annual report 1935-36

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Jldll Ztalanb ~urf ijft=~abing ~.5!iociation. ESTABLISHED






Annual Report and

Statement of Accou nts


Season 1935-1936



Over 1799 Lives Saved

Headquarten : Wellington, N.Z.


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Hon, Solicitor: Mr. W . J. BEVE RIDGE.

Hon, Consulting Eng ineer and Arch itect : I Mr \ G. S. LEEDER, AI.M.C.E. H~n. A uditor : Mr . W . H. FULFO RD, AR.A.N.Z.

Hon. Photographers: The Hon. Photographers of each District Association. NEW ZEALAND COUNCIL, 1936. President: Mr. P. F. COIRA Deputy-Presidentr

Mr . W . H. GERRIE.

Hon, General Secretary: Mr . N. A INGRAM. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. F. H. JACKSON. Hon. Instructor in Chief: Mr . P. D. EDWARDS. Hon. Registrar and Publicity Officer: Mr . G. SEALEY. D elegate to the Dominion Council, R.L.S.S.: Mr . C. RIORDAN (Christchurch). COUNCILLORS. Au ckland Messrs. V. Allan and J . D . Hunter. T aran aki Messrs. G. S. Leeder and A . H. Ross. W an ganu i Mr . W. H . Gerrie. Manawat u Mr. F. Chapman W ellin gton Mr. W . J. Beveridge. Ca nterb ury Messrs. J. Blakeley and H . Dickson. O tago Mr . J. A Milburn. N orth Island Indi~idual Clubs ... / .... Mr . W . H . Fulford. Do mini on Council R.L.S.S. Mr. J. Dighton. ~


······························ __ ········1 IMPORTANT NOTICE



- - - - - - - - _._------- ---...I• Limited Supply.

Price 1/6 each.


Fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accou nts To be presen ted at the

Annual General Meeting 01'1

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1936. in the

Wellington Education Board Room, Mercer Street, Wellington, N .Z. At 7 p .m,


.•. Fourth Annual Report and Statement of Accounts Season ending 31st August, 1936. For presentation at th e A n n ual G en er a l Meeting of the Assoc iation to be held in the Wellingt.on Education Board's Ro om o n the 24th OCTOBER, 19 36, at 7 p.m,

Gentl em en, Y ou!' Co un cil h a s p leas ure in p lacing· th e · Fo u r th Annual Report before you f or yo u r co n sideration . The va ri ous matters d ealt with du rin g the year wil l be sho wn u nder separate h eading s, but th e C ounc il takes th is opportunity of expressing its d eep a p p r ecia tio n of t he services ren d e red by th e District Associat ions a nd Individual Cl ubs d uring th e past year.

HIS LATE MAJEST Y KING GEORGE V. We, in common with ki ndred o rganisations througho ut th e British C o mm onwealth , mo urn th e 'p a ssin g of our be loved Monarch , and the sy m pathy of the As socia tion was forwa r de d to The R igh t Hon . The Prim e Minister of the Do m ini on by ' yo u r Presid ent, a n d an acknowled gment h a s been receive d . H is late M ajesty was kee n ly interested in the efforts of life- sa ving at all ti mes throug h his long reign . .



Memb ers of the A ssoci a tion hav e pl ea sa n t re co llec tio ns of His Ma jest y's visit to th e D om ini on of New Zea land a n d the kee n interest h e di sp layed in our work, and has a lready in d icated h is de sir e to continue th e associatio n of th e Crown with the Royal Li feSaving Soc iet y. I n pl ed g in g our loy a lt y to th e King m a y we exp res s the h ope that h is r eign will be long a n d a h appy one.


RESCUES. The number of C lu bs in th e Dominion is 56, and whilst returns ,. .ve n ot been r ece ived fr om "a ll these C lubs in time for this r eport, the number of re scues d u ri ng the past season shows unmistakably the g reat value of the operation s o f S u r f Lif e-Savin g Cl ubs to the Domin ion. 19 35 SEAS ON. Resc ues with belt and line Rescu es with ou t be lt and lin e Rescu es by bo a t

41 3

T otal



The above re turns are from 32 C lu bs. The total number o f r escues perfor med by these Clubs 'a lon e since their inception has been 1,799-truly a g r ea t m onument to the work of the members of Surf Life-Sa vin g C lu bs who, without any desire of reward and oft-times at" great personal risk, help to sav e those in d ifficulties. VI GILA N CE-SE RVICE-ENDURANCE is their slogan, and wo rth ily th ese t ra d it io ns a re u pheld . GOVERNMENT

A S S I S T A N C E.

T he C ouncil rec or ds with ex tre me pl ea sure th e d onarion ' o f ÂŁ 100 "from the G o ve rnment f ro m th e pr oc eed s of one ' of the Art Un io ns . Grants were made to the " D istri ct A ssociati ons to be expended in furthering the wo rk of Surf Life-Saving, With the growing importance of the activi tie s o f Su r f Life-Saving Clubs to the community it is felt that an eff o rt should be made to r ec ei ve an annual g ranr from th e G over n m ent for th e purpose of ed ucational propaganda. The m embers of Surf Cl ubs a re doing excellent work in patrolling" the beaches of the Dominion in the in ter ests of bather s and visito rs , The los s of va lua ble live s, by drowning , in the Domin ion is h ea vy, but is undoub tedly reduced b y th e alert actions of Club members as disclosed under the paragraph dealing with RESCUES. Your Council feels con fid ent t hat th e Hon. Mi nister of Internal Affairs (Hon. W . E . P ar r y, M.P .) is fully alive to the impo rtant work done by Su rf C lubs, and will see that th is work r eceives it s due co n sid er a tion , bo th financ ially a nd othe rwise . M uch h as been done to educate the p eople ; much rem a in s to be done. Fi nances are requi re d to d o this wo rk o f Life -Saving. In the matter of financ ial assis ta n ce th e whole b u r den should n ot be bo rne by the State , but Local Bodies as well as ind ivid u a ls should shoulder th eir fa ir sh are o f re sponsibili ty in the m atter. The tramway finances of many districts have benefited considerably by the fact that Surf Clubs are actively working on their beaches and that surf life -sa ving competitions are held there. An annual donation from such Councils would be of great as sistance to the organisa tion and a definite indication of the inter est of the Local Bo d y. O p p o r tu n ity is also given to the individual citizen to show h is app reciation o f what is being d one to ensure the safety of our bea ch es, and an opportunity is a ffo rde d in th is r epo rt to indicate th e d esire to render financia l as sista nce to the orga n isat ion in its work . A F F I LI A nONS. The fo llowing District A sso cia tions are affiliated :- A u ck la nd , T arana ki, Manawatu , \1(Ta n ga nu i, Well ington , C a n te rb u r y, a nd Ota g o . Total, 7 Associatio ns . I n additi on, the T e Awa Cl ub


and Porangahau C lub clubs.

(Hawke 's Bay)


are affiliated as individual


By the publication in February of th e IIO-page Official Handbook of th e Association a definite step in organisation was reached, and the thanks o f th e Association are exte n d ed to the Publicity Committee se t up last year to undertake the heavy task of compiling the Hand b oo k. To M essrs . F . Chapman, A. H . Ross , N . A. Ingram, P . D . Ed wards and H . Dickson thanks are extended, and th e Council a p pea ls to me m bers of Surf Life-Saving Clubs to purchase the Handb oo k ea rl y. The book is co m p le te with diagrams , and an excellent production. The Council desires to take this opportunity of expressing its appreciation of the action of the A.S .L.S. Association in permittin g the Committee to use a portion of its own handbook in the co m p ila tion of th e N .Z. Handbook. The Council appreciates th e m any corigrnru la rions r ec ei ved in the publish ing of th e Handbook. PATROL COSTUMES. Th e As soc iat ion has a d op te d a d efi ni te costume fo r Patrol work exclusively , and no doubt th e blue costume wi th three wh ite d iagonal str ip es will be well kn own on the beaches o f the Dominion a s an emblem o f r eadiness on the part o f the m embers of Surf Life-Saving Clubs to render a ssista n ce and advice to the people who frequent the beaches. The Council hopes that all Clubs during the co mi ng season will ava il th emselve s of th e use of the patro l costum es .

CAL L FOR MEDICAL ASSI STANCE. By a r rangement with the New Z ealand Branch o f the Br it ish Me d ica l A ssocia tion a syst em of ca ll fo r m edical ass istance on the beaches h a s been brough t into operat ion . M embers of Surf Clubs who des ir e th e urgent a tte n dan ce of a m edical practitioner (who may be on the beach o r in cl ose proximity) to a ttend a ca se n eed on ly to fly th e Yellow Ensign f r o m th e fla gpole o r post o f the club h ou se t o secure th e n ecess a ry assi stance-if at hand . The thanks of t h e Association are ex te nded to th e medical f ra tern ity for their ready co -operation in thi s ma tter. NEW ZEALAND SURF LIFE-SAVING CHAMPIONSHIPS, 1936. Th e 19 36 N .Z . Surf Life-S a ving Ch am p ionships were conducted by the Ota go Surf Life -Sa vi ng A ssociation in conj u n ction with the Cou ncil. The Ch am p ionshi p s were h eld on the St. Clair Beach, Dunedin, o n Febru ary 22 n d and Z3r d , a n d congratulations are exte n de d to the O ta g o A ssoc iation on the m anagement of same, and sincere th a nks are exten d ed to the man y o fficia ls who did so much to secure th e su ccess a ch ieved . D ue n o dou bt to the long dista n ces to tra vel and the necessa ry large exp en d it u r e involved in such travell ing, th e number of teams competing fell far short of the p rev ious two Cham pi onships. Th e sta n dar d o f efficiency r eached by th e va rio us co m peting tea m s was h igh . Teams were presen t represent ing the Tara naki , W ell ing to n , Can te rb u r y and Otago District A ssoc ia tion s. T h e ent r a n ce of tea ms from Canterbu ry created consid e ra b le interest and g re a t pl easure t o the Council and to the Otago As sociati on . The f ollowing a re th e r esults o f th e Champion ship eve n ts:-


N .Z . S en io r R. a nd R. C ha m pi ons h ip ( Nelso n Shield) .- L ya ll Ba y (Welli ngto n). N .Z. Jun io r R. a n d R. Cha m pi on sh ips mori al) .- S t. Clair (O ta g o). N .Z. M arch (Wellington ) .

P a st

Cham pions hi p

(W ill ia m H enry M e-

( Pa ci fic

Cup ) .-Maranui

N .Z. Beltman 's Ch ampionship.-Mr. A . T . Dalton, Beach Club , C anterbury.


N.Z . S enior Surf T eam 's Championship.-Lyall lington) .



N.Z . Juni o r Sur f T eam 's Championship.-St. Clair (Otago) . N .Z . S enior Indi vidual Surf Race Ch ampionship .-Mr. J. C. Blakeley, Lyall Bay Club (W e lli ngton) . N.Z . J u nio r Indi vid u al Surf Race Ch ampionship.-Mr. S . W . J a r vis, S t. C la ir C lub (O ta g o ). N .Z . Fo ur Man A la rm C ha mpion shi p. - Ly a ll Bay (Welli ngton) . Congratul at ions a re ex te n de d to th e winners o f th e va r iou s Championshi p eve nts . T o th e 19 36 N .Z. Ch ampion Beltman (Mr . A . T . D alton ) , of th e N o rt h Beach C lu b, Ca n ter b u r y, we o ffer h earty con gratulations. Th e C ouncil d esires to take th is o p p o rt u ni ty of expressing its appreciation a n d th a n ks to the many sub-committees that operated a t Dunedin prior to a n d during the p eriod of the Championships fo r th e g reat amo u n t of wo rk done to ensure the success secured. F or th e r ecep tion acc orded a n d th e hosp itality extended to the o fficia ls a n d teams by th e Ota g o Associati on a cid its m embers , since re st t hanks and a p p rec iation a re h ere ex te n d ed . OFFICIALS AT N.Z. SURF LIFE-SAVING CHAMPIONSHIPS. In th is p ara g raph of its re p ort th e Council d esires to exp ress the kee ne st appreciation of th e servi ces re n dere d by th e H on. Judges, Referee , M arsh al, Hon . T imekeepers, Assistant Marshal, Call Stewards , Arena Stewards, Starter , and all other officials who worked so efficien tly to secu re th e success of th e Championships. HON. NATIONAL BOARD OF JUDGES. The Bo a r d is now a n esta b lishe d fa ct, a n d the Association lo oks forward with expe cta tion s to the futur e that th e j u d g in g at th e N ational Cham pion sh ips will be conducted u n d er a standardised syst em o f j udging whi ch will be of param ou nt im p ortan ce. The m embers of th e N ational Bo ard of Judges h a ve spent consid erable time du rin g th e yea r a n d m et twice a t Dun ed in du r ing th e currency of the Cha m p ionsh ip s, a n d at th e te rminati on o f which a summary of the o p inio ns of th e members o f the Bo ard was circulated to compet ing teams, a n d will prove of val ue t o teams competing in future Ch ampi onsh ip eve n ts. The Board de sires to plac e before you at th is m eeting severa l a me n d me n ts to its present c onstitution, and als o to m ethods of drill, etc. , and th ese amendments will be found in th e A genda Paper. The thanks of the Council are extended to M ess r s. P . D . Edwards (C ha ir ma n ), N . Berg e (Taranaki) , R. G . Howell (Taranaki) , W . H . G errie (Wellingt on ) , S . Higgins (Auckland) , and J . F . Alexande r (Southland ) fo r th e va lu a b le work th ey ha ve d one in inst ituting th e N ational Bo a rd of Judges, and


confidently leaves its adminisernrion in their hands. Very complimentary references were made of the standard of the judging at Dunedin. N.Z. FEDERATION OF SWIMMING AND LIFE路SAVING. Recognising the value of unified action of the National Bodies of the N .Z. Amateur Swimming Association, Dominion Council, R.L.S.S ., and the N .Z. Surf Life-Saving Association in approaching the Government or Local Bodies on matters favourable to the advancement of the ideals of these kindred organisations-such action being endorsed by the Hon . Minister of Internal Affairs (Hon . W . E. Parry, M .P.) and to a large degree emanating from him-your Council has submitted a proposal of Federation to the other two National Organisations mentioned, and the matter is now under consideration, and it is hoped that during the time of the Annual G eneral Meeting that a conference will be held and the proposal finalised, and that The N.Z. Federation of Swimming and Life-Saving will become an accomplished fact, and its future, on behalf of the three organisations, wiII be watched with keen interest. It is well to remind members that the adoption of the proposal in no way affects the domestic administration of either of the three parties. The approach to the Government or any Local Body will be strengthened by the number represented by the Federation . There is scope for its operations, and the Council hopes that its efforts will culminate in the formation of a National Organisation worthy to uphold the ideals of its constitutive members, The Council has appointed Messrs . P . F. Co ira, F. H . Jackson, and N. A . Ingram to represent it at the Conference. N.Z. CENTENNIAL SURF LIFE路SAVING CHAMPIONSHIPS. Acting on instructions from the last annual general meeting, your Council has given this matter due consideration. Realising the great importance of the year 1940 to the Dominion and the decision already arrived at to hold a National Exhibition at Wellington as one of the main features of the centennial year, your Council considers that every effort should be made to make the N .Z. Surf Life-Saving Championships of that year one of outstanding brilliance, and that an invitation be extended to the A .S.L.S.A. to send two teams to compete. Recognising further that more than the usual period of time should be perm itted the Council and the District Association concerned to finalis e matters, the Council recommends the allocation of the 1940 Championships (centennial year) to the Wellington District Association. In recommending Wellington as the venue of the Centennial Championships the Coucil has no desire to forward the claims of Wellington, but in view of the holding of the National Exhibition at this Centre, and on a location adjacent to the mosr suitable beach in the district, then it is obvious that the Association's claim for financial assistance from the fund to be established by the Government for the Centennial celebrations is strengthened. The central position of the Capital City is another factor in the effort to make the number of entering teams a record. This proposal will not preclude the right of other District Associations to receive a visit from the Australian teams, for provision would be made to undertake an extensive tour of the Dominion. The Council hopes that a definite decision will be reached as to the location of the Centennial Surf Championships, for the importance of an early decision is readily appreciated.


VISIT OF AU ST RALIAN SURF LIFE-SAVING TEAM. Intimat ion wa s re ce ive d fro m the A .S .L.S. Association asking whether th e Counci l would consid er the re ce iving of an Australian Surf team to visit th e D ominion in 19 37 . This r equest has received co n siderab le a tte ntion b y yo ur Co u nc il, as it is recognised that such a n ed ucationa l tour woul d be of ine sti mab le a dvantage to the Surf Clubs a n d to the ge neral public. E ve ry effo rt is b eing made to fin al ise matters, a n d it is h oped to su bmi t a re p o rt in detail to th e Annu al Genera l M eetin g . A n itinera ry in cl u d in g both Islands h a s been su bm itted to the D ist r ict A sso ciati ons, wi th a summary of n ecessary g uarantees to be fo rthc o m ing to p ermit of the sanctioni ng of the to ur . Th e tea m will .c on sisr of eig h t members, and will certa inly create Domin ion-w ide inter est. Th is _tou r will no doubt be the fo rerunner of others, and opens up th e p ossibility o f. sending a N ew Zea land team to A us tra lia in ~ 938 for the Br itis h Empi re G ames .

THE LONDON TROPHY. Du ring the vis it of Mr. H . H. L oc k, of th e Ce ntral Ex ecutive (London) R.L .S .S., to the D omin ion la st year, a n inti m a ti on was given tha t the Cent ral Exec utive d esir ed to do nate a tro p h y for co m peti tion a mong the District S u r f Associa tions of the Dominion. a nd to be known as " The Lo n don Trophy." Mr . Lock, in making the a n nouncement, said that the Central Executive d esi red the trophy to be accep te d as a gestu re of goodwill to the N .Z. Surf LifeSaving Association. A set of rul es comp ile d by Messrs. V . Allen and N . A . Ing r a m h a ve bee n a dopted, a nd the firs t co m petition is n ow in operation, and will co nclude o n June 30 th, 19 37. "The Lond on T r o ph y" has arrived. a nd will be o n view a t this meeting. I t is a n ex ce lle nt addition to th e troph ies und er the contr o l o f the Association. T he Cou nc il fee ls co nfi de nt that the competition will arouse the keenest interest amo ng the dis t ricts, a n d will re m a in as a definite bo nd b e tw ee n the Central Execu tive a n d the Surf As sociations of the Do minion. Mr . V . A llen h as b een a p p oin te d to co n d uct the compet ition o n be half of th e Co u n cil. The thanks of t he N .Z. Sur f Life-Saving A ssoc iation are h er e ex te n ded to the Ce n tra l Executive, R.L.S .S. , fo r its m a gnific ent gi f t.

FINANCES. The Fi nan cial S ta tem ent is h er e a ttache d f or your consideration, an d gives an in dicatio n of the wide n ing e ffo r ts of the o rganisa tion du r in g the p a st year. Whilst d esirous o f still f u r the r ing the work in the di st r ic ts of the Do mi n io n, t h e C ouncil was re str a ine d, la r gel y d ue to the la ck of adeq uate fin ances. It is hoped that th e coming yea rs will indicate, b y increasing reven ue, the a p p recia tion of the Government, Local Bo dies a n d citizens in the work of the Association. It is pleas in g to note the purchasing through th e C ounc il of the sta n dardised reels, b elt s a n d lines by the Clubs Th e secu ri ng of a la rge numb er of the n ew H andbooks was a h ea v y item of expend iture du ring the year, a n d it is hoped that m ember s of C lubs will ear ly p u r chase the b o oks this ye a r, and thus h elp the Co u n cil to reim b urse itse lf o n this outlay. The major ite m in the year's lo ss is on a cco u n t of the heavy ex pen se in paying the expenses of judges a n d officials to Dunedin to control th e N ew Zea la nd C ham p io ns hips. As the Council consid e rs th at the C ham p io ns h ips sho u ld be financially self -su p p o r t ing , it is r ec ommended t hat the p er centa ge of re cei p ts to which the C ou n cil is enti tle d shou ld be inc reased.


T o o ur H on . T r ea surer (Me. F . H. J ackson) sin ce r est thanks are here extend ed for the excelle nt work tha t h e h as d one dur in g the year. AFFILIA,TIO N WITH THE OLYMPIC AND BRITISH EMPIRE G AMES A S S O C I A TIO N . Recognising th e va lue of co- oper-ative efforts in a ll manner of sports, your Counc il h as g iven the above m at ter d ue co n sid era tion , a nd recommends this Annual G ener al M ee ti ng to seek a ffiliati o n wit h th e Olym p ic a n d Bri ti sh Empire G ames Associa tion . C ARRI AGE OF REELS ON TRAINS, ETC. T h e Council approached the Ra ilwa y Dep artment in a n en deavour to sec u re a red uctio n on the r a ilage c h a rges on su rf r eei s m ade by th e Associa tio n, a n d it is pleasing to record that the D e p a r tm ent has gran ted ve ry satisfacto ry co ncessions, and th e th anks of the Associa tion are h erew ith exten de d to the D epa r tment foe its ac tion.

COUNCIL'S DELEGATE ON DOMINION COUNCIL, R.L.S.S. The C ou n ci l ex p res ses its thanks to Mr. C . R iordan for his services a s its representative, a n d trusts t hat he will be again avail ab le to act as ou r representative . DISTRICT ASSOCIATION'S BOUNDARIES. T h e m a tt er of defining D istr ict Su r f A ssocia tio n 's bo u n d aries has not been finalised , for in view of the p ossibl e formatio n of a n Association on th e Ea st Coast of the N orth I sland , th e su g ges ted fo rmatio n of a District A ssoc iat ion on th e W est Coast o f th e South Isl a nd , and th e possibl e r eadjustment of th e Wanganu i and Mana watu D istrict A ssociations, yo u r Cou n ci l considers that th e matter should be still further d eferred. HONOUR CONFERRED ON OUR HON. MEDICAL ADVISER. T h e Co u nci l reco rds with p leas ure th e co n fer ring of a Kn igh t. hood on e n e of our M edical Advisers , and congratu lates Sir James S. Ell iott, K .C.M. G ., on the r ecogn iti on rec eived from His M aj est y the K ing. S ir J a mes's in te re st in ca n ce r r esea rch a n d o the r humanitarian wo rk is well kn own , and we f eel proud to have him associated with ou r o rga ni sa tio n. WORK OF GEAR COMMITTEE. The Council d esires to pla ce o n record its keen a pp re c ia t ion o f t he wor k of the G ear Committee (Convener, Mr. A. H . Ross) . The final standard isa tion of th e gear n ow a dop ted b y the As soci at io n meant a great deal of wo rk by the C o mm itt ee. C O UNCIL'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE A .S.L.S. ASSOCIATION. In appreciation o f th e ex ce llen t services rendered to th e cause of S u r f Life-Saving in the D omin ion , th e Council r eco mmended to the A.S .L. S. A. to ac ce p t Mr. S . Creech S id ford , of Auckland, as th e Coun cil 's re p resen ta tive on the Australian Surf A ssociation Council durin g hi s st ay in S ydney. Th e r ecomm endation was a dopte d, and Mr. Si d fo r d is n ow a cting as ou r r epresentative , and will , no dou b t, wit h h is g reat knowledge of loc al co nditi on s, be of g reat assistance in th e matte r o f di scussing of tours , e tc .


MEETINGS. During the year the following meetings were held:-Full Council, 9; Executive Committee (instituted 8/1 /1936) , 8; and the following record of attendances gives indication of the keen interest displayed by the Councillors on behalf of the organisation:-Messrs. P. F. Coira, 9; W. H. Gerrie, 9; V. Allen, 9; A. H. Ross, 9; W. J . Beveridge, 8 ; F . H . Jackson , 8; J. D. Hunter, 9; H. Dickson, 9; J . C. Blakeley, 9; J. A. Millburn, 7; P. D . Edwards, 6; granted leave as from 22nd May, 1936, F. Chapman, 5; granted leave for four me etings to visit Australia, G. Sealey, 4; appointed 12th February, 1936, J. Dighton, 6; appointed 12th February, 1936, W. H. Fulford, 5; appo inted 12th February, 1936, E . B. Hughes, 4, proxy for Mr. F. Chapman; N. A. Ingram, 9. The foregoing meetings were of the full Council. The following is a record of attendances of the Executive Committee:-Messrs. P. F. Coira, 8; W . H . Gerrie, 8; F . H. Jackson, 8; W . J. Beveridge, 8; V . Allen, 4; appointed 26th June, 1936, P. D . Edwards, 4; granted leave of absence for four meetings to visit America , N . A. Ingram , 8. APPRECIATIONS. To the Maranui Surf Life-Saving Club thanks are extended for the use of the Clubroom for meetings of the Council, and to Mr. W . J. Beveridge for the use of his office for meetings of the Executive Committee. To the Press of the Dominion sincerest thanks are h ere accorded for the consideration shown to the Association 's activities throughout the Dominion and the help accorded. To the Hon . Auditor (Mr. W . H. Fulford) thanks are extended for the services he has rendered. DOMINION COUNCIL, R.L.S.S. AND N.Z.A.S.A. Before concluding its report the Council places on record its appreciation of the spirit of goodwill a n d desir e to assist whenever possible shown by the Dominion Council, R.L.S.S . and the Council of the N .Z.A.S .A. The relationships during the yea r have be en mutually beneficial, and a sp irit of genuine co-operation has be en manifested as between the three organisations. OBITUARY. It is with deep regret that the Council records the passing of the Chief Secretary of The Royal Life-Saving S ociety (London), the late Mr. S . J . Monks . The progress of the R.L.S.S. is closely associated with the name of the late Ch ief Secr etary, who for a lengthy p eriod of years devoted himself to the advancement of the cause. We regret that in 1935 his then failing h ealth would not permit his visiting of the Dominion. To his widow and family we tender sincerest sympathy in their great lo ss, and t o th e Central Executive, R.L.S.S., we express regret at its losing such a notable worker in the cause of Life-Saving. CONCLUSION. In concluding this report, the Council feels justified in assuming that the past season can be credited as one of progress in its various activities and the consolidating of many efforts made since its inception. That the organisation is meeting with the general approval of the public can be gauged by the increasing attendances


at beaches to witness displays by Surf Life-Saving Clubs and competitions between Clubs and Districts.. A deal of organising work h as yet to be accomplished , but viewing the short period of time since th e in ce p tion of th e Association, gratification can be ex pressed a t th e progress already made . With the continued interest a n d ene rgy o f members appointed to the Council of the Association to re p re sent District Associations and the active co-operation of Surf Life-Saving Club members, then the future can be looked fo rw ard to wi th ex pecta tion s of the functioning of an organ isation wor th y to ta ke its plac e with its much older kindred organisation, th e A.S .L.S. A. T o th e m embers of Surf Life-Saving Clubs th rough out the D omini on we co m me n d the motto o f th e As soc iation: " V I G I L A N C E , S ECURITY , E N D U RA NCE, and wh ilst th an king them for the work th at they h a ve done, a n d are doing, appeal fo r the continuance o f th eir lo yalty to the As sociati on a n d it s idea ls. Submitted on behalf of th e Council. P. F . COIRA, President. N . A . INGRAM , Hon . G en er al S ecr et ary. AGENDA PAPER. Co nfirm a tio n o f Minutes o f Annu al G en er al Meeti ngs . An n u a l Rep or t a nd Financial Stat em ent. El ect ion of O fficers. N o tices of Motions-Re m its, e tc . Recom m enda tion s fro m t he Co u nc il. G en era l Bu sin ess.

ADDENDUM. Gen tle m en, I aga in desi re to ta ke th e o p p ortu n ity o f a ckno wledging t he sp le ndid service g iven by th e H ono ra r y S ec ret a r y d u r ing th e p a st year. M r . I ngram h a s who lehea rted ly g iven of h is time a nd eff o rt in th e interests of th e m ovem ent, a n d hi s und oubted a b ili ty a n d keenn ess h as been o f great a ssista n ce , not on ly to myself a s President, The particularly heavy vo lu me bu t to the Associatio n ge ne ra lly. o f secretarial work wh ich h a s d evol ved u pon Mr . Ing r am h a s called f or a b ig sacri fice on his tim e a n d leisure, bu t a t a ll t im es h e has ch eerfully and willingly m et th e d emands in a m ann er t hat ca lls fo r spe cial co m me nt, a nd in d ica tes th e enth usiasm whi ch is so charac teristi c of h is service s. The A ssoci ation is most fo r tu nate in h a vin g a ge n tl e ma n of su ch cal ibre a s its S ecret a r y. P . F . COIRA, P resident.


THE NEW ZEALAND SURF LIFE-SAVING ASSOCIATION (Inc.) INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT FOR THE ELEVEN MONTHS ENDING 31st AUGUST, 1936. EXPENDITURE. Surf Stock on hand, 1/10/1935 Purchases .......... ..... ......... ............ Purchase of Hand books ............... .. Honoraria ......... .......................... ..... Grant to Maranui Surf Club ..... .. .... Grant to District AssociationsFrom Government Grant .... ..... . From Association Funds ...... .... .. Printing, Stationery and Duplicating Rent .... ........... .. .... .... .... .. ... .... ........... Rent P .O. Box .... .... ... ..... .. ...... ..... ..... Honorary Blazer ...... .... .. ..... ... .... ...... .. Insurance ................ ... .. .. .... .... ........... Postages .... .... .. .... .... ... .... ............... ... .... Bank Charge . ...... ... ... ............... ... Sundry Expenses .... .... ........... .... . ..... . Champion ship E xp ensesOfficials ............ .... ... ..... ..... .. Trophies ..... ....... .... ....... ... .....

£ 25

INCOME. s. d . 3 6 I 0


£ s. d . Surf Stock no hand, 31 /8/1936 .... 19 2 2 Sales .. ..... ........ ...... ... ...... 154 18 0

s. d.

169 57 17

4 6 2



0 0 6 0 6 0 4 4 0 3

42 12


£3 9 7 10


Handbooks on hand, 31/8/1936 ... . Sales ................... ............. .. ....... ..... .. ...


47 11 9 I

s. d . 0


56 12 100 0 0 5 12 I

6 0 0 6

3 1 14 22 16

8 2


6 0 0 0

75 0 2 II 18 7 I 0 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 IO 0 5 I 2


0 6

Government Grant ..... ....... .. ... ..... ...... .. Registration Fees .. .. .. ...... .. ........ .... ...... Affiliation Fees ...... . .. .............. ..... ....... ChampionshipEntrance Fees .. ..... ............ ..... ... Percentage .. .... . ... ... .. .... .........

19 3 12 II

Excess of Expenditure over Income


6 2

30 o II 12 II 8


- £ 39 7 10





Sundry Creditors .. ............. Ex cess of As sets over Li abil it ies as a t ............ ..... 179 30/9/19 35 Less Value of Trophies deleted from Assets ........... ..................... 100

79 4

Less Adjustment, Stock overvalued

£ 21

s. d.

s. d .



Cash at Bank .... . ... ....... .... ..... ................ Sundry Debtors ..... ............. .......................... S urf Stock on Hand ......................... , .... .. ...... Handbooks ..........................

5 10 0

£ s. 4 7 2 14 19 2 47 I I

d. 0 0 2 0


5 10 Z 6

-75 L ess

Excess of Expenditure ove r I n come ..... .... .. ..... ......... .........

Balance being Excess of As set s over Liabilities ... ...... ...



22 16


- --




----£73 14



£7 3 14


F . H . JACKSON , Hon. Treasurer. I h er eby certi fy to h aving exam ine d th e b ook s a n d a cc ou nts o f the New Zea land Surf Li fe S a ving A ssociation (Inc.), a n d consider th e abo ve to be a tru e sta tem ent of accounts, and th a t th e va ri ous trophies and cups are insured for £150. W . H. FULFORD, A.R.A.N.Z., Hon. Auditor .



To th e H on . G eneral Secretary, N.Z .S .L.S. Association,

Box 272, Wellington, N .Z.

Dear S ir , Recogn isin g the va lua ble wor k undertaken b y your o rganisation m the matter of patrolling the beaches o f th e D o mi n ion and th e sav ing o f human li fe , as disclosed in yo ur Annual Report, I des ir e to associate m yself in your activi ti es, and p lease find enclosed the sum of



as a personal donation to your funds .

S igned (M r., M rs. or Miss) .


Please a dvise as foll ows :This donation to be at disposal of the N.Z . Council, N .Z. S .L.SA

This donation to be forwarded to the .... ..

... .............. .. (sta te name ) District Association.

(D et ach at per foration )



To the Hon , General S ecreta r y, N .Z.S.L.S . Association, Box 272 , Wellington , N.Z.

Dear Sir, Recognising the valuab le work un dertaken by your organisati on 111

the matter of patrolling the beaches of th e Dominion and the

saving of h uma n life, as disclosed ..... ....

in yo ur Annual Repor t,


Lo cal Bod y ) desires


(state name o f to

associate itself


yo ur activities. and p lesa e

find enclosed the sum of





Please advise as follows:(1) This d onati on to

be at dis p osal o f the C ouncil,


S .L.S A

(2) This donation to be forwarded to the . ..... (state name)

D istr ict

( Detach a t p er fora tion)


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