Hamza Mansaray-Candidature for Secretary General-Executive Term 2021/2022

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Motivation Dear Slemsians, As the saying goes ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’.. This quote clearly explains my leadership journey in this association. I believe anyone who have been following SCOPE activities will attest to the fact that I inherited a standing committee that barely has representation on Standing committee session in General Assemblies , not to talk of being considered the best amongst other active standing committees. I have been working diligently to build a team of exchange enthusiasts and a sustainable workforce that will continue to protect the legacy of our standing committee. In my years of Serving in positions like the Assistant National Exchange Officer and most recently the National Exchange Officer of SCOPE, I have gained an enviable amount of experience, exposure and leadership skill set to carry out any leadership role in Slemsa. As a standing committee director, I have played numerous role in impacting change within my standing committee and at general membership levels in areas of external recognition through partnering with government sectors and agencies, community outreach programs through advocacy and campaigns such as the Ecosystem Restoration Campaigns including the SCOPE Beach Cleaning Exercise. The relationship established through partnering with these sectors landed us invitations to National functions which has capacitated our members on topics like domestic tourism and messaging, environmental protection and the Transform Freetown agenda by the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Environment and Freetown City Council respectively. I have also been able to contribute immensely in maintaining good classroom hygiene as a way of promoting a clean healthy learning environment through class to class Dustin distribution. And it Is with great pride that I mention the recognition we gained at IFMSA level from organizing these events. Also to a greater extent, I was able to create a platform for cultural social programs that will educate medical students about Sierra Leonean culture and heritage, which was achieved by organizing a National Museum and Monument Park tour. Through hard work and dedication to the aims and objectives of SCOPE, I have also been able to reach out to other IFMSA member organizations as a way of promoting our exchanges within the region and IFMSA at large. These efforts landed us several opportunities such as taking part in an exchange fair organized by Danem Brazil amongst many other events to be organized in the remaining months of the 2022/2023 exchange season. My previous position gave me a platform to create meaningful relationship with National Exchange Officers around the world and with my fellow Slemsians in creating impact amidst the difficulties we face as medical students. Having a first hand experience about the struggles of Slemsa, my vision is to create a platform for every SLEMSian to fully express their thoughts , participate in every event without a fear of discrimination or sentiment. I will promote a unified agenda to deal with our internal interests in achieving each plan of action by the end of each term whilst building the capacity of the NEXT GENERATION of slemsians as a solid foundation to their future leadership endeavors. Without any iota of doubt, I have gained access to various opportunities to serve and improve on my abilities to becoming the administrative head of our association whilst meeting the expectation of every Slemsian by impacting the necessary changes needed across board. ‘‘It has worked for SCOPE and it will surely do for SLEMSA’’

Yours sincerely,

Hamza Mansaray

Plan Of Action CAPACITY BUILDING Graduation from medical school will continually take most of the experience slemsians away from the team of officials work force. Capacitating colleagues from the lower classes will serve as a manner of sustaining the level of experience needed to push forward with the many activities of Slemsa thereby protecting the legacy of our association . I wish to achieve this by : 1. Organizing different forms of leadership training sessions for our members 2. Developing a SDG 2030 focus platform for slemsians to be involved in advocating for youth involvement in national policy making. 3. Creating series of small working groups that will be charged with various responsibilities to facilitate SLEMSA projects which will aid in the development of their project management skills 4. Giving opportunities to skilled SLEMSians to showcase their innovative ideas by creating a platform such as Capacity building festivals for learning and sharing knowledge. 5. Introducing an open space discussion event format at standing committee levels to allow members to fully express their view on various topics. 6. Appointing Liaison officers to serve as a bridge of communication between the Executive board and our partners 7. Focusing our attention on facilitating medical education and exchange programs which will enable members to learn from other perspectives while giving them a space for networking and knowledge sharing. 8. Capacitate members on strategy development, building the foundation for leadership continuity and proper execution of plans.

Plan Of Action EXTERNAL AFFAIRS By Building a stronger network with externals, We will be able to give each team of official, Liaison Officers / Student representatives and the general membership an easy access to opportunities and more preferable a platform for partnership , advocacy and collaboration. My Target will be : 1. Establishing a relationship with IFMSA partners’ country offices including UN,WHO, NGOs and other government sectors. Thereby signing MOUs where necessary. 2. Making links to various IFMSA opportunities readily available to the general membership. encouraging our members to submit application for such opportunities will enhance our presence in both the regional and general IFMSA space. 3. Our activities cut across most health topics , through our standing committees we will be able to establish strategic partnership with stakeholders that share similar vision with ours in healthcare and human right advocacy. 4. To ensure we enroll as many activities as possible in the IFMSA database 5. Establishing exchange partnership with neighboring NMOs which will bring cost effectiveness within exchange programs. 6. Collaborating with other student association within our NMO especially our sister associations like NAPS , SLeNSA e.t.c…

Plan Of Action FINANCE Financial stability is one of the most fundamental aspect of a successful executive term. After serving in the capacity to secure funds and manage standing committee activities, I came to realize the importance of efficient financial management practices.. Meanwhile, this aspect for so many years has been one of the most underrated areas of consideration for executive members and standing committee directors . I am willing to work hand in gloves with the elected treasurer in contributing to the implementation of Professionalize fundraising with fundraising strategies which when implemented as part of our plans of action will create a significant impact.

Plan Of Action NMO PRIORITIES Putting our Medical Students’ Association before anything else is an extremely important move to make. My goal is to get rid of vocabularies like segregation, sentiment and discrimination within the association. We have the power to make a change as the only medical student association in the country. We should be proud to use that at our own advantage to do the needful. Over the years our membership interest towards the activities of the association has declined drastically, I wish to revive the good energy of unity and support amongst all by implementing the following NEXT GENERATION Strategies. 1. First of all Acknowledging the impact and achievements of our members towards the association through awards and certification including the best standing committee and innovative Slemsian of the year awards which will enhance individual interest in the work towards making Slemsa great again. 2. Secondly engaging our members in advocacy projects and activities whilst putting teamwork and good leadership in the frontline. 3. Internal inclusiveness and Strategic implementation of each plan of action at the same time building a sustainable Standing committee – Executive board support system. Whilst most impactfully collaborating with the rest of the team of officials to ensure we achieve our individual goals.

Curriculum Vitae EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Islamic primary school { 2002 – 2008 } Koidu Secondary School { 2008 – 2011 } Saint Edwards Secondary School { 2011 – 2015 } College of Medicine and Allied health Sciences { 2016 – present }

NMO WORKING EXPERIENCE National Exchange Officer { 2020/2021 } Assistant National Exchange Officer { 2019/2020 } Volunteer white coat ceremony {2020} Director of Protocol { NGA 2019 }


HAMZA MANSARAY Nationality: Sierra Leonean Date of Birth : 9th September 1996 Place of Birth: Kono District


6th SLEMSA NGA { 2021 ) 5th SLEMSA NGA { 2019 } 4th SLEMSA NGA { 2018 } 3rd SLEMSA NGA { 2017 } 2nd SLEMSA NGA { 2016 } August Meeting OGA { 2020 } online African Regional meeting {2020} March Meeting OGA { 2021} August Meeting OGA {2021}

INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Leadership Communication Creativity Management Teamwork Entreprenuership

Email:hamzamansaray12@gmail.com Phone: +23234120469 WhatsApp: +23288673599 DIGITAL SKILLS Facebook: Hamza Mansaray Photography Microsoft Office Instagram: tiniepixel Graphics Design Twitter : mansaray_hamza_ Canva Google Apps

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