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Slotin Folk Art Auction November 9-10, 2013

Historic Buford Hall

112 E. Shadburn Ave. Buford, GA 30518

770 532-1115 • 404 403-4244 • •

Artist Index Ab the Flagman ........................62 Abee, Steve..................................8 Abela, Carlos ............................96 Adkins, Minnie & Greg ...........57 Aiken, Gayleen .........................65 Alberto, Luis ...........................112 Alderman, Clint .......................10 Almon, Leroy............................59 Anderson, John Cornbread......91 Anderson, Stephen...................50 Andirons .................................111 Angel, Clyde ...........................130 Angela, O................................133 Anonymous Pottery ..................17 Anthony, Sam .........................104 Antonio, Johnson, ..................120 Archuleta, Felipe .....................118 Arijac, Harry Jacques...............114 Armfield, Robert ........................8 Arning, Eddie ...........................47 Ashby, Steve ..............................32 Ayala, Felix Camilo .................112 Bambic, John ............................89 Bande, Jess ..............................131 Banks, Johnny .........................127 Banks, Michael........................121 Barker, Linville..........................53 Bayne, Michel ...........................10 Benjamin, Mr............................56 Bernang, J.A............................115 Bernard, Hubert......................116 Beyale, Sandy ..........................120 Bien-Aime, Gabriel .................116 Bigaud, Wilson .......................113 Birnbaum, Aaron......................47 Black, Calvin & Ruby...............28 Black, Minnie ...........................95 Blackmon, Prophet William.....70 Blair, Streete..............................44 Blayney, William.......................29 Blizzard, Georgia.......................44 Block, Carl..................................6 Boutillier, Ralph .......................89 Boyle, Frank............................138 Bradley, K................................125 Brice, Freddie ...........................64 Brierre, Murat .........................116 Brock, John.................................9 Brod, Fritzi................................44 Brown, Charlie .........................10 Brown, H.A.............................133 Brown, Jerry................................7 Brown, Robert ..........................10 Brown, Tubby..................110, 134 Buck, Delbert ..........................119 Buck, Larry .............................120 Burland, Francois .....................76 Burnside, Richard.....................73 Butler, David.............................70 Byron, Archie............................79 Caliste, Canute........................114 Canes................................136-137 Cantu, H.C...............................92 Carney, Herbert......................138 Carnival ..................................109 Carter, Benny..........................130 Cartledge, Ned..........................53 Chabot, Philip...........................21 Chandler, Steven ......................94 Chess, Tim..............................125 Chino, Felix Jimenez...............112 Christianen, Carl ....................110 Cigar Band Decoupage...........100 Clark, Chris ..............................91 Clark, Henry Ray......................86 Cofer, John .................................8 Coins, Raymond.......................43 Coker, Jerry...............................85 Connaster, Jerry........................96 Cooper, Calvin .......................135 Cooper, Jessie ...........................98 Cooper, Joe .................................7 Page 2

Cooper, Ronald ................98, 135 Coppinger, Martin Dean ........117 Corn, Roger ................................8 Cotton, Esther ............................8 Cotton, Walter..........................54 Courlander, David....................49 Covington, Fleetwood ..............64 Craig, B.B. ................................13 Craig, Don ..................................8 Crocker, Michael & Melvin......11 Cromer, J.J. ...............................66 Cunningham, Eric....................87 Danek, Karolina .....................132 Darien Rainforest Baskets ......120 Davis, Lee................................138 Davis, Vestie..............................40 Dawson, William......................46 Decker, O.F.............................106 Decoys ..............................20, 134 Delulio, Joe .............................125 DePrie, G.C. ...........................131 Deschillie, Mamie ...................119 Dial, Thornton .........................48 Dolls........................................104 Douglas, Clarence.....................96 Douglas, Martha .......................77 Doyle, Sam...........................22-23 Dr. Bob....................................110 Duffaut, Prefete.......................113 Duffy, Bill & Phyllis ...............135 Earl, Patrick.............................138 Ebert, Allen ..............................54 Eiseman, Jon.............................94 Ellington, Kim ..........................10 Emmanuel, J.N. ......................113 Evans, Minnie ...........................31 Exil, Levoy ...............................115 Farmer, Josephus ......................92 Ferdinand, Roy .........................64 Ferguson, Bobby .........................9 Finster, Howard ...................36-39 Finster, Michael ........................90 Fischer, Johann .........................42 Flash Art ...................................19 Fleming, Marshall.....................93 Fleming, Walter ..........................7 Flowers, William.........................7 Garlock, Joseph ........................44 Gatto, Victor Joseph.................79 Gendron, Lorraine ...................96 Gentle, Ken Blacktop .............138 Gerard .....................................115 Gibbs, Ezekial ...........................65 Gibson, Sybil ............................80 Godie, Lee ................................45 Goodman, Bernard ..................52 Goodman, Elayne...................138 Goodpaster, Denzil...........82, 135 Gordon, Ted .............................65 Goss, Edward ............................87 Grannatt, Samuel .....................79 Grgich, Anne ............................51 Hall, Dilmus .....................29, 127 Halozan, Bertha........................58 Hamilton, Ray ..........................85 Hardin, Joseph..........................52 Hawkins, William.....................28 Hayes, Rev. Herman ...............123 Hefner, Mike Heavy..................66 Herrera, Nicholas....................118 Hewell Family Pottery.................9 Hewitt, Mark...............................6 Hipkiss, Chriss..........................50 Hirtle, Cyril ............................122 Hodge, Albert .............................9 Hoffman, Albert .......................97 Hogan, Rex .................................9 Holley, Lonnie ..........................67 Horstman, Lisa .........................81 Howard, Jesse .......................40-41 Hunter, Clementine ............34-35 Hunter, J.L. .............................123

Hussey, Billy Ray.......................12 Imagine, Mr. .............................57 Isik, Levent..............................124 Ivester, Howard.........................92 Ivey, Toby ................................128 Jean, Ulrick .............................115 Jeffrey ........................................97 Jennings, James Harold ............80 Jerald.................................113-115 Jinks, Willie.............................121 Johnson, Anderson...................89 Jolimeau, Serge........................116 Jones, M.C. 5¢ ........................126 Jones, S.L. ................................91 Juan, Harrison.........................118 Keach, Paul .............................106 King, Anna .................................7 King, Crystal ...............................6 Kinney, Charlie.........................82 Kinney, Noah............................53 Kravis, Hal ................................90 Kruse, Alexander ......................55 Ladish, Michael.........................87 Lafortune, Felix .......................114 LaFrance, Helen .......................58 Lambdin, Edd.........................132 Lassiter, Carolyn Mae ...............70 Leftwich, Rodney........................7 Leurent, H.J.............................114 Lewis, Junior .....................70, 110 Lewis, Tim ................................53 Lieberman, Joseph....................44 Light, Joe...................................92 Lisk, Charles .............................10 Livingston, Calvin ....................93 Long, Benjamin ........................54 Long, Woodie ...........................78 Lopez, Boris...............................51 Loudon, Albert.........................84 Louinsky, Jackson....................113 Louis Pro-Pierre.......................114 Lucas, Charlie...........................62 Luck, Sid .....................................8 MaGloire, Ramphis ................115 Marc, Eoyo ..............................114 Marshall, David ........................94 Marshall, Susan ......................135 Martin, Eddie Owen ................44 Massey, Willie ...........................83 Mauricio, Roberto ..................112 McCarthy, Justin.......................58 McCord, Jake ............................97 McFall, Joe ................................70 McGlynn, Casey .......................87 McGriff, Columbus..................78 McIntosh, Dwight.....................84 McKenzie, Carl .........................83 McKesson, Malcolm .................84 Meaders, A.G............................15 Meaders, Anita..........................14 Meaders, Cheever .....................15 Meaders, Clete & Cleater.........14 Meaders, Edwin ........................15 Meaders, Flossie & Reggie........14 Meaders, John...........................15 Meaders, Lanier ........................16 Meaders, Ruby ..........................14 Meloni, Franco .......................138 Merck, Kevin Turkey ..................8 Mesa, Mario ..............................76 Michaels, Damien .....................76 Miller, Bill.................................86 Miller, R.A. .............................134 Minshew, Roy ...........................97 Mitchell, Donald ......................84 Monji ......................................133 Morgan, Ike ..............................90 Morgan, Sister Gertrude......26-27 Moseley, Steven.........................94 Mr. B. ......................................128 Mullen, Karl .............................85 Mullen, Marion ......................129

Mumma, Eddy ..........................72 Murray, Valton..........................92 Murry, J.B. ................................77 Nacius, Joseph.........................116 Naugler, Bradford ...................122 Nedjar, Michel ..........................52 Nehl, Louis..............................110 New, Bruce................................76 Niro, John.................................49 Nuster, A.................................106 O’Kelley, Mattie Lou ...........24-25 Oates, V.....................................54 Odio, Pucho .............................92 Ohr, George ..............................17 Olsen, Kurt ...............................81 Orr, Georgianna .......................61 Owens, Ben III............................6 Owens, Melvin..........................10 Parker, Robert Andrews..........106 Parsells, R.A. ...........................123 Patton, Earnest..........................57 Perkins, B.F. ..............................63 Perkins, Seymore.....................138 Perpe, Paul ..............................115 Phelps, Nan...............................58 Photography............................108 Pickle, Frank ...........................128 Pierce, Elijah .............................41 Pita, Gabriel............................129 Ponder, Braxton........................70 Popso, James ...........................122 Powers, Stephen......................128 Pressley, Daniel .........................41 Propaganda Banners...............109 Postkoff, Art ..............................61 Puppets ...................................109 Pyper, Ian ................................129 Ralan, Julio..............................116 Ransom, Henry ........................64 Reber, Fred ...............................66 Reed, Popeye.............................43 Reinhardt, Joe.............................7 Religious Banners .....................19 Rendon, Enrique ....................120 Reno, Jesse ..............................129 Rice, Roger ...............................90 Rice, W.C..................................77 Roberg, Robert .......................128 Robertson, Prophet Royal ........98 Roriguez, Alfredo ....................118 Rogers, Juanita..........................93 Rogers, Marie ............................11 Rogers, Sulton...........................71 Romain, Max ............................66 Rowe, Nellie Mae......................33 Russell, D.L.............................104 Russian Folk Art.......................92 Sabachthani, Eli........................96 Salazar, Robert Mauricio ........112 Salvatore, Joseph.......................76 Samuels, O.L. .........................123 Sanon, F. .................................116 Santiago, Isaac ..........................54 Savitsky, Jack.......................79, 99 Schuette, Jay..............................66 Schwartz, Harvey ....................129 Scott, Lorenzo ...........................77 Seba .........................................131 Serl, Jon ....................................42 Sesow, Matt ...............................87 ShaEla’ReEl, Xmeah.................96 Sharlhorne, Welmon ..............132 Shona Sculptures ....................139 Shooting Targets .....................109 Short, Bob ................................50 Shuman, Wallace....................133 Simmons, Charles...................127 Simpson, Vollis .........................59 Sims, Bernice ............................88 Singleton, Herbert....................48 Smith, A.V. .................................8 Smith, Cedric............................61

Smith, Frog ...............................76 Smith, Isaac.............................123 Smith, Mary T...........................59 Smith, Robert ..........................93 Sommer ....................................93 Speller, Henry .........................131 Sperger, Hugo ...........................65 St. Flourant, Lousanne....114, 116 St. George .................................81 Standridge, Jeff .........................11 Stansburg, Kirk .......................128 Staub, Erik ................................77 Stern, Merilee Stiles..................96 Sudduth, Jimmy Lee ............68-69 Swearingen, Johnnie .................47 Taylor, Sarah Mary....................66 Tenbrick, Edith Valentine ........79 Thomas, Anthony...................130 Thomas, Son Ford ....................88 Tinsley, David ...........................86 Tolliver, Annie ..........................97 Tolliver, Mose.......................74-75 Tolson, Edgar............................32 Trade Signs ............18,20, 105,111 Tramp Art.........................101-103 Turrell, Terry.............................51 Valcin, Gerald .........................114 Valcin, Pierre Joseph ...............113 VonBruenchenhein, Eugene ....52 Vuittonet, Louis........................87 Walker, Inez Nathaniel .............79 Walters, Hubert ......................138 Watkinson, James .....................51 Watson, Willard .....................122 Weathervanes .....................18,111 Weaver, Aaron ............................6 Webster, Derek .........................89 Webster, Fred............................83 Weintraus................................106 West, Charlie...........................111 West, Myrtice..........................126 West, Shelby................................8 Whimseys................................100 Whirligigs ........................105, 111 White, Willie ..........................130 Willeto, Charlie ........................27 Willeto Family.........................118 Williams, Artist Chuckie..........78 Williams, George......................65 Williams, Levon........................97 Williams, Veria .......................132 Wilson, Allen............................90 Wilson, Brian .............................7 Wilson, George.......................129 Wilson, Scottie .........................40 Woltemate, Edward ................132 Wood, V..................................120 Yoakum, Joseph ........................30 Young, Purvis............................60 Zeldis, Malcah...........................79 Zenick, Jeff ..............................131 Zimmerman, Kurt.....................81


Slotin Folk Art Auction - November 9 & 10 2013

770 532-1115

5619 Ridgetop Drive Gainesville, GA 30504 (office/mailing address only)

Fax: 770 532-1215 Email:



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I Authorize Slotin Auction to bill above credit card for Outstanding Auction Balances after November 25, 2013 : (Signature required to bid): Slotin Folk Art Auction will always attempt to purchase designated lots for the lowest possible amount in competition with other bidders, but we cannot be held responsible for errors or failure to bid. All terms of “Condition of Sale” apply to absentee bidders as well as those present. Slotin Folk Art Auction will pack and ship items purchased at auction. Slotin Folk Art Auction will contact successful Buyers regarding successful auction purchases the week after the sale.























Bidding on any lot is acceptance of the Terms and Conditions on page 5 and on this Absentee bid form which continues on the next page.

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ABSENTEE AND PHONE BID FORM - November 9 & 10, 2013 Auction Continued from previous page
























____________________ ____________________




















Slotin Folk Art Auction is hereby authorized to bid on the designated lots up to the price entered and will treat this figure as a budget and will obtain the item as reasonable as possible within the budget. Bidding on any Lot is acceptance of The Terms and Conditions on this Absentee Bid form and on page (5) of this catalog. All Bidders must provide credit card information and signature in order to bid. Credit cards will be charged in the event bidder has an outstanding balance after 14 days. Slotin Folk Art Auction encourages collectors to place absentee and telephone bids as soon as possible and cannot guarantee the implementation of bids left after 5:00pm the evening before the sale. In the event absentee bids of identical amounts are submitted, the earliest bid received takes precedence. Please date this form. In the event of a tie bid, live bidders

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and telephone bidders, respectively, take precedence over absentee bids. A successful bid results in a purchase price which is the aggregate total of the final bid, a 20% percent buyer’s premium, together with any taxes due on the item. Slotin Folk Art Auction will contact successful bidders with sales results during the week after the sale. Dealers purchasing for resale must enter appropriate Dealer Resale Number on this form and provide proper documentation. Absentee bidding and Phone bidding is a convenience we offer to our customers who cannot attend in person. Slotin Folk Art Auction will always attempt to purchase designated lots for the lowest possible amount in competition with other bidders, but we cannot be held responsible for errors or failure to bid.



1. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. 2. Buyer pays Slotin Folk Art Auction (“Slotin”) premium of Twenty percent (20%) of the Lot’s Hammer price. There is a 5% discount for buyer’s paying by cash or check. (As used throughout these “Terms and Conditions,” “Lot” means an object or group of objects offered for sale as one unit and “Hammer Price,” means the price announced by the auctioneer when the hammer falls.) The Buyer’s Premium shall be collected by Slotin directly from the Buyer at the time of sale. 3. Slotin will accept cash, checks and credit cards. Credit card users will be charged an additional 4% of the Sales Price. (The “Sales Price” is the Hammer Price plus the Buyer’s Premium, plus applicable taxes). Any returned check will result in a return check fee and entitle Slotin to the remedies provided under Georgia law and in paragraph 7, below. 4. Title to Lot and risk of loss or damage to the Lot passes to the Buyer when the Hammer falls (i.e. when Slotin, as agent for seller, accepts the bid). Slotin Auction shall have no liability for any damage to property left on its premises after the date of sale. The Sales Price must be paid prior to the close of the auction. Buyers with an outstanding balance after 14 days of the close of the auction will be charged a ten percent (10%) late fee on the Sales Price. Buyers must provide a credit card number in order to bid. Buyers with an outstanding balance after 14 days will be charged the outstanding balance, including (10%) late fee and (4%) credit card fee to their credit card. Slotin will have sole and absolute discretion to determine who the successful bidder is and/or may withdraw the Lot or reoffer the Lot for sale, in the event of a dispute. 5. All merchandise must be removed from the place of auction on the same day of auction unless other arrangements are made. Absentee bidders will be contacted after the sale regarding shipping options. 6. ALL PROPERTY IS SOLD “AS IS.” Slotin, for itself and as agent for the seller, makes no warranties or representations of any kind with respect to any Lot. Buyer agrees that in no event shall Slotin be responsible for the correctness, description, genuineness, authorship, attribution, provenance, period, culture, source, origin, value or condition of any Lot. Nothing being said or done by Slotin shall be deemed a warranty of representation or an assumption of liability by Slotin. 7. If Buyer fails to pay the Sales Price at the close of the auction or otherwise comply with these Terms and Conditions, Slotin shall be entitled to the following remedies: (1) to recover from Buyer any monetary loss arising on any resale of the Lot (including all costs of any resale or attempted resale); (2) any deposit or partial payment paid by Buyer: (3) to recover from Buyer all of its costs and expenses of collection, including attorneys’ fees of fifteen percent (15%) of the outstanding balance, interest on the outstanding balance of 1.5% per month and costs; and (4) all other relief and remedies allowed by the law. Georgia law applies and jurisdiction and venue over all disputes involving these Terms and Conditions shall be in Gwinnett County, Georgia. 8. Bidding on any Lot is acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any and all other terms announced at the time of sale. These Conditions constitute the entire agreement between bidders and Slotin and supersede all prior agreements between them, if any.

Slotin Folk Art Auction: Steve Slotin - GAL #2864 Principal Auctioneer: Larry Troutman - GAL #2784

9. Shipping Is Easy! Slotin Folk Art Auction will be glad to pack and ship your auction purchases for you. We ship via UPS Ground. The shipping charges are listed in the catalog for U.S. continental shipments only. INSURANCE IS OPTIONAL AND MAY BE PURCHASED FOR AN ADDITIONAL $2 PER $100. A shipping invoice will be mailed along with the auction invoice the week after the auction. PLEASE ALLOW 3-4 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. SHIPMENTS OUTSIDE U.S. WILL ARRANGE THROUGH THE UPS STORE - 706 429-4243 OR GUPTA3995@GMAIL.COM 10. SUGGESTED BIDDING INCREMENTS: 0-$500 - $25 increments. $500-1,000 - $50 increments. $1,000 and above - minimum of $100 increments. 11. Absentee Bidding Instructions: If you cannot attend this auction, but would like to bid on items, the procedure is quite simple: 1. Fill out the form on page 3, listing catalog lot number, description, and your top bid price for each item. The limit you leave should be the amount to which you would bid if you were to attend the sale. Bidding increments are listed above. Please make sure that your bids fall within these increments. At the auction, bids are handled in a competitive manner in an attempt to buy the object for less than your top bid. As our auctions are well attended, you will be competing against the audience and other absentee, phone and internet bidders. You will pay one bid above the next highest bid, but no more than your maximum. If two absentee bids are received with the exact same amount, the first bid received will take precedence. Slotin Folk Art Auction will always attempt to purchase designated lots for the lowest possible amount in competition with other bidders, but we cannot be held responsible for errors or failure to bid. 12. Live Phone Bidding Instructions: If you cannot attend this auction, but would like to be called as the lots you are interested in come up during auction, please complete the form on page 3. List the lot number, and a brief description. Where it says bid amount or phone number, simply list the phone number you would like us to use during the auction. You may leave a back up number. There is no need to list a bid amount unless you would like the phone operator to bid for you in the event that you cannot be reached. Absentee bidding and Phone bidding is a convenience we offer to our customers who cannot attend in person, and we will make every attempt to reach phone bidders as their lots come up during the auction, but we cannot be held responsible for errors, technical difficulties or failure to bid. Phone bidders may wish to view the auction live on online to check the progress of the sale and to help determine when to expect their phone calls. 13. Bidding Live on the Internet During the Auction: Bidders may place absentee bids or bid in real time along with our audience online. If you are bidding live online the Buyer’s commission is 23%. You may view the auction live for no fee. The process of bidding live on the internet is convenient, but not perfect. In addition to technological delays, there is also a live person typing the auction info in as quickly as she can while executing thousands of live internet bids. She will attempt to capture the bid history as accurately as possible, but in the event of a discrepancy, the auctioneer’s records are the official records of the auction. Please visit Online Catalog to view additional photos for each lot:

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Day 1: Nov. 9 - Lots 1 - 692 10am (doors open at 8am)

Visit Online Catalog to see additional photos

1. Carl Block

Yellow Devil Face Jug.

Stamped. Multi-colored clay. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Day 2: Lots 693-1116

2. Carl Block

3. Carl Block

Blue Devil Face Jug.

Lazy Eyed Face Jug.

Stamped. Multi-colored glaze. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

1991. Signed and dated. Multi-colored glaze. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

4. Ben Owens, III

Pair of Beehive Vases.

1991-92. Signed and dated. Multi-colored glaze with incised comb decoration. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

5. Ben Owens, III

Three Indian Graduated Earth Pots.

1993-98. Signed and dated. Mint condition. Tallest is 9” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

6. Ben Owens, III

Group Of Four Herb Pots.

1985-92. Signed and dated. Mint condition. Average size is 7” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

7. Mark Hewitt

Pair of Pitchers.

Stamped. Nice glass drips and glaze. Mint condition. Tallest is 12.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75 Page 6

8. Aaron Weaver

Pair of Jugs.

2007. Tallest is 12” h. Ceramics with alkaline glaze. Mint condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

9. Crystal King

Statue Of Liberty & Uncle Sam.

1999. Signed and dated. Hand-molded figures with glaze. Mint condition. Tallest is 13” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

10. William Flowers

50th Birthday Bone In Nose Face Jug.

1999. Signed and dated. Mint condition. Very large. 14.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

11. William Flowers

50th Birthday Devil Face Jug.

1999. Signed and dated in script. Glass drips. Mint condition. Very large. 14” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

14. Joe Reinhardt

Romeo Face Pot.

2009. Signed, dated and titled. Mint condition. 8.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

17. Rodney Leftwich


2006. Signed and dated. Glazed pottery with metal spring hair. Mint condition. 13” x 16” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

12. William Flowers

Upside Down Face Jug With Snake.

2004. Signed and dated. Multi-glaze on clay. Chip in base, otherwise great condition. 11.5” h. Est. $50-75. Ship: $45

15. Walter Fleming

2 Color Swirl Cookie Face Jug.

Stamped. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

18. Joe Cooper

Snake Jug.

Signed. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

13. Jerry Brown

Traditional Black Glaze Face Jug.

Signed. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

16. Anna King

One Gallon Face Jug.

2005. Signed and dated. 10.5” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

19. Brian Wilson

Triple Face Jug.

2005. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $100-300. Ship: $55 Page 7

20. A.V. Smith

Fire Orange & Red Glaze Face Jug. Signed. Rock quartz teeth. Mint condition. 12” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

24. John Cofer

Devil Face Jug.

2012. Signed and dated. 9.5” h. Mint condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

28. Roger Corn

#9 Horny Head Fish.

2003. Signed and dated. 8” x 11”. Mint condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55 Page 8

21. Sid Luck

22. John Brock

5 Gallon Green Face Jug.

2005. Signed and dated. Green drip glaze. Mint condition. 16.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

25. Robert Armfield

Skinny Devil Bottle Jug.

1996. Initialed and dated. Mint condition. 11.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

29. Roger Corn

Four Gallon Double Handled Face Jug.

Folk Pottery Society’s Third Limited Edition Release. Signed. #10 of 50. Salt glaze with cobalt. 10” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

26. Steven Abee

Screaming Face Jug.

Signed. Mint condition. 12.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

Large Long Nose Face Jug. 2003. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 14.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

23. Don Craig

Figural Coin Bank.

2007. Green alkaline glaze with blue glass drips from handles. 16.25” h. Signed and dated. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

27. Shelby West

Bone In Nose Face Jug.

Signed. Not dated. Tobacco-spit glaze. Mint condition. 10.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

30. Roger Corn & Esther Cotton 31. Kevin Turkey Merck

Collaboration Face Jug.

1999. Signed and dated by both artists. Mint condition. 8.5” h. Est. $50-100. Ship: $35

Frankenstein Face Jug.

2009. 10” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

32. Chester Hewell

Large Face Jug.

1998. Signed and dated. Tobacco-spit glaze. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

36. Bobby Ferguson

One Gallon Devil Face Jug.

2004. Signed and dated. 11” h. Dark hunter green glaze; applied face has moustache and goatee; four porcelain chip teeth; strap handle applied at an angle; two incised lines on reverse shoulder. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

33. Chester Hewell

Double-Spouted Face Jug.

1993. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 11.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

37. Bobby Ferguson

Pint Sized Face Jug.

Signed. Mint condition. 8” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

40. Albert Hodge

Swirl Devil Face Jug With Snake.

c. 2007. Signed and stamped. 13” h. Devil with white horns and four porcelain teeth and fangs, snake entering and exiting ears; scars on cheek and mole; goatee and mustache details. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

41. Albert Hodge

Soul Man.

34. Matthew Hewell

Traditional Face Jug.

Signed. Early Hewell glaze. Entire handle has been replaced. Est. $25-50. Ship: $35

38. Rex Hogan

Large Tobacco-Spit Glazed Rooster With Blue Marble Base.

2006. Signed and dated. Chip on red throat, otherwise great condition. 18” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100.

Signed and titled on back. c. 1994. Colorful glaze on turned and molded clay. Mint condition. 12.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

35. Grace Nell Hewell

Grape Decorated Pitcher.

2007. Signed. Albany slip glaze. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

39. Rex Hogan

Brown Rooster With Black and green Tail.

2007. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 18.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

42. Albert Hodge

Pair of Hand Molded Figurines.

Signed. Not dated. Clay and glaze. Mint condition. Tallest is 10” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

Page 9

43. Melvin M.L. Owens

Clear Lead Glaze Mini Face Jug.

c. 1972-73. Signed. This is Melvin’s first face jug. He punched a pin hole in the base from signing it. Note the china plate earrings. This may be the only example with these earrings. 4.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

47. Kim Ellington

Two Color Swirl Face Jug. 1992. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 11.5” h. Est. 200-300. Ship: $55

51. Charles Lisk

Face Crock.

Stamped. Blue glaze with glass drips. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45 Page 10

44. Charlie Brown

3 Gallon Devil Face Jug.

1988. Signed and dated. Painted glazed ceramic. 17” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

48. Michel Bayne

Tribute Jug To Slave Dave.

2009. Signed and dated. Decorated with image of Dave the Slave working and poem on back. Salt glaze with mixed glazes. Mint condition. 19” h. Very large. 5 gallon. Est. $400-600. Ship: $150

45. Robert Brown

Eureka, MT Face Jug.

1990. Signed and dated. New Eureka glaze. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

49. Charles Lisk

Two Color Swirl Face Vase.

Stamped and signed. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

52. Clint Alderman

Green Rooster.

2002. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 16” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

46. Kim Ellington

Four Gallon Jar.

Signed. 18.5” h. Mint condition. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

50. Charles Lisk

Four Color Swirl Crock.

Initialed. Stamped with full name. Not dated. Multi-colored clay with clear glaze. Mint condition. 12.5” h. Provenance: The Lynne Ingram Collection. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

53. Clint Alderman

Wart Hog.

2003. Signed and dated. Ash glaze. Mint condition. 6” x 12.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

54. Michael & Melvin Crocker

One Gallon Snake Jug, #50.

1990. Signed, dated and numbered. Important early piece. Some scale tips missing, otherwise excellent condition. 13” h. Est. $800-1,000. Ship: $100

57. Charlie West

Burnt Orange Rooster.

Signed. Mint condition. 18.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

55. Michael Crocker

Three Gallon Jar.

Two handles. Tobacco-spit glaze. Script “3” under one handle with incised line around jar. 15” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $100

58. Jeff Standridge

59. Marie Rogers

Tobacco-Spit Glaze Face Jug.

Rare Multi-Colored Glazed Devil Face Jug.

2000. Signed and dated. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $50-100. Ship: $35

56. Charlie West

Midnight Blue Green Rooster.

Signed. Mint condition. 18” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

60. Marie Rogers

Double Face Jug.

Signed and stamped. Mint condition. Stamped and signed in script with bible 7” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45 verse. Glass drips and china plate teeth. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

61. Marie Rogers

Pair of Face Jugs.

Alabany slip glaze. Excellent to mint condition. Tallest 9” h. Private collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

62. Marie Rogers

Face Vase and Face Jug.

Signed. Not dated. Mint condition. Average size is 7” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

Page 11

63. Billy Ray Hussey

Double-Face Devil Jug, XII.

Initialed and numbered. Very large. 19.5” h. Mint condition. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship $100

64. Billy Ray Hussey

Ram Jug With Stopper.

Signed with “B.H. XXI”. From wood firing. Multi-wood ash glaze. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

63. Verso

65. Billy Ray Hussey

Lion With Paw On Ball.

c. 1987. Signed with “B.H.” Mottled green glaze. Mint condition. 7” x 5”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

68. Billy Ray Hussey

Recumbent Lion.

c. 1987. Signed with B.H. 4. Early wood-fire at Hussey’s own shop. Minor firing stress line in base and ears, otherwise excellent condition. 7” x 5”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45 Page 12

66. Billy Ray Hussey

Alien Face Jug With Monkey Spout, #29.

Initialed and numbered on base. Metallic drip over glaze. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

69. Billy Ray Hussey

Red Fox.

c. 2001. Beautiful red and black drip glaze. Mint condition. 8” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

67. Billy Ray Hussey

Poodle With Basket.

c. 1988. Satin gloss with black and green glaze. Signed with “B.H.” From first or second wood-fired kiln. 5” x 6.5”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

70. Billy Ray Hussey & Owens

Salt-Glaze Ram.

c. 1980-81. Signed, Owens & B.H. Iron-bearing earthware. Mint condition. 6.5” w x 5.5” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45

71. B.B. Craig

72. B.B. Craig

Three Gallon Face Jug.

Three Gallon Face Jug.

Stamped on bottom. Hand-dug clay. Wood-fired. Nice blue routille drips. Mint condition. 16.5” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

74. B.B. Craig

73. B.B. Craig

Face Pitcher.

One Gallon Face Jug With Blue Routille.

c. 1980’s. Stamped. Alkaline glaze. Wood-fired. Rocks in clay bottom. Mint condition 10.5” h. Private Collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

Stamped on bottom. Wood fired. Early piece. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

76. B.B. Craig

Two Gallon Swirl Face Jug.

Signed in script, B.B.C. on back. Mint condition. 12” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

Stamped on base. Ash glaze. Wood-fired. Excellent condition. 16” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

77. B.B. Craig


c. 1980’s. Stamped. Alkaline glaze. Wood-fired. Visible quartz in clay. Mint condition. 11” h. Private collection. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

78. B.B. Craig

75. B.B. Craig

Small Early Face Jug.

Stamped. Wood-fired alkaline glaze. Mint condition. 7” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Three Color Swirl Vase.

Stamped on base. Mint condition. 14” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

79. B.B. Craig

Snake Jug.

Stamped on base. Ash glaze and wood fired. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

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82. Verso

80. Ruby Meaders

Devil Face Jug.

2000. Signed and dated. Red eyes with yellow brown glaze. Minor chip on devil horn, otherwise great condition. 9” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

83. Reggie and Flossie Meaders

Triple Buggy Face Jug.

Signed. Mint condition. 8.5” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

86. Cleater Meaders

Blue-Eyed Face Jug.

10” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45 Page 14

82. Reggie & David Meaders

81. Reggie Meaders

Double-Sided Face Jug, #3.

Beehive Face Jug.

Signed and numbered. Tall unique piece. Mint condition. 12” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

Signed. Ash glaze, hand-dug clay. Minor rock pop in base. Otherwise excellent condition 10” h. Est. $200-500. Ship: $55

84. Flossie Meaders

Face Jug With Earrings.

Signed and dated with 100-Year Anniversary date. Mint condition. 7.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

87. Cleater Meaders

Face Jug.

85. Anita Meaders

Double Face Jug.

85. Verso

1989. Signed and dated. Excellent example. Mint condition. 7” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1989. Signed and dated. Deep rich dark green glaze. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

88. Clete Meaders

Face Jug.

1994. Signed and dated. Tobacco-spit glaze. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

89. Edwin Meaders

Voodoo Jug, #20.

1995. Signed, dated, numbered and titled. Highly adorned with devil horns and crying green eyes with face decoration. Titles on back. Mint condition. 10.5” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $75

92. John Meaders

Devil Face Jug, #30.

90. Edwin Meaders

Blue Face Jug With Green Crying Eyes.

2005. Signed and dated. Deep rich colors. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

93. John Meaders

Signed, dated and numbered. Deep rich green glaze with cobalt eyes. Mint condition. 10.5” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $75

Face Jug, #29.

Signed, dated and numbered. Nice ash green drip glaze. Mint condition. 9” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

95. A.G. Meaders

Large Rare Devil Face Jug.

c. 1990. Signed. Traditional A.G. green drip tobacco-spit glaze. Mint condition. 11” h. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $65

96. A.G. Meaders Large Face Jug.

c. 1990. Signed. Traditional A.G. green drip tobacco-spit glaze. Mint condition. 11.5” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

91. Edwin Meaders

Blue Rooster.

2007. Signed and dated. Heavy deep blue cobalt glaze. Mint condition. 17” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

94. John Meaders

Pair of Grape Vases.

c. 1990. Signed. Mint condition. 9.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

97. Cheever Meaders

(attributed) 5 Gallon Churn.

Not signed. Tobacco-spit glaze. Minor chip inside of strap handle, otherwise excellent condition. 18” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100 Page 15

98. Lanier Meaders

Rare Smithsonian China Plate Tooth Face Jug.

c. 1960’s. Made for the Smithsonian Folklife sale. Deep rich veiny drip tobacco spit glaze. Mint condition. 8” h. Est. $3,000-5,000. Ship: $65

99. Lanier Meaders

Early 1960’s Glazed Eye Face Jug.

Signed. c. 1960’s. Price by Lanier on piece $12.95. Minor glaze flake on nose tip an left ear, otherwise excellent condition. 8” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $55

101. Lanier Meaders

100. Lanier Meaders

Devil Face Jug.

c. 1960’s. Tobacco-spit glaze. Earring holes. No teeth. Signed on bottom. Mint condition. 8.5” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

102. Lanier Meaders

Double Rock Tooth Face Jug.

Double Face Politician Jug.

1976 written on bottom. Deep rich glaze with perfect rock teeth. Minor kiln separation on one lip, otherwise excellent condition. 10” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

c. 1960’s. Beautiful deep glaze with perfect rock teeth on both sides. Mint condition. 8.75” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

101. Verso

102. Verso

104. Verso

103. Lanier Meaders

Buck Tooth Rock Devil Face Jug.

c. 1960’s. Two rock teeth. Frog matte green glaze. Mint condition. 10” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $55

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104. Lanier Meaders

Double-Face Red Eye Candelabra.

Signed. Experimental, super heavy glaze, clay teeth, glazed eyes. Mint condition. 10.25” h. Est. $2,500-3,500. Ship: $85

105. Lanier Meaders

Tall Rock Tooth Face Jug.

Partial matt glaze. Three chucky rock teeth. Eyes appear to have eyelashes. Mint condition. 11.5” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

106. This piece is illustrated in Bishop’s, American Folk Sculpture, pg. 215

106. Anonymous

Stoneware Bust.

c. 1850-1900. 7.5” h. This figure was probably the lid for a crock, jar or churn. Illustrated in Robert Bishop’s, American Folk Sculpture, page 215. Two chips along front of hairline, one on top and one chigger bite on tip of nose and one along ear. For the age, it is in remarkably great condition. Est. $3,000-5,000. Ship: $65

108. Anonymous

Sewer Tile Lion.

Not signed or dated. Glazed. Mint condition. 11.5” x 7”. Est. $100-300. Ship: $45

109. Attributed to Landrum

Two Gallon Jar.

Not signed or dated. c. late 1800’s. Light colored Carolina ash glaze. Mint condition. 13” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100

107. George Ohr

Spider Web Glaze Over Unglazed Small Pottery Vase.

c. 1898-1900’s. “G.E. OHR, Biloxi, MS” stamped in base. Minor chip in rim, otherwise great condition. 2.75” w x 3.75” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

110. Anonymous

Beehive Jug.

Two gallon. c. late 1800’s-early 1900’s. Not signed or dated. Excellent condition. Great tobacco-spit glaze. 13” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $85

113. Edward Leslie Stork


Two Gallon Jug.

111. Anonymous

3 Gallon Jar.

Possibly Sand Mountain. Stamped 3-gallon. Double-handled. Ash glaze. 16” h. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

112. Anonymous

6 Gallon Churn.

Albany slip. 6 written in script. 19” h. Mint condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $150.

Stamped “L. Stork, Orange, GA” on top. Stork potted in the Eastern part of Cherokee County GA from the 1900 until his death in 1925. Very rare Georgia jug. Excellent condition. 12.5” h. He was known as “the roving potter.” This jug reflects the traditional Stork (Orange, GA) brown to black albany slip glaze. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $65

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114. Anonymous

Bull Weathervane.

115. Anonymous

c. 1900. Molded copper. Excellent condition. 25” x 19” x 6”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $100

Flying Gold Eagle Weathervane.

c. 1900-20. Molded copper and paint. Environmental wear, otherwise great condition. 25” x 25” x 22”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

117. Anonymous

116. Anonymous

Horse Trade Sign.

Gold Rooster Weathervane.

c. late 1800’s. Galvanized metal with tin backing and gold paint. Lots of environmental wear and paint loss. Crack in ear. Overall great condition for it’s age. 21” x 15” x 16”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $100

c. 1900-20. Molded copper and paint. Excellent condition. 22” x 24” x 3”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $75

118. Anonymous

Haberdashery Trade Sign.

c. 1900-20. Molded tin with hand-forged metal bracket and hand. Some original paint. Lots of environmental wear, otherwise great condition. 36” x 43” x 12”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

119. Anonymous

Double-Sided Indian Head Trade Sign.

Carved and painted wood with metal hooks. c. early 1900’s. Some environmental wear, otherwise great condition. 45” x 25” x 2.5”. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $200

120. Anonymous

Lady’s Boot Trade Sign, #3.

Carved wood and paint with hand-forged metal ring. Some wear, otherwise excellent condition. 29” x 18” x 5”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

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121. Anonymous

Key Trade Sign.

c. 1900’s. Tin, steel and paint. Excellent condition. 26.5” x 8.5” x 1”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

122. Anonymous

Boot Shop Trade Sign.

Carved and painted wood with hand-forged metal hooks. Some wear and paint loss, otherwise good condition. 12” w x 26” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

123. Anonymous Religious Banner

The Revelation Of Jesus Christ.

c. 1950’s-60’s. Mixed media on canvas. Hand-rendered typography. Beautiful sewing craftsmanship in the black border edging and the tab hangers. There are a few places on this banner where the moisture has caused the paint to bleed, otherwise excellent condition. 16.5 ft. long x 6.5 ft. h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $45

124. Anonymous Religious Banner The Coming Of The Lord and Subsequent Events In Heaven And On Earth.

c. 1950’s. Hand-painted on thick cotton. The stitching is very high quality and the hand-rendered typography is absolutely beautiful. You can see pencil marks that helped the artist keep it straight. There are 7 grommets on the top. 12 feet long x 4.5 ft h. Excellent condition, with only a slight browned aged color. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $45

125. Anonymous

Religious Wood-Relief Wall Plaque.

Angels and wine grape motif. Carved from one solid piece of solid iron wood with gesso and original paint. Some paint loss throughout, and large natural wood split, otherwise great condition. Very rare piece! 48” x 1.5” x 28”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $200

126. Anonymous

Flash Tattoo Art, A-3.

c. 1930-40’s. 8 Images. Ink on cardstock. Some aging of paper, otherwise excellent condition. Size with frame is 16” w x 13” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

127. Anonymous

Sheet No. 24 Flash Tattoo Art.

c. 1930-40’s. 20 Individual images. All ink on cardstock. Some yellowing, otherwise excellent condition. Average size of images, 4” x 5”. Framed together is 25” x 19” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

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129. Anonymous Decoy

Back Bay Virginia Swan Decoy.

Carved and painted wood. Paint crazing environmental wear to top and tin patches and glass eyes, otherwise great condition. 12” x 34” x 30” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

128. F.J. Dobbine, Maine & Unknown

Six Duck and Bird Decoys.

130. Anonymous Decoy

Carved wood and paint. All are great condition. Largest is 16” long. Provenance: The Columbus Museum, GA. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

Blue Heron Virginia Decoy.

Carved and painted wood and metal tack eyes. Make-do repair to neck, paint weathering and natural splits, otherwise good condition. 6” x 41” x 34” with stand. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $150

132. Anonymous Trade Sign

131. Trade Sign

Frog Decoy Sign.

c. mid-20th c. giant trade sign. Carved and painted wood with tin. Great condition. 23” x 8” x 56” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $200

Vertical Dentist Trade Sign.

c. late 1800’s. Black sandpaper over wooden board with cut out and painted letters. Some loss to top middle and left corner, overall good to great condition. 15” w x 73” h. Est. $1,500-2,000. Ship: $200

133. Anonymous Barber Pole.

Carved and painted wooden pole. Well-weathered, crazed paint, paint rubs and wear. Overall good condition for it’s age. 88” h x 4” diameter. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $150

134. Anonymous Trade Sign

Mortar Pestle.

Carved solid wood. Wood splits in Pestle, otherwise great condition. total size is 9.5” diameter x 34” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

135. Anonymous

Explosives Sign. Page 20

Paint on board with glass reflective marbles. Excellent condition with some environmental weathering. 53” w x 7.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

PHILIP CHABOT (1899-1982) - NEW DISCOVERY! 137. Philip Chabot

136. Philip Chabot

8 Totems and Large Owl.

The History And The Evolution Of Man.

c. 1950’s. Not signed. Carved wood attached to homemade wood hinged box. Excellent condition. 36” x 18”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

c. 1940’s. 30 carved figures with typed label attached to homemade hinged wooden box. Excellent condition. Box is 40” x 20” when closed. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

138. Philip Chabot

Pin Up Ladies & Animals.

c. 1950’s. 23 carved figures attached to homemade wooden hinged box. Excellent condition. 33” x 17”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

141. Philip Chabot

Indians & Women Profiles.

c. 1950’s. 7 carved wooden plaques attached to homemade hinged box. Excellent condition. 36” x 18”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

139. Philip Chabot

Six Western Figures & Women.

c. 1950’s. Not signed. Carved wood and attached to homemade wooden hinged box. Excellent condition. 40” x 18”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

142. Philip Chabot

Birds Of Prey & Women That Play.

c. 1950’s. 12 carved birds and nudes attached to homemade wooden hinged box. Excellent condition. 36” x 18” h closed box. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

140. Philip Chabot

WWII Dow Boy & Presidental Plaque.

Signed. c. 1950’s. 8 carved wooden plaques attached to homemade wooden hinged box. Excellent condition. Box size is 36” x 18”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

143. Philip Chabot

People & Animals.

c. 1950’s. 9 carved figures attached to homemade wooden hinged box. Size of box is 33” x 17”. Excellent condition. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

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144. Sam Doyle

Davis (Sammy Davis, Jr.)

Initialed and titled. Not dated. Paint on found tin. Some environmental wear, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 27” w x 42” h. Frame is 30” w x 46” h. Est. $10,000-15,000. Ship: $200

145. Sam Doyle

Mr. Fool.

Initialed and titled. Not dated. Housepaint on found roof tin. Excellent condition. Acquired from Louanne LaRoche, 1994. Image is 24” w x 40” h. Frame is 26” w x 43” h. Est. $8,000-12,000. Ship: $300

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145. Appraisal by Louanne LaRoche, The Red Piano Gallery, dated, 1994.

146. Sam Doyle

Baseball Player.

Paint on corrugated tin. Not signed or dated. Original screw holes and cut in lower left, otherwise excellent condition. 27” x 48” h. Photo below shows portion of this piece hanging in Doyle’s orignal environment. Est. $10,000-15,000. Ship: $150

146. Baseball Player is from a private Chicago Collection. Photo environment above taken by Clay Rice a musician, songwriter and artist who visited with Sam Doyle, and created a CD and Album, Journey Through The Lowcountry, A Very Special Album by Clay Rice and Friends. This piece is not from Clay’s collection, however his photo, of featuring the lower half of this baseball player is a nice documentation of this piece being part of Doyle’s environment.

147. Sam Doyle

Brother Hod (sic).

Initialed and titled. Not dated. Paint on found tin. Environmental rust, otherwise excellent condition. 33” w x 25” h. Est. $8,000-12,000. Ship: $85

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148. Mattie Lou O’Kelley (1908-1997)

Dividing Fruit With The Neighbors.

1973. Signed, dated and titled. Image is 36” w x 24” h. Frame is 43” w x 31.5” h. Excellent condition. A Slotin Auction Favorite! Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $20,000-25,000. Ship: $200

149. Mattie Lou O’Kelley Sun Setting Hill Farm.

1982. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Image is 32” w x 24” h. Size with frame is 40” w x 33” h. A Slotin Auction Favorite! Est. $15,000-20,000. Ship: $200 Page 24

150. Mattie Lou O’Kelley


1968. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Image is 16” w x 20” h. Frame is 21” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65 Mattie Lou was approached to paint two portraits for a gentleman of his family members from tin types. She reluctantly agreed, as commission work was not her favorite. She charged the gentleman more than she normally charged for works and he paid willingly. When she completed the portrait, the gentleman never picked it up and she kept it with her for years, even when she re-located. The original tin type that the portrait is based on has been lost, but Mattie Lou kept the second tin type of the other family members which was supposed to be the next portrait. This tin type accompanies the work.

151. Mattie Lou O’Kelley

Snowy Covered Bridge Scene.

1966. Signed and dated. Oil canvas panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 18” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

152. Mattie Lou O’Kelley

Sitting On Mother’s Lap. 1971. Signed and dated. Paint and paper. Pointillism style. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 18” h. Frame is 17” w x 21” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

153. Mattie Lou O’Kelley

Working In The Garden.

1971. Acrylic on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 11” w x 17” h. Frame is 19” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

Page 25

154. Sister Gertrude Morgan

The Rising Of Lazarus (Triptych).

Christ The Multitude, Christ At The Door, And Raising Of Lazarus. c. 1970-75. Signed. Acrylic and ink, watercolor on found paper. Top right hand corner is missing, otherwise excellent condition with very bright colors. Image is 26.5” w x 12.5” h. Frame is 32” w x 17” h. Letter taped to verso has typed song of the handwritten script on front. Provenance: ex. Gitter/Yellen Collection. Illustrated in Pictured In My Mind, pg. 144. Exhibited at Intuit in the traveling retrospective of Sister Gertrude Morgan, 2004. Est. $12,000-16,000. Ship: $100

154. View with frame.

155. Sister Gertrude Morgan

Sing Bring Them In...Thanks His Shepherds.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 15.5” w x 11” h. Frame is 21.5” w x 17.5” h. Provenance: Ex. Borenstein Gallery. Info on verso. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $55

Page 26

155. View with frame.

157. Sister Gertrude Morgan

The Parable Of The Virgins.

156. Sister Gertrude Morgan

c. 1970. Signed, but signature is faded. Watercolor, crayon and marker on paper. Image is 14” w x 10” h. Frame is 23” w x 19” h. Provenance: The Borenstein Gallery. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

Noah’s Ark.

c. 1960’s-70’s. Signed. Pencil and crayon on found paper. Lower right hand corner missing, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 14” w x 6.25 h. Frame is 19” w x 14.5” h. Provenance: Fleisher Ollman Gallery. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $45

158. Sister Gertrude Morgan

Four Angels.

c. 1970. Signed. Acrylic and tempera on cardboard. Excellent condition. Strong colors. Image is 8.5” w x 3” h. Frame is 17” w x 12” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $45

159. Sister Gertrude Morgan

Let’s Make a Record.

158. View with frame

160. Charlie Willeto

Giant Sacred Owl.

Carved tree stump with paint. Excellent condition. 9” diameter x 23” h. Est. $3,000-4,000. Ship: $75

160. Verso.

Original record and album cover. Shrink wrapped. Excellent condition. 12.5” w x 12.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

161. Charlie Willeto Sacred Owl.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood with feathers. Light fading, otherwise great condition. 16” h x 6” x 4”. Provenance: The Rosenak Collection. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $65

161. Verso.

Page 27

162. Calvin and Ruby Black Thanks To You Possum Trot Doll.

She sat at the entrance to the environment. Carved and painted wood with tatered original clothes. Hand-painted signed. Heavy environmental weathering, otherwise great condition. 16” w x 17” d x 44” h. Est. $8,000-12,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

163. Calvin and Ruby Black Standing Army Man.

Little original paint remains on wooden logs with tatered clothes and army hat. Very well worn from environmental exposure. 26” w x 14” d x 66” h. Illustrated in environment in Hemphill’s book. Est. $3,000-5,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

162. Alternate views.

164. William Hawkins

Chain Of Life.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 25” w x 20” h. Est. $7,000-10,000. Ship: $55

Page 28

165. William Blayney

Knight For Christ.

Possibly signed and titled at lower right corner. Too faint to be legible. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 24” h. Frame is 19” w x 25” h. Blayney’s was an ordained Pentecostal minister and used his paintings to preach the gospel. He draws upon deep religious tradition of didactic imagery going back to the mid-19th century and the Book of Revelation. Blaney’s works are rare and don’t come up for auction often. Provenance: The Phyllis Kind Gallery. Est. $7,000-10,000. Ship: $75

166. Dilmus Hall

The Mexican Bunch.

Not signed or dated. Cement and paint on base. 13” x 11” x 13” h. Great condition. Illustrated in O’Appalachia, pg. 94. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Page 29

167. Joseph Yoakum

Mc Hunt In Big Horn Mtn. Range Near Sheridan Wyoming.

1967. Signed, dated and titled. Pastel, colored pencil and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Bright, vivid colors. Great subject with American mountain range. Image is 19” w x 12” h. Frame is 25” w x 18” h. Est. $7,000-10,000. Ship: $55

167. View with frame.

168. Joseph Yoakum

Katherene Poillion The First Sportin Girl To Appear In NYC in Year 1736.

Signed and dated, 1966. Titled. Graphite, colored pencil and ink on paper. Aged corners, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 18” h. Frame is 22” w x 28” h. Est. $7,000-10,000. Ship: $85

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Joseph Yoakum “Katherene Poillion The first Sporting Girl to appear in NYC in year 1736”. c. 1963/66, graphite and colored pencil and blue ballpoint pen on tan wove paper. Exhibited in “The Picture Tells the Story” curated by Mark Pascal, Director, Art Institute of Chicago, at Intuit, Chicago, Jan 16, -June 28 2009. Illustrated in the exhibition catalogue “Every Picute Tells the Story, the Drawings of Joseph Yoakum. This is one of Yoakum’s very early pieces and his figurative work is extremely rare. Also featured is the title and signature is written in very stylistic calligraphy. The revered art historian Whitney Halstead had bequeathed his collection with his manuscript to the Art Institute of Chicago in 1979. He is featured in many museum collections and famous personal collections including that of the late Ray Yoshida, a beloved and

169. Minnie Evans

Untitled, Fauna, Pegasus and Angels.

Signed and dated, 1980. Paint, crayon and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 22” w x 15” h. Frame is 26.5” w x 18.5” h. Est. $3,000-5,000. Ship: $65

170. Minnie Evans

Asian Garden.

c. 1947. Initialed lower right. Mixed media on cardboard collage.

(Note: Minnie collaged extra paper and expanded the piece a little after seeing an art exhibition and decided that her work should be larger).

14.5” w x 11” h. Great condition. Provenance: Gasperi Gallery. Est. $3,000-5,000. Ship: $45

171. Minnie Evans

Abstract With Aqua Green Butterfly.

Not signed or dated. Paint and pencil on cardstock. Excellent condition. Very beautiful colors. Image is 9” w x 11” h. Frame is 16” w x 19” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $45

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172. Edgar Tolson

Adam & Eve.

Not signed or dated. Carved wood, painted snake. 12.5” h x 13” x 13”. Masterpiece carving. A Slotin Auction Favorite! Excellent condition. Est. $12,000-16,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

173a. Edgar Tolson


c. 1976. Not able to see signature or date. Carved natural wood. 11.5” h x 2.5” x 2.5”. Visible glue on arms, otherwise excellent condition. Featured In Wos Up Man, page 38/39. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $45

173b. Steve Ashby

Island Girl and Miss Pee.

Not signed or dated. Paint on found wood and tree limb with plastic rivets case, tin eyes and other mixed media. Two figures are nailed to the wooden board base. Great condition. 19” x 8” x 15.5” h. Provenance: The Salvatore Scalora Collection, purchased directly from the artist. Est. 2,000-4,000. Ship: $100

173b. Verso

Notes from Sal: Notice the hair covered crotch and the hard-

Page 32

ware store plastic nail vial in the rear of the crotch....he would fill up the container with water and it does pee pee! the face of the pee pee woman exhibits his classical screwdriver hammer marks over what was a magazine picture that he originally taped over the this wood, hammered the flat head screwdriver like dash marks, thereby tracing the basic outline. Not signed, they were house yard sculptures, crude, weathered. Steve missed his deceased wife and in each and every woman that he made, he tended to remake his woman, including the pee pee aspect......profound human nature...unique.

175. Nellie Mae Rowe

Big Eye See You.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Felt tip pen, crayon and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 24” w x 18” h. Frame is 34” w 28” h. Provenance: ex. Judith Alexander Collection. Exhibited at The Morris Museum of Art, March-May, 1996, Private Collection. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $85

176. Nellie Mae Rowe Bird In Mulberry Tree.

1981. Signed and dated. Crayon, marker and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 14” w x 17” h. Frame is 22” w x 25” h. Private collection. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $55

177. Nellie Mae Rowe

Love Birds.

1980. Signed and dated. Crayon, colored pencil and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 15” w x 20” h. Frame is 20” w x 25” h. Provenance: Judith Alexander Gallery. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $65

178. Nellie Mae Rowe

Tryptic With Cat and Dog.

1981. Signed and dated. Each image is 10” x 8” and mounted by artist on larger piece. All are colored pencil and crayon on cardstock. Image is 32” w x 10” h. Frame is 35” w x 13” h. Excellent condition. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $85

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179. Clementine Hunter

It Was A Day In Spring When I Painted This.

c. 1940. Monogrammed, middle left. Watercolor, paint and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 14.5” w x 10.5” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Provenance: Lindsay Gallery. Est. $4,000-8,000. Ship: $55

180. Clementine Hunter

Saturday Night Juke Joint.

c. 1960’s. Monogrammed middle right. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 16” h. Frame is 23” w x 19” h. Est. $3,000-4,000. Ship: $55

181. Clementine Hunter

Couple Returning Home.

c. 1960’s. Monogrammed. Oil on masonite. Minor paint flake, otherwise great condition. Image is 16” w x 5” h. Frame is 21” w x 9” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $45

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182. Clementine Hunter

Ring Bell In Church Yard.

c. 1970’s. Monogrammed. Oil on artist panel. Excellent condition. Image is 24” w x 18” h. Frame is 28” w x 22” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

183. Clementine Hunter Zinnia’s Looking At You.

c. 1960’s. Monogrammed. Oil on artist board. Excellent condition. Image is 16.5” w x 24.5” h. Frame is 20” w x 27” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

184. Clementine Hunter

Wagon Ride With Swans.

c. 1970’s. Initialed lower right corner. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 23” w x 19” h. Illustrated on page 20 & 21 in Wos Up Man. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

185. Clementine Hunter Wash Day.

c. 1983. Monogrammed. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 9” h. Frame is 14” w x 11” h. Est. $1,000-1,500 Ship: $35

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186. Howard Finster

Vision Of Mary’s Angel, #6,908.

Oct. 14, 1987. Signed, dated, titled and numbered. Enamel on wood. Excellent condition. Image is 48” w x 48” h. Frame is 49” w x 49” h. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery. Featured in Wos Up Man, pg. 58. Photo of Howard painting this piece in book, pg. 59. A Slotin Auction Favorite! Est. $25,000-35,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping. Wos Up Man? Selections From The Joseph C. and Janet M. Shein Collection of Self-Taught Art, Palmer Museum of Art. This piece is illustrated on page 59. Page 36

Howard Finster and painting no. 600.908. Vision of Mary’s Angel. (Photo: John F. Turner). Reproduced in J.F. Turner, Howard Finster: Man of Visions (New York; Alfred A. Knopf, 1989.) pg. 3

187. Howard Finster

Time Waits for Nothing, #1,862.

1981. Signed, dated, titled and numbered. Enamel on wood with glitter. Excellent condition. A Slotin Auction Favorite Masterpiece. 23” w x 81” h. Est. $5,000-10,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

188. Howard Finster Giant Santa, #3,786.

1984. Signed, titled and dated. Completely painted with clouds and angels. Painted on cutout board. Museum plexi-glass frame. 36.5” w x 97” h. Est. $4,000-7,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

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190. Howard Finster

Sin Slowly Grew Up Through The House, #2,530.

Signed, dated, titled and numbered. 1982. Enamel on wood. Excellent condition. Size with artist frame. 19.25” w x 15.25” h. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $45

189. Howard Finster

My Vision Of My Baby Picture On The Foam Stone, #1,257.

1978. Signed, dated, titled and numbered. Enamel on plate glass. Excellent condition. 24” w x 20” h. Illustrated in F. Turner’s, Howard Finster: Man of Visions (New York; Alfred A. Knopf, 1989.) page 152. Est. $5,000-7,000. Ship: $100 189. Illustrated on page 152.

191. Howard Finster

Just Looking Over Jordan, #3,983.

Page 38

1984. Signed, dated and titled. Mixed media wooden construction with plexiglass, mirror and enamel paint. 13.5” w x 18.5”. Excellent condition. Provenance: Phyllis Kind Gallery, Ricco-Maresca Gallery. Est. $3,000-5,000. Ship: $85

192. Howard Finster

Abbie Was Not In Her Grave Long Until She Returned To Me, 3,558.

1984. Signed, dated and numbered. Paint on mirror and plexiglass with wooden shadowbox frame. Excellent condition. 10.5” x 16” x 3.5”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

193. Howard Finster

Elvis Pressley, #555.

194. Howard Finster

T.V. Art, #10,676.

1977. Not signed, numbered. Paint on concrete figure. Incredible early and large environmental piece. Excellent condition. Provenance: Ann Nathan Gallery. 17” x 21.5” x 1.5.” Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $85

1989. Signed, dated and numbered. Paint on portable hotpoint television with images inside of glass screen. Excellent condition. Paint and script on all sides and top. 13” x 11” x 16”. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $200 194. Alternate view.

195. Howard Finster

Posed From 1903 Dime, #1,319.

1979. Signed, dated, titled and numbered. Enamel on wooden panel. Excellent condition. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery. 18” diameter. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $45

197. Howard Finster

City By The Wayside, #6,636. 1987. Colored pencil and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 8” w x 10” h. Frame is 14” w x 16” h. Est. $500-800. Est. $45

196. Howard Finster

Howard In 1950, Self Portrait, #6,453.

1987. Signed, dated and numbered. Paint on cut out panel. Environmental piece with original nail holes, otherwise great condition. 19” w x 24” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

198. Howard Finster

Clock Case With Painting.

Clock case dated, 1968. Painting inside dated 1990. Signed, dated and numbered. Carved and wood-burned frame. Paint on masonite. Excellent condition. 15” x 22” x 3.5”. Est. $800-1,000. Ship: $65 Page 39

199. Vestie Davis

Fraunces Tavern.

1968. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Minor paint crazing, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 38” w x 18” h. Frame is 39” w x 19” h. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $150

200. Scottie Wilson

Untitled. Swans & Birds In Tree.

Signed. Not dated. Watercolor and other mixed media on paper. Large Beautifully rendered landscape. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 14” h. Frame is 29” w x 24” h. Provenance: Henry Boxer Gallery, London. Est. $6,000-8,000. Ship: $85

201. Jesse Howard

201. Verso Page 40

I Warned The Gang That This Isn’t Over.

Signed and his age, 91, on verso. Paint and pencil on board. Excellent condition. 33” w x 4” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

202. Jesse Howard

A Wonderful Father and Mother.

1974. Great condition. Paint on canvas window shade. Great condition. 36” w x 56” h. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $55

203. Daniel Pressley

Grand PA Old Place.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Carved wood-relief-plaque. Excellent condition. Traditional info on verso. 23” w x 31” h. A Masterpiece Pressley piece and A Slotin Auction Favorite. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $85

204. Elijah Pierce

Sculpture of Boxers on Wooden Box.

This piece is said to have held Pierce’s barbershop brushes and combs and was attached through his belt. An incredibly rare art and utilitarian piece. Excellent condition. Maybe initialed on bottom, but faint and hard to read. 4.5” x 5” x 3.5”. Est. $3,000-4,000. Provenance: Keny Galleries, OH. Est. $3,000-4,000. Ship: $45 Page 41

205. Jon Serl

Old Lovers.

#581. Signed, titled and numbered on verso. Oil on wooden panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 37” w x 49” h. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $200

206. Jon Serl


1980. Not signed or dated. Paint and oil on artist panel. Two minor paint flakes, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 30” w x 40” h. Provenance: The Ames Gallery. Est. $3,000-4,000. Ship: $200

207. Jon Serl

Banbury Cross.

Signed, dated and titled. Paint on canvas panel. Dog-eared corners, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 20” w x 26” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

208. Johann Fischer D. Fanner.

1984. Signed, titled and dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 8” w x 11” h. Frame is 12” w x 15” h. Provenance: Gallery St. Etienne. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $35

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Johann Fischer. Very important work by one of the original and best-known Gugging Artists and featured in Haus der Kunstler, Gugging, and in the Collection de L’ Art Brut, Lausanne France.The contents of Fischer’s drawings are predominately whole stories, ideas, phantasies. His work is found in essential collections and museums throughout Europe and the United States.

209. Raymond Coins I Dream A Dream.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Carved riverstone. Excellent condition. 20” h x 20” w x 10” d including base. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $150

210. Raymond Coins

Cedar Dog.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and varnished wood. Natural wood splits, otherwise great condition. 36” long x 30” h x 28” w. Private Collection. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

211. Raymond Coins Baby Doll.

Signed. Not dated. Carved riverstone. Appears to have a repair on the forehead, otherwise good condition. 10” x 12”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

212. Raymond Coins


Signed. Not dated. Carved riverstone. Excellent condition. 5” x 9” x 2.5”. Est. $600-800. Ship: $45

213. Popeye Reed


1976. Signed and dated. Carved limestone. Excellent condition. 19.5” h x 5” x 5”. Provenance: Featured on the cover of The Outsider Magazine, Spring, 2009. One of Reed’s finest carvings. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $85

214. Popeye Reed

Indian Chief With Headdress.

Signed. Not dated. Carved limestone. Excellent condition. 16” h x 10” x 7”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $125

213. Venus was the cover of The Outsider Magazine, Spring 2009.

215. Popeye Reed Owl.

Signed. Not dated. Carved limestone. 7” x 4”. Excellent condition. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

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216. St. E.O.M. - Eddie Owens Martin

Figures In Levitation Power Suit.

c. 1952. Oil on canvas. One minor paint flake, otherwise great condition. 30” x 30”. St. E.O.M. masterpiece. Est. $2,000-4,000. Ship: $85

217. Joseph Garlock

Guggenheim Museum.

1960. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on recycled canvas. Needs a little T.L.C. - to be cleaned and re-stretched, otherwise great condition. Size with original frame is 29” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $75

219. Fritzi Brod

Woman With Necklace.

Important Midwest Artist. Jewish. Signed and dated, 1939. Oil on canvas panel. Crease in lower left corner 9” long, otherwise great condition. Image is 27” w x 34” h. Frame is 33” w x 40” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $150

218. Harry Lieberman

The Sacrifice Of Isaac.

1957. Initialed and dated. Oil on canvas. Some paint crazing, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 30” w x 24” h. Frame is 33” w x 27” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $85

220. Georgia Blizzard


Signed and titled. Not dated. Hand-molded fired clay. 9.5” w x 8” h. Mint condition. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

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221. Streete Blair

Antique Pickers Kitchen.

1949. Signed, titled and dated. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 19” w x 15” h. Frame is 26” w x 22” h. Provenance: Gallerie St. Etienne. Est. $1,0002,000. Ship: $45

223. Lee Godie

Twin Ladies In Blue.

Signed. Not dated. Ink, paint and marker on canvas window shade. Slight fading, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 33” w x 20” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

222. Lee Godie

Emry Girls.

2000. Signed and dated. Paint, ink and watercolor on canvas window shade. Very large. Excellent condition. Masterpiece. Image is 42” w x 29” h. Frame is 46” w x 33” h. Est. $4,000-6,000. Ship: $150

224. Lee Godie

8 Hands On Piano.

Signed. Not dated. Ink and watercolor on found poster. Excellent condition. Image is 30” w x 20” h. Frame is 35” w x 25” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $85

226. Lee Godie

Woman In Red.

Signed. Ink and paint on paper. Ink has faded, otherwise good condition. Image is 15” w x 20” h. Frame is 22” w x 27” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

225. Lee Godie

Chicago We Own.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Paint, ink and watercolor on canvas window shade. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 17” h. Frame is 21” w x 20” h. Est. $500-700. Ship: $45

227. Lee Godie

Staying Alive.

Paint, ink and watercolor on canvas window shade. Signed and titled. Not dated. Image is 19” w x 14” h. Frame is 21” w x 17” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

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229. William Dawson

228. William Dawson

Five Portraits.

1989-90. All signed and dated. Paint and watercolor on paper. Average size with frame is 13” x 14”. Excellent condition. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $75

230. William Dawson

Man With Striped Shirt.

1976. Signed and dated. Very early piece. Carved wood with paint and wig hair. Excellent condition. 5” x 2.5” x 10.5” h. Provenance: The Sal Scalora Collection. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

Brown Bull.

1989. Signed and dated. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 13” w x 10” h. Frame is 23” w x 20” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

231. William Dawson


1989. Signed and dated. Cut and painted wood. Excellent condition. 10.5” x 20” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

232. William Dawson

Two Animals.

1984. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with faux fur. Excellent condition. Tallest is 6” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

233. William Dawson


1989. Signed and dated. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 23” w x 17” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45 Page 46

234. William Dawson


1989. Signed and dated. Paint on paper. Excellent condition. 20” w x 16” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

235. William Dawson

Yellow Mask House.

Signed. Not dated. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 11” w x 8” h. Frame is 16” w x 12” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

237. Eddie Arning


Not signed or dated. Rare watercolor background with crayon. Image is 17” x 28”. Frame is 25” w x 36”. Needs to re-attached in frame, otherwise excellent condition. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

236. Eddie Arning

Scene Of Goat Hunt, #1642.

Includes original source material. Craypas on paper. Excellent condition. Rare find with article. Image is 31” w x 21.5” h. Frame is 35” w x 25” h. A Slotin Auction Favorite! Provenance: The Ames Gallery, CA. Est. $3,000-4,000. Ship: $100

236. Article used as model for this piece.

239. Rev. Johnnie Swearingen

Cowboys Walking.

Not signed or dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Image is 14” w x 16” h. Frame is 15” w x 17” h. Provenance: Webb Gallery. Est. $500-800. Est. $45

238. Rev. Johnnie Swearingen

Self-Portrait Of Johnnie On His TX Farm.

Initialed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 30” w x 24” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

240. Aaron Birnbaum


1996. Signed and dated. Oil and varnish on cardboard. Excellent condition. Includes photo of artist in same pose. Size including frame is 17.5” w 21.5” h. Provenance: K.S. Art, NY. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

241. Aaron Birnbaum (1895-1998)

Rabbi Feeding Squirrels In The Park.

240. Photo of artist on verso

Signed. Not dated. Oil and varnish on masonite. Excellent condition. 24” w x 18” h including artist frame. Provenance: K.S. Art. Page 47 Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

242. Herbert Singleton Kill Staff.

Not signed or dated. Large staff with paint. Excellent condition. 87” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $300

243. Thornton Dial


Initialed. Not dated. Watercolor and graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 22” w x 30” h. Frame is 30” w x 38” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $100

244. Thornton Dial

Heart Patient Nurse.

c. 1989. Initialed. Watercolor, pencil and crayon on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 9” w x 12” h. Frame is 19” w x 21” h. Featured on page 83 of Wos Up Man. Est. 800-1,200. Ship: $45

245. Thornton Dial

Nurse Know What To Do With Bone. c, 1989. Signed. Watercolor and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 9” x 12”. Frame is 19” x 21”. Featured on page 81 of Wos Up Man. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

Page 48

245. View with frame.

244. View with frame.

246. Thornton Dial

Line Of Life.

1991. Signed. Watercolor, pencil and crayon on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 9” w x 12” h. Frame is 19” w x 21” h. Featured on page 82 of Wos Up Man. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

246. View with frame.

248. John Niro

247. John Niro

The Layoff.

Installing A Tin Roof.

1969. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Size with frame is 24” x 20”. Excellent condition. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

1979. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 34” w x 28” h. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $85

249. John Niro

Colonial Tinsmith.

Comments from Artist: This was taken from an issue of the American Heritage book called “Colonial Times.” In that book is an ink drawing of a 1790 ship and it was probably drawn by an itinerant artist. Somehow or other it survived and to this day it hangs in the Royal Museum of London and I took that as a basis for making this painting. I did quite a bit of research to get the colors of the costumes of the times. The original is an ink drawing and I arrived at these colors through research and made this painting from that ink drawing.

c. 1967-75. Oil on canvas. Marked “J. Niro”. Image is 18” w x 14” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Excellent condition. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

250. David Courlander (1866-1961)

Rip Van Winkle’s Return.

Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Signed. Image is 20” w x 15” h. Rare piece. Frame is 28” w x 24” h. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

251. David Courlander

Church Is Out.

Watercolor on paper. Signed. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 22” x 15”. Frame is 38” x 24”. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

252. David Courlander Refreshments.

Watercolor on paper. Signed. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 12” h. Frame is 30” w x 25” h. Provenance: The Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

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253. Bob Short

Never Did Nature Say...

2001. Titled and initialed. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 39” w x 27” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $100

254. Bob Short

All That Is God.

Initialed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 27” w x 23” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

255. Chris Hipkiss

II Salvaggio Southing Grab.

1995. Signed, dated and titled. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery. Image is 9.5” w x 14.5” h. Frame is 17” w x 22” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $45

256. Chris Hipkiss


255. View with frame

257. Stephen Anderson

Masculine Influence. Page 50

2008. Signed and dated on verso. Acrylic and prismacolor on museum board. Excellent condition. Masterpiece. 36” w x 28.5” h including frame. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $85

2004. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 6” w x 4”. Frame is 12” w x 10” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $35

258. Stephen Anderson

The Lady of Shallot.

256. View with frame

2002. Signed and dated. Acrylic and prismacolor. Size with frame is 22” x 18” h. Provenance: Aron Packer Gallery. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

259. Anne Grgich

Untitled Masterpiece.

2000. Signed and dated. Colored pencil and mixed media on paper. Very large example. Excellent condition. Image is 45” w x 19.5” h. Frame is 57” w x 31” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $200

260. Boris Lopez

Del Valle.

2009. Signed and dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. 40” w x 29” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

261. Terry Turrell

Simple Girl.

2001. Signed, dated, and titled. Mixed media and paint on found cabinet door. Excellent condition. 24” w x 60” h. Est. $1,000-3,000. Ship: $200

262. Terry Turrell

Man In The Grass.

Not able to see signature or date. Mixed media, paint on tar paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 34” w x 41” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

263. James F.M. Watkinson


1986. Signed. Mixed media on wood. Excellent condition. 16.5” x 23” x 2.5”. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $65

264. James F.M. Watkinson

Three Birds.

1987. Signed. Mixed media, wire and wood. Excellent condition. 22.5” x 16” x 3”. Provenance: Cavin-Morris Gallery. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $65

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266. Joseph Hardin

265. Joseph Hardin

Orange Woman.

Flowers In Vase.

1994. Signed and dated. Paint on cardboard. Excellent condition. Image is 7” w x 17” h. Frame is 13” w x 23” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

Signed and dated. Paint and graphite on back of canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 22” h. Frame is 18” w x 28” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $55

268. Eugene Von Bruenchenhein

Marie in Chenille Robe.

Not signed or dated. Image is 3” x 4.5”. Frame is 12.5” w x 14.5” h. This could be either an original print by Bruenchenhein or a later re-print. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $35

267. Joseph Hardin

Cubist Couple.

Signed. Crayon and mixed media on found paper. Corner missing, otherwise great condition. 15” w x 19” h with frame. Provenance: ex. Rosenak Collection. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

268. View In frame

269. Michel Nedjar

Untitled Figure.

1997. Signed and dated. Mixed media on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 19” w x 25” h. Frame is 22” w x 28” h. Provenance: The Webb Gallery. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75

Page 52

270. Bernard Goodman

Blue Phasis.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Image is 24” w x 20” h. Frame is 29” x 25” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $65

271. Anonymous Amish Spirit Chaser.

Rare noise maker used in celebration in Amish life. Carved figures with noise clappers, homemade clothing, tin and wire on a an umbrella frame. Some loss, otherwise great condition. 55” h x 21” diameter. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

272. Linville Barker


1992. Signed and dated. Carved natural wood. Excellent condition. 13” x 3.5” x 12” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

274. Noah Kinney

273. Noah Kinney


Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Tail has been re-attached, otherwise great condition. 24” x 8” x 7” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75


Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Tail has been re-attached, otherwise great condition. 20” x 6” x 8.5” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $75

275. Tim Lewis

Double-Sided Guardian Angels.

275. Verso

2000. Signed and dated. Carved sandstone. Excellent condition. 23” x 7” x 17” h. Featured in Time Made Real; Carvings of Tim Lewis. Est. $1,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

276. Ned Cartledge

Get Wise Eat An Apple.

1986. Signed, dated and titled. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 15.5” x 12” x 17”. Featured in Carol Crown’s Exhibition, “Coming Home.” Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping. Page 53

277. Benjamin Long

Treacherous Weather.

1991. Signed and dated. Oil and acrylic on canvas with artist-made painted wooden frame. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 90” w x 57” h x 3” d. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

278. Walter F. Cotton Pvt. (1892-1978)

Springfield Dam and Lake Near Ft Parker Mexia, TX.

Signed. Enamel and varnish on masonite. Rare find! Minor paint rubs and random drip marks, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 64” w x 42” h (very large)! Est. $4,000-6,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

SMU in Dallas, TX hosted a solo exhibition for Cotton in 1970 featuring his entire body of work which included about 30 pieces. He is also featured in Spirited Journeys: Self-Taught Texas Artists of the Twentieth Century and in Betty-Carol Sellen’s Self-Taught, Outsider and Folk Art. Cotton’s work is represented by The Webb Gallery, TX. Cotton authored, History of Negroes of Limestone County from 1860-1939 and illustrated his books with his own drawings and paintings. Cotton was an African American who interviewed several older friends and family members who lived through the war, reconstruction and early Jim Crow eras in this Central Texas County to compile this history & reminiscence. The Cotton family had been slaves on the Stroud Plantation six miles west of Mexia in Limestone County for several generations.

280. Isaac Santiago

Going Home.

1948. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Minor canvas dent, otherwise great condition. Strong religious themes. Size with original frame is 31” w x 27” h . Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $65 Page 54

279. Allen Ebert

Oral Portals (a.k.a. Partyline).

Michigan artist, 1952. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Two minor early repairs, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 36” w x 31” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

281. V. Oates

Flowers In Blue Vase.

Signed. Not dated. Heavy oil on canvas. Some crazing in paint, otherwise excellent condition. Size with frame is 28” w x 41” h. Est. 800-1,200. Ship: $100

282. Alexander Z. Kruse

Summer Picnic In The Heartland.

283. Alexander Z. Kruse

County Antiques.

c. 1940’s. Signed. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 16” w x 20” h. Frame is 25” w x 21” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

Signed and titled. c. 1940. Paint on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 16” h. Very nice frame is 27” w x 22” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

285. Alexander Z. Kruse


Still Life With Flowers.

1964. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas panel. Stray paint streaks, otherwise great condition. Image is 16” w x 20” h. Frame is 25” w x 28” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $700-1,000. Ship: $75

286. Alexander Z. Kruse

1942. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on wooden panel. Excellent condition. Image is 15.5” w x 11.5” h. Frame is 22” w x 19” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

288. Alexander Z. Kruse

Jackson Heights, #50. Signed and titled. Etching on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 13” w x 10” h. Frame is 29” w x 24” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

284. Alexander Z. Kruse

Sky Gazers.

Signed. Oil on canvas panel. Minor paint loss, otherwise good condition. Image is 19” w x 15” h. Frame is 28” w x 24” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $700-1,000. Ship: $75

287. Alexander Z. Kruse

If The Clock & Lamp Could Talk.

c. 1940’s. Signed and titled. Oil on canvas panel. Slight warping, otherwise great condition. Image is 16” w x 10” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $700-1,000. Ship: $65

289. Alexander Z. Kruse

Central Park.

Signed and titled. Very early etching on paper. Excellent condition. Image size is 9.5” x 6.5”. Nicely framed, 25” x 21”. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65 Page 55

Mr. Benjamin - Barn-Fresh Find! Slotin Folk Art Masterpiece Discoveries. African American Artist from Monticello, GA

290. Mr. Benjamin


Homestead includes three male figures, large dog on roof, and four weathervanes. Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved, painted and stained wood. Miner loss, otherwise excellent condition. 24” long x 9” w x 15.5” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

293. Mr. Benjamin

Cowboy In Cactus Desert.

Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with copper wires. Excellent condition. 10.5” x 4” x 11” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

296. Mr. Benjamin

Pair of Clock Cases.

Cuckoo Bird and Black Bird Motifs. Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Excellent condition. Average size is 8” x 4” x 13”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $75

Page 56

291. Mr. Benjamin

Seated Man With Bottle.

Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with geometric designs. Near excellent condition. 11.5” x 6” x 24” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

292. Mr. Benjamin

Bucking Broncos Clockcase.

Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with metal rings and clock with pendulum. Excellent condition. 23” long x 5” x 23” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

294. Mr. Benjamin

Man With Milk Cow.

Not signed or dated.c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with wire. Excellent condition. 12” x 3” x 8”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

297. Mr. Benjamin

Dressed To The Nines Cowboy.

Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood. Minor early repair to tie, otherwise excellent condition. 4.5” x 5” x 16.5” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

298. Mr. Benjamin

Lion Tamer.

295. Mr. Benjamin

Poor Farmer Plowing.

Not signed or dated.c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with tin. Excellent condition. 11.5” x 2.5” x 10.5” h . Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $45

Not signed or dated. c. 1930-40’s. Carved and painted wood. Jointed arms. Excellent condition. 5” x 8” x 11” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

299. Mr. Benjamin

Steeple Chase.

Not signed or dated. c. 1930’s-40’s. Carved and painted wood with wire. Excellent condition. 8.5” x 3” x 11” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

300. Mr. Imagination Full-Figure Queen.

2000. Signed and dated. 1 of 7 Royal Figures that Mr. I. did as a group “Masterpiece.” Mixed media on wooden post with extreme details. Excellent condition. 50” h x 14” x 12”. Est. $2,000-4,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

301. Mr. Imagination

Broom and Brush Heads.

1998-2000. All are signed and dated. Mixed media on brushes. Excellent condition. Largest is 20” h x 15” w. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

302. Mr. Imagination


1990. Signed and dated. Mixed media on board. Some loss of paint, otherwise good condition. 8” w x 16” h. Est. $100-300. Ship: $35

303. Earnest Patton

Adam and Eve With Snake & Apple Tree.

Signed. Not dated. Carved natural wood with some paint. Excellent condition. 29” h x 11” x x 13” d. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

305. Minnie & Greg Adkins

Momma Possum & Babies.

304. Earnest Patton

2006. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Chipped tip of tongue, otherwise great condition. 40” x 9” x 4”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $125

Uncle Jesse.

1987. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 24.5” w x 7” x 8”. Illustrated on page 91 of Wos Up Man. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

306. Minnie Adkins

Large Black Horse.

2000. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Repaired and repainted, otherwise great condition. 43” long x 20” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

307. Minnie & Greg Adkins

Large Black Horse.

2007. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 15” h x 39” long. Est. $300-600. Ship: $125

308. Minnie Adkins

Black Bear Quilt Top.

1989. Signed and dated. Cotton. Excellent condition. 71” w x 90” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $25

Page 57

309. Justin McCarthy

Six Faces.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found masonite. Missing corner, otherwise great condition. Image is 24” w x 18.5” h. Frame is 27” w x 23” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $75

311. Justin McCarthy

Anatomical Study.

310. Justin McCarthy

Blonde Woman.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Minor condition problems with stray scratches, otherwise good condition. 24” x 24”. Exhibited in Outsiders Art Beyond The Norms, 1986. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

Signed. Ink and watercolor on paper. Made into collage. 22” w x 14” h. Frame is 29” w x 21” h. Excellent condition. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

312. Justin McCarthy

Ingemar Johansson of Sweden Knocks Down Floyd Patterson.

1959. Pair. Signed, dated and titled. Watercolor, graphite and crayon on poster. Excellent condition. Each work is 28” w x 22” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $55

313. Nan Phelps (b. 1904-1990)

Picking Wild Roses.

1987. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 28” x 28”. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75

314. Bertha Halozan

Statue Of Liberty.

1991. Signed and dated. Paint and glitter on artist panel with traditional news print info on verso. Image is 10” x 13”. Frame is 16” x 19”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

Sunday Church Service.

315. Helen LaFrance

Thanksgiving Dinner.

1998. Signed and dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 17” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

Signed. Not dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent conation. Size with frame is 22” w x 19” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

317. Helen LaFrance

Marching Band.

Page 58

316. Helen LaFrance

Signed. Not dated. Oil on board. 37” w x 19” h including frame. Illustrated in Wos Up Man, pages 66 & 67. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

319. Leroy Almon

Miracles Of Jesus.

1992. Signed and dated. Paint on board made into flip book. Four works in total. 15” x 12” x 2”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

319. View inside.

318. Leroy Almon


1996. Signed, dated and titled. Wood-relief carving and paint. Excellent condition. 24” w x 22” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

320. Mary T. Smith

Mr. No One.

1985. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on corrugated tin. Some environmental wear with loss of paint, otherwise great condition. 44” w x 26” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $150

321. Mary T. Smith

He Was...

1980. Not signed. Paint on found roofing tin. Excellent environmental condition. Image is 26.5” w x 47” h. Frame is 32” w x 53” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

322. Mary T. Smith

Red and Black Full Figure.

Not signed. Paint on cut corrugating roofing tin. Great condition. 26” w x 59” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $200

323. Vollis Simpson

Man On Bicycle Wind Machine.

1990. Signed and dated on base. Cut metal with paint and other mixed media attached to environmental outside piece. Some rust, otherwise excellent condition. 53” x 32” x 66” h. A Masterpiece! Est. $1,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

324. Vollis Simpson

Goat, #8 Double Blade Whirligig.

323. View with arrow.

2000. Not signed. Paint on metal. Excellent condition. 35” x 45” x 35”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

325. Vollis Simpson

Owl Whirligig.

Cut metal with paint and mixed media. Environmental wear, otherwise excellent condition. 26” x 13” x 32” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Page 59 Ship: $200

326. Purvis Young

Rock Band In The City.

327. Purvis Young

Signed. Not dated. Paint on paperboard. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 49” x 49”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

329. Purvis Young

Large Guitar Men.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found shipping fiber crate. Early example. Great condition. 39” w x 48” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $300

332. Purvis Young

Zulu Dream.

1999. Signed. Housepaint on found board. Excellent condition. 44” w x 31” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $125 Page 60

Three Horses.

Signed. Paint on found paper board. Great condition. 47” x 47”. Est. $2,000-3,000. Ship: $300

330. Purvis Young

Four Faces.

Not signed. Paint on found wooden panel. Great condition. 48” w x 54” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

328. Purvis Young

People Of The Mountain Top.

1986. Signed. Paint on found panel. Excellent condition. Size with artist frame is 30” w x 44” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $150

331. Purvis Young Rider On Horses.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found cloth. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 22” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

334. Purvis Young

333. Purvis Young

Funeral In A Box.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found panel. Good condition. 32” w x 32” h. Est. $600-800. Ship: $75

Portrait In Center With Lower & Upper Horses.

Paint on found cloth and wood construction. Excellent condition. 17” w x 96” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

335. Purvis Young

336. Purvis Young

Horse & Figures.

Pair of Horse Drawings.

Not signed or dated. Paint on found board. Excellent condition. 33” w x 20” h including frame. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

1996. Signed. Ink on found paper. Excellent condition. Average size with frame is 13” x 15” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

337. Purvis Young

Miami Public Library Book.

Paint on paper, attached to reference book. 100’s. of works. Great condition. 10” x 12” x 3”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $35

337. View inside book.

338. Cedric Smith

Little Sister.

Titled, not signed or dated. Very early example. Paint and photo on board. Excellent condition. 34” w x 44” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $150

339. Georgianna R. Orr


1982. Oil on canvas. Signed top right corner. 36” w x 24” h. Excellent condition. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

340. Art Prostkoff

Multiplex Theatre Exterior.

Not signed. Graphite on well worked paper, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 29.5” w x 22” h. Frame is 38” w x 31” h. Est. $2,000-2,500. Ship: $125

341. Art Prostkoff

Empire City Tribune.

Not signed. Marked on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 17” w x 24” h. Frame is 26” w x 31” h. Est. $1,500-2,000. Ship: $85

342. Art Prostkoff

Empire City/ Kellogg Broadcasting Interior.

c. 1990’s. Marker on paper. Great condition. Image is 23” w x 17” h. Frame is 32” w x 26” h. Est. $1,500-2,000. Ship: $85

Page 61

343. Charlie Lucas

344. Charlie Lucas

Sassy Girl.

My Little Angel She Works For Me.

Not signed or dated. Welded found metal. Excellent condition. 27” w x 13” x 69” h. Featured in “Gathering” Exhibit of Agnes Scott College. Est. $2,0003,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1993. Initialed. Welded scrap metal. Excellent condition. 25” x 15” x 56” h. Est. $2,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

345. Charlie Lucas

Abstract Family.

Not signed. Welded heavy metal parts. Excellent condition. Environmental rust. 22” w x 36” h Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $200

347. Ab The Flagman

New York City Guitar.

346. Charlie Lucas

Not signed. Paint on cut wood, attached to cutout board. Excellent condition. 22” x 3.5” x 64” w. Est. $1,000-3,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Recycling Nude With Chicken.

c. 1980’s. Signed. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 43” w x 31” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

348. Ab The Flagman

George Washington On Old Glory.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on scrap board. Excellent condition. 30” w x 19” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

349. Ab The Flagman

American Flag.

Page 62

Not signed or dated. Paint on assembled wood scraps. Excellent condition. 33” w x 21” h x 3” d. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

350. B.F. Perkins

Four Churches.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 34” x 34”. Provenance: The Salvatore Scalora Collection. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $85

353. B.F. Perkins

Cherokee Love Birds.

1989. Initialed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 30” w x 34” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $75

356. B.F. Perkins

American Flag & Love Birds Suitcase.

1992. Signed and dated. Paint on all sides of hard suitcase. Excellent 356. Verso condition. 21” x 27” x 8”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $85

351. B.F. Perkins

Flag With Church & Statue Of Liberty.

1989. Signed and dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 60” w x 30” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

354. B.F. Perkins

Statue Of Liberty.

c. 1980’s. Initialed. Paint on cardboard. Cardboard is bowing, otherwise great condition. 16” w x 20” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

Initialed. Paint on masonite. Foxing on back, otherwise great condition. 19” w x 23” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

1989. Initialed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 22.5” w x 32.5” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

355. B.F. Perkins

Pledge Of Allegiance.

1991. Oil on canvas. 24” w x 18” h. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

358. B.F. Perkins

Three Gourds.

357. B.F. Perkins

23 Psalms.

352. B.F. Perkins

Alabama Counties.

358. Verso

Signed. Not dated. Paint on gourds. Great to excellent condition. Tallest is 18” h. Provenance: The Lynne Ingram Collection. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65 Page 63

359. Fleetwood Covington

Little Walter.

Signed. Mixed media on found roofing tin. Framed with Little Walter signature. Excellent condition. Frame size is 21” w x 34” h. Est. $1,000-2,000 Ship: $65

361. Fleetwood Covington

360. Fleetwood Covington

Muddy Waters.

Signed. Mixed media on found roofing tin. Piece includes Muddy Waters’ signature on Gibson guitar string paper pack. Excellent condition. Total frame size is 18” w x 30” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

Delta Blues Man.

c. 2000’s. Signed. White pencil on found rusty roofing tin. Excellent condition. 27” w x 30” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

362. Henry C. Ransom, Jr.

On The Way.

c. 1970’s. Signed and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Georgia artist, with ties to Athens, GA and UGA. 49” x 49”. Est. $1,000-1,500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

263. Henry C. Ransom, Jr. Self-Portrait.

c. 1970’s. Not signed. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 49” w x 49” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

364. Freddie Brice


Initialed and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 26” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65 Page 64

365. Roy Ferdinand

Man With Dog.

1990. Signed. Paint and colored pencil on poster. Image is 28” w x 22” h. Frame is 32” w x 26” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

366. Roy Ferdinand

Ms. 380.

2000. Signed and dated. Paint and colored pencil on poster. Image is 22” w x 28” h. Frame is 26” x 32”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

367. Gayleen Aiken

Rambilli Cousins Parade.

1994. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on canvas panel. Excellent condition. 22” w x 18” h with frame. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

368. Gayleen Aiken


1995. Signed, dated and titled. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 18” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

369. Gayleen Aiken

My Funny Happy Raimbilli Cousins.

Signed and titled. Colored pencil and ink on paper. Crease in lower left corner, otherwise great condition. 14” w x 17” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

372. George Williams


Signed. Not dated. Early example. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 18” h. Provenance: Ex. Rosenak Collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship $55

370. Ted Gordon


1987. Signed, dated and titled. Ink and marker on cardstock. Excellent condition. 14” w x 17” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

373. Hugo Sperger

A Big Wind Called Hugo.

1989. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on artist panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 40” w x 35” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100

371. Ted Gordon


1981. Signed and dated. Marker and ink on cardstock. Faded colors, otherwise good condition. Image is 14” w x 17” h. Frame is 15” w x 19” h. Provenance: The Rosenak Collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

374. Ezekial Gibbs

Blue Animal With People.

c. 1989. Signed. Paint and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 9” w x 12” h. Frame is 13” w x 16” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $35

375. Ezekial Gibbs

Pilgrim and Indian.

1987. Signed and dated. Paint, pencil and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 18” h. Frame is 15” w x 21” h. Est. $800-1200. Ship: $45 Page 65

376. J.J. Cromer


2001. Signed and dated. Ink and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Very detailed. Image is 9.5” w x 12.5” h. Frame is 14” w x 17” h. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $35

379. Mike Heavy Hefner


Signed. Not dated. Paint on found board. Excellent condition. 37” w x 37” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $100

382. Sarah Mary Taylor

Healing Hands Quilt.

Not signed or dated. Hand-stitched cotton quilt with light-weight backing. Excellent condition. 72” w x 78” h. Provenance: The Rosenak Collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $35 Page 66

377. J.J. Cromer

378. Jay Schuette

Butterfly Man.

Dancing Woman.

Not signed or dated. Ink and marker collage. Excellent condition. Very detailed. Image is 5.5” x 13”. Frame is 9.5” x 17”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $35

380. Fred Reber

Statue Of Liberty.

2011. Signed and dated. Watercolor over cigarette paper and filters on canvas. Excellent condition. 30” x 30”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $85

383. Sarah Mary Taylor

Sunday Dress People Quilt.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 28” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

381. Fred Reber

Cash On Cash.

2011. Signed and dated. Watercolor over cut dollar bills over canvas. Excellent condition. 30” x 30”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $85

Not signed or dated. Hand-stitched cotton quilt with light weight backing. Excellent condition. 77” w x 87” h. Provenance: The Rosenak Collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $35

384. Max Romain


Signed. Not dated. Ink and gouache on paper. Image is 12” w x 18” h. Frame is 19” w x 25” H. Excellent condition. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45

385. Lonnie Holley

387. Lonnie Holley

Nude Woman.

Creature Holding Up His World.

Not signed or dated. Paint on very large found plywood. Great condition. 37” w x 84” h. Est. $2,000-4,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Not signed or dated. Paint on cutout on found masonite. Some rough edges, otherwise great condition. 36” w x 70” h. Est. $1,0003,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

386. Lonnie Holley

Serpent Dragon And The Breathing Of.

1990. Signed and dated. Paint on found wood paneling. Excellent condition. 48” w x 96” h. Giant example. This is Lonnie’s single most important piece. Also included is a three page poem written by Holley about the meaning of this piece. Est. $2,000-4,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

388. Lonnie Holley

Erotic With Profile.

1991. Initialed. Paint on paper backed to board. Some paper warping, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 41” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $185

389. Lonnie Holley

Mose And The All-Seeing Eye.

1993. Signed and dated. Paint and glitter on artist paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 34” w x 50” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $300

392. Lonnie Holley

African Woman With Firewood.

391. Lonnie Holley

Fusing Mask Of Mother High Blood Pressure. Not signed or dated. Acrylic on poster. Excellent condition. Size with frame. 23” w x 29” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $65

Not signed or dated. Paint on board with hand-stitched quilt and wood bundle. Excellent condition. 26” w x 48” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $150

390. Lonnie Holley

Pair of Early Works.

1987. Signed and dated. Paint on poster. Excellent condition. Each is 19” w x 34” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $85

393. Lonnie Holley Looking For The First Home.

c. 1985. Carved and painted sandstone. 8.5” x 11” x 25”. Excellent condition. Some paint wear. Lonnie said this was one of the first sculpture he made after the “Baby Tombstone” were exhibited at The Smithsonian. Est. $2,0003,000. Ship: $150

394. Lonnie Holley

The Golden Face Of Yesterday, Shown Today.

1994. Mixed media on wire. Great condition. 16” w x 14” h. Good condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45 Page 67

396. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

397. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

New Orleans Skyscrapers.

398. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Indian War Chief.

Signed. Not dated. Heavy mud and paint on door. Excellent condition. 28” w x 80” h. Est. $1,0002,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Santa Door.

c. 1992. Signed. Mud, chalk and paint on panel. Excellent condition. 24” w x 72” h. Private Collection. Est. $1,0002,000. Ship: $250

c. 1988. Signed. Paint and mud on found wooden door. Artist used hole in wood as Santa’s fingernail, otherwise great condition. 24” w x 80” h. Est. $8001,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

395. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Large Toto.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mud on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 48” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $125

399. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Bulls Eye Girl.

Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. 30” w x 48” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

400. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Fox Eating Snake.

401. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 62” w x 30” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $250

402. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Woman In Circle.

Signed. Not dated. Mud, paint and chalk on found board. Excellent condition. 39” x 48”. Private Collection. Est. $500-800. Ship: $200 Page 68

403. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Statue Of Liberty.

Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. 28” w x 48” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $150

Milkin’ The Cow.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mud on board. Excellent condition. Very large with frame. 53” w x 42” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

404. J.L. Sudduth

Fishing In The River.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mud on wooden panel. Excellent condition. 48” x 48”. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

405. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Statue In Downtown Fayetteville, AL.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mud on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 48” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $150

407. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

406. Jimmy Lee Sudduth Reclining Nude.

Brown Antebellum Home.

Signed. Not dated. Heavy mud, paint and chalk on board. Loss of some mud, otherwise good condition. 45” w x 35” h with frame. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $200

412. Jimmy Lee Sudduth


Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 24” h. Private collection. Est. $300-600. Ship: $45

Little Feller Dachshund.


Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on found scrap board. Excellent condition. 47” w x 48” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $200

409. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

408. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 28” x 52”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship; $150

410. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Three Indian Portraits.

Signed. Mud and aint on found board. Excellent condition. Largest is 24” w x 48” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

413. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Indian Chief.

1992. Heavy mud and paint on board. Signed. 23.5” w x 24” h. Excellent condition. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

Signed. Not dated. Mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. 14” w x 28” h with frame. Private collection. Est. $400-800. Ship: $45

411. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Southern Antebellum.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mud on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

414. Jimmy Lee Sudduth


Signed. Heavy mud and paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

415. Jimmy Lee Sudduth

Fishing Cabin.

Signed. Paint and mud on plywood. Excellent condition. 48” w x 24” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $150 Page 69

418. Joe McFall

The Educated Female.

416. Carolyn Mae Lassiter

Nude With Animals.

1990. Signed and dated. Watercolor and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 32” x 45”. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $200

417. Carolyn Mae Lassiter

Two Nudes With Animals & Fish.

1992. Satire On Society’s view of women. Carved and painted wooden figures with moving parts and metal gears. Great condition. 32” h x 76” long. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1990. Signed and dated. Watercolor and craypas on paper. Excellent condition. 25” w x 38” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $150

419. David Butler

Polka-Dot Mermaid.

Not signed. Paint on cut tin. Excellent condition. 28” w x 9.5” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

420. David Butler

Multi-Colored Striped Dragon.

Initialed on back. Paint on cut out tin. Excellent condition. 28.5” x 11”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

421. Junior Lewis

Last Supper.

1993. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with 13 figures. Excellent condition. 23” x 10” x 9”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

422. Braxton Ponder Last Supper.

1996. Signed and dated. Carved wood, enamel paint and cloth. Excellent condition. 32” x 5.5” x 9” h. Illustrated on page 57 of Wos Up Man. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

423. Prophet William Blackmon

Story Of The Three Hebrew Boys That Would Not Bow Down.

Page 70

Signed and titled. Not dated. Oil on found board. Excellent condition. 20” w x 24” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

424. Prophet William Blackmon


Not dated. Signed and titled. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 22” w x 20” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $55

425. Sulton Rogers

Man With Horse.

1992. Carved and painted wood. 11” x 12.5” x 5”. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

428. Sulton Rogers

Pointing Man.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 13” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

432. Sulton Rogers

Snake Man.

429. Sulton Rogers

Woman With Snake.

1992. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 9” h x 4” x 4”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

1993. Carved and painted wood. 20” long. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship; $45

426. Sulton Rogers

Couple In Black.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 9” x 3” x 14.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

430. Sulton Rogers

Head Of Man.

Carved natural wood. Excellent condition. 9” x 7” x 5.5”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

427. Sulton Rogers

Erotic Devil.

c. 1992. Not signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 11.5” h x 4” x 6”. Est. $300-600. Ship: $45

431. Sulton Rogers

Woman With Snake In Mouth.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 11.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

433. Sulton Rogers

Snake Man.

c. 1995. Not signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 23” long. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

Page 71

435. Eddy Mumma

Large Red Figure with Yellow Face.

434. Verso

434. Eddy Mumma

Full Figured Girl, Double-Sided.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on paper board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 27” w x 39” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

436. Eddy Mumma

Yellow Hair With Black Hat.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on artist board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 24” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

439. Eddy Mumma

Man With Green Hat.

Paint on found paper board. Not signed or dated. Some warping of board and water stains, otherwise fair condition. 18” w x 23” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35 Page 72

437. Eddy Mumma

Friendly With Glasses.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on artist board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 18” w x 22” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

440. Eddy Mumma

Face In Orange.

Paint on canvas panel. Signed. Excellent condition. Image is 12” x 16” h. Frame is 16” w x 20” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Great example. Size with frame is 28” w x 40” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

438. Eddy Mumma

Double-Sided Skinny Red Face & Yellow Face.

438. Verso

Not signed or dated. Oil on wooden panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 14” w x 23” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $55

441. Eddy Mumma

Portrait Without Hands.

Oil on artist board. Image is 8” w x 10” h. Frame is 13” w x 15” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

443. Richard Burnside

King With Two Queens & Bugs.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 24” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $125

442. Richard Burnside

Face In Yellow With Palmetto Tree.

1988. Signed. Early piece. Paint on tin, backed to board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 34” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $200

445. Richard Burnside

444. Richard Burnside

King With Two Royal Figures.

4-W Bottle & Y Cup.

1991. Signed and dated on verso. Paint on board. Minor rub, otherwise great condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 35” w x 30” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

446. Richard Burnside

Yellow Dog.

2009. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas with pine cone decorations. Excellent condition. 25” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

447. Richard Burnside

Queen With Family.

Oil on canvas. 19” w x 25” h. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

449. Richard Burnside

African Kings.

1989. Initialed. Paint on board. Rub in center, otherwise good condition. 39” w x 21” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $85

448. Richard Burnside

Black Cat.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and pine cone on board. Missing 2 cones on foot, otherwise great condition. 24” x 24”. Private collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

450. Richard Burnside

Lizard, King, Bug.

Enamel on cabinet door. Great condition. 19” w x 11” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45 Page 73

Great Early Mose Tollivers!!!

451. Mose Tolliver

Dressed Up And Ready To Go Mose.

Montgomery Bus.

Signed. Not dated. Excellent condition. 31” w x 18” h. Private collection. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship $55

455. Mose Tolliver

Nall With Woman In Tree.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 20” x 30” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

457. Mose Tolliver

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Minor paint loss, otherwise good condition. Private collection. Approximately 16” w x 24” h. Est. $600-800. Ship: $45

456. Mose Tolliver

Mose With The Dogs.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 38” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

458. Mose Tolliver

Mose Chasing Bird Out Of His Tree.

Giant Bird With Snake and Couple.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Lower left corner chipped, otherwise great condition. 54” w x 27” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $75

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 23” w x 31” h. Private collection. Est. $1,000-1,200. Ship: $65

459. Mose Tolliver

Erotic Painting.

Signed. Paint on masonite. Great condition. 15” w x 19” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $35 Page 74

Woman In Blue.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 11” w x 23” h. Private collection. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 13” w x 40” h. Private collection. Est. $1,000-1,200. Ship: $65

454. Mose Tolliver

453. Mose Tolliver

452. Mose Tolliver

Self-Portrait With Big Hat.

460. Mose Tolliver


Signed. Not dated, but early work. Paint on board. Rubs on edges, otherwise great condition. 22” w x 14” h. Est. $300-600. Ship: $35

461. Mose Tolliver

Mose Picking Watermelons.

Signed. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 33” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $65

462. Mose Tolliver

Pink Haired Woman.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 13” w x 21” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

465. Mose Tolliver


Signed. Not dated. Paint on found on board. Excellent condition. 20” w x 22” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

463. Mose Tolliver

Pair of Black Jesus’ On Crosses.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. Largest is 47” h x 17” w. Est. $500-800. Ship: $65

466. Mose Tolliver


Signed. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 21” x 21”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

464. Mose Tolliver

Moose Lady.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found wooden panel. Some foxing, otherwise great condition. 16” w x 21” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

467. Mose Tolliver

$2.50 Scooter Girl.

Signed and priced. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 20” w x 17” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

468. Mose Tolliver

Lady With Purple Fringe Dress.

Signed. Paint on found board with tape holding board together and patching holes, otherwise good condition.14” w x 28” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

469. Mose Tolliver

Erotic Girl.

Early signed work. Paint on masonite. Stray paint marks, otherwise great condition. 12” x 12”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

470. Mose Tolliver (attributed)

Bill Traylor Style Couple.

Signed. Paint on board. 22” w x 19” h. Excellent condition. Provenance: The Lynne Ingram Collection. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45 Page 75

471. Frog Smith

Black Bear Scares Men Riding On The Train.

Signed with story on verso. Paint on found panel. 24” w x 17” h. Excellent condition. Frog Smith Masterpiece. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

472. Frog Smith

Tractor In Pine Forest.

Signed. Paint on found panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” w x 16” h . Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

473. Frog Smith

Cane Grinding.

1990. Signed. Paint on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 26” w x 19” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

474. Damien Michaels

Spiritual Leader.

1997. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. 20” w x 30” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

476. Mario Mesa

Dog With Boy.

1999. Signed and dated. Paint on canvas. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 24” h. Frame is 21” w x 31” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

478. Francois Burland

Les Monstres.

1988. Not signed. Mixed media on found paper. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 7” h. Frame is 14” w x 11” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45 Page 76

475. Bruce New

75 With Obelisks.

2011. Signed and dated. 19” w x 23” h, including frame. Excellent condition. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

477. Mario Mesa

Midnight Animal With Man’s Face.

1999. Signed and dated. Paint on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 40” w x 24” h . Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

479. Francois Burland


Not signed or dated. Mixed media on found paper. Excellent condition. Image is 15” x 9”. Frame is 20” x 21”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

480. Lorenzo Scott

Jesus With His Disciples.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas with artist-made frame. Excellent condition. 33” w x 26” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

482. Lorenzo Scott

The Dance (abstract).

Signed. Not dated. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 63” w x 40” including artist made frame. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

483. J.B. Murry


c. 1980’s. Paint on found wood panel. Excellent condition. 29” w x 29” h with frame. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

484. J.B. Murry

Six Red Spirit Faces.

Not dated. Watercolor and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 10.5” w x 14” h. Frame is 17” x 21” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

487. Erik Staub

Yellow Cat.

1971. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 17” w x 21” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

481. Lorenzo Scott

Devil’s In The Subway Car.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas with artist-made frame. Excellent condition. 28” w x 22” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

485. Joseph Salvatore

Peter In Jail.

1968. Signed, dated and titled. Paint and craypas on poster. Excellent condition. Very early and large example. 26” x 40”. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75

486. Martha Douglas

Bearded Man With Checkered Top.

c. 1980. Oil pastels and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 30” w x 42” h. Featured on page 64 & 65 of Wos Up Man. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

488. W.C. Rice

Just Lifting Up Jesus.

Not signed. Paint on found tin. Lots of environmental wear and rust, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 58” w x 37” h. Est. $400-600. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Page 77

489. Woody Long

490. Woody Long

Jazz Band.

Jumping On Grandma’s Bed.

2001. Signed and dated. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 23” x 17” h. Frame is 30” w x 24” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

1991. Signed and dated. Paint on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 12” h. Frame is 34” w x 28” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

491. Woody Long

Chicken Picking In The Yard.

Signed. Not dated. Acrylic on paper. Excellent condition. 13” x 13” including frame. Private collection. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

493. Columbus McGriff

WWII Zero Fighter Plane.

492. Columbus McGriff

Eagle With Articulated Wings.

Not signed. Hand molded and bent wire with paint. Excellent condition. 16” x 25” x 22” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $65

495. Artist Chuckie Williams

En Vogue.

Not signed. Bent and shaped colored wire. Piece has sliding cock pit canopy and pilot. Excellent condition. 21” x 25” x 12”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

1993. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on found cardboard with glitter. Great condition. Size with frame is 44” w x 32” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $200 Page 78

496. Artist Chuckie Williams

Great Black Athletes.

Signed. Paint on found cardboard. Signs of age with wear to paint, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 42” w x 50” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $300

494. Columbus McGriff

Golden Eagle.

Bent and shaped colored wire with folding wings. Excellent condition. 16” x 22” x 18”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

497. Artist Chuckie Williams

Stevie Wonder & Michael 497. Verso Jordan.

Double-sided. 1993. Signed, dated and titled. Paint, ink and glitter on paper. Excellent condition. 17” w x 25” h including frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

499. Inez Nathaniel Walker

498. Samuel Grannatt

God Stop The Sacrifices.

Signed. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame 19” w x 23” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

Tea Party.

1973. Signed and dated. Colored pencil and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Great subject. Image is 18” w x 12” h. Frame is 25” w x 20” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $55

502. Victor Joseph Gatto

501. Edith Valentine Tenbrink (EVT)

Space Wisdom.

Sailing Ship With Light House In Sight.

Signed. Oil on canvas board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 13” w x 10” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

500. Inez Nathaniel Walker

Girl With Flower.

1975. Signed and dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition Image is 9” x 12”. Frame is 13” x 17”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

503. Jack Savitsky

Amish School House.

Signed and titled on verso. Not dated. Oil on canvas board. Excellent condition. 20” w x 16” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $45

1959. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 20” w x 26” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $55

504. Archie Byron

Waiting Room.

1997. Signed, dated and titled. Sawdust and glue mixture with paint on board. Damage to foot of child and chair, otherwise good condition. 34” w x 16” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

505. Malcah Zeldis

Lincoln on Horseback.

1992. Signed and dated. Watercolor on cardstock. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 9” h. Frame is 17” w x 4” h. Provenance: ex. Frank Miele Gallery. Est. $400-500. Ship: $45

506. Malcah Zeldis

Theatre Vivant.

2001. Paint on paper. Signed and dated. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 12” w x 15” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $35

Page 79

507. Sybil Gibson

Three Girls In Purple.

1993. Signed and dated. Gouache on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 22” w x 27” h. Frame is 27” w x 32” h. Illustrated on pg. 43 in Was Up Man. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

510. James Harold Jennings

Spinning Man Construction.

Signed. Paint on cut out wood with metal working parts. Lots of movement. Excellent condition. 22” x 18” x 4”. Private collection. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75

513. James Harold Jennings

Three Angels.

1987. Signed and dated. Cut and painted wood. Excellent condition. 22” x 31” x 2” each. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100 Page 80

508. Sybil Gibson

Three Blond Girls.

1994. Signed and dated. Watercolor on found paper. Great condition. Size with frame is 20” w x 27” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

511. James Harold Jennings

Circus World Whirligig.

509. Sybil Gibson

Woman With Muff.

1967. Signed and dated. Early example. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 14” w x 17” h. Frame is 23” w x 26” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $65

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood with moving parts. Excellent condition. 34” x 21” x 7”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

514. James Harold Jennings

Fox and Rabbit Windmill.

Signed. Paint on wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. Approximately size is 15” x 20” x 3”. Est. $200-400. Est. $65

512. James Harold Jennings


Signed. Mixed media, wood and painted construction. Excellent condition. 38” h x 24” w. Est. $300-600. Ship: $85

515. James Harold Jennings


Signed. Not dated. Cut plastic and wood, painted. Excellent condition. 6” x 8” diameter. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

516. St. George

517. St. George



2012. Signed and dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 48” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $300

2013. Signed and dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 48” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $300

519. Kurt Olsen

518. St. George

The Cook.

2013. Signed and dated. Paint on canvas. Excellent condition. 48” w x 60” h. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Large Yard Stick Assemblage.

2010. Signed and dated. Obsessive yard sticks attached to frame. Some rulers are early 1940’s-50’s, others are contemporary. Excellent condition. 36” w x 72” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

520. Kurt Olsen Half Yard Stick Assemblage.

2011. Signed and dated. Cut yard sticks and varnish. Attached to frame. Excellent condition. 18” w x 60” h. This piece actually hangs horizontally, but is pictured here vertically to fit on the page better. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

522. Kurt Zimmerman


1993. Signed and dated. Paint on poster. Excellent condition. 24” w x 36” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $75

521. Lisa Horstman

The Newt Family.

1999. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on artist board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 32” w x 26” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

523. Kurt Zimmerman

Key To The Universal Cross.

1994. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on poster. Excellent condition. 24” w x 36” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

524. Kurt Zimmerman

Master Of The Cosmic Thought Farm.

1993. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on poster. Excellent condition. 24” w x 36” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

Page 81

525. Charlie Kinney

Mouton Lion (sic).

Signed. Not dated. Marker on poster. Excellent condition. Image is 28” w x 22” h. Frame is 34” w x 29” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $85

528. Charlie Kinney

Coon Hunt.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Paint and graphite on poster. Excellent condition. 29” w x 23” h with frame. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

531. Denzil Goodpaster

Woman Being Eaten By Gator and Tiger.

Carved and painted wood with jewelled eyes. Excellent condition. 37” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

Page 82

527. Charlie Kinney

526. Charlie Kinney

Wild Cat.

Wild Cat.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Paint on paper. Signed. Not dated. Paint and graphite on poster. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 34” w x 28” h. Two original holes where Kinney hung piece on wall, Est. $400-800. Ship: $85 otherwise excellent condition. Image is 28” w x 22” h. Frame is 35” w x 30” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $85

529. Charlie Kinney

Who Lok Znak Nere Die (sic).

Signed. Watercolor and pencil on poster. Minor hole at bottom, otherwise great condition. 22” w x 28” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

532. Denzil Goodpaster

Dolly Parton Eaten By Gator. 1995. Tag on cane said this was Denzil’s last cane he made before his passing. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 35” long. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

533. Denzil Goodpaster

Four Coral Snakes Cane.

c. 1990. Initialed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 34” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

530. Charlie Kinney

Christ Heling Peple (sic).

Not signed or dated. Watercolor and pencil on poster. Excellent condition. 28” w x 22” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

534. Denzil Goodpaster

Coiled Multi-Snake Cane.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood with jeweled eyes. Excellent condition. 34.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

535. Denzil Goodpaster

Five Snake Cane.

Carved and painted wood with jewelled eyes. Excellent condition. 38” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

536. Willie Massey

Red and Purple Bird House.

Not signed or dated. Paint wood, aluminum foil, twigs. Great condition. 24” x 11” x 9”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $150

537. Willie Massey

Red Heart Bird House.

Not signed or dated. Painted wood crate assemblage with tin foil. Excellent condition 18” x 10” x 16” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

538. Willie Massey

House With Mule, Tree & Birds.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on canvas. Excellent condition. 24” w x 20” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

539. Willie Massey

Love Doves.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and graphite on cardboard with artist decorated frame. Excellent condition. 34” w x 12” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $65

542. Fred Webster

Snake Handling Couple.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Average size is 9” h. Est. $100-300. Ship: $45

540. Willie Massey

Horse & Rider With Red Background.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and graphite on canvas. Excellent condition. 20” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

543. Fred Webster

Peter Don’t Deny Me Again.

Signed and titled. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 10” x 4” x 10”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

541. Willie Massey

Hitched Up Mule.

Signed. Not dated. Paint and mixed media on canvas. Excellent condition. 20” w x19” h. Est. 300-500. Ship: $45

544. Carl McKenzie

Avon Lady.

1989. Signed, dated and titled. Carved and painted wood. Avon bag is taped to hand, otherwise great condition. 18.5” h x 4” x 4”. Est. $300500. Ship: $55

545. Carl McKenzie

Two Pistol Canes & One Doll Cane.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 38” h. Est. $200-400. Page 83 Ship: $55

546. Albert Loudon


Not signed or dated. Watercolors and oil crayon on artist paper. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 15.5” h. Frame is 29” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

547. Dwight McIntosh


c. 1995. Not signed or dated. Paint and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 17” w x 15” h. Frame is 15” w x 14” h. Provenance: Creative Growth Art Center, Oakland, CA. Est. $400-800. Ship: $35

548. Dwight McIntosh

Untitled Figures.

1990. Not signed. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 10” h. Frame is 15.5” w x 13.5” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $45

551. Art Brut Artist from L’Aracine Couple.

Black and white ink on 3” x 4” cards attached to larger poster, 8.5” w x 27” h. Est. $400-500. Ship: $35

549. Art Brut From L’Aracine

Three Ink Drawings Of Women.

Ink on paper. Excellent condition. Largest is 7” x 7”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

550. Malcolm McKesson

Four Smaller Drawings.

Ink on paper. Great condition. Average size is 9” x 9”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

552. Donald Mitchell

No. 1 Hiding.

Not signed or dated. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. Provenance: The Creative Growth Center. Image is 15” w x 11” h. Frame is 26” w x 22” h. Provenance: The private collection of Sherry Kass and Scott Tracy. Est. $600-800. Ship: $65

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553. Donald Mitchell

Many Faces On Black Background.

Not signed. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. 11.5” w x 8.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

554. Donald Mitchell

Two Works.

Signed. Ink and colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Average size is 9” w x 6” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

555. Jerry Coker

Merchant and Field Worker. Signed. Rusted tin over wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 15” w x 42” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100

556. Jerry Coker

Prairie Family.

Signed. Not dated. Rusted tin over wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 11” w x 24” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100

557. Jerry Coker

Mr. Peabody and Rosedale.

Pair of colorful faces. 1994. Signed. Rusted tin, painted over wood. Excellent condition. Largest is 10” w x 16” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

559. Karl Mullen

558. Karl Mullen

Man Walking Dog.

Not signed or dated. Pastel and paint on paper. Excellent condition. Very large. 50” w x 39” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

561. Ray Hamilton

Bird on Red Background.

Signed. Ink and graphite on colored paper. Excellent condition. Image is 20” x 20”. Frame is 28” x 28”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

Two Figures.

c. 2002. Signed. Acrylic and ink on found vintage record album covers. Great condition. 12” x 14” each. Est. $400-800. Ship: $45

562. Ray Hamilton

Three Figures.

Signed. Ink and crayon on paper. Excellent condition. 11” w x 14” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $35

560. Karl Mullen

Portrait On Vintage Letter.

Initialed. Not dated. Mixed media on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 13” w x 17.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

563. Ray Hamilton

Cow With Water Meleon (sic).

Not signed. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. 11” w x 14” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $35

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564. Henry Ray Clark

We Are The Eye Of The Universe.

Signed and titled. Ink and marker on card stock. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 21” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

567. David Tinsley

Adam & Eve.

Signed. Paint on board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 16” w x 20” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

570. Bill Miller

The Chanelegoen.

2000. Signed and dated. Vintage linoleum on masonite. Excellent condition. 10” x 10”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

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565. Henry Ray Clark

My Divine Intrigue.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Ink on card stock. Image is 15” w x 12” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Excellent condition. Private collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

568. David Tinsley


Signed and titled. Mixed media on board. Excellent condition 17” w x 17” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

571. Bill Miller

Summer In Anchorage.

Signed. Not dated. Linoleum on masonite. Excellent condition. 10” x 10”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

566. Henry Ray Clark

My Diamond Tree.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Ink on card stock. Excellent condition. Image is 15” w x 12” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Private collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

569. David Tinsley

Communicating With Nature.

Signed and titled. Mixed media on board. Excellent condition. 17” x 17”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

572. Bill Miller

Kingdom Without.

2006. Signed and dated. Vintage linoleum on masonite. Excellent condition. 10” x 10”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

576. Preston Geter

Memories Of Sharecroppers.

2013. Signed, dated and titled. Carved 2 x 4 wood and paint. Excellent condition. 47” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

573. Eric Cunningham

574. Eric Cunningham

Old Preacher The Coon Dog.

The Wrestler.

Signed and titled. Paint on board with cutout dog attached. Excellent condition. 24” w x 22” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

577. Casey McGlynn

Olive Branches.

2009. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 24” w x 30” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

Signed. Paint and found object on board. Cut out attached. Excellent condition. 22” w x 33” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

575. Eric Cunningham

23rd Anniversary Alligator Round Up.

Signed and titled. Paint on board with attached cut out image attached. Excellent condition. 22” w x 36” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

578. Louis Vuittonet


2008. Signed and dated. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $600-800. Ship: $55

579. Michael Ladish


Signed. Not dated. Welded license plates and small bike tire. Great condition 20” diameter. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

582. Edward Goss

Lady In Yellow With Halo.

580. Matt Sesow

Man Eyeing Woman With Yellow Umbrella.

Paint on cardboard backed to board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 50” w x 45” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

581. Matt Sesow

Man At The Bar.

2003. Signed and dated. Paint on paper. Excellent condition. 18” w x 24” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

2003. Signed and dated. Paint on pressure board. Chip in corner, otherwise great condition. 14” w x 41” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85 Page 87

584. Bernice Sims

583. Bernice Sims


Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 23” w x 19” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

586. Bernice Sims

The Family Table.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 22” x 18” including frame. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

589. James Son Thomas


Signed. Hand-molded gumbo clay, teeth and tin foil eyes. Excellent condition. 8” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55 Page 88

Strawberry Pickers.

585. Bernice Sims

Country Home.

Signed. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

Not signed or dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 21” w x 17” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

587. Bernice Sims

Cabbage Picking.

Curb Market.

588. Bernice Sims

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 28” w x 24” h with frame. Provenance: The private collection of Sherry Kass and Scott Tracy. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

590. James Son Thomas

Black Man’s Bust With Hair.

Signed. Not dated. Hand-molded gumbo clay with marble eyes and wig hair. Excellent condition. 7” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $55

Signed. Not dated. Acrylic on canvas. Minor slit in canvas, otherwise great condition. 24” w x 18” h. Private collection. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

591. James Son Thomas

Black Man With Wig Hair.

Signed. Not dated. Jumbo clay with paint, marble eyes and wig hair. Chip on ear, otherwise good condition. 8” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

592. James Son Thomas

Skull Of Big Daddy Doc.

Not signed or dated. Titled. Paint on gumbo clay and wire. Excellent condition. 7.5” x 5.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Ralph Boutilier b. 1906 in Nova Scotia. He has painted off and on in his spare time since 1936 and in 1968 he started creating birds with mechanisms.

594. John Bambic

Butcher Shop Whirligig.

1995. Signed. Carved and painted wood with metal wire. Excellent condition. 13” x 15”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

593. Ralph Boutilier

Hawk Whirligig.

c. 1988. Signed. Carved and painted wood with articulated gear moves wings and beak up and down as tail rotates. Minor paint loss on tail, otherwise excellent condition. 19” x 39”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $200

595. Melvin Thayer

Motorcycle Whirligig.

Signed. Metal, tin, plastic and rubber. Excellent condition. 54” long x 34” h x 16” w. Private collection. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

596. Anderson Johnson


1996. Signed and dated. Paint on artist board. Excellent condition. 28” x 40”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

597. Anderson Johnson

Isaiah. 46.11.

1992. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on tin over board. Good condition. 25” w x 15.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

598. Anderson Johnson

Lady In Red.

1993. Signed and dated. Paint on board. 14.5” x 22.5”. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

599. Derek Webster

Double-Sided Nude Woman.

1980. Signed and dated. Assembled wood and mixed media. Excellent condition. 29” w x 70” h. A Webster Masterpiece. Est. $500-1,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

600. Derek Webster

Two-Sided Female Totem Sculpture.

Signed. Mixed media and found objects. Great condition. 63” h x 13” x 14”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $250

601. Derek Webster

Triangle Man.

1987. Initialed. Paint on found wood with mixed media. Great condition. 39” x 24” x 11”. Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

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602. Hal Kravis

Jesus Off The Cross.

c. 1940’s. Not signed. Oil on masonite. Some paint loss on edges, otherwise great condition. 36” w x 30” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $75

Hal Kravis was a NY artist who died in a 1973 fire. His works were exhibited at the prestigious Doo-Wac Gallery, OH in 1989.

605. Roger Rice


c. 1997. Signed. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 11” w x 14” h. Frame is 19” w x 23” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

608. Ike Morgan

Milton Berle.

Signed. Not dated. Pastel on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 19” w x 24” h. Frame is 24” w x 29” h. Est. $500800. Ship: $85 Page 90

603. Hal Kravis

Old Man In Door.

Signed. Not dated. c. 1940’s. Oil on masonite. Great condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 37” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

606. Roger Rice

Jacob’s Brother Through Him Into Hole.

Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 11” w x 14” h. Frame is 18” w x 22” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

609. Allen Wilson Giant Devil Bottle Figure.

1992. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood surrounding a bottle. Repair to arms, otherwise great condition. 29” x 20” x 56” h. Est. $300-600. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

604. Hal Kravis

Nude with Single Rose.

c. 1940’s. Oil on masonite. Two paint flakes, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 40” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

607. Roger Rice

The Offering.

c. 1998. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 11” w x 14” h. Frame is 19” w x 23” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

610. Michael and Howard Finster

Absolute Vodka, #5,773.

Howard cut out this form and started the piece for the Absolute Vodka Company, but never finished it. Michael found the partially finished work and finished it in 2006. Signed, dated and titled. Excellent condition. 15.5” w x 49” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

611. S.L. Jones

Black Couple.

612. S.L. Jones

Signed. Not dated. Ink, crayon and pastel on paper. Excellent condition. Rare image. Size is 21” w x 17” h. Frame is 28” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

Three Ladies At The Bar.

Signed. Not dated. Pastel and colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 17” h. Est. $300-600. Ship: $45

613. S.L. Jones

Suffer Little Children.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Crayon and pen on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 19” w x 22” h. Illustrated on page 33 in Wos Up Man. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

614. John Cornbread Anderson

Giant Guinea Hen.

Signed. Paint on board. 60” w x 20” h. Excellent condition. Est. $400-800. Ship: $100

615. John Cornbread Anderson

Blue Bird In The Maples.

Signed and dated. Not dated. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 25” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

616. John Cornbread Anderson

Flock of Guineas.

Signed. Heavy oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

617. Chris Clark

Large Church Quilt.

1998. Signed and dated. Hand-stitched quilt with paint. Excellent condition. 58” w x 70” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $35

618. Chris Clark

Giving Praise To The Lord.

2007. Signed and dated. Mixed media on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 32” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

619. Chris Clark

Old Milk Cow.

2006. Signed and dated. Paint on tin with mixed media. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

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620. Josephus Farmer

Dixie Land Is The Land Of Cotton. Signed and titled. Mixed media and carved wood on board. Great condition. 48” x 23” x 18” h. Est. $500-1,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

621. Josephus Farmer

Dixie Land.

Not signed or dated. Carved wood relief and paint. Good condition. Unfinished work. 48” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

622. Joe Light

Yellow Fish.

1993. Signed and dated. Paint on found barn door. Excellent condition. 51” w x 38” h. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

623. Valton Murray Going Fishing.

1994. Signed and dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. 34” w x 23” with frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

624. H.C. Cantu

Fireman’s Valentine’s Day Parade.

c. mid 20th c. Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 28” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

625. Russian Folk Artist

Mythological Scene.

Signed on verso in Russian. Paint on masonite. One corner is cracked and another is dog-eared, otherwise good condition. 30” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

627. Howard Ivester

Police Women.

#125 & #126. 1990. Signed, dated and numbered. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 8.5” h each. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

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626. Russian Folk Artist

Ladies In Borscht.

Signed in Russian. Paint on masonite. Dog-eared corner, otherwise great condition. 23” w x 15” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

628. Pucho Odio


Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Missing part of tail feathers, otherwise good condition. 20” long x 10.5” h x 10” w. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

630. Elmer Killen b. 1908-2000. The Milkman.

629. Marshall Fleming

1997. Signed. Carved and painted wood and mixed media. Excellent condition. 6” x 12” x 23”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $100 Nova Scotia artist.

President Kennedy’s Funeral Procession.

1989. New Creek, WV. Label attached by artist. Carved and 629. Additional piece included with 629. painted wood with mixed media. Two pieces. Large piece is 9” x 12” x 47”. Excellent condition. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

633. Juanita Rogers

Signed. Watercolor and graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 9” h. Frame is 26” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

632. Juanita Rogers

Signed, not dated. Paint and pencil on cardboard. Excellent condition. Image is 9” w x 12” h. Frame is 17” w x 20”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1986. Signed and dated. Paint on paper. Great condition. Pin holes in corner. Size with frame is 24” w x 30” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

Tea Party Under The Sun.


631. Sommer

George Washington.

634. Robert Smith

Denver To Rio Grand Train.

1989. Signed and dated. Paint on poster. Great condition. Image is 20” w x 15” h. Frame is 26” w x 21” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

632. View with frame.

635. Calvin Livingston

Woman In Red and Yellow. Not signed or dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 29” w x 58” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $200

636. Calvin Livingston

Man of Sorrow.

Not dated. Initialed. Paint on found crib head board. Excellent condition. 30” w x 25” h. Est. $400-600. Est. $65

637. Calvin Livingston

Pair of Faces.

Not dated. Paint on thin tin. Great condition. Largest 25” w x 59” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

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638. Steve Moseley

639. Steve Moseley

The Very First X-Mas.

No, No, No, My Personal Savior And Lord Can’t Be A Democrat.

2013. Signed, dated and titled. Mixed media in whiskey bottle. Excellent condition. 12.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

641. Steven Red Mud Chandler

Man Being Cursed By Crows & Rattlesnakes.

2007. Signed, dated and titled. Paint, mud and pencil on artist panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 19” w x 23” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

644. Jon Eiseman

642. Steven Red Mud Chandler

Field Workers.

2007. Signed, dated and titled. Paint, mud and pencil on board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

Whatever You Do, Don’t Eat Mushrooms. 1990. Signed and dated. Craypas on poster. Excellent condition. Image is 30” w x 22” h. Frame is 37” w x 29” h. Private collection. Est. $600-800. Ship: $85 Page 94

2012. Signed, dated and titled. Mixed media in whiskey bottle. Excellent condition. 15” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

645. Jon Eiseman

Women, Birds, Bunny Under The Tree.

c. 1990’s. Craypas on rag paper. Excellent condition. Image is 30” w x 22” h. Frame is 34” w x 27” h. Est. $600-800. Ship: $85

640. Steve Moseley

Pope Urban, IX.

2011. Signed, dated and titled. Mixed media in whiskey bottle. Excellent condition. 13.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

643. Steven Red Mud Chandler

Chasing Crow With Knife.

2009. Signed and dated. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 17” w x 13” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

646. David Marshall

Group of Five Heads.

Carved stone. Great condition. Average size is 7” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

647. Minnie Black

Circus Elephant.

c. 1970’s. Not signed. Paint and mixed media over gourds. Some paint loss, otherwise great condition. 39” x 22” h x 22. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

648. Minnie Black

Wild Elephant.

c. 1970’s. Not signed. Paint over gourd. One tusk is missing. Some paint loss, otherwise great condition. 20” x 29” x 23”. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

650. Minnie Black

Saber Tooth Tiger & Cat.

1991. Signed and dated. Mixed media and paint over gourds. Excellent condition. Largest is 22” long. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $150

653. Minnie Black

Three Large Snakes.

Not signed. Mixed media and paint over gourds. Excellent condition. Largest is 36” long. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

649. Minnie Black

c. 1970’s. Not signed. Paint over gourds. Great condition. Some paint loss. 29” x 18” h x 11” w. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

651. Minnie Black

Pre-Historic Animals.

Not signed. Mixed media and paint over gourds. Excellent condition. Largest is 30” long. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

654. Minnie Black



c. 1974-75. Not signed. Paint and mixed media over gourds. Crack in back and paint loss, otherwise good to fair condition. 33” h. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

655. Minnie Black


1970’s-80’s. Gourd and mixed media, painted. Not signed. Great condition. 5” x 24” x 10”. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

652. Minnie Black

Big Stork.

Not signed. Paint over gourd. Paint loss and cracking in legs, otherwise good condition. 29” h. Provenance: Minnie Black’s private family collection. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

656. Minnie Black

Bald Eagle.

Not signed. Gourds and natural sponge with paint attached to tree fungus. Great condition. 21” x 20” x 16”. Est. $300-600. Ship: $85 Page 95

658. Xmeah ShaEla’ReEl

Seek The Lord.

Not signed. Paint and glitter on rolling satellite dish. Good condition. 40” x 58” x 50”. Est. $300-600. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

657. Xmeah ShaEla’ReEl

Power Of Gold.

Not signed or dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 23” x 23”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

659. K.N.

Tower Of Babel.

1997. Initialed and dated. Paint on reverse glass. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 40” x 40”. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

661. Lorraine Gendron

Expulsion From The Garden.

Signed. Not dated. Acrylic on board. Excellent condition. 15” w x 54” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

660. Larry Connaster

Summer Of Love.

662. Eli Sabachthani

God Sent His Son.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on cloth, backed to cardboard. Strange and wonderful find. Great condition. 36” w x 22” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1969. Signed and dated. Paint on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 49” x 49”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

663. Clarence Douglas

The Reminder.

1997. Prison art. Signed, dated and titled. Ink and crayon on paper envelope. Great condition. 20” w x 13” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

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664. Marilee Stiles Stern


1990. Mixed media on paper. Image is 29” w x 23” h. Frame is 33” w x 27” h. Excellent condition. Provenance: ex. Phyllis Kind Gallery. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

665. Carlos Abela

Jardin Del Eden.

Signed and titled on verso. Not dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. 18” w x 24” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

666. Annie Tolliver

My Fishing Family.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 23” x 23”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

667. Annie Tolliver

African Twins Carrying Water.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 24” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

668. Annie Tolliver

Adam & Eve.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on tin tray. Excellent condition. 17” w x 13” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

671. Albert Hoffman

669. Lavon Williams

Daddy and His Woman.

2004. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with metal. Excellent condition. Nice stylized image. 16” x 10” x 29” h each. Est. $400-600. Ship: $125

672. Jake McCord


1999. Signed and dated. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 20” w x 37” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

670. Jeffrey

David Cut Off Goliath’s Head.

Not signed. Carved and painted wood-relief plaque. Excellent condition. 23” w x 17” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

673. Jake McCord

Man In Overalls.

Not signed or dated. Paint on plywood. Excellent condition. 24” w x 30” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

Fire Company No. 1.

1971. Initialed and dated. Polychromed carved bas-relief. Excellent condition. 24.5” w x 9” h. Provenance: Luise Ross Gallery. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

674. Roy Minshew

Fox & Hound.

1992. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Average size is 5” x 20”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45 Page 97

675. Ronald Cooper

Heaven and Hell Box.

1990. Signed and dated. Mixed media and carved wood figures in glass box. Excellent condition. Very large 21” x 45” h x 7”. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

676. Jessie & Ronald Cooper

677. Ronald Cooper

Jonah & The Whale Toolbox.

1991. Signed and dated. Paint and carved wood inside tool box. Excellent condition. 11” x 26” x 17”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $125

678. Prophet Royal Robertson

Woman Wicked Ones & Writing.

Double-sided. Signed. Not dated. Paint and ink on poster. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 23” w x 29” h. Est. $300-600. Ship: $75

678. Verso.

Signed. Pen and ink on paper. 22” w x 28” h. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

681. Verso

1993. Signed and dated. Metal, paint and wood. 12” x 8” x 14” h. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

680. Prophet Royal Robertson

Crocked Adele Was Not A Girl & Calendar.

680. Verso.

1990. Double-sided. Marker, ink and paint on poster. Great condition. Framed to see both sides. Frame is 26” w x 33” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

682. Prophet Royal Robertson

The Rex Cutter & Calendar.

Page 98

679. Prophet Royal Robertson

Metrio Mania Electrictio God.

Environmental Landscape.

681. Prophet Royal Robertson

Double-sided. 1993. Paint and marker on poster. Multiple nail holes in corners, otherwise good condition. 28” w x 22” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

676. View inside box.

Devil Trapping Sinner.

Not signed or dated. Paint on canvas. Needs to be re-stretched. Skinning and minor holes, otherwise fair condition. 49” w x 26” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

683. Prophet Royal Robertson

120 Page Notebook.

683. View inside

c. 1980. Ink and marker on writing paper. Great condition. Provenance: Andy Nasisse. Size is 11” x 8”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

685. Jack Savitsky

Group Of Five Works.

684. Jack Savitsky

Group Of 8 Works.

1991. Signed and dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Average size in frame is 18” x 18”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

Ink and colored pencil on paper and cardboard. Excellent condition. Largest in frame is 12” x 15”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

687. Jack Savitsky

Taking The Cart To Town.

1975. Signed and dated. Ink and graphite on heavy paper. Excellent condition. Image is 24” w x 18” h. Frame is 29” w x 23” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $75

690. Jack Savitsky


1986. Crayon and ink on paper. Signed, titled and dated. 14” w x 11” h including frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

688. Jack Savitsky

Miner’s Boot Silver Creek Coal Co.

1975. Signed, dated and titled. Ink and graphite on heavy paper. Excellent condition. Image is 18” x 23.5”. Frame is 24” w x 29.5” h. Provenance: ex. Florida Folk Art Museum. Est. $600-900. Ship: $75

691. Jack Savitsky

Uncle Sammy & Miss Liberty.

1982. Signed and dated. Ink and pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” w x 18” h. Featured on page 45 of Was Up Ma. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

686. Jack Savitsky

Group Of Three Works.

1987-89. Signed and dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. Average size with frame is 18” x 15”. Est. $300-600. Ship: $65

689. Jack Savitsky

Boot Leg Coal.

1991. Signed and dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 13” w x 10” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

692. Jack Savitsky

Bird In Hand Farm.

1982. Signed, dated and titled. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 17” w x 14” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

End Of Saturday Session See you tomorrow, Sunday Nov 10, at 12 noon Lots 693-1116

Page 99

Sunday Session Starts Here Nov. 10 - Auction Starts 12 noon - Doors open 10am - Lots 693-1116

694. Cigar Band Decoupage

693. Cigar Band Decoupage

32 Mixed Pieces - B.

32 Mixed Pieces - A.

Glass, bowls, plates, paper weights and heart-shaped trays. Excellent condition. Largest is 9.5” diameter. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

Glass, bowls, plates, paper weights and heart-shaped trays. Excellent condition. Largest is 9.5” diameter. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $100

696. Great American Woodsman

695. Cigar Band Decoupage

End Table With Highly Decorated Cigar Band Label Top.

Excellent condition. 31” x 20” x 30”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Frame & Mirror.

695. Tabletop View

698. Anonymous

Birds With Ball In Cage Whimsey.

Carved wood. Missing two bird’s head and chip in moon, otherwise good condition. 18” x 11” x 7”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Page 100

Carved wood with silver backed mirror. Bird, pine tree and corn relief decorations with varnish. Natural wood splits, otherwise excellent condition. 20” x 17” x 2.5”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

699. Franklin Co. Primitive Furniture

697. Scottish

Round Gilded Mirror.

Carved gesso wood with gold paint. Curved mirror in great shape. Frame is missing minor pieces and has cracks, otherwise fair condition. 51” h x 29” w x 3.5”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Open Cabinet with Textile Mill Spools.

Made from slate boards. Marked on bottom, Franklin, Co. c. 1920. Purchased from Robert Cargo Gallery in 1994. Varnish is crazed. Replaced front skirt, otherwise good condition. 30” x 12” x 50”. Est. $300-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

700. Anonymous

Detailed Carved Sewing Box.

Carved with hunting scene. Excellent condition. 11” x 6” x 7”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

702. Tramp Art

701. Tramp Art

Large Crown Of Thorn Frame With Mirrors.

Carved wood with early mirrors. Some minor condition problems with missing pieces, otherwise great condition. 32” x 35” x 4.5”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

704. Tramp Art

51-Picture Frame.

Very large. 3” x 4” individual sections. 26” x 44” x 1” total size. Carved and chipped wood with varnish. Excellent condition. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

708. Tramp Art

Large Multi-Pyramid Frame.

Chip-carved with colored stain. Minor chip, otherwise great condition. 26” x 30” x 3.5”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Large Geometric Corners Frame.

Chip-carved wood and stain. Very minor loss, otherwise excellent condition. 31” x 36” x 2”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

705. Tramp Art

Lucky Tramp Art Frame.

Crudely carved and gold painted wood frame. Excellent condition. 25” x 33” x 2.5”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

709. Tramp Art

Medium-Sized Thorns With Beveled Wood Frame Inside. Carved and stained wood. Minor missing pieces, otherwise great condition. 23” x 17” x 4”. Est. $800-1,200. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

706. Tramp Art

Large Crown Of Thorn Frame With Pyramids On Top.

Carved and stained wood. Some missing pieces, otherwise great condition. 24” x 28” x 4”. Est. $600-900. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

710. Tramp Art

Multi-Design & Shape Frame.

Chip-carved and varnished wood. Minor chip, otherwise excellent condition. 20” x 23” x 3”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

703. Tramp Art

Large Crown Of Thorn 10 Picture Pyramid Frame.

Carved and standing wood. Excellent condition. 25” x 33” x 3”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

707. Tramp Art

Crown Of Thorn Frame With Pyramid On Top.

Carved and stained wood. Some missing pieces, otherwise good condition. 24” x 29” x 3”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

711. Tramp Art

Medium-Sized Crown Of Thorn Frame.

Carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. 23” x 16” x 3”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Page 101

712. Tramp Art

Frame With Hearts & Diamonds.

Chip-carved and stain with early mirror. Minor loss, otherwise excellent condition. 27” x 39” x 2.5”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

713. Tramp Art

Oval Tramp Art Puzzle Frame.

Carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. 11” x 4”. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45

715. Tramp Art

Heart Frame With Loops On Edge. Chip-carved wood. Minor chip, otherwise excellent condition. 18” x 15” x 1.5”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

719. Tramp Art

Steeple With Mirror.

Chip-carved wood with varnish. Minor chip, otherwise excellent condition. 20” x 23 x 3”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

716. Tramp Art

Steeple Frame With Photo Of Young Girl.

Chip-carved wood. Excellent condition. 13” x 7” x 1.5”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

720. Justin McCarthy & Tramp

Factory Scene in Tramp Frame. Signed. Image is 11” x 7.5”. Frame is 20” x 17.5” h. Good condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

723. Tramp Art

American & French Flags With Heart Frame.

Chip-carved with heavy gatored varnish. Excellent condition. 21” x 16” x 2”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

Page 102

714. Tramp Art

Small Crown Of Thorns Frame.

Carved natural wood. Minor loss, otherwise great condition. 16” x 16” x 2”. Est. $300500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

717. Tramp Art

Painted Tramp Art Frame.

Painted wood. Minor chips, otherwise excellent condition. 20” x 18” x 1.5”. Private condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

721. Tramp Art

Decorative Tramp Frame.

Carved wood. Minor chips, otherwise great condition. 20” x 17” x 1.5”. Private collection. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

718. Tramp Art

Star Frame.

Chip-carved wood and varnish. Some missing pieces, otherwise great condition. 10” x 10” x 1.5”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

722. Tramp Art

Small Tramp Frame.

Carved wood. Great condition. 7” x 9”. Private collection. Est. $100-150. Ship: $30

724. Tramp Art

Multi-Layer Heart Frames.

Chip-carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. Each is 18” x 18” x 1”. Est. $400-800. Ship: $65

725. Tramp Art

Cigar Box With Round Decorations.

Chip-carved wood and old cigar boxes. Excellent condition. 9” x 6” x 10”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

726. Tramp Art

House Of Pyramids Rectangular Tramp Box.

Chip-carved wood and varnish. Excellent condition. 19” x 7” x 7”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

727. Tramp Art

Black Pyramid Tramp Art Box.

Secret openings. Chip-carved wood and paint. Missing knobs and some pieces on back, otherwise, good condition. 17” x 13” x 10”. Est. $300-600. Ship: $65

728. Tramp Art

Clock Case Box.

Chip-carved wood with varnish, mirrors, and jewels. Minor chip, otherwise is excellent condition. 12” x 11” x 5.5”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

731. Tramp Art

730. Tramp Art

Pyramid Cigar Box.

Wm. Ogden & Secolo 10¢ Cigars wood boxes. Minor loss, on top, otherwise great condition. 9” x 8” x 8.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Pair of Tramp Art Sewing Boxes.

Carved wood with velvet pin cushions. Great condition. Largest is 17” x 13” x 7”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

733. Tramp Art

Tramp Art Lock Box.

Chip-carved wood with felt. Includes key. Great condition. 18” x 14” x 9”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

735. Tramp Art

Pair of Pyramid Cigar Boxes.

Chip-carved and varnished wood. Minor damage to top, otherwise good condition. Largest is 7” x 10” x 8”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

729. Tramp Art

Tramp Art Box with Heart Lid.

Carved wood and paint. Excellent condition. 9” x 7” x 7”. Private collection. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

732. Tramp Art

Highly Carved And Decorated Keepsake Box.

Not signed or dated. Carved top, side and inside. Good condition. 7” x 14” x 14”. Est. $100-300. Ship: $45

734. Tramp Art

Cross Shrine.

Carved and varnished wood. Minor damage and loss, otherwise good to fair condition. 12” x 10” x 25” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

736. Tramp Art

Chip Carved Box.

Chip-carved and varnished wood. 8” x 13” x 7”. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35 Page 103

738. Anonymous

737. Anonymous

Black Uncle Sam Bust.

Life-Sized Black Doll.

Painted wood with joined limbs. Hand-made period dress. Hair. Overall great condition. 18” x 10” x 66” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

c. 1st quarter of 1900’s. Possibly used as a Mannequin. Carved wooden head with metal eyes and mouth with copper ears. Old Hills Brothers coffee can hat. Great condition. 21” x 9”. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

739. Anonymous

Early Black Minstrel Doll.

Wooden construction with squeeze wood box chest and handmade early clothes, paper hat. Great condition. 15.5” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

Old-Time Negro Baseball Game.

Not signed or dated. Oil on canvas. Some paint crazing due to age, otherwise great condition. Image is 30” w x 23” h. Frame is 41” w x 33” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $150

Signed. Not dated, c. 1900. Paint on relined canvas. Great condition. Size with frame is 48” w x 36” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $200

Nude Woman.

Signed on verso. Not dated. Oil on canvas panel. Some paint loss and wear on early panel, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 25” x 28”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

744. Ross

Stereotypical Black Portrait With Watermelon.

c. 1900’s. Signed. Watercolor on artist board. Excellent condition. Image is 4.5” w x 5” h. Original frame is 14” w x 16” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

747. Sam Anthony

Her Gift.

c. 1910. Signed and titled. Pencil on paper. Nicely detailed. Great condition. 19” w x 16” h with frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35 Page 104

Carved and painted wood with handmade clothes and other mixed media. Excellent condition. 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

742. Anonymous

741. D.L. Russell

Fantasy Swampscape With Gator and Young Boy.

743. Unknown or Nazzaro

740. Anonymous

Black Jointed Man.

745. Mill (Illegible)

Black Girl At Fire Hearth.

c. 1890’s. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Original frame is 13” x 17”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

746. Embellished C. Moody Print

The Defender Of The Port.

Mixed media head attached to print on paper. Excellent condition. 14” w x 18” h with frame. Est. $50-100. Ship: $45

748. Anonymous

Pair of Folky Dolls.

c. 1920’s. Wire, wax and handmade clothes. Excellent condition. 9” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

749. Anonymous

Animated Articulated Black Banjo Player & Man In Rocker. c. 1930’s. Wire mechanics with carved wood. Jointed figures, working condition. Excellent condition. 9” x 10” x 4.5”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

750. Anonymous African 751. Anonymous American


Carved and painted wood. Jointed wood. Excellent condition. 14” x 7”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

754. Anonymous Trade Sign

753. Anonymous Whirligig

Af-Am Stylized Banjo Player & Dancer. Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood and metal blades and gears. Great condition. 25” h x 28” x 6”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $100

756. Anonymous

Collection of 16 Heads & Carvings. Carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 8.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

Black Bunnie Lounge.

African American Electric Limberjack Dancer.

Mixed media on box with mechanical motor. Good to fair condition. 10” x 12” x 27” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

From Chicago’s Southside. Paint on plexiglass. Some wear from environmental exposure, otherwise great condition. 40” w x 22” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $125

757. Anonymous African American

Black Doll Crib Quilt.

Machine stitched. Cotton. Light-weight. Good to great condition. 24” w x 31” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $25

752. Anonymous

Tribute To Dave The Slave Potter.

Not signed or dated. Hand-molded clay and paint. Great condition. 14” x 10” x 7”. Est. $50-75. Ship: $65

755. Anonymous

Blackamoor Arm Hanging Candle Holder.

Carved and painted wood with nice gatoring to varnish. Fingers have been repaired, otherwise good condition. 12” x 5” x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

758. Anonymous

Hanging Mirror Shelf.

Cut out hearts, stars and crosses attached to wood with early mirror. Nice gatoring of paint. Original surface. Great condition. 20.5” x 11” x 4”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

759. 1924 Iowa Diploma

Kissing Birds Motif Frame.

1924. Des Moines, IA. Carved wood with paint and varnish. Great alligatored finish. Excellent condition. 26” w x 23” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

Page 105

760. A. Nuster

Sleeping Hunter & Dog.

1938. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas panel. Excellent condition. Size with frame. 26” w x 34” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $85

761. Cecil Head

Fall Creek.

1934. Signed and dated. Original tag on verso with info. Watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 15” x 18”. Frame is 21” w x 25” h. Est. $400-800. Ship: $65

762. WPA Era

Nude With Birds.

Not signed or dated. Oil on canvas. Needs to be re-stretched. Possibly over-painted. Overall good condition. Size with frame is 41” w x 31” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

763. O.F. Decker

764. Anonymous

Still Life With Peaches.

Field Workers Hat Full Of Cherries.

c. late 1800’s. Oil on A.H. Abbott & Co. Academy Board. Minor condition problems with board, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 32” x 26”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

765. Weintraus


Not signed or dated. Heavy oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Image is 26” w x 30”. Frame is 35” x 39”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

768. Victorian

Memorial Hair Wreath.

Hand-braided hair in the shape of heart and flowers with original box frame. Great condition. 23” x 27” x 5”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

c. early 1900’s. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 22” x 19”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

766. Anonymous

Portrait Of A Gentleman.

c. 1800’s. Oil on canvas. Restretched and varnished. Some crazing, otherwise great condition. Image is 19” x 22”. Frame is 24” x 27”. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

767. Anonymous

Charming European Farm Scene.

c. early 1900’s. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 31” w x 25” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

769. Paul Keach

Landscape With Ruins.

1963. Oil on canvas with varnish. Great condition. Size with frame is 31” x 25”. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

771. Robert Andrew Parker

770. Anonymous

Running Deer Hooked Rug. Page 106

Wool stretched over frame. Excellent condition. 38” w x 23” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75


1964-65. Signed and dated. Watercolor and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 24” x 17” h. Frame is 30” w x 23” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $85

773. Anonymous

772. Anonymous

Mountain Landscape With Teepee.

Marble dust on paper. Crease in corner, otherwise excellent condition. Size with frame is 27” w x 23” h. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

775. Anonymous

Lake Scene With Storm Clouds.

Marble dust on paper. Size with frame is 23” w x 18” h. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

778. Anonymous

Child With Sword.

Marble dust on paper. 21” w x 25” h. Great details. Some condition problems, tears, missing part of top, otherwise fair condition. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

Summer Scene With Birds Eye View of Valley.

Charcoal on sandpaper. Crease in lower right, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 20” h. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $500-800. Ship; $65

776. Anonymous

Castle In The Moonlight.

Charcoal and chalk on prepared bristol board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 13” x 11”. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

779. Anonymous

Gothic Ruins.

c. 1850. Not signed. Charcoal on sandpaper. 11.5” w x 9.5” h. Great condition. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

774. Anonymous

Castle & Cattle.

Marble dust on paper. Tear in lower middle and missing corner, otherwise good to fair condition. Size with frame is 25” x 20” h. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

777. Anonymous

Indian Teepee By The Lake.

Marble dust on paper. Marked Geo Platman on verso. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 12” w x 9” h. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $300-500. Ship: $35

780. Anonymous

Moonlight Scene.

Marble dust on paper. Image is 17” w x13” h. Frame is 22” w x 17” h. Fair condition. Provenance: Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, NY. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

Page 107

781. Simmer Studio Wenatchee

Mason’s Wonderland A Circus In Itself.

Black and white photography. Featuring 8 freak show banners. Missing lower left corner, minor creases and bends, otherwise great condition. 17” w x 7” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $35

783. Anonymous Tin Type Photograph

Group In Front of Bull Banner.

Tin type. Good condition. 6.5” w x 4” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

786. Anonymous Photography

Nomia Girl Show.

Black and white photograph backed to original cabinet card. 10” x 8” total including card. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

784. Francis J. Mahoney, Syracuse, NY.

Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Sideshow Photo.

Stamped on verso. Black and white photo. 1” tear in upper middle, creased corner, otherwise good condition. 10” w x 8” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

787. Anonymous Photo

Mother Eleanor Ziegler With Possum.

c. 1910. Inscribed in lower margin with title. Found in Bar-bedford, PA. Excellent condition. 12” x 14” h including frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

790. Anonymous Photography

The Bandit King.

Page 108

Black and white freak show banner postcard. Good condition. 5.5” w x 3.5”. Est. $50-100. Ship: $10

788. Rays

Kay Bros. Menagerie.

782. Anonymous Photography

Crowd In Front of Freak Show Banners.

Black and white photo. Tear in upper middle, otherwise good condition. 10” x 8”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

785. Anonymous Photography

Juanita Snake Dancing Woman Photo.

Black and white photo mounted to cabinet cardstock. Excellent condition. 7” w x 5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $25

Stamped on verso. Black and white photo. Excellent condition. 3.5” w x 2.5”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $10

789. Wendt, Boonton, NJ.

It’s Like Was Never Seen Before, The Wild Man.

Black and white cabinet card. Minor loss to lower left, and fading, otherwise good condition. 6.5” w x 4” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $10

791. Quillen Photo, Los Angeles

Al G. Barnes & Sells Floto Circus Side Show.

Signed on front. Verso is stamped and dated, 1936. Black and white promotional card. Excellent condition. 5” w x 4”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $10

792. Anonymous

Steel Shooting Target With Bullseye.

Hitting the target makes the bell ring and lifts bird. Well-used and worn. Not in working condition, but looks great. 17” h x 12” diameter. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

793. Anonymous

Four Metal Shooting Targets.

Well-used and worn, otherwise excellent condition. Largest is 8” x 10” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

795. WWII Propaganda Banner

Hirohito, also officially known as Emperor Showa in Japan, joined the AXIS powers at the onset of WW II and it was by his orders that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 8th ( 7th in Hawaii ) 1941. Hirohito and the attack led President Franklin D. Roosevelt to proclaim in his famous speech that it was "a date which will live in infamy ".

Molded metal. Some wear, otherwise great condition. Largest is 6.5” x 8.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

796. WW II Propaganda Banner

Hirohito Hotel.

45" x 42". Reverse of canvas stenciled "H. C. Evans & Co., Chicago IL. ". Some wear to paint, missing bottom right corner, otherwise good condition. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

794. Anonymous

Group Of Five Metal Dog Fence Tops.

Schicklegruber's Shoppe.

c. 1940's . Paint on heavy canvas. Reverse of canvas stenciled "H. C. Evans & Co., Chicago Ill." Some wear to paint, otherwise good condition. 40" x 50". Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $45

On the banner is the image of a stereotypical Chinese figure, probably representing Chiang Kai Shek, leader of China, with rolling pin (weapon ) in hand and ready to attack the caricature of the rat. The rat image representing Adolf Hitler. Also, the surname " Schicklgruber " (misspelled on the banner ), is a direct reference to Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler's father's surname was " Schicklgruber ", before changing it to " Hitler ". Furthermore, Adolf Hitler was also referred to as Adolf Schicklgruber in a derogatory manner in reference to his father's illegitimate birth.

797. Anonymous

Carnival Knock Down Cat.

Paint on heavy canvas. Great condition. 798. Anonymous 20” x 11” h including original base. 5 Carnival Knock Down Dolls. Est. $200-400. c. 1940’s. Paint on heavy canvas with wool for hair. Ship: $45 Hinged on original wooden platform. Excellent condition. Average height is 10” h x 55” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

800. Anonymous

Giant Carnival Mask.

c. 1920’s. Paper mache with paint and animal hair. Some wear, otherwise great condition. 12” w x 14” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

802. Anonymous

Three French Cast Iron Masks.

Multi-layers of paint. Early pieces. Heavy weight. A few paint chips, otherwise great condition. 12” x 8” x 5”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

799. Anonymous

Group Of 10 Puppets.

c. 1930’s. Carved heads with paint and handmade cloth costumes. Great condition. Average height is 16” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

801. Callahan’s Wild West Signs.

Pair of Bunk House Signs.

Early paint on plywood. Great condition. Largest is 32” w x 17” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $65

803. Anonymous

WPA-Era Puppet Heads.

Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 5” h. Acquired in the Chicago area. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

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805. Hamida

Tunisia Carpet Music Scene.

Signed. Date 1929 (hard to read the date). Hand-made. Wool. Great condition. 76” w x 60” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

806. Anonymous

College & Town Felt Banner Outfit.

804. Afghan War Rug

Pants, shirt and hat. Banners sewn to pants and shirt. c. 1940’s-50’s. Great condition. 67” x 63” when displayed together. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

Kandahar & Herat.

Hand-woven wool. Excellent condition. Pre 9/11/2001. Strong bold war images. 63” w x 38” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

809. Anonymous

808. Anonymous

Art Wood Jointed Model.

Sunday School Noah’s Ark Toy.

c. 1900’s. Carved and painted wood. Many animals and birds with hand-carved ark. Some condition problems with animals and ark, otherwise good to fair condition. 19” long. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

810. Anonymous

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood, plastic doll head, wig hair with original tag on base. Great condition. Found in TN. 12” x 10” x 8”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

Not signed or dated. Carved and jointed wooden figures with hair, paint and wire. Excellent condition. 11” x 8.5” x 14”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

811. Anonymous

Mixed media, fabric, sequins, and feathers. Some condition problems, otherwise great condition. 22” w x 36” h. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Gymnastic Acrolet Doll Toy Patent Pending Sample.

Dancing Nude Jigger Couple.

c. 1900’s. Carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. 9” x 4” x 32” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $65

812. Louis P. Nehl Large Gator.

1990. Signed and dated. Carved solid wood with varnish. Excellent condition. Very heavy. Lots of details. 46” long x 16” w x 12” h. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

814. Junior Lewis

813. Anonymous


Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 11” x 9” x 74”. Very large. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

815. Carl Christiansen Alligator On A Log.

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807. Anonymous

4th Of July Eagle Parade Hat.

c. 1940-50’s. Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 11” x 3.5” x 3”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

Green Gator.

1990. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Chip and paint flakes on tail, otherwise good condition. 35” long. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

816. Dr. Bob & Tubby Brown

Three Gators.

Signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Largest 58” long. Est. $300-500. Ship: $150

817. Anonymous

818. Anonymous

Metal Spike Wall Top.

Iron Swan.

Early rod iron. Excellent condition. 58” long x 20” h x 3”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $150

819. Anonymous

Cat Andirons.

Early metal. Some use, otherwise great condition. 16” x 10” x 14”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

Not signed or dated. Paint on iron. Excellent condition. 18” h x 6.5” x 3”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

821. Anonymous

820. Anonymous

Handles Andirons.

Fish Andirons.

Pressed metal and brass. Some use, otherwise great condition. 14.5” x 9” x 9”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

Early metal. Some use, otherwise great condition. 12” x 5” x 15” long. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

822. Anonymous

Tobacco Farmer Weathervane.

Cut heavy metal with reinforced riveted backing. Paint with lots of rust and environmental wear, otherwise great condition. 30” w x 22” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $65

824. Trade Sign

825. Anonymous Sign

Tobacco Store Sign.

c. 1940’s. Rusted and weathered metal. Great condition. 14” w x 21” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

Men Working Overhead.

Paint on cut steel. Environmental wear, some rust, otherwise great condition. 17” x 12” x 37”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $125

827. Anonymous

Two Whirligigs.

Carved and cut out wood with paint and metal gears. Good to great condition. 24” x 13” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

823. Anonymous

Rooster Weathervane.

Not signed or dated. Rusty sheet iron. Environmental wear, otherwise good condition. 17” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

826. Anonymous Weathervane

Crow and Directional.

Painted rusted metal. Good condition. 27” x 27” x 65”. Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

828. Ed Smith

John Henry Whirligig.

c. 1985. Conover 1978 car tags with carved wooden figure and mixed media. Great condition. 27” x 42”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

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829. Roberto Mauricio

Moonlight Ceremony.

Not signed. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

832. Felix Camilo Ayala

Sunset In Mexico Desert.

1979. Signed and dated. Image is 24” w x 32” h. Size with frame is 36” w x 27” h. Est. $700-1,000. Ship: $85

835. Felix Jimenez Chino

Donkey & Man.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on masonite. Size with frame is 24” w x 20” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45

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830. Felix Camilo Ayala

Scenic By River.

1978. Signed and dated. Paint on masonite. Great condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 31” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $75

833. Felix Camilo Ayala


Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 17” h. Est. $600-900. Ship: $45

836. Unknown Mexican

Wedding Scene.

Not signed or dated. Paint on masonite. Excellent condition. Lots of details. Size with frame is 27” w x 26” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

831. Roberto Mauricio Salazar


1981. Signed and dated. 25” w x 33” h. Excellent condition. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $75

834. Felix Jimenez Chino

Nude In Morning Glory.

1981. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. 20” w x 24” h. Excellent condition. Est. $700-1,000. Ship: $45

837. Luis Alberto


2001. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” x 21” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

838. Wilson Bigaud

Hometown Street.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Minor scratch on tree, otherwise excellent condition. 29” w x 29” h with frame. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $65

839. Wilson Bigaud

Public Bathing Room.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on masonite. Minor paint rub, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 27” w x 27” h. Est. $1,000-1,500. Ship: $55

842. Prefete Duffaut

Big C In The Coastal City.

1981. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 33” w x 17” h. Est. 700-1,000. Ship: $65

841. Prefete Duffaut

Fantasy Sea City.

1987. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 37” w x 50” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $150

844. Pierre Joseph Valcin

Bird Drinking Flower Nectar.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 35” w x 29” h including frame. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

845. Jackson Louinsky

Lady Of The River.

1988. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 25” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

840. Wilson Bigaud

Nude In Rose Garden.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 13” w x 15” h with frame. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

843. J.N. Emmanuel

Frank Romain Mayor Of P.A.U.P.

Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 25” h. Est. $1,000-2,000. Ship: $55

“Frank Romain was responsible for the attack of the church of the populist Pere Aristide...12 murdered, 70 wounded. Sept. 11, 1988.” Signed, dated and titled. Important memory painting of societal history.

846. Jerald

Adam & Eve With Birthday Candle.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 37” w x 29” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $85

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847. Harry Jacques Arijac

Woman In Blue.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 30” w x 24” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $75

850. Gerard Valcin

Voodoo Priest and Priestess.

1986. Signed and dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 25” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

848. Felix LaFontune

Lady In Blue.

1985. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 26” w x 33” h with frame. Est. $300-500. Ship: $75

852. Jerald

851. H.J. Leurent

Two Women Under Blooming Tree.

1976. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. Great condition. 16” w x 23” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

Child On Mother’s Lap.

1987. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 25” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

1987. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 29” w x 29” h with frame. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

853. Pro-Pierre Louis

Six Faces.

1990. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” w x 20” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

855. Canute Caliste

854. Canute Caliste

Cudreal Dance In Carriacuo, West Indes.

1999. Paint on masonite. 15” w x 16” h. Excellent condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

856. Eayo J. Marc

Large Village Outdoor Market.

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849. Lousanne St. Flourant

Row Of Flower People.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Very large. 49” w x 29” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

Regatta In Carriacuo, West Indies.

2000. Paint on masonite. 12.5” w x 15.5” h. Excellent condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

857. J. Pierrs

Village Market.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 29” w x 26” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

858. St. Pierre


1973. Signed and dated. Paint on masonite. Excellent condition. 24” w x 18” h. Est. 300-500. Ship: $45

861. Gerard


Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 16” w x 12” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

859. Paul J.N. Perpe

#5 Cock Fight.

860. E. Laurent

Signed. Not signed. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 35” x 24” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

862. Gerard

Creatures Avec Des Taches.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. 16” w x 12” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Moonlight Dancing.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” w x 24” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

863. Levoy Exil

Pair Of Women.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Each in frame. 21” x 29” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

865. Ramphis MaGloire

Woman With Snake Figure.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on artist panel. Excellent condition. 18” w x 22” h with frame. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 21” w x 17” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

864. Ramphis MaGloire


Signed. Not dated. Oil on artist panel. Excellent condition. 18” w x 22” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

866. Ulrick M. Jean

Oxen Cart.

867. J.A. Bernang

River Scene.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 41” w x 25” h with frame. Est. $400-600. Ship: $100

868. Jerald


Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Very large frame is 59” w x 21” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

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869. Serge Jolimeau

870. Hubert Bernard

Three Nude Women With Child.

Tree Of Life.

Signed. Cut out metal. Excellent condition. 34” w x 70” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Signed. Not dated. Cut metal. Excellent condition. 33” w x 48” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $150

871. Gabriel Bien-Aime

Family With Fowls.

Signed. Cut out tin. Great condition. 34” w x 36” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

872. Gabriel Bien-Aime

Old Man With Large Woman.

873. Gabriel Bien-Aime

Girl In Apple Tree.

Not signed. Cut out tin. Great condition. 28” w x 33” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

Signed. Not dated. Cut tin. Great condition. 36” w x 29” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

877. Murat Brierre

Nude With Head Up Her Ass.

874. Gabriel Bien-Aime

Head With Bird & Snake.

Signed. Not dated. Cut metal. Excellent condition. 23” diameter. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

875. Gabriel Bien-Aime

Boy & Girl.

Signed. Not dated. Cut metal. Excellent condition. 23” diameter. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

876. Julio Ralan


Signed. Cut out metal. Excellent condition. 34” diameter. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

880. Louisanne St. Fleurant

Spirit Totem.

878. F. Sanon

Modern Dancing.

Signed. Carved natural wood. Excellent condition. 14” x 5” x 33” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

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Signed. Not dated. Cut metal. Excellent condition. 6” w x 33” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

879. Joseph Nacius

Group Of Four Wood Carvings.

Signed. Great detail and condition. Largest is 21” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

1990. Signed and dated. Hand-molded clay and paint. Excellent condition. 10.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Martin Dean Coppinger - New Discovery Martin Dean Coppinger (b. 1934 -) Painter, Miner, Construction Worker and Traveler. Viet Nam Veteran. Called "Van Gogh of the Desert" Resides in Phoenix, Arizona. Listed in Davenport's.

881. Martin Dean Coppinger

Picacho Peak.

1993. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas panel. Warping of panel, otherwise great condition. Size with frame is 36” w x 25” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

884. Martin Dean Coppinger

Burned B.L.M.

Signed and titled. Oil on wood. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 25” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

887. Martin Dean Coppinger

Desert To Mountain Landscape.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas panel. Great condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 21” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

882. Martin Dean Coppinger

Theology Which God?

1991. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 21” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

885. Martin Dean Coppinger

First Sunlight On Desert Mountains.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas panel. Great condition. Size with frame is 28” w x 22” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

888. Martin Dean Coppinger


Signed and titled. Not dated. Oil on canvas panel. Lower right corner has water damage, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 25” w x 21” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

883. Martin Dean Coppinger

Weaver’s Needle.

Signed and titled. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” w x 20” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $45

886. Martin Dean Coppinger

Multi-Colored Sunset On The High Desert.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on masonite. Great condition. Size with frame is 31” w x 25” h. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $65

889. Martin Dean Coppinger

Spring New Growth.

Initialed. Not dated. Paint and oil on wood. Original frame. Excellent condition. 22” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

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892. Alfredo L. Rodriguez 891. Nicholas Herrera

Lady Liberty.

2002. Natural pigment on carved cottonwood. Excellent condition. 23” x 12” x 9”. Featured on page 126 and 127 of Wos Up Man. Est. $500-800. Ship: $85

890. Felipe Archuleta

Bottlecap Rattlesnake.

1978. Signed and dated. Bottlecaps, wire, paint and plastic teeth. Provenance: Acquired from Bert Hemphill. Great condition. 76” long. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

893. Robin Willeto

Pair of Ghost Face Spirits.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Snake carved all the way around. 26” h x 10” diameter. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

Navajo Couple.

2001. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with beads. Excellent condition. 24” h x 10” x 15”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $125

898. Anonymous Guatamala Santiago.

c. 1980. Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Fair condition. 17” x 12” x 5”. Est. $50-100. Ship: $45

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2003. Signed, dated and titled. Gesso and paint over carved cottonwood. Excellent condition. 26” x 11” x 11”. Featured on page 114 and 115 of Wos Up Man. Est. $500-800. Ship: $75

894. Robin Willeto

Lady Of The Snake Mother.

895. Robin Willeto

The Powerful Hand.

1995. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Average size is 32” h x 9” diameter. Est. $500-800. Ship: $175

896. Harold Willeto

Buffalo Spirit With Cross.

1999. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 16” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

899. Harrison Juan

Bull Rider.

1999. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Repair to one horn, overall great condition. 18” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

897. Elizabeth Willeto

Red and Torquoise Green Desert Spirit Figure.

Double-sided. Initialed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 17” h. Est. $100200. Ship: $45

897. Verso.

900. Unknown Artist


Not signed. Carved and painted wood. Repair to hand, otherwise great condition. 10” x 9” x 31” h Est. $300-400. Ship: $75

901. Mamie Deschillie

Sunflower Rabbit.

Signed. Stuffed print fabric over cardboard and mixed media. Excellent condition. 26” x 24”. Est. $300-400. Ship: $65

902. Mamie Deschillie

Three Navajo Women On Horseback.

Signed. Fabric, painted and mixed media on cardboard. Excellent condition. Largest is 17” x 21”. Est. $300-400. Ship: $75

903. Mamie Deschillie


Signed. Painted cardboard with beads and wool. Excellent condition. 29” w x 22” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

904. Mamie Deschillie

905. Mamie Deschillie


Four Horse and Riders.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on cardboard with sequins. Excellent condition. Image is 30” w x 15.5” h. Frame is 40” w x 28” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

Signed. Paint on cardboard. Excellent condition. 27” w x 21” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

907. Mamie Deschillie

906. Mamie Deschillie


Three Women Riding To Town.

Signed. Paint, wood and beads on cardboard. Excellent condition. 22” w x 19” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

Initialed. Not dated. Paint on cardboard with mixed media. Excellent condition. 14” h x 18” x 3”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

908. Delbert Buck

909. Delbert Buck

Navajo On Horseback With Sheep. Navajo Mom Taxi. Signed. Not dated. Carved wood, paint and mixed media. Excellent condition. 19” w x 15” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. 19” w x 20” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

910. Delbert Buck

Navajo On Spotted Horse.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Minor paint loss, otherwise great condition. 19” w x 20” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

911. Delbert Buck

Bucking Bhrama Bull.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Leather tip on one horn missing, otherwise good condition. 22” x 16” x 6”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

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The Wounaan and Embera Indians from the Darien Province of Panama are master artisans. The women are well known for their fine baskets, considered by many scholars as the best woven in the world. The men are most recognized for their cocobolo and tagua carvings. The baskets are hand woven using natural fibers found in the forest. A variety of extracts of plants and earth provide the dyes. The original designs usually portray life in the village, local animals, birds, plants, insects, marine life or cultural images. Depending on size and design, it could take from several weeks up to one or two years to weave. Their art provides them a way to preserve their culture as well as the rainforest.

912. Darien Rainforest Artist


All natural materials from the jungles. Each basket requires hundreds of hours to complete. 8” h x 12” w. Excellent condition. Est. $1,500-2,500. Ship: $55

915. Johnson Antonio

Old Woman With Cane.

1995 Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Repair to arms and natural wood splits, otherwise good to fair condition. 14.5” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

919. Larry Buck

Rabbit Fisherman.

Rare art. Signed. Carved and painted wood, otherwise great condition. 20” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65 Page 120

913. Darien Rainforest Artist

Black and White Ethno-Classic Design Basket.

Natural materials. Excellent condition. 7” x 7”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $35

916. Johnson Antonio

Corn Dancer.

1994. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Repair to fox in arm, otherwise good condition. 14” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

920. Sandy Beyale


1992. Signed. Carved and painted wood. Natural wood splits, otherwise great condition. 12” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

914. Darien Rainforest Artist

Pair of Smaller Baskets.

Natural materials from the jungle. Excellent condition. Largest is 4.5” x 4.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

917. Johnson Antonio

Grinning Man with Child.

1995. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 13” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

921. Enrique Rendon

Christianity In Indian Village.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Great condition. 15” x 12” x 8”. Provenance: Rosenak Collection. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

918. Johnson Antonio

Ceremonial Dancer With Costume.

Signed. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. 18.5” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $65

922. V. Wood

Trading Post Scene.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Individual pieces re-attached to base, otherwise great condition. 10” x 8” x 6”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

923. Michael Banks

Two Profiles.

Signed. Not dated. Tar and paint on board. Excellent condition. 18” w x 24” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

924. Michael Banks

Red Head.

Signed. Not dated. Tar and paint on board. Damaged corner, otherwise good condition. 16” w x 18” h. Est. . $100-200. Ship: $45

926. Willie Jinks

Big Wil Bird.

925. Michael Banks

Yellow Head.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas stretched over window frame. Canvas has cut in center, otherwise good condition. 25” w x 28” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found hollow door. Front is in good, condition. 36” w x 79” h. Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

927. Willie Jinks

House With Red Bird On Top.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on door. Great condition. 79” w x 36” h. Est. $400-600. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

929. Willie Jinks

Big Hot Bird.

1998. Signed and dated. Paint on found posterboard. Great condition. 48” w x 36” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $200

930. Willie Jinks

The Big Hoperman On Honda.

Signed. Paint on board. 48” w x 24” h. Excellent condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $100

928. Willie Jinks

Joner Rid Hot.

1999. Signed and dated. Paint on found tile board. Excellent condition. 48” w x 38” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $150

931. Willie Jinks

Fight Over Pancakes.

2000. Signed and dated. Paint on board. 23” x 23” h. Excellent condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

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932. James Popso,

b. 1922-1998, PA miner

Redco Breaker.

1991. Signed and titled. Paint on plywood. Excellent condition. 25” w x 17” h . Est. $200-400. Ship: $45.

Popso miniature replica’s depict the life in Hazelton, PA and were on display at the Eckley Museum Shop.

933. James Popso

Coxeville Breaker.

1994. Signed. Carved wood with mixed media and paint. Excellent condition. 8” x 12” x 28”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

934. James Popso

935. James Popso

Coal Cracker Model.

Eckley, PA Social Club.

1988. Not signed. Carved and painted wood with real coal. Excellent condition 7” x 13” x 24”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100

1994. Signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 10” x 14” x 10”. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

This piece is featured in the Spring issue of Pennsylvania Folklife, 1995, page 127, by Woodward W. Bousquet.

936. James Popso

Huckster Wagon.

1991. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood, mixed media. Excellent condition. 9” x 13” x 25”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

937. James Popso

Hazleton School Bus.

1998. Signed and dated. Paint, wood, metal and other mixed media. Excellent condition. 9” x 14” x 32”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

Featured in the Spring edition of Pennsylvania Folklife, 1995, page 132, by Woodward W. Bousquet. This is a model of the school bus that James’ daughter drives.

939. Bradford Naugler

Early Winter.

1996. Signed. Paint on board with artist made frame. Excellent condition. 25” w x 27” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55 Page 122

938. Cyril Hirtle

Big Haul.

1998. Signed. Watercolor and pencil on masonite. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 26” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $55

Cyril Hirtle, b. 1918-2003. Nova Scotia. He started painting in his 80’s. There are fewer than 100 in existence.

940. Willard Watson

Horse Drawn Stagecoach.

1989. Deep Gap, NC. Not signed. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. 9” x 17” x 35”. Featured in Foxfire #12. Est. $300-600. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

941. O.L. Samuels

942. O.L. Samuels

Doberman Mom & Puppy.

Brahma Bull.

Initialed. Carved and painted wood with glitter and marble eyes. Large dog has natural wood splits in back, otherwise great condition. 18” x 38” long x 41” h. Est. $500-1,000. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

944. Rev. Herman Hayes

Group Of Seven Men In Frames.

1988-92. Signed and dated. Carved bass wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 9.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

Initialed. Carved wood, paint, glue and sawdust mix. Excellent condition. 25” x 22” h x 12” w. Private collection. Est. $300-500. Ship: $100

945. Rev. Herman Hayes

Group Of Six Flat Families.

1991-93. Signed and dated. Carved bass wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 12.5” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

943. O.L. Samuels


Initialed. Not dated. Carved wood with glitter, marble eyes. Excellent condition. 9” x 27” x 23” h. Featured in Kathy Moses’ Outsider Art Of The South. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

946. Rev. Herman Hayes

Group Of 8 Figures.

1989-93. Signed and dated. Carved bass wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 9.5” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

947. Isaac Smith


Signed. Carved wood with mixed media and paint. Excellent condition. 13” x 14” x 46” long. Est. $300-500. Ship: $200

948. Rev. J.L. Hunter


Initialed. Paint on log with glitter, glass eyes and nails. Excellent condition. 7” x 11” x 39” long. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

950. R.A. Parsells

949. Rev. J.L. Hunter


Initialed. Carved and painted wooden stump with mixed media. Great condition. 28” h x 10” diameter. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

Wood Block Quilt.

1992. Signed and dated. Cut and painted wood blocks pieced together in traditional pattern. Excellent condition. 48” x 48”. Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Page 123

951. Levent Isik

Pussy Cat Club.

1995. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 15” w x 22” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

952. Levent Isik

Tiger Lily.

1996. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on board. Excellent condition 15” w x 18” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

953. Levent Isik

Queen Of Hearts.

Paint and mixed media on wooden drawer board. Signed and dated. 2008. Mint condition. 8” x 16” x 1”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

955. Levent Isik

Liberty and American Eagle Pair.

Paint record and paint and mixed media on cardboard. 2007-8. Large bird has paint smear, otherwise excellent condition. Smaller is in mint condition. Larger piece is 15” x 15” x 1”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

956. Levent Isik

Night Shift and Downtown Girl.

Paint and mixed media on board and cardboard. Signed and dated. 2007-8. Mint condition. Average is 12” w x 11” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

954. Levent Isik

She Devil.

Paint and mixed media on board. Signed and dated. 1999. Mint condition. 29.5” w x 23” x 1”. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $55

957. Levent Isik

Group of Four Paintings.

The Rocking Horse, The Butcher’s Wife, City Girl and Jumping Rope. Paint and mixed media on cardboard. Signed and dated. 2007-8. Mint condition. Size with frame. 9” x 12” x 1”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $40 Page 124

958. Levent Isik

Group Of Three Boxes.

Jack Rabbit, Lizzy Borden and Red Devil. Construction inside of old cheese boxes. Cutout figure with paint, glitter, fabric, beads and other mixed media. Signed and dated. 2006-8. All are titled. Largest is 12” x 4” x 4”. Mint condition. Est. $500-800. Ship: $45

959. Levent Isik

Group Of Four Free Standing Figures.

Blue Dog, Sin City, Alligator and Bald Eagle. Signed and dated. 2008. Paint and mixed media on wooden base. Mint condition. Average is 12” x 12” x 4”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

961. Joe DeIulio

960. Joe DeIulio

The Patron.

2001. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 25” h. Featured in book about artist, page 21. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

963. Tim Chess

Portrait In Yellow.

Signed. Not dated. Pastel on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 17” w x 14” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

960. Piece is illustrated on page 21.

Window Blooms.

2006. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 22” w x 25” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

964. Tim Chess

Portrait In Blue.

Signed. Not dated. Pastel on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 13” w x 17” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

962. Mitch Hamburger

Red Head.

1996. Acrylic on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 32” w x 37” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $200

965. Tim Chess

Indian Man.

Pastel on acid-free paper. 18” w x 24” h. Excellent condition. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

967. K. Bradley

Johnny Cash.

966. K. Bradley

Hank Williams.

1996. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 16” x 16”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

1996. Paint on board. Excellent condition. 16” w x 40” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

968. K. Bradley

Jerry Garcia.

1997. Latex on board. Excellent condition. 17” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

Page 125

969. Myrtice West

That Old Serpent.

Signed. Not dated. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 29” w x 25” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

972. M.C. 5¢ Jones

The Baptism.

Signed. Not dated. Ink and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 10” h. Frame is 20” w x 17” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

975. M.C. 5¢ Jones


Signed. Not dated. Ink and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. 14” w x 11” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25 Page 126

970. Myrtice West

Adam & Eve With Satan.

2008. Signed. Paint on canvas board. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 16” h. Frame is 23” w x 19” h. Est. $100-300. Ship: $45

973. M.C. 5¢ Jones

Farming The Homestead.

971. Myrtice West

Farm Couple.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on canvas. Great condition. 24” w x 18” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

Signed. Not dated. Watercolor, pencil and marker on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 18” h x 14” h. The frame is 23” w x 19 - but needs to be re-framed. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

976. M.C. 5¢ Jones

Wedding At The Church.

Signed. Not dated. Ink and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. 14” w x 11” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $25

974. M.C. 5¢ Jones

Portrait Of A Woman.

Signed. Not dated. Ink and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 17” w x 21” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

977. M.C. 5¢ Jones

Feeding Large Chickens.

Signed. Not dated. Watercolor and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 23” w x 19” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

980. Burgess Dulaney

979. Charles Simmons

978. Charles Simmons

Beloved Angel.

Story On Grandpa’s Lap.

Signed. Not dated. Carved river stone. Excellent condition. 12.5” x 9.5” x 3”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

Signed. Carved riverstone. Excellent condition. 12.5” w x 4.5” x 17.5”. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

981. Johnny Banks

Adam and Eve.

Signed. Not dated. Titled. Marker, ink and colored pencil on poster. Image is 28” w x 22” h. Frame is 35” w x 28” h. Frame is missing glass. Est. $400-600. Ship: $75

984. Dilmus Hall

Christ On The Cross.

c. 1980’s. Signed. Colored pencil and ink on paper. Slight stain on paper, otherwise excellent condition. Image is 12” w x 19” h. Frame is 22” w x 18” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

982. Johnny Banks

Woman In The Kitchen.

Signed. Not dated. Crayon and colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 14” x 14”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

985. Dilmus Hall

The Whale Varmint Up Jonanah (sic). Signed. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 15” w x 13” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

Pair of Busts.

Not signed. Hand-molded unfired gumbo clay with marble eyes. Great condition. 8” x 7” x 6”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

983. Johnny Banks

Boot Hill.

Signed. Not dated. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. 22” w x 14” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

986. Dilmus Hall

Family With Baby.

Signed. Not dated. Colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 17” w x 13” h with frame. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35 Page 127

987. Frank Pickle

Garden Of Eden.

1996. Signed and dated. Oil on masonite with artist decorated frame. Excellent condition. 26” w x 22” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

990. Kirk Stansburg

Robert Johnson.

1999. Signed, dated, titled. Paint on found wooden drawer. Excellent condition. 22” x 22” x 4”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

993. Toby Ivey

Driving By The Sea Shore.

2005. Signed and dated. Paint on poster. Some water stains, otherwise good condition. Size with frame is 39” w x 31” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85 Page 128

988. Robert Roberg

Painting #3 Pergamum.

1992. Acrylic on board. Signed and dated. Excellent condition. Provenance: ex. Rosenak Collection. 25” w x 22” h with frame. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

991. Mr. B.

Revenge Or Justice.

1996. Puff paint on board. Excellent condition. 24” w x 16” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

994. Toby Ivey

Animals & Fish.

2005. Signed and dated. Paint on canvas. Excellent condition. 41” w x 28” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

989. Priscilla Cassidy

Valley Of The Klan.

1992. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on board. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 30” x 22”. Est. $200-300. Est. $45

992. Mr. B.

A Time For All Seasons.

1996. Signed and dated. Puff paint on board. Excellent condition. 30” w x 24” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

995. Stephen Powers

Department Of Defense Lift Off Building.

1992. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. 24” w x 18” h. Illustrated in The Rosenak’s Collector’s Guide, pg. 276. Est. $8001,200. Ship: $55

996. George Wilson

Two People In Landscape.

1993. Signed. Paint on poster. Excellent condition. Provenance: Creative Growth Center. Image is 22” w x 15” h. Frame is 29” w x 22” h. The private collection of Sherry Kass and Scott Tracy. Est. $200-400. Ship: $75

997. Marlon Mullen (NIAD)

Birthday Cake.

1986. Signed and dated. Paint on paper. Excellent condition. 34” w x 24” h. The private collection of Sherry Kass and Scott Tracy. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

998. Deatra Colbert

Little People, Compulsive.

Signed. Not dated. Crayon and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Image is 15” x 11”. Frame is 27” w x 24” h. The private collection of Sherry Kass and Scott Tracy. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

1001. Harvey Schwartz

999. Jesse Reno


2001. Signed and dated. Acrylic and graphite on handmade rag paper. Excellent condition. 13.5” w x 20” h. Est. $300-400. Ship: $45

1000. Ian Pyper

In A God - Shaped Space.

1999. Signed and dated. Watercolor and ink on paper. Excellent condition. 11.5” w x 16.5” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $35

1002. Gabriel Pita

Man & Woman.

2009. Signed and dated. Ink and colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 26” w x 20” h with frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

1003. Gabriel Pita

Untitled Figures.

2009. Signed and dated. Ink and colored pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 15” w x 19” h with frame. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Wolf & Devil In My Head.

2003. Signed and dated. Acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. Each is 20” w x 24” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

1004. Gabriel Pita

Reaching For The Light.

2009. Signed and dated. Ink and crayon on paper. Excellent condition. 16” w x 20” h with frame. Est. $100-300. Ship: $35

Page 129

1005. Anthony Thomas

1006. Anthony Thomas


Not signed or dated. Oil on mixed media on paperboard. Great condition. 31” w x 34” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

Quartet Band.

Not signed or dated. Oil on cut out cardstock attached to paperboard. Great condition. 31” x 41”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $100

1008. Benny Carter

Obamas Fishing With Sam and Benny.

2002. Signed and dated. Paint on heavy particle board. Excellent condition. 21” x 30” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1007. Anthony Thomas

Jazz Band.

1009. Benny Carter

Not signed or dated. Oil and mixed media on paperboard. Great condition. 30” w x 44” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $100

Large Statue Of Liberty.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on cutout plywood. Nick in top, otherwise great condition. 21” w x 74” h Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1010. Benny Carter

Statue Of Liberty in NY Harbor.

Signed. Paint on board. Great condition. 15” w x 36” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1013. Willie White

Four Horses.

Initialed. Marker on paper. Size with frame is 24” w x 17” h. Excellent condition. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Page 130

1011. Clyde Angel


Not signed or dated. Cut out and painted welded tin. Great condition. 13” w x 17” h. Es.t $100-200. Ship: $35

1014. Willie White

Three Green and One Black Bird.

Signed. Not dated. Marker on poster. Excellent condition. 34” w x 28” h with frame. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1015. Willie White

Four Green Horse.

1012. Clyde Angel

Esta Pistola...

Cut out painted and welded tin. Great condition. 7” w x 23” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Signed. Not dated. Marker on poster. Great condition. 22” w x 14” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

1016. Jesse Bande

1017. Valerie Potter



Signed. Not dated. Graphite on paper. Artist from Lubbock, TX. Excellent condition. Image is 20” w x 15” h. Frame is 27” w x 22” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Initialed. Not dated. Embroidered fabric. Excellent condition. Image is 12.5” w x 13” h. Frame is 23” w x 24” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $55

1017. View with frame

1019. Jeff Zenick

Pair of Works.

2008-09. Signed and dated. Pen and ink on paper. Image is 9” w x 12” h. Frame is 13” w x 16” h. Excellent condition. Est. $300-600. Ship: $55

1018. Jeff Zenick

1934 York PA Folks.

2008. Signed and dated. Pena and ink on paper. Each of 3 works is 9” w x 12” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1020. Seba

1021. Seba

City Plazascape.


Not signed or dated. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. 18” w x 13” with frame. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

1022. Henry Speller

Two Women.

Crayon and pencil on paper. Not signed. 1985. 16” x 20” with matt. Image is 14” w x 17” h. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1023. G.C. DePrie


Signed. Not dated. Crayon and graphite on paper. Excellent condition. Large piece. 36” w x 24” h. Not framed. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

Not signed or dated. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. 18” w x 13” h with frame. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

1024. Creative G.C. DePrie

Three Nudes.

Signed. Not dated. Pencil on paper. Excellent condition. 17” w x 14” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Page 131

1025. Edward Woltemote


2012. Signed and dated. Mixed media collage on paper. Excellent condition. 18” w x 16”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

1026. Edward Woltemote


2013. Signed and dated. Mixed media on paper. Excellent condition. 30” w x 22” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1027. Jan Dobkowski


1972. Graphite on paper. Excellent condition. 24” w x 19” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1028. Welmon Sharlhorne

Fantasy Building With Bird Head.

1029. Welmon Sharlhorne

Signed. Not dated. Ink on paper file folder. Excellent condition. Image is 18” w x 12” h. Frame is 21” w x 15” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Heart Face.

Signed. Not dated. Ink on paper. Excellent condition. 8” w x 10” h. Est. $100-150. Ship: $35

1030. Edd Lambdin

1031. Karolina Danek

Group of 11 Figures.

Signed. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. Largest is 42” h. Est. $500-1,000. Ship: $200

1032. Unknown

Boy With Big Ears.

Not signed or dated. Craypas on tar paper. Excellent condition. 17” w x 14” h with frame. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35 Page 132

1033. Echo

Group of Four Works.

Signed. Not dated. Watercolor on paper. All framed. Largest is 19” x 24”. Excellent condition. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

Madonna & Child with Angel.

Signed. Not dated. Ink and marker on card stock. Excellent condition. 11” w x 9” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

1034. Veria Williams

Two Figures.

2004. Crayon and watercolor on paper. Excellent condition. 17” w x 11” h. Artist with E.C.F. Art Center Los Angeles. Est. $50-100. Ship: $35

1035. H.A. Brown

King and Coral Snake.

c. 1995. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with glass eyes. Coral snake is missing one eye, otherwise great condition. 41” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1037. Anonymous

1036. Anonymous

Seated Nude Woman.

Metal Vulture.

c. 1930-40’s. Oil on canvas. Great condition. 18” w x 25” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

Not signed. Rusted large gauge wire and metal yard art. Great condition. 41” h. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1039. O. Angela


1991. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 46” x 36” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $800-1,200. Ship: $150

1038. Anonymous

Black Posed Nude Woman.

c. 1930-40’s. Oil on canvas board. Great condition. 16” w x 20” h. Provenance: The Madison Museum of Art. Est. $300-500. Ship: $45

1040. Liberty George Dukov

Liberty Mask & Photo of Artist.

Paper mache and paint. Excellent condition. Mask is 18” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $85

1041. Monji

Church Of God.

2013. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

1042. Monji

Praise The Lord.

2012. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

1044. Wallace B. Shuman

Mosaic Tiffany Tree.

Watercolor and marker on paper taped to poster. Signed. Great condition. 22” w x 28” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

1043. Monji

G-d Spoke To Moses.

2013. Signed, dated and titled. Oil on board. Excellent condition. 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45

1045. Wallace B. Shuman

Mosaic Tiffany Lamps.

1982. Paint and marker on poster. Signed and dated. Great condition. 22” w x 28” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $45

Page 133

1046. R.A. Miller

1049. R.A. Miller

Early White Blow Oskar Whirligig.

Lord Love You Garden Cross.

Not signed. Paint on tin and wood. Excellent condition. Early piece from original environment. 37” x 68”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1050. R.A. Miller

1048. R.A. Miller

Uncle Sam & The Devil.

1047. R.A. Miller

Three R A Icons.

Signed. Cut and painted tin. Excellent condition. Tallest is 55” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $85

Signed. Paint on cut tin. Great condition. Tallest is 38” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

Cut and painted tin attached to wood. Excellent condition. 54” h with stake. Image is 28” x 24” . Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

Blow Oskar.

Signed. Double-sided. Titled. Paint on cut tin. Great condition. 81” h x 14” w. Very large. Est. $200-400. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1051. R.A. Miller

Cigarman and Devil Whirligigs.

Early pieces. Cut and painted tin. Great condition. Largest is 17” x 29” x 4”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $100

1052. R.A. Miller

Group Of Four Large Works.

Signed. Paint on tin. Good to great condition. Largest is 55” x 27” h. Est. $500-800. Ship: $125

1054. Tubby Brown

Noah’s Ark.

Signed. Paint on tin and wood. Excellent condition. 29” long. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

1056. Anonymous

Fish Decoys.

13 carved and painted wooden fish. Great condition. Average size is 12” long. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

Page 134

1053. R.A. Miller

Large Dinosaur.

Signed. Not dated. Paint on found masonite. Minor paint rubs, otherwise good condition. 40” x 32” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $150

1055. Tubby Brown

Adam & Eve In The Apple.

1993. Signed and dated. Cut and painted wood. Excellent condition. 20” x 22” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

1057. Anonymous

Three Flags.

One is painted, one is hand-colored and smallest is crocheted. All good to fair condition. Largest is 23” w x 30” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

1059. Unknown Abe Lincoln.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 12” x 64” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $300

1058. Anonymous

Skeleton Chair.

Not signed. Welded metal parts including chains, fly wheel tubs. Environmental wear on paint, otherwise good condition. 27” x 32” x 51”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1060. Unknown

Davey Crockett.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 10” x 37” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $100

1061. Possibly Homer Greene Man or Skeleton.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood with skates. Great condition. 8” x 8” x 34” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $85

1062. Denzil Goodpaster

Bear and Man Fight.

Initialed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 14” h x 9” x 4”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

1063. Ronald Cooper

Clinton & Gore.

1992. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 25” long x 14” h x 11” w. Est. $100-200. Ship: $85

1066. Bill & Phyllis Duffy

1065. Susan Marshall

Watermelon Man.


1993. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. Illustrated in Wos Up Man. 22” x 5” x 4.5”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

1989. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 23” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

1068. Bill & Phyllis Duffy

Duffy’s Circus.

Signed. Carved and painted wooden figures with mixed media. 20 carnival pieces. Some repairs, otherwise good condition. Total size is 36” x 10” x 17”. Est. $300-500. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1064. Calvin Cooper

Adam & Eve With Apple Tree.

1998. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 26” h x 20” h. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1067. Bill & Phyllis Duffy

Uncle Sam Riding An Eagle.

Not signed. Carved and painted wood. Some repairs, otherwise good condition. 24” h. Est. $200-300. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1069. Bill & Phyllis Duffy

Fox Hunt.

Signed. Not dated. Carved and painted wood. Minor repair to dog’s foot, otherwise excellent condition. 25” x 9.5” x 19”. Est. $500-800. Ship: $100 Page 135

1071. Anonymous

1070. Ray Swinemar

Early Black Snake Walking Cane.

P.O.W. Cane and Religious Cane.

Carved and painted wood, glass eyes and brass tip. Excellent condition. 38” long. Est. $200-400. Ship: $65

1998-99. Nova Scotia artist. Signed and numbered with P.O.W. # from WWII. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 37” h. Est. $300-500. Ship: $65

Iowa Corn Cob Cane and Duck Head Cane. Carved bamboo and wood with some paint. Great condition. Tallest is 39” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

1077. Russell Rice

1072. Alternate view.

Snake Canes.

1990. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Exc. condition. 44” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $45 Page 136

1074. O.L. Samuels & Carl McKenzie

Pair of Canes.

Not signed. Carved and painted sticks. Tallest is 44” h. Great condition. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

1078. Russell Rice and Tim Lewis

Group Of Five Canes & A Snake.

Carved and varnished wood. Great condition. Tallest is 39” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

1071. Alternate view.

1070. Alternate view.

1073. Anonymous

1072. Anonymous

Hand and Octagon Canes.

Signed and dated. 1989-97. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 50” h. Est. $100-300. Ship: $75

1079. Anonymous

Seven Canes.

1075. Anonymous

Three Canes With Heads.

Carved and varnished wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 37” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

Not signed or dated. Carved natural wood. Good condition. Tallest is 40” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

1076. Anonymous

Three Solid Canes.

Carved wood. Great condition. Tallest is 36” h. Est. $100-150. Ship: $55

1080. Charlie Saine & Shirley Leighton

2 Snake Canes & 1 Gamblers Cane.

1991-96. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 53” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $75

1081. Anonymous

1082. Buddy Fisher

Three Canes With American Icons.

Three Canes.

1996. Signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 50” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. Tallest is 52” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

1085. Ronald Cooper

1086. Anonymous

Pair of Canes.

Rattlesnake Cane.

1987. Signed and dated. Carved and painted wood. Great condition. 37” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Excellent condition. 39” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55

1083. Dave Rawlins

1084. Anonymous

Ball In Cage & Snake Head Canes.

Three Snake Canes.

Signed. Carved and painted wooden sticks. Excellent condition. Tallest is 48” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $65

Carved with marbles and paint. Excellent condition. Tallest is 42” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55

1087. Junior Lewis

1088. Eugene Peck

Cliff Diver.

Bill Clinton Cane.

1996. Signed and dated. Carved and painted stick. Excellent condition. 52” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $75

Signed and dated, 1995. Carved natural wood. Excellent condition. 39” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $65

1092. Alternate View

1089. Alternate View

1089. Ed Paschke

Animal Head Cane.

Signed. Carved wood with glass eyes. Excellent condition. 37.5” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55

1090. Unknown

Blue Bird Cane.

Not signed. Carved and painted wood. Excellent condition. 44” h. Est. $50-100. Ship: $55

1091. Anonymous

Mixed Group Of Patriotic Canes.

Not signed or dated. Carved and painted wood with mixed media. Good to great condition. Tallest is 40” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $55

1092. Anonymous

Snake Walking Cane.

Not signed. Carved and varnished wood. Great condition. 35” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55. Page 137

1093. Hubert Walters

Bondo Cat.

Initialed. Not dated. Paint and sculpture. Minor paint flakes, otherwise good condition. 10” x 17”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $75

1095. Patrick Earl

1094. Hubert Walters


Drummer Boy.

2001. Signed and dated. Fabric on artist canvas. Excellent condition. 9” w x 12” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

Initialed. Not dated. Bondo and paint. Excellent condition. 9.5” w x 5” x 6”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

1097. Herbert A. Carney


1982. Signed and dated. Collage and acrylic on canvas. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 27.5” w x 21.5” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $55

1098. Ken Blacktop Gentle

Red Shutters.

2006. Signed and dated. Acrylic and tar on wood. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 24” x 24”. Est. $200-400. Ship: $55

1100. Seymore Perkins

Page 138

1997. Signed and dated. Paint and glitter on masonite. Excellent condition. 14” x 20”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

1099. Ken Blacktop Gentle

The Dance.

2009. Acrylic on paper. Signed and dated. Excellent condition. 11” w x 14” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

Pair of Portraits.

2004. Signed, dated and titled. Paint on window shade. Good condition. 42” x 37” h. Est. $200-300. Ship: $45

Golden Face.

2007. Signed and dated. Acrylic on canvas. Minor scratch, otherwise great condition. 12” x 14” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

1101. Elayne Goodman

Dr. Martin Luther King.

1102. Frank Boyle, Sr.

1096. Franco Meloni

Erotic Self-Portrait.

Signed. One is original photo, the other is paint on photo. Excellent condition. Each is 14” x 16” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $45

1103. Lee Davis

Hell Fire Club.

1997. Signed and dated. Marker and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 11” w x 14” h. Est. $200-300

1104. Lee Davis

Some Enjoy Doing Wrong.

c. 1997. Signed, dated and titled. Colored pencil and ink on paper. Excellent condition. Size with frame is 14” w x 11” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $35

1106. NDA NDA Rika

1105. Shona

Woman and Animal Form.

Seated Praying Figure.

1982. Signed and dated. Carved stone. Great condition. 15” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $65

1956. Signed and dated. Carved and polished stone. Great condition. Image is 17” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $85

1109. Cameroon

Beaded Bull Mask.

Carved wood with multi-colored beads. Excellent condition. Early example. 24” x 13” x 6”. Est. $300-600 Ship: $45

1110. African

Beaded Alligator.

Hand-sewn on canvas with beads and shells. Excellent condition. 15” w x 55” h. Est. $100-200. Ship: $35

1111. African - Baule Tribe

Grain Door.

Carved wood with alligator decorations. Excellent condition. 24” w x 48” h. Est. $200-400. Ship: $125

1113. Mexican Ex Votos

Group Of Four Works.

Paint on rusted metal. Average size is 10” x 8”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

1115. Mexican Ex Votos

3 Scenes With Bars and Guns.

Paint on tin. Great condition. Average size is 9” x 12”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

1107. Shona

Seated Woman.

Not signed. Carved stone. Great condition. 17” h. Est. $400-600. Ship: $85

1108. Anonymous

International Carved Wooden Man.

Carved and painted wood. Some repairs, otherwise great condition. 20” x 16” x 55” h. Est. $500-800. Buyer is responsible for shipping.

1112. Oaxaca Mexican Art

16 Animal Figures.

Carved and painted figures. Some signed. Minor repairs to some. Most in great condition. Tallest is 23” h. Est. $300-600. Ship: $85

1114. Mexican Ex Votos

Group of Four Works.

Paint on rusted tin. Average size is 10” x 8”. Est. $200-300. Ship: $35

1116. Mexican Ex Votos

Three Scenes With Women.

Paint on tin. Great condition. Average size is 10” x 9”. Est. $100-200. Ship: $55 Page 139

Slotin Auction (Office only) 5619 Ridgetop Drive Gainesville, GA 30504

Slotin Folk Art Auction View Online Catalog:

Nov. 9, 2013

Saturday, 10am start Lots 1-692 (Doors open at 8am)

Page 140

Nov. 10, 2013

Sunday, 12 noon start Lots 693-1116 (Doors open at 10am)

Phone: 770 532-1115 • 404 403-4244 • Fax: 770 532-1215 Email: Website:

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