T h e S u n d ay N e w s July 5, 2015
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. We hope you are enjoying a relaxing and fun Independence Day weekend. The lazy, crazy days of summer are anything but at Saint Michael. Two mission trips – the Honduras Threads and the middle-school kids to Corpus Christi – returned this past week, there’s a family swimming outing Friday at the University Park Pool, and next Saturday is the ordination of The Rev. Hunter Ruffin here at the church. We invite you to get involved at Saint Michael this summer. There’s plenty to do. Thanks for worshiping with us today. Rector Search and Transition. The Rector Search and Transition team has developed a prayer to guide them during their task of recommending a new rector for Saint Michael and All Angels, and parishioners are asked to support the committee’s efforts through prayer. The prayer can be found online at www.saintmichael.org, in the July Archangel, and throughout the church. There is a prayer station in the Bishop Moore Chapel where parishioners are urged to offer their own prayers. The search and transition team is interested in your thoughts and suggestions concerning selection of a new rector. Send your ideas and comments to rector.search@saintmichael.org.
for the
Saint Michael’s Worship Service Livecast on Sundays. Wherever your travels take you this summer, you can worship with Saint Michael and All Angels. The 10:00 Sunday morning worship service in the Church is livecast. You can watch it live or access it whenever you want at www.saintmichael.org. The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry Elected Presiding Bishop. The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, Bishop of North Carolina, was elected Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church at its General Convention which concluded this past week in Salt Lake City. He will take office November 1. Bishop Curry was a Distinguished Lecturer at Saint Michael last March. You can hear the lecture and sermon he delivered on the website, www.saintmichael.org. Keep Your Pledge Current This Summer. Consider prepaying your pledge. You can use cash, auto-debit, or even gifts of appreciated stock. Have questions or want more information? Contact Mary Kardell, Director of Giving: mkardell@saintmichael.org. Ordination for The Rev. Hunter Ruffin Saturday, July 11. All are Invited The Rev. Hunter Ruffin will be ordained to the priesthood next Saturday, July 11. Bishop Rayford High from Fort Worth will perform the ordination at 10:00 in the Church, followed by a reception. Hunter, the Associate for Mission and Outreach, graduated from Seminary of the Southwest last May and joined the Saint Michael clergy staff in June. All parishioners are invited. The ordination service will be livecast at www.saintmichael.org at 10:00.
P arish C lergy The Reverend Dr. Bob Dannals, Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Youth and Young Adults The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Ariail Gores, Deacon The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Pamela Theodore, Sunday Associate The Reverend Neal Hern, Sunday Associate
P arish V estry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kathy Jenevein, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, John Gorman, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Sallie Plummer, Randy Rekerdres, Tom Rhodus, J.C. Snead, and Kay Whelan.
W orship S chedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 10:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 10:00 a.m. - Discovery Mass/ Joy Mass / Celebration, SMC 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC www.facebook.com/ smaadallas www.twitter.com/smaadallas to follow us
Priest on Call: Should you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours dial 214-232-7512. Blue Connect Card: Fill out a card to make Prayer Requests, RSVP, register as a guest, or to get more information on Saint Michael. Need Prayer? Want to pray on someone’s behalf, or offer up thanksgivings? Prayer Teams are available to pray with you after each Sunday morning service. An usher can direct you to the various prayer locations.
• Become involved in the funeral reception ministry at Saint Michael providing warm, loving hospitality to grieving families and friends. Contact Ann Mills at amills@ saintmichael.org. • Jubilee Park’s Summer Camp is taking a field trip on Friday and needs chaperones. You need to be 21. Contact Allison Johnson at volunteer@jubileecenter.org. New Sports Field Under Construction on the North Campus. A new sports field for use by Saint Michael’s youth, children, and young family ministries and the Saint Michael Episcopal School is being developed just west of the playground and north of the parking lot. The area has been leased in recent months by contractors working on nearby buildings for employee parking. Cost of improvements for the sports field is being paid by the contractors in return for use of the land. The new facility is scheduled to be finished by mid-September. Family Night at the U. P. Pool is Friday. Kids, beat the heat, bring your parents, and have a cool evening at the University Park Swimming Pool Friday July 10. Meet at 6:00 at the pool located at Lovers Lane and Dickens. We’ll have sandwiches, chips, drinks, and a lot of water to splash. If you are busy this Friday, we’re doing it again Friday, July 24. Put it on your calendar. RSVP to Jill at jdelabano@saintmichael.org.
Faith and Literature Takes a Holiday Break – Returns July 12. Faith and Literature, our summer adult class is taking a break as we Celebrate America and the July 4th holiday weekend. The class returns Sunday, July 12 when the Vicar, Bill Murray, looks at the book The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay. The Pulitzer Prize winner is a story of comic books, superheroes, and real-world survival. On July 19, the Rector, Bob Dannals, reviews The New Jim Crow, which is particularly pertinent given the recent tragedy in Charleston. July is North Dallas Shared Ministries Month. Fill at least one grocery bag during July and bring it to the South Lanai. Suggested items: macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, tortillas, canned food items, saltine crackers. A more extensive list is available at several locations throughout the church. Financial contributions are just as valuable. Make checks payable to North Dallas Shared Ministries and bring to the South Lanai receptionist. No Christian Yoga Tomorrow. There will not be yoga tomorrow but it will meet the other Monday evenings in July at 5:30 in the Youth Center. Yoga classes will not meet in August. Christian Yoga is led by Licensed Instructor, Annette Lentz. For information contact her at Annette.lentz@sbcglobal.net. Faith and Grief Luncheon in July. The Faith and Grief Ministry resumes its monthly luncheon on Thursday, July 9 at 12:00 Noon in the Coke Activities Room. Make a reservation with Katherine Bowen at kbowen@saintmichael.org. There is no fee but your donation is greatly appreciated. Alcoholics Anonymous. This group, open to both men and women, meets on the first and third Sunday evenings of each month, at 7:30 in the Coke Activities Room. Contact: The Rev. Neal Hern, nealhern@aol.com. Farmers Market Resumes Saturday July 11. After taking July 4th off, Saint Michael’s Farmers Market resumes next Saturday, July 11. Summer produce is abundant, tomatoes are opulent, the fruit is outstanding, and there’s popsicles, too. The market is open every Saturday from 8:00 – 12:00 Noon in the north parking lot. We are collecting much needed items for four charities serving the underprivileged. A list of needs is on the farmers market website, www.saintmichaelsmarket.com. Update from the Campus Planning Committee. The Campus Planning Committee has been working on our future facility needs given the 2020 relocation of the Episcopal School of Dallas to its main campus, the growth of our own Saint Michael Episcopal School, the desire for a new Parish Hall, and development of our north campus property. An update on the committee’s work from co-chairs Stewart Thomas and Senior Warden Matt Waller is available online at www.saintmichael.org and in the July Archangel. Dear Friends, Thank you so much for the kind welcome and for the tippet and surplice as gifts for my graduation and ordination. I know that I will be able to use them regularly here at Saint Michael and All Angels. I look forward to the many opportunities to serve alongside you as we go out to do the work that Christ has given us to do - to care for a hurting world while seeking to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God. Peace,
Christian Formation Sunday Mornings Faith and Literature 11:00 in the Coke Activities Room Throughout the summer clergy members will share their favorite books, all of which are available in the Saint Michael Book Shop.
4th of July Weekend - No Class
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Reviewed by Bill Murray
Saint Michael Book Shop Featuring Scarves from Kyrgyzstan. Beautiful one-of-a-kind scarves of silk and wool are in the Saint Michael Book Shop for a limited time. The scarves are made by 7 sisters from Kyrgyzstan using the wet felting method of production. Don’t forget the 50% Summer Sale on certain merchandise is still on. The Book Shop’s Summer hours are: Monday - Thursday 10:00-3:00, CLOSED Friday, 9:00 -11:00 Saturday, and 8:30 – 12:30 Sunday.
The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, July 2, have asked for our prayers: Troy Alexander, Lou Ann Campbell, Doris Cowling, Wade Crawford, Laura Derby, Cathie Fincher, Howard Garrett, Connie Gordon, Tamiya Hale, Angela Hammons, Royce Hammons, Katie Hairgrove, Thomas Howard, Jim Howell, Serena Hubbell, Charlotte Huthnance, Emily Irwin, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Bill Leech, Leech family, Evelyn Moreau, Christi Nutt, Tom Park, Brown Plummer, Tammy Proctor, Larry Prohaska, Avery Young Rademacher, Betty Roseburg, Rob See, Pat Shaw, Junie Smith, Parker Snead, Karen Weber, John Whitehead. The Altar flowers are given in memory of Mary Ann Barker, John B. Gunn, Anna Belle Wilkerson Priest, and Betsy Mattingly Seale.