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As part of our mission to advance the economic welfare of Saskatchewan physicians, the SMA recognizes insurance as vital, not only to members, but also their families and employees. With the power of a large membership, the SMA has negotiated the essential and best features into all of our insurance plans with various insurance companies at competitive low rates. Furthermore, the SMA continues to review and subsequently enhance the plans.

As a member of the SMA, you may apply for insurance benefits with superior coverage at affordable rates. SMA insurance is designed to save you money in three ways:

1. We work with insurers who combine top coverage with the most attractive premium structure.

2. Our association rates offer significant savings over individual plans.

3. Our life and disability plans feature equity sharing with participants.

The SMA offers the following insurance products:

Disability Life Office overhead Extended medical and dental benefits Accidental death and dismemberment Medical office property

For more information, contact our experienced, noncommission SMA Insurance team: Donna Hanna, Insurance Administrator Email: donna.hanna@sma.sk.ca Jenna Duff, Coordinator, Insurance Email: jenna.duff@sma.sk.ca Cindy Anderson, Director, Membership, Benefits, & Insurance Email: cindy.anderson@sma.sk.ca

Dr. Intheran Pillay, family physician Gravelbourg

Dr. Jenny Basran, geriatrician Saskatoon

Dr. Dalibor Slavik, family physician Saskatoon

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