Sunday News - May 1

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS May 1, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. We are honored today to have Bishop George Sumner preaching, and celebrating communion at the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services in the church. At 11:00, he will receive and confirm adult new members, and at 3:00 this afternoon he will confirm the 63 members of our 6th grade Disciples class. This is a glorious day at Saint Michael. Thank you for worshiping with us. Today Mission Outreach Explores Gifts for New Ministries: Building the Fire.Today you can help find the gifts at Saint Michael that can be used to develop and expand our Mission and Outreach efforts. In an hour workshop we will identify gifts and new outreach opportunities. There are two workshops in the Coke Activities Room; 11:00 to 12:15 and 12:30 to 1:15. End of Life Series Extended to May 8. The series dealing with End of Life issues has been extended through Sunday, May 8. Today, Kimberly Robinson, church administrator, will address “Learning about the Saint Michael Columbarium." Next Sunday, May 8, The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser will discuss planning a memorial service at Saint Michael. The series will be in the Theater at 10:00. Explore Saint Michael’s Amistad Mission Today at 10:00. For many years, Saint Michael missioners have been changing lives of children and families at the Amistad Mission in Bolivia. Today at 10:00 in the Parlor learn about the church’s work at Casa Esperanza and this year’s mission trip to Boliva. For information contact Richard or Maria D’Antoni,, or The Rev. Hunter Ruffin at Women

Saint Michael Spring Luncheon Set for Wednesday, May 11. The Women of Saint Michael‘s Annual Spring Luncheon is set for Wednesday May 11, featuring nationally recognized corporate changeagent Courtney Ferrell. The luncheon, starting at 11:00, will be held at 7000 Park Lane. Luncheon reservations can be made online at www. or on Sundays at Women of Saint Michael tables near the Parlor. of

Pentecost Celebrations Planned Sunday, May 15. Wear something red and celebrate the birthday of the Church and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Beginning at 9:30 in the Garden Cloister there will be a free breakfast, a balloon artist, games, and a dove release at 10:30. At the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services Mission and Outreach will reveal new and expanded outreach ministries for Saint Michael Senior Recognition Sunday, May 8. Saint Michael and All Angels will recognize and honor its graduating high school seniors next Sunday, May 8 at the 11:00 worship service. A luncheon for the students, their parents and relatives will be held in the Garden Cloister following the service. Students and parents should complete the registration/RSVP form online at Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 8 Join us as we celebrate Mother’s Day at Saint Michael and All Angels next Sunday at all of our worship services.

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