ARM 2022 Activities Fair Booklet

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Activities Fair Booklet

18th Medical Students Worldwide
Africa Regional Meeting

Africa Regional Team

Yahya Korteh - RD Africa

Lawrence Babawo - GA

Darell Addison - ID DA

Laura Maisvoreva - ME DA

Ibrahim Karama - DI DA

Shema Mohamed - CB RA

Ekene Nnagha - EA RA

Kelvine Nkenfou - PRC RA

Selehadin Genzeb - SCOPE RA

Haimi Estifanos - SCOPH RA

Kebron Aweke - SCORA RA

Hassan Ahmed - SCORE RA

Courtney Cooper - SCORP RA

Nameera Banu - SCOME RA

Layout Design

Kelvine Nkenfou


InternationalFederationofMedical Students’Associations(IFMSA)

InternationalSecretariat: c/oIMCC,NorreAllé14, 2200KobenhavnN.,Denmark




The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 139 National Member Organizations from 130 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students.

IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future.

IFMSA is recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.

This is an IFMSA Publication © 2022 - Only portions of this publication may be reproduced for non political and non profit purposes, provided mentioning the source.


This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positionofIFMSA. The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the IFMSA in preference to others of a similar nature that arenotmentioned


All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the informationcontainedinthis publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lieswiththereader.

Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate theirrights.



Pad A Girl Project

Sign Language Course

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

Towards Better ME in Africa

Blood Pressure Screening Campaign

Basic Clinical Skills Course

Market Sensitization on Hypertension

C l i c k t o g o t o t h e p a g e


The Activities Fair is an exciting opportunity for presenters to promote their local, national or international activity (project, short course, initiative, program) in IFMSA, as well as to recruit supporters to help with their activity, and network with delegates from other National Member Organizations working in similar areas. The top three activities will receive a certificate of distinction, and will have their activity promoted through IFMSA.

This booklet has been created to give a summary of the

ARM 2022 Activity fair booklet

Pad A Girl Project

NMO: SLEMSA-Sierra Leone

Activity Presenter: Salmadu Satta Gbanyawai

About: Nobody deserves the indignity of having to use leaves, newspapers, used socks, old mattress cuttings or rags to catch her menstrual flow. These crude materials are not only ineffective but also unhygienic and uncomfortable in catching menstrual flow. In Sierra Leone , school going girls of menstrual age are either forced to endure this humiliation or be absent from school. Based on the gaps realized and challenges faced with the accessibility, use and disposal of sanitary towels; the proposed feasible intervention is to upscale the sensitization and donation of sustainable menstrual hygiene management facilities to the target group. SLEMSA SCORA has summarized this intervention into The Safe pad Project.

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

Sign Language Course

NMO: GAMSA-Gambia Activity Presenter: Nameera Banu

About: Stigma towards disabled patients is a serious concern and one which keeps increasing on a daily basis.

By having direct conversation with the patients, it enables us to acquire a highly effective history taking which makes sure appropriate diagnosis can be made.It also ensures informed consent and maintains confidentiality. This training will allow medical students to stand for the minority and offer more inclusive healthcare.

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

Breast Cancer Awareness Walk

NMO: GAMSA-Gambia Activity

Presenter: Fatoumata S Sarjo

About: According to the latest WHO data published in 2020, Breast Cancer Deaths in Gambia reached 26. For a country considered as the smallest in mainland Africa, talk less of Globally, this number is beyond significant. The incidence of Breast Cancer continues to be on the rise and sadly enough, many individuals report to the hospital when the cancer has reached an advanced stage. Thus, such an activity is a need that targets to sensitize the general public. The Breast Cancer Awareness Walk is a day activity that brings together medical and other students, as well as health workers and people from all walks of life, to partake in a march past and sensitisation event geared towards addressing Breast cancer with emphasis on incidence and prevalence, fatality rate, risk factors, screening, and other preventive methods.

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

InterSCOME Workshop: Towards Better ME in Africa

NMO: SLEMSA-Sierra Leone

Activity Presenter: Adesola

Oluwafunmike Jegede

About: We've identified a common challenge in implementing meaningful student involvement in our medical education system, assumed to be due to the cultural nuances and prejudices. We also recognize that we all face similar challenges and have responded in different ways with varying results.

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

Blood Pressure Screening Campaign

NMO: SLEMSA-Sierra Leone

Activity Presenter: Samuel Kellie

About: In Sierra Leone, a gross majority of hospital admissions are due to complications of hypertension. This in part is due to a societal mindset in which people don't seek medical intervention till their life is disrupted by illness and we most definitely do not do basic medical checkups.

Hypertension presents with a triple paradox, being easy to diagnose, treat and manage, yet it is not so. Even more concerning is the demographics showing its in prevalence in the working class even in young adults

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

NMO: SLEMSA-Sierra Leone

Activity Presenter: Sheku Kanu

About: In our settings, the medical education is mostly tilted toward didactic lectures and basic skills are expected to be acquired by the students on their own. This divide between the theory and practice of medicine has also served to increase demotivation.

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet
Skills Lab Training:
Clinical Skills Course



Presenter: Erhirie Fanta. O. Odeka About: Market sensitization outreach in collaboration with GaMSA Scoph and Innovarx global Health was needed to reduce the incidence of NCDs and other comorbidities. Sensitization within the public is significant for promoting healthy living and reducing the risk of diseases in the upcoming decades.

It is the current situation in the Gambia and has mainly been attributed to poor awareness and lack of accessibility to healthcare facilities. Hence, it's of utmost importance to carry out activities that provide such in different areas of the community.

Market Sensitization on Hypertension

ARM 2022 Activities fair booklet

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