T HE S UNDAY N EWS July 17, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
We WelcoMe you to Saint Michael and all angelS epiScopal church. Thank you for worshiping with us today. The “summer doldrums” have passed Saint Michael this year. If anything, the pace has picked up. Here are some dates to get on your calendar: Next Sunday, July 24 will be Doug Travis’ final sermon as our Interim Rector, August 21 will be our new Rector Chris Girata’s first Sunday to preach at Saint Michael, and we will honor Doug Travis’ tenure as Interim Rector, and welcome the Girata family at a reception in the Garden Cloister. A full Sunday School schedule for all ages begins on Sunday, August 28. And, on Saturday, September 24 Chris Girata will be installed as Saint Michael’s eighth Rector. It’s time to Come and See! UNICEF Representative Discusses Human Trafficking Today. Hannah Wright, the Global Citizenship Fellow at the North Texas Office of UNICEF, today will discuss the horrors and prevalence of human trafficking in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and efforts that are underway to help prevent it. The problem is alarming and multi-faceted. Her presentation will be in the Youth Center at 10:00. Missed a Faith and Literature Review? It’s Available Online. Each Faith and Literature review is video recorded and posted on the church website at www.saintmichael.org/faithandlit. This week our Vicar Bill Murray reviews The Last Temptation of Christ authored by Nikos Karantzakis. The Faith and Literature books are available in the Saint Michael Book Shop. Interim Rector to Meet with Prayer Ministry this Week. Saint Michael’s Prayer Ministry will meet at 6:00 on Thursday evening, July 21, in the Coke Activities Room. Interim Rector Doug Travis will talk about “Novel Approaches to Prayer." During the the meeting, Mary Ann Webster will lead a session on Prayer Team Training. All are invited. Questions? Contact Katherine Bowen, kbowen@saintmichael.org.
Youth Ministry Seeks Young Adults for Paid Internships. Know a college student or young professional who might be interested in a meaningful paid internship? Saint Michael’s Youth Ministry is seeking two interns for the coming program year. Interested parties should contact Lauren Wainwright, Youth Ministry Director, at lwainwright@saintmichael.org or 214-692-3049. Wear Your Nametag! There is no way we can know every parishioner, and there’s no way our clergy can remember everyone’s name. Wear your name tag! It’s more welcoming and more considerate to one another. (If you need a new nametag, ask the receptionist at the South Lanai.) Honoring Interim Rector Doug Travis The Very Rev. Doug Travis will preach his last sermon as Saint Michael’s Interim Rector on Sunday, July 24 at the 9:00 service in the church and the 11:00 service in Saint Michael Chapel. If you’re traveling the 9:00 will be livestreamed at www.saintmichael.org/live. Doug and his wife, Pam, will be honored and thanked by the parish and our new Rector, The Rev. Chris Girata, at the 9:00 worship service on Sunday, August 21, followed by a reception in the Garden Cloister, to welcome the Girata family and honor Doug. Those wishing to contribute to the purse in thanksgiving for Doug should mail or deliver a check to Saint Michael and All Angels – Interim Rector’s Purse.