The Archangel August 2016

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

August 2016


Youth to Hurricane Harbor


John 1:43-46


Youth Ministry Volunteer Orientation


The Rev. Chris Girata Begins Saint Michael Ministry


Vestry Meeting


Come and See


Acolyte Training


Sunday School Begins Fall Schedule

Volume 28 No.8

“Come and See” is from the scripture John 1: 43-46 where Jesus calls Philip into discipleship and, in turn, Philip asks Nathanael to join him. When Nathanael hesitates, Philip responds: “come and see.” With the calling of The Rev. Chris Girata to be our Rector, Saint Michael and All Angels has entered a new era; one with a renewed and revitalized mission, aspiring to the beauty and power of God’s love. There is a new sense of excitement and enthusiasm in all we do. We invite you to “Come and See.”

Getting Close-up and Personal – With Each Other and God’s Mission for Saint Michael In only a few weeks, I will be officially on the ground with all of you in Dallas. I’m amazed at how fast time has flown by! I am so grateful to everyone who is helping make this transition so smooth for my family and me. The lay leadership at Saint Michael is absolutely amazing. These last few weeks have been powerful for me. Leaving a community I love has been a rich experience, and the anticipation of joining your community has been so exciting. In the search process, I feel like I’ve gotten to know Saint Michael from 30,000 feet. Now I look forward to getting to know you close-up. continued on page 3

Looking Into Our Future – Beginning August 21 The next chapter in the life of Saint Michael and All Angels begins Sunday, August 21 as our new Rector, The Rev. Chris Girata, preaches his first sermon to the parish, we say Thank You to The Very Rev. Doug Travis, we kickoff a new school year by blessing the children’s backpacks, and, we embrace both the Girata and Travis families at a festive reception.

New Rector Preaches at 9:00 and 11:00 Saint Michael will return to its full schedule of worship services on Sunday, August 21. Our new Rector will preach for the first time at the 9:00 and 11:00 services in the church, focusing on “The Choice of Christ” taken from Luke’s parables in the gospel lessons which stress the importance of choices; those made by Jesus or those we are called on to make. In other services, 7:30 Holy communion is in the Saint Michael Chapel, continued on page 2

Come and See Looking into Our Future continued from page 1 the 9:00 Joy Mass for small children and families will be held in Parish Hall and the 9:00 Discovery Mass for elementary children and families will be in Saint Michael Chapel. The 11:11 contemporary worship, Celebration, will be in Parish Hall, and the 5:30 Evening Prayer and communion in the Saint Michael Chapel.

Thank You Doug Travis

from Pre-kindergarten, to elementary, middle school, and high school, are urged to bring their backpacks to be blessed for a great year of learning. (Adults are also urged to bring their laptops, tablets, and Smartphones to be blessed, too. There’s plenty of blessings to go around.)

Welcome, Thank, and Celebrate

Since September 28 of last year, The Rev. Doug Travis has led the spiritual life of Saint Michael and All Angels as its Interim Rector. At the 9:00 worship service in the Church, August 21, he will be honored for his leadership and thanked for his time among us. “Being an Interim Rector is not an easy job,” said Matt Waller, Senior Warden. “Doug has brought enthusiasm, joy, grace, and inspiration to the job that has blessed all of us.”

Backpack Blessings Kick Off Back to School The new school year begins for most kids during the week of August 22 (Highland Park and Dallas ISD, Monday, August 22; Episcopal School of Dallas, Wednesday, August 24, Saint Michael Episcopal School, August 31). To kick off the year, there will be a Blessing of Backpacks at every worship service. Our children and youth, 2

Sunday, August 21 will be capped with a Welcome and Thank You Celebration in the Garden Cloister beginning at 9:30. It will be an opportunity to welcome Chris Girata and his family – wife, Nicole, and children Brayden – 10, Layna – 8, and Annemarie – 3, to say thank you to Doug Travis and his wife, Pam, and to enjoy a lot of fun and fellowship. For the kids there will be face-painters and balloon artists, chalkboards and crayons for coloring, a photo booth for the entire family, and plenty of food including 15 varieties of popcorn, along with fruit, and cool, cool drinks.

John 1:43-46

Come and See Getting Close Up continued from page 1 During this transition time, I have been considering all the ways that we can move into the future renewed and revitalized for the work of Christ in the world, and nothing reminded me of that mission more than the tragic attack in downtown Dallas on July 7. None of us are blind to the reality of violence and heartbreak in neighborhoods around our city every day, but the scale of the attack that killed five officers was extreme. It captured the attention of the world. When something that significant happens in our own community, it’s a reminder of our connectedness to our brothers and sisters around the world. It’s also a reminder of our common mission to transcend this world.

Rector Installation Service Saturday, September 24

When life is smooth and predictable, we can be lulled into thinking that our participation in a community like Saint Michael is simply a good thing. When we get into the comfortable groove of our busy lives, we can forget that we are not called to share our lives together at Saint Michael because we want to be good, but because we are responding to the transformative power of the Spirit calling us to be holy. There is a lot of good in the world, and thank God for that! But as I look into our future, into a future for Saint Michael that has yet to be written, I am hopeful that we can hear and respond to God’s call to be a sacred and holy people, a people called apart from the good in the world to aspire to something even more, to aspire to the beauty and power of love. This year, we will have the chance to imagine what we can do together, to dream about how we can use the gifts God has entrusted to us to love our neighbors in new ways. There are so many ways we can help those around us, including those in the pews next to us. So I invite you to wonder at the beauty of God, to wonder at the power of the Sprit, and begin to recommit yourselves to the mission of

Mark your calendar: The Rev. Chris Girata, will be installed as

Christ through Saint Michael. The future is so bright, the

the eighth Rector of Saint Michael and All Angels in ceremonies

opportunities so significant, and our responsibility is great.

Saturday, September 24 at 11:00. Former Presiding Bishop, The

Together, we can work to meet the needs of those in our

Most Rev. Frank Griswold, will preach at the service, and Bishop

community and beyond. Thanks be to God for each of you,

George Sumner will celebrate Holy Communion. Following

and thanks be to God that we can use our gifts together at

the ceremony, there will be a reception in the Garden Cloister.

Saint Michael! 3

For Your Information


A Letter from Our Interim Rector I Was Lucky... Or, I Was Blessed My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: As you all know, I was recently in an automobile accident. It could have been so very much worse than it was. When asked about it, I’ve come to say either “I was lucky” or “I was blessed” depending with whom I was talking. And that put me to pondering: What’s the difference between being lucky and being blessed? There is of course no simple answer as we can never know exactly how God’s hand is involved in any event in our lives. How much of our life is determined by random events, and how much of it is a function of God’s actively working in our lives? I’m reminded of something Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple once said: “When I pray, coincidences happen. When I don’t, they don’t.” It’s as we actively seek to accept God’s invitation to union with God in Christ that we begin to see “coincidences” in our lives. And, as we actively seek to accept God’s invitation to union with God in Christ we begin to find ourselves filled with gratitude, for we know that, even though God’s actions are ultimately beyond our comprehension, God, nonetheless, is active in all the moments of our lives, and we feel blessed.

child of your parish. Upon my ordination in 1987, I found myself often receiving invitations from your parish to teach and, occasionally, lead retreats. These were invariably delightful experiences for me as I received a taste of what it meant for your community to think of itself as a “Big Tent.” Among your members I encountered conservatives and liberals, young and old, doers and seekers, high church and low church, traditionalist and contemporaries. What was noteworthy was your determination to hang in there together, to welcome all, to be genuinely inclusive. Dallas is a real big city, and it needs a Big Tent Episcopal Church to respond to the reality of its challenges. You all do that admirably. I applaud you and I thank you. As my active ministry as a parish priest draws to a close, I find it a wonderful blessing (and I know this isn’t luck!) to be finishing it with you. And, I and Pam are very, very grateful. THANK YOU! Your Brother in Christ,

The Very Rev. Douglas Travis

The difference between being lucky and being blessed? Gratitude! It’s that simple. When I say “thank you,” I am blessed. Pam and I have been so wonderfully blessed to spend these last ten months with you at Saint Michael and All Angels. As my time as your Interim Rector winds down, we find ourselves overwhelmed by your generosity and kindness, your marvelous hospitality, and your faithfulness to our Lord. Of course I’ve known Saint Michael’s for years. Pam and I moved to Dallas from Chicago in 1982, and I soon found myself teaching at The Episcopal School of Dallas, itself a

Join in thanking Doug by contributing to a purse for him. Send or bring a check to Saint Michael and All Angels Interim Rector’s Purse.


Clergy Profile This month the Archangel continues its series profiling Saint Michael’s clergy. We see them at church, but what are they like when they are “off duty?” Here’s a chance to get to know them better.

The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser was born and raised in New Orleans, and although she grew up Episcopalian, she attended an all-girl Catholic High School. She enjoyed church for as long as she can remember and eventually became an acolyte and active in a youth group. “I loved going to church,” she recalled. “I was not a popular kid, I had bad hair and big glasses and had not blossomed into a young woman until late in life. Church was a place where I was accepted and loved unconditionally.”

Musser, who is the Associate for Pastoral Care at Saint Michael, is married to David Musser who recently graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary and is completing a chaplaincy at Baylor Hospital. The couple is expecting their first child in September. The couple has a dog, Magnolia Jean, also known as Maggie. Musser said she looks forward to motherhood and plans to take maternity leave in the fall. The Mussers are both outdoor enthusiasts and even spent their honeymoon hiking, fly-fishing, and whitewater rafting. The love of the outdoors is what brought them together when they both happened to be at the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina and were introduced by a mutual friend. Lisa, who has a long history at the camp and currently serves on its board, said she met her future husband during a 45-minute lunch. David took a photo of her and their friend, then used the photo as an excuse to get to know her on Facebook. “He was very sneaky, but that’s how it all started.” Future conversations revealed that he was also from New Orleans and that in their youth, they were at Kanuga at the same time but never crossed paths.

It was during her time at Catholic school that she emerged as a leader. At school she attended Friday mass, took four years of religion courses, joined the liturgy team and even helped plan the mass. But because she wasn’t Catholic, she was not allowed to participate in Holy Eucharist until she sneaked it in just before graduating, and as it turns out, before the school closed permanently. “I thought, ‘this is the last mass ever for Mercy Academy. I’m receiving communion and I’m just doing it.’ I held my hands out and Father Maestri looked at me, winked, and handed me the bread.” In college, Musser earned a degree in communications and focused on public relations jobs in sports management and in the restaurant industry. One day she took a priest friend to an Atlanta Braves game. He mentioned to her that a church in Akron, Ohio needed a youth minister and that he had recommended people they both knew for the job. “I said, ‘they are great.’” Later that night when she was alone, she began to cry, “I knew I had to call about that job. This is my step to figuring out how to become a priest. I called the church at 11:00 p.m. and left a message.” She got the job and two years later started to seminary. “It was the Holy Spirit working in ways I never thought imaginable.” 6

Lisa not only credits Kanuga for her match with David, but also says it has been a 25-year lifeline. She began going to the camp as a teenager, worked on staff when she was in college and after college helped coordinate events. She has also served as attending priest and is now on the board of trustees. “If I did not have Kanuga in my life, I don’t know if I would be here right now,” she said. “It kept me connected to my faith and the greater Church.”

Clergy Profile The Reverend Bill Murray During his time away from church, Vicar Bill Murray likes writing iconography, taking his boys to soccer practice, and busting out some moves on the dance floor. And it’s OK with him if you want to joke about the “other” Bill Murray from Saturday Night Live and Hollywood-movies fame. “It doesn’t bother me,” he said. “It’s just funny. Some people will immediately recognize it and others who have known me for six months will suddenly make the connection and I think that’s even funnier.” Others get a little confused. “Some people will joke ‘hey, you were great in Blue’s Brothers,’ and I will say ‘uh, neither I nor the actor were in that movie.’” Murray has been the Vicar at Saint Michael since July of 2014. Born and raised in Memphis, he graduated college from the University of Memphis with a Bachelors of Arts in International Economics and English Literature. He served as a youth minister at Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal

Church in Memphis before deciding to pursue ordination to the priesthood. He received his Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary and is currently completing a Doctor of Ministry from the University of the South- Sewanee. Murray has been married to wife, Jessie, for 13 years and they have two sons, Mose, 7, and Abe, 5. “We like to play with the kids and hang out,” he said. “We go to soccer games, violin, and piano practice.” The couple also likes to go out dancing and have tried Texas line-dancing but “couldn’t quite get it all figured out,” he said. So instead they prefer a modified swing dance, where he can move his wife around the dance floor. “I spin her around a lot.” In addition to dancing, Murray became interested in drawing and painting icons after taking a class on the subject. He auctioned one of his works at Saint Michael’s Parish Party but prefers to make them for family and friends. “I created one of Moses in the burning bush for my son Mose, it’s on his wall. And I gave one of Jesus as sower of seeds to my spiritual director. I do it because I enjoy it and it’s a fun practice.” Murray says he uses an egg wash with pigment and vinegar to create the colors for the images. “I enjoy that alchemy of mixing the ingredients to get the right color. It takes about 40 hours to paint one. I learned how in a continuing education class at Kanuga in North Carolina and I’ve been hooked ever since.” Although Murray is from Tennessee, he said he and his wife have easily adapted to life in the Lone Star State because culturally “it’s still the south.” However, he said “We have found it completely true when they say everything is bigger in Texas,” he said.


Requiem Mass - July 8 Requiem Mass Held for Dallas Police Slaying Victims On Friday evening July 8, nearly 400 parishioners, neighbors, and visitors joined at Saint Michael for a Requiem Mass remembering the five police officers slain in Dallas in an overnight ambush. Nine other officers and two civilians were wounded in the attack.

Bishop (ret.) James Stanton, at the request of Bishop George Sumner who was out of the city, celebrated the mass held at 6:00 in the church. The Rev. Michael Harmuth, who for several years served as a police department chaplain, delivered the sermon. He likened the fallen officers to the gospel story of the Good Samaritan. “They ran to where the problem was, taking the people of Dallas away from harm’s way. They were there to protect them because the officers saw them as their neighbors.”

Bishop Stanton greets former Dallas Mayor Ron Kirk


The offering taken at the Mass totaled more then $10,000, which was given to the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation which provides assistance to the immediate families of “fallen officers” from throughout the Dallas area that have been critically injured or killed in the line-of-duty.

Overview be discussed. The lunch is free, but donations to the mission will be appreciated. Make luncheon reservations with Maria DAntoni at maria@ by August 10.

Saint Helena Convent Sponsoring Labor Day Weekend Retreat Are you a woman attracted to monastic life in the Episcopal Church? The Episcopal Convent of Saint Helena in South Carolina is hosting a free Come-and-See retreat for single women during Labor Day weekend. The weekend provides opportunities to ask questions, meet other women exploring monastic life, and experience a life of prayer and service. For more information contact:

Acolyte Training Scheduled for August and September Amistad Mission Featured at Combined Sunday School August 14 Chris King, the executive director of the Amistad Mission in Bolivia, will lead a combined Faith and Literature and Family Summer Sunday School class on August 14. Since 1990, Villa Amistad has been a home and safe haven for abandoned, abused and orphaned Bolivian children located in the city of Cochabamba. Beginning with thirty children divided among three houses run by a caretaker affectionately called “Mamá,” Villa Amistad has grown to include eight houses, or families, and more than sixty-five children between the ages of 3 and 16. The Amistad Mission is a main focus of Saint Michael’s Mission and Outreach Ministry. Following his presentation, there will be a luncheon for Chris at 12:00 Noon in the Coke Activities Room at which the Amistad Prayer Friends will be honored and details of the mission trip to Bolivia and Amistad, October 7-15, will

Two dates have been set for Acolyte training in August and September and only one session is required. On Saturdays, August 27 and September 17 training will be held from 9:00 to 10:30. Age requirements: 6th grade to 8th decade. Questions: contact Tony Briggle at

Saint Michael 101 Learn About Membership

Do you have friends that you want to know more about Saint Michael and All Angels? Saint Michael 101 on Sunday evening, September 18, will give them the overview of our church and how to become a member. A lively, fast-paced dinner from 6:00 to 8:00 in the Coke Activities Room, led by The Rev. Bob Johnston, will introduce the exciting future of our parish, opportunities to get involved, and answer questions. Dinner and free childcare are provided. RSVP online or email 9

Overview Congregational Care Ministry Invites you to Volunteer The Congregational Care Ministries needs volunteers in the following areas:

Youth Ministry Seeks Young Adults for Paid Internships Know a college student or young professional who might be interested in a meaningful paid internship? Saint Michael’s Youth Ministry is seeking two interns for the coming program year. The intern job description This Youth Ministry intern will work with the Youth Ministry Director to support the youth ministry mission and maintain a solid and constant presence at youth programs. Some of the responsibilities include: • Having fun and building the body of Christ with youth • Attending Sunday and Wednesday events, along with occasional retreats or mission trips • Working alongside volunteers and parents • Database input and tracking • Communicating youth programs The successful candidate will have a strong faith not necessarily of, but consistent with, the Episcopal tradition. The internship requires 15 hours of work per week. Some hours are flexible. A retention bonus is available at the end of the internship term if requirements are met. Background check and safe church training are required. Interested parties should contact Lauren Wainwright, Youth Ministry Director, at lwainwright@saintmichael. org or 214-692-3049.


Extended Care Cooks are volunteers willing to cook only one or two times during the year for someone in need. Share your gift of cooking. If you are interested and have questions, please contact Ann Mills, Congregational Care Ministries, Good Shepherd Ministry welcomes anyone who would like to be a Good Shepherd in their neighborhood. You can be the person to be provide a neighbor with that needed connection to Saint Michael. If this is you, please contact Judy Cole, or Ann Mills, amills@ Funeral Receptions. We welcome volunteers who would like to bring cookies for Funeral Receptions. If cookie baking is something you love, contact Ann Mills, amills@saintmichael. org. These homemade gifts of love mean so much to the families whose loved one has died. ..............

Book Shop Featuring Beach Bags, Scarves, and Books Looking for the perfect bag for the beach or pool parties? You’ll find handmade straw bags from Madagascar at the Saint Michael Book Shop. Also, check out the beautiful, oneof-a-kind Kyrgyzstan scarves in either silk or wool. Book Shop hours are: Monday-Thursday 10:00-3:00; Fridays Closed; Saturdays 9:00-11:00; Sundays 8:30-12:30.

The Farmer’s Market Farmers Market Customers Find New Services Saint Michael’s Farmers Market continues to add new services to attract customers on Saturday mornings, and it appears to be working.

The market continues to have the best produce, vegetables, fruits, meats, and artesian products of any famers market in the area, and is recognized by several publications, including the Dallas Morning News as an outstanding Farmers Market. Saint Michael’s Farmers Market also reaches out to serve two community nonprofit agencies, The Shoe Bank and One Man’s Treasure, which provide shoes and gently used men’s clothing to those in need. Donation bins are located near the market’s Welcome Tent.

This summer the market has added cooking demonstrations by Chef Jed Demler, owner of Savoureux Catering, which has proved extremely popular. His creations have included: summer corn cakes with ricotta and heirloom tomato salsa, and maque choux with corn and tomatoes. In addition to the demonstration, recipes and instructions on how to prepare are available. Another favorite has been Cutting Edge Sharpeners that sharpens knives and scissors while the customers shop. And, occasionally the firemen from the nearby station bring their fire truck for the kids (of all ages) to climb on.


Sunday Morning Education Classes Sunday School for Adults, Youth, and Children Kicks Off August 28 A wide-range of Christian formation choices will be available to adults including in-depth reviews of the church throughout time, traditional Bible Study, classes for married couples, and a look at different faiths in different lands. All classes begin at 10:00.

Living the Cross: Faith Across Borders Chapel Conference Room

The Forum

Saint Michael Chapel Rector Chris Girata will lead a two month series on the History of Global Christianity

Bible Study

Coke Activities Room Dr. Elizabeth Lang, former head of the Religion Department at Episcopal School of Dallas, will study “Partners with God” using scriptural examples of how we and God work together. Other renowned guest lecturers will follow.

Fr. Hunter Ruffin will explore the Christian call to Mission and Outreach by looking at various books and scripture.

The Fellowship Class Parish Hall

This gathering, designed particularly for adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, will begin meeting in October following a special Kick Off breakfast event for the class. The class teacher is Fr. Bill Murray

Throughout the year, the adult formation classes will feature additional topics of study and guest lecturers.


ESD Library Fr. Greg Pickens and his wife, Dr. Noralyn Pickens, will lead a series for couples, “Moments that Make Couples Stronger in Christ.” 12

(See Sunday School offerings for Youth on page 17, for Children on page 16)

For Your Information

Pipedreams Live Concert to be Broadcast Nationally The Saint Michael Presents concert, Pipedreams Live, will be nationally broadcast on Sunday, September 25. The concert of pipe organ music was presented and recorded at Saint Michael in November, 2014 and featured church music directors James Diaz and Hyeon Jeong, along with other Dallas area organists. More than 250 public radio stations nationwide broadcast the program, hosted by Michael Barone. It will be carried by Dallas radio station WRR – Classical 101 at 10:00 p.m. on September 25.

Conspirare will kick off this year’s season

2016-2017 Season to Feature Christmas Concert The Grammy Award-winning vocal ensemble Conspirare will present its acclaimed Christmas concert on Sunday, December 11 to open this year’s Saint Michael Presents season. In addition to traditional carols the group will include

classical, pop, and folk selections in its concert guaranteed to delight the entire family. Then, on Sunday, March 5, 2017 Saint Michael Presents will feature The Vocal Majority. This 100+ men’s vocal ensemble has performed for hundreds of thousands of people around the world, including Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. The Vocal Majority has appeared with The Dallas and Fort Worth Symphony Orchestras, and the Mormon Tabernacle choir. ..............

Saint Michael Episcopal School Readies for a New Year What better way to kick off a new school year than with popsicles on the playground? On Thursday, August 25 all new Saint Michael Episcopal School families and their buddy families will gather on the school’s playground for a Popsicle Party and Picnic. The party starts at 11:00. Bring a picnic lunch and the popsicles will be provided by BerryNaked. While the kids play, parents will have the opportunity to meet teachers and Katie Riley, other new families. Executive Director Monday, August 29 will be Parents Night at the school. At this parentsonly event Katie Riley, Executive Director, and School Director, Tricia Morris, will address the school’s curriculum, calendar, and activities. Parents will get to visit the classrooms and meet their children’s teachers. Tricia Morris, First day of classes will be Wednesday, School Director August 31.

The Vocal Majority will perform in March 13

Pastoral Care Alcoholics Anonymous. This group, open to both men and women, meets on the first and third Sundays of each month at 7:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, .............. Care Givers Support Group. Meets on the first and third Mondays, at 11:00 in the parlor providing support for those who have the responsibility of caring for a loved one. Contact: Sandra Klingeman, .............. Faith and Grief Luncheon. On August 11, 12:00 -1:00, the Faith and Grief Ministry will meet in the Coke Activities Room, where we will welcome Diana Pennington as our guest speaker. Take advantage of this opportunity to share lunch and conversation with others and learn how faith intersects with grief. The lunch is free but your donation is welcomed. Make your reservation for lunch with Katherine Bowen, .............. The Rev. Pamela Theodore to Speak at Prayer Ministry Meeting. The Prayer Ministry meets from 6:00 to 7:30 on Thursday, August 18 in the Coke Activities Room. Our August program will feature The Rev. Pam Theodore speaking on “What Does Prayer Mean?” Also, you will have the opportunity to meet our new Youth Director, Lauren Wainwright. All are invited. Questions? Contact Katherine Bowen, ..............

Weekly Meetings Women’s Cancer Support Group meets every Monday, at 1:45 in the Parlor, to offer support to those who have or who are recovering from the disease. To learn more, Contact: Sue Patton,, or Charlie Stobaugh, 14

Centering Prayer Group. You are invited to join us on Tuesdays at 10:00 in the Clergy Conference Room to engage in Centering Prayer. Learn how to rest in God. God is paying attention and the practice of being silent will transform you. Contact: Mary Ann Webster, .............. Knitting Ministry August Meeting is August 2. During the summer the knitting ministry meets only once a month. In August, it will meet Tuesday, August 2, from 1:00 – 3:00 in the Coke Activities Room. It will resume meeting weekly in September. If you don’t know how to knit and would like to learn, we’ll teach you. Consider joining the knitting ministry, either in person or from home. Contact: Byrd Teague, .............. A Stephen Minister Can Help You Over The Rough Spots. Do you have a burden that you cannot handle alone? Saint Michael and All Angels offers a dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, please contact the Rev. Lisa Flores Musser, lflores@saintmichael. org or lay leader, Jean Coleman, .............. Recovery Advocates is a group dedicated to enhancing the spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being of people facing substance abuse and other addictions. The Recovery Advocates have knowledge and experience in the area of addiction recovery and serve as a resource to discuss issues and concerns, share experiences, or take someone to an AA or Alanon meeting. The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser is the clergy contact, All communications remain confidential. 7

Mission and Outreach School Supplies and Tutors Needed for Jubilee’s Expanded After School Program.

Jubilee Park’s Back to After School Bash Needs Volunteers and Supplies

Jubilee Park’s After School Program is being expanded into O.M. Roberts Elementary School this year, which will enable it to serve up to 250 children, 100 more than last year. Jubilee will continue to serve teens and children from other area elementary schools at the Community Center. There is a special need for more tutors. Contact Allison at

There will be a lot fun and festivities at Jubilee Park’s annual Back to After School Bash on Thursday, September 8 from 5:30 to 7:00. The kids enrolled in Jubilee’s Out of School Time program and their parents will participate in the event designed to get everyone excited and motivated about the new school year. Mr. Donavan will be on hand, there will be food for the families, and school supplies will be distributed. Saint Michael volunteers are needed to serve food and help with the games and activities. Healthy snack donations such as granola bars, fruit and veggie chips are needed. To volunteer or donate contact event chair Kristin Lambeth at


Children and Family Ministry Lego My Bible Adds 2nd Class Come explore the wonders of the Bible one Lego creation at a time. Emily Given will lead a four-week kid’s Bible study based on her book Building Faith Brick by Brick. Each week will include prayer, interactive Bible study, story themed snacks, and reflection using Legos. For more information, please contact Emily Given at

Sunday School registration starts on August 1st. Visit to register or volunteer.


Youth Ministry Youth Sunday School to Work on Teen Text 10:00 in the Youth Center Grades 7-12 Using an exciting and engaging lectionary-based curriculum called Teen Text, youth will look weekly at scripture and answer provocative questions that helps connect the words on the page with events in daily life. The Bible becomes a vital, dynamic, and relevant resource our youth will carry throughout their lives. We will dive into each week’s stories through song lyrics, poetry, visual arts, and movie clips that will help us better understand the material. ..............

Registration Underway for 6th Grade Disciples Confirmation Class Registration for 6th grade Disciples Confirmation Class is open. The class focuses on the way Confirmation furthers our youth’s biblical foundation and knowledge of the church. It includes Sunday morning large and small group study, service projects, and retreats culminating with Confirmation in the spring. Questions? Contact Tricia and Tom Stewart at Register online at www.saintmichael. org/disciples.

Youth Fall Kick-Off – Parents Invited Join Youth Ministry to kick off the new school year with a BBQ dinner on Sunday, August 21 from 5:30-7:30 in the Youth Center. Youth and parents are encouraged to attend! Learn about the disciples confirmation class and youth programs for the upcoming year. Also, be the first to learn about the 2017 youth mission trips! RSVP by Wednesday August 17th to be sure we have enough food. Sign-up at ..............

Adult Volunteers Wanted for Youth Program – Orientation Session Planned August 14 Are you willing to be a driver? Do you feel like you could connect to our middle or high school students? Interested in teaching Sunday School or working behind the scenes by providing a meal on Wednesday evening? Saint Michael’s Youth Ministry is looking for you! And, you do not have to have a child in the youth program. An orientation meeting, with lunch, will be held on Sunday, August 14 at 12:30 in the Youth Center for interested volunteers. All volunteers are required to have a background check and complete SafeChurch training. For more information contact Lauren at or call 214-692-3049. 17

Youth Ministry Water Park Day Join us at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor for a fun water park day on Thursday, August 11! We’ll meet at Hurricane Harbor at 10:30 and tickets are $25. Sign-up online at

New Youth Bible Study Begins Sunday Evening August 28 Want to know more about that dusty old book on your shelf (the Bible), but too afraid to open it? Be afraid no more! We’ll open it together. Join us at our weekly youth Bible study in which we will look at various books of the Bible and discuss their meaning and impact on our lives today. We will meet weekly in the Youth Center on Sunday evenings at 5:30 and then head out to dinner afterwards. Everyone from 6th grade to 12th grade is welcome. Don’t forget to bring your Bible and money for dinner. For questions email Lauren at ..............

The Breakfast Club Meets Every Thursday Morning – Join Up

LiveWIRE starts on Wednesday, August 24th! Join Youth Ministry for LiveWire, our Wednesday night gatherings for middle schoolers and high schoolers. Come to the Youth Center for food, fun, and fellowship. Middle School meets from 5:30-6:30PM, High School meets from 7:00-8:00. Dinner is offered for both groups for $5.00 from 6:30-7:00


Beginning Thursday, September 1, Saint Michael’s youth will meet up at the Original Pancake House for breakfast and to kick around what’s happening, the next football game, tough classes, or just a few laughs before school. Meet at 6:45 at the Pancake House at 4343 W. Northwest Highway at Midway. Questions: contact Lauren at

For Your Information Cradle Roll Welcome to our newest members recently born into our parish family: Beau Travis Horton June 24 Gina and Travis Horton Emily Harper Hubble March 22 Shelly and Chris Hubble Hank Robert Main July 2 Mandy and Clayton Main

Grant Them Eternal Rest Robert E. Dever, June 14, husband of Margaret Dever, father of Laura Dever Connie Hoskins Gordon, June 20 Elizabeth “Betty” Louise Davis Doak, July 1 Francille Foote Ehricht, July 2, mother of Mary Jane Fally James Samaniego Diamonon, July 3, father of Tricia Morris, father-in-law of Brian Morris, grandfather of Michael and Dan Daniel “Dan” Wittingham Stansbury, July 4, husband of Joan Stansbury, father of Dan Stansbury and Susan Krejs, father-in-law of Tina Stansbury and Patrick Krejs, grandfather of Shelby & Whit Stansbury, Patrick, Jack & Will Krejs Dr. Theodore Tim Aylward, July 11, father of Kate Hoedebeck, father-in-law of Jeff Hoedebeck, grandfather of Alexa, Meg, and Shea Steve Mallow, July 13, father of Steven and Clay Mallow James E. Buck Cannon, July 13 Harry Sloan, July 16, cousin of Peggy and Bill Simpson Dr. Raymond Najib Habiby, July 17, father of Margot Habiby 19




A monthly publication of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church


Saint Michael and All Angels


8011 Douglas Avenue Dallas, Texas 75225-0385 Phone: 214-363-5471 Fax: 214-363-4388 The Archangel Newsletter (USPS 015-033) is published monthly by Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church POSTMASTER: Send Address changes to The Archangel, Saint Michael and All Angels Church, P.O. Box 12385, Dallas,TX 75225-0385

Summer Worship Schedule Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. – Eucharist – BMC Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – Healing Service – BMC Saturday 8:30 a.m. – Eucharist - BMC 5:30 p.m. – Candlelight Mass - SMC Sunday 7:30 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I – SMC 9:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite II - Church 9:00 a.m. – Joy Mass and Discovery Mass


10:00 a.m. – Summer Sunday School

(Children and Adult)

11:00 a.m. – Eucharist Rite I - SMC 11:11 a.m. – The Celebration - Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. – Evening Prayer

Parish Clergy

Parish Vestry

The Reverend Chris Girata, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Young Adults The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Weekend Associate The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Sunday Associate

Matt Waller, Sr. Warden

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Kay Whelan, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Tom Rhodus, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J. C. Snead, Arnold Spencer, and Chris Wiley.

and Eucharist Rite I - SMC

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