Artificial Intelligence For Digital Transformation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

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Artificial Intelligence for DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Your Company Name



Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

How Companies are using Artificial Intelligence

Building AI Capabilities

How can AI help organization meet digital transformation goals?

Six stages of Digital Transformation

AI best practices for Digital Transformation

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence 2

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2007




Programmable mechanical calculating machine

Turing test

Artificial Intelligence

Alan Turing

The first conference on AI by John McCartny, Marvin Minsky

General Problem Solver Demonstrated by Newell






Commercial expert system

Knowledge-based medical diagnostics program

MacHack Chess-playing program by Greenblatt at MIT

ELIZA & The First Expert System

Jack Myers Harry Pople


Industrial robot Unimations working on GE

Joseph Weisenbaum, E. Geigwnbaum





Polly: Behaviorbased Robotics

Recommendation Technology

Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Ian Horswill

TiVo Suggestions

Mobile Recommendation Apps: Siri, Now, Cortana Apple, Google, Microsoft

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How Companies are using Artificial Intelligence Using runbook automation


Gauging internal compliance in using approved technology vendors


Reducing production management work by automating it


Resolving user’s technology problems


Detecting and deterring security intrusions


Tailoring promotions (online or offline)


Monitoring social media comments to determine overall brand affinity and issues


Improving media buying


Anticipating future customer purchases and presenting offers accordingly


Financial trading (e.g., high-frequency trading enabled by AI)


Automating call distribution


Information Technology


Finance & Accounting

Customer Service

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Building AI Capabilities

Pattern recognition


Cognitive search

Natural language interaction

Natural language generation

Understand trends for customer financial transactions and spot deviations to identify potentially fraudulent behavior

Capture short- and long-term variability in data to improve forecasting

Offer personalized recommendations to shoppers by matching their interests with other customers who purchased similar items.

Tell a software application to generate a report on sales revenue predictions without having to run the reports yourself

Get summaries of everything that has been analyzed from a large document collection

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How can AI help organization meet digital transformation goals? Accounts payable and invoice processing Digital workforce › Can help by automating repetitive tasks or processes with RPA › RPA allows knowledge workers to focus on addressing exceptions or solving problems › Add text here

› Automating invoices and applying RPA (Robotic Process Automation) offers more intelligence to accounts payable. › AI can also help staff make better decisions with the use of graphical dashboards › Add text here

Compliance and risk Onboarding › Covers onboarding of new employees and customers › Once the customer is enrolled, using machine-learning technology can track and learn from this customer’s behavior to let a company offer tailored services › Add text here

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› Organizations should deploy AI in applications where a system can learn to understand, find, extract, and provide insights from unstructured documents › Add text here


Six stages of Digital Transformation

Business as usual

Present & Active




Innovative & Adaptive

Firms operate with a familiar perspective of customers, metrics, processes & technology considering that this the solution to digital relevance

Organizations aim to improve and amplify specific touchpoints & processes

Company experiments becomes intentional while executing at more promising & capable levels

Individuals work in collaboration realizing the strength of cooperative work as their research, work & shared insights contribute to new strategic roadmaps for digital transformation

Dedicated digital transformation team is setup to guide strategy & operations based on business & customer centric goals

Digital transformation becomes a way of business as the company realizes that change is constant and systems are established to identify & act upon latest market trends

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AI best practices for Digital Transformation Maintain oversight Build trust in AI › Take a rigorous approach to data & AI Training methodology › AI is going to make businesses more productive by automating repetitive operations, releasing resources to focus on higher-value tasks

› AI needs Human Governance › AI as a tool and can be easily misused if not fully understood › Human oversight will always be an essential part of ensuring that an AI is delivering correct and trustworthy results

Maintain an unwavering focus on user experience › Need to keep a balance between control and autonomy when applying AI technology › For efficient collaboration between humans and machines, the appropriate level of automation must be carefully defined

Progress via small steps, moving rapidly and with purpose › Enterprise-scale momentum behind AI builds trust, skills, increases adoption, value delivery and the sheer buzz around AI in the organization › Accelerate this by exploring multiple AI projects in parallel, in an agile delivery framework that can support rapid reallocation of effort and mix of skills

Embed AI professionals within your business units and customer teams › The most effective AI implementation teams are multi-disciplinary, with representatives from IT, operations and business teams complemented by AI and data analytics experts › AI specialists also understand the business domain into which any solution is to be deployed

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Challenges of Artificial Intelligence

Cost Involves not only initial software costs but also but the on-going costs for training employees and continued training of the AI system when business processes change

Technology Options With multiple technology options, it is hard to narrow down the potential choices and select the best implementation path

Inability to predict ROI Inability to precisely predict ROI especially at the start of the project will be a source of friction

Culture Clash Any changes will be viewed with suspicion by the organization. Becomes difficult to make the organization adapt to such changes


Artificial Intelligence for Digital Transformation Icons Slide


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Preferred by Many

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