Above: Crown Heights, Basingstoke B3 Burgess Architects Left: Centrium House, Woking Barratt Homes
The Swistherm System A lightweight, thin-coat insulated render system primarily suited to new build applications, designed to satisfy differing substrate conditions and building height requirements. Insulation slabs are adhesive and mechanically fixed direct to a continuous substrate and faced with a durable, decorative top-coat - Silicone render is used for enhanced overall performance, with Mineral renders available as the eco-friendly option. Both finishes can be applied with rolled or dragged surface texture, in a wide range of colours. Applications • For new build applications, where the structure provides continuous support for the insulation slabs • Suitable for remodeling and specialist façade treatment details • For unrestricted use on buildings up to 6 storeys and high rise applications, subject to Alumasc’s high rise policy
Performance • BBA approved, fully warranted system with
life expectancy in excess of 30 years
• Manufactured to ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001:2004 Quality and Environmental Management standards • Fully weather resistant, whilst remaining vapour permeable
• Eliminates cold bridging, condensation and mould growth • Protects the structural fabric, limiting movement and thermal shock and freeze-thaw cycles associated with traditional brickwork façades • Highly resistant to impact damage • Rated Class 0 for surface spread of flame • Fire tested to comply with BRE 135 93/2914
Tradewinds Development, London Denning Male Polisano Architects
Technical expertise and tailored project support
• Allows the fabric of the building to act as a heat store, increasing thermal efficiency
Lymm Water Tower, Cheshire Ellis Williams Architects
Design & Specification Support Detailed design meetings, project specific elevational colour schemes, CAD drawings and product samples
Calculations Thermal calculations, condensation risk analysis, wind loading calculations (for high rise projects)
Specification Support Detailed specification (to NBS format), health and safety sheets and product data sheets
Installation, Aftercare & Warranties Application by Alumasc approved contractors, Alumasc on site support, routine maintenance requirements, full package of warranty options
April 2008
ALUMASC EXTERIOR BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD White House Works, Bold Road, Sutton, St Helens, Merseyside, WA9 4JG, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1744 648400 Facsimile: +44 (0)1744 648401 Email: info@alumasc-exteriors.co.uk Web: www.alumascfacades.co.uk