The Archangel March 2018

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church March 2018

A Letter From The Rector

2 3 4 6


Annual Meeting Sr. Warden's Corner Music Ministry WOSM Mardi Gras Party Photos


Holy Week and Easter Schedule


Lenten and Holy Week Services

10 12 16 18

Scriptual Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ Parish Calendar and Overview

Pastoral Care

Youth Ministry

Volume 30 No. 3


ent is an opportunity for each of us to remember the incredible love God has for us and to repent and turn toward God in thanksgiving for that love. That turn or return to God is necessary for each of us because we are only human, and our humanity pulls us away from God as we chase the success or security of the world. Instead, as we all learn at some point, the world will fail us, and when we hit the wall, we will find God there waiting for us. God’s love is certainly a comfort in time of need, but it is also a challenge to change the way we live. During this season of Lent, I have been considering the way that God is working in the world, and I believe that consideration is meant to lead us to a critical question: How does God hope to use us? It’s hard to imagine that the world isn’t in need of renewal. Almost daily, we are reminded of our own brokenness. And although we can dwell in that sadness or hurt, we are being called into the fray to make a change. That’s the most important shift that we can make on our Lenten journey, one that takes us from re-action to action. The question of how God hopes to use us is one of purpose. We can consider this question in two important ways, both individually and corporately. As an individual, there are small ways in which we witness to the hopefulness of Christ. Whether that hopefulness manifests as being kind to a stranger, doing something extra special for a friend in need, or simply being present and supportive when you’re continued on page 19

Saint Michael Presents - The Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford England April 8: mark your calendars!

On Sunday, April 8, we have the great and rare privilege of hosting one of the finest collegiate choirs of men & boys from England! The Choir of Magdalen College, Oxford will come to Dallas as part of their US tour to sing for our 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. services, and perform our spring Saint Michael Presents concert. Their presence at Saint Michael is meaningful and special in a number of ways. Saint Michael previously had a choir of men & boys (and a girls choir). Not only do we sadly not have this anymore, there is not church in the Dallas area – or even in Texas – where one may regularly hear such a choir sing liturgically. As we seek to rebuild such continued on page 5

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