T HE S UNDAY N EWS July 31, 2016
Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church 8011 Douglas Dallas, Texas 75225 214-363-5471 www.saintmichael.org
Followers of Christ, Spreading God’s Love
Welcome to Saint Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church. It’s hard to believe that August begins tomorrow. Key dates in the life of the church for your calendar: Our new Rector begins August 15; we resume a full schedule of worship services on August 21 along with a Welcome, Thanks, and Back-to-School reception; and the fall Sunday School Schedule begins August 28. You’ll find details in this Sunday News, and the August edition of the Archangel. Thank you for worshiping with us today. New Rector Starts August 15 – Full Worship Schedule Returns August 21. Our new Rector, Chris Girata, begins his ministry with us on Monday, August 15 and he will preach his first sermon at the 9:00 and 11:00 worship services in the Church on Sunday, August 21 when we return to our full schedule of services. Other services are 7:30 in the Saint Michael Chapel, Joy Mass at 9:00 in Parish Hall, Discovery Mass at 9:00 in Saint Michael Chapel, and the contemporary Celebration worship at 11:11 in Parish Hall, and 5:30 Evening Prayer with Eucharist in the Saint Michael Chapel. Leader of the Bolivia Amistad Mission to Speak at Saint Michael. Chris King, the executive director of the Amistad Mission in Bolivia, will lead a combined Faith and Literature and Family Summer Sunday School class on August 14 in Saint Michael Chapel. A luncheon at 12:00 in the Coke Activities Room will discuss the mission trip to Bolivia and Amistad October 7 -15. The lunch is free, but donations to the mission will be appreciated. Make luncheon reservations with Maria DAntoni at maria@dantonipartners.com by August 10. Saint Helena Convent Sponsoring Labor Day Weekend Retreat. Are you a woman attracted to monastic life in the Episcopal Church? The Episcopal Convent of Saint Helena in South Carolina is hosting a free Come-and-See retreat for single women during Labor Day weekend. The weekend provides opportunities to ask questions, meet other women exploring monastic life, and experience a life of prayer and service. For more information contact: www.osh.org. Knitting Ministry August Meeting is August 2. During the summer the knitting ministry meets only once a month. In August, it will meet Tuesday, August 2, from 1:00 – 3:00 in the Coke Activities Room. It will resume meeting weekly in September. If you don’t know how to knit and would like to learn, we’ll teach you. Consider joining the knitting ministry, either in person or from home. Contact: Byrd Teague, byrd.teague@gmail.com. The next chapter in the life of Saint Michael and All Angels begins Sunday, August 21 as our new Rector, The Rev. Chris Girata, preaches his John 1:43-46 first sermon to the parish, we say Thank You to our Interim Rector The Very Rev. Doug Travis, we kickoff a new school year with the Blessing-of-the-Backpacks at all worship services, and we embrace both the Girata and Travis families at a festive reception in the Garden Cloister from 9:30 to 11:00. It’s not to miss!