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Katie Millican Anatomy and Physiology December 1, 2009

What is /dɪsɑrөriə/ ? • Dysarthria is a speech disorder due to paralysis, weakness, or in-coordination of the speech muscles • Considered a neurological motor speech impairment • 4 different types

Types of Dysarthrias 1. Dyskenetic Dysarthria – Hyperkinetic vs. Hypokinetic

2. Spastic Dysarthria – All of speech is affected

3. Flaccid Dysarthria – Short phrases for sentences

4. Mixed Dysarthria – Impairment in more than 1 motor system

Causes • Acquired – Stroke – Parkinson’s Disease – Lesions on the brain

• Congenital – Cerebral Palsy – Huntington’s

Signs and Symptoms • • • • • • •

Hypernasality is often present Slurred Speech Slow rate of speech Rapid, ‘mumbling’ speech Limited tongue, lip or jaw movement Drooling or poor control of saliva Accompanying issues with respiration, phonation and resonation

Therapy Techniques • Patients must learn techniques that help them to make good use of their remaining physiological capacity to produce understandable speech 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Reduce the rate of speech Emphasize all syllables Exaggerate movements of articulators Work on breath support Strengthening muscles

What’s the Difference? Apraxia vs. Dysarthria • Apraxia occurs when client cannot use the words they want without any known muscle weakness • Dysarthria occurs when there is a presence of muscle weakness and incoordination •

REFERENCES “Dysarthria." American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - ASHA. <http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/ dysarthria.htm>. "Dysarthria: Causes and Number." American Speech-Language-Hearing Association - ASHA. <http://www.asha.org/public/speech/disorders/ DysarthriaCauses.htm>. Yorkston, Kathryn M. "Treatment Efficacy Summary: Dysarthria." American Speech-Language Hearing Association, (2006).

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