T HE S UNDAY N EWS July 10, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
We welcome you to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the deaths and wounding of police officers in Downtown Dallas Thursday night and early Friday morning. Today let us join together in prayers for the victims and their families. Please pray that peace may overcome violence, love overcome hate, and that our community may come together with reconciliation and a resolve to “love our neighbor.” Thank you for worshiping with us today. Greetings for Our New Rector. Let’s give a big welcome to our new Rector Chris Girata and his family. Send your greetings to cgirata@ saintmichael.org. Read more about our new Rector in the July Archangel or online at www. saintmichael.org. Missed a Faith and Literature Review? It’s Available Online. Each Faith and Literature review is video recorded and posted on the church website at www.saintmichael.org/faithandlit. This week The Rev. Lisa Flores Musser looks at Paul Kalanithi’s book When Breath Becomes Air. The Faith and Literature books are available in the Saint Michael Book Shop. Keep Your Pledge Current this Summer. It’s important to keep your pledge current during the summer months. Your pledge obligation can easily be forgotten in the midst of vacations, mountain getaways, family trips to the beach, etc. You might consider prepaying it. Have questions? Contact Rob Baber at rbaber@saintmichael. org. Interim Rector to meet with Prayer Ministry in July. Saint Michael’s Prayer Ministry will meet at 6:00 on Thursday evening, July 21, in the Coke Activities Room. Interim Rector Doug Travis will talk about “Novel Approaches to Prayer." During the last half of the meeting, Mary Ann Webster will lead a session on Prayer Team Training. All are invited. Questions? Contact Katherine Bowen, kbowen@saintmichael.org. UNICEF Representative Discusses Human Trafficking Next Sunday. Hannah Wright, the Global Citizenship Fellow at the North Texas Office of UNICEF, will discuss the horrors and prevalence of human trafficking in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and efforts that are underway to help prevent it next Sunday. The problem is alarming and multi-faceted. Her presentation will be in the Youth Center at 10:00. Handmade Kyrgyzstan Scarves Available in the Book Shop. The Saint Michael Book Shop has beautiful, one-of-a-kind handmade Kyrgyzstan scarves in silk or wool in a variety of colors. You can also find handmade straw bags from Madagascar that are perfect for the beach or pool parties. The Book Shop is open today until 12:30, and from 10:00 – 3:00 Mondays through Thursday, and Saturday from 9:00 to 11:00. The shop is closed on Fridays during the summer.