The Archangel August 2016

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

August 2016


Youth to Hurricane Harbor


John 1:43-46


Youth Ministry Volunteer Orientation


The Rev. Chris Girata Begins Saint Michael Ministry


Vestry Meeting


Come and See


Acolyte Training


Sunday School Begins Fall Schedule

Volume 28 No.8

“Come and See” is from the scripture John 1: 43-46 where Jesus calls Philip into discipleship and, in turn, Philip asks Nathanael to join him. When Nathanael hesitates, Philip responds: “come and see.” With the calling of The Rev. Chris Girata to be our Rector, Saint Michael and All Angels has entered a new era; one with a renewed and revitalized mission, aspiring to the beauty and power of God’s love. There is a new sense of excitement and enthusiasm in all we do. We invite you to “Come and See.”

Getting Close-up and Personal – With Each Other and God’s Mission for Saint Michael In only a few weeks, I will be officially on the ground with all of you in Dallas. I’m amazed at how fast time has flown by! I am so grateful to everyone who is helping make this transition so smooth for my family and me. The lay leadership at Saint Michael is absolutely amazing. These last few weeks have been powerful for me. Leaving a community I love has been a rich experience, and the anticipation of joining your community has been so exciting. In the search process, I feel like I’ve gotten to know Saint Michael from 30,000 feet. Now I look forward to getting to know you close-up. continued on page 3

Looking Into Our Future – Beginning August 21 The next chapter in the life of Saint Michael and All Angels begins Sunday, August 21 as our new Rector, The Rev. Chris Girata, preaches his first sermon to the parish, we say Thank You to The Very Rev. Doug Travis, we kickoff a new school year by blessing the children’s backpacks, and, we embrace both the Girata and Travis families at a festive reception.

New Rector Preaches at 9:00 and 11:00 Saint Michael will return to its full schedule of worship services on Sunday, August 21. Our new Rector will preach for the first time at the 9:00 and 11:00 services in the church, focusing on “The Choice of Christ” taken from Luke’s parables in the gospel lessons which stress the importance of choices; those made by Jesus or those we are called on to make. In other services, 7:30 Holy communion is in the Saint Michael Chapel, continued on page 2

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