesn't solve how you feel when there are others in your class who can. The incident will leave you feeling aggravated, defeated, and worse... Like you want to quit! And you don't want to do that, this is a fun workout!!! Learning to pole dance at home through online pole dance lessons gives you complete emotional support. You can practice gripping the pole and doing pull ups to build your physical strength in your own time frame in the privacy of your home. This also allows you to play with the idea of dancing and feeling sexy in privacy. You see, most women want to feel sexy but don't know how.

Online pole dancing lesson is like having your own private lesson! So how do you know what pole lessons are right for you? Easy! First, decide what you would like to get out of pole dancing. Do you want to get the body of a dancer? Do you just want to get in better shape? If you want to get in shape, then how far do you want to take that? Do you want to go pro or just have fun in your house for a good workout? Once you understand what you need, then you can pick good lessons that work best for you. Regardless of what your reasons are, you will always need to start with the nitty-gritty as a beginner. Basics include learning how to properly execute pole spins, floor work, different poses, and dance with elegant flow. When you are a beginner, it is best to find a teacher who is well rounded in helping you with all of those things that you are required to learn. Many women have lost weight pole dancing and got in the best shape of their lives. They didn't let extra pounds stop them. This is an excellent way, especially for mom's, to rebuild muscles, get toned, and learn to feel and be sexy, which will help you put the fire back in your life, by the way! You can get a home kit that includes a good sturdy dance pole, free online pole dancing lessons, and grip powder which is everything you need to get started at home today! Sleekly Recommends: No ceiling fixtures required - Pole Dancing Kit



Find out How to


SUCCESSFULLY Tip 3: Don't purchase pills Companies have somehow succeeded in making people believe that their issues may be cured with special pills. Some of them do work at first, but the problem is once you stop taking the pills, your loss weight typically comes back. Depicted below are some tips that will assist you in losing weight safely: Tip 4: Look closely at labels If you choose to attempt to eat different foods, then you should look carefully at the label before leaving the shop with the item. Some segments of the label that you should focus on is the ingredients and the Calories section.

Nearly everybody wants to lose weight. However, people often do not know how to do it without hurting their body. If you're thinking of starting a crazy diet, getting a lifethreatening surgery or taking magic weight loss pills, you must should read this article first. Tip 1: Exercise 3 times a week Try to utilize weights in your workout and do some ab workouts daily. The great thing about lifting weights is that it will assist you in losing weight while building muscle at the same time. You will be on your way to getting the 6 pack you crave if you can exercise as much as possible. Tip 2: Stay Hydrated with water You can fool your body into believing that it is full by drinking lots of H2O. Drink water as much as possible, it will aid your body work efficiently and it contains zero calories. It's comical but some people can confuse their hunger pangs while they are actually thirsty. These individuals need to stay hydrated to prevent any mix-ups from occurring.

Tip 5: Eat Small Portion Sizes Most individuals don't realize that the amount and proportion they eat for lunch out-sized their appropriate daily intake. The regular American eats twice as much as their body requires every day. These persons are already full yet, they still push themselves to finish their whole plate. Instead of eating a huge meal 3 times a day, which will take a long time to digest, eat tiny meals. This will speed up your metabolism and help you in safely dropping weight faster. Tip 6: See Your Physician If you really want to lose some weight the right way, then you should see your physician regularly. Your physician can help make sure your diet plan is the right one for you. More importantly, a physician can ensure your weight-loss plan is not putting you at further health risk. A physician can help you understand and monitor: 1) How much weight you want or need to lose; 2) The optimal diet and exercise program for you; 3) Whether medication or surgery should be part of your plan; and 4) Health issues that may come up as you are dieting.

Your physician can help make sure your diet plan is the right one for you. More importantly, a physician can ensure your weight-loss plan is not putting you at further health risk. Read more weight loss and other wellness tips here on Sleekly

CHRISTMAS GIFTS for Fitness Fanatics

As Christmas approaches, you are probably starting to think about shopping for presents. This year I dare you to mix it up a little. Instead of shopping for the gifts you see plastered all over the TV, go get some fitness gifts. Fitness-themed presents are a really thoughtful gift that can also give someone a gentle nudge to start exercising in the New Year. Here are my top 5 Christmas fitness gifts for you to consider. #1 ADDICTABALL The Addictaball is a cool Christmas present that focuses on mental fitness rather than physical fitness. It's basically a 3D maze in a ball and as the name suggests it is very addictive but also very difficult. So if you fancy giving someone a mental workout over the festive period, this is the perfect gift. #2 CROSS TRAINER The cross trainer is a brilliant Christmas fitness gift for someone who wants to start training next year, but would prefer to do it within the comfort of their own home. The best thing about cross trainers is that their price has dropped significantly. Just $150 will now get you a good quality cross trainer. #3 PROTEIN POWDER This is strictly for the fitness buffs, but if you know someone who goes to the gym a lot, protein powder is the perfect fitness gift for them. It's pretty cheap and will help them stock up on protein for the New Year.

The gift of fitness is something that you can give to virtually everybody on your shopping list -- from your parents, to your spouse, a friend, your siblings, an employee or coworker, even your children.

#4 SMARTSHAKE ADVANCED SHAKER CUP This is another cool Christmas present for gym junkies. It's similar to a standard protein shaker, but it has 2 added benefits. First, it can handle both hot and cold drinks. Secondly, it has 2 extra compartments that can be used to store extra portions of supplements. If you're not into supplements then you probably won't see what all the fuss is about, but trust me having all your supplements in 1 container is a big time and space saver. #5 ITRANSFORM If you have friends or relatives who keep saying they don't have time to exercise, then the iTransform Fitness System is perfect for them. Shop 'em: Perplexus (Maze Game) Cross Trainer Protein Powder Smartshake Advanced Shaker Cup iTransform

Tools to Jump-Start YOUR HOME WORKOUT

...Working out at home doesn't require you to have all the big equipment you see in the gym. You'll just need some basic tools to perform your daily routines.

While many fitness enthusiasts would go to the gym for workouts, many would still prefer to have their personal training from home. Busy businessmen and working moms would love to stay and relax at home after a hard day's work. Though driving to a gym is easy, these people might find no time to do it. Many opt to do their personal training from home to maintain their health and physical fitness. With the advent of home personal trainings, there are also a lot of questions being raised as to the type of equipment that people should have at home. Should they buy a treadmill, stationary bike, or other gym equipment just so they could workout at home? Well, the good news is, they don't have to. Working out at home doesn't require you to have all the big equipment you see in the gym. You'll just need some basic tools to perform your daily routines. YOGA MAT Many of the exercises done at home are floor exercises. This mat is not only used for yoga, but also for warm-up exercises, stretching exercises and floor exercises as well. Though you can perform some exercises without it, the comfort that it gives you during your routine helps you do your exercises well. You get to avoid unnecessary joint and back pains if you have this tool with you. With a yoga mat, you can do pushups, crunches and other exercises without undue muscle strain.

Gaiam Print Yoga Mats ($10.99 $90.00)

RESISTANCE BANDS If you want to tone your arms, build your shoulders up, or to work your back out, a resistance band is a must-have. Resistance bands are like weights that provide pressure to your muscles, thus increasing your muscles' workload. The longer the band, the less tension it produces. If you want to increase the tension, all you have to do is to fold the band. The number of folds depends upon the level of tension that you can handle. The great advantage of resistance bands is that it is easy to use and very handy. You can store and bring it anywhere!

Ripcords Resistance Bands Kit (from $29.99)


Coming in different weights and colors, you can tone your arms with these tools. Women can start with the lowest weight or the 3 pounds, while men can start at heavier weights, like 10 lbs. The heavier it is, the more challenge it gives to your muscles. You can use one dumbbell at a time, like in curls, or you can use both at the same time, just like in squats. Dumbbells can be used in various exercises, like squats, curls, and shoulder presses.

SPRI Deluxe Vinyl Dumbbells ($8.98 - $61.78)


How to Buy


SUPPLEMENTS Buyers of workout supplements who shop online has one distinct disadvantage - they did not get the chance to hold the product and inspect it up close until it has already been paid and delivered to their address. For this reason, being extremely cautious about your purchases is necessary. When buying supplements online, you have to consider these pointers so you can make the best decision. 1. Do not be gullible. First and foremost, do not be gullible when it comes to product claims. It is a reality that health supplement industry is a huge one and so it simply follows that a lot of companies and manufacturers in the business are doing their best to entice buyers. Some of them will make outrageous claims so you will spend your money on them. If an offer sounds too good to be true, do some research first, before purchasing anything over the internet. 2. Get information about product recalls. Another thing you should look into is the fact that some products are actually not allowed in certain countries. One of the main reasons consists of those products containing ingredients with side effects and manufacturer’s failure to follow standards set by assigning government organizations. Take the time to

find details about recalled products in your area or you can refer to the news to get information about this. 3. Read reviews. In this day and age, digging additional details about various products and manufacturers is super easy. You only need to turn to the web in order to find reviews posted by others. The opinions of past buyers are significant, especially if you want to determine which workout supplements are most effective among the many available choices in the market. In the same way, these reviews can be great sources of valuable insight regarding which retailers find most reliable. Read the posts carefully and you will know which supplement sellers deliver on time and charge inexpensively for shipping. 4. Consult with the experts. Last but not the least, make it a point to speak with your coach, personal trainer and doctor. Those who often and regularly workout have different bodily requirements than those who do not. This is the main reason why you should choose the right supplements to use on a regular basis. You will experience a huge difference if you get to buy and use the best supplements that meet your unique needs.

Meditation simply means to focus on one specific thing with all your energy: mental, physical and emotional.

This is why meditation is brilliant for those struggling with attention difficulties (e.g. ADD, ADHD). Kids love meditating too. And it is a good thing that the kids enjoy it for mediation teach and train the kids’ ability to concentrate. Who is Meditation For?

Why Do People

MEDITATE? What many people do not realize is that the mind, like a muscle, can be trained. Just as we train a muscle by exercising it, we can train the mind to balance both the left and right sides of the brain, increasing our ability to be calm, to concentrate, to feel good and to be creative. What Helps? A most effective tool for this is meditation. It used to take years of discipline to achieve the meditative states of mind where real relaxation or health benefits occur. Now, thanks to the latest advanced audio technology, all you have to do is put on a pair of headphones and press play and you can literally re-train your brain from a stressful anxious state to a calm, peaceful one, where you are focused and naturally able to perform at your best. What is Meditation? Now before you dismiss meditation as some new age mumbo jumbo, be aware that whether we realize it or not, everyone meditates in some way or another. Meditation simply means to focus on one specific thing with all your energy: mental, physical and emotional. So we see it that some people meditate on money, others on cars or their house whilst some choose to focus on their partner, spouse or children.

Meditation is for anyone looking to harness their true potential. Fortune 500 executives use meditation to improve their problem-solving ability. Members of the military use it to keep their senses sharp. Students use it to improve their focus and concentration while studying. Athletes use it to enter the state of Peak Performance, or "The Zone", at will. Mothers have found it improves their ability to connect with their spouse and children. Children have found it greatly reduces ADD, ADHD symptoms. What are the Benefits? People around the world have managed to: Decrease Stress / Anxiety Break Free from Insecurities & Obsessive Thoughts Rejuvenate Self Confidence and Creativity Relieve Feelings Of Depression Improve Concentration & Focus Alleviate the Symptoms of ADD and ADHD Increase Motivation Ease Addictive Tendencies Improve Their Experience of Relationships Dissolve Sleep Problems Alleviate Panic Attacks In short, meditation can be done through its natural way to improve a person's health, outlook and quality of life. How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind

The Ultimate



Hiring personal trainers, when starting a workout program, helps you in achieving your goals for a stronger muscles and a physically fit body. Personal trainers motivate you to work hard on each routine, give you advice on how to properly execute your exercises and even help you out in planning your meals. But since not everyone can hire a personal trainer, some people opt to have personal training from home and do everything on their ownincluding the fitness program that they are going to follow and their schedule. For people who have already tried doing this before may find the job easy, but beginners may find this difficult. Here are some workout guidelines that beginners should consider when planning to have personal training from home: Know Your Strength and Your Limitations Before starting any activity, even in the usual activities that you do, it is important to assess your abilities. Knowing your strength and your limitations or weaknesses help you determine which exercises are appropriate and which are not. But knowing your weaknesses should not stop you from doing something that you think you can't do. Though you might not be able to do it at the start of your program, you will definitely develop the skills that you need to finally overcome your weaknesses. To assess your strengths and limitations, get a baseline data by doing some preliminary exercises. If you want to test your cardiovascular status, get your pulse rate after walking one (1) kilometer. If at the end of the program your pulse rate goes down, this means that your program is working. To test your flexibility, measure your reach. You can do this by sitting on the floor with your legs apart and slowly bend forward with your arms outstretched. Mark the spot your arm touches and measure the distance from your hips to this spot. Set Your Goals and Plan your Routine Now that you have already identified your strengths and weaknesses, you can now set your goals. Do you want to lose weight? How much weight do you want to lose? Do you want to

For beginners, your exercise options are numerous, including walking, dancing, gardening, biking -even doing household chores. The important thing is to choose activities you enjoy. That will increase your chances of making it a habit.

build your arm and abdominal muscles? How do you intend to do this? Make sure that your goals and activities are designed according your strengths and that they intend to improve your weaknesses. Set your own schedule so that you won't be pressured into doing your routines and it is important that you plan the duration of each activity. This helps you create a balanced routine and help you prevent undue strain and fatigue. Prepare Your Tools and Start Your Routine This is the most exciting part of your fitness program. Prepare the tools that you would need in accordance to your planned activities. If you plan to do arm exercises, you can get a pair of dumbbells with the right weight. Don't choose too light or too heavy equipment. Too heavy equipment can produce muscle strain while too light won't help you achieve your desired outcome. After preparing your tools, you can now proceed with the real action! Do each exercise properly and do them as you have planned. Keep Going As you continue your fitness program, it is important that you monitor your progress. This is where baseline data come in. Compare your actual parameters to your baseline and determine whether you need to change your routine or improve on it. Personal training from home needs constant planning, execution and evaluation. You should not stop from doing your routines, but it is important that you evaluate each of them once in a while to determine whether you have improved on your strengths and weaknesses or not.

Sleekly Recommends: 10,000 Steps a Day to a Better You (Pedometer Set)


POTATOES & HEALTH Potatoes and sweet potatoes are versatile and very healthy. Followers of low-carb diets, however, give regular potatoes a bad rap. They are not exactly good for you when dropped into a deep fryer, but potatoes are packed with important and powerful nutrients. As follows: FIBER The fiber contributes in making the body feel fuller for a longer period. It is also helpful in preventing constipation caused by the lack of it. Consuming potatoes with the skin on have more fiber compared to eating the potatoes peeled. However, it is advised to ensure that potato skins are not discolored or marked before consuming it, as it can cause illness if taken in large amounts. VITAMIN B B vitamins, as stated in previous articles, are important for various functions including taking care of cell membranes in the body. In particular, potatoes contain folate, which is needed for cell growth and development. MINERAL POTASSIUM Minerals, as stated previously, are important for the functioning of the hormones. They contain mineral potassium, which transmits nerve impulses, and regulates blood pressure. VITAMIN C This is needed for healthy gums, teeth, muscles and bones. It can also help to fight certain colds and flu. Potatoes contain the most vitamin C out of all the foods from the carbohydrate family. Potatoes can hold up to one eighth of the adult requirement. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat, therefore it does break down during cooking, however, in the case of potatoes, some of the vitamin C is retained during the cooking process. BETA-CAROTENE A sweet potato’s orange color comes from beta-carotene: the darker the hue, the higher the content. Like other carotenoids, beta-carotene turns on a gene that encourages our cells to communicate. While normal cells “listen” to their neighbors, cancer cells don’t communicate, and act on their own. Studies at the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii found that encouraging cells to “talk” allows normal cells to send growth-inhibiting signals to abnormal ones.

A sweet potato’s orange colour comes from beta-carotene: the darker the hue, the higher the content. Holiday Recipe: Apple Butter Sweet Potatoes Why should you love your potatoes more? THEY ARE LESS SALTY The recommended daily intake of salt is only 6 grams a day. This is equivalent to a teaspoon. Higher intakes of salt are linked to an increased likelihood of having high blood pressure and heart disease THEY ARE GLUTEN FREE A minority of people Worldwide are not able to tolerate gluten. This is a protein found in wheat and rye. Common foods like bread, pasta and certain breakfast cereals are restricted. Potatoes are gluten free so can be consumed by any person.

Wheat-Free Living - Is Gluten Free Lifestyle for you?

Saving the


OVER-EATING Unfortunately, we live in an age where magazines and other forms of media regularly promote "miracle" diets and young women (and increasingly men) often feel pressured into feeling unhappy about their bodies. Not only are diets largely ineffective, but there are serious physical and psychological health issues around dieting.

like an alcoholic who wants to drink to drown his sorrows, people tend to overeat for a number of reasons. It can be the subconscious mind's way of dealing with bottled up emotions which have not been dealt with properly or it could be a way of dealing with stress, boredom or some discomfort in life. I have found that people overeat for a multitude of grounds.

The flaws of dieting are well documented, yet many people still try them again and again and get into a vicious and unhealthy cycle. They seem to be desperate to lose the weight and prepared to take a chance on another type of diet in the hope that the results will be different from the last one. Some people will go to a local weight management club, because they say it keeps them motivated and / or they know that they will feel ashamed if they put weight on at the weekly weigh in. I would argue that motivation needs to come from within for it to be effective long term. People tend to lose weight for a while using this method, then the weight comes back on again and they may even find themselves heavier than before. Other people go to a medical doctor or to "health" food stores and receive slimming pills (with all the associated side effects) and

Many clients who have seen me with the goal of weight reduction have been quite surprised to learn how deep overeating was associated and linked to so many emotional problems and some have gained so much by being able to finally deal with their bottled up emotions. They are surprised to find out that having a healthy weight and staying there was much easier than they had expected. again, they lose weight for a while, but then the weight comes back which can lead to all kinds of negative emotions. What is the solution then? The mass media and public health bodies in most countries, only played lip service to the psychological aspect of people who are overweight and this is the crux of the problem. Perhaps there is a lack of sympathy or understanding in society for people who have a tendency to overeat. Overeating is a symptom, not a cause! Just

Sleekly Recommends: The Binge Eating and Compulsive Overeating Workbook - An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating

Overeating is a symptom, not the cause! Just like an alcoholic may drink to drown his sorrows, people tend to overeat for a number of reasons. It can be the subconscious mind's way of dealing with bottled up emotions...

Easy to Follow




Most people gain weight during Christmas. The never ending parties, reunions and other engagements will give you so much opportunity to eat much food. That is why most health buff avoid putting on too much weight over the Christmas period. Here are a number of measures that you can do to avoid gaining some pounds this upcoming season. Tip #1 Cooking and eating the turkey Eat plenty of roast turkey. Turkey is one of the healthiest white meats; it's incredibly low in fat and calories, yet exceptionally high in healthy protein.It's not the turkey that makes you gain weight, it's all the snacks and binges that pile up on top, but Christmas dinner is a particularly all-round healthy meal. If you avoid the skin and smothering it with butter before roasting, a slice of turkey breast on average contains 150 calories and 2g of fat, whereas a slice of red meat would be roughly 170 calories and 6g of fat.With plenty of zinc and nutrients that will help you sustain a healthy immune system, try not to include a ready-made stuffing with a lob of butter, but instead make your own low calorie stuffing with chopped chestnuts that contain approximately 2.5g of fat per 100g to that of sausage meat which contains 32g per 100g. Tip #2 Cooking and eating the vegetables Brussels sprouts, carrots, red cabbage, Swede, cauliflower - all the traditional Christmas vegetables are fantastic for maintaining a low calorie, rich nutrient, vitamin and mineral diet. Ideally steamed, again avoid coating them with butter and less fat if you're roasting the spuds or parsnips. Using spray oil is one way to keep down how much oil you use, especially when coating the turkey and the onions. And when making the gravy from the vegetable and turkey stock, be sure to drain off the fat. Tip #3 Change up your traditional bacon roll recipe Just briefly, while real sausages coated in bacon are sumptuous, again if you want to cut the fat content out by more than half, then you can use lean bacon and coat them round low fat chipolata sausages.

...Go easy on the condiments; this is where the calories add up. Tip #4 Be wary of condiments Go easy on the condiments; this is where the calories add up. Cranberry sauce, white sauce and bread puddings are notoriously calorie packed with little else. If you feel you can't do without them, try to keep the portions small, and the same goes for Christmas pud. An average 100g serving will contain a staggering 340 calories and around 12g of fat. Custard also contains more calories than brandy butter and cream, and a dollop of skimmed cream won't shave off too much to make a difference to your Christmas dieting plan, so try to opt for something a little less fat binding. Tip #5 Watering the drinks Alcohol is part and parcel of celebrating Christmas, and even if you're not a fan, you'll find it's easier just to have the odd glass and make it last. That's where mixing a white wine with soda or diet lemonade will halve the calories and last twice as long. On average even a half bottle of red or dry white wine will make up about 250 calories. Alcoholic carbonated flavored drinks are also lethal in this department. Laden with calories, they score as one of the highest in the alcohol chart per serving, along with gin and tonic and syrupy cocktails.

Holiday Recipes Tweaked for a Healthier, Happier Christmas Dinner


ADVANTAGES of Wheatgrass Powder This type of green superfood powder is possibly most commonly recommended for its pure healthy protein levels, e.g. Amino Acids. They consist of: Alanine, Amide, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine 8, Glutamine acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Proline, Purines, Senne, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine and lastly Valine. All important components for muscular tissue function and repair.

First of all, it is very important to review the facts concerning wheatgrass and what exactly is its nutritional worth. Wheatgrass powder consists of Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Amino Acids, Antioxidants. It is however a lot more fascinating to simplify a little further. As an example, the real multivitamins in wheatgrass powder are: Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12, then there are Vitamins C, E and K, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pyroxidine, Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Folic Acid, Choline, Carbates and Biotin. Already it seems like the individual consuming this is gaining from what is effectively a multivitamin. Now if that’s for the multivitamin component, then what minerals does it include?, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Sulfur, Zinc, Iodine, Cobalt, Selenium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sodium and over seventy other trace elements. Not all wheatgrass powder features enzymes. Relying on how it is processed is the secret. Dehydrated Whole leaf wheat grass features the organic juice and fiber discovered in wheatgrass. The enzymes kept in this situation help cleanse the blood, help utilize body fat to raise energy levels and motivates the physical body's own digestive processes to operate at an optimal level.

Antioxidants play a vital part in the body's potential to remain young. If our bodies become too oxidized, the cells can become damaged and might cause health and wellness issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, muscular degeneration and so on. The boosted advantages of wheatgrass powder are higher volumes of anti-oxidants allowing for, improved skin and nails, the blood is purified even more conveniently by the body, helps maintain healthy and balanced arteries, better gums, memory recall is improved, helps protect the joints and cells from Arthritis and reduces fatigue. In the early days, wheatgrass powder is used as a medicine to aid an individual to recover from an ailment. Aside from that wheatgrass is also an excellent food supplement. It is proven to be a great nutritional support despite how unbalanced the diet a person is. Though there is a minute problem as to its flavor, yet the cardboard like flavor of wheatgrass can conveniently be masked if taken with your favorite juice or smoothie. Naturally, we all have to make every effort to remain healthier and using wheatgrass is a great choice to ensure good nourishment. A random problem is the flavor. It tastes a bit like cardboard if you mix it with just water, yet is conveniently masked if taken with juice or a smoothie.

Sleekly Recommends: Amazing Grass Organic Wheat Grass Powder


Lose Weight After Christmas


Many people will be making a new year's resolution and one of the most common declarations is to lose weight after Christmas. We (yes, myself included) are probably all guilty of overindulging in this time of the year, and most of us want to lose weight fast after Christmas. The big question is how do you do it fast?

fun, imagine your exercise as involving putting on your favorite dance music and dancing away your pounds in the privacy of your own home, or maybe you love walking the dog. Walking is one of the best and easiest exercise for you, and it is completely free.

There are many ways to lose weight fast, but most of the quick weight loss diets are not beneficial long term. Quick weight losing programs do not last that long and are not very effective.

If you are determined to lose weight after Christmas, here are a few helpful tips:

Anyone who's a diet fanatic will know how "yo yo" dieting works , and honestly, it is not good for you or your body. The best way to diet and lose the weight after Christmas is to follow a well-structured diet program that includes a plan to achieving and maintaining the weight loss goal for good. This does not mean that you will be on a diet for the rest of your life or that you will never be able to eat chocolate again. A healthy and natural diet program will re-educate your body into recognizing and enjoying natural and healthy food. By doing this, you can in moderation, enjoy some of the not so healthy options occasionally as a treat. There are a lot of diet programs that can help you achieve your goal, but you need to concentrate on finding one that incorporates natural healthy eating, an exercise program, and a weight loss maintenance program to reach your desired weight loss goal. Do not be anxious about the word exercise as this does not have to mean sweating it out at the gym 3 days per week. Exercise can be

Find a friend or other family member that also wants to lose weight. Losing weight together means you can offer support to each other if you are feeling a bit demotivated. Find a program that suites your lifestyle and family commitments. Find a program that offers some form of weight loss maintenance guide. Always include exercise in your diet program. It will help you shed those pounds quickly! Get your friends and family help you with your weight loss. Most importantly, have fun, dieting does not have to mean boring meals and all low fat foods.

Kick-start your weight loss with: iTransform: How to go from Flab to Fit in as little as 10 Minutes a day 10,000 Steps a Day to a Better You

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