Slovenia Summer Guide 2012

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Content 10 The Coast 12 The Emerald Trail (Bovec, 1313 Society, Brda, Kanal, The Soča Valley, Idrija, Vipava, Šempeter-Vrtojba, Renče-Vogrsko, Nova Gorica) 20 Postojna Cave 22 Lipica 23 Sežana 24 Pliskovica 25 Škocjan Caves 26 Park of Military History Pivka 27 Kranj 28 Bled 29 Bohinj 30 Kranjska Gora 32 Škofja Loka 34 Ljubljana 36 The Heart of Slovenia 40 Celje Region 42 Obsotelje & Kozjansko 44 Dravinjsko 45 The Lower Savinja Valley 46 The Upper Savinja & Šalek Valley 48 Koroška 50 Ptuj 54 Moravske Toplice 56 Maribor 58 Kočevsko 60 Kolpa River 61 Dolenjska 62 Krško The Slovenia Times Summer Guide A special edition by The Slovenia Times Edited by Polona Cimerman Design & Layout by Maja Kaplan

Between Green and Blue Green – the prevailing response of visitors to Slovenia when asked about their first impressions of the country. True, Slovenia as the European country with the third highest proportion of land covered by forests, right after Finland and Sweden, is all about greenery. Thanks to its favourable geographic position, the climate and its variety of landscape, the numerous versatile tones of green explode wherever the eye meets – in the vast Alpine and lowland meadows, the coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests, the charming groves, the abundant bushes, the lush gardens and the flower parks in the countryside. Even the urban environment boasts green surfaces with Ljubljana among the candidates to become Europe’s greenest capital in 2014. Green is also present as the shade of many rivers, lakes and ponds where it intertwines with blue, the predominant colour of another Slovenian treasure – water. A prerequisite for the quintessential and ample greenery, water in Slovenia is plentiful and has many faces, often very distinct and surprising. The fresh, salt, surface, subterranean, standing, intermittent, falling, running, thermal and mineral water, you name it – all can be found in Slovenia. Besides fresh drinking water straight from the tap, it can be enjoyed in many different ways since the country offers a great variety of water sports and activities, and boasts a world-class offer of numerous spas and natural health resorts with unique healing characteristics. The green and blue nature with its mosaic of diverse expressions are the two greatest features of Slovenian tourism and since green is also the colour of environmental awareness, it is great news that Slovenia has been employing sustainable development trends which are increasingly gaining ground in European and global tourism. The country positions itself as a varied, boutique and green destination that abounds in natural resources which hold great potential for Slovenia to become a country of sustainable, responsible green tourism with a focus on the natural environment, ecotourism, local organic gastronomy, outdoor activities, and health and wellness services. You are invited to explore all of this with the help of this special guide which also takes you slightly off the beaten track for a little different experience of the country of green and blue.

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Published by Domus, založba in trgovina d.o.o., Trg MDB 12, 1000 Ljubljana Front page photo by Tomo Jeseničnik (STO)

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The Postojna Cave


The queen of world caves and one of the biggest karst natural monuments in the world invites you to explore its mysterious depths.

Hiking and biking paradise on the eastern edge of the Alps with countless combinations for a tour up, down, across, around or even through the mountains.

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The Celje Region


Relaxation in nature surrounded by castles, tourist farms, and cycling and hiking routes await you in the Celje region, the land of friendly people.

The oldest Slovenian town with a charming mix of the ancient and modern vibe, spiced up with an explosion of various events.

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Kras Welcome to the land of rare beauty, spectacular subterranean caves, peculiar waters, picturesque villages, one-of-a-kind landscape and unique Mediterranean vegetation to experience the remarkable phenomena of the captivating natural and cultural heritage.

Public Transport Info Airports

Railway Station

Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d. Zg. Brnik 130a 4210 Brnikaerodrom

Slovenske železnice Kolodvorska 11, 1506 Ljubljana, +386 1 291 33 32, Answering machine (Outside working hours): 090 93 98 01

Passenger information: +386 4 206 19 81, Aerodrom Maribor d.o.o. Letališka cesta 10, 2312 Orehova vas Passenger information: +386 2 629 17 90

Maribor Railway Station +386 2 292 21 64 Celje Railway Station +386 3 293 31 56 Koper Railway Station +386 5 296 41 58

Aerodrom Portorož 6333 Sečovlje +386 5 617 51 40,


Air Carrier

Avtobusna Postaja Ljubljana, d.d. Trg OF 4, 1000 Ljubljana +386 1 234 46 00, Call centre: 090 93 42 30

Adria Airways Kuzmičeva 7, 1000 Ljubljana Reservations and information: +386 1 369 10 10 Toll-free number: 080 13 00

Maribor Bus Station Mlinska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor +386 2 235 02 12, Toll-free informations: 080 11 16



R n


Kranjska Kranjska Hrušica Gora Mojstrana

Črna na Koroškem





Bled Bovec Bovec



Bohinjska Bistrica


Kobarid Kobarid


Tolmin Tolmin


Preddvor Brdo

Ljubno ob Savinji

The Heart of Slovenia




Zagorje ob Savi





Idrija Idrija


Vrhnika Ajdovščina


Grosuplje Borovnica

Stična Ivančna Gorica

Vipava Vipava Štanjel

Postojna Cave Postojna


Lipica Lipica


Pivka Park of Military Škocjan Škocjan Caves


History Pivka

Kočevje Kočevsko Ilirska Bistrica


The Coast



Sežana Sežana

Piran/Pirano Portorož/Portorose




NOVA Nova GORICA Gorica ŠempeterVrtojba

Kamniška Bistrica





Osilnica Kostel Hrastovlje


Moravske Moravske Toplice Toplice

Šentilj v Slov. goricah Radlje ob Dravi



The Upper Savinja and Šalek Valley oštanj VELENJE




CELJE Celje Region


Središče ob Dravi


Rogaška Rogaška Slatina Slatina







Slovenske Konjice

ThePolzela Lover Savinja Valley


Slovenska Bistrica





Lendava/ Lendva

Lenart v Slov. goricah


Dobrovnik/ Dobronak



Lovrenc na Pohorju

Slovenj Gradec




Ravne na Koroškem

Gornja Radgona

Obsotelje & Kozjansko

Rimske Toplice Radeče

Podsreda Sevnica Brestanica


Krško Krško Brežice

Trebnje Šmarješke Toplice

NOVO Dolenjska




Dolenjske Toplice


Slovenia in brief AREA: 20,273 km2 POPULATION: 2,019,406 (as of 30 June 2007) CAPITAL CITY: Ljubljana LANGUAGE: Slovenian, also Italian, German and Hungarian in nationally mixed areas CURRENCY: Euro (since 1 January 2007) PHONE DIAL CODE: +386 TIME ZONE: GMT/UTC+1


o Črnomelj

Kolpa River


LARGEST TOWNS: Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Celje

Photo: MOK Koper Archive

The Coast Loved by both the eyes of people and the eye of the camera, the image of Piran is known across the world. Its architecture was influenced by the Venetian Republic and throughout time, Piran has maintained itsclustered medieval structure of narrow winding streets, closely huddled houses rising in cascades, the contact with the sea and numerous squares and churches. Piran is the best preserved cultural monument in Slovenian Istria; among its gems are the Tartini Square and the Church of St. George which rises above the town and offers spectacular views.

Photo: Ubald Trnkoczy

Photo: Ubald Trnkoczy

One of the most rewarding stops in the area is the natural park in Sečovlje where people started collecting salt at the beginning of the 9th century. Today, the 650 hectares of saltpans are the largest coastal marsh wetlands and salt is still produced in the traditional way. The area is also the most important Slovenian ornithological area with more than 150 birds dwelling there. Take a stroll between the salt pools, visit the museum, observe the piles of salt at sunset and enjoy its smell while listening to the sound of different birds.

Piran Photo: Ubald Trnkoczy

Sečovlje Salina Natural Park


Ljubljana 100-120 km

Portorož +386 5 674 22 20

Piran +386 5 673 44 40

A Kiss Below the Mediterranean Sun One of the most scenic parts of Slovenia is its 46.6 km Adriatic Sea coastline. Although short, at nearly every point there is a surprise in store. Regardless of whether you prefer swimming and sunbathing, roaming the charming medieval coastal towns and their mazes of narrow streets, bird watching, enjoying the healing air or simply good-wine and food, the coast is the place to be.


Not far from the coast can be found the village of Hrastovlje with its Holy Trinity Church, decorated with narrative gothic frescoes including a marvellously preserved Danse Macabre (Dance of Death). The medieval stone church, constructed in the late Romanesque tradition prior to the 16th century with an exposed apse, stands behind an encampment wall. To visit the church arrangements must be made with the holder of the key, Ms. Rozana Rihter (+386 31 432 231).

Koper +386 5 664 64 03

Izola +386 5 640 10 50

The Emerald Trail Photo: Samo Trebižan

The Wild Lake is one of the gems of Slovenian nature and has been proclaimed a natural monument, the first Slovenian museum in nature, because of the botanical wealth that surrounds it. It is a karst siphon lake trapped in a rocky amphitheatre about 2 kilometres from Idrija and its water flows from the underground through a steeply descending tunnel under great pressure. The lake is one of the most mysterious lakes due to a submerged cave passage which has been explored to a depth of 160m.

The Emerald Trail got its name from the green and blue of one of the cleanest and most picturesque rivers in Europe, the Soča. This mountain jewel which has inspired many poets and romantic souls, is rich in natural wonders and cultural monuments and offers countless opportunities for the ultimate outdoor activites. It is also home to the only national park in Slovenia, Triglav National Park, which never ceases to amaze with its stunning beauty and the picturesqe vineyardscattered countryside of Brda and the Vipava valley.

Mysterious Turquoise Gorges

Sports Galore

Photo: J. Skok

The Soča river is one of the most desired destinations in Europe for wild and fast rapid enthusiasts. The best starting point for rafters is Trnovo ob Soči, while kayakers will particularly enjoy the section between the Otona pool and Kobarid whereas fans of hydrospeed will seek out the section in the Kobarid gorge. Canyoning is allowed at a number of sections, however only with an experienced guide. Families, children and beginners can enjoy the smooth flow among the gravel sections from Kobarid to Tolmin which is perfect for more relaxed river adventures.

Over many centuries the powerful rapids and waterfalls of the captivating Soča river have carved out beautiful riverbeds and colourful pools, including the Great Soča Gorge situated in the Triglav National Park. The gorge is 750m long and 15m deep and is particularly interesting because of the precisely polished and in some places narrow, overhanging walls.



RDO Smaragdna pot Petra Skalarja 4, Tolmin +386 5 380 04 86,

Photo: B. Bajželj

Museum in Nature

A World of Breathtaking Beauty

Bovec The Stunning Beauty The Soča River is for many the most beautiful European river, safeguarded by 2000m peaks, the river flows through rocky gorges and enchants with its emerald colour and cleanliness. The best-known inhabitant of this special river, which represents the heart and soul of the Bovec area, is the Soča trout, an endemic fish that can be caught as nicely with a camera as with a hook.

A World of Adrenaline Adventures The Soča River and its tributaries offer a diversity of sporting and recreational activities - rafting, hydrospeed, kayak adrenaline adventures or canyoning. Visitors can also enjoy drier activities such as golf, sport climbing, cycling, tennis and paragliding.



Even though the Kanin mountain range is quite high, the Mediterranean sun still scorches its crests. It is a great place for trekking and mountaineering, Slovenia’s highest sport climbing area and a place which offers an amazing view that reaches all the way to the east Julian Alps and the sea. Downhill mountain bike enthusiasts will enjoy the Kanin Mountain Bike Park while travellers in love with nature will marvel at the numerous deep Karst abysses and natural sights also characteristic of Kanin with the window of Mt. Prestreljenik being the most visited.

1313 Society The 1313 Society, established in 1990, unites collectors of remnants from the Isonzo front who share the desire to conserve and restore objects from the First World War. The society got its name from the Hill 1313m between Rombon peak and the Kluže fortress where an important AustroHungarian cannon observatory used to stand. Members of the society share their collector’s enthusiasm with others; sometimes donning Austrian or Italian uniforms and acting out a fragment of the soldiers life in the Kulže fortress. The attack on the fortress always has a happy ending with the soldiers drinking tea while the wounded are taken care of and the ritual of war cursing takes place. In 1995 the society restored part of the first AustroHungarian line, east of Bovec, in order to demonstrate the difficulties of the trenches to the locals and tourists. The rebuilt trenches, bunkers, an officer barracks, an exhibition of some typical First World War objects and the once again passable cavern complex with wire obstacles in front of the positions, can be seen on the very edge of Rabeljk. Some members have also opened their own museum collections (Sašo Prochaska, Ivo Ivančič, and Miloš Domevšček).

21 Jul - Farmer’s games 11–12 Aug - Čomparska noč (Potato farmer’s night) 27 Aug–1 Sep - Orkesterkamp Symphony (musical event)

TIC Bovec Trg golobarskih žrtev 8, Bovec +386 5 384 19 19,

Društvo 1313 Brdo 37, Bovecc +386 41 507 445, 40 397 290



Land of Ravishing Moments

Interesting Town

The inspiring landscape, premium wines with stories that have made Brda famous around the world, culinary experiences inspired by the treasury of the past intertwined with the present and juicy local fruit - these are the many faces of Brda, nestled between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea, unique, special, rich, colourful and vivacious all year.

Green Treasures Hikers, cyclists and adrenaline junkies should see the picturesque natural wonders of Kotline and Krčnik, explore the hiking and educational trails, climb the Korado and Sabotin peaks, and get an adrenaline rush in a four wheel drive. For the more sedate, electric bikes can be rented for cycling tours.

The medieval town of Kanal is situated on both banks of the Soča River and is linked by a bridge. It is a place which is full of cultural heritage with the 15th century Church of the Assumption of Mary, a Neptune’s fountain from 1815 and statues of the most important figures of the area: Slovenian intelectual, priest, mountaineer, educator and cultural worker Valentin Stanič, composer Marij Kogoj, academic painter and graphic artist Riko Debenjak and others. Also very interesting are a Gothic house, memorial room and a gallery named after Riko Debenjak.

The Famous Bridge Kanal’s bridge was first made of wood in 1580 and following numerous turbulent historical events, including the First World War, reconstructed into the bridge we can see today. It is the symbol of Kanal and it attracts the attention of many artists and visitors from far and wide, particularly during traditional events such as the diving from the bridge.

Riko Debenjak Gallery

Feel Brda in all its beauty and spend unforgettable moments with talkative and kindly locals. Enjoy the homeliness of a visit to one of the numerous tourist farms or in private accommodation – don’t forget to also bring your friends. Larger groups can book their holiday at one of the three available hotels.

The gallery is situated in one of three defence towers. It was named after the illustrator Riko Debenjak, who donated many works of him to the gallery. This day the gallery is the place where a number of exhibitions of wellknown painters, sculptors, illustrators and many other artists are held. The painter and illustrator Riko Debenjak was born in Kanal in 1908, and died in Ljubljana in 1987. The gallery was arranged in 1977 in one of the four defence towers.


Last weekend in August - Dreams in Medana and Šmartno Fairytale Village, Medana, Šmartno 7–9 Sep - FIŠ – Film Festival, Šmartno. 14–15 Sep - Brda Contemporary Music Festival, Medana (Slovenian and Italian musicians)

TIC Brda Grajska cesta 10, Dobrovo +386 5 395 95 94,


Genuine Hospitality

24 Jul–4 Aug - Library Under the Trees, Kanal 3–4 Aug - Rock Festival “Bukafest”, Vrhavč 5 Aug - Donkey Races, Levpa 12 Aug - Bridge Diving, Kanal

TIC Kanal Pionirska 2, Kanal +386 5 398 12 13, Photos: TIC Kanal & RDO Smaragdna pot archives

A Valley of Numerous Faces Along the Emerald Trail and under the peaks of the Julian Alps, are situated the towns of Kobarid and Tolmin. The First World War made the greatest impact on this area, although of extreme interest is also the ethnological heritage of the old villages, revealing the way of life in the valley in the past. The unspoilt nature, one of the greatest assets of the area, offers numerous sporting options and exquisite local culinary delights.

The Soča Valley

Valley of Action

Valley of Festivals The numerous events of the Soča valley are a blend of tradition and nature. You can find them at www. Musical spectacles such as Metalcamp, Sajeta, Punk Rock Holiday and the Weekend of Popular Folk Music attract people from all over the world to the confluence of Tolminka and Soča. The area also boasts interesting culinary events, such as the Štrukljada and Frika day, both celebrating the two most typical local delicacies, whilst hikers should note the Hiking Festival in September.

Bear’s Head at Tolmin Gorge (Photo: Matevž Lenarčič)

LTO Sotočje – TIC Kobarid Trg svobode 16, Kobarid +386 5 380 04 90

Nadiža (Photo: Srdjan Živulovič/Bobo)

Photo: Matevž Lenarčič

Active holidays are the main magnet drawing visitors to the Soča valley. Be it hiking or cycling, the possibilities are unlimited. The brave can opt for paragliding and view the stunning valley from a bird’s perspective while those in favour of action can hit the emerald Soča river, a synonym for adrenaline water sports and fishing.

Valley of Discovery and Energy You are invited to discover the mysteries of the past and the beauty of nature while filling up with energy. The Walk of Peace will take you to the remnants of the Isonzo Front, including the memorial church of the Holy Spirit in Javorca. Two pearls of nature, the Kozjak waterfall and the Tolmin gorges will enchant you, while families can enjoy swimming in the Nadiža River. On the mountain pastures you can taste the famous Tolminc cheese and enjoy the gourmet offer of the restaurants appreciated by the Kobarid Gastronomic Circle.

Kozjak (Photo: Fabio Ferrari)

Photo: Janko Humar

LTO Sotočje – TIC Tolmin Petra Skalarja 4, Tolmin +386 5 380 04 80

Kobarid Tolmin


104-119 km





Exquisite Local Wines

Idrija is an old mining town known for one of the largest mercury mines in the world which has just recently entered UNESCO’s world heritage site list. Idrija is also known for its lace which is appreciated globally and its rich and versatile cuisine, including Idrija dumplings (žlikrofi). Last year the town received two prestigious titles – European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) and Alpine City of the Year 2011 and committed to the principles of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.

Sample the two local types of vines, the “pinela” and “zelen”, at the Vipava wine cellar on Glavni trg, next to the Tourist Information Office in Vipava, where you are invited to a wine tasting every day from 9am - 7 pm. The rich simplicity of the Vipava countryside also invites you to visit the numerous wine cellars and tourist farms where you will be served with premium wines and culinary delights.

The Legend According to legend, mercury was discovered by chance by a pail maker who was pumping water from the river. When he wanted to lift the pail he could barely move it. He had pumped mercury, a liquid metal of such density that it even makes a piece of iron in it float like a cork. The news of his discovery spread quickly and drew many people to the undeveloped valley. At the place where the pail maker collected the mercury there now stands the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Activities Galore

5 Jul–30 Aug - Thursdays on Plac 13–14 Jul - 11th Tango Festival 18–25 Aug - Čipkarija Festival

TIC Idrija Vodnikova 3, Idrija +386 5 374 39 16,

Visit the numerous trails by bike or on foot and experience the rich natural and cultural heritage of Vipava and its surroundings. Climb Nanos, a haven for hikers and those who appreciate a clean natural environment. Ride amongst the wine-growing hills of Vipava and enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

Many Options for an Overnight Stay There are many choices of accomodation in Vipava and its surroundings. Recommended for nature lovers is the camp in Tura, situated under the mighty climbing rock faces of the Nanos plateau or the Vrhpolje kamp, which can be found in the heart of the Vrhpolje vineyards. You can also spend the night in rooms or suites in Vipava or at one of the many tourist farms in the area.



Hiking, cycling along marked trails, bathing in a natural swimming pool in Idrijska Bela, climbing, fishing in the clean waters of Idrija, hunting, mushrooms picking, tennis and much more – the possibilities for an active holidays are endless.

Hiking and Cycling


Imago Sloveniae summer cultural events: 7 Jul - Evening of Folklore with Vipavski folkloristi and guests 11 Aug - Julija Kramar concert 18 Aug - Chanson evening with Alenka Vidrih 1 Sep - Concert of Vipavski tamburaši and guests 7–9 Sep - Vipava vintage

TIC Vipava Glavni trg 1, Vipava +386 5 368 70 41,

Šempeter- Renče – Vrtojba Vogrsko The DEŠ climbing centre has 1,000m2 of climbing surfaces with more than 8,000 climbing holds of all sorts and shapes. The maximum climbing height is 8.5m and there are 60 anchors placed for safety. It offers climbing in a number of styles - overhang, vertical, gradual and arête. Climbing in DEŠ is suitable for beginners and experienced climbers and the centre is open all year round. Information is available by e-mail

Area of Lushness


Green forests, vineyards, fields and meadows make the region colourful and vivacious. The Vrtojba-Bilje hills offer the best conditions for growing grapes, fruit, vegetables and flowers which is why the region is known as the Garden of Goriška. Visitors can enjoy the lush landscape and climb the Markov hrib hill above Šempeter pri Gorici and the St. Ot hill which offer marvellous views of the nearby surroundings.

21 Jun–4 Sep - ‘’Poletje na placu’’ Summer festival with various events ( 26–28 Jul - Overjam – International Reggae festival 1–2 Sep - Ducati fest 2012

Občina Šempeter-Vrtojba Trg Ivana Roba 3 a, Šempeter pri Gorici +386 5 335 10 00

Stories from the Valley In the lower part of the Vipava valley, at the edge of the Karst plateau and embraced by gentle hills, the municipality of RenčeVogrsko is situated. Just a short walk from Nova Gorica and the Italian border, generations of diligent people have created a unique cultural landscape in which tradition fuses with the present.

Explosion of Taste Visitors can make a stop at some of the many acclaimed wine growers, fruit farms or beekeepers to taste home produce, learn stories about the people with a unique character and experience the beauty of living in unison with nature.

Paths to Discover Enjoy a stroll along the Gregorčič Memorial Trail linking Gradišče and Renče, the Brigadier Walkway alongside Lijak in Vogrsko and also a visit, by bike or on foot, to the equestrian routes. 3–31 Avg - “Poletje v Bukowci” summer festival


Šempeter Climbing Wall

Summer in Bukowca – Highlights: 17 Aug – Rock Šok (Zmelkoow, Bohem) 24 Aug – House Passion (DJ Get Far – Italy, DJ Nadine – Hungary) 31 Aug – End of the festival with Latino music, animation, dancers... The festival also includes various lectures, volleyball and a five-a-side football tournament, karaoke competition, free sporting courses and much more (

Nova Gorica

Place your Bets

Perla is the largest gaming and entertainment centre in Europe. The lively atmosphere is created in the new poker room and through concerts and cabarets, international dance shows and exciting nights at the disco. Welcome to a world where your dreams are Perla’s biggest challenge. T: +386 5 336 30 00;

Explosion of Taste The wine-growing Vipava valley is the home of exquisite wine made from local grape varieties which perfectly complement the tasty dishes of the area. You can experience these at the hospitable wine cellars, inns, restaurants, tourist farms and at ethnological events when a wide range of old customs are brought back to life. The Vipava valley is also an internationally popular place for gliders and paragliders who enjoy the unique combination of favourable winds and a beautiful landscape.

The Best of the Countryside The Trnovo and Banjšice plateaus have completely different climates, a strong folk tradition and many natural attractions. The forest of Trnovo invites cyclists and hikers to explore its many paths and learn about the diversity of forest life.


Nova Ljubljana Gorica 109 km

The Town of Roses For more than 60 years Nova Gorica has been the heart and soul of the sunny Goriška region. The green, young, ever blossoming and vivacious town, with a mild climate, welcomes visitors from across the globe. With its older sister, the Italian Gorizia, they are a unique European example of two border towns which continue to strengthen their connection at all levels - disregarding national frontiers. Nova Gorica has many identities; some of which are revealed through the roses lining the paths, the many gaming and fun centres, and the wellness and culinary offers.

Unique Bridge Solkan, the oldest settlement in the Posočje region, is famous for kayaking and the railway bridge with the largest stone arch in the world.

Events 7–8 Jul - Mohorjevo, Šempas 9 Jul - Summer polenta, Šmihel 14–15 Jul - Polenta festival, Ozeljan 28–29 Jul - Grass-mowing Festival, Banjšice 4–5 Aug - Peach festival, Prvačina 10 Aug - Shooting Stars in a Glass, Kromberk Castle

Turistična zveza – TIC Nova Gorica Delpinova ulica 18 b, Nova Gorica +386 5 330 46 00,

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Postojna Cave The Most Popular Tourist Attraction in Slovenia

About half way between Ljubljana and the coast – or if you like, between Vienna and Venice – lies one of the most beautiful corners of this world – the Slovenian Kras. This is an unusual word of rocks and water interwoven with numerous specific surface and underground phenomena which have always stirred our imagination and attracted many visitors and researchers with their mysterious character. One of the most recognizable and beautiful natural sights which has brought international fame to Kras, is the Postojna cave which has attracted visitors from far and wide for centuries; and in the last two centuries in great masses. Kras is also a world of exciting culture and castles, such as Predjama Castle where all your senses will tingle because of the home-cooked meals prepared with a mix of natural spices, giving the dishes a special flavour and enticing even the most demanding gourmet.


Ljubljana Postojna

53 km

Postojnska jama, d. d. Postojna Jamska cesta 30, Postojna

Postojna Cave Postojna Cave, the underground cathedral where centuries mean nothing, is one of the longest caves with 21 km of explored tunnels and sits in the elite group of underground caves with the greatest number of stalactites. It is extremely well equipped for tourists and easily accessible by anyone. Its beauty has been admired by more than 34 million visitors who are taken into the mysterious subterranean world by the cave train while the kind and qualified cave guides safely lead them along the illuminated tunnels. If you are of a more adventurous spirit, you can make arrangements to see the cave in a more exciting way – as a cave explorer. Using speleological equipment, you will enter the cave with a smaller group and have the feeling you’re the first to visit this underground world where you are struck by excitement, tension and expectation.

Proteus Vivarium and Butterflies of the World Since the middle of the 17th century, Postojna cave has been of interest to natural scientists and is therefore considered the cradle of speleobiology, the science of subterranean life. The Postojna underground world is inhabited by around 130 different animal species. Visit the Proteus Vivarium in Postojna cave to discover the peculiarities of the subterranean environment, the history of karstology and speleobiology. Apart from the, olm - the human fish, you can see other species of cave animals. Visitors can also enjoy the colourful butterfly exhibition and the accompanying photo exhibition on these unusual insects and learn some interesting facts.

Predjama Castle and Cave under the Castle Only 10km from Postojna Cave, nestled in a 123m high rock wall, sits one of the most picturesque wonders of human history – the Predjama Castle which has been a dominant feature for more than 700 years. It is massive, threatening and unconquerable. It was perfect as the secret domicile of the daring, stubborn and persistent Erasmus Lueger (Erazem Predjamski) who is described in a romantic and beautiful story about a robber. Underneath Predjama Castle the subterranean river, Lokva, formed an underground cave, the tunnels of which are arranged in four discernible storeys. Visitors can choose a variety of ways to see it – from the interesting tourist walk to more demanding tours suitable for experienced cavers.

Visitor Information Postojna cave is open all year - in July and August from 9am - 6pm, in June and September from 9am - 5pm. Tours of the cave last approximately 90 minutes. No special equipment is needed, however comfortable footwear and some warm clothing is recommended; the cave has a constant temperature of 10°C. Audioguides are available in 14 languages.

Cradle of the Lipizzaner

Lipica Guided Tours Promenade through the estate in the company of a friendly guide who will lead you to the world of the Lipizzaner horse. In addition to Slovene, tours are available in English, Italian, German, Croatian and French. From April to the end of October you can enjoy a splendid performance by the white stallions and discover the secrets of their daily life.

The Lipica Stud Farm is one of the most beautiful cultural–historical monuments in Slovenia, providing a home to almost 400 Lipizzaner horses. With a tradition of more than 430 years, it represents a unique environment where the spatial arrangements, the buildings and the cultural landscape have always been in harmony with the original activity of breeding horses. With a fascinating offer for tourists, Lipica offers a real opportunity for an unforgettable vacation.

Lipica Golf Course Enjoy a game of golf in the shadow of 100 year old linden and oak trees under the open Mediterranean sky. The challenging golf course in the middle of the picturesque karst landscape will enrapture you with its beauty and numerous opportunities for an excellent game. Due to its favourable climate, the Lipica course is the only golf course in Slovenia open throughout the year.

Enjoy the Nature and Mediterranean Tastes Hotel Maestoso, named after a characteristic Lipizzaner horse lineage, invites all devotees of the beautiful white horses and lovers of the peaceful and picturesque karst landscape for a comfortable and pleasant stay. Guests can enjoy an excellent menu with a number of noble and delicious local wines that perfectly complement the environment. In addition to the á la carte menu the restaurant also boasts an excellent range of daily menus.


22 Lipica

87 km

Lipica Stud Farm Lipica 5, Sežana +386 5 739 15 80,

Schedule July and August, from 9am to 6pm – guided tours in different languages Tuesday, Friday, Sunday, 3pm – performance of the classical riding school Daily, 10am – training of the classical riding school Also available: riding for children, carriage ride, riding courses, Lipikum – Museum of Lipizzaner horses

Home of Prosciutto, Teran and the Bora Wind When visiting the Karst you will experience a piece of the world where nature let its imagination run wild – enter the splendour of pine woods, vineyards and subterranean caves and you will understand. It is the area of friendly, persevering people to whom the rocky Karst landscape and the red “terra rossa” soil gives teran, the emperor wine. If you’ve ever wondered about the secret recipe behind the extremely tasty Karst prosciutto and other dried meat products – it is the mild Mediterranean climate with the typical bora wind.

Events 6–22 Jul - Mladifest, Sežana and its surroudings


Sežana Botanical Park The park has an abundant variety of plants because of the continuous planting of different plants and seeds, brought by sailors and the then owner of the park, Giovanni Scaramanga di Hiccolo Cavaliere, from all over the world. In 1890 they built the greenhouse similar to that of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.

The Vilenica Cave The cave near Lokev is the oldest tourist cave in Europe. Historically it was used to stir the imagination of visitors and the locals believed that good fairies lived inside the cave. This is how it got its name (“vila” in Slovene means “fairy”). The cave later lent its name to an international literary prize which is presented annually in the Dance Hall.

Every July Mladifest brings even more life to the centre of the Karst and its surroundings and its versatile programme is interesting to all generations. 5–12 Aug - Celebration of Teran and Prosciutto, Dutovlje The peak of this fun festival, with many local delicacies for sampling, is the famers’ cart parade.

Exquisite Cuisine

24–26 Aug - Day of the Sežana Municipality, Sežana This fun and pleasant celebration happens traditionally on the last weekend of August.

The locals eagerly talk about food preparation as it reflects the mood and food-production options they have at their disposal. A special tradition from the area is the “osmica” (a unique type of an inn) where the farmer offers guests wine and home cooked food. The cuisine of the Karst is as rich, tasty and fresh as the Mediterranean, nurtured at the many inns and tourist farms.

TIC Sežana Partizanska cesta 63, Sežana +386 5 731 01 28,

Ljubljana Sežana

82 km


Experience the Karst with Us!


Pliskovica Youth Hostel

A 400 year old karst homestead is home to an ethno hostel where guests can relax in an enclosed courtyard surrounded by fruit trees and the smell of lavender. The well equipped tea and summer grill kitchens, the multifunction hall, children’s playground, information point and wireless internet enhance the great service of the hostel which offers accommodation for 45 people and the possibility to camp. The hostel is only a 15 minute drive from the coast and Trieste and therefore the perfect base for trips.

Discover the Karst by Bike Professional mountain bikes are available for rent from the Pliskovica Youth Hostel and they can also help you discover the beautiful Karst. The hostel staff can suggest the best places to visit and also arrange guided cycling trips with an experienced guide.

Pliska Educational Trail During a pleasant two hour stroll visitors can follow the “sheep markers” identifying the local sights and features. The path takes you past small shepherd’s huts, surrounded by colourful meadows in bloom, where you can marvel at the beauty of the karst stone and dry walls. After finishing the trail visitors can walk up the Volnik hill for a captivating view across the entire region and on a clear day, see all the way from the coast and the Alps.


24 Pliskovica

90 km

Pliskovica Youth Hostel Pliskovica 11, Dutovlje +386 5 764 02 50,

Pliskovica, a typical village situated on a hill in the heart of the Karst region, shares its charms with guests and visitors in all seasons. Intertwined with slopes and ascents, it treasures stories and traditions created by its inhabitants throughout the centuries. Every architectural element reveals the difficult, yet noble, life in the Karst and the traditions which the people of Pliskovica manage to retain even today. The village has around 100 houses and no fewer wine cellars in which the local red teran wine and the fresh white vitovska wine mature. Heritage in Pliskovica does not belong to the past but rather to the present and the future.

Events 13 Jun–Sep - Summer at Slamčevi - festival of ethno music and workshops, creativity and pleasant socialising with an interesting programme including felt-making and stonecutting workshops, a sculpture camp and many other activities which guarantee a unique experience. On the night of the meteorite shower (11 August), the sky can be viewed through a telescope with astronomers on hand to advise and guide. More info:

World Cultural and Natural Heritage The Škocjan Caves are situated near Divača at the crossroads of the impenetrable flysch rock of the Brkini highland and the Reka valley and the porous limestone of the classic Karst. It is here you can see karst phenomena at its best. From 1986, the Škocjan Caves have been on the world’s cultural and natural heritage list – UNESCO, due to the incredible subterranean canyon, pioneering research into karst phenomena, rich archaeological heritage and great biodiversity. Later they were also added, as the first subterranean wetland, to the Ramsar Convention list of internationally important wetlands and to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves of the MAB Programme. The cave system consists of many individual caves, tunnels, streams, natural bridges and karst sinks. There is also a strong archaeological heritage as the village of Škocjan has been inhabited since the early Stone Age.

Events 23 Jun–13 Jul - Škocjan fest (TD Škocjan) July, August and September: Creative workshops take place in front of the museum collections in the village of Škocjan focussing on topics of interest such as archaeology and ethnology.

Škocjan Caves

Visit the Caves A visit to the caves is possible with an experienced guide. The path leads through The Silent Cave full of dripstones, to one of the largest underground canyons covering more than 2 million cubic metres, on to the historical entrance of the Reka river and the large, collapsed Velika dolina. After many years of being closed to visitors, the Mahorčič and Marinič caves and the Mala (small) dolina between the caves can once again be visited.

Tour of the Collections A tour of the museum collections is included in the ticket for Škocjan Caves Park during the season (from June until September) and lasts about an hour. Visitors can see an ethnological collection in the J’kopin barn, a karst collection in the Jurij barn and a biological, geological and archaeological collection in the natural science learning centre – the Delez house.

Škocjan Caves Regional Park Škocjan 2, Divača +386 5 708 21 10, +386 5 708 21 04 (booking),

The Education Trail The trail was voted the best thematic trail in Slovenia in 2011. You can go independently or organised groups can arrange a guided tour. The tour includes all the museum collections and also possible are combinations with other offers (e.g. the caves and the trail).

Ljubljana Škocjan Caves

82 km


Park of Military History Pivka WW2 Exhibits The most interesting exhibits date back to the Second World War. You can see the famous Soviet T-34 tank, the most typical armoured vehicle of the eastern front and the American Stuart and Sherman tanks from the western front.

Slovenian War of Independence A special place in the collection belongs to the T-55 tank which entered Slovenian streets on 26 June 1991 from the barracks of what is today the Military Park, and opposed the Yugoslav army over the just liberated Republic of Slovenia. This event has made the location of the Park very symbolic as it was where the war for Slovenia’s independence began and it was also the first armed conflict in Europe after WW2. A reminder of the dramatic events of 1991 is the gazelle TO-001 Velenje helicopter, the first aircraft of the Slovenian armed forces.

A Unique Museum and Tourist Centre Throughout the centuries many empires, kingdoms and countries have tried to subordinate and fortify the broader area of the Postojna Gate (also known as the Gate of Italy) as this has always represented one of the most important strategic points in Europe. The rich military history of the area is now exhibited in Pivka and includes a vast national tank artillery collection containing examples of American, Soviet and Yugoslav tanks, and cannons left behind by various armies on the territory of what is today the Republic of Slovenia. The Park of Military History Pivka is a unique museum and tourist centre in Central Europe offering its visitors an outstanding experience and an insight into the diverse history of this part of the world.

Where History Meets Nature

Zeta Submarine

Visitors who would like to learn about history in the embrace of unspoilt nature should walk the Circular Trail of Military History. Hikers can see the former Italian fortress at Primož and continue to the Šilentabor Castle where the largest Slovenian fort, used against the Turks, stood. Continuing through the tourist village of Narin visitors then return to the starting point - the Park of Military History Pivka.

The Park is also home to a submarine. The largest and heaviest exhibit of the museum, a P-913 Zeta submarine, represents an important engineering legacy of Slovenia. The inside of the submarine can also be seen making the entire experience truly unforgettable. Visitors can learn about its mysterious operations and experience how it was to live in a small, cramped place deep under the sea.


Ljubljana 62 km


Park of Military History Pivka Kolodvorska cesta 51, Pivka +386 5 721 21 80,

Kranj is a town of many faces boasting a rich cultural, natural and historical heritage dating back more than 7,000 years. Its streets invite visitors to roam and discover the ancient stories while its surroundings offer a safe retreat in the unspoilt nature. You can learn how they used to dye fabrics at Pirc’s dye-works, visit the place where citizens sought shelter during air raids, learn who invented glass photography or simply refresh yourself a tone of the pleasant coffee shops. You can also try the traditional Carniolan sausage and the other delicacies of Upper Carniola cuisine.

Events 27–28 Jul - Kranfest - various musical, cultural and sporting events for all generations

Kranj Khislstein Manor An indispensable element in the silhouette of the town is the Khislstein manor reflecting the architectural development of many centuries, its beginnings date back to the 13th century. A permanent exhibition: “Stunning Upper Carniola” will soon open at the Museum of Gorenjska which will tell the story of the land and its people from the early Middle Ages through to the present day.

The Three Towers Historically Kranj was protected by nine defence towers, three of which have been restored. The Škrlovc tower, a former armoury, is the venue for various cultural performances, Pungert tower is a place for children and the tower in the castle’s courtyard hosts small scale outdoor performances.

Photo: Tadej Slemc

Where City Treasures Meet Nature

Unspoilt Nature 17–25 Aug - Jazz camp – internationally acclaimed jazz and pop musicians from Slovenia and abroad will perform playing a variety of musical styles Every Saturday – handicraft fair with street performances

Tourist Board Kranj Glavni trg 2, Kranj +386 4 238 04 50,

It is easy to escape the urban hustle and bustle and find shelter in the green surrounds. Brdo park, a treasure trove of Carniola’s aristocratic history, is surrounded by a rich array of flora and fauna. Lake Trboje is perfect for birdwatching and rowing; whilst the Šum waterfall and Udin Boršt regional park offer the supreme delights of unspoilt nature.

Kranj 29 km



Pletna Boat


The best way to get to the island is by the traditional boat called a “pletna”. Early records indicate this type of boat dates back to the 12th century when the poorest farmers from the Mlino village on the southern shore of the lake, were given the task by the authorities to bring pilgrims to the island instead of paying tithe. Later this turned into a business which has been handed down from generation to generation.

A Captivating Lake with Magical Power Only an hour’s drive from Slovenia’s bustling capital, the eye meets the wonderful beauty of the unspoilt Julian Alps with their breathtaking natural wonders. One of the highlights is Lake Bled which has lured travellers for millenniums with its fairytale image of a small island in the idyllic setting of snow-capped mountain peaks. Aside from dreamers, the 1,000 year old town of Bled caters to guests with various needs and interests.

Vintgar Gorge

Photo: J. Skok

The 1.6 km Vintgar Gorge carves its way through the vertical rocks of the Hom and Bort hills and is graced by the Radovna with its waterfalls, pools and rapids. The path leads you over bridges and Šumer’s galleries and finishes with a bridge overlooking the mighty 16m Šum waterfall. Due to its natural beauty, Vintgar isclassified amongst the most important tourist attractions in Slovenia and the visitor numbers increase every year. From the Šum waterfall you can walk up a picturesque footpath to St. Catherine, a historical church with a beautiful view.

Cream Cakes

Bled 58 km



TIC Bled Cesta svobode 10, Bled +386 4 574 11 22,

14 Jul - Night’s 10 (Night run around the lake – 10 km) 20–22 Jul - Bled Days and Bled Night

Photo: Aleš Fevžer

Kremšnita (cream cakes) have been around for decades and are a symbol of Bled where the best are made. Over the last 40 years as many as seven million cream cakes have been sold. The golden crispy crust, filled with a delicious vanilla cream, topped with whipped cream and a crispy layer of butter dough, will seduce you.


2–12 Aug - 22nd Okarina Ethno Festival Bled 2012 16–19 Aug - Summer Hockey League Rudi Hiti 25 Aug - 3rd Bled Half-Marathon

“The valley of Bohinj – a long, open basin through which the stone-born Savica flows with its bright green fairy waters. The juicy meadows with an idyllic charm, the pleasant villages sending greetings from the silent peace. Everywhere around mountains of picturesque silhouettes, embraced in the dark spruce forests.The festive throne of Triglav on the clouds in the heights.” Julius Kugy, father of alpinism in the Julian Alps, couldn’t have put it better. This is Bohinj.

Photo: Matej Vranič

Bohinj Lake Bohinj

Photo: B. Kladnik

Extreme Beauty Amidst the Mountains

Lake Bohinj is the largest glacial lake in Slovenia. It is 4.2 km long, 1 km wide and 45 m deep. Less touristy than Bled, it isperfect for swimming, kayaking, fishing, and walking. Scenic and educational boat rides are also available. The lake and its surroundings are as famous for the many myths and legends including that of Zlatorog, the magical Alpine ibex with a golden horn whose blood gave life to the Triglav flower.

The 8 km valley is situated between Bohinj and Trenta with seven lakes that were formed in watertight sediment depressions in the mighty fault line of the Slatna plate. The valley has karst features and it is where virtually all forms of karst weathering in the Alps can be seen. The valley is covered in wonderful alpine flora and in the reddish Jurassic rock, fossils can be found.

Photo: B. Kladnik

Valley of Triglav Lakes

Savica Waterfall Events

28 Jul - Ethno Weekend, Bohinj 25 Aug - 26th Triathlon in Bohinj

Photo: Aleš Fevžer

11 Jul–15 Aug - 8th Kanal Festival 21 Jul–23 Aug - Musical Summer in Bohinj

Lake Bohinj has numerous sources and the most important is the Savica. Its waters burst from the ground under the Valley of Triglav Lakes in the walls of Komarča as the Savica waterfall. Savica, the most famous Slovenian waterfall, runs 38 m and drops almost 51 m, making a total drop of 78 m. There is also a smaller waterfall which falls 25 m and together they form a two-part waterfall in the shape of an “A“. Savica is also the setting of one of Slovenia’s greatest poems “Baptism on the Savica” by France Prešeren.

Turizem Bohinj Triglavska cesta 30, Bohinjska Bistrica +386 4 574 75 90,

Bohinj 78 km



Kranjska Gora

In the Kingdom of the Goldhorn

Photo: LTO Kranjska Gora

In the northwest of Slovenia there is a fairy tale land which offers thousands of pleasures on the snow in winter and an escape from the unbearable heat and pleasant shade for everyone who wants an active holiday full of experiences in summer. We are, of course, speaking about one of the most beautiful mountain jewels – KRANJSKA GORA. In summer and winter Kranjska Gora offers a wide range of active experiences. You may choose from hiking, cycling, Nordic walking, golf, fishing, horseback riding, Alpine climbing, skiing, crosscountry skiing, sledding, ski touring and ice skating.

Kranjska Gora


85 km


Cycling You can decide for a lazy pedalling style or for more demanding journeys into the heart of the Alpine valleys. You will work up a sweat and get a tan on the steep slopes of the Karavanke range. On the bicycle trail of three countries, which starts at the three-country border with Austria and Italy, a visit to Bled through the valley Radovna is highly recommended. A bicycle route map and lunch in your backpacks might be the best way to get to know the Zgornjesavska valley. The trail is in perfect condition all the way until Mojstrana. You can also take many detours from this main trail. If you are an adrenaline buff, then the Kranjska Gora bike park with its courses offers everything you could wish for, including the children’s bike park.

TIC Kranjska Gora Tičarjeva ulica 2, Kranjska Gora T: +386 (0)4 580 94 40,


Photo: LTO Bohinj

Hinking is definitely amongst the most popular summer activities. There are plenty of trails for everyone, from the easiest and recreational hikes to serious Alpine tours, which demand experience, appropriate equipment and a mountain guide. The first wonderful trail can be found in the confines of the Triglav national park – The Triglavska Bistrica trail in Vrata is a true experience of nature – the Peričnik waterfall, the galleries, the gable of the Vrata and the mighty Triglav northern wall. Conquering Triglav via this wall is a real achievement. You can also have mysterious experiences in the valley Kot, from where the road along the Radovne valley leads you to the Gorge (Vintgar). Those who enjoy the sight of a precipice have to experience the challenging trail to Prisank from Vršič. Those who like safer sights can discover the road to Slemenova špica, the meditative solitude of the panoramic forest walk from Vršič to the lakes with a view of the magnificent Jalovec. Perhaps the most beautiful trail in the Zgornjesavska valley is the trail to the first and second Martuljek waterfall.

Nordic walking Kranjska Gora offers many opportunities for this ever more popular version of simple walking. There are instructors available and you can also borrow poles.

Cultural Sights SLOVENIAN ALPINE MUSEUM, MOJSTRANA In the Slovenian Alpine Museum the past and present walk together. A rich collection of objects with versatile historical backgrounds, versatile photographic and archival material and a comprehensive technical library offer visitors an insight into the mass appeal and importance of Alpine activities in Slovenia. THE LIZNJEK HOUSE, KRANJSKA GORA The Liznjek house is a genuine Slovenian Alpine house, which was renovated and refurbished in 1983 and adapted into an ethnological museum. The cellar features a permanent exhibition about the life and work of children’s author Josip Vandot (18841944) and a temporary gallery.

Events 15 Jun – 15 Sep – Triglav fairytales 6 Jul – 26 Aug – Festival Summer under Mt. Vitranc 7 Jul – 15 Sep – Summer Days by Anca House 7 Jul – Village evening in Dovje 7 Jul – Family cycling day in Kranjska Gora 11–19 Jul – European Basketball Championship U20 15 Jul – Thomas Hardye Music Department concert 17 Jul – Beer Beely Party 20 Jul – Folk music night 20 Jul – 31 Jul – Charcoal days 21 Jul – 120th Anniversary of PGD Kranjska Gora 21–22 Jul – Zumba weekend 22 Jul - Presentation of the Triglav National Park 26 Jul – Trio Tristan concert 27 Jul – Folk music night 28 Jul – The Smolny Chatedral St. Petersburg Chamber Choir concert 29 Jul – Memorial celebration by the Russian Chapel 2 Aug – Brass Band Jesenice – Kranjska Gora 3 Aug – Folk music night 4 Aug – Tradicional Andrejček march 4 Aug – Fireman party »Pod lipo« 6 Aug – The Municipality of Kranjska Gora celebrating holiday 9 Aug – Concert Zahod band 10–11 Aug – Zgornjesavska valley picnic 12 Aug – Cross borders cycling 15 Aug – Village day in Rateče 15 Aug – The running event Kranjskogorska 10-ka


17 Aug – Dr. Janez Bogataj Lecture

It belongs in the category of renovated objects with a very much preserved folk architecture. In it you can see a reconstruction of the equipment from a black kitchen and pantry, exhibitions of the Rateče folk garb and local history, old films on the still preserved customs and the Planica ski jumping competition and an exhibition of handiwork made by members of the Rateče-Planica Tourist Association.

17 Aug – Concert Brencl Banda 18 Aug – Concert Juan Vasle 21 Aug – Under the »Psnak linden« 24–25 Aug – Škerlj’s Days 24–26 Aug – The Aljaž event 1 Sep – 34rd Ascent up Vršič 9 Sep – The Tree-country border meeting

Photo: Marko Pleško

Škofja Loka One Loka, Two Valleys, Three Highlands, Infinite Stories Photo: Anže Krajnik

Colourful Škofja Loka, the best preserved medieval town in Slovenia, inspires with its many stories. A strong tradition of trade and craftsmanship, echoes from the past resounding in the ancient squares and streets, and a mosaic of events attracts visitors throughout the year, from near and far, to the town under the mighty castle. The beauty of the 1000 year old Škofja Loka is complemented by the Selška and Poljanska valleys which preserve the tradition of near forgotten crafts and enthrals visitors with their unique natural and cultural features and an array of active adventures in the Škofja Loka hills. Welcome to the kingdom of infinite stories!

Škofja Loka


Ljubljana 23 km

Tourist Board Škofja Loka Kidričeva cesta 1a, Škofja Loka +386 4 517 06 00,

The Masters of Craft The Selška valley was historically marked by ironworks but is now better known for its traditional crafts, particularly the baking of the Dražgoše honey bread and the making of bobbin lace which, together with shoemaking, are still practiced in the Poljanska valley and Žiri.

Be Active and Curious

Photo: Marko Pleško

Photo: Izidor Jesenko

The green Škofja Loka hills and the Sorško polje plain offer a wealth of options for hikers and day-trippers and a variety of diverse trails for cyclists. The well-marked paths take you through vast forests and across blooming meadows to viewpoints and pleasant hilly villages. To experience the hospitality of the locals, stop at one of the many tourist farms and try homemade goods, organic fruit and vegetables, homemade juices and schnapps. While roaming the diverse Škofja Loka hills the underground fortress system of the Rupnik line should not be missed, venture into its mysterious interior with an experienced guide.

Discover Stories from the Past Just a stroll from the medieval town you will come across two thematic paths. You can opt for the “Path of the Three Castles” which takes you from the Loka Castle, past the ruins of the lookout tower on Krancelj to the mysterious ruins of the Old Castle, also known as the Wild Loka Castle. The other option is the “Trail to Puštal” where you will learn interesting stories about life in the past, get to know the link between the people of Puštal and the devil, combs and frogs, and discover why the wooden footbridge across the Sora River is named following a visit by the devil. Both paths start at the information sign in front of the Martin’s house on Mestni trg.

Surrender to a Variety of Experiences The colourful Škofja Loka houses are a wonderful backdrop for numerous open-air events which bring unique cultural, artistic and musical adventures closer to visitors. The central event is Historial Škofja Loka in June when the streets and markets come to life with a medieval spirit. Many ethnological, cultural, entertainment and sporting events are testament to the lively throb of these towns amidst the green surrounds. These include Lace-Making Days in Železniki, the Day of Charcoal Makers in Stari Vrh and the Hike along the Rapal Border in Žiri, which only further enhances the natural beauty of the Selška and Poljanska valleys. The Tourist Board in Škofja Loka can advise you and prepare an interesting trip, book your accommodation, give you a chance to taste the local delicacies and give you information about several natural and cultural sights of the area.

Events Jul, Aug - Colourful Loka, Škofja Loka –summer concerts for livening up the evenings in the medieval town 13–22 Jul - 5th Kačji Grad Festival, Železniki – Cultural events focusing on musical and literary evenings 19 – 22 Jul - 50th Lace-Making Days in Železniki, Železniki – traditional festival focusing on the lace-making heritage

Photo: Izidor Jesenko

28 – 29 Jul - Harvest Holiday – Žirovski Vrh – traditional event including a demonstration of farm chores and customs 5 Aug - Day of Charcoal Makers, Stari Vrh – ethnographic event with demonstrations of charcoal pile making and charcoal activities

Photo: S. Jeršič

Ljubljana Postojna The Vibrant Capital Ljubljana is listed as a medium-sized European capital but it manages to retain the friendliness of a small town and bear the characteristics of a true metropolis. Its lively character is built on its five millennia of history or, if you choose to believe the legend in which it was the Greek prince Jason with his Argonauts who founded the city, perhaps even more. Discover its incredible architecture, wander its magnificent old town, enjoy the culture waiting on every step, relax in its numerous green spaces, and in take in its contagious positive vibe.



In the recent years the part of Ljubljana where the current of the lazy Ljubljanica river is cut in two by an artificial channel has undergone heavy reconstruction. A new bridge has been built, the city “beach” has been renovated, and new surfaces with children’s playground equipment and a number of benches have been set. The people of Ljubljana instantly adopted the new spot to relax, take a stroll, have a picnic, or simply observe the ducks floating by. There you will find also floating bars where you can go for a drink on the river and enjoy the cosy atmosphere.

Slovenian Tourist Information Centre TIC Ljubljana Krekov trg 10, Ljubljana Stritarjeva ulica, Ljubljana +386 1 306 45 75 +386 1 306 12 15,

Photo: D. Wedam

Photo: D. Wedam

Špica – the New Star of the City

City within a City A thing not to be missed while in Ljubljana is a visit to its internationally renowned alternative culture community called the Metelkova mesto. It is a self-declared autonomous culture zone and it occupies the preindependence Yugoslav Army barracks. The site is full of clubs, bars, live music spaces, art galleries, and artist studios; there is also a former prison which has been transformed into one of the most unique hostels in the world, the many-times-awarded Celica (the cell). Numerous events are happening in Metelkova throughout the year and if you are looking for something different and unpredictable, hit the city behind the colourful graffiti and soak in the omnipresent feeling of freedom.

Boat Ahoy!

One of the ultimate highlights of Ljubljana is a visit to its picturesque food market in the heart of the city. The Central Market was planned by the legendary Slovene architect Jože Plečnik and part of it is roofed and part is in open space. A wide selection of local and often organic fruit, vegetables, cheese, meat, wine, bread, handicrafts and many other Slovenian delicacies make up a perfect morning, enhanced with a visit to one of the many cafes under the arches. The recently opened Butcher’s bridge connecting the market with the other bank of the Ljubljanica is also a sight on its own as it features a number of sculptures, representing unique figures from Ancient Greek and Christian/Jewish mythology.

A Green Oasis in the City

Photo: D. Mark

A perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city is the Tivoli park, situated just a short walk from the very core of the city. It stretches over more than 5 km2 of green surfaces and has been a popular getaway for citizens of Ljubljana ever since it was opened in 1813. Later partly transformed by Plečnik, the park today offers numerous walking trails, colourful flowerbeds, fountains and statues. Popular are strolls along the sandy paths, relaxing in the cafe next to the pond, or just chilling on the benches or lawns observing the world around while families enjoy the two children’s playgrounds. The park abounds in lush vegetation of various plant species and is home to large numbers of birds and friendly squirrels. One of the focal points of the park is also the Jakopič’s avenue, a venue for photography exhibitions which change every few months.

One of the ways of seeing Ljubljana is also by taking a boat ride. Embark on one of the boats on the banks of the Ljubljanica and see the city sights from a different perspective, including also the famous Plečnik’s Three bridges Ljubljana is so famous for. Tours (also at night) are available in Slovene and English.

Photo: D. wedam

Photo: D. wedam

Photo: B. Jakše & S. Jeršič)

The Central Market

Events 15 Jun–30 Aug - Summer in Ljubljana Old Town 20 Jun–13 Sep - Ljubljana Festival 24 Jun–2 Sep - Mini Summer – 14th International Puppet and Children’s Festival 26 Jul–18 Aug - Film under the Stars, the Ljubljana Castle 29 Jul, 26 Aug - Artish - Creative Festival, Stari and Gornji trg 31 Jul–1 Sep - Trnfest 23 Aug–2 Sep - Young Lions Festival – International Festival of Theatre and Dance, the Old Power Plant 30 Aug–2 Sep - The Emona Promenade Festival, Trnovski most bridge Up until 3 Sep - Gala Hala Summer Garden, Metelkova mesto Every Saturday - Art Market, Breg (the Ljubljanica riverbank)

The Heart of Slovenia Straight from the Heart Welcome to the Heart of Slovenia, situated east of Ljubljana where you can experience the mix of modern and traditional country life. The unspoilt nature, the well-preserved cultural heritage sites and the hospitable locals invite you to visit. Options for adventures are many. Here you will find one of the most beautiful medieval towns in the embrace of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, villages with a long tradition and rich history, archaeological sites, numerous little churches, mighty castles, old houses and museum collections. The Heart of Slovenia also boasts numerous hiking and cycling trails, a wide range of accommodation options and exquisite cuisine.



Zavod za turizem in ĹĄport v obÄ?ini Kamnik Glavni trg 2, Kamnik +386 1 831 82 50,

Relax in Nature The Heart of Slovenia offers an array of possibilities for holidays in the nature. You can climb Velika planina, the highest mountain pasture with an altitude of between 1400m and 1666m. The unspoilt nature, the grazing tradition, the magical meadow village with its special architecture and numerous options for active leisure in the fresh air attracts many visitors. In summer the chairlift and the cable car take visitors up on the hour (Mon-Thu 8am-6pm, Fri-Sun 8am-8pm).

Cycling and Hiking Hotspots Water is an important feature in this part of Slovenia. One can marvel at the natural sights on the banks of the Kamniška Bistrica river which represents the green axis of the region and has an important ecological and recreational function with its wide brook system. The area stretches from the river’s source under the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, across the plain through Kamnik, Domžale and Dol pri Ljubljani, to the confluence of three rivers: the Sava, Kamniška Bistrica and Ljubljanica. A system of walking and cycling trails, with outdoor fitness machines, children’s playgrounds and resting places can also be found along the river. A popular recreation spot is the Gradišče Lake, near Lukovica, with its 4km circular trail around the lake, suitable for hikers and cyclists, a section of which joins the Trail of Rokovnjači (Bandits) taking you to the peaks of the nearby hills. Cycling enthusiasts should put Dolsko on their agenda as it is an excellent base for cycling tours of different levels of difficulty. The family company, Vegov hram, offers guided cycling trips, bike transport and rental, and also catering and sleeping facilities where you can indulge in a genuine Slovenian lunch.

Enjoy Thousands of Flowers Volčji Potok Arboretum, a pearl of Slovenian horticulture, stretches along brooks and meadows where over 3,000 trees and other plant species, ordered and aesthetically shaped, grow, and attract visitors of all generations. In summer you are invited to walk amongst the summer flower beds and take a refreshment in the shadows of the 100 year old trees. Well worth a visit are the tropical butterflies, cacti, orchid, dahlia and pumpkin exhibitions, while young ones will find enjoyment on the very diverse playground.

Terme Snovik A decade ago, Terme Snovik health centre was established in one of the side valleys. Its thermal water contains magnesium and calcium which have beneficial effects especially on bones, skin and metabolism. The rich relaxation offer is enhanced by various programs, workshops, events and thematic hiking trails in the surrounding hills. You are invited to indulge in a longer holiday in the unspoilt nature and enjoy the apartment houses on the edge of the forest which were the first in Slovenia to get the EU Eco-daisy.

Living energy centre Tunjice , Natural healing resort The first center in Slovenia for the revitalisation, relaxation and strengthening of the physical and energetic body. Natural healing resort Tunjice is one of just seven identified locations in the world with water with a constant surface tension! The water contains as much as 75 stable elements that are vital for the body. Do the most for your health and visit us at the Natural Healing Resort, where we offer: healing therapies by visiting our energy centres in the company of a guide, individually or in groups, an analysis following an examination of the psycho-physical state of your body by means of Kirlian photography and consultation, therapies for infertility, individual therapies adapted to your health needs and difficulties, therapeutic massages.”

A Opportunity to Learn

Straw-weaving Tradition

Take a stroll along the educational trail above Trzin. The Onger hill is a solitary karst mountain with visible karst phenomena. You can also learn about life in the forest on the 1km trail. Another educational trail is situated near the town of Mengeš which takes you to a cottage on top of the hill and invites you to proceed to Rašica and its lookout tower. You can also choose to visit the Land of Charcoal in Dole, near Litija and see traditional charcoal piles on the charcoal educational path. The traditions of making the charcoal pile and charcoal production have been alive in the area for many years. In Dole pri Litiji there are 16 charcoal burners still active today who yearly make up to 30 piles. The places where the piles are made, are connected into a marked charcoal educational trail together with the natural and cultural heritage of the area.

Straw-weaving has a 300 year tradition in the area and there is a permanent collection, devoted to this Slovenian handicraft, in Godbeni dom in the centre of Domžale. The famous straw hats of Domžale and straw baskets were the means of survival for the people of the region. The tradition, using wheat straw, has been preserved until this day.

Prime Architecture Jože Plečnik, one of the greatest Slovenian architects, was very active in the Heart of Slovenia. He designed squares, churches, manors and monuments, among which are the baptismal areas in the churches of St. Michael in Mengeš and St. Martin’s in Dob; the choir loft in the Church of the Assumption in Domžale; the chapel of the Holy Grave in the Franciscan Monastery in Kamnik; and the monument of the National liberation struggle in Litija. Guided tours can be arranged.

Domžale is also home to another museum, the Menačenk homestead which was built at the turn of the 19th century and has now been transformed into an ethnological museum. Visitors can see numerous old objects and furniture, demonstrating the life of a family in those times and attend the many events organised on the premises. Guided tours can also be arranged.

From a Castle to the Bees The ruins of Brdo castle, with a park and a chestnut tree-lined promenade, are situated in the village of Brdo pri Lukovici, the birthplace of the Slovenian author, Janko Kersnik. Close by you will find the Slovenian Beekeeper Centre with beehives and an educational trail which provides information about herbs and the bees. You can also see a multi-vision presentation on Slovenian beekeeping, go on a guided tour and taste some local honey.

The Vače Situla The copy of a famous bronze urn from the Iron Age can be seen in the village of Klenik, near Vače. The area is an important archaeological site of the Hallstatt Iron Age where more than 2 million Iron Age graves have been found, placing Vače amongst the largest cemeteries of the period in Central Europe. Visitors can also see a prehistoric, fossilised seashore close to the village. In the immediate vicinity of Vače is the village of Spodnja Slivna – the geometric centre of the Republic of Slovenia (GEOSS) – the symbol of everything Slovene.

Events 21 Jul - Early monk music concert by Svetilen, St. Nicholas Church, Litija

A Touch of Medieval Times Kamnik is one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Slovenia. Its history dates back nearly 800 years to when it was a flourishing crafts town and home to numerous famous families, including the Counts of Bavaria. History can be seen at every step and the town, in the embrace of the mountains, boasts numerous sacral and cultural monuments.

Back to Renaissance The Jablje castle, situated near Loka pri Mengšu, was built by the aristocratic family Lamberg and was first mentioned in the 14th century. It boasts Baroque painter, Franc Jelovšek’s, frescoes and is listed as one of the cultural monuments of Slovenia.

10–19 Aug - Kamfest Music Festival, Kamnik 19 Aug - Once upon a time in Tuhinjska valley, Terme Snovik 24 Aug - Ethno-Rock Festival, Domžale 25–26 Aug - Downhill Blagovica 2012 – National Championship, Lukovica 26 Aug - Village Day (ethnological event with old customs’ demonstration and local culinary samplings), Vače 28 Aug - Traditional accordion competition at Zeleni Rob, Velika planina 29–31 Aug - Farewell to Summer Festival, Litija 1 Sep - Modelling meeting, Zgornji Log near Litija 2 Sep - Magical Day (children’s festival), Volčji Potok Arboretum 6–9 Sep - National costume and clothing heritage days (international festival), Kamnik


Celje Region Attractive Mix of Culture and Wellness The region of Celje is extremely picturesque and diversified. You can enjoy the rich history and culture of the third largest city in Slovenia or visit the first-rate spas: Terme Dobrna, Thermana Laško and Rimske terme which are on the doorstep and offer the perfect vacation, short break or maybe just a day-off in beautiful countryside. The experience of a visit to a local farmhouse, sampling tasty delicacies and chatting with the locals will last forever. A visit to the region in the summer is the time to experience good vibes, be it at medieval events, open-air concerts, local festivals or sporting events. Allow yourself to be charmed!

Celje Celje is a romantic city on the banks of the Savinja River where history awaits at every step. Learn about the “second Troy” - a unique exhibition of a Roman city or test your archery skills and hold a medieval sword at the Old Celje Castle, the most visited tourist attraction in the area. A walk through the lively streets of the old city centre takes you to museums with exhibitions about the history of the city and temporary thematic exhibitions. Young families can visit the only children’s museum in Slovenia (Herman the Fox) or


Ljubljana 78 - 90 km

stop at the “City Beach” for a drink and a puppet show or to watch some street theatre. Sporting enthusiasts should definitely not miss the Šmartinsko jezero lake - an ideal place for cycling or walking. If you are more into mountains, visit the nearby Celjska koča hut which operates as an adrenaline park in the summer and a ski resort, voted the best small ski resort, in the winter.,,

RDO Dežela Celjska Krekov trg 3, Celje +386 3 428 79 30,

This advertisement of destination Dežela Celjska (on following 6 pages) is co-financed under the RDO Dežela Celjska project from the European Regional Development Fund

Laško Laško is situated only 10 minutes by car from Celje. The town is famous for its tradition of beer brewing and its healing hot springs. You can visit the Laško brewery or see the birth house of Anton Aškerc, a famous Slovenian poet. Near Laško is Jurklošter, one of the oldest Central European charterhouses.

Thermana Laško

Those craving some first-rate pampering should head to Thermana Laško or Rimske Terme spa resorts which have a long thermal tradition and offer exquisite wellness and spa treatments. Thermana Laško is located in an outstanding location, in the midst of nature, with a modern wellness park and a unique sliding glass dome. Rimske terme is a pearl in an oasis of unspoilt nature. Refurbished in 2011, it specialises in therapies which use Slovenian salt for relaxation and therapeutic purposes.

Dobrna The small city of Dobrna, in an idyllic rural environment, will take you straight to nature and fill you with positive energy. In addition to healing and relaxation in the oldest thermal spa resort, Dobrna offers an array of scenic trails. Signposts will guide you along Ana’s path or the Loka path where, while marvelling the natural attractions, you will learn about the friendly locals and taste the local delicacies. Visit the House of Cultural Heritage, Polenek and take the tourist train from Dobrna to the Valley of Mills where you can see a mill and traditional farmhouse. You can also pop into Terme Dobrna, the oldest operating thermal spa in Slovenia boasting a tradition of more than 600 years. Today, the thermal spa is known primarily as a health resort with modern facilities and a good wellness offer.

Vojnik Vojnik is an ideal shelter for tourists who seek tranquillity. You can walk along the educational path and finish with a refreshment at the mountain hut or you can observe the milling process at the Soržev mlin farmhouse and buy the freshly ground flour.

Štore According to Slovenian Tourist Organisation rankings, the most beautiful Slovenian mountain village is Svetina near Štore where the AŠ1 recreational hiking trail “Around Štore” waits for you to explore the green and varied landscape.

Rimske terme

Events 12–15 Jul - Beer and Flower Festival – Music, Exhibitions, Sport and much more with magnificant fireworks, Laško Jul, Aug - Celje Open-air Concerts, Old Celje Castle. Jul–Aug - Summer in Laško – Concerts, Exhibitions, Workshops, Sporting and Ethnographic Events 31 Aug–1 Sep - Štimungfest, Šmartinsko jezero lake Every Saturday and Sunday – Living history weekends at the Old Celje Castle – learn about medieval life by meeting and fighting the knights


Obsotelje & Kozjansko Where the Soul Feels at Home The local hills of Obsotelje and Kozjansko are still largely undiscovered so take the time to pay a visit. The flavour of the local wine is rich and the homemade bread crumbles in your mouth in a different way. This is the place where the soul feels at home. Obsotelje and Kozjansko are areas close to the Slovenian-Croatian border. The municipalities of Šmarje pri Jelšah, Rogaška Slatina, Rogatec, Podčetrtek, Kozje, Šentjur and Dobje all boast a well preserved natural and cultural heritage and a number of activities for visitors including trips on the Šmarje-Virštanj wine road (VTC 10) which is also very suitable for hiking and biking.

Podčetrtek In the land of fairy tales and fantasy, golf, wine, chocolate and local cuisine, you will find Olimje, the first Slovenian golden village awarded at the 2009 Entente Florale competition. Relaxation and recreation on the surrounding hiking trails bring you to the heart of indulgence – the Terme Olimia spa resort offering the perfect wellness treatments. Terme Olimia has always been an excellent holiday spot for all those curious, adventure-loving and culinaryoriented tourists who like to take a look beyond the edge of the swimming pool and enjoy an interesting holiday.,

Šmarje pri Jelšah


Ljubljana 100 km

Development Agency Sotla Šmarje pri Jelšah +386 3 817 18 60,

TIC Šentjur +386 3 749 25 23

Rogaška Slatina

Photo: Domen Grögl

Rogaška Slatina, the world famous health resort, and its surroundings invite you into the arms of the unspoilt nature to discover the healing powers of its thermal waters and the Donat Mg natural mineral water. Here you will experience the luxury of well-being and a pure royal treatment in the Health & Beauty Center Lotus in Grand Hotel Sava ****superior. According to the legend, the resort was created by the winged horse Pegasus. You are invited to experience more than 400-years of tradition, excellent cuisine, fine wines, many cultural events, and the picturesque surroundings with many walking, hiking and cycling trails which abound in interesting attractions – the handmade crystal products being just one of them.

Kozjansko park

And these are just some of the reasons to visit Rogaška Slatina, the most beautiful health resort town in Slovenia in 2011.,

Kozjansko Park is one of the oldest and most protected areas in Slovenia. At the junction of the Alps and the Pannonian plain, nature and man have created a unique mosaic of flowering meadows, ancient orchards, steep forested slopes, clear streams and farms with paths between them dotted with castles and churches. Photo: Domen Grögl

Rogatec The Rogatec Open Air Museum is a living archive of rural ethnology, preserving the stories of the past for today and tomorrow. The Strmol Mansion, a 15th century manor house located on a low hill above the old town centre of Rogatec, has always been inspirational. The three-peaked mountain, Donačka gora, with its primeval beech forest is perfect for hiking.


Šmarje pri Jelšah The Way of the Cross in Šmarje pri Jelšah is home to fourteen separate chapels, all with their own stories and stunning sculptures, paintings and architecture. There is Sladka Gora with an expressionist baroque church of the Mother of God and Tinsko, both areas are filled with vineyards.

Photo: Damjan Regoršek

Discover the old part of Šentjur, Zgornji Trg, where you can visit the archaeological exhibition Treasures of Rifnik, Ipavec House with exhibition about the Ipavec dynasty of doctors and patriots, Zgornji trg Gallery, exhibition about the world famous gospel singers New Swing Quartet and the Southern Railway Museum at the train station in Šentjur.

Events 8–13 Jul - Summer with Ana in Rogaška Slatina 22 Jul - Etnofest 2011 - “Likof na taberhi”, Open air Museum, Rogatec 28 Jul - Horse racing, Imeno. 28 Jul–1 Sep - Summer in Podčetrtek 4–18 Aug - Festival Musica in Rogaška Slatina 4 Aug - Rattle Sunday, Virštanj 5 Aug - Šmarje cycling marathon, Šmarje pri Jelšah 12–16 Aug - Pilgrim’s triad (Sladka Gora - Tinsko - Sv. Rok nad Šmarjem pri Jelšah) 26 Aug - 4th Traditional Guzaj Walk with an event afterwards, Sports Centre Prevorje 2 Sep - Angel Sunday at Planina 2012, Traditional tourist event, Planina pri Sevnici


Dravinjsko Zreče The town, with a tradition of iron forging and thermal springs, boasts an outstanding wealth of natural and cultural heritage. The wonderful nature, surrounded with authenticity and homeliness and friendly and hospitable people, invites visitors to experience the charms of the countryside which captivates with exquisite cuisine and endless possibilities for active leisure time combined with first-rate wellness.


Vitanje greets you with its unspoilt nature, clean air and water, rich heritage and culture. A new milestone in the centre of Vitanje will be the new Cultural Centre of Space Technology which will link science and technology with art and culture and thus, in a special way, emphasise the “culturisation” of space.

93-104 km

Summer Musical Evenings in Charterhouse Žiče: 6 Jul at 8.30 pm – Manouche 4 Aug at 8.30 – Jararaja 29 Jul - 40th Traditional Farmers’ Day in Loče 12 Aug – Pohorje Pot Day in Rogla 18 Aug – Skok na Roglo – Traditional Cycling Event

Photo: Vito Jerman

This charming medieval town is set amidst the mysterious Konjiška gora mountain and the sunny golden hills of the Škalce vineyards. Slovenske Konjice and its surroundings offer the experience of a town which has won many awards as the most beautiful excursion town in Slovenia and also a gold medal in the Entente Florale competition placing it in the company of the loveliest European towns.


The Dravinjsko area is a destination which is full of surprises, offers a number of diverse ways for quality leisure time and holds the special power of putting a spell on its visitors, urging them to return time and time again. A rich tradition of handicrafts resounds at every step while the merging of tradition with contemporary in each of the three municipalities gives Dravinjsko its soul and rhythm.

Events Slovenske Konjice


Where Tradition and the Future Hold Hands

13–19 Aug – 10th Art Colony Iskanja 2012 in Chaterhouse Žiče 26 Aug – Pohorska cokla – Finale of the Diatonic Accordion Performance Competition

LTO Rogla-Zreče Cesta na Roglo 13b, Zreče +386 3 759 04 70

TIC Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 27, Slovenske Konjice +386 3 759 31 10

The Valley of Green Gold Travellers who journey around the Lower Savinja Valley are always greeted by the densely growing hop plantations which have resulted in the name: “the valley of the green gold”. This noble plant colours the landscape with its unique tone of green making it so very special. Tourism in the area is created by the Žalec, Polzela, Braslovče, Vransko, Tabor and Prebold municipalities, each in their own unique way contributing to the variety of the tourist offer.


The Lower Savinja Valley Tribute to Hops From 2009, Žalec boasts an Eco-Museum of hop and brewing industry in Slovenia, which, in an old but renovated hop drying facility, presents the history of the valley and tells the story of beer and hops in an intriguing way.

Beauties of Nature

Events 1 Jun - Rabbit days and grass mowing, Tabor 5 Aug - Mower and harvester competition, Sveti Lovrenc near Prebold 11 Aug - Opening of the hop picking season - demonstration of traditional hop picking methods, Žalec 12 Aug - Hop growers day - hop princess and seniors contest, Braslovče 25 Aug - A hike on the hop trail, beggining at Novo Celje manson 15 Sep - Ponirk’s party and goulash celebration, Vrbje Pond

Aside from the large hop plantations, the Lower Savinja Valley has many other natural beauties. One of the highlights is the Pekel (Hell) cave which is a true gem of nature. Also well worth a visit are the Vrbje pond, Prebold pond, Bio Park NIVO and the Žovnek and Braslovče lakes. The eyes can also rest on the surrounding hills such as Krvavica hill and the legs can work on the many cycling trails.

Cultural Heritage Among the many cultural and historical sights and not to be missed, is the Roman necropolis in Šempeter with its magnificent tombstones. Also worth visiting are the House of Savin in Žalec, birth house of Risto Savin, a renowned Slovenian composer; the ruins of the Žovnek Castle, a former residence of the Counts of Celje in Braslovče; and the Komenda Castle in Polzela, where the Maltese knights ruled for over 500 years.

TIC Žalec Šlandrov trg 25, Žalec +386 3 710 04 34,

Žalec 66 km



The Upper Savinja and Ĺ alek Valley The region of Savinja and Ĺ alek is an area which enchants with its unexpected variety, a region with numerous faces and images of vivid colour. Visitors can discover the unique contrasts, seemingly incompatible combinations and mosaic structures. Trails take them from underground depths to alpine peaks, from serene lakes to lively little torrents, from flat meadows to vast alpine forests, from villages to towns, from traditional handicrafts to the latest in technology. An area of thousands of images which merge into a perfect mosaic of experiences waiting to be discovered.


70-90 km


Photo: Andrej Lubej

A Region of Wonderful Variety

The Solčava district – Harmony of Three Valleys The district of Solčavsko has been awarded the title of European Destination of Excellence (EDEN) as it unites conservation and local life and attracts the curiosity of visitors from around the world. The Solčava district consists of three valleys: Logarska dolina, Robanov kot and Matkov kot, offering numerous possibilities for hill-walking, hiking and a countless number of breathtaking views and sights along a panoramic road. The Logarska dolina nature park caters for lovers of pristine nature, whilst those interested in homemade local produce must visit the Rinka Center in the mountain village of Solčava, a multifunctional centre for sustainable development with an information centre and unique exhibition about the region. Rural cottages, hotels, guesthouses, private rooms, suites and mountain huts offer a tranquil starting point for enjoyable exploration in the heart of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps.

Golte – Summer in Alpine Heaven When the warm summer sun lights up the Golte plateau many stunning treasures are revealed such as the magnificent alpine flora which can be enjoyed, without any effort, in the highest alpine garden in Europe stretching over two hectares of land. Due to the outstanding natural beauty, Hotel Golte has become one of the most popular hiking destinations and also a favourite place for getting married. Adrenaline junkies can test their audacity on a 200m zip line or climb a 12m artificial climbing wall. The less adventurous can explore the many walking and hiking trails. Golte is also an ideal cycling spot with a number of routes of various difficulty and a place for pampering with an excellent wellness centre offering four saunas, a fitness studio and an outdoor swimming pool.

Playful Pippi Longstocking Festival in Velenje The Pippi Longstocking Festival, held every September, is the largest festival of culture, education and entertainment for childrenin Slovenia. For 23 years, Velenje has transformed itself into Pippi’s world – even the Mayor of the city hands over his authority to the strong, orange-headed girl. This year visitors will enjoy a rich diversity of children and youth programmes from 16–22 September, choosing from puppet, theatre and dance performances, creative workshops, concerts, street theatre, music and art workshops, cinema, sporting activities, various lectures, competitions, educational programmes, exhibitions and cultural exchanges.

A Dream Come True Many yearn for a retreat and the Terme Topolšica natural resort can offer just that. The homeliness of the Vesna hotel and the dreamy houses on the hillside above it provide infinite opportunities for active holidays. Architectural harmony, wonderful surroundings and maximum comfort do not leave anyone indifferent. Zora Aquatic Park with its many pools, a toboggan and other water attractions provide instant refreshment on hot summer days and can be followed by evening cocktails on the terrace. For the perfect holiday touch, the Zala wellness centre offers a wide range of options for fun and pampering and for relaxation and serenity. Dreams of a green, calm and active holiday in a wonderful environment really do come true in Topolšica.

Koroška The Colourful Valleys

In the north of Slovenia, next to the border with Austria, lies the region of Koroška. The area consists of three valleys: Meža, Drava and Mislinja and three mountain ranges: Pohorje, Karavanke and the Savinja Alps. It may be one of the smaller regions in Slovenia but it is all the more diverse and picturesque. Its plentiful gems are scattered amongst numerous little towns and villages and the surrounding valleys that stretch far below the mighty mountain peaks which dominate the skyline.

Discover Nature Koroška is one of the hilliest and most forested regions in Slovenia. It is marked by white stones and the soft edges of the hills which form its distinctive vista with the green forest tones of the deep, dark and at some points, nearly impenetrable woods. Koroška is perfect for hikers who can choose one of the many options from the European Long Distance Path E6 or the Slovenian Mountain Trail which cut through the region. A favourite of hikers are the Koroška Alpine Trail, the peaks of Uršlja gora, Pohorje, Kozjak and Smerkovec and the more demanding ascents to Peca, Olševa and Raduha. There are many interesting thematic trails not far from the towns which are suitable for relaxing walks, fun physical activities or adventurous walking. The experience of the unspoilt nature is enhanced by the solitude, you will almost never stumble upon hordes of mountaineers. Nature highlight in Koroška is the amazing Topla regional Park below Mt.Peca. Main outdoor activities and ski center is Kope – Ribniško Pohorje, at the western and highest part of Pohorje. Koroška


113 km


RDO Koroška Meža 10, Dravograd +386 59 085 190

Cyclists’ Paradise Koroška boasts more than a 1,000 km of marked, on the ground or on maps, cycle tracks of various terrains and difficulty. There is also the unique underground biking, a number of outstanding single trails for mountain bikers, the international Drava Cycling Route, the first mountain bike park in Slovenia, the Pohorje Cycling Route, the valley cycle route down the Mislinja valley and many more. You can create unlimited combinations for a tour up, down, between or even through the mountains.

Cultural and Artistic Vibe The strategic position of the turbulent border region has always dictated the lively cultural and artistic vibe which can be viewed through its rich heritage. The medieval core of Slovenj Gradec, a partner town of the European Capital of Culture 2012, is home to the seat of the Koroška Regional Museum, the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts and the memorial museum in the house where composer Hugo Wolf was born. There is a unit of the regional museum located in Ravne na Koroškem housing interesting collections. Numerous other collections and exhibitions are housed across the entire region. Ravne is also home to the Koroška Central Library Dr. Franc Sušnik.

The Highest Church in Slovenia Koroška is also famous for a rich Christian heritage. Just beneath the top of Uršlja gora (1699 m) can be found the highest church in Slovenia, the St Ursula Church. The

Unique Activities Today, activities of the past are getting a facelift. In previous centuries the area was dotted with mines, now the former mine in Mežica has been transformed into a tourist mine and a museum which offers unique activities including underground biking and kayaking in the disused tunnels under the mysterious Mt. Peca. Additionally rafting, formerly the most important economic activity of the Drava valley, is still possible on the original rafts which are now used for tourists.

Natural, Homemade and Traditional Koroška boasts the highest farms in Slovenia which are dispersed throughout the entire region. Local hospitality can be experienced at the numerous tourist farms dotted across the countryside. Natural, homemade and traditional are the perfect words to describe the local cuisine, the best of which are the tasty brown or rye bread and the excellent cider made from old apple species.

picturesque and diverse architecture of the succursal churches, located on nearly every hilltop, reflect numerous local features, keeps the landscape of Koroška recognisable and places it amongst the most culturally enticing parts of Slovenia.

Ptuj The Oldest Town in Slovenia Even before the time when the Romans called it Poetovio, the cultural-historical treasure trove of Ptuj was already full of beauty and riches that took your breath away. A short historical overview tells us that Ptuj is one of the largest treasure troves in Europe. Historically, Ptuj was an important link between the East and the West with the amber road passing through it. The town experienced two important peaks in its evolution – in the late Middle Ages and at the time of Roman colonisation when the town developed its specific triangular shape. Ptuj boasts a great deal of cultural heritage, particularly preserved through numerous traditional events and it enchants visitors with its captivating tradition and daring modern character.




130 km

Ptuj Tourist Board Slovenski trg 5, Ptuj +386 2 779 60 11,

Food and Wine Ptuj has more than seven centuries of tradition when it comes to making and nurturing quality wine. It is in Ptuj that you can find the oldest wine in Slovenia, from 1917, and treat yourself with wines from the Ptujska klet cellar, the Osterberger winery in the Mitra hotel, the Zlati grozd cellar and Ptuj castle. The Ptujska klet cellar is one of the most successful Slovenian cellars of the last few years and has many recognisable wines with its Pullus brand regularly winning the top prize at international contests. The fine wines of the area go nicely with the local delicacies and the local chefs are masters of original presentation.

Terme Ptuj The Terme Ptuj natural health resort, a synonym for health and relaxation, and its surroundings offer a wide range of possibilities for an active holiday. You are invited to experience the water delights of one of the largest thermal parks in Central Europe, play golf or tennis or take a hot air balloon ride, to name just a few of the available options. Terme Ptuj offers a broad choice of accommodation, from small houses in the campground, to bungalows, apartments and the 4 star Grand Hotel Primus. Terme Ptuj boasts more than 4,200m2 of water surface – six outdoor pools, including an olympic swimming pool and the largest choice of waterslides in Slovenia. The amphitheatre offers many attractive events and animations every day and also offers a wide range of catering options.

Ptuj Lake The Ptuj Lake, which is filled with water from the Drava River, is the largest artificial lake in Slovenia. From Ranca harbour you can moor motor and sailing boats or lower boats into water. Visitors have named the lake the “sea on dry land” because it offers sailing, rowing, motor boats and panoramic rides on the lake and the Drava River. The lake is also a venue for water sport competitions. Here you can play volleyball, football and handball on the beach and it is also attractive to cyclists, hikers and joggers. In the summer kayaks are available as well as lessons in sailing and rowing.

Events 4–8 Jul - Aye Festival, Ljudski vrt park, Ptuj (children’s creative outdoor festival) 10 Jul–3 Aug - Art Ptuj 2012 (Art Stays Festival, Arsana Festival), Ptuj (international cultural festival of music and painting with many concerts and exhibitions – a great combination of excellent music and modern visual art) 29–31 Jul - 16th International Hot Air Balloon Celebration, Terme Ptuj (morning and evening rides above Ptuj)

3–4 Aug - Ptuj Summer Nights, town streets and squares (many events culminate with the Ptuj summer nights; there are games, cultural programmes and live music) 4 Aug - 20th Rancarija, Ptuj Lake, Ranca harbour (traditional rowing competition with typical boats) 16–19 Aug - The Roman Games, Terme Ptuj, town streets and squares (a cultural and entertainment event, based on Ptuj’s ancient roots) 24 Aug - Festival of Popular Folk Music, the Minorite Monastery – courtyard (a competition of popular folk music ensembles – the oldest Slovenian festival)

Golf Course The Ptuj golf course has 18 holes and due to its position beneath the impressive Ptuj Castle, it gives the impression of a wonderfully trimmed castle garden. Because of its rough surface and the numerous water obstacles of the Studenčnica brook and two lakes, the Ptuj golf course is one of the top Slovenian courses. Players particularly remember the 14th hole which requires a spectacular shot onto an island.

Photo: Črtomir Groznik

21–25 Aug - Days of Poetry and Wine, old town centre (one of the most important European poetry festivals unites poets from around the world; poetry readings and other art forms: concerts, films, street performances, exhibitions...)

the treasure of millennia


pen up the box of history and traditions and you will enter the world more than thousands years old in which you will find extraordinary stories of Roman generals, their worshiping of gods and different religions, and you will appear as one of the heroes of medieval chivalry stories or a heroine of a castle intrigue, all that mixed with festivals, romanticism and culture.

Booking: Ptujske vedute E: T: +386 2 778 87 80 Terme Ptuj E: T: +386 2 749 41 00


photo: Ciril Ambrož, Matija Brodnjak, archive RDO, archives of partners RDO, Črtomir Goznik, Aljoša Videtič (Mura Drava bike)

Moravske Toplice The Finest of the Prekmurje Region In the heart of the idyllic Prekmurje region, in the north east of Slovenia, you will find the famous natural health resort of Moravske Toplice where the healing thermo-mineral waters of Terme 3000 and Terme Vivat vivaciously bubble. In addition to the thermal springs, the area around Moravske Toplice with its many culinary options, numerous sporting choices and authentic experiences of the Prekmurje lowland should not to be missed. Welcome to an oasis of health where you are invited to smell, taste and feel like true locals.

Thermo-mineral Invigoration and Relaxation Terme 3000 has more than 5000m2 of water surface, an enormous pool complex with the famous aqua loop slide, the world of saunas, a wellness centre and a golf course. Terme Vivat has around 2000m2 of water surface is a small thermal complex with a wellness centre appropriate for families. Both hotel accommodation and private rooms are offered.

Moravske Toplice



201 km

TIC Moravske Toplice KranjÄ?eva 3, Moravske Toplice +386 2 538 15 20,

Culinary Experiences – Touch the Oasis of Panonian Flavours A treasury of Panonian flavours, blended with more modern ones, will delight your senses. You can look out on an oasis of orchards, vineyards, pastures and fields, as you are served with delicious fresh food (various meats, casseroles, pumpkin oil and cakes including the famous Prekmurian layer cake) and premium wines.

Recreation Enriched by the Countryside The nature offers countless possibilities for active experiences and is a paradise for cyclists and hikers. There are ten bicycle trails and 11 marked themed hiking trails in the vicinity of Moravske Toplice, some of which are also appropriate for nordic walking. All the trails go past tourist attractions. The new cycling “Road of Pleasure”: invites everyone to experience its adventures along the way and enjoy a full day cycling excursion. The road takes you from Moravske Toplice to the regional cultural centre, Murska Sobota.

The Skill of the Masters of the Traditional Crafts Products with a certificate of craftsmanship can be found at the summer fair in the centre of Moravske Toplice. You can test your pottery skills in the pottery village of Ratkovci or view some traditional skills at other events, e.g. cutting grass with a scythe, husking and stripping corn cobs; husking pumpkin seeds; and grinding flax.

The Allure of the Cultural Sights Devotees of cultural landmarks should pay a visit to the Romanesque rotunda in Selo, Plečnik’s masterpiece in Bogojina (the white dove) and the Church of St. Martin in Martjnaci. Take the time to look at the Časar mill in Berkovci and wander round the castles of Prekmurje. Moravske Toplice is a good starting point to visit the Tropical Garden in Dobrovnik and the Bukovnik lake with its healing energy.

Tourist information can be obtained from the Moravske Toplice Tourist Board in the centre of town. Guided tours of the Romanesque rotunda can be arranged at the tourist board, in Selo, near the rotunda.

Events Jul–Aug - Summer Tourist Market, Moravske Toplice 25 Aug - Vegetable Day, Ivanci 2 Sep - 12th Hike of the Marič Inn, Sebeborci 10 Sep - Martin’s Hike, Moravske Toplice–Filovci 14–15 Sep - 9th Corn Husking, Selo 15 Sep - Hike on the Cultural Heritage, Bogojina 23 Sep - Flax Grinding and Yarning, Bogojina 10 Nov - St. Martin’s Hike, Moravske Toplice - Filovci

Photo: Matej Vranič


The Old Vine

Maribor boasts the oldest vine in the world which is also the oldest living specimen of a noble grapevine that still bears fruit. At over 400 years old, it is registered in the Guinness Book of Records and every year during the grape-picking season, the vine finds itself under the spotlight. The symbolic annual grape harvest of 35kg55kg is bottled in 2.5dl glass bottles that represent a precious gift from the country; annually more than 100 bottles are filled.

Photo: Matej Vranič

Lent Lent, the gripping oldest part of the town is home to a famous international summer festival that attracts numerous visitors who leave Maribor enchanted by its unforgettable vista. In Lent, visitors can explore the Old Vine House, the defence towers, the Jewish section including the synagogue, the Jewish Square, the Jewish Tower and other interesting sights that greet them on the banks of the Drava River, from the Water Tower to the Judgement Tower.

Maribor 2012 - European Capital of Culture Northeastern Slovenia is dominated by Maribor, the country’s second largest city. It lies at the foothills of the Pohorje mountain range, the most eastern part of the Alps, offering many options for sports enthusiasts throughout the year. Maribor is a vibrant university city with a thriving cultural history and a rich wine tradition, offering picturesque walks along the banks of the Drava River and the lively streets and squares where history and tradition co-exist in perfect harmony. This year, as the European Capital of Culture, it is in the spotlight of Europe’s cultural elite.


Photo: Jurij Pivka

Photo: Marko Petrej

Pohorje A trip up the green Pohorje enraptures hikers, cyclists, adrenaline seekers, while nature lovers are drawn to its primeval forest, waterfalls and peat moors. Picturesque wine roads criss-cross Pohorje’s slopes and wine growing hills all the way to the Austrian border and beyond,creating a wine-cultural route which is a true ethnological experiece, enhanced by exquisite panoramic views. Maribor



126 km

TIC Maribor Partizanska c. 6a, Maribor +386 2 234 66 11,

European Capital of Culture program throughout 2012 5–15 Sep - Festival Maribor 21–30 Sep - Old Vine Festival

Land of Forests


Forest Treasures

Photo: Vasja Marinč

On hot days you can find relief in the shade of the 100 year old trees which cover more than 90% of Kočevsko. The forest and its mysteries can be discovered on foot, by bike or on horseback. Of greatest pride for the region is the primeval forest in which many animals find a peaceful habitat.

Photo: Vasja Marinč

Karst Phenomena Among the features of the area are the numerous Karst caves, sinkholes and cave-ins where ice and snow do not melt until summer. You can refresh yourself by taking a dip in the Rudnik lake or Kolpa river. Instead of the devil who never came back after jumping to the other bank, you will be greeted not only by fish and fishermen, but also by the Kolpa fairies.

Once a closed region, today a dream land for those seeking adventure and those in search of a peaceful retreat. Around 700 years ago it was a refuge for “Kočevarji” and for a short time also for Frederick of Celje and Veronica of Desenice, although now it is home to many indigenous animals from bears to wolves and lynxes. The landscape used to be an excellent hiding place for the former political elite who built an underground shelter for the worst days, and the Kočevsko region was home also to the devil himself.

Events 14 Jul - Prangerjada, Predgrad (traditional festival focusing on medieval customs, an accordion competition, tambura music and folklore dance groups)

The Gottschee Germans left a historical and cultural mark on Kočevsko, while Frederick of Celje and Veronica of Desenice characterised it with their forbidden love. Remnants of their romance are the ruins of the Friedrichstein Castle which can be reached by car, bike, on foot or by riding a horse. While making the effort, you can regain your energy by enjoying the European certified Kočevsko honey.


Ljubljana 60 km


Občina Kočevje Ljubljanska cesta 26, Kočevje +386 1 893 82 20,

Photo: Vasja Marinč

Fruit of Forbidden Love

In summer, you can visit culturally entertaining events every Thursday in July and August in the centre of Kočevje.

Kolpa River

Nature’s Whisper

The Natural heritage of the region is very diverse. Kolpa represents extreme diversity, intertwined with rapids, streams, tributaries, and waterfalls. A section of the river is protected within the Kolpa Regional Park. Apart from Kolpa, you can also visit the nearby Lahinja Regional Park and the Krupa natural monument near Semič, while the fern areas and vineyards of the area will make you stop and stare.

Feel the Kolpa River Tourist Destination The Kolpa River, a European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) in 2010, is a natural paradise in south east of Slovenia. This green beauty is amongst the warmest and most intact rivers in Slovenia and along its 113km it passes more than 50 ancient dams between Osilnica to Metlika, making it a magnificent location for a great variety of activities and unforgettable holidays. The river is particularly popular in the summer months, the water temperature can rise up to 30°C.

Stories of Past Times The region was inhabited in prehistoric times and the rich cultural heritage is housed in the two regional museums and many other museums, galleries and monuments. Around destination you will come across small, pleasant houses, churches with “preslica” old town centres and the remains of numerous former mills and sawmills. Among the hilly vineyards, you will feast your eyes on the scattered vineyard cottages and wine-growers will invite you to taste their excellent wines and try the diverse local food.

Down the River, up the Bank

Events 16–22 Jul - Week of Culture on Plac, Metlika (

The Kolpa river and its hinterland offer numerous possibilities for various outdoor activities. You can run or hike along the many marked educational, mountain or thematic routes, ride a bike along the marked routes or even invent your own route. You can go canoeing or rafting on the river and also swim and indulge in a natural massage in the summer.


Ljubljana 100 km


13–14 Jul - The Semič Wedding, Semič ( 3–5 Aug - SchengenFest, Vinica ( 14–15 Aug - Tamburanje va Kostele, Kostel ( 7–25 Aug - ČrnFest, Črnomelj (

RIC Bela krajina Trg svobode 3, Črnomelj +386 7 305 65 30,

Be the Lord of a Vineyard Cottage amidst the Wine Hills Dolenjska is an ideal tourist destination for those seeking the personal touch - mass tourism doesn’t exist here. You can play by your rules in these parts and meet the happy and nice people in the vineyard hills who will gladly invite you for a glass of fine wine. The region is very interesting to discover and is a great base for further exploration of the rest Slovenia. Welcome to Dolenjska, the home of happy people and unforgettable hospitality!

Dolenjska Tourism in Vineyard Cottages You are invited to spend your holidays in one of the vineyard cottages of Dolenjska – unique accommodation situated at locations of extreme beauty amidst the wine hills, with magnificent views over the wonderful landscape of the region. You will find it easy to relax and find peace in the modern cottages surrounded by greenery and unspoilt nature. (

Active Holidays Those who wish to improve their health, relax or simply have a good time should visit one of the three natural heath resorts – Šmarješke, Dolenjske and Čateške toplice, offering a wide range of wellness and entertainment services. Dolenjska also boasts over 3,000 km of hiking, cycling, riding and water trails, golf and tennis courts and panoramic trips by plane or hot air balloon in the summer.

On the Trails of Heritage

Events 15–19 Aug - Jazzinity music festival, Novo mesto

Dolenjska is famous for its rich cultural heritage with a number of sacred treasures, castles, museums and galleries, and also for its picturesque natural beauty with hills and valleys, rivers and Karst caves and much more to discover.

Kompas Novo mesto Novi trg 10, Novo mesto +386 7 393 1 520,


70 km

Novo mesto


A Mosaic of Experiences


A Treat for Engineering Enthusiasts

“The World of Energy” is the first Slovenian interactive multimedia centre that takes visitors on a journey into the world of energy. It provides useful information and a better understanding of the meaning of energy, its use and production technology. Visitors can actively experience the world of energy through animation, models and interactive exhibits, and try out a number of experiments linked with electricity, electrical engineering and magnetism.

The Krško municipality is situated in the centre of the Posavje region, a popular tourist destination because of its natural, cultural and historical richness. Guests marvel at the beautiful castles and thermal springs and enthuse about the rich culinary and wine tradition supplemented with country events and city fun. The region is an excellent base for outdoor activities and experiencing the new, innovative, attractive and unique vineyard cottage tourism (“turizem v zidanicah”).

A Touch of the Country The versatility of the countryside offers numerous natural attractions and outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, water sports, jogging, hunting, fishing and mystic forest exploration. New thematic walking trails are being developed, particularly hiking trails and wine routes. The countryside also caters to the spoilt taste buds of gourmets who wish to taste the traditional dishes and taste the wide range of wines at the tourist farms and inns offering local and regional delicacies made from local ingredients.

The Wealth of Ancestors Culturally and historically the buildings of the renovated town centre reflect the fascinating life and past achievements of the numerous important locals such as Jurij Dalmatin, Janez Vajkard Valvasor and Josipina Hočevar. You can visit the Valvasor complex which houses a number of interesting permanent collections, temporary exhibitions and summer events. Other sights which are well-worth a visit are the Krško Gallery, City Park Krško, the Valvasor library, the Kapucin monastery, the Vladimir Štoviček Gallery and many others.


Ljubljana 99 km


TIC Krško CKŽ 46, Krško +386 7 490 22 21, 8 205 18 00,

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