Rena Munger Aldredge
Shirley Anigian
Michael Anigian
Maria de Jesus Vela Arriaga
Freda Baber
Priscilla & Bob Bell
Charles Bergner
Kate Bergner
Dorothy Maxwell Best
Charles Thomas Best
Gertrude Terrell Best
Charles McComber Best
Mary Jane Booth
Herbert & Paulyne Brewer
David Brown
Gladys and Earl Brown
Minnie Buerger
Lennie Burgess
James Robert Burnett
David Charles Burnett
Hughes Butterworth, Sr.
Walter Cain
Fred L. Callon
Don Cannata
Norma Cannata
Web Carr
Jennifer Cawlfield
Manita & Alto B. Cervin
Lester Bung Gong Chock
Don Cole
The Rev. David P. Comegays
Genevieve L. Condos
William George Condos
Jean Holland Craver
Horace E. (Curley) Crawford
Anna Marie Crawford
Bobby Crosthwait
Carol Crosthwait
Margaret Bennett Cullum
Margaret Anne Cullum
Earl Cullum
Bob & Ruth Disney
Lisa Dorbandt
Wesley Dorbandt
Martha Dorbandt
Mark Dorbandt
Betsy Slater Dudley
Mary Chapman Easterling
Wyatt Easterling
Ellwood Eschberger
Charles Freeman, Jr.
Patricia Gevertz
Dorothy & Thomas Glisson
Steven W. Griffin
George & Nell Griffin
John Patrick Hall, Jr.
John Patrick Hall, III
Betty E. Hamilton
Roger M. Hansen
Ethel Hansen
L. S. Hart
The Rev. G Neal. Hern
Wallace Wade Hinkle
Steven M. Hodges
John & Eleanor Hoots
David Michael Humphrey
Marilee Warden Humphrey
T.D. Humphrey, Jr.
Beth Jacobsen
James Wallace Kerr, Sr.
Virginia Porter Kerr
Gayle Kesinger
Tedforfd Kimbell
Butch Kinsaul
Pauline Kitzmiller
Julius and Catherine Kovach
Glenda Kyle
Jean Lattimore
Michael T. Lilly
Matthew J. Locke
Corinne Matson
Marshall Matson
Anne H. Maxwell
Effie McCullough
Lois McFarland
Steve McKenney
Robert Joseph Melvin
Milorad Miskovitch
Frances Moffitt
Robert Morrill
Audrey Morrill
Albert G. Moss
Floy Jack Moss
The V. Rev. Joseph Nelson
Helena W. Newman
Celeste Langdon Nolen
Cherri Oakley
Betsy Oates
Ronald Oehrlein
Patricia Oehrlein
Betty Moss Olmstead
Robert Merryman Olmstead, Sr.
Drew Parham
Gordon Peadon
Jean M. Pearce
Jean Pearce
E. Clay Pearce
Courtney Johnson Petty
Regina Picut
Margaret & Louis Poglitsch
Faye Porter
Roy Porter
Rita T. Potter
Kathryn and Ashley Priddy
Swannanoa and Walter Priddy
Beth and Charles Priddy
Ruby and Robert Priddy
Joe & Frances Putnam
Britt Radford
Nancy Buckley Raley
Terry & Linda Ramsey
Myrtle Mae Reed
Irene Easterling Rousseau
Thomas Harrison Rousseau
Thomas Savay
James Schutz
Karen Sue Sharpe
Gertrude Aldredge Shelburne
George Aldredge Shelburne
Marvin Singleton
Gertrude Singleton
Fred Skidmore
Vernett B. Slater
Betty Aldredge Slater
Randolph Slaughter, Sr.
Corinne Hamilton Slaughter
David Smallwood
Howard Virgil Smith
Earl Thomas Smith, Sr.
Susan Eleanor Smith
Marjorie Young Smith
Earl Ross Smith
Nancy Spafford
A. Gerald Spalding
Virginia and Arthur Spalding
Elizabeth Springer
John M. Stemmons
John M. Stemmons, Jr.
Ruth T. Stemmons
Fredna Stewart
Nigel Stewart
Evelyn Stewart
Ted Straughn
Diane Tyson Streat
Cordelia Crouch Taylor
John Ramsay Taylor, Jr.
Walton D. Taylor
Joseph W. Teagarden
Martha Jean W. Teagarden
Bryan Edward Teal
John Michael Teal
Wayne Tenney
Anita Warden Thomas
Dick Trcka
James Austin Turriff, Jr.
Janice Lindsay Turriff
May Walker
Betty Priddy Walker
Henry I. Warden
Horace M. Warden
Wauneta G. Warden
Margaret & Howard Weddington
Chuck Weddington
Spencer Ward Wheeler
Daphne Baynham White
Claude Wilson, Jr.
Larry Wilson, Sr.
Marjorie Winzeler
Emma A. Worth
Frances Tunnell Wortham
Michael “Mike” Stedman Wyatt
Gregg Anigian
Andrea Anigian
Parker Anigian
Ellen Anigian
Barrett Anigian
Allen Baden
Andy Baden
Caroline Baden
Natalie S. Boyce
Jim Kip Boyd
Tricia Turriff Boyd
Christy S. Brown
Charlotte and Bob Brown
Banks Brown
Annabel Brown
Stuart Brown
Sharon Butterworth
Dr. Melissa Carry
Barbara and Ben Cervin
Davis Charhon
Sam Charhon
Devin Charhon
Claire Charhon
Michelle Davis
Will Davis
William Santiago Davis
Austin & Chance Disney
Carolina Leticia Giron
Carlos Giron
David Michael Giron
Gloria Giron
Karl Michael Giron
Kelly Humphrey Giron
Margaret E. Harris
Bill Hays
Henry Horvat
Adyson Brooke Humphrey
Amanda Brooke Humphrey
Cayden Michael Humphrey
Cody Michael Humphrey
Ted Ingram
Father Jerry Jacobsen
Nancy & Drew Kumpuris
Shelby S. Menczer
Caroline and Doug Moore
Carolyn and John Morelock
The Rev. Christie Olsen
Malcolm Petersen
Callie Petersen
Ronda Faye Porter
Carolyn Crawford Rousseau
Wyatt Easterling Rousseau
William Harrison Rousseau
Chanda Rae Myers Rousseau
Olivia Kate Rousseau
Amy S. Sabin
Jennifer Rousseau Sharpe
Charles Norval Sharpe, III
Charles Norval Sharpe, IV
Lauren Rousseau Sharpe
Wyatt Harrison Sharpe
Randolph Slaughter, Jr.
The Rev. Don Spafford
LaRee E. Stein
Betty Olmsted Taylor
Walton Albert Taylor
Cordelia Olmstead Taylor
Betty Moss Taylor
John R. Taylor, III
John R. Taylor, Jr.
Courtney Townsend
Heath Townsend
Millie Townsend
Tony Wilks
Eva Wilks
Emilynn Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Catherine, Scott, and Weatherby Worley
The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem and our Confréres at Saint Michael and All Angels
Libby Norwood’s Family & Friends
Bonita Frederick’s Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren
The Education for Ministry Class Brown Bag Bible Study