Foday Abdul Koroma. President Candidature Package-6th NGA 2021

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Dear SLEMSIANS I deem it a great honor and privilege with much sense of humility and steadfastness to present my candidature for the Sierra Leone medical student association (SLEMSA) Presidency, for the term 2020-2021. I am Foday Abdul Koroma, a fifth year medical student at the College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone. As a very committed student, my curiosity and intrinsic desires to make academic progress and learning new skills are so very much outstanding. Over the many years of my unquestionable membership in the association, I have had the ability to practice different roles, developed numerous functioning capacities, and shared amazing experiences with different executives thus far. My journey began in premed when a young man walked into our class and introduced himself as the president of SLEMSA; since then my curiosity got the best of me. I was so moved by his love for the association in the way he expressed himself in fastening our membership drive. From thence till now, my interest and love for SLEMSA have even gotten better. One of my experiences in the association is around the thematic of volunteering; and most truly, volunteers are those who build resilient communities. Today! I can proudly say on the many experiences and knowledge I have gained through the association, my volunteering skill is the most clinical of them all. It is on the principle of such skill that I had the opportunity to serve as director of registration for the 3rd annual general assembly way back in 2016/2017 academic years in which I recorded one of the highest figures in counting, ever in the history of our association. Then I had another opportunity the following year to serve as director of planning, galvanizing all that was needed for such a very much successful event. Representing the organization both nationally and an international one has been so much fulfilling. From medical outreaches, to radio talk shows and bus ride campaigns on medical heath, SLEMSA has got my time. I feel so fulfilled, and definitely craving to be of more use to the association. My experience in SLEMSA is one of its kind. A time of consistent personal growth that gave me a deep insight on what it is like to be the current treasurer during this pandemic. I can vividly remember the first General Assembly I attended in which I was the Director of registration; how over whelming I was to see that it is like a dream come true to serve in this Noble association.

As a thoughtful individual, being focused in serving mankind and the human race is of an immense concern. I thought it fit that I must give my all in order to showcase my God's given ability. My good leadership skills combined with teamwork are deliberate efforts I can bring to serving this association. I am very open minded, and willing to learn. I am more than willing to serve in a unique and fascinating manner, which will gear towards problem solving and unifying SLEMSA.

Simon Mainwaring once said, "Creating a better world required teamwork, partnership and collaboration, as we need an entire army of companies to work together to build a better world within the next few decades." This means corporations must embrace the benefits of cooperating with one another. As a young vibrant and hardworking man, I believe I will give my all to see the continuous success of this great family of ours (SLEMSA) I am more than willing to serve this association. Because this association has helped shape the Man in me and it's a pay back time for me. What ever you are be a good one (Abraham Lincoln). I look forward to this wonderful chance to serve our noble association. Sincerely Yours FODAY ABDUL KOROMA, Treasurer, SLEMSA-Sierra Leone. Phone: +232 79 009917



"Despair shows us the limit of our imagination. Imagination shared creates collaboration and collaboration create community, and community inspires social change" ~Terry Tempest. With teamwork, one can achieve his goals at the highest peak of his imagination. I believe in teamwork and empowerment. So in order to ensure the smooth running of our association.  I promise to continue with the good legacy that we have already started with.  My team and I will ensure that we do a massive re -structuring and capacitate the younger folks. As we can now boast of a representative in IFMSA from second year.  The bed rock of every successful EB lies in team work and empowerment  My team and I will ensure we work towards a goal that will gear towards uplifting and maintaining the standard of our association. 2. HOsTiNg   



The greatest Glory in living lies not in falling, but in rising Every time we fall(Nelson Mandela) As you all may aware of SLEMSA's bid to host 2022 Africa Regional Meeting here in Freetown, My team and I will vehemently work to see that we actualize that dream. Will take all the necessary actions required of us.



I will work with standing committee of (SCOPH) to organize public health and research related symposium and training programs geared towards capacity in interpersonal communication skills, time management which we lack in Sierra Leone, ICT skills, information and project management. my team and I will with all the standing committee and SRC where appropriate and serve as liaisons between the college administration regarding the standard of education

Surveillance training to ensure that members are well equipped in times of disease outbreaks. For instance Covid-19., EBOLA etc. Screening and Outreach programs Continuation of celebrating Public Health Days, online campaigns and Community based sensitization Campaigns SC on Research Exchange: Training of members in short online courses: free online platform; future learn and the likes. Research Seminars, Contact has been made with Rebuild Consortium has already been established. Dissertation Writing Training Sessions must be of significant. SC on Medical Education The SCOME Debate and Online Sessions will be reinstated. SC on Human Rights and Peace We shall be joining online campaigns to raise awareness on issues pertinent to global human rights and peace SC on Reproductive Health/HIV AIDS My tram and I have already established contact with “Marie Stopes SL” for regular Reproductive Health trainings for SLEMSians. SC on Professional Exchange Our professional exchange wing has done well over the years and we shall continue in that path to facilitate exchange of medical students from COMAHS and various Universities all over the world. TRAVELLING OPPORTUNITES based on merit! Every member of this association is eligible for travel for international conferences. My Executive will ensure that the TRAVELLING ASSISTANCE FUND is reinstated and equal opportunity given to all SLEMSIANS. 4. MOBiLizATiON  


As president I believe every success you make lies in the ability of generating funds. Entrepreneurship drive: My team can also organize a training on Entrepreneurship for members. Since we have lots of CEO's in COMAHS. They can pay a certain amount to partake in the seminar.

We can also write a letter to cord aid seeking to partner with them for members who might be interested in some trainings.  Fundraising; Develop means by which the association can raise and generate funds Organizing event and gigs Creation of SLEMSA branded items that can be sold to members at a reasonable price. 

 5.


The world is moving from Stone Age to modern age. I cannot overemphasize the importance of technology. My team and I will ensure we develop an application which will be suitable for every medical student. Will organize training on Artificial intelligence that will gear towards problem solving in this part of the world, robotic learning.   




As we all know, all work and no play make jack/Jane a dull boy/girl. My team and I will organize Miss COMAHS beauty pageant we will organize an inter standing committee football gala within COMAHS and the university Medical festival, Val’s fest’, med fest’, picnic and outing during breaks.


iNTO THE ACADEMiC YEAR I am a good listener who believe in consultating administration; I want to assure this General Assembly that decision is going to be taken at an executive level which shall not be subject to approval by any political group. At the start of my executive term, God willing an incorporative annual work plan will be developed and made available to the entire membership. It has also been a norm that the president has the ultimate power, I assure you that all my decisions will be that of the entire executive. "Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people." Steve Jobs


CONTACT 19Cantoment Road, Freetown. m +23279009917



Director Of Registration SLEMSA NGA 2017

Maintained and organized numerous office files Constantly updated the company’s contact and mailing lists Monitored ongoing marketing campaigns Monitored press coverage

/fodayakoroma Director Of Planning

EDUCATION Prince Of Wales School Kingtom; WASSCE - 2012/2013 College Of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, University of Sierra Leone; MBChB - Class of 2022

Amity University online; Bachelor of Business Administration (BA) - 2020

Future learn; Covid-19 novel coronavirus certificate from London school of hygiene and tropical medicine - 2020


Handled the company’s online presence – regularly updated the company’s website and various social media accounts Monitored ongoing marketing campaigns Prepared presentations for prospective clients

Treasurer, SLEMSA EB 2019/20

Handled the association's fund and maintain transparency and accountability Monitored o campaigns Prepared presentations for prospective clients IFMSA Experience

2020: Online general Assembly (OGA) General delegate-69th August meeting.(president session) 2021: Online general Assembly OGA) General delegate 69th December meeting (president session) 2021: Online general Assembly (OGA) General delegate 70th March meeting (president session)

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