Mary Sathela Kanu-Candidature for Public Relations Officer-Executive Term 2021/2022

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EXECUTIVE TERM 2021 - 2022

MOTIVATION LETTER Dearest SLEMSians, The world is rapidly growing in the aspect of the population, infrastructure and technology. The pin holding all these together is the information being issued out and received by the masses. As the world is growing, misinformation is the order of the day. The relationship between humans all lies in the power of communication. I am Mary Sathela Kanu, a fourth-year medical student and an active member of the association. I have served the association diligently over the years, my participation is evident by the positions I have served in over this period. Aside from medical school; I have been actively participating and contributing towards nation building through various organisations. During this period, I have gathered a lot of experience and ideas that have inspired me to pen down this letter. As a writer and a poet, I have been able to sail through and climb ranks by successfully publishing in top magazines locally and globally; including the International Federation of Medical Students’ platforms. I have served in different positions within the Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE). I have also taken part in other standing committees call for articles and have successfully been accepted and published on almost all. This has been a journey where I have developed myself in the areas of writing, public relations and communication. As an ordinary member, I understand what a true member wants to see in this association, there come my aspirations. As a good listener, I have engaged a host of active and non-active members to clearly understand how they envisage our association. As technology is growing, I am comfortable in navigating my way through public engagements, proper communication, and social media. Based on my experience, I can assure you that I am well equipped with what is required to do the needful and deliver on my plan of action. Serving as the Public Relations Officer for the upcoming term will be a great opportunity. My commitment and expertise in the field of public relations will enable us to reach higher heights altogether as an association. My Curriculum Vitae points out some of my achievements and engagement. I am looking forward to serving you with all commitment. Yours sincerely,

PLAN OF ACTION EXTERNAL RELATION AND COLLABOARATION Over the years we have done well in the area of external relations and creating meaningful collaborations. There are more opportunities we can tap into; as the only medical student’s organisation in the country. Our activities have already defined what we are capable of doing, therefore attracting more credible organisations and institutions will enable us to implement our activities in a better way. Our growth as an association depends on our continued partnership and collaborations nationally and internationally. LINE OF ACTIONS: Create partnerships with health organisations that are nationally established. Create an alliance with other internationally recognized health organizations Make SLEMSA is known to other academic institutions and organisations beyond our current partnership. Establish relationships with organizations to create a platform meant to expose our members to mentorship and internship programs that will benefit us academically and clinically. Work with organisations beyond the medical field that will help us build our experiences and expose us to vast knowledge on various works of life.

BRINGING SLEMSA TO SLEMSAINS There are many members that have limited or no knowledge about the structure, functions, activities, and benefits of taking an active role in the association. Few believe that the association has nothing to offer aside from politics, there is so much the association can offer via its various structures and standing committees. This will be addressed by the following line of action. Regular teeth bits posts on the benefits of taking an active role in the association. Infographics on how our activities can transform medical students to fit into the 21stcentury market. Personal engagement sessions throughout the executive year.

PLAN OF ACTION AFRICA REGIONAL MEETING 2022 As the only contender to host the upcoming regional meeting, I am hopeful of us winning the bid to host the event, this will be a once in a lifetime experience for us. Thus, the event must be given all the attention it deserves. Below is how I am going to contribute to make it a remarkable event that will be written in our history books. LINE OF ACTIONS: A magazine, documentary, and full-time social media attention will be given to the event for future documentation and publicity. Work collaboratively with the rest of the executive board and organizing committee to have a successful event. Convincing those in authority to render support positively. National publicity, by leading radio and television sessions. Billboards, posters, and flyers will be placed in strategic positions on campus and nationwide.

AWARDS OF RECOGNITION We do have SLEMSians that are actively following, sharing, and engaging our posts on our various platforms. To boost our social media presence, in collaboration with the rest of the publication team assistants and executives, I will embark on the following: LINE OF ACTIONS: Facebook Top Fan award and recognition during the course of the executive year. Streaming our award ceremonies on our pages; to enhance global coverage. Award of recognition to celebrate and inspire hardworking members, we will even try to future past members that have done well for the organization by giving them awards.

SLEMSA PUBLICATION The SLEMSA NEWSLETTER has been a useful tool in informing our members, Alumni, and the general public about our activities and projects over the years. Despite the consecutive publications since the release of the 1st edition, there has been a major challenge with time and content. This has affected the general sales and objectives of the publication. I do believe that these are challenges that can be addressed by the following. LINE OF ACTIONS: Marking calls for the required contents at an early stage will enhance early publication. This can be done in the first three months of the upcoming term.

Targeting new audience: Dropping the newsletter at business entities like the Airport, Banks, and other business centres can help popularise the association which would become a porthole welcoming partnership and sponsorship whenever needed. Opening a platform where successful writers who have had their works published nationally and internationally are recognized by the association. Mentorship sessions for members who are into article writing, poetry, stories and research.

PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH PAPERS AND ARTICLES I have been actively involved in research and article writing. Our various standing committees do have platforms for publications of activities and articles related to their respective focus areas. I will use my knowledge and experience to get members on board to publish internationally. LINE OF ACTIONS: Members who have done research on a particular topic will have the opportunity to be trained and mentored by Sierra Leoneans. Opportunities for publication will be made easy and accessible.

SOCIAL MEDIA AND WEBSITE ENGAGMENT Generally; we have done well in the area of engaging our social media handles. With the launch of the SLEMSA website about a year ago, I believe that we are in the right direction as an association. I will ensure to keep up with the task of updating our handles and website on a regular basis. We can improve on the existing achievement by: LINE OF ACTIONS: Constantly updating our handles and providing mentorship for publication assistants at the standing committee level. I will provide the technical knowledge required to help all standing committees run their various handles. Expanding our social media presence by establishing an account on LinkedIn and TikTok. Updating our website on a regular basis.

HOUSE MEETINGS AND NOTICE BOARDS Membership engagement is important for any association to progress. As the Public Relations Office and my team, I will ensure the following is done to improve on our existing structures. LINE OF ACTIONS: Encourage members through class-to-class visitations to attend meetings. Publication of scheduled meetings on all available notice boards across all campuses. Feedback from every meeting will help the entire executive to make better decisions in the running of the association.

CURRICULUM VITAE PROFILE i am passionate about writing . I love writing poems , articles , stories and engage so much in research . I am 4th year medical students that has more affinity to make difference and learn a lot out of medicine as Iaslo have a diploma in English Language and Literature

CONTACT +23276839848


Mary S Kanu

@sathela kanu

364b BiaBureh Road CalabaTown Freetown

EDUCATION 2011-2017 | The Annie Walsh Memorial School 2013 | School Prefect 2016-2017 | West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate 2017-present | College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences 2017-present | Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery

VALUABLE EXPOSURE Part of the editorial board for the newsletter 2020-2021 Deputy Secretary-General of the Student Representative Council 2021-2022 Current Theme Event Lead 2022 Executive member of The Word Team 2022 Member of Souls of Africa Member of Freetown Tevesion Network (FTN) Youth TV Show Tought at Boston Boys School Charles Street Freetown


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Theme Event Lead White Coat Ceremony | 2021 Fundraising Assistant | 2020 -2021 Editor and Chief Newsletter | 2021 Member of the Editorial Board | 2021 -2022 Member of Small Working Group Dinner 2021


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IFMSA Website Poem Tobacco Auscultate Magazine Article: Story of My Life Poem: Seed Grows Strong SCORA Magazine - HIV and Human Right

LANGUAGES English | Fluent Krio | Native

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