SM TAFE 2022 Study Pathways

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Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT0 13 / MAR2022 course search apply and enrol AEROSPACE, MARITIME AND LOGISTICS PATHWAYS (AviationDiplomaAVI50119ofAviationManagement)BES4 JOB OPTIONS Flight attendant, Senior flight attendant, Ground operations JOB OPTIONS Flight attendant, Senior flight attendant, Ground operations PATHWAYSCABINCREWANDGROUNDOPERATIONSJOB OPTIONS Aerodrome manager, Aviation Operationsmanager,manager,Aciationsafetymanager JOB OPTIONS Aerodrome officer, Aviation AviationOperationsofficer,officer,safetyofficer SKILLED Certificate IIICertificate(VETDSS)III (CabinCertificateAVI30219IIIinAviationCrew)BER6 (CabinCertificateAVI30219IIIinAviationCrew)BER6 CertificateAVI40120IVinAviation(AviationSupervision)BGN0 SUPERVISORY Certificate IV Diploma OR PATHWAYSPILOTSTUDIESJOBOPTIONS DroneDroneoperator,pilot JOB OPTIONS Pilot (Fixed LicenceDiplomaHelicopter)Wing/AVI50319ofAviation(CommercialPilot-Helicopter)BET5 SKILLED SUPERVISORY Certificate III Diploma CertificateAVI30419III in (RemoteAviationPilot)BES9 LicenceDiplomaAVI50219ofAviation(CommercialPilot-Aeroplane)BET0OR AeroskillsCertificateMEA20418IIin(AeroskillsMechanicalPre-Apprenticeship)AB67 AeroskillsCertificateMEA20418IIin(AeroskillsMechanicalPre-Apprenticeship)AB67 CertificateMEA40718IV in AeroskillsBDW1(Mechanical) PATHWAYSAIRCRAFTMAINTENANCEJOBOPTIONS MaintenanceApprentice JOB OPTIONS Aircraft Engineer JOB OPTIONS AircraftEngineerMaintenance SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIV CertificateMEA40618IV in AeroskillsBDW5(Avionics)OR ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)II Certificate II OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AEROSPACE, MARITIME AND LOGISTICS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 Please visit the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website for details regarding required sea service and additional requirements. JOB OPTIONS Master Unlimited CertificateMAR40320IV in Maritime metres(MasterOperationsupto35NearCoastal)BFW39weeks ofAdvancedMAR60220DiplomaMaritimeOperations(MasterUnlimited)BFW940weeks SUPERVISORYENTRY Advanced DiplomaCertificate II SKILLED Certificate IV PATHWAYSMARITIMEOPERATIONS–MASTERAND DECK JOB OPTIONS Master of a Commercial Marine Vessel up to 35m JOB OPTIONS MaritimeCertificateMAR20318CoxswainIIinOperations(CoxswainGrade1NearCoastal)BDU09weeks DiplomaMAR50320ofMaritimeOperations(Master less than 500 GT) 35AC53weeks JOB OPTIONS Master, Chief Mate, Watchkeeper Deck on Ships up to 500 GT metresMaritimeCertificateMAR30918IIIinOperations(Masterupto24NearCoastal)BDU49weeks Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Vessel Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal MaritimeCertificateMAR30220IIIinOperations(IntegratedRating)BFW110weeks JOB OPTIONS Integrated TraineeshipRatingalsooffered JOB OPTIONS (WatchkeeperMaritimeWatchkeeperDeckOfficerMAR50320DiplomaofOperationsDeck)*AC5230weeks Diploma Certificate andApprenticeshipsIIITraineeships OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AEROSPACE, MARITIME AND LOGISTICS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 Please visit the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) website for details regarding required sea service and additional requirements. JOB OPTIONS Chief Engineer CertificateMAR40220IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal) 9BFV6weeks AdvancedMAR60120Diploma of Marine Engineering (Class 1) (Engineer Class 1 40AC38(Motor))weeks SUPERVISORYENTRY Advanced DiplomaCertificate II SKILLED Certificate IVPATHWAYSMARITIMEOPERATIONS–ENGINEERINGJOB OPTIONS Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 Near Coastal JOB OPTIONS MaritimeCertificateMAR20318CoxswainIIinOperations(CoxswainGrade1NearCoastal)BDU09weeks (EngineerDiplomaMAR50120ofMarineEngineeringWatchkeeperSpecialist)AC6230weeks JOB OPTIONS Marine Engineer Grade(MarineMaritimeCertificateMAR30818IIIinOperationsEngineDriver2NearCoastal)BDV06weeks Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Chief Engineer CertificateAUR30516III in MarineTechnology*MechanicalBAC810weeks JOB OPTIONS MarineRepairerMotor JOB OPTIONS Marine EngineeringDiplomaMAR50120EngineerofMarine(EngineerClass3NearCoastal)AC3120weeks Diploma Certificate andApprenticeshipsIIITraineeships OR * This course will transition to a new national package in 2022

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AEROSPACE, MARITIME AND LOGISTICS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Logistics manager JOB OPTIONS Warehousingsupervisor JOB OPTIONS CertificateWarehousingassistantTLI30319IIIinSupplyChainOperationsBFD1 CertificateTLI40319IV in LogisticsBFD3 ENTRY SUPERVISORY Diploma TLI50221 ofDiplomaLogistics BHI8 SKILLED Certificate III (or traineeship) Certificate IV (or traineeship) PATHWAYSLOGISTICS Certificate(VETDSS)II CertificateTLI20119II in Logistics BFD6 JOB OPTIONS Warehouse operator, Store person ENTRY SKILLED JOB OPTIONS Fish farm Aquariumattendant,retailassistant JOB OPTIONS HatcheryAquaculturetechnician,technician,Fishfarmtechnician CertificateSFI20119II AquacultureinBEI8 CertificateSFI30119IIIAquacultureinBE15 Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate III PATHWAYSAQUACULTURE JOB OPTIONS Aquaculture hatchery or nursery technician, FarmAquacultureDiplomaSFI50119managerofBEJ2 SUPERVISORY Diploma CertificateSFI20119II AquacultureinBEI8 Certificate II OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AEROSPACE, MARITIME AND LOGISTICS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Outdoor adventure guide, Fishing guide, Outdoor adventure instructor, Trekking guide CertificateSIS30619III in OutdoorBEU9Leadership CertificateSIS30619III in OutdoorBEU9Leadership SKILLED Certificate III Certificate TraineeshipIII PATHWAYSOUTDOORRECREATIONNOTE: COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE CAN GIVE YOU OPTIONS FOR A TOURISM PATHWAY OR PATHWAYSENTRYFISHINGJOBOPTIONS FishingcommercialDeckhandfishingSFI20219CertificateIIinOperationsBEI4 Certificate II

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol AGRICULTURE, ANIMALS, SCIENCE & THE ENVIRONMENT PATHWAYSPATHWAYSARBORICULTUREENTRY Certificate III CertificateAHC30820III (ClimbingArboricultureinArborist)AC64 Certificate TraineeshipIII CertificateAHC30820III (ClimbingArboricultureinArborist)AC64OR JOB OPTIONS Arborist/Climbingarborist PATHWAYSANIMAL JOB OPTIONS Council ranger, cattery or kennel assistant SKILLEDENTRY Certificate TraineeshipIVCertificate II (VETDSS) Certificate III Certificate IVCertificate II AnimalAnimalCertificateACM30121IIIinCareServices(PetGrooming)AD13ACM30121CertificateIIIinCareServicesBGQ8 CertificateACM40418IV in VeterinaryNursingBED9 CertificateACM40418IV in VeterinaryNursingBED9CertificateACM20121IIinAnimalCareBGQ7 CertificateACM20121IIinAnimalCareBGQ7OR JOB OPTIONS AnimalKennelattendant,shelterhand Certificate TraineeshipII CertificateACM20121IIinAnimalCareBGQ7OR JOB OPTIONS Veterinary nurse assistant JOB OPTIONS AnimalKennel/catterystylist,groomer/attendant,Petexerciser,Animalcarereceptionist OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AGRICULTURE, ANIMALS, SCIENCE & THE ENVIRONMENT PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSCONSERVATIONSKILLEDENTRY Certificate TraineeshipIII Certificate TraineeshipIV Certificate IV CertificateAHC31420III andConservationinEcosystemManagementBGG8 CertificateAHC40920IV andConservationinEcosystemManagementBGH6 CertificateAHC40920IV andConservationinEcosystemManagementBGH6 JOB OPTIONS Conservation workerlands, parks and wildlife, NationalrehabilitationLandworker,parksworker,Revegetationworker JOB OPTIONS National park and landcare leading hand, Seniorworker,conservation Weedleadingmanagementhand JOB OPTIONS Conservation worker - land parksmanagement,andwildlife Certificate IIICertificate II CertificateAHC31420III andConservationinEcosystemManagementBGG8andCertificateAHC21020IIinConservationEcosystemManagementBGH1 OR OR PATHWAYSHORTICULTURE SUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLEDENTRY Certificate IIICertificate II Certificate IV CertificateAHC30716IIIHorticultureinBDF1 CertificateAHC40416IV in HorticultureBCW2 52881WA Certificate IV in Landscape Design BGR14OperateCertificateAHC20416IIinHorticultureBDE6andMaintainChainsawsSkillSetGAA23 HorticultureAHC50416DiplomaofBDD0 JOB OPTIONS horticulturalistSenior JOB OPTIONS Horticultural leading hand JOB OPTIONS Landscape assistant JOB OPTIONS Horticultureassistant JOB OPTIONS Chainsaw operator CertificateAHC30716IIIHorticultureinBDF1 JOB OPTIONS Nursery Horticultureworker,worker Certificate TraineeshipIII OR Skill Set

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AGRICULTURE, ANIMALS, SCIENCE & THE ENVIRONMENT PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSPARKSANDGARDENSSUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII Certificate IV CertificateAHC31016III in Parks and BCY8Gardens JOB OPTIONS Parks and tradespersongardens CertificateAHC40416IV in HorticultureBCW2 HorticultureAHC50416DiplomaofBDD0 JOB OPTIONS parksSupervisor/seniorandgardensworker JOB OPTIONS Horticultural leading hand PATHWAYSLANDSCAPING SUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLED Certificate III Certificate IV inCertificateAHC30916IIILandscapeConstructionBDB7 52881WA Certificate IV in Landscape Design BGR14 CertificateAHC40416IV in HorticultureBCW2 HorticultureAHC50416DiplomaofBDD0 JOB OPTIONS gardener,LandscapeLandscapingtradesperson JOB OPTIONS Landscapeassistantdesign JOB OPTIONS horticulturalistSenior JOB OPTIONS Horticultural leading hand, Senior gardener Certificate ApprenticeshipIII inCertificateAHC30916IIILandscapeConstructionBDB7OR PATHWAYSSPORTSTURFSKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII CertificateAHC31319III in Sports ManagementTurfBEY6 Certificate III (working in industry) CertificateAHC31319III in Sports ManagementTurfBEY6 JOB OPTIONS Greenkeeper, Sports turf tradespersonOR SUPERVISORY DiplomaCertificate IV CertificateAHC40416IV in HorticultureBCW2 HorticultureAHC50416DiplomaofBDD0 JOB OPTIONS horticulturalistSenior JOB OPTIONS Horticultural leading hand

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AGRICULTURE, ANIMALS, SCIENCE & THE ENVIRONMENT PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Ability to apply for provisional pest spraying ticket through Department of Health JOB OPTIONS Urban pest controller, Urban managementpestteamleader ENTRY SKILLED Manage Pests by ApplyingSkillPesticidesSetGAC49 Skill Set PATHWAYSPESTMANAGEMENT CertificateCPP30119IIIinUrbanPestManagementBEX4 Certificate III (employed in industry) JOB OPTIONS Laboratory supervisor/ Senior technician CertificateMSL40118IV in LaboratoryBDV3Techniques DiplomaMSL50118ofLaboratoryTechnologyBDV4 SUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLED Certificate IV PATHWAYSLABORATORYOPERATIONS JOB OPTIONS Laboratorytechnician Certificate IIICertificate TraineeshipIIICertificate III (VETDSS) CertificateMSL30118III in Laboratory Skills BDV6 CertificateMSL30118III in Laboratory Skills BDV6 CertificateMSL30118III in Laboratory Skills BDV6 OROR JOB OPTIONS Laboratoryassistant

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT0 13 / MAR2022 course search apply and enrol AUTOMOTIVE PATHWAYS (VehicleRepairAutomotiveCertificateAUR20920IIinBodyTechnologyBodyPaintingPre-Apprenticeship)AC36 (VehicleRepairAutomotiveCertificateAUR20920IIinBodyTechnologyBodyPaintingPre-Apprenticeship)AC36 CertificateMSM30216IIIinSurfacePreparationandCoatingApplicationBAN7MEM30305CertificateIIIinEngineeringFabricationTrade(SurfaceFinishing)WA86 PATHWAYSAUTOMOTIVEBODYREPAIRJOBOPTIONS Vehicle detailer, Bodyassistantrepair JOB OPTIONS Autobodytechnicianpaint JOB OPTIONS Structural steel end welding trades worker SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII AUR32420 Certificate III in AutomotiveTechnologyRefinishing BGA9 OR ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II CertificateAUR32120III in Automotive Body RepairBFY1TechnologyOROR (VehicleRepairAutomotiveCertificateAUR20920IIinBodyTechnologyPanelBeatingPre-Apprenticeship)AC37 (PanelRepairAutomotiveCertificateAUR20920IIinBodyTechnologyBeatingPre-Apprenticeship)AC37 JOB OPTIONS Vehicle detailer, PanelORbeaterPATHWAYSVEHICLESERVICINGJOBOPTIONS Vehicleassistantservice JOB OPTIONS Motorcycle mechanic JOB OPTIONS Outdoor power equipment mechanic AutomotiveCertificateAUR20520IIinServicingTechnology(LightVehicleServicingPre-Apprenticeship)AC33 CertificateAUR30716IIIinOutdoorPowerEquipmentTechnologyBAD5AUR30816CertificateIIIinMotorcycleMechanicalTechnologyBAG9OR ENTRY SKILLED Certificate Apprenticeship/IIITraineeshipCertificate II CertificateAUR30620III in Light MechanicalVehicleTechnologyBGA5 JOB OPTIONS Motor Automotivemechanic,technicianOR AutomotiveCertificateAUR20220IIinAirConditioningTechnologyBGA7 JOB OPTIONS airAutomotiveconditoningrepairer

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I AUTOMOTIVE PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT0 13 / MAR2022 PATHWAYSAUTOMOTIVEMANUFACTURINGJOBOPTIONS Vehicle and trailer bodyassistantbuilding JOB OPTIONS Auto manufacturingtechnician,manufacturingAutowithautobody,trailermanufacturingtechnician &ProductionManufacturinginCertificateAUM20218IIAutomotiveBus,TruckTrailer(VehicleBodyBuilding)Pre-ApprenticeshipAB70 Bus,TechnicalManufacturinginCertificateAUM30218IIIAutomotiveOperationsTruckandTrailerBEE4 ENTRY Certificate II PATHWAYSAUTOELECTRICALJOBOPTIONS Vehicleassistantservice JOB OPTIONS Auto electrician AutomotiveCertificateAUR20416IIinElectricalTechnologyBAC5 AutomotiveCertificateAUR20416IIinElectricalTechnologyBAC5 SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII AUR30320 Certificate III in AutomotiveTechnologyElectrical BFZ9 ENTRY Certificate II Certificate TraineeshipIICertificate II (VETDSS) JOB OPTIONS electricalAutomotivecomponentinstaller JOB OPTIONS electricalAutomotivecomponentinstaller OR ORAutomotiveCertificateAUR20716IIinVocationalPreparation(LightAutomotive,HeavyAutomotive&AutoElectrical)(Rotational)BAF0 (AutomotiveAutomotiveCertificateAUR20420IIinElectricalTechnologyElectricalPre-Apprenticeship)AC29 JOB OPTIONS electricalAutomotivecomponentinstaller JOB OPTIONS Mobiletechnicianplant JOB OPTIONS Mobilemechanicplant JOB OPTIONS Advancedtechnicianmechanical CertificateAUR31216III in Mobile (PlantMechanicalCertificateTechnologyPlantBAD7MEM30205IIIinEngineering-TradeMechanicZG/Z)WT90 (Maintenance)inCertificateMEM40105IVEngineeringWT47 PATHWAYSHEAVYAUTOMOTIVEPLANTENTRYSKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIIICertificate II Certificate (post-trade)IV JOB OPTIONS Heavy vehiclecommercialmechanic JOB OPTIONS MechanicalmechanicalAgriculturaltechnicianAUR31116CertificateIIIinHeavyCommercialVehicleTechnologyBAF2AUR30416CertificateIIIinAgriculturalMechanicalTechnologyBAG3 JOB OPTIONS Vehicle VehicleAutomotiveCertificateAUR20520assistantserviceIIinServicingTechnology(HeavyServicing)Pre-ApprenticeshipAC34 Certificate ApprenticeshipIII AutomotiveCertificateAUR20220IIinAirConditioningTechnologyBGA7 JOB OPTIONS airAutomotiveconditoningrepairer

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol BUILDING & PATHWAYSCONSTRUCTIONPATHWAYSPAINTING&DECORATING Certificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(PaintingandDecoratingPre-Apprenticeship)AC42 ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II JOB OPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipan Certificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(PaintingandDecoratingPre-Apprenticeship)AC42 JOB OPTIONS Painter and CertificateCPC30611decoratorIIIinPaintingandDecoratingD395 SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SUPERVISORY Post QualificationsTrade OR RegistrationPainters-BusinessandEstimatingSkillSetGAA58 PATHWAYSCIVILCONSTRUCTION ConstructionDiplomaRII50520ofCivilDesignBGK7CertificateRII20720IIinConstructionCivilAZF8 JOB OPTIONS Civil Civilsupervisor,constructionconstructionteamleader JOB OPTIONS Construction worker, Mobile plant operator JOB OPTIONS Mobile plant operator, Trenchless technology worker, constructionSkilledworker,Road/bridgeconstructionworker SKILLED CertificateRII30920IIIin Civil Construction (Civil ConstructionAD00General) SUPERVISORYENTRY Certificate ApprenticeshipIII ofAdvancedRII60520DiplomaCivilConstructionDesignBGK5 Advanced DiplomaDiploma JOB OPTIONS Civil Civilsupervisor,constructionconstructionteamleader Work Safety in Construction Skill Set InfrastructureAE386 Ready SkillAE388Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill set Certificate(VETDSS)II CertificateRII30820IIIin Civil Construction CertificateOperationsPlantBGL4RII30920IIIinCivilConstruction(PipeLaying)AC99OROR CertificateRII40720IV in Civil(Supervision)ConstructionAD19 JOB OPTIONS Civil engineeringdraftsperson,engineeringCiviltechnician Certificate IV CertificateRII31619III in TrenchlessBFA4TechnologyOR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 PATHWAYSMORTARTRADES JOB OPTIONS Plasterer JOB OPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipanCertificateCertificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(BrickandBlocklayingfocus)AC4052825WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Para-Professional)BCY50 ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II DiplomaCPC50210ofBuildingandConstruction(Building)W741 JOB OPTIONS Construction site manager, or (with additionalregisteredexperience)buildingpractitioner Certificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(BrickandBlocklayingPre-Apprenticeship)AC40 JOB OPTIONS Could lead to Certificateapprenticeshipan52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(WallandFloorTilingPre-Apprenticeship)AC45 JOB OPTIONS foremanSelf-employedBlocklayer,Bricklayer,subcontractor,orsupervisorpositionCPC33020CertificateIIIinBricklayingandBlocklayingBGD8 JOB OPTIONS Ceiling WallCertificateCPC31220fixerIIIinandCeilingLiningBGD5 JOB OPTIONS Tiler, Wall and floor CertificateCPC31320tilerIII in Wall and SolidCertificateCPC31020BGE1TilingFloorIIIinPlasteringBGD3 SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SUPERVISORY Diploma OR Work Safety in Construction Skill Set InfrastructureAE386 Ready SkillAE388Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill set JOB OPTIONS estimators,consultants,Draftspersons,pre-startcontractadministrators,schedulers,purchasing/procurement,orrelatedoff-siteconstructionsupportroles

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 PATHWAYSFURNITUREENTRY Certificate II DiplomaCPC50210ofBuildingandConstruction(Building)W741 JOB OPTIONS Construction site manager, or experience)additional(withregisteredbuildingpractitioner JOB OPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipanMSF20313CertificateIIinFurnitureMaking(CabinetMaking/FurnitureMakingPre-Apprenticeship)AA45 JOB OPTIONS CabinetCertificateCabinetmakerMSF31113IIIinMakingJ739 SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SUPERVISORY DiplomaCertificate II (VETDSS) Pre-Apprenticeship)(CabinetFurnitureCertificateMSF20313IIinMakingMaking/FurnitureMakingAA45 OR PATHWAYSCARPENTRY&JOINERYJOBOPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipan JOB OPTIONS Joiner, construction,formwork,(roofing,carpenterfixing,stairwindowsanddoorframer) Certificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(CarpentryPre-Apprenticeship)AC41Certificate52824WAIIinBuildingandConstruction(Pathway-Trades)(CarpentryPre-Apprenticeship)AC41 CertificateCPC3220III in CarpentryBGB8 ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II DiplomaCPC50210ofBuildingandConstruction(Building)W741 JOB OPTIONS Construction site manager, or (with additionalregisteredexperience)buildingpractitioner SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SUPERVISORY Diploma OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 JOB OPTIONS Plumbing contractor PATHWAYSWORK,HEALTHANDSAFETY CertificateBSB41419IV in Work Health andBER2Safety CertificateBSB30719III in Work Health andBEQ5Safety JOB OPTIONS Health and safety officer, WHS coordinator JOB OPTIONS Safety environmentoccupationalinspector,&healthprofessional WorkBSB51319DiplomaofHealthandSafetyBEQ9 JOB OPTIONS officer,ComplianceWHSmanager SUPERVISORYENTRY Certificate IVCertificate III Diploma JOB OPTIONS CertificateMEM30819LocksmithIIIinLocksmithingBEL3JOB OPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipan ENTRY Certificate II SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII Pre-apprenticeship)(HeavyCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFabricationAA50 PATHWAYSLOCKSMITHING EngineeringCertificateMEM20413IIinPathwaysJ780 JOB OPTIONS Could lead to apprenticeshipan Certificate II (VETDSS) Pre-apprenticeship)(HeavyCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFabricationAA50 OR PATHWAYSPLUMBINGANDGAS Certificate52887WAII in Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship)(PlumbingAC56 ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II JOB OPTIONS apprenticeshipPlumbing Certificate52887WAII in Plumbing Pre-Apprenticeship)(PlumbingAC56 CertificateCPC32420III in PlumbingBGC2 SKILLED SUPERVISORY Certificate ApprenticeshipIII Specialist skill sets JOB OPTIONS Plumber, Gas fitter, Roof CertificateCPC32620plumber,IIIinRoofPlumbingBGD0 OR CertificateCPC32713III in GasJ789Fitting Plumbing Contracting Licensing PlumbingSkill(Specialist)SetGAA41ContractingLicensing(Business)SkillSetGAA40 Skill Set Skill Set JOB OPTIONS Drainer, Septic TankCertificateCPC20720InstallerIIinDrainageBGB4 GasLegislationStandardsS0047P Short course GasS0048PSafety Short course Basic FlueingCombustion,andExhaustPrinciplesS0049P Short course JOB OPTIONS Gas Fitting Permit to Work SupervisionUnderANDAND AND Compliancecoursesshort

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 PATHWAYSELECTRICALJOBOPTIONS Cabling assistant ENTRY Certificate II (VETDSS) Certificate II TechnologyAdvancedUEE62111DiplomaofEngineering-ElectricalA175 JOB OPTIONS Electrical EngineeringTechnicaltechnician,officer,Technician,associate JOB OPTIONS Licensed ElectrotechnologyCertificateUEE30820electricianIIIinElectricianBFN0 SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SPECIALIST Advanced Diploma Electrical Contractors Licence In-houseNomineesContractorsElectricalandLicence BusinessContractorsElectricalLicence(ElectrotechnologyElectrotechnologyCertificateUEE22020IIin(CareerStart)Pre-Apprenticeship)AC54 JOB OPTIONS Electrical ElectricalCertificateUEE33020fitterIIIinFittingBFO5 OR(CareerElectrotechnologyCertificateUEE22011IIinStart)Pre-ApprenticeshipAA41 Grid Connect Design and Install Clean Energy Council Skill ElectricalGAA36SetContractorNomineesWAE200S0330P Establishing a contracting GeneralS0058PBusinessLegislativeRequirementsS0059P JOB OPTIONS Clean Energy Council accredited installer or designer (solar panel installer or designer) JOB OPTIONS Lisensed ElectricalPVDesignContractorANDGridConnectedSystemwithBatteryStorageskillsetGAB46 JOB OPTIONS Clean Energy Council accredited battery storage system designer and installer Skill set Skill set

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol BUSINESS ANDPATHWAYSFINANCE JOB OPTIONS Office clerk, Office assistant, Accounts clerk, receptionistMedical JOB OPTIONS Office administrator, Project officer, Executive assistant, Small business manager SKILLED Certificate IVCertificate III Certificate TraineeshipIII SUPERVISORY Diploma CertificateBSB30120III in BusinessBFS5 CertificateBSB40120IV in BusinessBFR1 BSB50120DiplomaofBusinessBFT3 Entrepreneurship(Administration)CertificateBSB40120IVinBusinessAC49BSB40320CertificateIVinandNewBusinessBFR6(Administration)CertificateBSB30120IIIinBusinessAC46 CertificateBSB30120III in BusinessBFS5 CertificateBSB30120III in BusinessAdministration)(MedicalAC47OR OR OR PATHWAYSBUSINESS Certificate TraineeshipIV CertificateBSB40120IV in CertificateBSB40120BusinessBFR1IV in (Administration)BusinessAC49OR OR OROR NOTE: Completion of Skill Set AE378 can enter any Certificate III qualification. Completion of any Certificate III or AE617 can enter any Certificate IV qualification. (Administration)CertificateBSB30120IIIinBusinessAC46OR OR OR JOB OPTIONS Office ProgramProgramExecutivesupervisor,officers,coordinator,consultants,Supervisory/ManagementrolesacrossawidevarietyofindustriesBSB50420DiplomaofLeadershipandManagementBFR7OR ENTRY Skill Set Business Ready Skill BusinessOperateAE378SetaSmallSkillSetAE617

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUSINESS AND FINANCE PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Office clerk, Office Accountsassistant,clerk,Medicalreceptionist JOB OPTIONS Payroll officer, Humanassistantresources JOB OPTIONS managerProject JOB OPTIONS Officeadministrator,Businessadministrator JOB OPTIONS resourcesHumanmanager ENTRY SKILLED Business(Administration)CertificateCertificateBSB30120IIIinBusinessBFS5BS30120IIIinBusinessAC46BSB30120CertificateIIIin(MedicalAdministration)AC47 Certificate III ProjectHumanBSB50320DiplomaofResourceManagementBFR8BSB50820DiplomaofManagementBFT0 SUPERVISORY CertificateBSB40420IV in HumanCertificateManagementResourceBFS2BSB40120IVinBusiness(Administration)AC49 Certificate IVCertificate TraineeshipIII Diploma OROR PATHWAYSMANAGEMENT CertificateBSB30120IIIinBusinessBFS5OR Skill Set Business Ready Skill BusinessOperateAE378SetaSmallSkillSetAE617 (Administration)CertificateBS30120IIIinBusinessAC46OROR NOTE: Completion of Skill Set AE378 can enter any Certificate III qualification. Completion of any Certificate III or AE617 can enter any Certificate IV qualification. JOB OPTIONS Business manager, Sales team DiplomaBSB50420managerofLeadershipandManagementBFR7 CertificateBSB40420IV in HumanCertificateManagementResourceBFS2BSB40120IVinBusiness(Administration)AC49OROR Certificate TraineeshipIV

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I BUSINESS AND FINANCE PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS AccountsOfficeAccountsassistantclerk,assistant,Payrolljunior JOB OPTIONS AccountsAccountsadministration,Accountsclerk,Accountspayableofficer,receivableofficer,Bookkeeper,Debtorsclerk,Payrollofficer JOB OPTIONS Accounts payable team leader, Accounts receivable team Collectionsleader,supervisor,Payrollteamleader/Manager JOB OPTIONS Accounts Businessmanager,analyst,Officemanager,Payrollmanager CertificateFNS30317III in AdministrationAccountsBDQ0 CertificateFNS40217IV in AccountingBookkeepingandBDQ3 CertificateFNS40217IV in AccountingBookkeepingandBDQ3 AccountingFNS50217DiplomaofBDP8 AdvancedFNS60217DiplomaofAccountingBDQ1 SUPERVISORY CertificateFNS30317III in AdministrationAccountsBDQ0 Diploma Advanced Diploma PATHWAYSFINANCIALSERVICESSKILLED Certificate IVCertificate III Certificate TraineeshipIII Certificate TraineeshipIV OR OR

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol CREATIVE INDUSTRIESPATHWAYS JOB OPTIONS therapist,BeautyCrusie shipCertificateSHB40115therapistIV in BeautyAWO5Therapy JOB OPTIONS Beauty therapist, Salon manager, Salon owner and Cruise ship therapist JOB OPTIONS Retailassistantcosmetic JOB OPTIONS Cosmetic tattooist JOB OPTIONS Freelanceartistmakeup JOB OPTIONS Nail technician DiplomaSHB50115ofBeautyTherapyAWO6 ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)IISkill Set/ Short course SUPERVISORY Diploma PATHWAYSBEAUTY SKILLED Certificate IV (or traineeship)Certificate III JOB OPTIONSCertificateSHB30115BeauticianIII in BeautyAWO7ServicesRetailCertificateSHB20116IIinCosmeticsBAA3 Cosmetic Tatooing Skill GAB38Set Makeup (Makeup Artistry) Skill Set GAC24 NailSkillTechnologySetGAB52 JOB OPTIONS Eyelash technician EyelashS0280PExtensions Skill Set/ Short course JOB OPTIONS Eyelash specialist VolumeExtensionsEyelashS0312P JOB OPTIONS Skin therapist, WorkshopSkintherapistBeautyNeedling(CollagenInductionTherapy)S0153P JOB OPTIONS Advanced TattooingAdvancedtattooistcosmeticCosmeticTechniquesS0124P Skill Set/ Short course

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I CREATIVE INDUSTRIES PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSFASHIONDESIGNANDMERCHANDISING(FASHIONBUSINESS)JOBOPTIONS Assistant CertificateJuniortechnician,fashionworkroomassistantMST20616IIinAppliedFashionDesignandTechnologyBDH5 ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)II JOB OPTIONS E-commerce and Social merchandiser,manager,mediaVisualFashionstylist,Productdeveloper,BuyerMST50119-AB80DiplomaofAppliedFashionandDesignandMerchandising(FashionBusiness)AB80 SUPERVISORY Supevisory JOB OPTIONS FashionAssistantCADPatternmaker,operator,productionmanager,FashiondesignerMST50119DiplomaofAppliedDesignandMerchandisingBEP9 JOB OPTIONS Small Fashionproprietor,businessdesigner,Productionmanager JOB OPTIONS FashionDesignpatternmaker,Assistantassistant,technician JOB OPTIONS Assistant Juniortechnician,fashionworkroomassistant AdvancedMST60119DiplomaofAppliedFashionDesignandMerchandisingBEP4CertificateMST40519IVinAppliedFashionDesignandMerchandisingBEP8 ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)II SUPERVISORYSKILLED Supervisory Advanced DiplomaCertificate IV PATHWAYSFASHIONDESIGNANDMERCHANDISING(DESIGNANDPRODUCTDEVELOPMENT) CertificateMST20616IIinAppliedFashionDesignandTechnologyBDH5

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 JOB OPTIONS Qualified hairdresser JOB OPTIONSCertificateSHB30416BarberIII CertificateHairdressinginBAA1SHB30516IIIinBarberingAZZ5PATHWAYSHAIRDRESSINGJOBOPTIONS Entry hairdressinglevelsalonassistantSHB20216CertificateIIinSalonAssistantBAA3 SalonCertificateSHB20216IIinAssistantBAA3 ENTRY SKILLED Certificate TraineeshipII Certificate II Certificate ApprenticeshipIIICertificate(VETDSS)II SalonCertificateSHB20216IIinAssistantBAA3 OR OR SKILLED Certificate TraineeshipIII Certificate III PATHWAYSFLORISTRY Certificate III Skill Sets JOB OPTIONSCertificateSFL30115FloristIII in FloristryAWP2 CertificateSFL30115III in FloristryAWP2 Floristry Construction 1 Skill FloristryGAC82SetConstruction 2 Skill GAC83Set OROR AND Floristry Construction 3 Skill AdvancedGAC84SetANDFloristryDesignSkillSetGAB66AND

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol Defence in Western Australia also includes supportive industires such as logistics and warehousing, maritime, information technology and engineering. See those pathways guides to explore courses with strong employment growth. (MechanicalMechanicalMechanicalCertificateMEM30205IIIinEngineering-Trade(FitterandMachinistZB)WT83MEM30205CertificateIIIinEngineering-TradeFitterZA)WT86 JOB OPTIONS Fitter and machinist JOB OPTIONS Mechanical fitterANYNOTE: IICERTIFICATE ANYENTERCAN IIICERTIFICATE QUALIFICATION ENTRY Certificate II PATHWAYSMECHANICALANDFITTING and(MechanicalCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFitterMachinistPre-Apprenticeship)AA49 JOB OPTIONS Fitting/machiningapprenticeship FluidSkillPowerSetAE371 JOB OPTIONS Higher Tradesperson,EngineeringSpecialClassEngineeringTradesperson(Mechanical) SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII SpecialistSkillSetCertificate(VETDSS)II EngineeringCertificateMEM20413IIinPathwaysJ780 (FirstMechanicalinCertificateMEM30205IIIEngineeringTradeClassMachinist)AB54MEM30205CertificateIIIinEngineeringMechanicalTrade(MarineFitter)AB63 JOB OPTIONS Entry level into fabrication trades JOB OPTIONS First class machinist JOB OPTIONS Marine fitter and(MechanicalCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFitterMachinistPre-Apprenticeship)AA49 OROR DEFENCE, MECHANICAL AND FABRICATION PATHWAYS CNCSkillOperationsSetAE374 JOB OPTIONS CNC Machinist Skill Set

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I DEFENCE, MECHANICAL AND FABRICATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 Welding ArcGasCodedSkillSupervisorSetAE372WeldingTungstenArcSkillSetAE369CodedWeldingFluxCoredArcSkillSetAE368CodedWeldingManualMetalWelding(Pipe)SkillSetAE370 JOB OPTIONS Fabrication supervisor, Welding supervisor -ENGINEERINGINIVCERTIFICATEAWARDEDBEWILLYOUNOTE: SETSSKILLTHESEALLCOMPLETINGBYWT42WELDING Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set PATHWAYSFABRICATIONJOBOPTIONS Heavy (Heavy/WeldingFabricationinCertificateBoilermakerfabricator,MEM30305IIIEngineeringTrade(HeavyYG)WT76MEM30305CertificateIIIinEngineering-FabricationTrade(Marine)AB53MEM30305CertificateIIIinEngineering-FabricationTradeYH)WT77MEM30305CertificateIIIinEngineering-FabricationTrade(LightYC)WT78 JOB OPTIONS Marine Aluminiumfabricator,fabricator JOB OPTIONS Heavy Boilermaker,Heavyfabricator,welder,Welder JOB OPTIONS Light metal fabricator, Sheet metal worker JOB OPTIONS Heavy fabricationapprenticeship,fabricationlightapprenticeship ENTRY Certificate II SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII Certificate IV (HeavyCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFabricationApprenticeship)Pre-AA50 Certificate(VETDSS)II EngineeringPre-Apprenticeship)(HeavyCertificateMEM20105IIinEngineeringFabricationAA50MEM20413CertificateIIinPathways(Machinery&FabricationFocus)J780 JOB OPTIONS Entry level into fabrication trades OR ENTERCANIICERTIFICATEANYNOTE: QUALIFICATIONIIICERTIFICATEANY CertificateMEM40105IVinEngineering(Welding)WT42 JOB OPTIONS Fabrication supervisor, Welding supervisor ANYNOTE: IIICERTIFICATE SKILLEDENTERCAN IVCERTIFICATE QUALIFICATION ANDANDORAND

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I DEFENCE, MECHANICAL AND FABRICATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us.. SMT013/MAR2022 CertificateMEM30705IIIinMarineCraftConstructionW242 JOB OPTIONS Marine craft constructionshipwright,fibreglassTimbershipwright ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)II SKILLED Certificate ApprenticeshipIII EngineeringCertificateMEM20413IIinPathwaysJ780 JOB OPTIONS Entry level into fabrication trades PATHWAYSMARINECRAFTANDCOMPOSITESSUPERVISORY Diploma DiplomaMEM50105ofEngineering-AdvancedTradeW247 JOB OPTIONS Engineeringmanagement,Maintenance,EngineeringorProductiondesign,Boatdesign CertificateMEM31112IIIin EngineeringComposites Trade W992 JOB OPTIONS Marine craft constructionshipwright,fibreglassTimbershipwright

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol EDUCATION AND SERVICESCOMMUNITYPATHWAYSJOBOPTIONS Aboriginal and islandereducationSpecialofficer,educationneedsofficer CertificateCHC30221IIIinSchoolBasedEducationSupportBG75 CertificateCHC40221IVinSchoolBasedEducationSupportBG74 SKILLED Certificate III Certificate IV PATHWAYSEDUCATIONSUPPORTJOBOPTIONS Education CertificateCHC30221islanderAboriginalassistant,andeducationofficerIIIinSchoolBasedEducationSupportBG75 Certificate(VETDSS)III OR JOB OPTIONS Childcare educator, Outside school coordinatorhours JOB OPTIONS Child carer, Child care worker, Family day care worker, Nanny ChildhoodDiplomaCHC50121ofEarlyEducationandCareBGY6CommunityCertificateCHC22015IIinServices(EarlyChildhoodFocus)AWJ7 ChildhoodCertificateCHC30121IIIinEarlyEducationandCareBGY3 ENTRY Certificate(VETDSS)II SUPERVISORYSKILLED DiplomaCertificate III PATHWAYSCHILDREN’SSERVICES ChildhoodCertificateCHC30121IIIinEarlyEducationandCareBGY3 Certificate(VETDSS)III OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Outreach officer, Welfare support worker, Case CommunityCertificateCHC42015workerIVinServicesAWL8 JOB OPTIONS CasecoordinatorProgrammanager, JOB OPTIONS Care Supportassistant,worker JOB OPTIONS assistantCare JOB OPTIONS counsellorFinancial JOB OPTIONS Support Communityworker,worker DiplomaCHC52015ofCommunityServicesAWM0CommunityCertificateCHC22015IIinServicesAWJ7Work CommunityinCareSkillSetAE618 DiplomaCHC51115ofFinancialCounsellingAYZ5 CertificateCHC32015III in CommunityAWJ2Services SUPERVISORYENTRY SKILLED Certificate IV DiplomaCertificate(VETDSS)IISkill Set PATHWAYSCOMMUNITYSERVICES Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Youth worker, Case worker, CertificateCHC40413workerSupportIVinYouthWorkJ592 JOB OPTIONS Support worker, Case worker, Mental health CertificateCHC43315workerIVinMentalHealthAWK8 JOB OPTIONS Youth worker, Youth support worker, or CaseYouthCHC50413workerDiplomaofWorkJ597 CertificateCHC32015III in CommunityAWJ2Services Certificate TraineeshipIII OR JOB OPTIONS Mental health worker Integrating Mental Health Practice Skill AE439Set

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Trainer and assessor, Lecturer SKILLED CertificateTAE40116IV in Training AssessmentandBAB2 Certificate IV (working in industry) PATHWAYSTRAININGANDASSESSMENT SKILLED PATHWAYSSUPERVISORYAGEDCAREANDDISABILITY Certificate III Certificate IV JOB OPTIONS Personal care giver, Respite care worker, Disability IndividualCertificateCHC33015workerservicesIIIinSupport(Disability)AA67 JOB OPTIONS DisabilitySupportCo-ordinator,worker,Familycarer,workerCHC43115CertificateIVinDisabilityAWJ3 JOB OPTIONS RespitePersonalCo-ordinator,caregiver,careworkerCHC43015CertificateIVinAgeingSupportAWM9 JOB OPTIONS Personal care giver, Respite care worker, Aged CertificateCHC33015careIII in Individual(Ageing)SupportAA66 JOB OPTIONS Personal care giver, Respite care worker, Aged care worker, Support Worker in a Home and (Ageing,IndividualCHC33015settingCommunitySupportHomeandCommunity)AB71 ENTRY Skill Set Work in Community Care Skill AE618Set JOB OPTIONS Care assistant

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS InstrumentationCertificateUEE40411IVinElectrical-A135 SKILLED SUPERVISORY Advanced Diploma PATHWAYSPROCESSOPERATIONS(OIL&GAS)–ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION DiplomaCertificate IIICertiticate ApprenticeshipIII JOB OPTIONS Process advancedcoordinator/leader/plantmanagerand/orstandingforuniversityengineeringdegreePMA60116AdvancedDiplomaofProcessPlantTechnologyBAM9JOB OPTIONS Process advancedcoordinator/leader/plantmanagerand/orstandingforuniversityengineeringdegree JOB OPTIONS Site DiplomaPMA50116SupervisorofProcessPlantTechnologyBAN5SafetyLeadershipforSupervisorsskillsetGAB80JOB OPTIONS Process plant technician/operatorPMA30120CertificateIII in ProcessOperationsPlantBGB2 ENTRY Certificate II JOB OPTIONS Entry level process plantoperatortechnician/ JOB OPTIONS Electrical CertificateTelecommunicationassistant,tradestradesassistantPMA20116CertificateIIinProcessPlantOperationsBAN1UEE22020CertificateIIElectrotechnology(Careerstart)AC54PMA20116IIinProcessPlantOperationsBAN1 Certificate IV JOB OPTIONS Advanced process plantCertificatePMA40116operatortechnician/IVinProcessPlantTechnologyBAN0 JOB OPTIONS electricalassociatedInstrumentationspecialisationwiththeposttradeMEM40105CertificateIVinEngineering(Instrumentation)WT46ORJOB OPTIONS Industrial EngineeringCertificateMEM31215electricianIIIin-IndustrialElectricianAWG6 Yr 11 & 12 Yr 11 & 12 OR CertificatePMA30120III in ProcessOperationsPlantBGB2 OR Skill Set JOB OPTIONS Site AppointedSupervisor-PersonSection44S0334P Short course CertificateMSM30116IIIinProcessManufacturingBAN8 JOB OPTIONS Process leveloperatortechnician/plantorentryMaintenancetechnicianOR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Senior civil designer, Technical ofAdvanced(designer)managerRII60520DiplomaCivilConstructionDesignBGK5 SUPERVISORY Diploma PATHWAYSCIVILCONSTRUCTIONDESIGN RII50520 Diploma of FoundationsCivilConstructionCivilDesignBGK7InfrastructureDesignSkillsetGAC52CivilConstructionEarthworksandskillsetGAC51CivilConstructionStructuralDesign,SkillSetGAC50 ofAdvancedRII60520DiplomaCivilConstructionDesignBGK5 JOB OPTIONS Civil DiplomaCivildesigner,drafterRII50520ofCivilConstructionDesignBGK7 Advanced Diploma Traineeship Traineeship OR OR Skill Set OR Skill Set Skill Set ANDAND

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS ModellingEngineeringandThermodynamicsEngineeringassociateAppliedFluidMechanicsSkillSetGAB96AdvancedMathematicsandCalculusSkillSetGAB95MechanicalEngineeringDesign,andDraftingSkillSetGAB97MEM60112AdvancedDiplomaofEngineeringJ368MEM60112AdvancedDiplomaofEngineeringJ368JOB OPTIONS DetailedEngineeringtechnician,drafter,MaintenancetechnicianMEM50212DiplomaofEngineering-TechnicalJ367MEM50212DiplomaofEngineering-TechnicalJ367CertificateMEM30505IIIinEngineering-TechnicalW240 SKILLED SUPERVISORY Advanced Diploma PATHWAYSMECHANICALENGINEERING TraineeshipDiplomaSkillSetTraineeship Traineeship JOB OPTIONS Drafting CertificateEngineering,-EngineeringassociateMEM30505IIIinEngineering-TechnicalW240 Certificate III OR Applied MaintenanceMathematicsEngineeringSkillSetGAA30Planning,SchedulingandCoordinationSkillSetGAC21AppliedEngineeringDrawingandCADSkillSetGAA29OR OR OR Skill Set Skill Set SUPERVISORY Advanced Diploma PATHWAYSELECTRICALENGINEERINGJOBOPTIONS Senior technical officer Technologyelectrical(electrical,technologyorelectronicsengineering)UEE62111AdvancedDiplomaofEngineering-ElectricalA175DraftingandEstimatesSkillSetGAA35EngineeringEnergySectorSkillSetGAA31MachinesandMotorsSkillSetGAA32IndustrialControlSystemProgrammingSkillsetGAB03ElectricalEngineeringProjectSkillSetGAC03 Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set Skill Set OR Skill Set Skill Set OR AND ANDAND ANDANDANDAND AND

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Mechanical design engineer, HVAC engineering associate, sales engineer Diploma EngineeringMEM50212Diplomaof - TechnicalWB87(HVAC) JOB OPTIONS Split system a/c installer JOB OPTIONS Air-conditioningRefrigeration/tradeassistantMEM20105CertificateIIinEngineering(MechanicalRefrigerationandAirConditioningPre-Apprenticeship)AA47 ENTRY Certificate II PATHWAYSSUPERVISORYREFRIGERATIONANDAIR-CONDITIONING CertificateUEE20111II in Splitandair-conditioningHeatPumpSystemsD632 JOB OPTIONS MechanicalandAir-conditioningrefrigerationtechnicianMEM30205CertificateIIIinEngineering-Trade(Refrigeration/AirConditioning)WT38 Certificate ApprenticeshipIII JOB OPTIONS HVAC HVACsupervisorsiteandCommisioningTechnicianMEM40105CertificateIVinEngineering(HVACCommissioning)AC66 Certificate IV

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 SUPERVISORY Diploma PATHWAYSROBOTICSJOBOPTIONS Digital engineering technician, digital service technician, engineering system architects, predictive data analysts, cybersecurity support technologist, application services engineer Diploma22460VICofAppliedTechnologiesBCZ46 Diploma22460VICofAppliedTechnologiesBCZ46OR Traineeship ENTRY SKILLED Course in Certificate IVCertificate II PATHWAYSAUTOMATIONJOBOPTIONS Entry level training in autonomous workplace operations, Automation technician, Automoation operator JOB OPTIONS Remote control room operator, controller,processAutonomousplantMobileplantcontroller AutomatedCourse52844WAinWorkingEffectivelyinanWorkplaceBGO43 Certificate52851WAIV ControlAutonomousinandRemoteOperationsBGO91Certificate52845WAII WorkplaceAutonomousinOperationsBGO44OR

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGINEERING, OIL & GAS AND REFRIGERATION PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 CertificateUEE40120IV in ComputerBFL8Systems ENTRY JOB OPTIONS EngineeringTechnicalassociate,officer JOB OPTIONS Technician,CertificateUEE21920technicianelectronicsIIinElectronicsBFN1 CertificateUEE40720IV in Electronics CommunicationsandBFP4UEE40720CertificateIVinElectronicsandCommunicationsBFP4 DiplomaDiplomaUEE50520ofElectronicsandCommunicationsEngineeringBFP5UEE50520ofElectronicsandCommunicationsEngineeringBFP5 SUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLED Certificate II PATHWAYSELECTRONICSJOBOPTIONS technicianElectronic JOB OPTIONS technicianComputer CertificateUEE21920IIinElectronicsBFN1 Certificate IV JOB OPTIONS Computer assembler and ComputerCertificateUEE20511repairerIIinAssemblyandRepairA103 SystemsDiplomaUEE50120ofComputerEngineeringBFQ6 JOB OPTIONS Engineering associate, ComputerTechnicaltechnician,systemsofficer Traineeship TraineeshipYr 11 & 12 OR OR OR

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 course search apply and enrol ENGLISH AND STUDIESFOUNDATIONPATHWAYS Job Ready Basics SkillAE377Set ENTRY IntroductorySkillSet PATHWAYSGENERALEDUCATION STUDY OPTIONS Any CertificateVETIV GeneralrequirementswithforaCertificateIIIqualificationasentry22474VICCertificateIIIinEducationforAdultsBEH65 SKILLED Certificate IIICertificate I Certificate22472VICIinGeneralEducationforAdultsBEH69 Certificate22473VICII in General Education forBEH66Adults Certificate II PATHWAYSENTRYLEADERSHIPSTUDYOPTIONS Any CertificateVETIV OutdoorrequirementswithforaCertificateIIIqualificationasentrySIS30619CertificateIIIinLeadershipBEU9Certificate52878WAILeadershipinBGR09 Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III STUDY OPTIONS Any GeneralwithCertificateVETIIIrequirementsforaCertificateIIqualificationasentry22473VICCertificateIIinEducationforAdultsBEH66

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I ENGLISH AND FOUNDATION STUDIES PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSMIGRANTENGLISH Certificate10730NATIVinSpokenandWrittenEnglishforFurtherStudyBEI03 ENTRY STUDY OPTIONS Any VET Certificate III or any EducationGeneralorLeadershipCertificateII Certificate22486VICIIIin EAL (Access)BEI18 Certificate III Certificate22484VICIinEAL(Access)BEI22 Certificate I Certificate22485VICIIin EAL (Access)BEI15 Certificate II SKILLED Certificate IV Certificate10729NATIIIinSpokenandWrittenEnglishBEI04 Certificate22492VICIVin EAL (FurtherBEI20Study)Course22483VICinEAL(Access)BEI16 Introductory STUDY OPTIONS Any VET Certificate III or any CertificateEducationGeneralorLeadershipCertificateII22489VICIIIinEAL(Employment)BEI21OR Certificate22490VICIV in EALProfessional)(Employment/BEI19OROR OR

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 course search apply and enrol HEALTH ANDPATHWAYSFITNESS JOB OPTIONS Nursing study* Certificate52831WAIV in Preparation for Health and NursingBCY91Studies Certificate52831WAIV in Preparation for Health and NursingBCY91Studies SKILLED Certificate(VETDSS)IV Certificate IV PATHWAYSHEALTHANDNURSINGJOBOPTIONS Assistant in CertificateHLT33115(AIN)NursingIIIinHealthServicesAssistanceAWJ4 Certificate III SUPERVISORY Diploma JOB OPTIONS Enrolled nurse *DiplomaHLT54115ofNursingAYZ3 CertificateHLT33115IIIinHealthServicesAssistance(AssistinginNursingWorkAcuteCare)AA72HLT37015CertificateIIIinSterilisationServicesAWK3 JOB OPTIONS Sterilisation technician JOB OPTIONS Heath assistant,serviceLogisticporter *Additional courseDiplomaForeducationalproficiencyliteracy/numeracystudentsAustraliantorequirementsentryapplybothmigrantandcitizenincludingandhistory.fulldetailsvisittheofNursingpage. OR CertificateHLT47015IV in SterilisationAWN1Services JOB OPTIONS Senior technician

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I HEALTH AND FITNESS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Group CertificatePersonaltrainer,personaltrainerSIS40215IVinFitnessAWN7 SKILLED Certificate IV PATHWAYSFITNESSJOBOPTIONS Group CertificateGyminstructor,exerciseinstructorSIS30315IIIinFitnessAWN5 Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Remedial Reflexologist,clinics,practitionermassageinsportsclinics,Multi-disciplinaryhealthBeautyclinics,Fitnessstudios,Agedcare,HomebusinessaswellasAurevediclifestyleconsultant,Clinicalaromatherapist,Kinesiologist,Shiatsutherapistand/oradvancedstandingforuniversityhealthscience/myotherapydegreeHLT52015DiplomaofRemedialMassageAWI6 SKILLED Diploma PATHWAYSMASSAGE

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the Ph:community.136464 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE: RTO: 52787 TEQSA: PRV14272 CRICOS: 00020G with us... 1800 001 001 I I course search apply and enrol HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND EVENTS PATHWAYS JOB OPTIONS FoodConcierge,andbeveragesupervisor,Dutymanager,Frontofficeteamleader CertificateSIT30616III in HospitalityHospitalityAZT7ServiceSkillSetAE381 ENTRY PATHWAYSSKILLEDHOSPITALITY Certificate III Skill Set JOB OPTIONS Bar attendant, Bottle shop attendant, Café attendant,FoodCateringattendant,assistant,andbeverageFrontofficeassistant,Gamingattendant,Porter,Roomattendant JOB OPTIONS Bar attendant, Barista, receptionistFrontWaiter,desk, CertificateSIT20316II in HospitalityAZW1 Certificate(VETDSS)II SUPERVISORY Diploma Advanced Diploma JOB OPTIONS Restaurant DiplomaSIT50416managerofHospitalityManagementAZW2 JOB OPTIONS Functions manager, Motel Operationsmanager,managerSIT60316AdvancedDiplomaofHospitalityManagementAZV5CertificateSIT30616III in CustomerHospitalityAZT7ServiceSkillSetAE375 Certificate TraineeshipIII OROR CertificateSIT40416IV in HospitalityAZV8 Certificate IV CertificateFBP30421III in BreadBGZ5Baking PATHWAYSSKILLEDBAKINGJOBOPTIONS CertificatePastryBaker,cookFBP30521IIIinBakingBGZ4 Certificate ApprenticeshipIII CertificateFBP30321III in Cake and BGZ8PastryJOBENTRYOPTIONS Bakery assistant (Pre-apprenticeship)CertificateFBP20221IIinBakingAC93 Certificate II (Pre-apprenticeship)CertificateFBP20221IIinBakingAC93 OR Certificate(VETDSS)II

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND EVENTS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 CertificateAMP30815III in Meat(RetailProcessingButcher)AYV3 PATHWAYSSKILLEDMEATJOBOPTIONS Butcher Certificate ApprenticeshipIII MeatCertificateAMP20117IIinProcessing(FoodServices)BDP6 JOBENTRYOPTIONS Abattoir packer, Abattoir labourer, Hide processor, Abattoir stock handler, Offal processor,operatorLoadout Certificate TraineeshipII PATHWAYSCOOKERYENTRY SKILLED Certificate IVCertificate IIICertificate II Certificate ApprenticeshipIIICertificate(VETDSS)II SUPERVISORY Diploma Advanced Diploma JOB OPTIONSCertificateSIT40516ChefIV in CommercialAZW3Cookery CertificateSIT30816III in CommercialAZU5CookeryCertificateSIT20416IIinKitchenOperationsAZW7 JOB OPTIONS Pastry CertificateSIT31016chefIIIin PatisserieAZW8 CertificateSIT30816III in CommercialAZU5Cookery JOB OPTIONS CookOR JOB OPTIONS CertificatePastryPatissier,chefSIT40716IVinPatisserieAZT6 JOB OPTIONS Kitchen assistant CertificateSIT20416II in Kitchen (CommercialOperationsCookery/PatisseriePre-Apprenticeship)AB10 OR JOB OPTIONS Sous chef, DiplomaSIT50416managerRestaurantofHospitalityManagementAZW2 JOB OPTIONS Functions manager, Motel Operationsmanager,managerSIT60316AdvancedDiplomaofHospitalityManagementAZV5 Introduction to Commercial Cookery SkillAE766Set Skill Set

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND EVENTS PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSSKILLEDTOURISM Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Visitorofficer,information TourTravelguide/coordinator,consultant JOB OPTIONS Visitorofficer,information TourTravelguide/coordinator,consultant CertificateSIT30116III in TourismAZV7 CertificateSIT30116III in TourismAZV7 Certificate III (VETDSS) Please note: Outdoor Recreation qualifications are an additional pathway to tourism careers. Visit the Aerospace, Maritime and Logistics pathways to see SM TAFE’s Outdoor Recreation courses. OR CertificateSIT30516IIIinEventsAZV9 PATHWAYSSKILLEDEVENTS Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Events Conferenceassistant,assistant,Functionsassistant SUPERVISORY Diploma JOB OPTIONS Conference organiser, Events DiplomaSIT50316organiserofEventManagementAZU4CertificateSIT30516IIIinEventsAZV9 Certificate(VETDSS)III OR

Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT069/JULY2021 course search apply and enrol INFORMATION TECHNOLOGYPATHWAYSJOBOPTIONS Assistantdevelopersoftware CertificateICT40120IV in (Programming)TechnologyInformationAC07 DiplomaICT50220ofInformationTechnology(AdvancedProgramming)AC21 SUPERVISORY Diploma SKILLED Certificate IVCertificate III PATHWAYSPROGRAMMINGANDWEBDESIGNJOBOPTIONS programmerAssistant CertificateICT30120III in TechnologyInformationBFF7 JOB OPTIONS IT Technician, Client support officer JOB OPTIONS IT ClientTechnician,supportofficer CertificateICT40120IV in TechnologyInformationBFF9 SKILLED Certificate IV PATHWAYSGENERALITJOBOPTIONS ICT systems support, Network Websitetechnician,supportcoordinator CertificateICT30120III in InformationBFF7Technology Certificate III JOB OPTIONS Cloud DiplomaICT50220architectofInformationTechnology(CloudArchitecture)AC22 SUPERVISORY Diploma JOB OPTIONS Cloud DiplomaICT50220engineerofInformationTechnology(CloudEngineering)AC23 JOB OPTIONS IT Office Manager, General DiplomaSupportApplicationOfficerICT50220ofInformationTechnologyBGJ4 Skill set ConfigurationCaptureBSBSS00091andPresentBigDataSkillSetICTSS00099CloudDesignandSkillSet JOB OPTIONS Cloud architect, Cloud network engineer, Cloud consultant, Cloud developer JOB OPTIONS Data 900-MSCIF-ExamMicrosoftS0331PanalystSC-Preparation JOB OPTIONS General professionalsIT NEW comingNEWcomingqualification:in2023qualification:in2023

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 PATHWAYSNETWORKINGANDSECURITYJOBOPTIONS Help desk officer, Network CertificateICT30120officersupportIIIinInformationTechnologyBFF7 CertificateICT40120IV in (Networking)TechnologyInformationAC10 SUPERVISORYSKILLED Certificate IVCertificate IIICertificate(VETDSS)III JOB OPTIONS Cyber securitypractitioner,securityCyberconsultant JOB OPTIONS Network manager, IT / administratornetwork Advanced22445VICDiplomaofCyberSecurityBCZ09Networking)TechnologyInformationDiplomaICT50220of(AdvancedAC20 Diploma Advanced Diploma JOB OPTIONS Help desk officer, Networkofficersupport CertificateICT30120III in (CyberTechnologyInformationSecurity)AC12 CertificateICT30120III in (CyberTechnologyInformationSecurity)AC12 Certificate22334VICIV in CyberBCY61Security JOB OPTIONS Cyber InformationSecurityintrusionsecuritytester,penetrationtester,systemssecuritysupportofficer,Networksecuritysupportofficer Certificate TraineeshipIV CertificateICT40120IV in (Networking)TechnologyInformationAC10 JOB OPTIONS Networktechnician,NetworksupportOR OR Skill set ENTRY IntroductionAE781to Cyber Security PreparationPreparationCISSPS0328PExamCourseS0329PComptiaSecurity+Course Short course Short course JOB OPTIONS CyberAnalystSecurity JOB OPTIONS NetworkAdministratorSecurity

SOUTH METROPOLITAN TAFE I INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PATHWAYS 2022 Visit your nearest TAFE Jobs and Skills Centre at Mandurah, Rockingham or Thornlie campuses for advice and information on careers, training and employment. Services are free and accessible to all members of the community. Ph: 13 64 64 Find out more about Jobs and Skills Centres at Connect with us... South Metropolitan TAFE RTO: 52787 1800 001 001 I I Connect with us... SMT013/MAR2022 JOB OPTIONS Digital media artist, Junior animator, Junior web designer, Junior video editor, Junior digital (AnimationScreenCertificateCUA41220developermediaIVinandMediaandVisualEffects)AC86JOB OPTIONS Media(supervised)assistant * JOB OPTIONS Media(supervised)assistant * JOB OPTIONS Media(supervised)assistant * CreativeCertificateCUA20220IIinIndustriesBGT7 CertificateCUA31020III in Screen and BGT8Media CertificateCUA31020III in Screen and BGT8Media ENTRY Certificate II SKILLED Certificate IVCertificate(VETDSS)III Certificate III PATHWAYSANIMATION,GAMINGANDVISUALEFFECTS CertificateICT40120IV in Information Technology (Gaming AC17Development) OR JOB OPTIONS Games designer, 3D games animator, Animation assistant * = Higher level studies are recommended to increase chances of employability. NEW comingqualificationsin2023

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