The Archangel September 2016

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the The Newsletter for Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church

September 2016



Labor Day Holiday: Church Offices Closed


Information Meeting for Rector’s Cruise


Saint Michael 101


Vestry Meeting

The Institution of The Rev. Christopher Girata

24 28

Confirmation Prep for Adults begins


Men of Saint Michael Breakfast

Rector’s Institution Saturday, September 24

The Institution of The Rev. Christopher D. Girata as the 8th Rector of Saint Michael and All Angels Church will be Saturday morning September 24 at 11:00. Members and friends of the parish are invited and urged to attend. continued on page 2

Jump In When I was growing up, going to church on Sunday was never an option. No matter where we were, at home or traveling, we were in church on Sunday morning. And, we never missed Sunday School! I can still remember the names of most of my Sunday School teachers, parents of friends who were generous enough to make teaching me and other young people a priority. I’m very sure they could have done anything else with their time, such as visiting with friends during coffee hour or running errands while their own kids were in class, but they didn’t. Instead, they gave of their time and talent to teach. Do you remember the people who taught you? Do you remember that special person who saw something in you that you did not see in yourself, who gave you the confidence to try something new or to do something that was just a little scary? I bet each one of us can recall those special people in our lives whose loving hand guided us toward the person we have become. That kind of generosity is something that I have witnessed many times in my few short weeks at Saint

Volume 28 No. 9

continued on page 39

The People, Vestry, and Wardens of Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Dallas, Texas Invite you to

The Institution of

The Reverend Christopher D. Girata as Their Eighth Rector

by The Right Reverend George R. Sumner Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas Saturday, the Twenty Fourth of September Two Thousand Sixteen Eleven O’clock in the Morning Reception to follow

Clergy: White Stoles

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