Sunday News - July 10

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T HE S UNDAY N EWS July 10, 2016

Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471

Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love

We welcome you to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the deaths and wounding of police officers in Downtown Dallas Thursday night and early Friday morning. Today let us join together in prayers for the victims and their families. Please pray that peace may overcome violence, love overcome hate, and that our community may come together with reconciliation and a resolve to “love our neighbor.” Thank you for worshiping with us today. Greetings for Our New Rector. Let’s give a big welcome to our new Rector Chris Girata and his family. Send your greetings to cgirata@ Read more about our new Rector in the July Archangel or online at www. Missed a Faith and Literature Review? It’s Available Online. Each Faith and Literature review is video recorded and posted on the church website at This week The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser looks at Paul Kalanithi’s book When Breath Becomes Air. The Faith and Literature books are available in the Saint Michael Book Shop. Keep Your Pledge Current this Summer. It’s important to keep your pledge current during the summer months. Your pledge obligation can easily be forgotten in the midst of vacations, mountain getaways, family trips to the beach, etc. You might consider prepaying it. Have questions? Contact Rob Baber at rbaber@saintmichael. org. Interim Rector to meet with Prayer Ministry in July. Saint Michael’s Prayer Ministry will meet at 6:00 on Thursday evening, July 21, in the Coke Activities Room. Interim Rector Doug Travis will talk about “Novel Approaches to Prayer." During the last half of the meeting, Mary Ann Webster will lead a session on Prayer Team Training. All are invited. Questions? Contact Katherine Bowen, UNICEF Representative Discusses Human Trafficking Next Sunday. Hannah Wright, the Global Citizenship Fellow at the North Texas Office of UNICEF, will discuss the horrors and prevalence of human trafficking in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and efforts that are underway to help prevent it next Sunday. The problem is alarming and multi-faceted. Her presentation will be in the Youth Center at 10:00. Handmade Kyrgyzstan Scarves Available in the Book Shop. The Saint Michael Book Shop has beautiful, one-of-a-kind handmade Kyrgyzstan scarves in silk or wool in a variety of colors. You can also find handmade straw bags from Madagascar that are perfect for the beach or pool parties. The Book Shop is open today until 12:30, and from 10:00 – 3:00 Mondays through Thursday, and Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00. The shop is closed on Fridays during the summer.

Parish Clergy The Very Reverend Doug Travis, Interim Rector The Reverend Bill Murray, Vicar The Reverend Lisa Flores Musser, Associate for Pastoral Care The Reverend Greg Pickens, Associate for Operations and Pastoral Care The Reverend Hunter Ruffin, Associate for Mission and Outreach The Reverend Bob Johnston, Associate for Evangelism The Reverend Oliver Butler, Associate for Young Adults The Reverend Michael Harmuth, Sunday Associate The Reverend Rich Towers, Sunday Associate The Reverend Mary Lessmann, Sunday Associate

Parish Vestry Matt Waller, Sr. Warden Kay Whelan, Jr. Warden Grady Schleier, Treasurer Charlie Sartain, Chancellor Margaret Spellings, Clerk Peter Beck, Eric Conner, Mark Demler, Whitney Grogan, Beth Hise, Kathy Kelley, Rachel Morgan, Tom Rhodus, Elizabeth L. Selzer, J.C. Snead, Arnold Spencer, Kay Whelan, and Chris Wiley.

Summer Worship Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - Eucharist Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. - Healing Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - Eucharist 5:30 p.m. - Candlelight Mass Sunday Services 7:30 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 9:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite II, Church 9:00 a.m. - Joy Mass and Discovery Mass, Saint Michael Chapel 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Eucharist Rite I, SMC 11:11 a.m. - Celebration, Parish Hall 5:30 p.m. - Evening Prayer and Eucharist - SMC smaadallas

Priest on Call If you have an urgent need to contact a priest after hours call 214-232-7512. Communications Card Use the card to register as a guest, make prayer requests, RSVPs, and provide information on yourself. Need Prayer Prayer Teams can pray with you after Sunday morning services. Ushers can direct you to private prayer locations. Prayer Candles A $1 donation is appreciated for lit candles in the Bishop Moore and Saint Michael Chapels.

• The Saint Michael Book Shop can use volunteer help this summer. Contact Chris at • Help count the Sunday offerings one weekend a month. Contact Tig Thompson at

Youth Ministry Searching for Associate Director. Do you know someone who would be a great Associate Youth Director at Saint Michael and All Angels? There is a description of the position online at Refer that person(s) to Youth Having Dinner and a Movie Wednesday, July 20. Saint Michael’s youth will have dinner and see the new Ghostbusters movie at NorthPark Mall Wednesday evening, July 20. Dinner will be in the food court across from the AMC Theater. Bring money for dinner and the movie. We’ll meet in the food court. Meeting time will be announced when the theater posts show times for that date. Register at Youth to Hit it Out of the Park Sunday, July 31. Saint Michael’s youth will be headed to the Texas Rangers vs. Kansas City Royals game Sunday afternoon July 31. They will leave from the church at 12:30 for the 2:05 start of the game. Parents will be called when the group leaves the ballpark and are headed to the church. Tickets are $25 and space is limited. Sign-up at www. Registration Begins for 6th Grade Disciples Class. Registration for 6th grade Disciples Confirmation Class is open. The class focuses on the way Confirmation furthers our youth’s biblical foundation and knowledge of the church. It includes Sunday morning large and small group study, service projects, and retreats culminating with Confirmation in the spring. Questions? Contact Tricia and Tom Stewart at tstewartfamily@ Register online at disciples.

July is North Dallas Shared Ministries Month. Fill at least one grocery bag during July and bring it to the South Lanai. Suggested items: macaroni and cheese, peanut butter, tortillas, canned food items, saltine crackers. A more extensive list is available at several locations throughout the church. Financial contributions are just as valuable. Make checks payable to North Dallas Shared Ministries and bring to the South Lanai receptionist. A Stephen Minister Can Help You Over The Rough Spots. Do you have a burden that you cannot handle alone? Saint Michael and All Angels offers a dedicated group of men and women who have received specialized training to walk with you, confidentially, on this journey. If you know someone who might benefit from having a Stephen Minister or you could use one yourself, contact The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser, or lay leader, Jean Coleman, Recovery Advocates are dedicated to enhancing the spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being of people facing substance abuse and other addictions. Recovery Advocates have knowledge and experience in the area of addiction recovery and serve as a resource to discuss issues and concerns, share experiences, or take someone to an AA or Al-anon meeting. The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser is the clergy contact, lflores@saintmichael. org. All communications remain confidential. Wear Your Nametag! There is no way we can know every parishioner, and there’s no way our clergy can remember everyone’s name. Wear your name tag! It’s more welcoming and more considerate to one another. (If you need a new nametag, ask the receptionist at the South Lanai.) Large Print Book of Common Prayer Available. Copies of the Book of Common Prayer with large print are available for use during worship services. They can be borrowed from the South Lanai receptionist and returned following the service. Moms of 2 and 3 Year Olds…Need and Afternoon Off? The Saint Michael Episcopal School has the perfect opportunity for Moms of 2 and 3 year olds to get Wednesday afternoons free for fun or personal business. On Wednesdays July your child can “Stay and Play” at Saint Michael from 12:00 to 4:00. The cost is just $45 per day. Sign up at or contact Jacynda Griego at Farmers Market is the Saturday Morning Place to Be Join your friends and neighbors Saturday morning for a breakfast taco or fresh sweet roll at Saint Michael’s Farmers Market. In addition, it is the place to find the freshest produce, fruit, meat and eggs straight from the farm. Each week the market features special events such as cooking demonstrations, visits from the fire station’s fire truck, music and more. The market also collects shoes for The Shoe Bank and men’s clothing for One Man’s Treasure. It’s open every Saturday from 8:00 to Noon in the north parking lot.


Christian Formation Sunday Mornings at 10:00


Sundays at 10 Saint Michael Chapel

July 10

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi Reviewer: Lisa Flores Musser

July 17 The Last Temptation of Christ

Books Available in the Saint Michael Book Shop

July 10

July 24

by Nikos Karantzakis Reviewer: Bill Murray

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver Reviewer: Mary Lessmann

Lay Eucharistic Ministry Ruthie Garrett

July 17

Honduras Mission Trip Sally Schupp and Sissy Massad

July 24

Altar Guild Frances Tompkins

July 31

By Our Love Kelly Giron

The Prayers of the People During the Prayers of the People you are encouraged to offer aloud or silently your own petitions. As you pray, please remember the following people who as of Thursday, July 7, have asked for our prayers: Tim Aylward, Pam Barbera, Bobbye & Jack Bell, Kennedy Coke, Doris Cowling, Ralph Cousins, Mary Davis, Ken deGruy, Martha Haak, Janet Farrow, Jody Guenther, Bernie Hartley, Liam Hawk, Jim Howell, Emily Irwin, Wanda Jefferson, Grace and Lynne Jordan, Kate and Dana Juett, Jim Klingeman, Ed Laska, Stacey Ligon, John Morrison, Douglas Nettle, Kathy O’Doherty, Tom Park, Larry Prohaska, Kathryn Miller Rabey, Katy Rubarth, Campbell Scott, Pat Shaw, The Very Rev. Doug Travis, Valerie Guenther Unger, Linda Wade, Jack Day Watson, lll, and Del Zahnhiser. The Altar flowers are given in memory of John B. Gunn, Virginia Kerr, and Anna Belle Wilkerson Priest.

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